HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-23, Page 1e
VOL., XX -- 0.40
We are reaping the benefit of our pickingg
and choosing of some three or toli'r
Months ago. We are never so pleased as
when the store is crowded with cu
tourers, and that is the way it is just noW
from morning until evening. There can
be only one reason for all this, and that
is, that we've got the goods you want,and
better still, at prices that are right, You
come and see how far we will spread a
dollar out for you. You know this store's
method of doing business by this time.
We make it a point never to deceive you,
'and this we will always stick to. You're
wanting a new Jacket, Wrap or Shawl,
maybe. We are showing some beautiful
Shawls and Wraps and elegant goods in
Street Jackets, latest designs and outs;
*Of we will fit you with a regular tailor-
made garment, fit guaranteed every time.
Now is the time mothers are looking
after the little ones feet. See our Hosiery
and Boots that are dependable. • ,
We are showing satisfactory lines in
Ladies' and Misses' Underwear, all sizes;
garments THAT WILL Noe-HR1Nic. That
means a lot, don't it ?
—A. fresh stook of confectionery at the
Sta ' estfiurant. JAs MollEj+vre.
-Workm n are busy laying the elate
oof on the ne. Bank of Hamilton this
week, The bui 'ng will be a very hand-
some structure wh n completed.
--Half a ton of Pelee Island grape just
arrived at the Eclipse restaurant.
T 0 femme,
Mummer Osunon,Wl cuter .—BevS See
lery, B D, Paatoe. Services every Sabbath
at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sabbath eohool and
Bible Class ab 2.30 p m. General Prayer
meeting every Wednesday evening at 7.30
o'clock, Young People's Prayer Meeting
every Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock,
Suuday Oot 25th, morning subject, Annual
Sermon. to Foresters. Evening subject,
"The Liquor Traffic, the evils and the
—Saving bought out T A Mills' business,
I respectfully solicit from the tnhabitante
of Wingham and vicinity an inspection of
my stock. Respectfully yours,
GEo k,.iiiNo.
Direot Importers.
The BEAR, botober 15th, 1891...,
' —Cash for good butter and eggs at A
Gr am's, Market Grocery. >.
—An assembl was held in the new
• .Temperaace Hall, n Wed
of this ` week,' by the young people of
—Two pea c
nee• ' A'pply't'
*e- *The
town ivia a tt
'Mr H W O Me
Large, the contr
ete -i —Fresh bulk oysters, just arrived, at
the o111 reliable Star Iiestuaraut.
JAB MoliEnvu .
t make).
E. C. D
wanted at
inley, of Listowel,- is in
to the carpenter work on
is brick block,. for MrJ
ctor. •
',`The Meyeil
this tow
:The stonework
week and a'consi
-1f yoar watch or clock needs repairing,
go to W h Wallace, watchmaker and
jeweler. next door to post oUloe,
Avonfirst money against
sp Mitchell on Friday of Elliott, of the Theo
Bayed in Listowel, ..
Mills' business of Brussels, spent Sart•
ejnhabitauts in town.,Sheriff Bowles
t5spectiou of, spent Sunday in tow.
ul y yours,
GEo E 1:Irac. Robert Wilson, Mao
have removed to W'
will make their bo
good workman..Mr
of this town, left on
a trip to the Old Count
Knechtel returned thi
weeks' visit to Londe
erioh and C Jobb s
..Mr John. Ferro
Sunday in town..
*berry left on M
Dater, British Coln
Oliver's Della
last week..
—having bought out T
I respectfully solicit
of.Wingham and vici
my stook. 1i
WI m:Luc.—W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser-
vices each Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Sabbath Sohuol at close of Morning Ser-
vice. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
at 7.30 p, m. Seats free. Strangers wel-
come, on Sabbath, October 25th. Morn-
ing Subject, "Is Gpd knowable?" To
young people, "Why should we obey our
parents 2" Evening subject, "Prison
—Stent boy wanted to learn turning, at
the .Chair Factory. BUTTON &. FEasANT.
block,,in course of erec-
ts progressing rapidly.
ill be oompleted this
hirable amount of brick
w kdone.
