HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-16, Page 4x 'Taylor, W McCall Largo wan oats,. N O W Cameron, G Moflatt� Timothy se belly St So Sherritt, • W Taylcr, potatoes, �• a 2 rowed barley, A. , Ca Eli `: ILL1A M 'te oats, J Stewart. Die4ek 7 wining, Small white oats, �^'t �nl�'� n,. G Jackson. Small peas,. '4, j 1��.I . Large peas, t 1 otratt, ed,B, G McGowan,. Flour, Son. Flex seed, R Laidlaw. BOOTS --Rose potatnes,.W Taylor, -AND- DRUGGIST. -- A N D - T�p��^�-�y-�^�am >alephant potatoes, P Wil .+r.1G4 V �..�I117 J, ylon`, Potatoes any kind, T Hamilton, Collection of -ea W Taylor: W rL !McCracken, Union flatiiuel, A Procter; 2 Mrs R. She�rtreed, Home made all well lelankets, T llamiltou ; a J 0 Strange Ilan, Union blaukets,G Nott ; 2 Aire D Stewart. Coverlet, Airs D Stewart; -2 T Anderson, Rag teat; A Proctor 2 G Johnston. Yarn mat, A Proctor,. Bag carpet, • A Proctor, T Johnston, hill One Stocking yarn, T Hamilton ; 2 w H li,obertaon ; 2 TJios Hemp McCracken. Hoarse boots, J Sherritt, ;year old filly, Atex RobertsonRapt !Black. 1 and 2, Gent's boots, a Sherritt, 1 ° Paulin, Horse colt, horse, and 2. Double harness, 10 Richards. Mare colt, A Patllin, Buggy Siuede harness,' 0 Richards ; 2 Carter John Harris ; 2 Alex Robertson. & McKenzie. Carriage -Brood mare, J Lambkin. LnnIEs',Wogx._Arrasene work, G One year old gelding, J Lambkin. l'e?tt. ;2, A Ross. �Riok rack, airs 0 Two year old filly, A Paulin ; 2 J Campbell; 2 J Symington. Pillow Lambkin. One year, old filly, Geo and sheet. shams, J Symington ; 2 0 Moffat. Horse colt, J Lambkin. Nott, Batch quilt, J Symington;2 G Cann -•- Durham -- Cow, Geo Nott. white quilt, Miss Pollock ; 2 Nicholson; 2 J L Wilson. Two year George Johnston. Twitted counter- old heifer, Geo Niobolson, One year pane, Mrs D Stewart ; 2 tar Moffat. old heifer, Geo Nicholson. Calf, J L Gents white shirt, G Moffatt ; 2 T Wilson ; 2 Geo Nicholson. Herd, G Hamilton. Flannel shirt,T Hamilton; Nicholson. Bull calf, J L Wilson; 2 1 J O Straughan. wollen stoekings,G G Nicholson. Grade -Cow, J L Nott ; 2 ''Hamilton, Gauntlet mits, Wilson, 1st and 2nd. Two year old Miss Pollock ; 2 G Moffatt. Mits, J heifer, John Knox, lst and 2nd. One Symington ; 2 Geo Moffatt. Fancy year old heifer, J L Wilson, Two knitting,Mrs 1) Stewart ; 2 s Syminge year old steer, Jobe Knox, 1st and ton. Berlin wool work, Annie Ross ; 2nd. One year old steer, G Nickel' 2 G Nott. Embroidery, A Ross ; 2 son ; 2 JL Wilson. Fat beast, John w Snell. French embroidery, Mrs C Knox ; 2 John Hamilton. Campbell ; 2 Annie Ross. Braiding SIiEEP—••Leicester—Aged ram, .John on ootton,G Nott;2 J Hewitt, Braicling Johnston, Howick ; 2 Geo Hislop, un wool ,a Symington; 2 airs C Campbell. Shearling ram, Geo 1=1islop, Pair Sofa cushion, Annie Ross ;2 G Nott, shearling