HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-23, Page 3TEMP RANCE COLUMN'. commune DX TIM L W. 0, T. U. The Wtntex«i rtlikgxs, (A LESSON PBC% 11ATUI%k.) In wandering forth one bright sunny day, I walked by .1t murmuring stream, Which over the stones seemed to riple and'play, And eddy and: whirl like a butterfly gay, Round a flower in the sun's mellow gleam. And as I was gazing, a. dear little bird , From his nest in a cool, shady nook?, .And apretty, white lamb,wbose bleating I've heard, Came frisking along in a way gitite absurd, To drink at that clear shining brook. And then a great bull cane strolling along, . A.nd going in up to his knees, The water he quaffed, and in tones loud and strong,. He sent up his thanks to God, as a song, That was wafted away on the breeze. A horny -shelled beadle and long, gliding snake, ' Peeped out of the grass near the stream, And each seemed to say, as I noticed him take A place by the water his thirst to slake, That that was a drink for him, And a tiny, soft mouse from the corn. field hard by, Came creeping along on the ground, And looking to see that no clanger was nigh, Stepped on to a stone that appeared to IN dry, And sipped the bright waters around. A oatt horse next came with slow, heavy tread, And standing just under a tree, Adown to the water he loweredhis head, The Austrauan Commonwealth. And quite out aloud, without thinking, The Australian Commonwealth will « he results of using Thery re all water•drinkers, I see." Burdock Blood Bitters for diseases of the So children I ask that a lesson you'll stomach, liver, bowels and blood surpass learn, all expectations. Dyspepsia, headache, ?prom Nature's example, thus given, cured by B B B. biliousness, scrofula, etc, are promptly From wine and strong drink resolve ever Billy;Myers' mare is a vary danger, oua beast, She stops off gayly et fi,rat, but she is sore to kick up before you are through with her. The man who starts out on that beast is pretty sure to come borne on foot, if he .cones home at all,which is by ,11G means certain. Don't ride Billy Myers' Mare. --Selected. Mr. SeekerAren't you mistaken, Mrs. Mushmina, about your new boarder being a florist 1 Mrs. Mush- mind—Oh dear, no 1 Pur pastor in.. trodnued him here and assured nee at the time that he was a very conserve% tory fellow, Oh, Wftat a Copts WM you heed a warn, ? The liigual erhaps of the sur; Et pr till of that more errible disease on. ptiou. Ask your elves it you ottu aff• for the sake of sung 50o.,to ru e iris and de nothing. or it, We esu from a •erience that. bilob's Our . will cure yon cough. It eve fail CQN&UMri'ZQN CURED. An old physician, retired furan practise, haling e the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the f had placed in his hands by au Last indla nt istonary 8 speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bron. g (Mitis, Catarrh, Asthma and ull throat and Lung Alfeetions, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nen nus Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers hi thousands of eases, he has felt it his duty to snake ie lotiveavii nda desire to relieve humantsntldcinir,thls will sand free of charge, to all who. desire it, this reelpe, In German, _French or' English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W, A. Novss 850 Pc -vers Block Rochester, N, Y, . healthy man with a long face slanders God. People who can patiently bear snail trials will never break down under their great ones, —The Thins will be sent to new sub- scribers from now till the let of January, 1892, for 25 cents. • The bad thing about a little sir, is that it won't stay little.. A bell buoy' will ring, but cannot answer a ring, The devil has to work extra hard to get hold of, the children who have good mothers. • to turn. Drinking instead from the beautiful. burn, The water God sends us from Heauen. G'kildren's hracnd, It saved His Life: G>,rtrni;Drz;x.