SATunnAV NIOTIT.--Kid Gloves 50 cents,
Gesits Ties 25 bents, Fancy Handkerchiefs
5'cejits, Sils3 :t3.audkerchieis 25 ceuts, at,
M H Molemoo's.
—Membere,. f the Mechanics' Institute
wieeef ndlybear'n„mind that all books
rnueti• be return to the library by. the
last. day in Octebe
W LI cow,
-.-Fie/et-class: Georgian Bey Shingles
and Lath, for sale, cheap, at McLean &
Son's saw Mills, Wingham,
Seaforth Expositor:
Wingham, was in tow
was the guest of the
=A, special
Council of Hu
for the purpose`
other business.
reeve, 50 in all,
county treasurer, f
of the Crown,were
d sale of.hrst e
stock steers ,a>
lot 1, eon 7,14
30th, 1.$O1r +yete1
Meeting of the County
uveas called on Tuesday
Qf appointing a clerk and
very reeve and deputy
present.. Dr Holmes,
d D.McDonaid,clerk
pointed ,scrutineers.
O.midst great, exoi ement .the council
succeeded on the 44
ing Wm Lane, th
Ashfield, to be cou
report of the procee
next week..
t t B
—rhe old reliable Star re s a
still taking the lead. . JAs 11f0KEI.vIE.
—Some of
respondence ha
this week's issue
iss ,,Meyer, of 1
this week, She
isses Brine .,'I B
and id Bond, Sun -
'ss Edith: Amour,
ay with friends
of Orangeville,
, Brussels Post:
with, and family
gham where they
Wilson i a
d Mrs Win Snell,
day_ morning on
rs Charles
week from a two
Masters A Gitg-
Sunday in Blyth.
of Bluevale, spent
rs Geo Barrett, of
day for New West-
a Bluuvale and other cor-
been.' crowded out of
1yt. will appear next
I have a large number of fine two year
old steers for feeding purposes, and far%
niers wanting the seine would do well to
call on me at once, asIintend selling them
all oft': D STEw6nr,
°tittle Buyer,. Wingham.
, —.The name f' SaneuelGracey appeare
as appellant in number of the notj,r
to strike certain ' nines off the vo'£e
Wingham at the court
d inst. This was an
kgs not the appellan
ad nothing to
e against
rem; Clerk.
list of the town o
held here on the
error as Mr Gracey
and so far as I know
with the appeals m
voters' list. J B En
ballot• in appoint-
township clerk of
y clerk, A. full
Pings will be given
—The Domin
busy this week
the various etree
street corners and. rel
Thee council.' have
leave tOdintr,Up the
n Numbering Co are
ailing up the names of
'of our town, on the
mbering the houses.
wen the company
eet boards. The
--Mr W J Johuston has opened a new
custom tailoring establishment, one doer
north of D Sutherland's stove and tin
shop, and is now prepared to give the citi-
zens of Wingham and surrounding country
satisfaction in every thing that may be
intrusted 4o his care. Criatmakers wante;l
at once.
—The Tor
trial of A J''(
and his cells
a fine file in
made of hick
t h d outsid
key; two sma
soles of his sho
in the stool of t
were found, it is
nto globe .says thatafter the
cnover, the sheriff had him
ohed.. There were found
ii spectacle case, a key
which readily opened
of the gaol, also an iron
1 .saws were found in the
I1 and a silver plated -knife
e vault. When these
aid,that he broke down
and cried. He aid, he intended to make
his escape that n ht. Some of the, bars
pf the cell were sawed or partially sawed.
off. • ¢r.
