HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-16, Page 6Coliiiigtam Caea
incompetent states( en and. the frauds
of immoral political. combinations, and
who would be, perhaps, tote leader,itl a
war of revenge.
Subsequently,Boulanger's popularity
waned for a while, and his candidate
in the Cltarante, M. Paul Deroulede,
was defeated at the polls. Boulanger
appeared in the Chamber of Deputies
and demanded the dissolution or the
Chamber. A stormy scene followed,
M. 1'loquet made a vigorous orator
attack upon the general, who replied,
You lie! Then, came the duel with
rapiers on Comte Dillons estate at
Neuilly. Olenlenceau and Georges
Perin were 1'loquet's seconds; Laisa L
and DeBerisse acted for the gena a ,
who received a deep wound in the neck,
Suicide ththe Mart oxo ITO#seback.
General Boulanger, who cut a big
swath ir, European affairs a few years
ago. who, spree people thought, would,
like the little corporal, be one day
dictator of France, committed suicide
last week at the grave of his late mis-
tress, Madreme Bonnemaine, George
Ernest dean Marie Boulanger, general
of France, and ex -Minister of War,
was born at Rennes in 1837. He
received a portion of his education at j thus r
Brighton, Eng., but, like a good I Recovering from the iu ary
Frenchman, he detested speaking any I eeived, Boulanger stood as a candidate'
tannage but bis own. He entered at the bye -elections in the Nord, Som-
the military college at St. Cyr in me and Charente Inferieure depart,
1856• he was made a sub -lieutenant in ments, and he was elected by Pargd
-•-:.~�""• '"-,�":..�._., carrying out she provisions ata will
afiietion by tits wonderful 111.ediQifc s ;
14/34, although he does not pretend to yo01 hn are teaeat rich
burled, angle
raise the dead .yet he Il as gi Yeti strength
to the halt and soundness to the lance; He are Moil esAed what; uv a will w4r that he
and, if he has Clot opened the eyes of
the blind, he has soothed the pain
worn, and comforted th a on ithe four
brink of the grave ; a,
quarters of the globe his preparations
have found their way -^not by force of,
the sword, not with the aid or legions,
but have been silentlyborne on the
bosom of old ocean in our huge mer-
ohant ships .to .every corner of the
civilized world where Buttering Ulan is,
tb be found.
But to do all this gigantic work, to
accomplish so wondrous a deed, re-
quired couch thought and much energy,
for without these con,bined,this mighty
work could have been accomplished,
And thus he did it, There ;s a wise
saying, Don't spare printer's ink 1
and Holloway ,;pared neither printer's
inti, nor vast piles of the precious metal,
gold. He advertises in all the laugn-
ages spoken among eiviiliZed nations—
and whether you, go, into France,
Belgium, 1loliand, Prussia, 11enniark,
Russia, Greece, Spain, Portugal Switz -
—AT TIIT••-•
coed, Oi doanc know 1 The owed TiMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET'
amadltaum, share Oi always thought
he were cracked, hut the oideo or
Lavin instr000shuns to hey twenty,
foive thousand dollars buried wid hind
And you were exeeootrix, Terrance ?
Faith, that Oi was.
An' did you folly ort the provishuns
of the will;
0i did that.
And wer tt void ye put in the cof'
Not a bit of it.
Silver 1
Not a ba'porth,
Paper Money 1
Not a whit.
And peat thin?
Sure, Ci signed a check pa3 able to
his other for the amount and slituck
it,in his phist when they closed the
-lid 1
ll th
1857' kit) was sent to Algeria, where ,majorities. Theca he stood for ails, I. erliand' nay, . we alight say f4
d ii
be served uuder Marshall Ranolou ani and was elected, For a tame he was
the Rabyle campaign. He served alae 1 the idol of France, but stormy days
in the Franco Italian War, and was I came; the general fled and took refuge
wounded at Turbtg'I. In 1860 he was 1 in England, and from the date of his
made a lieutenant. In 1862 he bee 1 flight his downfall commenced. He
came a captain, the promotion having bad gradually disappeared from public
come as a reward for service- in Cochin. Iview, and the announcement of his
China. He was made a major just 1death to day only recalls the fact that
before the war with Germany in 1870.'such a stormy petrel once lived.
At Metz he was with Bazarine,but he; ou'relanouidanddullinthespring
solttehni¢ escaped the fate of Bazarine's , of the yyear,
army, arid turned up in Paris, w here 1 When stomach and liver are all out of
lb t
the goveriimen o
at n gives relish and nothing Our Public Mon.