•--I can recommend Dr Fow- ler's Extract of Wild Str,wberry, for it saved my M. We have used it 1n.; our family when required ever since, and it never fails to cure all summer complaints. PBANCTS WALSH, Dalketh, Ont. Billy.Myer's Mai e. %One day Mr Hunt, the temperance lecturer, was ,snaking a hard' assault on rum •drining in a neighborhood where a dutch distiller named Billy .Myers, was a sort of kir.;. This man was present and continually interrupt- ed the speaker by saying in a loud voice :—Mr Hunt, money makes the mare go 1 At first this raised a laugh which Mr Hunt took its good nature. At last he stopped fora ' personal talk with his tormentor, and said :7 - Look here, Mr Myers, you say' that money Makes the mare go, and you mean that 1 lecture on . temperance tot money, don't yon 1 Yes, that is what 1 neari,Mr Hunt. Well, Mr Myers, you carry on a distillery, and you do it for money, don't you 1 • To be sure I do, Mr Hunt ; money mattes the mare go. And so,»Mr liiyerti, yon say I have a mare, and you have a mare, also ; suppose we trot them out together,and see how they compare The meeting was in a grovo,and the sharp lecturer knew a thing or two, and so the old distiller soon found out; for Mr Hunt pointed. to a youne fellow who'was quite drunk, and %vas steady- ing himself by a tree, and said : Mr Myers,who is that' young fellow ? The distiller started as if stung, aslie answered : • Thetis my son. Your son, is he, Mr Myers 1 He has been riding ypur mare,und got thrown, hasn't he ? And who is that young fellow sittw ing so drunk on that log out there?. The"distiller uttered an exclamation of real pain, as he said; That is my son tool; He is,is he, said Mr Hunt, 1 guess he has been riding your niare,also, and. she has kicked up and thrown Mini over her Lead, hasn't shot "your mare must be a vicious, dangerous bruit, isn't she, Mr Myers 1 .. The distiller could not stand in any longer,but said : Look here,Mr Hunt, I won't say another word if you wilt let me off. It is hard for people to enjoy ion very Inuell who keep both hands in their pockets. The difference : A. badly jammed u woman's hat Means beauty all the more ; A badly jammed up man's hat Means drunk the night before. Mrs Grubly—sty boardors have no right to growl at my vituals. Dumby --I am sure I don't. I had three years experience iu the army, f'La Grippe. "1la_Grippe" or tufiuenza can be quickly cured by the use of Wilson's Compound of Wild Cherry, the old reliable remedy for Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup,Colds, Coughs and other diseases of respiratory system- Wilson's Wild.,Cherry has beeu in use for many years and is highly recom- mended by all who know its virtues, Sold by. an prominent druggists. Just look at the tin soldier ! said one giddy young thing as the drum major passed by. He is not a till soldier,. said. the other. He is a brass band -it, 'Eddie, 1 wisht I wuz as fat as you, an I'd be happy. You only Jhink so. Us fat folks has our sorters, too, but they don't show, an' we don't get no symferty ! --The as wi a sent to new sub- scribers fro •. • ow ti the 1st of January, 1892, for 25 ee+ts., Small Son—Dot suit fit d it man awful tight. Dealer, --••1t vus a dight Vit, mein son.' Vy did you zell it so shoap, fodder? Oos I couldn't get it off mitout tearing it. DR. FOWLERS S •EXT: OF„d1 •WILD * TRPBERRi • i�ij CURES . HOI ERA. holeiraMorhus Ola I C - io.•- R A..M PS D IARRII YSENTE AND rALif,'SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND ft ACES OP `tHfr. BOWELS IT IS s PE AND RELIABLE 'FOR CHILD EN 0 • ADULTS. y t e A s v 1 $ 0 t e d p t c c b r 1 0 0 e 0 A R O Il n d s h Send for boots. Address M. V. LUB.ON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont, Au Men. oung. old, ur middle aged, who find heanselves nervous, week or exhaust d, who are broken down. from excess r overwork, resulting in many of the ollowing symptoms Mental depres ion, premature old age, lass of itality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the team, ennission, lack of energy, pain n the kidneys, headake, pimples on he face or body, itching or pecular ensation about the scrotun:, waisting 1 the organs, dizziness, specks before he eyes, twitching of the muscles, yelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, eposits in the urine, loss of will ower, tendernep of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire o sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, onstipation, dullness