HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-16, Page 8i& : , MoIN:I OO. 511414',' j!'.iIiir t)rl 1tc1.11'a, We will not limit you in price, one way or the other. You ran pot as few dollars as you like into one or be as extravagant as your fancy dictates. In either case You have saved money. It's easily ex- plained,whrour prices are always lower, because we make a specialty of Ready - Made (31otl.ling and buy in very large quantities, consequently we give you the benefit of a small cost. Full Suits in abundance. Boys' Suits and Overcoats, brim full of style and goodness; and here's where we give prices: OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT Reveals a most pleasing sight, so many charming Cloak conceits being gathered together. They are not the ordinary garments that are thrown together and sold by houses who seem to do business as it there was no to-inorrow, but every garment is in a style that is exclusively our own, and made in high-class tailor manner. ,Ordered Mantles a specialty, made by expert mantle makers and fitters. All 6 oods sold by us are warranted as represented. Don't make. any mistake when looking for our establishment. M. H. McINDuO. b,c1.0ttniPamttin6 O ER 16 1891 welcome one apparautt dered a mus -ken and but bruin made traoiin so Wattle avtrted the, have stuffed his WOu walking calong the rail% gond rear view of the run up by Wattie, wuc this mouth, on my way it he old couutry I got tx handsomeresidence tlr independence enabled tionate couple to build. next week I may craw. for Waiter shout a scribe a from now t l the 1sl be t oonew sub - f d'anua Y, 'ibby a huge, knife, o of Steeds at Stat, and 1892, for 2 i oeiits. ---Snbacribars W1tO do „net receive their the enemy must! ; papere regularly will kindly make the fact la with Inose, Oa I kuown at the office without delay, so that Y track T gut a 1 aoy oversight may be remedied. at once. For Influenza or "Le Gripre" Wilson's Qompoend,S,yrlip of Wild Cherry is a sure and safe remedy. There is no better meds' cine for the cure of Infiueeza, Broucliitis, Coughs, Oelds,Cronp and kindred diseases. Get the gpuuine fu white weappers, second log shanty fourteen years ago to my sister's from 'rat yew of the t Edit and sturdy b bouest nffeo- n the course of the insertion of some ratnbliug notes. W, LIT11aow. A Tiger at Large, • Qopied from Toronto Tel irant and News. The uew branch of. tea introduced in Torouto is bootniug il, a way most encour- aging to those handling it, not only for the queutity that is being used but for the satisfaction it ,gives• the consumer. This is the popular brand of ten that was served free at Robinson's musee for aweek at the Granite Riuk (luring The N. E. A. and at all the grocery stores where it is handled and the last introduction this enterprising firm gave it was at our late fair where be- sides their exhibit in the first gallery that attracted so much attention they had it served in all the refreshment stands in the main building as well as in several on the rood grounds. willsatisfyande are hp easethe ,ttbeer b of mos critical tea experts. NOTE.—Ar. C. N. Griffin, our euterpris- ing grocer, line takeu the agency for this celebrated tea and will bo pleased to furnish iree sam I to alt palling at bis place of busine hat they may try and test this tea b: ire they buy it. If you like Tiger tea.reoommeud it to your friends, Glenan an. It is with no small gree of sorrow that we chronicle the death of bars George Muir, whose death occurred at the residence of her son Robert, on FRIDAY. UC]' k3 Sunday, the 4th !list, ram the effects of ft paralytic stroke. The remains -- --- ,-- wete iuterated in Wroxeter Cemetery.. LOC A.7' NEWS. Fier ace was 6I years • -The hum of _,-Novenlber 7s'q been proclaimed te rrgntauhiue ie now beardin various quarters ctrl is filling our e Dominion x iviug Day. genial. farmers gnawed s with golden — A fresh. stock of confectioneryy at the train.