HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-16, Page 5THE. ANCHOR HOUSE. Culross. if so that, :the Treasurer pay over to c The Cannon met in the Town Rall, the clerk two dollars to get the copies tcYe ►. toves los s Teeswater, Set 28th, mentioned in eIreular--Carried.Movsd y + , Sive I1i61, as per. � � motion of, adjournmen t. Members all by 3 Welwood, seconded by P Clark,, Our shop Is literally Poked from collar Present. The Reeve in the chair, The that as it has been reported to this minutes of fast meeting were lead and board that the hill opposite lots 30 to garret, with seasonable and fashion. approved, Moved by H MoKay,secon and 81, 80th sideline, con 3, is in a able new all goods. We cannot even ded by P Kuntz; that a culvert be put bad state of repair, that a suns of $5 in opposite lot 6, cons 12 and 18, and be grantee to iix 'same, under the attempt to give a description of thom, that Peter Kuntz let the same, on Mr superintendency of the Reeve -Cal-•. but we extend a most cordial invitation Erb depositing with the Clerk permis ried. The following accounts were cion in writing from the parties affect• passed and ordered to be paid ; Robt to all intending purchasers to call upon ed by said culvert -Carried. Moved McOandivb, building culvert lot 15, i. '.and so afford us the pleasure of die- by Henry McKay, seconded by Peter eon 4, $5 Lachlan t'1cKay, approach laying our goods ,and describin Kuntz, that the Clerk get a book and to bridge con 7, lot 26, $6; F Daetch- 1? g enter all money duo road beats and man, accounts for plank and timber their many excellent qualities. have the amount put on the proper for road in front of lot 11, con 2, and beats, and the amount put on the road lot. 20, con 5, $8 80 ; F I feutchman, Stacks of new Boots and Shoes from list each year after its receipt so that plank and timberon Muskrat Creek, the ' pathmaster tan spend the same $12.51 ; Joseph Welwood, attending the boat makers in Canada, and our when doing statute labor,and nay /Cs engineer while surveying bridge, let Prices are hard to beat. takes made this year in making out I ting culvert, etc, $6 ; Henry McKay, the road list, where parties own lauds ` inspecting gravel road along with When you want Sugars, you hadbetter in two beats, be rectified by the Clerk I Reeve, $4 Joseph Voir, inspecting and put straight so that each boat will , gravel road, $4, balance in suit of bring a grain bag along, for we are still get its proper amount of labor -Car• 1 Bryce vs Loutit and Culross and Turn - Belling l8pounds of g'ranulated,20 pounds ried, Moved by P Clark, seconded by (berry, i19.80. Moved by J Welwood, P Kuntz, that the Treasurer is hereby seeonded by P Kuntz, that this board I of coffee and 22 pounds of yellow for a authorized to dispose of part of such now adjourn to .meet on the 2nd of dollar. debentures and mortgages as he holds, Noyember-Carried• being the sinking fund of bonus grant ORAS BuTT0N, Clerk. Our Teas are daily sounding our ed by the municipality to the T G & B Ry ; the .Treasurer to endeavor to rises. ' have the sinking fund on hand when the same is due and payable -Carried. GORDON & McINTYRH. Moved by P Clark, seconded by 11 McKay, that a covered ditch or drain' The Big Brown Anchor. two feet deep, be put opposite lot 2,1 cons 14 and 15,and that Peter Kuntz I let the same 'on elenry Monday de-; Teeswater. positing with the Clerk permission in writing from all .parties affected by said ,ditch or drain -Carried. Moved by i 11 McKay, seconded by J Welwood, that this Council grant the sum of 1 four dollars, being an equivalent to a grant made by Kinloss, to be spent on the boundary opposite lot 85, con 15, and that a ditch on purchased road OYPIer� Cod Liver ®lift with opposite lets 33 and 34, con 14, be He Cod f7SPil Oil ` made so as to collect the water to drain say LIME AND sox).- made 'on . Mr Brown's lot and that The patient suffering froin ' Pete). Clark let the same job as he sees CONSUMPTION. fit -Carried. Moved by P Clark, BRONCHITIS, COUGH)., COLDS, ane. t0 choose from seconded by J Welwood, that at a ; WASTING DISEASES, takes the o , remedy as he would take milk. A former meeting of• the Council to re- : fact emulsion, and awonderl'ul flesh prodne'r• pair the road opposite lot 5, eon '6, is per - Take no other. Alt Drlrf!lFt4ts, .80e., 1.00. �r •SCOTT d'^7301y3T1%',. eiMettle. Every stove guarenteed against breakage and insufficient, that the amount granted -�--- be augmented by five dollars -Carried. i DRAIN .TILE, to give complete satisfaction. Moved by h1. McKay, seconded by P ; _p Clark, that Joseph Welwood have .the I ELLIOTT BROS. bridge on Teeswater river, ion 5th' Have on hand at their brick yard, near or draining a D. S U TFIE RI A.1N D sideline, con ., Covered with inch large stock M Tile from 2 to 8 inches, for draining iJ 6J CJ1Zlr L\ iJ elm plank 12 feet ion ,as it is reported purposes. Farmers intending tO drain their lands g p should call