Wingham Times, 1891-10-23, Page 6• ngi�nmtimes. FRIDAY.. OCTOBER 23, 1.891. tarbolio Aoid as cure for :,anger. A lady in Germantown was suffering from cancer, whose odor was very die- agreeable. 'A soldier of the eiyil war Haid that by battling it with a diluted solution of carbolic acid the odor would. be removed, It Was tried and not only the odor was removed but the cancer itself. The lady's husband, a Quaker by the name of Johnston or Johnstone, in partnership with a Dr. Dorsey,on Market street,Philadelphia, flat into the newspaper , a paragraph saying a remedy for cancer was dish covered which be would explain to guy sufferer without charge.. In the course of a week two thousand letters *were received by him which he an» ,ewered, and it was followed by such a result, that he retired from the firm and devoted himself til gratuitously answering letters and treating the numerous eases—bat without charge— and if he is still alive he may do so still. The writer of this note wrote to him for a friend so afflicted. He re- replied that not only the dilation was applied outwardly, but, reduced ones half the streugth,administered inward ly—a few drops — given three or four times a day, and internal concers had been treated with marked slzecess, A saturated solution of carbolic acid, with five times its bulk of water, or stilt better, of glyeerine,added i1i a safe • dose, and effectual, The same medicine is used by many regular physicians of my acquaintance. all of whole were army physicians,and for summer complaints even of little childreu(the latter in very small doses), and inhaling the vapor of carbolic acid, also given for the purpose of destroy- ing the odor of a consumptive's expecs toration who seemed very neat= death, resulted in a cure, though the patient .previously seemed to be dying, The physician` who administered it with no idea of doing more than des troying the bad odor *was hiulself astonished at the result. I torgot his name,but he was the principal pllysic- 'ian in Elyria, ,O. The patient had been well for two years when I heard of the case, and saw the physician himself,wllo confirmed the story I had heard. The celebrated Dr; Simpson, of Edinburg, hearing of the cures of of cancer wrote and asked me for a physician's report of it. I wrote to Mr. Johnston, and he replied that he The coal was brought. The ypting lady lied brought it in Iter hand. Didn't it burn you my child? asked the father, i3'lty no, pupa. How could it ---it's dead ? oeurse it couldn't ; klut look at your band, Florence. Oh, papa, bow black my fingers are! I must: go and wash therm Wait a nloinettt, Flossie; here is a little lesson for you while you are washing them. It is this: Companion- ship with the wicked and worldly inay not necessarily burn you and destroy you, but ' it will certainly teal you. Remember all your lifetime what the apostle says : Evil communications corrupt good manners. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT Ansi PILLS• -- A cure for Abscesses, i?i.les, Fistula, .and Sores of every description. --The very satisfactory results arising from the use of this invaluable Ointment, when the patients have been suffering from any of the above disorders, have induced the Medical Profession to in- troduce it into the hospitals and their private practice,and in many instances where the sufferer was considered in- curable, Holloway's Ointment, in.con- junction with, his Pills, healed the most desperate cases. They are also unequalled for the cure of scrofula, scurvy, and all diseases of the skin, and the cures they effect are not tem- porary or imperfect,, for by their purifying powers they brigg about a marvellous and most beneficial change in the whole system, and enable it, with renovated powers, to resist the approach of all future attacks of the same disease, Deistlre 1d,eflectione, 1f you want to live long don't try to live more thane day at a time. Every base occupation snakes one sharp iii its practise and aull in every' other. People are generally what they are made by education and company be- tween the ages of 15 anti 25. ' We cannot °augtter fate and tleoes» stay, yet we can yield to thein in soul) a manner as to be greater than if we could. had nothing to do with physicians, on account of the way they insulted him upon the cases that he always made gratuitously. Dr. Simpson sent me his pamphlet --on the use of it for ulcers and wounds—with the request that I would send him regular physic- ians' reports of the internal adminstra tion of it for cancer. The miraculous effects of carbolic acid in oases of can- , cer is as an alternative. For internal application, oneaeighthl of an ounce oil the crystals mixed with a'quart of water, a teaspoonful three'times a day has proved safe and curative in terrible eases of "cancer. For external applica- tion, a quarter of an ounce of crystals to a quart of water.