—Having -bought out r A Mills' business,
I respectfully solicit from the inhabitants
of Wingham and vicinity an inspection of
my stock. Respectfully yours,
pro E KING.
company doeft drat itously. The nuni-
bersou the,rouses ar paid for by. the
owners•'. eAt is not co ulsory for any pri-
vate resident to hay his property Mem-
bered,but for the littl that ).twill cost,all
should have their hon s numbered. It
will be• a great .conven'enoe: to strangers
when visiting our "tow as well as those
residing in lists.
,T` R trains for Toronto and east
leage Wingliain at 6.30 a m and 11.10 a m
via W_ G & 13 Division, and .at 6.45 a m
end 8,20 p m,via . Clinton and Guelph.'
Good connections by all trains.'
Accident to Dr.
Quite a serious a
our townsman, Dr
East Huron, on Saturday
1£e was driving along the
of East Wawanosh, about fiv
Wingham; when one of the
came off. the buggy. The
driving ;being young an
away, throwing: the Dr
on to the reins for some
wally let go, after bein
eiderable distance. He
1y° afterwards by a Mr
of whose farm the a
Johnston had him
deuce and made
Bible, while word
assistance. A num
immediately left to gi
they could and upon
found that his left 1
his other' injuries not serious. He was
conveyed to his r:sidence the same even-
ing and is now d ing as well as possible.
This is the third ti • e the Dr has had the
misfortune to liav = tile'1* lrblsetf#1'the
same place. We lope soon to see film
about .:,gain.
acdonald. M. P.
dent happened to
o.ild, M P for
afternoon last.
miles from
ont wheels
orse he was
spirited, ran
out. He held
time, but'event•
dragged a con-
aefonnd short-
ohnaton, in front
ident happened.Mr
onveyed to his resi-
as comfortable as pos-
as sent to town for
er of our doctors
e what assistance
xamination it was
g was broken, and
—The Public Sohot board held their
regular monthly m4eting on Tuesday
The teachers wertf
ming year, and•
law passed some
were raise $15 in
tion of the prin-
cted the chair -
t offiee1 to have
with regitrd to
salami; also to
tdive the reports
sstion, examined
rget A. Gemmill's: auction 'evening of last week.
es two and three,year clef, •all re-engaged for the
other valuable stoekjp F qn accordance with e by
.nberry, on Friday, Oct years ago, their;&eerie
Deane, Auctioneer.: all cases, with theecce
oipal. The board inetr
man to notify the true
the law rigidly enforce
attendance of children
notify the principal to
of the prolilotion exairi
and to- change as h may' see fit, the
teachers from one depa built to another,
A fresh stook of Wa soi`bitgb Drops,
jusj( 'received et tlie•Star ltost.ruraub,
• —WANTED --To correspe with sonn,
young lady under 22, with -: a object o
matrimony in view. Must a good look-
ing acid well educated. All letters ad- ,
lames One),
dressed to Be Earl. tizE ,
Wingham, will°: be foreva ded to their
destination. k
Co, of Wingbam,aud1,•Ir 6 improvement
it is over the old wood vee that used to
heat this hall be tim • at. All this has
been done at no s•• expense, but the
company have the • easure of knowing
that they have one.o the finest and best
equipped entertain.men halls in this part
of the province, The has, been rented
So far to the following q gas as permanent
tenants;-Indepen•-v. Order of Good
Templars, Royal T tars of Temperance
and the Sons o' S Oland, The cbargee
for rental are e tremely moderate and*
certaiu class wi rent this hall that don't
feel able to pay 6.price .dereanded for a
more commodious building^
The regular uiifor
ivation of the pupils
was held en Thursd
week. The paper
County Inspecto
was necessary t obtain 30 per cent on
d 50 pe'cent ou the aggre-
e. higher Lass. The follow -
ea of t, a promoted. The
in the order of merit:
enth dept, (part It ---
e Montgomery, Emmis
Sellery.Harry Sey ert, Johnnie Doubledee,
Roy MaOlymont ;George Saddler; Willie
Ferguson, Geer e Ainbler,;Mel Simpson,
Bella Taylor, ' elle Grabey Mary Martin,
Bettie Hol •• es, Chu lie• :;Jobb, ,Johnnie
ie Dawson, Lillie • Melvin,
z, nation.
