HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-30, Page 3STREET f �1 advance n. 1 1 1110. Jo "' tin 00 DO 0 00 00 I 0°o Sc. per line It subsequent iscrtion, and r. No local d, Situations, %ding 8 lines :ding 8 lines, month to tents, or for °tions, will be Ugly. Tran. advance 's must be in der to appear :ID Punmsunn ONTARIO ;cons, Ontario. uon— tl'inghann, Ont, e, p; 111., or at University, and and Surgeons of etre and Patrick ithune. oxT Etc., Etc n et lowest rates Mortgages, town and Held. GeT DICKINSON, B. A. (S, Etc., Etc., So iouunissioners for Farm, Town and 1. Stoney (private itv at 51 per cent. ins, upon the best nx expense to tho oba and the North. 111SonnM, g Celluloid Plates, got the bestmaterial can be got In the ,vork warranted. the use of Electric. teeth for 20 cents lock, opposite the ..r L. D. S., 1SO1'S BLOCK? tel. Wing team. ne 3rd Mondays ZCE AGENT OMTAR it CE MINE, FOR THE COUNTY )N. • rt of tho Co. Charges rOltatf, gee., on 'rlfl COUNTY OF 1. office proenpilly attend. resells 1FVR0N MTh • ptl.y and on the Shortest Outten Guaranteed. OF its can bo made at the Oxri IXAWKINS , nxn Crvtt Exert fasts WINGIIAbt. „ co Of the TIMes Will re - e COUNT, idpt:L^R el' IlAit mutate. ONT. chair to get away from the fire, 1Keeping Company. Sweet,, homely phrase, 00 often evoke p,011 the farther, with,satenic glee', ' Among the kindly country folk. was still stoelting. What ails the tact, guid nlnn? Mrs. Mucklebrose inquired, Is lie £ached water in the head, think ye 1 Ins stead of me mtlkin' toast for hint, I'm thinkin', he's gett:i& toasted hlmsel', .and buttered as well. Tho farmer chuckled. at this, and bawled out— Come on, Tam, tak' tiff yer drawl; it's a grandtfreend on a caul& nicht. Preserve no a' I to see ye Tam, a bocly wad think we were in the middle o' summer, instead o' the bid o' whiter, Od, ye sweit terrible, The nieht's c:auld in a' conscience, and yet ye'i'e sweitin' like a cewt after gallopiti' a alma tniles. Why dinna ye tak' aft' yer hat'in the house like a Ohristtlin 1 whaur'e yer mainners ? 'Here, lat me tale aff for ye, and the farmer reached over his hand with the intention. Na, na. Oh, for anvsake don t,l\ir. Mucklebrose, yelled Tam, starting to his feet and holding his hat upon his head --I've a sair heid, au' it's no worth my while. I mann be sttippiu'. Lat me oot. Dinna hand me, for ony sake. I'm no' feelin' weel—I'm a kind o' seek. Lat me oot to the air, if you please. A greasy cataract was.pouving down his face and neck, and fairly steeping him in a bath of oil. Wool, weel, Taln, if ye maun gang, ye maim, said the waggish farmer. Guid nicht, but for oily favour dinna pit sae mucltle oil on yer hair. Keep some o't to butter yer scone wi'. An' talkie' aboot butter, Tam, that re., mikes me. I Winlla ohairge ye ony. thing for that prat in the inside o' yer hat, because I keepit ye here to melt it,and with which remark Mueklebrose clapped Tam upon the head, sending a torrent of oil down upon his shoule ders, and pushed hint to the door, laughing loudly and long; as 11e depart- ed. Bef:tre the laughter of the fanner was ended Tam was tearing down the road, looking like one demented, and from that night to this, though the very sight of fresh butter tairly sickens and saddens hien, Tato can truly boast that he is_at least an honest man, 'When youthful love they senile to see --- "Those who are keeping company." In fuller and in higher eons° Through years of 14011 experience. Dear, love, 'tis true of you and me— We've kept each other company. Xn joy, we've sought each otho's eyes To share the gladness and surprise. In pain, life's utmost test of ill, Our hearts have kept together still, In absence, word with anguish fraught We have kept company in thought. And learned that leagues of distance may Serve but to spur love on its way. In death—I pause with bated breath Before the mystery of death. "Yet love is groat ! I seem to know That where thou goest I shall go; And. in God's great eternity Our souls shall still keep company. (Travellers' Record 4 ~ BURDOCK Regulates the StomachA Liver* and -Bowels, unlooK5 t.heSearetions,Purifleathe 'Blood and removes. all Im— purities from a Pimple to the worstSorofulOus Sore. BLOOD. CURES ._ DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS: CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA. DESSOH Z NES. DROPSY RHEUMATI SM, SKIN DISEASES BITTERS In a public schcol in this couuty within the past two weeks the teacher erns conversing with her classon hatters suggested by the