—Elizabeth P. Pea. body, in _Boston Transcript. seat just as we woman do when we /e Trg MIT (IMO see a mouse. In an instant my neigh. ISPFIILtSiIED- llet picked up the monster, very EVERY FRIDAY atOBNINGI, .deliberately made it into a coil and --AT THE --- placed it in her satchel, S4° told S'II°' TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET ed A snails : and jumped, onto the r"' ded not to be alarmed,, that it was a pet. The pet was. an African speoies,sc site told the gentleman behind her,five and a halt feet long. She had opened' tae eatcbel to give it air, and it hat orawl•' ed out without her knowledge, --Pitts- burgh Dispatch. An iodisoreet man is more hurtful than and iii natured one ; the latter attacks only his enemies --the ,other injures friends and foes alike. ° Whenever you find a great deal of gratitude in a poor man,you may take it for granted there would be as much. generosity if he were. a rich man. Great efforts from great motives is the best definition of a happy life. The Easiest labor is a burden to him who has no motive of performing it. There is nothing that has so much authority, and is entitled to so little, as custom,—it rules all the fools with a rod of iron, and threatens even the wise. • Nothing hinders the constant agree- ment of people who live together but vanity and selfishness. Let the spirit of humanity prevail with benevolence, and discord and disagreement would be bauished from the household. Never take into your confidence, or admit often into your company, any man who does not know, ensome im- portant subject, more than you do. Be his rank, be his virtues what they may, he will be a hiuderance to your pursuits and an obstruction to your greatness. Learn from' the earliest days to ina. sure your principles against the perils ridicule. .Let men call you mean, if you know you are just; hypocritical, if you are honestly religious pusil. laimous, if you feet you are firm. Resistanbe soon converts unprincipled wit into siniere respect, and no. after - time can tear from you those feelings which every man carries within him who has made a noble and successful exertion in a virtuous cause, 'unbearable Pain. Enna Srlu,--I suffered for three,days very severely from Summer Complaint, and could gets no relief, but kept getting worse until the pain was almost unbearable, and Onions for Diphtheria. Why don't they use onions ? 3iior goodness sake,, why don't they use onions ? Where do they live? I will go up there to -day and tell them to use onious ! Such were the exclama- tions of our mother when we reported yesterday at dinner that a child of Mr, G. W. Dudley was dead,and the whole family, including himself, alarmingly sick with, diphtheria. Mother was moved to these earnest and interested expressions by s a firm belief that she knows several lives saved by the use of onions ° ih diphtheria. In these cases raw onions were placed in a bandage and beaten into a pulp, the cloths, containing onions, juice and all, being then bound about the throat and Well up over the ears. Renewals may be made as often as the mass be- eotnes dry. In. the cases noticed the result was almost. magical , deadly I was very weak. After everything else pain yielding in a short time to sleepy tiVild $tawbarle DFowThe ii terdo. Extract gave ref comfort. We wish this - remedy might lief, and it did not fail to cure me. have a wide enough trial to fully test its usefulntss,—Danvers Mirror. He had been in Prison. An old whitewasher stood before the court as a witness. The lawyer for the defendant tried to confuse him. Yon are Friedrich Muller 1 Yes. Are you the Friedrich Mailer who was sentenced under mitigating sire cumstances for robbery 1 No, I and not that Muller. You are perhaps the Muller who was sentenced to two years imprison- ment for theft? • No, Tram not that Muller either. Were you ever in prison i Yes, twice. How long the first time ? A whole afternoon. ,A.0 afternoon ! And the time 1 You must make truthful state- ments, for you are sworn, If you were in prison for so short a time, what did you dol I only whitewashed a cell for a law- yer who cheated his clients.. The lawyer did not ask any more questions on that subject. second WWINGITAM, ONTARIO. Snbsoriptionprioe, Viper year,in attvanee ADVERTISING RATES: Space 1 yr. 1 0 Ino. 1 3 mo, 1 1 sue. Ono Column 800 00 536 00 520 00 I 50 00 Half " 36 00 20 00 12 00 ! b 00 Ono Inch I J0 6 00 13 0 12 00 i0t 7 00 16 00 1 1d0 For Many Years. VS ta Wilfred, Ont. Human. Discontent. A rich man of Boston has one son. WE have used Dr Fowler's Extract of He led him about and instructed him, Wild Strawberry for many years in he kept him as the apple theeye. our frmily and find it an exeelleat medicine p ppe of for all form of summer complaint. John The son became of age this summer. A Valens, Valens, Ont. Fowler's Wild The father has no other occupation Strawberry. Price 85c sold by alt dealers. Bad Colnipatij.. A young lady of sixteen, who had. been piously brought up, Was invited to a ptirty at which certain persons of undisguised infidel sentiments were expected to be present. Ile father bjeoted to her going. 