HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-30, Page 1TON)
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:TILTON. Sarfl,
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:twelfth Ont.
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VOL XX --NO. 41
Is .complete in every line and the prices
are right, which is the.best of all; no bet-
ter proof of this, than the orewd that we
have continually with us, morning, noon
and. night. We are sorry that a number
of you have had to go away without be-
ing served, but we dad our best, and have
added more help to our staffand you
may now expect quicker and better ser-
vice, It will always be our aim to see that
every person trading at this store gets
prompt attention, from the smallest child
to the oldest mnan or woman.
Underwear is comfortable to think of
this weather, arid decidedly comfortable
to wear,and think of the money you keep
from the doctor by changing now. Tb
unshrinkable line we are selling in Misses,
Ladies, Boy s;;and Men's, are giving every
satisfaction, . You may rest assured Tatars
Another word for the Mantle Stock;
not that it needs it, but because you can't
afford to forget the jacketsand eloths it
includes, We give'you a perfect fitting
garment for $4, not much more than the
price of making.
Direct Importers.
1,:. The Beate October 29t5, 1891.
—Afresh stock of confectionery at the
Star Restaurant. Jas MoIcamvia,
The wate ig onrt was out again on
'edit streets ou ednesday.
—An a horfty says that air slacker'! Time
tivill proven the rot in potatoes. About
onepeek o no t fifty bushels of tubers.
k f o
1? y
.—lt your watch or °look needs repairing
go to. W 11 Wallace, .watelrmaker a
jeweler. next door to post office,
.Messrs Bu on & Fessant have again
caivedarenew of their order for maple
"blocks for :Lnglan and will requires a large
quantity of first cla maple logs.
—Having 'bought out T A Mills' business,
I respectfully, riliogt from the inhabitants
of Wingham and exiguity an inspection of
.� my stook, a 'Respectfully yours,
`�l Guo L gine.
- On Tliursda f lastweek, Judge Tome
presided at the Co rt of Revisison, in the
town hall, for the rpose of revisiug th
municipal and provi ial votera:list, Quite
a nittdbet• of changes t re made in the list.
4yeSl,,ra• re with you once more with
• our elegant lustre). Company of 25
mist .at the own hall, Tuesday Nov 3.
.Ti ets'oi sale a Dinsley's.
Mr 'S ouhill, Real Estate Agent, of
is town,. 1 a sold the house and part of
lot 73, Franz tikeet East, and part of lots
20 and 21, Ca. erine street West, to Mr
Joseph Adam, o hq township of Rowlett,
who in is o,hout become a resident of
• Wingham having so his farm, situated
in the aforesaid town
—Sammie N,zogx,—Kid Gloves 50 Conte,
'1'Gents Ties 25 cents, Fanoy HaudkerChiefs
5 cents, Silk Bandkerchiers 25 cents, et
, fa H MoIrrnoo's.
—On We nesday morning, Mr Wm
Mitchell, of nberry, brought into the
Tnu s office a onderful freak of nature iu
the shape of a n tuber of raspbetry bushes,
upoix which ere a number of
. ripe and green bet s ands countlesa.a'uni•
n s s e iros ehad
her of bl°ss m . I he e'r �o t 1
'Off . for a whil onger Mr il.�1itebell
' • thinks 1 t wektld "bo.ve a spborry pie.
—G.! It trains for Termite and east
leave Wingl'fam at 0.30 a m and 11,10 a re
via'W G & 13 Division, and at • fi.45 a m
and 3.20 p m,: via Olinten and Guelph.
Good connections by all trains.
—Thea radian Health .Journalfor Oe.
tabor has t• : following interesting table of
contents : S all•pox stamped out by dis-
infection—a va ble report; Tlie question.
of Quarantine; ire 'two linea iu ittblit,
T ealth work ; Coe ion nod Education in
alio health work; ores du the t ealth
Officers' 14'leeting at Tte " on ; Notes from
Health officials` Reports, doh teach les
sou's ; Miscellaneous Note d Extracts ;
` ditorial Notes Notes on Cur t Litera-
-.-W .tv'ren—Ti correspond with some
young lady udder 22, With the object of.
Matrimony in view. Must be goo look
ingg end well educated. All letters ad-:
dreesed to Earl Be Earl, TIMns Office,
Winghauf, will be forwarded to their
--The old rehab ;3iar restaurant 'ie
still taking the lea ' .Ins Molienvzx:
--D.i i or was v az . a hal in w
u•�� d town on
Thursday, Doyle presiding.