This was in October, 1870. From And nothin g ' to note
kingdoms of the world—an
thousand tougues they talk of Hoilo'
way's Pills 1,—in a thousand languages
they utter i1o1Ioway'.a Ointment! We
are idled with boundless wonder and
astonishment' that one Haan, one mind,
one head, could plan and devise all
this ; and we day that, if one man has
really done so, there must be some
wonderful curative properties about his
Pills and Ointment.—Poet (:loss's His-
torical Notices;
—The Tntr:s will be sent to new sub-
scribers from now till theist of January,
he was made a lieutenant -colonel
eunscripttenprioe,$ ryear,inarlvanoe
y i gear,
When you re stupid at morn and feverish I892, for 25 cents.
t f national defence.l t ight
ill It is interesting that of the
Don't try any nostrum, elixir,orthe I
"Golden Medical Discovery 213 mea who are now sitting. in the
fought at. Champigiiy. While leading jbill.
bis troops against the Communists he;The surest and best of all remedies l 8
as wounded After the suppression
November 30th to December 2nd he
I goes right,
w for all disorders of the liver, stomach
of the Commune, hie newly attained and blood,is Dr. Fierce's Golden Medi -
promotion was quaslied by the Grade cal Discovery.
Revision Committee, but it was remi
Symptoms of an old Bachelor.
stored to him in 1874. )In 1876 lie ; A young lady who has evidently
represented France at.the centennial l been making the subject a study,,with
exhibition in Philadelphia.) He be- j plenty of material to work on in Forest
came a brigadiea general in 1880.1 sends for publication the following as
Boulanger was appointed to the coin. i symptoms of an old bachelor
wand of the army of occupation in ! When he cots a certain number of
Tunis,but he was soon recalled because ;little square bits of paper every night,
of a disagreement with the resident ;and lays them on his toilet table,ready
general. In the De Freyeinet Cabinet,( to wipe his razor when he shaves in the
firmed January 6th, 1886, Boalanger merning--that's a symptom.
became Minister of War. When I When he carries his fingers perfectly
Goblet succeeded De Freycinet, Bon-
; straight in the glo"ves,for fear of friction
Langer retained the portfolio, but be I on the muscles—that's a symptom.
went out of office when Rouvier be
When he can't go to sleep until he
came President of'ne Council in 1587.;has ascertaiued whether the seam of
But the General was sent to Cleelnont 1 the sheet is precisely in the middle of
,£errand to take command of an army the bed—that's a symptom.
corps, Paris giving him an ovation
when he left the city. When the
1)itnousifl scandal startled France,
Spaou __I 1. J r. 0 mo. 1 8 mo. I 1 too.
Ono Column e00 00 080 00 026-00 0-0 00
Half 05 00 20 00 4 12 00 0 00.
Quarter " 20 00 I 1700 I 7 00 4 Oil:
One Inch I 5 00 _13 00 • 2 00 __1 00
Local and other casual advertisementS. So. per line
for first insertion, and'Oc.perline or omit subsequent
Low 1 notices lO0. per lino for first 'insertion,aand
60. per line for each subsequent insertier.: No local
notice will bo charged loss than 200.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations.,
and.Business Chances wanted, not exceeding 13 lines
nonpareil, $1 per month
Houses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding $ lines,
$1 for octet month, 500, per subsequent month
These terms will be strictly adhered to
Special rates for longer advertisements, or for
longer periods.
Advertisements without specific directions, will be.
inserted till forbid and charge¢jpcc0rdingly. Tran.
sitory advertisements must bo paid in ad, ranee
the office sfor by Wednesday dnoon, in order tost bo appear
that week R. ELLIOTT
Faith never wear a long face.
God pnts our greatest duties nearest
to us.
None despise honor but he who des
pairs of it,
Life is not so short but there is time
for co olrtesy.
When, ditiicultien are overcome they
become blessings.
Truth is as impossible to be soiled,
by any outward touch as the sunbeam.
You may say a kind word in an un-
graminatical way, but it is better than
not to say it.at all.
You may do the right thing, in ,the
wrong way, but there is no way of dog'
ing the wrong thing in the right way.
Common sense is, of all kinds, the
most uncommon. It implies good
judgment, sound discretion, and
te tact,
which is practical wisdom app
everyday life.
Canadian house of Commons, all but
two were born under the Uritis L ag.
Seventy-five were born in Ontario, 66
in Quebec, 41 in the Marittnie Prdvin.
ces, 14 iu Scotland, seveu ie Ireland,
six in Eugi•,nd and two in the United
The oldest member is Mr. Bourassa,
of St. John, Que., who is 78 years of,
age, and has been a representative of
the constituency of St. Johns since
1854, 'L'he youngest M. P. is Dr
Leger, of Kent, N. 13., who is 25 years
of age. .
Of the Parliament which assembled'
in 1866,after confederation, there only
remain ten members in the present
House. These are :—Bechard, Bote-
Irassa, Elon. M. Bowen, Sir Richard.
Cartwright, Daoust, Geoffrion, Sir
Hector Langevin, Ron. Alexander.
