HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-30, Page 4C. E. WILLIAMS, CI 3T. —AND— DRUGGIST. --ANR— DB U GGIST. Three or four years ago they built a Banal about she miles long running into Perth, costing the coutitry$400,• 000. The whole receipts from. that canal last year were $61. I3a1f a dozen skiEfs,a scow and John li brt's own how boat passed through,ut Haggart, said he wanted some money in his poeket, and so the wealth of the people is wasted so that the canal niay be built in Hag'gart's county, Ile owns a null 2,000 yards from the basin of this canal, He wanted to connect that mill with the basin of the canal and the Government goes to work .and builds a connection at $135,• 000 for the benefit of Hou John ilaggart. And so the fun goes on,the the band keeps on playing „You are a jolly good follow, and while it is playing that they are plundering you. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. In accordance with the call of the Warden, the Council met on Tuesday of last week, all the members present except Messrs Mooney and Kern The minutes of last session being oonfirnted, the Warden presented a written re, port on matters which had arisen since last session. Eighteen applications were read tor the position of County Clerk, and on motion were referred to the Salaries Committee to report on the credentials, 1 the committee also to report on the question of salary. On motion of Messrs Manning and Cook, Messrs M Y McLean, Proudloot, Either, Rollins, and the mover and seconder, were appointed a committee to prepare an appropriate minute or addressre- ferring to the death of the late County Cleric Adamson, The Salaries Committee was in- structed to report on the amount of back salary due the late clerk and also on the application of the Treasurer for an increase of salary. A number of accounts were read and referred to Finance Committee. Dr Holmes was appointed to ac. as clerk during the present session. Metsrs Holt and Bissett moved that Du Holmes be allowed the sum of $250 for services as county clerk during the illness of the late Mr Adamson—Re, ferred to Finance Committee. The clerk was instructed to obtain the addresses of the treasurers of the respective Brandt Agricultural So- cieties in order to arrange for the distribution of the county grant. The reports of the Jailorand of the Road Commissioner were read and re- ferred to tlieir respective committees, AMC. H. W. TELEGRAPH CO, opp, Brunswick Hose, 'Wiugham, - - out 1 a'aingipin nes ,7t FRIDAY,, OCTOBER 30, 1891. atones iu regard to the contracts. Made and orders issued since his June report was read and referred to the road and bridge committee,. The report of the special committee was read and adopted.heoiloNtnt reoommended that the i t 1 , memorial be adopted by the ie c o crane engrossed and framed and signed by the warden, treasurer and clerk and presented to Mrs Adamson on behalf of the council ; The County Council of H. Bron in session assembled desire to express their deepest sorrow at the death of the late Peter Adamson, Esq., county clerk, and to place upon record this memorial as a tribute to his long and faithful services to the county of Huron ; Commencing with the year 1855, 'at which time the deceased resided in the township of Stanley, he continued for a period of thirty-six years to serve the people of the county in various positions, In the council board of his township, in the office of clerk of the county, in the school board,• as a magistrate, and in every place he filled he succeeded in making the impress of his strong individuality felt by those with whoin he came in contact, For a quarter of a century the late clerk filled the important office to which he had . been, whilst serving as a co.0 ty councillor, une anunotlsl.y elected by his fellow,coun- citlors, and which he still held at the time of his death, with such faithful- ness to his duty and so just a regard for the -public interest that every mem- ber of successive councils and every person having business with his office bore willing testimony to his uniform courtesy and his official thoroughness. These qualities which he so thorough ly displayed twice induced the county council without any request on his part to increase his salary, thud spontaneously giving evidence of the place he held