—Half a ton of Pelee island grapes just
arrived at the Eclipse restauraut,
--S aturd night will be Hallowe'en
so look out fo our gate or some naughty
boys may look o or it too.
—First•.olass Georgian Bay Shingles
and Lath, for sale, cheap, at McLean &
Sou' saw mills, Win f;ham,
—Mr Alex olmes has removed to Fer••
gus, where be ' I be more convenient to
his work on the. R. We are sorry to
lose Mr Holmes f be town, but hope
at somefuturo time h may be able to re.
,•Afresh a tock of Watson'sCough Drops,
just received at the Star Restaurant.
,7As McliiLvII.
—4. membeof the Salvation Army had
a young man 0 is town, up before the
Mayor, ou Wedneav afternoon, charged
with disorderly e. • not while attending
a meeting of the At ou Sunday after,
noon. The Mayor, a =r hearing several.
witnesses both for and a inst, dismissed
the case.
--Everybodyvaritesat town hall, on
T :sday,Nov3, Izetsonsale .atl?ivaley's
ewellery Store.
--The Hon
of a new mouth
J E Bryant Pre
The paper is, as r
nal for the home a
and interesting re
issued as a supplemj
publication The Cana
Farm Journal.
hold G'oinpanioa is the name
y publication issued by the
[shin; Compauy,Toronto.
title indioates,a jour-
contai.ns much useful
ling matter. It is
it to their excellent
in .Give Stook awl
—Having bought out`P A. ills' business,
1 respectfully solicit from . the inhabitants
of Wingham and vicinity an inspection of
my stock. Respectfully yours,
Wordht'; been received from Mr Bobt
rr and farm . 0.'he ;{ere e,t•gas tie;tas;
N ew 1lzexico, ere they intend to make
their borne. M Orr'shealth seems to be
very much leaser ved, evenin the short
time he has been ere.' , The climate of
this state is very ora invi -arid and Mr Orr
has great hopes of his omplete recovery
and thinks he will be able to return next
—Cigars andE1 at the Eclipse
restaurant. : Also, confectionery of all
kinds. T. C. SPARLING,
-The ne'•; bridge e. short distance south
of town wa opened for traffic on Satur.•,
day last. The = still remains considerable
work toe done is the wayof filling
i., in
the approaohes, bu they are at present
planked over. The • .. rkmen have made
a number one lob at. 1 completed their
work iu a surprisingly short time.
—Groat bargains at Dore's Carriage Faro•
tory to blear out the balauce of buggies on
hand to make room tor cutters and sleighs;
also, a lot of extra fine one and two seated
road carts to be sold at bottom prices. Call
early and seem •e a oargeiu. Remember the
stand, opposite Lilo !::change Sl;`er,
Wingham, Ont. s
-The Ca.. k' of the Sons of Scotland
which was re°o tly organized in this town
is a prosperous condition and growing
rapidly. There is a, .resent a membership
of over 30, and a tar ' • number of others
have signified their i .ontiou of joining.
Grand Secretary Bank., of Toronto, is
expected to be present at t; e next meeting.
The camp meets the lst a • 3rd. Mouder
in eaoh month, in the neve Tome, .ance
METHODIST Wiiuxcii Wt*.:uiu,—Rev S Sel.
lcry, B D, Pastor. '•`,svices every Sabbath
at 11 a nr Bud " in. Sabbath iieir5ol and
Bible Class at 2.30 p m. General Prayer
meeting every Wednesday evening at 7.30
o'clock. Young People's Prayer Meeting
every Thursday evening. at 7.30 o'clock..
Sunday November' 1st, Quartely Services,
Morning subject,"Mighty to save" Evening
'The Self•hurt of ;Sin's.
--A. horse" ' 1e1 ging to Mr J'olrn Elliott,
of the 12th c essi"11 of East Wawauosh
broke his •moot , •eat Itertuaou's botel,on
Saturday evenin last, and wont down
Josephine street at 2.40 gait. A number
of our oitizons tried to stop the runaway
but were not able t• do so. The horse
emend clear of ever ting until it came
to a lumber pile on the s e of the road a
Tittle way south of the " chau:;e hotel,
where there was it general it ash up. The
buggyhad•tbe top jerked off a the shafts
,iarix/rent the 'Axle. The horse hen find.
rug itself Clear of the buggy, st, ted for
horde, but was caught a short . 'tauce
South of town.
forgood butter —Cashb randR
teo estA
Graham's, Market Grocery.