1 llnow, .papa, she said, that they epeak ageinst the Bible and against Jesus 1 but rat cart be quite sure they will do mono harm. 1 can't help that; but I shall not allow theta to affoct isle itt the least. . lkdychild, saidV•the father, inventing an excuse for the sudden request, ruy work can't be interrupted ; I have need of a coal. Will you be kind elatough to fetch no ane Do you want a live; goal, papa? Nrs. csrre terms is d ad br rued out, save that of nursing his income, and Local and other casual advertisements, 80. per BIM for arse insertion, and 30. per lino or each subsequent insertion. Local notices 10e, per line for Irst insertion, and • 6o. per line for each subsequent 1 eOrticr No local notice will be charged less than 250. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed;Situnt�on9. True to His Motto. - She had yawned six times,loolted at the clock foinatiines, and pretended to be half asleep three times, but th young editor ivho was calling upon he, was so much in' love that he did no observe these manifestations of w.eari ness. At length she said,: Most newspapers have mottoes,hav they not11 Figs and Thistles. as he is a man of sense and liberal • Prom Ram's Ilorn. views ho told his eon that he must not No• fiddler evers gets tired of his stand idle, yet left him the choice of own music: When some leen pay their preacher they feel as though they were paying a gas bill. The man who does his best in the place he naw has is on his way to a better place. ,ludas was the last man who profes- sed sympathy for the poor to hide his own meanness. When you find anybody • who is do. ingmuchto help other people you find one who has suffered. The devil lives in the same house with the man who is always boasting about how moral he. is. The man who fives right himself is continually making unwritten laws that other people have to follow. There are too many people who claim to love God with all their hearts who Bell .potatoes in a small half. bushel. The 'l.1xuallWay. -f'"IIE naual way is -to neglect bad blood 1 until boils, bletcbes and sores make its ptescnoe forcibly !fnowe : Every wise person ought to be easeful to purify the blood, by using the best blood purifier and tonin, Burduek 1.31ood Bitters, its purify- ing power is ul ltivalied. Some have. Has yours one 2• Yes. What is it. We are here 0 stay. ]L could have sworn it was some thing of that kind, she said with s sigh, and the silence was resumed. To talk about charity beginning home is only another way of lettin people know, that we ate stingy. Worrying about things we can't hel s as foolish as to throw stones at ti sun when its shining doesn't suit yot The man who simply wants to 1 good enough to get to Heaven is nt the man the devil wastes any pow business or profession. At the same time he wrote privately to twenty- four friends and acquaintances. asking their advice in the matter. The twenty•fouriwere prominent, each in his own calling. And each replied in turn, complaining of his own business, and advising the father to seek else- where for the future prosperity of the young elan. The law was crowded, journalism brought bat little money, banking an uncertain prop, and so on through the catalogue. The father is still undecided and the boy is idle. And all because no one of the twenty= four is contented with his lot, while he admires the fortunes of other mien A Snake oh the Train: Last Saturday a friend and myself boarded the Philadelphia express (bound east) for Latrobe. There wits but few vacant seats. t found , one woman inclined to be 'selfish with her satchel and wraps pilled up beside her. I asked if the seat was engaged, and she said it was. I took one opposite, and. had just been fairly seated when there crawled out from beneath this woman's feet a huge snake, I scream. on. Plumduff--Has that charming wido any property 2 Ketchuin—Yes, cop siderable. Plumduff—Real estate personal? Ketchum—Mainly persons She has six children. Hunker (who wants to propose) - Miss Scadds, let us go out on tl porob. Shall. I get your wrap'1 Mi Scadds--Thanks, but J shan't need You might put on your overcoat, ho ever. Teacher ---What is a hypocrite. A person that says something th he does not believe. Wrong. Next. , A person that believes somethi that he does not say. Right. Frequent reference is made, says,t October number of Nitres and Dau ters, to the low moral tone of the p pie. Rut the reins of government ha ne ver been held by representatives the people. They,hfyve always b in the control of the represeutati of less than half the people. T general moral tone of