promotion exalt.
f the Peblio School
y and Friday of last
were prepared by the
and the Principal. It
each subject a
gate to pass t
ing is the u
names are arrang
From eighth to se
Emmie Miller,Jen
--Cigars and' Tee i3reaiu& at the Eclipse
restaurant. Also, tionfedtiottery of all
kinds. '
Strs§ P)uh 1, Rent Estate Agent, of
th4e"tc ell'ehtie 1d through his agency,
- art of late .1, n d; 2, on Shuter street
west,`' ;MFs Helps; ale° sold \its Helps'
late reSidenl:e on line street to Mrs
--Great bargains at Dore's Carriage Vac,
tory to elem. out the balauce df buggies on
„hand to make room ter cutters and sleighs,
also, 0, lee tee cetre fine one :lad two setae
road catts, to Ile sold at bottom prices.
early pkai
stand, opposite the Ex hange Hotel,.
Wingham, Ont.
liens, of Texas,•wbo is in
V. the extradition caste
• tt, received veord train
Kaneaa tbE A Conover, of, this town,
has been 'obiiyiot•'a there of forgery.
a There were, it is s ' .3' eeees against
him, and ho was ba: avictod on the first
one for which he wad:,' ted :.The judge
sentenced hint to hull - year*, imprieon-
nient. •
.•-Haviarg Opened.. 'Oust in tailoring ea*
Of D llutliarlaliti's At0V13 and trnshop :I beg be devoted to ardth
creme prose
against ; i Gar
3AB McKEr vla..
—The social in the. Methodist parsou-
age, nn. Pride eight last; .under the
auspices of the La 'es'. Aid Society, was a
grand success and very part et the ro-
gramme was'splen idly carried ou The
musical. part of the 'rogramine w s well
rendered, there bein `instrumental solos
by the Misses: Sparl ug slid Miss Holmes.
The orchestra of tie Methodist Church
Sabbath School gav leve rel fine Beier-
tions; Mr 5 Grac gave a reading and
Miss Sellory, a' re lotion, There were
;Oleo games and othe entertainment for
thoee who wished t take part i1 thern.,
The attendatl
tablishmeut us tinete'W0, c e door notch reeds wore very sat).
To the Editor of the 1
Dnee SIR,—Sind
your columns to re
hearty thanks to
contributed. (thro gh the lecture given
by Rev Wm Sinolai to the sum sent me
by Mr W J Chap' an, $61.15. While
memory holds its t ace,i shall not foceet
your kindness in . is my time of need.
"Inasmuch as ye h • . done it unto rile
of the least of these,m, brethren,ye halve
done it unto me.” ' ours, gratefull:
JW KEri.Y.
'tigham Times,
allow nee space in
rn. my sincere and
he many friends who
Wingham, Oct ` 0, e `i 1.
Everybody Read.'
L'urki,tu{e has touched• bottom prig's.
Now is the time to purchase. Anyct,e
wanting to;- start; house:` or to furni:'h
rooms will find it worth their while to
call at S-Graderb furniture wareroonis.