—Complaints ar heard of potato JAa 1120 •I. Ik, Star Restaurant• rot, but if it don't fit .any worse —Rev S Sellery, _ A.. Y, D. preaches there 1s no reason to ne ;,ti`fraid of a Educational Berm in Teeswater 00 ( famine in that cotton e...ity-We are Sunday next. seiry to, learn . that J,eerge Hutton -Half a ton of Pelee Island grapes just had his leg Qeverel injured, last arrived at the Eclipse restaurant. Saturday, while playing a friendly • T O Sr.tittrso• of Revision, for proving the appeftran list, will be held di•nce by ereutiug a lad instant. - Mr Dunn, filip lie's p —1f your watch or clock needs repairing, master works inn in th go to W H Wallace, watchmaker and architee:t we are p nventton will be making 81•ratgeuteli he 24th instant for his music class—We sting a candidate for the pedavo;:ic tnanil u election. , has fallen upon, the .s Wm Robertson Clara Fortune for the Thum- Wt' welcome her to o n left town Thu they were (highly honored t 8 —The Judge's con the Provincial voter in Wingham on thr tiOittN. TnErxAIN-In Lilitowel, on the 21st. Sept 4tbe wife of Mr W E Tremain; a son, $Want N--ln Howioh, ort the at Met, the wife of Mr Jno Braden ; twin sons, As uxu—In Howick, on the 4th Inst, the wife of Mr Ww Auker; a son. Summon -1n I+istowel, On the 29th Sept,the wife of Dor SJ Stevenson(butcber); a daughter. Foitn—In Clinton ,on October Gth, the wife, `of Mr James A Ford; a daughter. ATEPHENSON—In Wtnghaln, op the 11th fust, the wife of Mr John H Stephenson (b acksmitli) ; a son. ower:]-; In Turnberry, on the 13th fust, the wife of .i!r James Powell ; a daughter.. NLAR'RIED, WILLIE—j3?,I,LENTINE-- At the English ev li A Church Parsonage, Gorrie, by Wright, on the 6th inat, Miss M Jane Ballentine to Mr Samuel Willis, both of Howick. Cham—Anaasenotro—ln Culross, on Sept 30th, by Rev Jas Malcolm, Janet,. eldest daughter of Kr Geo Armstrong, to Robert Craik, of Fort Wayne, Indiana.. SPINDLER—F;x(311- -At the residence • of the bride's parents, on October 8th,byRev Mr London, to Miss Eliizar nFinch, of Clintomin n.of ;gamy at foot ball—Jct tri Scott is im-' tt of his resi- new verandah. ven himself a line, is the .htsr,d to learn of Teeswater, is reeorganize IA informedthat r S S No 3 u11d,°ra of Miss rsoing year, midst—We 1ret our old the ;Mechanics at divine ser - i, 'on Sitbbath ves a hearty rliood and may th his pre - jeweler. pest doer to post office. that Mr Shilling, —A Conservative, held. in Brussels o the purpose of the neA.t Dorm. —MraJohn Ritchie, and Mrs W H Wats day morning for St are attending tb Congre;ational (Listowel Dis Mr Jae restaurant thoroughly - v, and it uow has a bands the inside. He has pr nut rbaster from Oinc .the nuts hot and fres , :11 , tforcli where friend, Mr Laltgow., o fall meeting of the 1 Institute, Winghatn, Missionary Society I vice in Eadie's chin' et.) 1 last. ]1e always re cKelvie her bee‘ 'baying hiss welcome to our neigh ed this week C be soon favor us agail appearance in 1 Bence rod a patent peal ati, which keeps he time. /Conductor W e S mooing to remove to Toro the will reside for ft 'sake charge of a G Stratford and Woron t three trips per week. This will give oar w time at his disposal which he seems, by adapted for. MY DEAR TIues, some years, I had th ping in Eadie's, last were well acquaint Tibby Sloan, especi Hastings. 