more than n half the people of (Janada remains it has always been--law.abiding, g pel..abidinghonie-lo itig and human laving. But this reater half of manicy of which w speak is oorlipo of only women, ho have no m political imports il a than lunatics paapors, and Business thiances.,Y m1Leu, Inn nAucyuu,,i y ,.,,..o nonpareil, $1 ler month Houses andpor er subsequent mexceedionth lines, month, Farms These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, or for longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tran• sitory advertisements must bo paid in advance Ohangee for contraet advertisements must be in the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that weolc It, ELLIOTT PaoruntroP Are Manus e r t pjy- sen VCA ne. oa• hug led Li. gild ft�11. ¥ACDONALD, . JOSEPIIINE STREET, 1'is0ii M, • ONTARIO B. YOWLER, M,D.C.M., Y f . Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, —Coroner for County of Iruron— Office at "Taus Plummy ': . Winghain, Ont, OFFICE HCUR.9.-0 to 12, a. m., 1 to 0, p. m.. or at Residence, Diagonal Street. . P11. J. A. MELDRTIDI, L.7 Honor Graduate of Toronto (Adversity, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Besidenco—Cornerof Contre.and Patrick streets, formerly occupied 'by Dr, Bethune. \Vrneunah - - Orr 'l""'VANSTONE. lir. SOLICITOR, Etc., Eto Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rates interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm properti bought and sold. OFFICE—Beaver Block WiweuLnt, We • • ,• J A. MORTON • BARRISTER &c., • ' Wingham , Ontario AIj EYER & DICKINSON, ,- H. W. C. Maven Q. C. 1 E. L. DIOKINSON, B. A. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So Bolters for Bank of Hamilton, Conunissioners. for taking affidavits for Manitoba.. Farm, Town and. Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage security at 62 per cent. - Money invested for private persons, 'upon the boot mortgage securities without any expense to the i lender. Lands for sale in lilanitoba and the North -t west. • ' Office—Kent's Block Iringham.1 ---.1, , t TjENTISTRY.—J S. JEROME, wmanam, 1i r Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, n ''" Vulcanite plates of the bestmateriai til ° `�, as cheap as they can be got in the All warranted. Dominion. work Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric- p sty or Vegetable Vapor. Taxa Nomnois.—I will extract teeth for 26 cents e each.' OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the 1• Brunswick House. tiW In. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., ,r • DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCKP ,v Opposite the Queen's Hotel, wingham. - Will visit Corrie 1st and 3rd Mondays )i of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, . ' • — GENERAL 1NMJRANCE AGENT ,' le weleitA3f, • ONTAR SS it. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, w• •INSURANCE FIRE AND AIARSNF„ ,. GUELPH'. DEAN,41,., wlaiims, 1 at P• LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTS OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the ,Co. Charges n rgs Moderate. joalta Ct7RRIA, WxNailast, ONT., LIOENBim AtloTIONEER colt TUE Oot brit OF he, • UVRON. ,i All orders loft at the Tates office promptly attend 06 to. Terms reasonable. eo• Twig HENDERSON, ve LioiiSsso Aeerieffnan w POR Dosis$ /Innoto Atte Of Bnecx. All sales attended to proMptly and on the Slserte Notice. Charges Moderate and SatittaotfonGuaranteed. All necessary arrangements cab be made at th he Tins' office VI6afAat . ONTj „ • _. SS BOLTON se EAWIi;1Nd . * 11. t. Sc D.=' t Suavnieas Ann CIVIC E3nt 81E1 Ll6'tOWLtL AND WINGIlAt13• o .Ali orders left at the ctffce of the "rums will el cows prompt attention ..---•u . PhyEtiSON, re . BAtttrr 07 MOM! DIVISION COMM Thank or Ai/L- A„/1W TA Mli111 ANY w $ Blob apples wit no stains Cold sl better by flour over When doughnut large slice All the Ipotato. In bQttl' corks, and them into they are t ' foil from c oorks. w For cret 'bread an hot milk flour on This is de aularly tei The flit is greatly i it a piece $ alnut, a sley and • you may sprinkled 'If food one who c the regula oven'to dr set over 1 . separate c hot but 11 Hot c removed f are bake set them the air cal *actually steaming Goldwin Tupper in would agre dyspepsia, sob e, kion exists than family me Jellies in a dark have, no about the put away when yet for it ofte on the t --vide it an rotect it less hand in closet sheets 0 boxes—o tumblers set anot /storing t carefully this clot is a wise to cover piece of tie On a ADYICR T and broken crying with once and g Sup" for d. 18 immediatel mistake an, regulates t softens the tone and or elow'n Soo pleasant to the oldest the United throughout bottle. Be Seeming • The s school s strong) prayer meeting in the 1i of the 1 the wor its pro figure i Mations tle Bete sex for aspower t o tur from p' that po nese-- the fact ber of