in the estimation of its members, During his long public career, whilst occupying these many important places of trust, the deceas- ed by his unvarying kindness, by his readiness and by his uprightness and honor secured the good will and the esteerx, of all who knew him. Every public position he held he esteemed to be "a sacred trust," and as such he filled it with devotion' and integrity. Genial in disposition, honest -hearted' and true, firm in principle and faith- ful to duty, he leaves behind him the record of one who wore the white flower of a blameless life, and an ex- ample worthy ot emulation by al l those who seek to serve in any pDai tion their fellow men. Brussels. Foot BATToUnTnatxxr-•--•A foot ball tournamentwas held here, on Saturday of last week, at which the COLD WEA.TIIER 15 11IEB,E. sum .of $30 was. given out in prizes., So. are our fine Fur Goods. They are The following teams took part in the tournament ;---Gorrie Rangers, Blues' really Handsome, comfortable and good, vale Ironsides, 1 istowel and Atwood, `but they are reasonable in price, THE ANCHOR HOUSE* 11DITORIAL NOTES. Ir is stated that Prof Shaw, of the Ontario Agricultural College, has re- ceived an offer of a salary twice as large as the Ontario Government pays him, to take charge of the Michigan State Agricultural College. Tim Commission of Judges appoint- ed to hold an investigation into the • Baie des Ohaleurs railway matter, has been sitting for some days. Pacand, who. received $100,000 from Arm- strong, the contractor, appeared before the Commission, and gave a detailed statement of what he had done with the money he received from Armstrong. THE Supreme Court Judges gave judgement, at the sitting of the Su- preme Courtin Ottawa,on 'Wednesday, in the Manitoba school appeal. They unanimously condemn the Ad of the Local Legislature abolishing separate schools in that Province as ultra vires, and assert the rights of Catholics to have their children educated in sep, trete schools if they so desire. , Tru popular majority for the Liber- als.in Ontario at the general election was 7,276, According toan official report from. Ottawa 178,871 votes were polled for Liberal candidates and 171,- 595 for Conservatives. But `for the iniquitous Gerrymander Act, there would be a good majority of Liberals in the House from Ontario, instead of four of a majority for the Conserve.• tives. and the Brussels team, The following ; MANTLE GOODS,. is the result; --Brussels va Gerrie, 21 au(1 broken Checks; beautiful Sealette, in brocade and plain; prices all the way from 50 Dents per yard, double fold, up. Piles of Drees Goods, in all materials, shades and prices. Stacks of Dress and ordinary Flannels, all colors. In Ladies' and Gentlemen's Undor- Grewar, Dinneen, wear, our stin ck is Vw we show the finest ry large and fully Ross McCall d C ll !assorted; in quality imported goods, as well as the heaviest Canadian makes. Suits and Overcoats are booming just now. Our prices, combined with the quality, makes them go every time, Boots and Shoes and Rubbers are specialties with us. Goods. from the best makers, many of then fully guaranteed in every particular. Our TEAS draw enormously—actually draw customers over twenty miles. Still giving 25 pounds nice Sugar for $1. to 0 in favor of Brussels. Ironsides. vis Listowel and Atwood, 2 to 0 in favor of Listowel and Atwood. Brus, eels vs Listowel and Atwood, 1 to 0 in favor of Brussels, Thus .Brussels captured the let prize of $p20 and Listowel and Atwood, the 2nd prize of $10. The Brueseis players were ; 'Steam Ferguson, Jackson, Meadows, Tb Smith Clennan, an Oresswell. In plain, all shades; Brocade, Cheeks NOTES—The (lourt of Revision or the municipality of Brussels was held on Friday last. --John and Peter Bishop and Archie and John Lamont left on Monday for Muskoka, where they will spend a couple of }veeks in hunting. --Benj Reid left here on Tuesday of hist week for Moose Jaw, N W T, where he win visit friende.-- Fourth Division Court was held on Tuesday of this week, Judge Toms presiding.—Jnc Burgess, telegraph operatar,of Sault Ste Marie, is visiting this week with los friends in the vicinity of Brussels. --J T Ross is now nicely settled in his new grocery store. -- Miss Aggie White,of Galt,is visiting in this neighborhood. --Miss Lill Gardner, of Lucknow, is this week visiting her sister, Mrs T Fletcher.