McKenzie, Hon. Thomas McGreevy
and .loon. David Mills. No less than
69 member's were elected for the first
time in March last.
Boulanger was thought to beimplicat�;
a symptom. More than half of the total number
of seats are contested,end as there are
ed. But he wrote an indignant letter When he keeps his hat on in a lee -
of denial which seemed to satisfy the ture room till the latest permitted? 49 constituencies in which the majori-
country. Not content, however, with minute,an account of a,draught—that's ty was under 100 votes, the existing
his denial be made some rather free .
a symptom. representation will probably undergo a
the house aseen,-
assertions about Gen. Perron, the When he turns a huge coat collar up
Minister of War. For this act of in- 1 over his ears every time there is a
subordination he was placed under i cloud in the sky—that's a symptom.
close arrest at his own headquarters When he wears a large moustache
for a period of thirty days. Just be- and beard to`oonceal certain defects—
fore this. Jules Ferry, in a public! ,.gift's a symptom,
speech, had called le bray' General I When he refuses a hymn book in
a cafe concert hero. This brought 1 church, be3ause lie doesn't like to be
a challenge from Boulanger,but Ferry, I s8ei1 Hearin,+, glasses—that's a symp
like a sensible man, declined to fight. i tom.
In March; '88, the government Having i When a coal fire and a wadded wrap-
,decided to cashier the general by pias- per have greater charm for him than
ing him on the retired list, P,oti]ailger a pair of bright eyes—that's a symp''
resolved to take advantage of his tom
growing popularity ty *ginning a
vigorous campaign against the minis- mon of Extr'aorclinary Nerve and Firm-
try. Vacancies shortly after occurred i ncss of Purpose
in the representation for the Dordoeuel
v Amongst me aand fortune,wen who have f forced
their me.
and the Nord. Boulanger declined to as su example to all, worthy of imitu-
stand for the Dordogue, but he was' tion, tole famous and justly celebrated
nevertheless elected by 59,500 votes, Thos HolloWay, setter known through -
as ageing 35,750 for:his opponent, to out the wide, wide worked for his es it
i3 and Ointment. Of the
the 1Vord,tiyhrre be personally"conduct lis not our purpose to speak• -we are
ed the campaign. be scored 172,52$ i not writing. puff, but solid plain facts,
votes, against 85,598 for two oppon'to show what can be done by great
eats. I strength of mind ; arra that What one
man has done another may do,provided
This was on the 15th of April,l'888' that he has the ability and determine.
a date which he declared would be tiara to use it with all his soul 1
marked in the annals of the country+as We read of the Great Napoleon,
a date of true deliverance, 73ou1anger whose nlnbition was to conquer the
world, but Iloitoway itis dont" scans"'
beanie the hero of demonstrations decal else, for, instead of shedding
wherever he went., The populace idea, ns of for,, human t aod, he has cared
1yttonAat, ONTARIO
Member College Plryeicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
—Coroner for County of Huron—
Office at "Tun PUARiIACr" ` - Wingham,Ont, '
OrrtOE HOURM.-0 to 12, a. m„ 1. to 0,p. ni., or at
Residence, Dtagenal Street.
When he leaves a friend's house in
the middle of the evening, to avoid a
walk nome with a young lady.—that's
'flit J. A. MELDRUM,
Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and
Momper of the College pf Physicians and Surgeons of
Office and Residence—Corner of Centre find Patrick .
streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune.
WIN¢IIATI - • - .
The biting sarcasm and the cutting
ridicule that gives ainueement to the
unthinking and ill disposen by their,
keen edge cut at, the, root of many an
innocent person's happiness.
Private sod Company funds to loan at lowest rates
interest. No connnisstat charged, lilovtgagcs, town
and farm property bouritt and sold.
OFFICE—Beaver Block Wisertnbi, Owe
'wingham Onti,rto
The compulsion of earning a iiveli•
hood is atlegitimste motive to exertion;
but where there is no other, and where
but, for that the work would be aban-
doned, it is certain that the best results
of which the performer is capable will
never be reached. '
Those who have enough inviduality
to think for themselves earnestly and
deeply find in that very exercise a
happiness that is all their own. They
may share it with others, and it may
be heightened by sympathy, but it can-
not be taken away. It opens a refuge
from many troubles and' helps one to
hear many burdens.
great change before
bees again.
licitors for Bank of Hamilton, Comniissioncrs for
taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and
Village property bought and sold. Money (private
funds) loaned on mortgage security at 51 p
Money invested for private persons, upon the best
mortgage securities without any expense to the
lender. Lands for saleinManitoba and the North.
OfIlco—Scot's Block Wingham.
—The Tuns will be s sent to new sub-
scribers from now till the lst of January,
1892, for 25 cents.
