HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-23, Page 5The Best Pla�o 011' Earlh to Buy Your FAIL and WIC 000IJ3$ The fiole W r! o � Wants to buy THEBESTIs our Bid for Your Businss. the Place to do that is at :El 0 `AT '111 1.1 irk been done with a view of offering you the best qualities Our Fall and Winter buying has tp closely inspect. our varied And. S. at the best' figures, And we invite all who are in need of a FIRST-CLASS SUIT pTOOK.OVE iOOATINGS, WORSTEDS N W ,.�..th EDS which we are prepared to make up in the very latest style and best workmanship, having improved our facilities for so doing. WE STILL LEAD IN GENT'S : U., NIS -: , such as Shirts of all kinds, Cuffs, 'Collars, Ties, Gloves, and all descriptions of Underwear, in fact, everything to make yon, comfortable. WTe art -9 also -1-- eadquar- ers for TRUNK AND V AL + s E S BOOTIN Y AND SHOE. DEPARTMENT1 OVR , you are especially interested, as you can find everything in that line, from the largest to the smallest sizes. We especially invite BOOTS, which wo are now introducing and which we feel satisfied will give entire satisfaction. Never before have we been able 3 to offer fio rention to and nets style of SEAMLESS ROOTS, fresh and pleasing styles in OVERSHOES, RUBBERS and FELT GOODS, which we have in endless variety and of the best quality, naively, the Goodyear Blond. d And And int ordeto meet the wants of all, we have a good stock of Hotine-made Men's Boots, and are prepared to make to order, on the shortest notice, that department being under the able manage-. ment of our old townstnan, JOSEPH RISDON, whose abilities in that line have become a household word,g In closing, we ask all and sundry to give us a call; as you will find the bottom knocked completely out of the big prices. WE WILL NOT 138 UNDERSOLD. REPAIRING, done in the latest style of the art and utmost despatch: • J, J. M UTH & N. 11—All Noi es and Accounts must be settled "by the first of December. We must have money to meet our obligations. Tlxrnberry. The heavy rain caught many of the fanners with their potatoes undug — Miss Pearl Stapleton eelebrated her sixteenth birthday, not long since, by having a number of her cousins to tea, --Quiltin,. s ars the order of the day now. One at Mrs George Wade's and one at Mrs Eli Elliott's gave testimony to the work of busy fingers. Two steam threshers are doing lively' work on the lOt}r this week, and the results are good, so say the farmers , but the potato rot threatens the loss Of the crup.,-=Mr John Porter, we un- derstand, has purchased the farm occupied by Mr Prior,—Will not the hunter in quest of game be !dna enough to distinguish between wild fowl and tame pigeons ? A number of the latter were shot this week.—If there is any truth in the old proverb: Plenty of beech -nuts indicate a cold winter, we may prepare for severe weather. --- Mr E ` Johnston, of Vancouver, B 0, is visiting friends in this part of the country, Will he return to the Western city alone l Lueknow. The Ladies' Aid Society have pro.. cured the services of Rev Jas Living- ston, of Listowel, to give his popular lecture on Imagination, in the Metho. dist church, on Tuesday evening, 27th inst.—The Canadian Order of Foresters met in their bail on Monday evening, when officers w ere elected for the next terra. --Mr John Mawhinney, of the 6th con of Ashfieid,met with a painful accident one day last week while putt- ing rafters on a barn. An axe which was left lying on the plate fell off,strilc• ing him on the top of the head and inflicting a dangerous and ghastly wound. For a time.it was thought he could not recovFr, but we are glad to say that he is much improved and , strong hopes are entertained for his. recovery, CAIN ONE POUND , A .Day. A GAIN OR A retort) A DAY IN TUE CASE ORA MAN WHO HAS BECOME "ALL BUN DOWN," AND NAS BEGUN TO TAKE IMMIEEMARKABLE MESH PkODUCER, SCOTT'S ENIOLSION OF PURE COC.LIVER 011. WEIR Bypophosphites of Lime & Soda IS NO'rlilNG tnitistrAL. 