Goods direct fi'our large manufacti.r-
era here. No
suits from $t
pavior sm.
e wastarge and the pro-
factory, and are to
erection of a wocid-
,eight expense. Bedro: in
.50 up, sideboards, loling: s,
, chairs, ohromo and oil pio-
tures.'. inure training a specialty ^at
The new Temper
was formally open
of last week, wb'e
delivered his. famoi
ausp'cets of Anchor
T. a intended givin
sK all
i do 0
laid aside to give roo
will have to take our
past, when Wingha
as this hall was the
School. In the pours
too small. and was the
for a public hall. As the
and our population increasi
found to' be of insufficient s
number of people who woul
at entertainments, socials
etc. Our towu fathers, li
the case, went to work
magnificent struct1ire•.whi
as a town hall and offere
sale. It was then that 'a
enterprising temperance
themselves half dioapped
had to pat for a piece
public meet ugs, conceive
coring this 1'uiiding and
for the to iuperance•
capital idea, and shp
patsy was formed at
with a will. They pr
•ou 1.3&ward street and b
removed upon, it, an
ninths, it would be a
a person gifted with t
of observation to rec
temperance hall of
house of the past./
struck with the beauty c
in; four ineandeseen
illuminate the. inside n10
shoving that the oilier
been papered ; the
ee Hall.
nee Hall, in this town,
d on Tuesday evening
O5nduotor W It Snider
1 lecture, under the
o : ope Lodge, I C G
our. readers a de-
st week, but it was
for prize lists. We
enders away into the
was in its infancy,
='built for a Public
of time it became.
sold to the twin
ears rolled on,
it was again
e to hold the.
gather there
ding this to be
and built that
is now used
the old one for
number of our
iti zens, finding
y t1 price they
u which to hold
the idea of pro.
eying it refitted
eople. it was e
y a joint stock cow
they went to work
ured a vaoaut lot niaineree, BeiIs. liamilt
a the old building noes, vary Sheers, wi Ore
now, after several Vote era to end deet ( kl to 4th book)--charue
beer Moore, tone mete
guize iu the beautiful
°et itnpossible foe Fess,
Thompson, Robert Dalt %Joint Adams, Ada Olinc.
demon, WHOM Lose% , noes Joenston, micron
e most acute powers
o.day the ola school What Watson, Sadie el rad% Willie Showers.
on euterirtg, oue is —Iler W 0 Meyer, or this Iowa, pule
everything with- °hoed a very hands° e rex Terrier deg
proprletor,of the
's natte is "Arden
neither (Olt A
&KOBE 6053)
1 the celebrated
claim that he is
betAt•lored Vet
opt ;,„‘Ehe smooth
401%," owned by
from the Woe
Tiger at Large,
Copied /rout Tomato 2blegront aRd Nem.
Vie new breech. of tem iutroducee in
Toronto is bombing in a way most encour-
aging to those handliug it, lint only foe the
pautity that is being used but for the
satisfaceion it gives the consumer, This
is the popular brand of tea thse was eerved
free At Rebineen'e rnusee for a week at the
Greitite Rink der* dm el, E. A. and et
the geocery•stores where it is handlee
Robinson, L
Lizzie Gilchrist, tier "+ Wellwood, Lillie
Sherk, flora Flaeaga , Francis Pearce,
May Fields,Sarah Mc ullbn,:Mlaud Hanna,
Etta Curry, Fred Ra y.
From seventh to .ixth dept (pact II) -•-
Willie Rogers, .r iarlie Walt+ouee Oliver
Jenkins, Ethel M sgrove,Arthut Mcllwa n,
Una Button, M: ry Begley, Erskine lenge
set, Bert Putte'1•= • n, Norina Clegg, Stella,
Waite, Jeanie Ha ').ton,. Clifford, Kirk,
Ernie Bettou, Will 'Holmes, Robbie
Manuel, Jeanie Mono , Morris Ross, John
Lamout, Gerauce H ria, Jessie Granueit,
Kopp, Hetti Ferguson,
M Oliver. pa"2nd a uc1"boo)r iii"eiatb dept
Fro p
--Maggie" Smith, ! aggie Kennedy, Victor
Jermyn, Ida Coo , Willie Fields, Jimmy
Dcubledee,Emma ; attison,a ennie Murray,
Charlie Moore, Je. ie 141itcbell, Helena
Alien, May Pattison, illie Aikens, Bina
From"sixth to fjft dept (2nd jr to middle.