ewes, J Johnston. Pair Collection of ladies work, a Symington; ewe lambs, John Johnston, Ram 2 Annie Ross ; 3 J C Straughan. lamb, 3 Johnston, 1 st and 2nd. 1 air Gent's slippers, airs 0 Campbell ; 2 ewes, J Johnston. Pen, J Johnston. J Symington. Darned net, A Ross ; Downs and their grades -Aged ram, 2 G Nott. Crochet work, a nuie Ross; Geo Hislop, Shearlingram,John Knox. 3 G Moffatt, Macrame work, gas Pair shearling ewes, J Knox, 1st and Symington; 2' airs C Campbell. Point 2nd. Pair ewe lambs, John Knox, 1st lace, A H Jacob ; 2 J Symington. and 2nd. Ram lamb, G Hislop ; 2 Heniton lace, J Symington ; 2 G Nett, J Knox. Pair ewes, J Knox, 1st and Ribbon work, G Nott; 2 a Symington. 2nd. Pen, J Knox. Fat sheep, any Outline embroidery, J Symington; 2 breed, J Knox, lst and 2od. airs 0 Campbell. Roman embroidery; Picas -Berkshire -Spring pig, 0 J 0 Straugliau ; 2 A Ross.. Ladies' Baker, 1st and 2nd. 13rood sow, 0 knitted underwear in wool, Annie Baker. Chester-A.ged boar, S Snell. Roes ; 2 airs 0 Campbell. Crochet Spring pig, . S Snell ; 2 Thos M os- skirteT Hamilton ; 2 errs C ,,Campbell. grove. Brood Sow, S Snell ; 2 Thos Crazy work, J Symington ; . 2 a C Mosgrove. Straughan Crewel work, G Nott ; 2 DAIRY PRODUCTS --Factory cheese, airs 0 Campbell. Embroidery on P P Aylesworth. „Home made cheese, silk, tuts Campbell ; 2 Jas Symington. John Knox. Fresh butter, P P Ayles-. Java canvas work, airs Campbell ; 2 worth ; 2 Mrs 1 Elliott. Twenty lbs gas Symington. Horne made straw table butter, Mrs I Elliott. Crock hat, A Carr. Plain sewing by girl butter, Mrs 1 Elliott. Firkin butter, under 14,T Hamilton. Three patches Mrs D 1 Moffat.. on gent's pants, by girl not more than Roors-Seed onions, W H Me - 14,T Hamilton, Darning on stocking, Cracken ; 2 J Brethauer. Potato7, by girl not more than 14, T Hamilton, onions, P P Aylesworth ; 2 W H Mo` Nettie Anderson. Fancy leather Cracken. Dutch setts, W H McCrea - work, airs wm Snell ; 2 J Symington. ken.2 J Knox. Potatoes -White ele• Sampler work, airs C Campbell. Kensington ,embroidery, airs C Camp- bell ; 2 A Ross. Hand sewing, Mrs. D• Stewart ; 2 J Symington. Crochet with novelty, airs C Campbell ; 2 w ntcOall. PINE ARTS -Collection oil painting, Mrs Mrs C Campbell. W Water P color Brookenshire Crayon drawing, 1 and 2 Geo Henry.. Painting on pottery, Mrs C Campbell. Pencil drawing by boy or girl under 16, 1 and 2 Mrs C Campbell.. Hand painting on silk, J Symington,Miss Pollock. Hand painting on glass, Mrs J Carter, Mrs J Anderson ART, G. 0' W. TELEGRAPH nn Field arrots, 1 and 2 W Irl Mc, Cracken, Garden red carrots, W Taylor, George Johnston, Swede. turnips, (x Johnston,G Kelly, ' Swede turnips special prize, Jas McGee. Mangold wortzels, Jas McGee. Col- , lection garden produce, W H Me, Craeken. Beet, W