--Theular quarterly meeting will
be held in Methodist church next
—Guy s Miustrels, Tuesday, Nov 3,
Re ember and date. Tickets on sale
—Now is the thee to subscribe for the
Times. You can have it sent to airy
friend in Canada or the United States
from now until Jan lst for only 20 cents,
—Fresh bulk oysters, just arrived, at
the old reliable Star Bestuarant,
Jas MoiteLvie,
--A meati of the Wingham Curling
Club was he1 his week, when officers
were elected for a year. A full repot.
next week.
—Having bought out T A Mills' business,.
I respectfully solicit•from the inhabitants
of Wingham and vicinity an inspection of
my stook. Respectfully ware,
trey F" W ghee and 147r F 0 Clarke,
members of Hur Anglican Lay Workers
.0,ssooiatiou, were •n St Thomas on Wed.
nesday and Thursd . of this week attend.
ing the meetings of th ssociation.
—For first-olaes tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co,
Remember the place, only two doors north
of the old stand and between Ross' book.
store and Halsted '& Scott's bank.
—A11 me •. =re of the Mecbauicee Insti-
tute will kin' . bear in mind that all
books 'must be urned by the last days
in October, (T'bursda' Friday and Satur-
day of this week.) W • . ITiroow,
W . TED. —Servant girl wanted, for
gen al housework. Apply to
Mas War CLEGG,
Edward St, Wingham.
Mrs Forster, Miss Annie Paterson
nd Messrs J Fleury and It Allen were
at St Thomes Wsruseand ay
day of thin week ending the Anglican
Huron .Churoli Work sisonventle repre•
senting St Paul's •Sab th Sehoo�of this
—I have a las nu •. •er of fine two year
old steers for fee purposes, and fare
mere wanting t sa : e would do well to
call on me at • tie, as tend selling them
all off. D ST> wA ,
Cattle B • er, Wingham.
— Messrs G • ; • ou &' Mclutyre had placed'
in their office, •n Friday of last week, a
fine, large burglar ,nd fire proof safe. It
was manufactured `' Messrs Goldie &
McCulloch, of Galt, a d is a credit to the.
manufacturers, and this m has the repu-
tation of turning out on a first class
—Mr W 3 Johnston has opened a new
custom tailoring establishment, one door
north's./ D Sutherland's stove and tin
shop, and is now prepared to give the oitia
zone of Wingham and snrrouudiug country
satisfaction in every thing that may be
intrusted to his care. Coatmakers wanted
at once.
— Mr W •• . ithgow, the courteous and
attentive lib riau ' of the Mechanics'
.;,istitutb of the •wn, is always a pleasing
and welcome awe ion to the Presbyterian
Sabb:e.h.School, d his cultured mind
and hau 's are ever : ady to help in what-
ever way the intell` tual and material.
interests of ' he School u best be advan•
tied. As a s. ght reoogui •'on of his kind
offices, thre ladies of thschool called
upon 1-:m, a few days a.', and, in the
r• are of the Sabbath School, ` • ade a suit-
able presentation. It would be s erfluous
to say that Mr Lithgow received 'theladies
and the presentation in his usual ivy
wdy. May peace and happiness'?.h his
n he ,
rionlierea d
—Having opened a custom tailoriaKtes•.
tablishment in this town, one door north
of D Sutberlaud's stove and tinshop, I beg
to announce that I guarantee every suit
that leaves my shop to be a perfect fit and
warraut them to be built by superior
workmen, only, Give ns a gall. Satisfac-
tiott gi taeteed. Charges as cheap as the
cheapest. Coatmakors•wanted at once.
W J aox.taro.r,
"1k1'stolz eineft."
The ebo • is the title of the humorous
edutributiun o the four superb supple.
ments to be gi n away with the Christmas
number of the ' minion Illustrated, now
in preparation. relates the adventures
of an Englishman o came to Canada for
a buntflig trip and t s':y are portrayer) in
the most laughable at When we State
tbat'this contribution is written specially
ler the Dominion Itlustra,:dby the author
of the Celebrated'trio St 1' rre," we baye
said all thea is necessary to o. .emend it'to
the Canadian public.
--.Cris b i
r4 work ofh
t eOw
u Meyer
block, in the to r, has mtyde rapid. strides
towards ooinplet n this week and if the
weather proves fa able will be oompleted
withiu a few days,
—Mo ey to. Loau et lour interest on Real
Esta Private funds only,
Da Towi,en.