—Miss Violet Donnelly, of Port Huron, is visiting her grandpatents, Mr and Mrs E C Lowery.—The Epworth League of the Methodist church held their In- dustrial Social on Monday evening, which proved to be a great success, A month ago twenty members were given 10 cents each as talents to be used as profitably as possible. From $25 realized,which TnE_Toronto Saturday s§ati rev ferring to Mr Chapleau's recentsMelg..'due the late clerk, be paid. Mrs Adam• i that the salary be placed at at Montreal, in which he denounced s 600 ; (2)3 reporting the names of the preachers who have taken the ouch candidates fortheclerkship as ground that dishonest men, or men had furnished credentials and those countenancing dishonesty, shall not without, but that all were deemed be kept in places of power, says the suitable for the position; (4) recom- address was an exhibition of unblush mending that the council proceed to inggall and oratorical impudence. ballot on all the applications until. one, gets a majority of the council. Re, remarks this Tory paper, "is the The report gave rise to a lengthy last man in all of this great big Do- discussion, first on the method of minion who should be trusted with a balloting, and second on the amount dollar of public money •or a penny of salary to be paid' An aineudment offered by reeve McKenzie, of Wing - Worth ot influence," ham, to pay $500, and one by reeve ix his great speech at the Sarnia Cook to pay $400 were both voted demonstration in his honor, Mr Lister down, when, on the motion to adopt the committee's report,as read, Messrs said ; We were discharging a public Proudfoot and Kay moved that the duty in the face of enormous diffioul- first candidate having the majority ties. Let Sir John Thompson say of votes of the council s ddat eillpi sod what he likes, let the members of the against each Suc- cession until other some one person has government say what they like about beaten all other competitors and has a their trying to down peculation in this majority of the whole council. This country, and that they were honestly was agreed to, and • the council op - endeavoring to put down dishonesty, pointed Dr Holmes and Mr D Mc. 1 say, sir, that their statments are un- Donald as scrutineers, and proceeded y to ballot. Twelve ballots were neces- trne, and falsified by every step that sary before a majority of votes was " took place in the House of Commons. given one candidate, when he was 1 say, sir, that the Conservative party pitted against each other candidate in their order, and so on until the 40th The Salaries Committee presented a report, recommending (1), that the sum of $42, one-half month's salary, GORDON & McINTYRE. The Big Brown Anchor, Turn berry. The municipal council of •Turnherry met in Sauits' hall, Bluevale, October 19th, 1891. Members all present, The Reeve to the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read, signed and approved. The Deputy Reeve report• ed that he bid let a job of repairing the $2 given was shows that the members were not un -'-on 25th sideline, con 11, to Mr Fox - profitable servauts. The league • is getting along irnmensely.—Miss Dick- son, of Goderich, is visiting Miss K Cormack. --At the conservative con- vention held •in this town on Saturday last a resolution was passed postponing the nomination of a candidate uutil some future meeting, A supplementary report of the finance committee, recommending that John Ansley. road commissioner, be paid $50 as travelling expenses, was read and adopted. The report of ' the school and p int- ing committee, recommending at 350 copies of an amended limit table of the course of study for public schools be printed, was read and adopted. A motion was passed that the county engineer submit at the January meeting a detailed account of his travelling expenses during the year 1891. The new county clerk,Wm Lane,'was appointed to the 'county board of criminal audit. A motion by Mr Holt, seconded by Mr Hamilton, that $8,000 be granted for the purpose of erecting a county poor -house was lost. . After the formal passing, of a nums ber of by-laws the council adjourned. ton, at $8,75. Mr Maxwell reported' that h'e had inspected job of gravelling at Eadies' bridge, on October 3rd and found job incomplete