HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-30, Page 5• e Best Place on Earth to Buy Your FALL alld_ViIKTEH GOADS. The Whole W�rld Wants to buy the ScsI1 THE BEST is our Bid for Your Busiries, And the Placaro that do is at 3- - :El 0ad: UT1I 46zSpm. l±'alyng bee e n done with a view ofofiertnrr to al Our inleech our varied Ourr you the host qualities at the hest Figures, And we invite 1x11 who are in need of a, FIRST -CL S STOOK '�i E /ted 'j'�'j' A S SUIT GS, 1VORST EDS AND which we are prepared to snake up in the very latest style and best workmanship, having improved our facilitie • '� % .�� STILL �.l LEAD p h for so doing. • milt as Shirts of all ]rinds, Cuffs, Collars, Ties, Gly=es, and all descriptions l IdNi wear, inGENT'S . FURNISH. $ act, everything to metre you comfortable, ' are also Headquarters uarters for TRUNKS _AND VALISEQ IN OU B OT AND SH • E DEPARTMENT you are especially interested, as you can. find everything in that line frot�z the largest to the smallest, sizes. BOOTS, which we are now introducing and which we feel. satisfied will give entire satisfaction. Never before have especially we Iy invite your attention to our new style of SEAMLESS been and pleasing styles in OVERSHOES, 1 UBSERS and FELT GOODS, which -we have in endless. variety and of the best quality, names t mesh the wants of all, we have a good steak of 1i:atTte-made bon's Soots, and are prepared to inane to order, on the shortestable to oder so large and v;tried a�sartment of fresh ment of our old townsman, JOSEPH Rrslaote, whose abilities in that line have become a household word, Y= the Goatlyeal Brand. And in order to In oL sing, we ask all and sundry to give us a call, as you will find the b n tttc, hetet ciepartrnent tiein, ander elle abets rnanage- REPAIRTNG done in the latest style of the art and utmost despatch. N. B,—AII Notes and Accounts must be settled by the first of December. • Glenfarrow. Mrs /ohn McDougall and daughter Jennie, of Kent county, are spending a few weeks visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr Malcolm McEwen, of Stanley township, is spending a few ,• . ;days on the 6th ling.—Air Berg Iniac lick spent a few days with his brother Allan this week. --Misses Esther and Bella Gemniill spent Sunday last in `P,luevale.-..Mr James Campbell, of Wallace, spent a few days last week. visiting friends here.—Mr . Allan Fraliok left Monday -for Uncle Sam's domains. He intends working in the lumber woods"- in Michigan.. Mr Paul Powell left Thursday last for Ulanitoba. He intends taking up land, if the country suits him.--Deathhas again celled one of Huron's pioneers away, Mr Thomas Hastings paseed peace- fully away to the happy land on Fri, day last, after a short illness of twenty- four hours. He had a large nueaber of friends and acquaintances, bt all of whore he was loved and highly respected. AU the members of the family were permitted to attend at the bedside of deceased, excepting David, who resides in Sent 'county and John, who is in ]Manitoba. He leaven, family of seven daughters and three sons to mourn the lose of a loving and affectionate father, The remains were followed to Winghani Cemetery by a large number of friends. Rev A Y Bartley delivered an impres- sive • and suitable discourse. • The bereaved family have the sympathy of the community iu their severe bereavement. Deceased was fifty nine years of age. --Rev Mr Totten, .former Congregational- minister of Salem corners, preached his farewell sermon to a large congregation on Sunday evening. The reverend gentleman preached an earnest, in, • teresting and helpful sermbir. During his labors here he was much appreciat- ed both as a preacher and personally, and was especially helpful among the young. He will long retain a warm ), place in the affet Bions of the entire congregation here, andall will watch with interest his future career. He .intends leaving shortly for Michigan presented, a few evenings ago, at a meeting- of the Bible Society in Chalmers' church, Kincardine town, ship,with a beautifully worded address and a well filled purse, as a small token of esteem in which tie was held by the congregation of the church, while filling the pulpit when they were in want of a pastor. • The address was read by Mr Duucau Campbell, one of the eiders of the congregation, and the presentation- made by Mrs Camp- Lucknow Sentinel says : A pleasant event was consummated at the resider.ce of Mr L.1looel , on Outraru street, on Wednesday last, where MrWellington Martin, of Wingh am, and Miss Jennie Worthington,of Lucknow, were joined together in the holy bonds of uiatrinrony,by the Rev J 5 °oiling-. in the presence of a number of guests and relations. The bridesmaid was Miss Theresa Borland, and Mr Jas A Denning was the ;room's best, man, while the many beautiful gifts sent to the bride were evident tokens of the esteem in which she is held.. We join in wishing the young couple a long and happy life, Salem. Ur Sunday last; the Rev M J Tot, ten, pastor of the (Ion regational church, Turnberry, rreached his fare,. %tell sermon. -The circumstances of the case and the rev. gentleman's preaching ability drew a large con, gregation. In the course of his ser,. mon, he reminded his hearers he had been about six years amongst there and trusted that his • labors, which had.been sincere, had proved a sourse of blessing. The church is closed for the present and the .flock needs a shepherd. • To an earnest and devoted nester, anxious for the spiritual wel- fare of his people And to enlarge Chridt's boundary, the Turnberry Oongregational church, with the associated churches of Rowlett, pre- sent an important and encouraging field of labor. Toronto. The Woman's Missionary Society of ` the Methodist church is in session at the Etna street Methodist ehurch... Lttelenow. Sara Lord Bailey, of Boston, and Mr D W .Bayes, station agent, and Albert Stettenbnry, of Buffett), gave Mr Geo Mair, banker, of this town, a moat enjoyable evening of recital and are away for few days direr axed song,at the Bonet street Congregational quasi shooting on the St Clair flats.