--Mrs Al d Ireland and Miss Ida Pel -
tan, of Wingh Baptist church, are in
attendance atth annual conventicle of the
Baptist Woe en's. lesion Circles, at Lon-
don, this weak.
—W rz;n.•—Apprentices to learn dress
maid g, at once. Apply to
ales .Lis Diteenv,
doors north of Chisholm's drug store.
—Mr W
ohnston has had erected is
rout of his t oriug establishment a very
unique sign i the shape of a pair of
scissors). It is a leudid sign, as every
passerby is sure to ke notice of it.
`os' Minstrels; entirely new
; new songs, new dances,
and charming music.
1 nsley's,
—The Guy
and reconstruc
elega costurn
Tai eta on sale at
FIRRST (ioreansemor AL Canna=
Wixoitafa,---W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser-
vices each Sunday at 11. a. m. and 7 p. m,
Sabbath School at close of Morning Ser-
vice. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
at 7.30 p; m. Seats free. Strangers wel-
come, on Sabbath, November 1st. Morn-
ing subject, "In the beginning." Evening
subject, "The Gentile Abraham?' Com.
mullion of the Lord's Supper after the
morning service. Sabath School at.
12.30. . At 3.30 service in the Lower
Wingham School House.
--it is 1.,da1 in Canada to advertise the
sale of a ` account against a delinquent
debtor, no .,atter if it is done to injure
the credit . d reputation of the debtor.
Justice Rose, . t Kingston, Ont,bits decided
that an acro . t against a debtor is the
property of the , reditor to dispose of as he
pleases. If' thereditor chooses to sell it
and announces hi intention of doing so in
terms that i
p1Y the
debtor could
if he chose, the erei3 .r does not exceed
hislegal 'ri;;htseuf lr9 ., ebtor hes no legal
redress for any injury s -h public notice
may have ca sed him,
—Watch f the matchless sailor and
si er band par e of the Guy Bros' at
—We e informed that the United
Banks As ;ciation of the United. States
have made a following offer to H Gar-
butt (in the ` arbutt extradition case)
through their :'-stective, A Lucas: That
they will pay th a titravelling expenses of
Garbutt's witness: from Wingham to
Texan and back, be 'des giving thein $5
a day while away, it he (Garbutt) will
consent to go to Texas it once without
any more trouble. Th'.‘ i er is made by
the banks on account of ti cry that is
made that he would not ge".. ,justice if
he was taken to Texas on ac •, nt of his
not being able, financially, to : ke wit-
nesses with him to prove his in..•cence,
— On Meath last,(Jourt Maitland,Cane.-
diau Ord , of Foresters, accompanied by
members o he courts situated in Belgrave,
Teeswater, . rnberry and Belmore, met
at the court ;•om and marched in a body
to the Methodes church, where seats in
the centre of b,; church were kept in
readiness for them;, The church was com•
pletely filled with ''resters, members of
the church and visite ,. The pastor, Rev
5 Sellery, M A, B D, oc •, pied the pulpit,
taking his text from Ma 7. 12, or the
"Golden Rule." The ser •' n was greatly
admired and praised by all • o heard it,
especially by strangers to e church.
After church, e Foresters F oresters' +nee more
formed ipto line and marched double
file, marshalled by Mr R Vanston; south
along Minnie street, then east alo• Pio.
thrift street and north along jos hire
street, drawing up in double file in fr ut of
their court room. '.Chose ocoupyiui= the
post of honor at the end of the line then
marched up , between the two 11. s of
Foresters, followe3 by the rest a - their
turitdame and tnarehing into th- coutt
room,' after which they dispersed their
several homes, all feeling that t short
time spent in church had not be spent
in vain.
Everybody Road.
Furniture has touched bottom. prices.
Now in the time to purchase. Anyone
wanting to start house or tofuntiish
rooms will fled it worth their while to
call at S Gracey's furniture wareroorni.
Goods direct from our largeinannfaactur-
ers here. No freight expense. Bedrootn
suits from $10.50 up, sideboards, loatigea,
parlor suits,- o■ a, ohrtatik,and Oil pie -
tures. Picture , ar•n ilsg it t ecia tyr at
G1t,r.v'S, Wingham.