and ordered more work tp he done, and again in- spected job and found it finished and recommended payment ' of $18.22. Also, that along with Mr Harris, he had seen Mr Hysiop about drain, and.. we think the road would be slightly benefitted by it and we recommend that a committee be appointed, when drain is finished, to decide • upon what benefit the roai derives from- it and what assistance the township should grant for opening this drain. We also saw Mr Robert Douglass about his drain. He wants to deepen it and also wants the portion of drain on • road allowance tiled or boxed. This matter we leave in the hands of the council. Moved by Wm Cruicksh.'nk, seconded by Geo Harris, that Mr Maxwell see if Government drain on 12th concession is cleaned out; if not, to write to the Engineer that this council wants the work completed at once and for Engineer to come out and inspect the drain and if the work is not done to again let the job of the work not finished and get the whole matter finished up in as a short time as possible—Carried. gloved by R Maxwell, seconded by John Diment, that the Reeve and Treasurer dispose of our mortgages to the best advant- age they can to meet our railway debentures falling due in 1891 and 1892 —Carried. • Moved • by Wrn Cruickshank, seonded by Geo Harris, that we grant Jobe Mellon the sum of $15 to assist him to go to the hospital in London for, the winter, as he is suffering from a cancer; the money to be left in the hands of Mr Cruick- shank until he is actually ore the way to hospital—Carried. The following accounts were passed and orders on treasurer issued : E Biggins, damages drawing gravel, $1 ; F Paterson, gravel, $6.67 ; Jos Leech, gravel, $1 ; Gracey, ootftn, shroud and rough box, $14 ; Wm Clarke, Turnberrya share culvert,.$3 ; And Agar, gravel. ling, $16 22 ; Mr Foxton, repairs to , road, $8.75 ; Wm McPherson, select- ing jurors, $3 ; John l3urgess, select-, ing jurors, $3 ; John S McTavish, selecting jurors, $3 ; discharge of mortgage, 25 cls; John Burgess, part salary,$20;lI Bossman, rent for indig- ent,$8; Wm Anderson,cbarity,$5; Witt in t to t Mr o , ,' Ie ' ofM g i t card 1 rah Richard S y, Duncan, chsirfty, $d, t g tne0ting with fine success, There are charity, $3 ; John Mellon, charity, Belgrave. A ;rand oyster supper and enter- tainment was held in Belgrave, under the auspices of Court Belgrave, Cana- dian Order of Foresters, on Thursday evening of last week. The weather being favorable, the crowd was legion, there being Foresters nhamse tLfrom Brussels, Blyth, Wing des- ham, and St Helens. The ladies turned out in 'large numbers. The supper was held in the Orange Flail, after which an adjournment was made to the Foresters'lialt,iu which place the entertaiument was held. oM a Elliotto 11, of Winghaw, was app e chair, after which the following pro- grainme was rendered and well ex- ecuted in every particular: instrumen- tal music by Harmonica Band ; song, 0 McClelland ; reading, S Gracey ; instrumental duet,Mrs Wray and Miss Thyme ; song, D ieGill ; solo, D Anderson ; song, Mr Stewart ; Address, Edward 'Powe, High Chief Ranger of the Oanadian Order of Foresters, London ; music, Harmonica Band ; Fong, Mr Stewart ; Instru-, mental rnusic,Geo David; Instrumen tal duet, Mrs Wray and Miss Thynne. The evening's entertainment closed by all singing God save the' Queen. All went home feeling that they had spent a very pleasant evening and hoping that the day was not far dis- tant when they might have another opportunity of having such an enjoy- able time with the Foresters of Bel. grave. Housef Commons from the in the o omm ballot, when, finding that the. ballot First "Minister dotvu to the last and unending, Messrs 'first 11 in was practically u g, Rollins any Manning moved that the former motion be rescinded and that applicants, all the , the conger[ ballot oni?p the lowest in each ballot being dropp- ed until one shall have received a ma - majority of the votes cast,when he shall be declared elected clerk. This 'was agreed to, and the 44t1i hallo), resulted in the choice of Mr 'William Lane, clerk of Ashfield. The report of the gaoler as to the most insignificant member never ceased from the first to the last to ob. afro et and make it as difficult as it was possible for the party of whic,i I eve have the, lienor