of hearing, loss f voice, desire for solitude, excite. ility of temper, sunken eyes sin, minded with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily ooking skin, eta., aro all symptoms f nervous debility that led to isanity nd dead useless cures. The spring 1' vital power having lost its tension very function wanes in consequence. host, who through abuse committed n ignorance may be pertnanentely tired. end your address for book n all diseases peculiar to man. ddrees M. T. LUBAN, 50 Front St. Toronto, Ont. Books sent free ealed, Heart disease, the symptoms f which are faint spells, purple lips, unibuess, palpitation, skip beats, at flushes, rush of blood to the head, ull pain in the , heart with beats trop;;, rapid and irregular, the second eart !peat quicker -than the first, pain boat the breast bone, etc., can ositively be cured., No cure, no pay. C. P. 11. TIIVIL TABLE. Trains arrive and depart as follows: SNAVINo Ammo 2:00 a. in .For Toronto 5.85 a. in, l0 0. iPar Tceswater 2:00 P• .(n p. in ` 10:85 GRA braD TitztrivK Rvm-tt A. C. BTRATHDEE, Aosnr, Wnouau. Through tickets to all points in America—North. West, Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to ail points. ----TIME, TAa3LE. LEAVE WINGIIADt. AilluVlf AT 1VING1tADl. 0:30 a.m,Toronto, Guelph,Palmerston, &c. 8:31 p.m. 11:10 10:20 3:20 p.ni." ” Clinton, u 7:35 " Palmorston, Mixed.,,, •.10:35 a.m. 5:45 a.m...., ......London, &c 11:00 3:20 m, �' 11:103m,.....,. Kincardine, &a ,, . 7:80 1.1:10 321 p.m ,. 11:10 " 1010 5....10 p.m Mama, AMMItaiiMiniiilai101101,1111111.111111, .NOTICE. T A. MILLS, having disposed of lois stock of general goods to George E, hin =, hereby notifies all persons indebted to him that all accounts must bo paid at once. ITingham, September l th,1891. T. A. MILLS, Property ror Sale in Delmore, The undersigned offers for sale a desirable pro perty in the village of Bohnere, consisting' of a good dwelling house, office, stable and driving' shed, with one acre and ti -half of land in connection Splendid garden, with all sorts of fruit trees Will be sold at a bargain. Per particulars, apply to FREDERICIt Coal:, Beltnore. BANK OF X 1.MXLTON, WINGHA1VI. Capital, $1,800,000. Rest, $600,000. President—Dons SrbAa'r. Vice-President—A, G. AADS('. DIRECTORS Ions PRb0rnit, OIIA$, GoRNEr, Gsli ROACJJr A. T Wow, A. B. Lsk (Toronto). Cashier—S.'TCENI CULL. Rastinfrt Bank—Hours, 10 to 3 p Saturdays,l0 to 1. Deposits of 31 and Upwards received and interest 'allowed. Special Depobits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts ori Great Ilrltaih and the United State§ bought and Sold 73. WILLSON, Aol.NT. 1111 Y.11.E & DXC.IfTNsON, Solicitors. 0 he i u VatI+il1Tf,.t Please !nfotri 'Dar rea. `rd that t have tt pOsitives rem r. $pito union, use tr ,.hands o rilpeldss cases Larne been pe d to send two bottles of my re dy FREE 4.0 any ofou on if they wiwillset up me their. Hit as and Post 101�e s M.l , tea Whitt Atae,l S itis 'TORONTO* 14NTA oRE4i t�i►R�a e. for the above rat .entlyrcured . 1 r vee. a who Itat,o r•. Addres . ItesPpCtreiif R .,. WINGHAM FLOURING MINS The undersigned wish ro tender their best thanks for tho liberalatronage given to our arm during scveralyears prior to the burning of our mill by in condlarisln, During the i. est season we have re ntoddcllcd the town mill to the latest approved sys. tem of tiuugarlan Roller Process loll ling. Ave be Kevewecan now give better accommodation than evgrbe(ore. We infer Prompt; Dispatch, Fair Returns, QUALITY SBQOND' 70 NONE IN'1'H'S SECTION. And by close personal attentj.m to the business hope to be again favt,red with a trial by all old friends and many now ones, Yours most respectfully, 'SUTTON & CARR, Winmhiun 511D, .Oct 20, 1b80. TOSEPI3 COWAN, f Crrtrr. 9cu Div. Cotler, Co, Hinton, AUCTIONEEIB, ISSUES. OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Co3nussxo;lan IE H. 0. J., .biro. • VInoxETnn, Orr. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALL Tho undersigned offers for•sale a cottage contalr: ing seven rooms, and two-fifths of an acre of laud, situated on a corner of Patrick and Carling streets Wingham. Good roller, woodshed and hard and soft water. l rparticulars, apply to the owner, near the pro erty. D. I11'aItINLAY, BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. IifeLaucuraN & 11Anon Having purchased the Custom Business of Messrs hlcCarniicic & Co, wish to Intimate that they have opened out in the than two doors south of T A 31111s Store, Wingham. Boots and Shoes made to order from the hest Stook on short notice. ?Repairing neatly and promptly done. The patronage of the public solicited, and all work guaranteed. MCLAUORLIN & IlAUGE J. GOLLEY, , VETERINARY SURGEON. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Also Graduate of Dentistry School, Toronto is pre. Fared to treat all 'Diseases of Domesticate Animals rn the latest scientific manner. Calls promptly attended to. Office and Infirmary' RIDD'S OLD STAND, winghani Callers by night will find hint at t1 office. Beautify Your Homes JAS, H. FRIEND, Late of Hamilton and Paris,. HOUSE, SiGN AND ORNAMEN- TAL PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, FRESCOER, &C. Would take this opportunity of inforinuig the citizens o[ Wingham and surrounding country that haling had large experience in pity work, he is prepared to do Alabastining, Kalsomining and Wall Papering in the latest approved styles of plain and decorative work. Churches, Halls or other public or private buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Designs at moderate rates. Graining in Walnut, Oak, Bi.•rd's Eye Ma- , pie, c&c., a Specialty. • All orders entrusted to my care done with neatness and des;iateh. Orders left at her. ?Ross' Bookstore will receive prompt attention. JAS. H. FEIENI . Wingham, April Brd, . A pamphlet of Information and ab- stract of the lawn, showing How to Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trude Marks, Copyrights, sent free .� Address MUNN & CO -j' 361 Broadlvay, New York. Y rh HALSTED & SCOTT Josephine Street - - • • • - Wingham, Ont. .1. A. IIAtsren, � &fount Forest. -An,.r. J. W. Scott, Listowel Deposits Received alta Interest flowed, Mousy Advanced to'arrners d Business 1Vleri, On tong or short time, on endorsdd notes or collateral security. ' bale notes brought at a fair valuation, Mousy remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges, S1lofwial Attention Given to Cel.- looting .Assnottnts and Notes, .Agents in Canattq—Mins 11%0o11anta' Malik of Canaan, Mee ,troura—Pram .0 01. to a p. (13 A. V, SMIq'1 , dg. MATTHEW AMBLER ABNEi$S M . R, has on hand a largo stock of i'IORSE IiT,ANKI:TS, CLiltitvCOUBS, illiUSH_ S,. Wfl1I S, TitUNKS VALISES etc,. Which will be sold at bottom price,. IIAIlNESS, double or single; made to order on short notice, and satisfacation guaranteed. R3`l'A call solicited. SHOP—Opposite the Bank of Itamiiton. bIATTIita V AMBLER, Wingham, Feb. &th, 1800. West ¶co!ot Wowish to Inform the public that re have these woolen Mills in A 1 running order, and will this Season giro special attention to CUSTOIVI WORK in all its bianehes,and will keep in stock a' class of first-class goods, such as Tweeds, Flannels, Etoffs, lankets, Sheetinrgs, Stocking Yarns, 66c., &C.; , (made from pure wool only) cheap for oast, or ex- change for Vol. Customers from a distance can have their rolls home with them the same day. idniighest market pricoin cash for Merchantable Wool. Ct'eat INGL1S d: OO'Y., Wingham JITY RTAUANT for P:C.NE APPLES, ORANGES; LEMONS, BANANAS, TOMATOES, FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, CONFECTIONERY ALL KINDS ., ALMOND NUTS, WALNUTS, , PEA NUTS. FANCY BISCUIT OF ALL KINDS: • A Large Stock of Canned Goods TO 'VI ATO :s , PEAS, ,COBS, SALMON, LOBSTER, CHICKEN, TURKEY',' CONDENSED `COFFEE, CANNED FIGS FEET. :1'IEEWORKS 01! ALL. KINDS. R.IILLL. LOOK HERE! 1 have in stuck a tuft line of FLY NETS, WHIP'S, BRUSHES, GURY OON'ES.&C RNESI double and single, light or hbavy, made to order, in the latest styles slid of the belt material. 1 TIVO N1tS, VALIBL's, HAND D TGS, 4 in stock and win be 'seta cheap. Rogalring-neatly awe promptly dome Tho patronage of the public solicited, and aatistad on in work and material guaranteed,. it3'Shop--One door south of T. A. Mills' gore. O..L1.NEOR.L EL , Juno 1Ji, 1801•