and see the stock and get prices. Winghatn, October 8th, 1:881.in a dangerous condition -(tarried. Moved by Joseph Welwood, seeonded , Fa 8 Ci Bu „dd College by Henry 14 tiKay, that gas the bridge' `.i Y yt across the, river At 20th sideline made 1 AND repairs and that Peter Clark have the I SHORTHAND INSTITUTE `, mulaR-„\_,Yl00.9same done itaamediately in any way he°�London, Ont,, sees best, as ut is in a dangernusue' n I Is without doubt the most THOROUGH and dition-Carried. Moved by P 'Clark, I PRACTICAL institution in CANADA. seconded by ti Kautz, that at answer , GRADUATES of both sexes ASSISTED to 1 V ��_ a FOUNDRY, to the etition of Jae Button and l good POSITIONS. Over fifty of last sea- (G H A viii others asking that the 10th :sideline son's stlidente in positions. be opened.and a bridge be built on the CATALOGUE FRETS MANUFACTURERS OF THE Teeswater river between 7th .and 8th concessions, the deputy reeve is J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. hereby appointed to examine the pO-�TATI'9'1�AT 0 1 AIRFURNACES. js� locality and report the probable cost, A c T S BOYNTON 1tl .6 1V said report to be laid before this board FACTS at its next meeting -Carried. Moved These wood furnaces are the best in the market byh x McKay, Smith seconded a Pe Kuntz, I FOR - WINCHAM - PEOPLE that William have a taw plank to -day, and will be sold at rock bottom prices. put on and the bents braced on the who are not particularly anxious -----. bridge opposite lot 11 cons 10 and 11, to have to call in an under - Moved by P Olein, seconded P Kuntz,BRASS WO, I� the bridge needing repairs -Carried. takerto think about. FITTINGSP1P1NG &Cthat as Councillor W elwood has re- I have been a great sufferer Prom female weakness ailed washout on the gravel road of longstanding, and have been treated by several pv physicians and also been aunderl treatmente uino the opposite lot 15, con 3, the reeve is ap• 1 sawnoon dice).). sok explaining the Histo enetin System, and resolved to give it a trial. 1 consulted Dr. Rear, who prescribed these remedies, assured me they would cure nle. I had my doubts, but was determined to try once more. I took treatment two weeks, and am utterly astonished at the results. I am nearly weli,and no language can describe how thank. ful I ani that my life is spared. This testimony is voluntary, and I give it hoping that hundreds of my sex may try the medicines and recciyesthe Same mar - v ellous good that I have. They are good to take, and. unlike any medicine I ever took before, leave no bad effects' MRS. J. FAWCETT, 102 John Street, Toronto. Captain Geo Midford was visiting at Dr Gillies' last week, -Mr Million did not spend many days on the Brie tish coast. What caused him to re, • turn we do not exactly know. -Rev S lS'ellery, M A, 13 D, of Winglbam, will conduct the educational services in the Methodist ehurch,both morning and evening, next Sabbath. -The Public School have organized it foot 141 club, with the following officers a oretary, A. L Ziuger; Treasurer, W G Morrison ; Captain, Jas Colvin. No doubt we will hear of some hall kicking soon. -The concert .given in ee'e the town hall, on Monday evening of Nr last week, under the auspices of the ]'Q ,'P', was a marked success in all respects. The musical abilities of John Cos grove is marvellous. He can bring rnpsic out of anything. -142r • Midford Gillies, son of Dr Gillies, who distinguished ;himself in Toronto University at the last exam- ination, left last Monday to rise still higher in the ladder of fame, -Mr John Foresyth and bride arrived Koine from their honey moon trip° laut. Fri- day night. Fog signals were laid on the track and on their exploding by the train cause quite an excitement for while. We wish then a long w,.�and prosperious and happy life. -Alex 1}as been frosting his windows and stew' the name A McLeod, Shaving , Parlor, meets the eyes of the ' passers by.. -Mr Brink, hardware , merchant, is to move into Mr W Fowler's new brick building when completed, We notice from one of the Toronto dailies that Mt W G Morrison, principal ot the public school, has • succeeded in passing the arts course in drawing of the Ontario Art Course of lViechanic institutes, takidg five certificates in the Primary coarse and one advanced in Descriptive Geometry, He attend- ed the Ohantituqua Assembly during vaeation, where the full course was given under the able. tutorship of Rev Mr Salton, Brussels. He also took a Primary certificate in music, Tonic Solfa system. The above gives him the privilege of teaching drawing in a 'll2eehanics Institute. A profitable way to spend vacation. -The annual branch meeting of the Bible Society will bb held in the PrE.sbyterian church here, on Thursday evening, the 22nd October, when addresses will be delivered by a number of Rev gentlemen who are to be present.