to he a representat , to btingk. forth and shote in all its monstrosity the condition of affairs existing in this country for so many years. Mit LtarEa, in hiss Sarnia speech, remarked :--•-"ilaggart is a practical 1 politician. This, as you know, is net the day of canals such as were built before railways demo into effect. John Haggett tivesi iii the town of Perth, r )4, Listowel• A fatal scaffold accident happened in this town on Monday last. A. gang of then were working for'sab*contractor Heard at the carpenter work on the new building of the Listowel furniture factory. A scaffold was built out of the top window of the tower, 50 feet from the grouud,and on this two men, Thos Bailey of 16th Elma, and a young roan, son of John Little of the Silver Corners cheese factory, Elena, were working, Contractor Large was standing beneath and called to them that he did not think they were safe, tub his warning was too late, for just as he spoke he saw the scaffolding give h the '" fell hes d ton to way, The An n y+ antl' ground and were rendered instantly unconscious and died in a few minutes. Large' had a narrow escape, a heavy plank just striking his foot as'he ran out. Two children near by were struck with scattering shingles, but not injured, Bailey was married. Little was single, Division court was held on Wednesday of last week. --- Our public school was officially exam- ined by Inspector Alexander last week. . The Dominion (Voters List court will be held for Listowel on Nov 2nd, 1881. -Miss May Dongerty,of lCinton, Ohio, is visiting Mrs Rev J T Parke. prisoners at present itt the goal, • an stating that the work ordered to be 1 done by the council at the Sone session had been satisfaetorily done, was read and referred to the gaol and court house committee. The report of the county oonrmis' Gorrie. IIvir Dane, proprietor of the Gorrie flouring mills, has had his mill thoroughly overhauled and is now pre- pared to turn out an excellent brand of flour.—Mr 0 H Sanson, grain buyer, shipped, a few days ago, two cars of peas to Boston.—The potato crop in this locality is in a bad con. dition, owing to the rot, in some cases one-third to one•-hitlf of the crop' being useless, --The singing class started a short time ago in our village, , under 1 l 's John Skilling, the tato p 50 in the elan at present.—Mr Watson is busy buying horses for the Glasgow market and expects to ship this week. —Rev Mr Torrance has recovered from his recent illness and is now able to attend to . his various charges once more.—Mr John G Edgar, while out hooting one day lately, came across $15. Moved by John Dimentt,second- ed by R Maxwell, that this meeting do now adjourn to meet in Banns' hall, Bluevale, Saturday, November 21st, 1891. Jam Bormass, Tp Clerk. s At Stratford lately, Daniel Whale a large Ignx. But Having his gun formerly of Toronto was found guilty loaded with small shot, he thoughts of manslaughter for killing Lis wife it was best to refrain from shootings at Mitchell some months a o,and sen and so Mr Lynx was allowed 10 pro- , g ceed on his way. tensed to penitentiary for life. The Our Fall and to closely inspect S .E Stich as Shirts of 'W e Ih you are especiallj BOOTS, which v and pleasing styl meet the wants c meat of our old In closing, REP AIR IN N. B.—All Gler. Mrs folio Mc1 .Jennie, of Kent , a few weeks visit vicinity. Mr MI Stanley township days on the 6th lick spent a few • Allan this week. Bella Gemmill s Bluevale.—Mr Wallace, spent a vtsiting friends Fralick left Mot domains. He i lumber woods is Powell left Thur He intends take country suits hi called one of H Mr Thomas Hs filly away to tl day last, after a four hours. H of friends and of whom he respected. Al fancily were pe the bedside o David, who re: and John, who leaves'a family and three sons loving and of remains were Cemetery by a Rev A Y Marl sive and sun 'bereaved rami of the comer bereavement. nine years of former Cong Salem corner . sermon to a Sunday eve gentleman pr teresting and his labors he, ed both as a and was espe young. 11.e place in the congregation with interest intends lean t•; Mr D W Mr Geo M, are away fi quail shootu A meeting Lucknow 13 Ba the ptis evening of Williamson in Woodstc weeks visit Lawson Iva ing part in Mrs ltD( visiting and Mrs J are visiting Miss Blai from vials Rev John