How to tell a married Man. '
A married mau always carries his con%
dition with him like a trade mark. Any
of average discernment can detect him at
a glance. He does not pinch his togs with
tight boots. He .does not scent himself
with violets. He never parts his hair in
the middle.: He keeps his seat in the
railway carriage when the pretty girl,laden
with bundles comps in --he knows his wife
wouidn't approve of his rising. ,He does
not get up flirtations with thegood.looking
shop -girl where he buys his gloves --ho
remembers that the little birds are flying
all around telling tales,and he has a horror
of curtain lectures. Somehow, married
men seem to arrive at that state of beati-
tude where they appreciate the kind of
literary performance known as curtain,
lectures. The married man gods to sleep
in ehuroh, He knows the price .of sugar
and steak. Toe knows that bustles are go-
ing out of fashion. lie knows that women
put their hair up in` papers. Powder is no
longer a mystery to him. Ile can detect
it on the faces of his female Mende. and
he looks out that he doesn't get it on his
coat, because his wife can detect it too.
Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates,
Vulcanite plates of the bestinaterial
as cheap as they can be got in the
Dominion. All work warranted.
The undersigned offers for sale a cottage cotitaii.•
ing seven rooms, and two•fifths of an arse Of land,
situated on the corner or Patrick andCariieu strode
water. . For particham. Good ulars, applyhed to the Owner, and
the property. D. nxclflNLA'Y,
ii2inp; him as the coming man who was lis thousands, and spread great joy
-to save France from the blunders of among the poor sons acid daughters of
Droll t lf�� IL,1 r1r
L, C. P. S, O.,bf.C,1r,S,S:I.,
13ushart, Listowel, says:—
"After tall my money and prop-
erty on medical mon, for
tocol a hopeless caro of con-
sumption, Sinclair cured me."
Furlong, says
atliors failed, Dr. Sinclair
McDonald, Lakefiald, says :-•--"D
d me of Catarrh,"
Orl,'BlythS Says.:-•- Dr. San
mo of heart disease and drop
otltt3rs failed."
of private nature brought
Sinclair certainly euros.
Id. D. M. A„
Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electr(c-
ity or Vegetable. Vapor.
TAKE Norio8.--I will extract teeth for 25 cents
each. the
OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite
W m. H. Macdonald, L. D. S.,
Opposite the Queen's HOtnl, Wingham.
Will visit Gorrie lst and 8n Mondays
of each month.
"After spending
erty to no purpose
what they ter
sumption, Dr.
Mrs. Mary
"When all
cured me of
W. McDon r.
Clair cured w -z.
sy, when till
Diseases on
by folly Dr.
He that is taught to live upoit tittle,
owes more to his father's wisdoln,than
he that has a, great dea.te£t lin does
to his father's bare.
pDEAN. Jit.. i•VIN011nM,
Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges
DR. SINCLAI11 will be at the
QU WWi'a Bd`1`' ,lr., Wingham, PATERSoiv,
ON BAu.n13' OB teem Dlvis101: COVEY, levee or IRAN
wtNGtARs LiC*NNLie.
'WEDNESDAY, OCT, 28th. 1891r
JOHN CU1i1tIll, WxMoixAtl, ONT.,
r,ICIONSI:n Auo$roNNktt holt 'Piro COBEIEZ OP
Ali orders loft at the Timms office promptly attend•
cd to. Tonne reasonable. '
LICENSEE 1100210(5S11 ruos,COVNTIrs IJ.UR01•i AND
A11 sales atton.icd to promptly and on the Shortest
Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
All naoessary arrangements can be made at the
Titins`VISairAtt oNTy
T, L. & D, L SusvavO lB AND Ctrm Eifel as>zt:s '
t A11 orders left at the 'office of tate Tates will re-
eOive prompt attention -� -
' Newspaper'
'with directioi
:and tell thein
,learn anti, lin
,lectured deeoi
r. 'thing from ho
'how to changil
*'lowing is a oI
nneli to .learn'.
To sew.
To cook.
To mend.
To be gent
'1,'o value t
To dress n
To keep a
To be self-
To avoid i
To mind t
To darn s
To respect
To make J
To keep a
To centro
To be abo
To make
To take c'
To humor
To marry
To be ah
To take p
To see a 1
To read s
To wear
To bo a
The writ:
out alist of'
To chop
To build
To clean
To put u
i `To carve
To dress
To keep
To whip.
To kill a
To be ur
To clean
To shav
To hang
To keep
To get u
To talk
To face
To vain(
i To ft.voi(
To unary
besides a
jersey wai
To tole
To read
the pace
To tjlin
and abov
To bre
To tak
To exp
cusses ma
another 3
To ne
To ha
`j calls.
i To rte
To exi
folks as
To re
were no
of loadir
To ke
pretty gi
To ex
To lie
To fit
To In
To ki
To tri
'po ni
Sent th
To b