- church, the other night.—Dr .,B E A weetinw of the directors of the McKenzie delivered an address on Lucknow Bible Society Was held in physical culture before a large class of the Baptist church, on Thursday University students in the Asocia- 1, evening of last week — Mr Jas tion hall the other evening. -:At an. Williamson has returned to his home early hour in the Diming, recently,. in Woodstock, after spending . a few a drunken than hurled astone through weeks visiting friends here. --Mr Alex the large iatnp on the corder of Yon Lawson was iu Lortdon last week tab -land Richmond streets, shattering the ing part m the quoiting tournament.-�-», glass, The sound of the smashing Mrs E Clanieron has returned from glass did not alarm the policetnan on visiting friends in Wroxeter,—Ur the beat. --Herbert Fawcett, a street and Mrs Jas Vitorthin, ton, of (Guelph, car conduotor,l•.ad his left foot erttsh• are visiting friends here at present.—, ed under the wheels of his car at the iVlisaElsie McLaren' has returned corner of York and Queen streets, front visiting friends lie Cblcago, last evening.—James Uarding, a resp Bev John McNabb, of this town, wag dent of Toronto for over forty years. 1,1 J. J.' H0 UT H. dc We must have money to meet our obligations. Iexpired oft the 22nd ;est, at the age crf 87 years, -At the parade the other night of the Queen's Own Rifles, there were 563 members of all ranks . in line.—E 13 '.lorgan, of Toronto, has been appointed inspector of cattle ships under the new blw.. A laborer named Patrick Walsh was smothered under a quantity of earth caused by the raving in of a drain he was digging on Norfolk street, on the 22nd ins%,. -- The cricket Match between the Gentle men of England and the . Gentlemen of Western Ontario, which was con- cluded on Thursday, . resulted disas- trously to the Canadians. They w.re beaten by 184 to 180, while the Eng, lishmen had an innings to spare. in an exhibition innings played in the afternoon the Englishineu made 210 xuus Sortie CIwElc iLen J' 1 Growing become listless, fretful, without ener- 4y, thin incl twealc. G'tir:ify and build 'Beal trn, by the um of t.:11ry �yyry , 1 1,,,r, ill ' diii 1"4. } lx{ SVli11fe, a 'F' PURE COD LIVEI LIVE'BM A.M0 Lisne and tensa. Palatable as Milk. AS. A piti:Vsterne OR CERN; OP Covens on roes, IN BOTH THE OLD AHD YUUHD, IT 18 UNEQUALLED. Genuine made by Scott & Bowno, Belleville. Salmon Wrapper: at ail Druggists, 60o, and $1.00.' ,. NOTICE. All parties indebted to E. R. Talbot, either by note or boost account, will please call and pay the sante to me at once, as they have been placed in my hands - for collection. • JOHN NEELANDS, Winghani, June 18th, 1891.. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SAIL. The undersigned offers for sale a cottage eoutalr.. intt seven rooms, and twedtlths of an acre of land, situated on the eorner of Patrick and Carling streets wingham. Good collar, woodshed and hard and soft %voter: Vet. particulars, apply to the owner, near the propobty. D. Ideltlbautit, NOERSWANrE • The nu :reigned witl re ve tenders' for the puro. • se of a ver Desirable Re de' e find Grounds Th „ a GTTAM, Up o Sa. day, * ctobor 34 '94 an which .rte the, prop : ty will be sold. For fur or particulars, a .ly to T). M. Wih U loves, StOv boy' warm, umiamarxxnr,—..rzs.....aers.awrsn, All intending pu:rchas:. rs of stoves for this winter will save money by buying from D. U' `:P E.. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING G Q, ND 000 0I 4 to choose from Every stove guarenteed against breakage and to give complete satisfaction. Wingliam, October 96h,1891. D. SUTHERLAND. Fonst Citg &Oleg College sA AN'I'8l Arm SHORTHAND INST1TUTE, . London, Ont., Ts without doubt the moat xxonotalz and VItAorxoArr institution in CANADA. GnAntrttss of both sexes ASSIST= to good POSITIONS. Over fifty of last sea an, s students in positrons SMAN 'o take order; We anted Nt•itSl;sty .y'TCC1i to be delivered In mini;, A...onto darting' NOW carr l a e by; Soh ', ..e co ,ia,stoa. steric and vavirty snirmlor, a anj hrg bachelor strlppcd, Outfit and inst etions tun • •.ed BREL. writeata foe tertny. to N. 0. OHARRA.l,:ht• z�raN, oto, Ont. Estray Sheep. e, Strkyed 11 MI the pi online 51 the undatslcned, CATALOGUE MIX i het t, south part, Clear Olsten s, it Lino, Turnl,errt•. R11Cfly, t nit er about the 130th June last, a bee nod Lamb. �t a �TI:R L!<r 1 ��� ' �l l and paying Theo-trueexpcaseon the same r,} proving property � ern, out. p � and pny[nk expcnacn, ra OTIN MoEWE' N.