lessou•in hand, and among other things the bestowal of titles and rewarding men for public services rendered to the state,etc, A brilliant thought sudden. ly oceured to the teacher, and she. asked : Why Was Lady Macdonald raised to the peerage after the death of her husband the late, Prime Minister of the Dominion 1 The question was no sooner asked than an equally brilliant thought ocaured to one of the pupils, and the latter answered, Please mama, she was raised up so as to keep her out of the scandals at Ottawa. Let any body beat that if they can. The language is very simple, but contains a world of meaning. The lad who answered the question so philosophy is the progeny of a Scotch Grit.—Mitchell Recorder. ASTHIVIAF lAFT'S AS' PIMALIsNE never �1l�[C'l,,��'aan�yy� fails; sendyouraddress, audtvolvilytu.t(l8J&tn.eofree trial bottle Dat. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING. ALEX. SAUJNDERS, Go���zcx. LATEST METHODS : FOR THE BEST VALUE ORDERED CLOTHING,. Particular attention paid to Sanitation and Ventilation. Plans and Specifications care- fully prepared. Repairing Promptly Atten- ed to. Three Trains Daily. Telephone No. 28. orrespondence Solicited. Unbearable Pain. Drell Sin,—I suffered for three days very severely from Summer Complaint, and could get no relief, but kept getting worse until the pain was almost unbearable, and I was very weak.' After eyerythiud else had failed I tried Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Stawbarry. The first dose gave re' lief, and it did not fai`v \Ie. GLYNN, Wilfred, Out. Attention has been called to a queer Misprint. it leaving been nnnoucced that a doctor felt his patient's purse. Really there is nothing very queer about that. HATS, GOOD WOOL WANTED. HIGHEST PRICE PAID TAFTBROS. ROULib bat, IN. Y.illElG 1 `!thanks, said the guest :to the color. Canadian Dept. 100 Adelaide St. W., Tonne, CANADA. ! ecl slum who had brought his soup at Six feet in his buote ! exclaimed old last, you have taken a great wait oft' Mrs. Flatiron, Nonsense \1thy they lily mind. might:as web til 1110 that the Than has Goltitvinsmith. six heads in his hat. Goldwin Smith is opposed to Sir Charles Let ovel:y man be occupied, • and would agree Tupper in many ways, nos better oil etb medyfless o occupied in the Highest employment of dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness, head,. which his nature is capable, and die ache exist% than Burdock Blood Bi terstroubles, skin athe best the consciousness that .he has family medicine known. done his best. \t hat is the meaning of the word 'English Spavin Liniment re,novesall hard, soft or 1UkP.1Va1'lli? asked the teacher, Johnny. calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stlfies,Sprains, sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save 500 by Gums°, y oil may answer. Water is use of ono bottle. Warranted the most wended dal ewal't1i whe17 it 100115 warted and Flemish Cure ever Inowt,. Sold by W. S. Towler. isn't. Let no man cuter our portals who A'1' T HE WING AM TANNERY IIA W, J. CPANIN. LUMBER, Dressed and undressed, -,---G O TO-- WE STER'S SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, i Cheap for KASH AT--- W E .B S T E} s &c. I,0', r,(6, ID0 1)1 4 V • Has removed to E. F. Gerster's cid stand, where he has a large au nicely assorted stock of Cls, @we1 s, alcry, Silverwam and Which he is selling away down in price, and will have you call and take a look through his Stock. LATHS, SHINGLES, a• STAY S, BARRELS, Young doctor—What is your cone,CEDAR POSTS, ( plaint 1 Viattor—Impecuniosity i Do(� be so kind, Doctor, as to give nee a TOO9 ti cars Always on hand,and will is not willing 'to Make some sacrifice for the•good of his fellow mai.,aud for the benefit of the fraternity. • Quite English you know -l) you know why the English dude is not wanted in America t No. Because the Yankee dud'll do. It Saved His Life. GaNTLlnntEN.—I can recommend. Do Fow• lei's' Extract of Wild Strwborry, for it saved my life We have used it lu our tone and energy to the whole system. r h l it d shilling., and I'll go around and tell everybody that you relieved me. Amen To AloTusas.-Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rust by a sick child suffering and crying With pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Atra:winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incalcul- able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery, and Diarrhoea, e, Mates the Stomach and Bowels, cures wind Colic, armewrinrue.444r/wmr, 44.r4444,4444.4,4•4444. he pleased Repairing a `�S :pec 1ty Ci ,J All work warranted and done promptly. Ed. Oinsle v, to Mason's'Block be sold cheap. MILL—Adjoining G. T. 11., on Shutes' Street. teething is r McLean & Son, softens the Gums, reduces Inflummntion� and res on c Mrs. yin• family when required ever since, and it I slow's Soothing Syrup for c i t e never fails to cure all summer complaints. m laints pleasant to the taste and is rho prescription of one of FRANOTS WALSEI, the oldest fund boat °male physicians and nurses M I Adonis ---Well, Jones, been getting drunk again 1 .loves (angrily) -That's nay business. Adams (pleasantly)'—So Lite United States and is for sale by 55 y all druggists Dalkethi Ont. I throughout the worid. Price twenty- lve cents a , . bottle. Be sure and aslc for "\lite. wixsuow's, 900TFIixt SYRUP ..nA intro no tthar kind i ZETLAND SAW MILL Minds of moderate calibre ordinarily condemn everything, which is beyond HE IS RP. W A HAPPY MAN. iugham, Ont. 1 understand. their ;ranee. GEORGE THOMSON,tProprietor. Teacher (in 3TISl11tuar class)—Cour. A sure sign that the door hell is go• i fall ki my, correct the sentence, I kissed V1 tl , ly Susan otict. Tommy (promptly) --I kissed ,S'usan twice. 1 tub. cO1YSilAIPTION CURED. The Australian commonwoaltlt, ing to ring --When tell YOl1 are le n 'nds ot,e la the house and are in the bath Lumber O , The Oil he was.using was very poor, And caused language most obscene— But he stands a chrnce for heaver, Since he used 111cColl's LAUMDINL, Which is the finest Machine Oil in Canada.' bias no equal. All leading dealers sell it. Ask for it and see that you bet it. The Genuine Lardine is manufactured solely by McCOLL BROS. & CO. - - TORONTO. First-class Shingles, I and Cedar Posts. An lac d inHt is h all by l1 Ea practice, hating had Placed in his h.tndy by an East ludic missitml'y I il'ho Austruaittu Ctlmmonwealth will the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the Have grand results but the results of using Car Load Orders a Specialty. s oedy sued pormancnt euro 0Y Uonsuutptieiy BVOII � Burdock Blood Bitters for diseases of the p t chins, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lunt; i 1 radical e for stomach liver, bowels and blood surpass Nervotons, Hist a positive and rat cn cur ' Ty p ps'a headache Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, laving tested its lvtulerful curative RENOWNED CYLINDER OIL is still in the ring and is now more popular than ever. Give it a trial. You'll vee no other. tints, alter all expoetattous. ys e i , s purr» it' bilionsiiese, scrofula, etc, are promptly i WOOD delivered to any part of t1 �ho wnuds o1 eases, he has felt it ltla duty to maize r. `�lll,ntllatll. e known to his uniforit)g fellows. actuated by 011(0 cured b, 13 B B. „ o motive end a desire to relieve human sulTerinv, 1 ; A ring around elle 111oitn 18 5 81%11 f j1 Ordcrsby'mnilptomptlyatteudedto. reit send free of ch us;e, el nil who desire it, 01»0 'GLOIt(3E Tll05ISON, deceptt, as 01pie a trema( or English, y with 11111 dlre°tlona 10r 1prC11a1'illg Mµ1 using. Sent by venal by 1'l1R3, and Sl ring around the eye is a 1Vinitbiinr 1?.v addressing with stamp, naming 1,11,s paper. W. n• sign of blow, Yorks 0001'cwers Block Rochester, �. , Y. A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PiLLS AND OINTMENT These remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the best Medicines for • Family use. TII E PI.LII-1S Purify the blood, correct dal disle orders complaints tthIVEid,, tel Mo females of. ell RSeAND EOIVELS anp sr in 021\1"TM:Ef N'T Is the only reliable remedy for Odd �wounds. and old O SCRE TS, TOUH, EUDS, GOUT,RHEUMATISs, sores, M, GLADULARSILL SWELLINGS AND ALL SKIN ISEASES llHASNQnet18, New OxforQ. lat, .,d, Oxford Street, London. and sold by aMedicine 'Vendors throughout the world. tPurhasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they ate spurious. Money to Loan on Notes.1 Proueriy Tor Sale in Belntore. Note Discounted ! AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 percent. with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collected. ROUT. MaINDO orrtet..-•prayer Block. whf¢hant, put. The, midorsigned oll'ars Inc sate a desirable pre petty in the village of Delmore, consisting of a good dwelling house, oaice, stable and driving shed. with one acre and a.ha11 of laud in c utteetlolt. Splendid ) garden, with all sorts of fruit trees. will fm sold at a bargain, For particulars, apply to I?BI Dr2lClt'CQOti, Deltn0to.