'Through our lamented towns au was bore in the pariah of Gleueairn i the south of Scot. week—Quite ld assembled a u at. t land. 1r Tiros Ha• .Ings tall me that' people a stretmlet, the Urai Darroch, ran be- M atb rR g rs,wh reof th ant evening --•Miss E tom el, spent a few da VVnt Ain Iey'e--Mrs we are sorry to say, da present. We hope to so conwaleecence. -A r Ste found in his new store, OAR/ST/AN ENbs.volt meeting was held by the of Gielville church, on M for the purpose of organiz w' L3russ Mr and Mrs Wait visiting at Jno Mc of B antfotc, are 's. Mrs Watt r, it is said, is is a daughter of i3 Crae—J W o shortly, where Hingston, MD; o nth Platte, future. Ile will ' i in this.locality R train between Nebraska,is at preset visiting old frieucip a d ae, uaintances and will make ono—Miss Kendall, iii' finer, of London, etween these point ome in this .flay townsman more I • 1 p > ,flues spent follow that calling : nr;ess, who nature, to bo so well k" t t► otolrraphing if the last few eiry in Harris- elf --Mrs Wm Way evening he has been +ith friends— pending a few Paisley, this d our young e residence of A num uosday evening Apply 0, S Sent A pleas berry,' "0 Tilt,of Lis*, rhes geek at ilh:laton, sr, is, gorousty ill at - hear of her h is now to be oo1ETY A congregation day eveutng, Oh ' tiara DIED. TIsn. aL—In Clinton, on the 3''0, -Oct, F. J 112. Tindall, (aged 62 years- MouxecaseLE—In Cliuton,on the 6th Oot, Franois Laura Mountcastle, relict of the late Sydney H Mountcastle, aged 87 years and 8 months. Oun,MMOut'— Cu Clinton, on' the 2nd Oot. Austin Olare,infant son of Mr W endmore, aged 2 mouths andi8 days. Fowism—At Tdeswater, on the 4th inat, Miriam Rhoda Erten, infant daughter of William and Maria Fowler, aged 6 weeks and 3 days. RlvEas—At Teeswater, ou the 1st inat, Eldon F Rivers, infant sou of Alberti and A hie Rivers, aged 2 mouths. onuaTsoN—In East Wawanosh, on the 13th iust, Nary E, daughter of Mr Arch Rooertson, aged 20 years ,and 2 mouths. ANNA- Iu East Wtawauosli, on the 10th Inst, Jane Hanna, aged 77 years. 0BEET8oN—In East Wawanosh, on the 9th inst, the infant ,child of Mr lames Robertson, aged six months. TEE SES WATSON, TNST, QTION given on Piano, Organ and. ` lin. Also in 1Iar111011y. Res j'•nee on corner of Josephine and Patrick etree Wingham. Teacher Wanted,. Male Teacher holding a Thtrd•e'laea Certificate wanted for School Section No 5, Turnborry, Appli- cations, s ting salary expected, will be reoeivgd up till 31s ctober; duties to commence 7th January, 1802; pplications to be sent to Wingham P 0. .TAMPS THOMPSON. Estray Sheep. Strayed upon the premises of the undersigned, Lot 4, south part, Concession 2, 11 Line, Turnberry. on lir bout the 80th June last, a Ewe and Lamb. The o nor can have the same by proving property and aging expenses. JOHN MoEEWEN. is spendiag a few da s.,at town, this wee Sunday in ()limon— ites been working a business in Seaforth months,lhas rented a g ton and movee this Blashill returned on '1, from Detroit, where spending a few weeks Miss Ethel Oreigtou is days visiting frieuds•nt After the lapse of pleasure of worship- unday. Many there 'd with Wattie and ly Messrs Dunn and hem I learned that tween the holdings Wattle served an a blacksmith, the inakt specialty. When his Ile and alma apart. pretttiehhip as a tg t(JsiahlEB beim a, ether 4161, Tibby and hefnuua therrhsety f, in very easy cur. cutilatM1Ceii. ;Vevertile .ens nit coming to Oanada,.tfiey engaged with a farther in the neighborhood of D ,mines, Tibby• ith spinning; and Walter u harvest work. Their