- MMr' John Skilling held a meeting in ite 'town hall, the other night, for the purpose of re organizing his singiug .class. We hope a good class may be formed. -Mr O'Connor, P M, has been very sick this week, owing to the :bursting of a blood vessel. We are pleased to hear that he is improving slowly, -Mr R N Thurtell, druggist, has given up the north end store, and after tliis will carry on all business in the old stared. This is a good opening for another druggist. Two druggists should do well here. Dr Gillies' k'bffice and residence is at the back end of this store, which should be an incentive to renters. The Cod That Helps to Cure The Cold. The disagreeable taste of the COD LEVER OR is dissipated in All intending purchas6rs of stoves for this winter will save money by buying from D. SUTHERLAND: Having bought a very large variety of HEATING AND COOK tengSt N/ A \R s pointed to attend to the matter at once -Carried. Moved by P Kuntz, Seconded by P Clark, that the pathe master is hereby authorized to fill the washout on con 10,1ot 4, not to exeeed more than five dollars - Carried. Moved by J Welwood, seconded by P Kuntz, that by-law No 6 be now read a third time passed, signed aitd sealed -Carried. • Moved by J Welwood, seeouded by P Kuntz, that by,las+ No 7 be now read a third time passed, signed and sealed -Carried. Moved by J' Moir, seconded by P Clark, that a grant of fifty dollars be made toward repairing the roads damaged by the removal of Phalen's dam, Township of Greenock ; the money to he taken from the general fund and applied to the sinkiner fund and the parties on the bond for the money borrowed from sinking fund be credited with that amount, leaving one hundred and fifty dollars for the bondsmen to pay on condition that the money he paid by them at or before time mentioned in the bond ; a copy ot this motion to be sent to Peter Grant, etc -Carried. Moved by J Welwood, seconded by P Mintz, that the Clerk write to the Consultation Ft'ee. editor and proprietor of the Canadian Municipality Journal and ascertain if SEND POP, FREE BOOK EXPLAIN - he supplies a copy of said journal to ING SYSTEM. the Clerk and each official of Council e�`CIn6 A 'Tl. and ,Secretarys and Treasurers of istoget1tC X school sections with one half years issue of the journal for two dollars,and Turnberry. We are glad to hear that Mr Joseph Jenkins, son of Sir Thomas Jenkins, of tho .boundary, has been appointed principal of the Mencelona, Michigan, puhlid school, at a aeod salary. There are eight departments in tills school, and wo have no doubt but what Mr Jenkins will give 'the best of satisfae• flow I was attacked with congestion of the livor and in. amnnlation of the kidneys attended with Motu - elating pains in my side and back. Could not lie on either side- could scarcely breathe. The slightest movement caused ugoniz` pcin. Nothing ing ga ve file relief. I sent for Dr. Rear,ICnoa•ing he had cured my daughter of a dangerous illness with Histogenetic Medicine after she had been given up by four skillful physicians. In one week my pain was gone and liver piaci.idIt acts ths e nost like magic ofas well as ever. The any medicine I ever took. I sincerely hope that the suffering ladies of Toronto and elsewhere may try the superior merits of the pure and tasteless medicines. illy object in giving this testimony is• purely through s)nlpathy far the sick and dying. MRS. DIcCLLoUGII, OO/ Adelaide St. east, Toronto Our representative will be at RATTENBURY HOUSE, ,CLINTON ON Wednesday, October the ith, 10 a. in. to 4.30 p. m. for the convenience of Wing. hang patients. Mill and Gent ralattend- ed ttestd-ed to -promptly. JAS. MURRAY & CO' NOTICE. NEW BUTCHER SHOP. All parties indebted to William Ridd, either by note or book account, will tonce please call and pay the sauce to me a , as they have been placed in my hands for collection. JOHN NEELANDS. Wingham, June 18th 1801.. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. EVERY WEEK. Montreal and Quebec, To Derry or Liverpool. OABIN, $50; to 560. Aecording to Steamer and location of Stateroom. Intermediate"and Steerage at low rates. NO CATTLE CARRIED. STATE,) LEltVICE OF 11f ALLAN LINE LINE. STEAMSHIPS, NEW YORX & GLASGOW via Londonderry, every F'ortnlght. CABIN,I55 and upwards. Jloturn,185 and upwards. Steerage nt low rates. Itootns 2 and 3 Albion Block, Richmond street, ten. Apply to 11. & A, ALLAN, Montreal, nr doMetnttion41'101gl0tfStreetMarket Toronto, ,HENRY DAVIS, WZNOIIAltf, GEO. SHAW r R'isbestofntimatt to the people of. Wingham and vicinity, that he has commenced the Butchering Business again, and has opened out in the Old Stand a few doors Nath of the Brunswick house. Where he will keep a fresh stock of BEEF, LAMB, PORK, And ther Mee which he will sell cheap. Meats delivered to any part of the town, the Pattonagc of the public elicited. 0E0. SHAW NOTICE. 'All parties indebted to E. R. Talbot, either by note or book account, will please call and pay the same to me at Once, as they have been placed in my hands for collection. JOHN NEELANDS. Wingham, June 18th, 1891.