WI-10LWI-10LE NO, .1.034
h Sabbath
ian Church of th'
sent a mase of book
bution amongst the
Northwest. Dr 3 >
tendert of •Nisei
acknowledges. t
"Your letter has
allow me to tha
School for the book;
to the 'West, Oar
time and I ahail t
and distribute t
may be expect
Books are alwa
as for illustrate,
devoured, Many
in winter and it is
we can hope to
morally and spiritu
—On Sunday e
Methodist churc
delivered a very
temperance serm
ence, His test
evils and the reme
out the amount o
the manufaotur-
thousands of me`,
the amountof mo
different nations
the large number
that fill druukar
sad misery all c.;
ly through liqu I,
was prohibitiou.
was to commence wi
(sate the people to,
perance, so whe
around we will s
once men to the r'
then, and not
prohibition. He
system wits a far
the liquor traffic
a mona
w sae le
yery few in the
force of his ergut;
ool of the Presbytere
town, it short time ago'
and papers for distrix
adieu Missions in the
obertsou, the Superine
�.a la the . North»West,
eir reoeipt as follows;
'net been received, and
you and your Sabbath
and papers forwarded
no meets in a short
e the case with me
e contents where they.
d to do the most good.
iu deinana with us, anti
papers, they are greedily
our Missions aro closed
ly by literature that
eep the people altye
Hing the pastor of the
, Rev 5 Seilery,M A,13 D,
orcible and interesting
u to a very lame audi-
s ""The liquox tS;'aflio,the
° y" He first pointed
grain thrown array in
of liquor; the time of
ost in its manufacture ;
ey squandered by the
the globe in liquor ;.
paupers; the number
a graves and the sorrow
sed directly or indirect-
The remedy he gave
e way to attain this
h the churohes.Edo-
he priuoiples of tem.,
election time .cornea
nd good, strong temper-
oneiuion Parliameut,and
1 then, will we get
s owed that the license
as far as checking
was concerned. The
did on
. h and
e tier
e e,
w ie
ougregation but felt the
tints, ,..
otic° to 'Contractors.
Wa ed, to Iet the contract of cutting
and rawing the cord wood and saw loss
off •f 50 to 100 tierce of land•in Turnberry.
Al.., a. few good o eu'wanted to work.
A . ply to Giro Tasoirsox,
Box•125, Wingham.
Ma ]3nzroD Life in this world is often
compared to a journey. In all journeys
there are r sting places, where the weary
traveller ay stop and be refreshed. In
ourjourne , gh life we meet with places
of this kind, m re or- less. They come to
us in different Napes. Mr Lithgow, the
popular Libras an of the Mechanics' In-
stiiute, of t s town, had the opportunity
of realising he idea' here intended, one
day this w ek, and the writer,,by mere
accident, ha . he pleasure of witnessing
the incid'eut. Lithgow, as iswell
known, takes grate interest in Sunday
school matters, a• . is au aetive•workeir in
the Presbyterian :.nudely School:,liete, and;
as a token of est 'sin as .well ad4si recogni-
tion of his vale: •le services, hes 'Was
the recipient of /: valuable and seesanable
present, consist ug of two suits of beautiful -
underolotbitig, the officers of the said
Sunday school. `•.� 'es Gordon, Miss Gray
and Mrs Friend, a a committee trade the
presentation—Mk Gordon, in her happy
style, conveying appropriate sentiments
from the Sund y School. Mr Lithgow
was quite taken ..; surprise,but the beams
ing countenance his olassieal face and
his thankful expre: 'on,showed how much
he appreciated th iudness of his donors.
faces of the la fes also,exhibited an
Tho fa
expression which '' °thing but such pram.
tical ants of tzindne:: can produce and I
am sure they fully •aalized the truth of
the statement "It f • more blessedto give
than to reoeive."—C''az.
Clubbing Raton.
The Wsetu e GLOOIx has been enlarged
from a twelve to a sixteen page paper. The
great ioereasc in size should have the
effect of greatly enlarging thesubscrzption..
Tim TIMES and Greet together, one year
for $1.75 ; balance of the present year frets
to new subscribers.
The WESTEEN Anvszarrsnn IS flintier
paper DOW than it. ever :bas been. It is
published twice as week at a very slight ad',
vane° ou former Coat. Tqe Vass and An.
vEirrts> n includingthepopnlat'sfiiteee-page
Wlvz s' AND DAuou'rixas, One year, for 52;
balance of year free to near inbscribers. Or
the Times and &evermor , one year, for .
$1.75 ; balance of year free to new snob.
—Sebearibers who not reoeive their
papers regularly will kindly snake the fact
known at the mots withot'tt delay, to that
any o'ersfght may be remadiad at Mute.