'PMIS PKAT HAS BEEN PERFORMED OVER AND OVER. AGAIN. PALATABLE AS MILK. EN. DORSED I3Y PHYSICIANS. ScoTt"S &Ntnto:us is PUT UP ONLir tN SALMON COLOR WRAPPERS, SOLD BY ALL DRUG. GISTS AT S5O�e. AND $t.O0► .SCOT` `&, 1?OWJ A, etlrr�ltrr, TENDERS WANTED.. The undersigned will receive tenders for the purchase of a _very Desirable Residence and Grounds IN WINGHAM, Up to Saturday, October 31,'91, on whioh date the property will be sold. For further particulars, apply to D. M. GORDON, Wingham, Ont. NOTICE, All parties indebted to William Kidd, either by note or book account, will please call and pay the same to me at once, as they have been placed in my hands for collection. JOHN NEELANDS. Wingham, June 18th 1891. NEW BUTCHER "(W. # GEO. SHAW Wishes tointimato to the people of Wingham and vicinity, that he has commenced the Butchering Business again, and has opened out hi the Old Stand a few doors North of the Brunswick House, , Where he will keep a fresh stock of BEEF, 'LAMB, PORK, And ther Ileo which he will sell cheap. Afeats delivered to any part of the town. rhe Patronage of the public elicited. GEO. SIIAW DRAIN Til ELL TT SRO Have on. hand at their b - yard, near t ¢ham, n targe stock of Tile from 2 to . inches, Por aining purposes. Farmers intending . . rain . their ands should call and see the stock and g rices, NOTICE. All parties indebted to E. R. Talbot, either by note or book account, will, please call and pay the same to me at once, as they have been placed in my hands for collection. JOHN NEELANDS. Wingham,, Jui40 7.8th, 3891. . ' RAY CA ' LE. Strayed fro., the show gro ads, Wing - ham, on Sept. 30th, apair 2 year old steers, one red and the other gra and a yearling oiler, red and white. Any perso giving any info nation of their whereabouts, will b suitably rewarde AMO IPLING, Con. - Turnberry, Winghatn P. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. EVERY WEEK. Montreal and Quebec, To Derry or Liverpool. CABIN, $40 to 560. According to Steamer and location of Stateroom. Intermediateand Steerage at low rates. NO Cet.TTLE CRRIED. STATE LINE. SERVICE Or ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK & GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. CABIN, „35 and upwards. Return, $85aind upwards. Steerage at low rates. Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, ldontreal, nr . HENRY DAVIS, WINGIuA g.. S. MURRAY WINGHAM FOUNDRY, MANUFACTURERS OF THE 00 Stoves � µ t.ves9 o es All intending purchasers" of Moves for this winter will save money by buying from D. SUTHERLAND. Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND GOOK S—'I'-O . to choose from . OYNTON HOT AIR FURNACES. Every stove guarenteed against breakage and to give complete satisfaction, These wood furnaces are the best in the market to -day, and will be sold at rock bottom prices. BRASS WOflN and FITTINGS, PIPING, &c. Mill n.d General Repairs attend- ed tterd-ed. to promptly. We beg t remind those indebted by Note or Book Account to settle the Same AV light delay, JAS. MURRAY & COt D. SUTHERLAND. Wingham; October 8th, 1891. Foes z g Busi g s College AND SHORTHAND INSTITUTE, London, Ont., Is 'without doubt the most Tumour -4n and PIOACrXCAL"institution in CANADA. GRADUATES- of both sexes ASStsTnn to good xsosrricn s,. Over fifty of last sea- son's students hi positions. CATALOGUE 141REE. L W. WESTERVELT, Principal. SALESl4IAN WANTED To take enders for 'Warranted NCES1 ttiY STOCK to be delivered in the spring. Agents starting NOW Can make big Salary, or Commission. Stock and Variety superior to anything heretofore ahipptt. Outfit and instructions furnished 1RtEE, Write at ON for terms to 1:. 0. GRAHAM, Nrnaxteys Ak, Toronto, Ont. Estray Sheep. strayed upon the premises of tho undersitrhed, Lot 4, sloth part, Concession 2, II'Line, Tutnberrv, The bwnnerueanhha a the June proeingtprcptr y and- paying expenses. J'OI0toe WE '.