2nd} • --Bettie Ross, Annie Ritchie, l Iellfe'
Ross, Gladys Hisao . s, David Graham,
Harry Heesion,Lillie t alton,PeterFisher,
Gracie Martin, Jo; a Kormann, John
Reading, Della Old Id, Ethel Brar,Lottie
Elliott, Etta Ker •, Edgargil'IcC•uire, Roy
Gorden), Alexander Coutts, '.Gena Robert-
son, Nellie Murray, ilber Bullard, Sadie
Greon, Charlie Johnst n, Josie Stewart,
Willie Lamont, Lorn Jerome, Fergus
Deemer, Harry r,arr, alter Bell.
Frain fifth to fourtl dept (2nd' to Srd
book) --Annie Endes, s iunie Rose, Frank
Foster, Willie Orr, la "Kinsman, Maggie
Collins, Morton M rtou, • John Pearen,
Eunice Mutton, Ma gig Bisbee, Lerma
Hill, Arabel Jobb, a beetle'$tephenson, •
Bert Chapman, Janet atson,Jennie Bar-
ber, Willie Kerr. M' ton Benner, Nellie
Brock, Harry Shaw a arthaBegt,Matel
Mitchell, Bert Id lymout; 'Sam `,3ma11,.
Minnie McLaren.'
.From fourtli to.
ird dept (ard jr to 3rd
sr)—Edith Itistlet Charlie Kerr, Harry
Haines, Stellapedi
,EMEL 11.00
cone, Aeries Manipine,
lava Coed, Frankie
ush, James Oreig, Ada
n, Fred rilantone, Moe
eleetric lights
a, few days ago from th
Arden Fox Terrier
gala walla hiwe Preset:et, of Toronto.
and the last introductieu this enterprising painted and grained ; the Ogee has been "a) eirea bY l'aPPer (4)
served in ali the refreshment stands in the eceu • a 13:10Si beaUti al 'drop eurteau, th IC It A 1116) and out
scene open the eurtm hi eAthens," from
Mr Meyer tam tow email
sides their eXhibit in the first gallery that , ,
oAtracted eo moll attention they had it
main buildltia as well as iii several on the the brush of the scene! Meter, Mr 4 Pen- the Omer of one ef t
gr.411(14' * '"' "e "rtuAll tile Tiger breed- sou, of the'Gratid,Op re Rouse, Termite, Teriiers in North AMC
sired by Siffolk Coronet
eve it leas at elle late fait where lee" extended mid in the f oneof which is to be
elf tvill Reliefs, and elected the meet artior "8'
criteel tee expert% r levees Jamison aa
kennels and Ins eis!ter, "Arden Sella" re.
that leever my Atop to he perfect lit mai ing grocer, lite taken the ametcy, for this
werraut *can to be befit by superior —For firht. latla tailOrillit Mid 011041 celebrated tee. end Will bopleased to fethieh
workmen, only, 'Give te a eel!, *fziatisfac. gente' furnisl 'ug. y W b ter t 00 free *templets, to ell earning at his place of
'time guavatiteed, Charges ae eifetip all the RaMetaber the lace, ouly two doore north businees that they iney try and test this
' ehearest. Coatmakeas wituted epee, of the old Btat d and between Ross' book, tee before they buy it. If you, lip Tiger hell 'ROW heated Wit
lights will maim be ,,ii piste. At the 46- calved the -breeze me el at 'reroute show
trance is th be found, icket aloe ea the this year as the best Vox Terrier bitelt
ti ere, she was else o ef theft winning
right, and a cloak roe the left* The 010 xeunei peke at tee Anomie meneeee
het air fereeeee, ana the silver imp, elle as also atemag the
by jas 'Money & winners et Ottawa AVM few Waage.
breed tett teciernmeml it to yotft le which have Mum pat i