employer belotl,gii ' t•h the Grumble• toniail itegitueut, h0 c'tIl 11.by the Duke of Welliugtnn,aud was el=.v ys talking of sell. inlg out; Wattle asked 1, :nide terms,u•hicli Endeavor Society in conte happened t'T bs very re vonable ani the cougregation. After sotto till' 0veuite. tate (society was, organized with noting peel) qts on ofllcers: Hon President, ,,;:.,:,i 1e •gathers i 13 A; President, Nit 13u til Muton tract" president,!) Hogg; Ikcord' amour. the tit st 'rn i A Stewart; Corresponding pertain nI iter IT (#il, s zt,tJ .reasuror, Tht. y WHA An n444:1 ' first meeting, which wil tri n4 *tile I ., Onrlay evening next, ,, ivii *or -,;i1.filmtrneoting and i• 1Ril l ri JOHN GALBRAITH. r -r N OF WIN Court of inion, V The Judge of the Huron has nppolnted Thursday, 2 at the hour of 1G'. lock a. m., to hear an, de :imine the sev• errors and • 11= ons in the Voters' of ality o h= own Of Wingbaln, tor r All pors. ns ving business at the said gover li iselves accordingly. J. B. FERGUS°. Clerk of said Co t.. ICE. • RAM vs' List,'91 Court. of the County of ctober, 1891, r holding a Court 1 complaints of t of the Mum- e.year 1891. t should A meeting the County House, 1n th • own TOBER 20 891, at 8 tion of neral county Warde 0 0 Counoii of the Corporation of on will bo held "at the Court Goderich, on TUESDAY, 00 - look p. m., for the transact elness. By order of the HOLMES, g 6 184t Clerk. It is time to think about getting' an overcoat. Well,,we think we can please:, you. Our ones at 510 can't be beat iii price or quality. Also a large assortrnent in boys' Overcoats. Come in and see them. It will pay you, Large stock; of ,Caps, Underclothing, Top Shirts, &c., at close prices. Blankets, Grey Flannels, Comforters, Canton Flannel, Shawls, Tweeds, &c. Another shipment of 600 • yards of Flannelettes at 8 cents.per yard, regular price 10 Dents. Cali and see us. Yours truly, JOHN GALT3RAITH. Wingham, October lith, 1891. unty Clerk's Mite, Goderich, TENDERS WANTED. The undersigdied will receive tenders for the purchase of a very Desirable Residenoe•and Grounds. HAMILTON, Successor to Dr. Towlerr,, Dealer In Drugs, Medicifnes ani . Chemicals, Toile er y au Soaps, Perfumery Shoulder. Cigars, $races, Trusses, Sponges, and all kinds of Druggists' Sundries usually ept in.a first- class drug store. Physicians' prescriptions Care- fully compounded and orders answered with care 'and despatch. Farmers and physi,cans from the country' will find' our stock of medicines complete, war- ranted genuine aid of ,_tile best quality. • IN WINGHAM, Up to Saturday, October 31,'9x, On which date' the' property will be sold. Fort urther particulars, apply to D. M. GORDON, Wingham, Ont. . tion.every time. SALESMAN WANTED Tr. hiY11 and buy and To tare orders for warranted NURSERY STOCK y Full line of Diamond Dyes alwa'y in stook. A. L. HAMILTON,, Dr. To time of his found at his —Mr. Hamil office hours agonal str AOA er will rof ntinue the prae- pion and may be't4 e'tn the Pharmacy drug store -during is residence, Di- iT1S WONDERFUL The money you can save by buying 'your - goods, and getting your watches repaired at Pat+ terson's JQwellery store. He gives perfect satisfac- to be delivered in the spring. Agents starting (Ota don't go by without you can make big 15alary or Commission. Stock an variety superior to anything heretofore shipped. Outfit and instructions furnished FREE. Write at once for terms. to 11.. 0. GRAHAM, Nuasmertiar, Toronto, Ont. WI G li HA17, MARKETS. wixotAtt, October 15, 1891. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. lb to 2 90 r 1001bs 90 •28 46 514 12 1 10 00: 36.. FalllWheat per bushel, Spring • Oats, Barley Peas, Butter, tub Eggs per dozen Wood per cord, flay per ton, Potatoes, - 90 to • 90 to 27 to 35 to 86 to 13 to 18 to 11 to 1 60 to 0 00 to ' 25 to STRAY CATTLE. Strayed from the show grounds,,Wing- ham, on Sept. 30541, apalr 2 year old steers, one rod and the other gray, and a yearling heifer, red and white. Any person giving any information of their whereabouts, will be suitably rewarded. AMOS TIPLINO, Con. 1, Turnberry, • c Wingham P. 0, Money tow Loan on Notes. • Notes - Discounted AT REASONABLE RAZES Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 permit. with Notes privilege of paying at the end of any year. and accounts collected. ll'.OB'L,. ,AIaINDO Ori cu—Bcaver B1Cok. \Yinaham, grtt. RA AMBS FOR SALE. • of good Shropshire Ram Lambs for sale edit half Lots 11 and 12, B Lino, Tnrn- WinsROBERT ANDERSON. tarns .were aceeptell. farmer: demurred, riot the proverb, that a rel ,Tio. moan. On coming hirrr Mitchell, ar, wa trek -erne Til.hy, r tit y.ISOttAehOld l;t,nt4*' A It 1p t,jer,re to tlinrnnCAKy1 9W.w,rMnrtin 3ilr -aline a rte n with the scussion, a c folloywy ing pp Jno Ross, anent Vice - g Secretary, ceretary,Mrs {;libson. The be held on be, an open business SAIL 'S CCNSuI,,PTIC CURE. 0 do buy. M. PATTERSON,' c - Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller, Main st., ' Wingi an •.. I all 'i[li Ery, MISS MURPHY v Has received a large and oiholee erode of 'ALD c3 -G c I S comprising :feathers, Flowers,' ihbous, &c Mantle Cloths,Irocades, &c. The success of this Great .Cough Cute is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are, authorized to sell it on a pos.: itive guarantee, a'test that no other cure•can suc cessfully stand. That it may become known= the Proprietors, at an,enormous expense, are placing a Sampple Bottle Free into every home in the United States'and"Canada, If you have 'a Cough, Sore Throat, or. Bronchitis, use it; for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Couklr, {Ise it promptly, and' relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption,' use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE,` Price o "Cts.,`O Ms. and $i.00. If your Lungs are.sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Pnroits Master, Price 25 cts. See our Stock of new and desirable t £®PLES O Pik LA%R ONE WAV ART ES . TO THE AcIFI° TI GOING Sep y 23. 4,1/4-4ls Oct. 7-21 Nov. ' $3430.32-1$-3Q +11391+ HAvs'i'HE ADYANIAIQE 111: olitq At pidantS rol g rqsLO'sW Rapid ri 1pryty of Root ='r, 1 Isi BOOTS nod SHOES, 3' F, Overshoes, Rubbers, &o., L'or old and young, at prices which defy eemeetttiml Great Variety, treat 13av 151lts, Great ()ppnrtllthity. Racing 1 `1 th• e ]Bank of flaowned ll on. and tlr D Strfitn scree tolatiefn °Moo , C rIpuiIdfffir rout y the poop that i am in lir, tth fwrin3eli ttseni with1011 pries lace In tile' 0t and Shoe lin u4 3' ' 1)ERED wort*. `i' - 3L'fY. you tzonate k1o,,,n north of the nos P AltrIMPLANI rhOM ANY AUNT*, THCOOMPANY LATEST NOVELTIES IN LVEli1C DE- PARTMENT. MISS FARR, of Petrous, an experienced city: milliner, has taken the position bf• head milliner and every effort *' :• will,be, used to•please cus- s totters. • 11 IL alLES 1VM A.DE ;ON THE. P,RE- `4. viISES. A . CALt SOLICITED.. Store opposite tuft; flu0e414i Hotel. MISS E« MURPHY. EJ?Y PLO_ f have much leasure In ano'inciitg pnbllc th. t I ant agent for thcs elebrated Plows and other the farming ikgricatt 1110111114. IMPAIRS E ON AND; The Old Stand on torla Street will still be Sewing ach'nes, Or ans Give Ole I Rini inspect Goods, 8, rbiummiti Aprit 17th 1591.