HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-30, Page 2tOlutgomu tmc FiIDA :, OCTOBER 30, 1891.. Seafortl2. Olt Wedtic:sday evening of 'net week tt eoumert WAS held Irl Cardoces kiftit, tinder the auspices of the Mechanical Institute, The weather was all that could be expected olid the crowd filled the hail to the doors. Dr gampbell, laresirleut of the begird, was appointed t'. the chair. The only names on the programme. were Messrs J H Cameron and James Far, of Toronto. Both of these gentlemen done their part well, the one amusing the crowd with his recitations and the other (Fax) in a continuous roar of laughter. Miss Libbie 'Wilson presided at the piano,—A chimp of the Sons of Scot, land had been orgaized here by Mr Nihnmo, of Toron to —The delegates from this tow to the Provincial Con- vention of (fie Christian Endeavor Association, at Peterboro, Were Miss Janet Scott and Miss Sarabel McLean, --Mr Thos Thomson has purchased the, Omernereial and Queens busses, fund will run a union 'bus to all the hotels,—The Young men's Christian Association bas started evening classes for those who wish to improve a limited education. — Mr John G. Watson was in town a few days ago, looking after the interests of Watson. Manufacturing Company, Ayr. Tac, $0.75 Thos Anderson, nutting hill and 20 rods grttvellillg opposite 22, cons 2 and 3, at ;1.00, $49.90 ; Darnin, cutting ditch and piping be, tweell 18 and 19, con 9, y`"p3 ; John Gaunt, 2 days repairing road, 82.50; Bot Haiuets, 21 yards gravel at 70, and 'damage 50o $1.07, OQuneil ad» ourued to meet on Saturday, Nov 21st.—R I MILr,cn, Clerk. 0 LiStow9E1. Untended for last issue.) Miss 1'anuie Ooleluan,eldest laugh- tel: of Mr Francis Coleman, passed across the river to the world beyond, -on Thursday of last week. ;Hiss Cole• man bas been sickly for the past year and a half, but her death came unex- pectedly at the last and was a Sad shook to her parents and friends. She was greatly esteemed and respected by ell and her parents have the sincer- est sympathy of the entire community. -The youngest daughter of Mr WI 'Cells had the luisfortune to dislocate her hip joint, the other day, by a fall, —M.r E G Harris had a stroke of paraiysis on Monday of last week,and is now cenfiued to his bed.—Mr J Stuart, President, and Mr J Turnbull, 'lashier,of the Bank of Hamilton' were in town a week ago Tuesday. They were looking, we bclieve,for a building site for a new bank which itis propos- ed to build in this town. -Mrs Brisbin, wife of James Brisbin, sr, who had the misfortune to have e. plum stone lodge in her wind pipe while eating a plum and afterwards passim into the lunge, died off Thursday of lass week in lier 74th year. .M1 that medieal skill could do was done to alleviate her aufrferin s,but it was beyond the power of human skill .to dislodge the stone. The funeral on Friday was largly at.. tended, --Miss Lousia Kesig,dangliter of Mr Ernest Twits -of this town died on Wednesday of last vteek in her 21st year. The deceased had been ailing far some days,but nothing serious was thought until at fast a doctor was called in,but her complaint was beyond his power to cure.—Mr 7''S Gee, a forrner townsman, has returned to town and opened a grocery and. boot and shoe store. , West 'Wawanoshr.. , (Intended for last issue.) The West Wawanosh Council met on October 3rd, with -members all , present. The treasurer's report for Auguat showed receipts 8592.68, with expenditure $572.26,leaving a, balance on hand of $20,42. Report placed on dile. The collector's • bond was pre- sented andacsel;ted. as satibfactory Moved by Mr Bailie, seconded by Mr Todd, that the reeve and treasurer be authorized to borrow $100 for a period of two months—Oarried. The clerk :was instructed to levy $489:.82 on the Wawanosh ratepayers to 'I' on ng's drain ticcoutft; as a final 'levy, Complaint was (bade by Mr Gay that the roadway- to oadwayto his property had been damaged in repairing road. Moved by Mr Todd, seconded by Me Bailie, that the road oolximissibeer attend to this matter at ouee Carried. The following ac- eounta were paid : leo A.rnrstrong,. 28i rods graveling betweetl lots 15 and 16, eon 1, at $1,45, and hutting in Culvert, 83-441.42 ;. R Plunkett, culvext between 21 and 22, con 8, $3; Hannah d:Kilpatrick, bridge oppasitr 15, tons 8 and 0, $18; 'phos Lott, timber and bridge oppeei Ci' 14, coos 12 and 13, $18; E ffanitttl<i,grattefing opposite 25, eons 2 and 3, 0 rode at I B. M. E., one A, M. E. or Reformed lEntsecpal, and one 'United Brethren. This table thews that 205 eoeiet.ies. have been formed in 1891, In reality since the Hamilton Oollventinn there have been fully 800 societies organized. Tli' grand total of socities for the Dominion iiioludes 923, comprising about 37,000 members, besides 1t HOLLOWAY'S PILI.s.-.-Tho Greatest; societies in v'ewfeetest tad, Wonder of Modern Times. ---They cog- Tht' financial statement (shows re- reet bile, prevent flatulency, cleanse criers of 280 83, made up plainly of istill. renovate the debilated, strengthen the the three following items: GoLltrhbee **; ite p TIS Visual Way. :