H McCracken, E 1Taggit. Mangold wortzel, W 1' Mc- Cracken, T Hamilton:^ Pumpkins, R Sellars, W 13 McCracken. Squashes, R Sellars, W Laidlaw. Red onions, W H McCracken, W Laidlaw. Yellow onions, 1 and 2 W 11 Mc- Cracken. Silver skin. oions, 1 and 2 W H McCracken. Potato onions W H McCracken. White field beans, J Barr, W Ii McCracken. Six Bare corn, J Richmond, W 11 McCracken. Citrons, W 11 McCracken, P willows. Watermelons, w 11 McCracken. Cabbage drumheadele Sellars, N Gum- ing. Red Pickling, w Taylor, w 11 McCracken. Cabbage any oth€r kind, w•Taylor, 5 Sellars, Cauliflowers, R Sellers, w H McCracken, DAIRY AND Pnov;sxON'S-Tub factory butter, af Watt. Tub butter,T Ham, ilton, A Oarr. Crock butter, A Carr, T Hamilton. Butter in prints, A Carr, J Harrison, Factory cheese, P Papineau. Dairy cheese, Jas Syming- ton, T Anderson. Extracted honey, Jas Richmond, w H Hammond. Honey in comb, w H Hammond. Home made bread,D 1lloore,J Moffatt. Plain tea biscuits, Miss Pollock, N Cuming. Maple syrup, R Laidlaw, A Carr. Maple sugar, w 11 McCracken, A. Carr. Canned fruit, w 13. Mc- Cracken, James Harrison. Grape wine home tualie,G Jacksou,A Proctor. Tomato catsup, D Moore, 0 Jackson. Pickles mixed, T Hamilton, 3 Harri- son, Pickles any other, w H Mc- Cracken, T Hamilton. FRUIT_Winter apples, Jas Potter, A Carr, Fall apples, Jas Potter, G Nott, Baldwin, 11 B Laidlaw,) Sher- ritt. King of Tompkins,R B Laidlaw. J Sberritt. Northern Spy, R B Laid- law, J Brigham. Rhodelsland green- ings,-J uherritt, D Moore. Ribstor, Pippin, Miss Shortreed, Geo Jackson. Russet gelden, 1) Moore, J Jackson. Russet Roxboro. J Barr, G Jackson... Seek no further, B B Laidlaw; 2 G Jackson. 'Wagner, T Brown;2 3 Barr. Ben Davis, J Brigham; 2 D Moore. Vandervere, 1) Moore. Mammoth Pippins, Jas Barr;2 Jas Potter. Spit- zenburg, J Barr;2 Geo Jackson. Fella - water, 3 Jackson, 2 R 13 Laidlaw. Tatman sweet, 1t B .Laidlaw ; 2 D Moore. Mann, D Moore. Maiden Blush, G Moffat ; 2 J Barr. Snow, Sas Patter ; 2 R Laidlaw. Duchess of Oldenburg, G Jackson. Colvert, J Jackson ;2 R B. Laidlaw. Alexander, R Jackson;2 T Brown. 20 oa Pippins, 11 Ross ;2 A Carr. Any other variety, A. Carr; 2 J Potter. Collection of apples,A Carr ;; 2 3 Brigham. 'Winter tor, T FLOWE SR -Table Hand ouquet,1 T Ap- R pears, w Cameron. Fall ears, ve derson, 3' Anderson. Floral design or Corley , 2 B LaidlaP w. Plains, w ornament, D Marsh, J Harrison. Col - 11 McCracken. Tomatoes, R B Laid- , lection dahlias, T Anderson, W Taylor. Collection of Pansies, D Marsh, W Taylor. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS AND COMPETI- TIONS -Lady driver, single rig, Mrs Spooner, Clinton. Lady rider,Miss Bak- Qpp. Brunsw ick Nose, .. - - Ont Wingbam, 4 c aiimmiu FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1891. BLYTT3 FALL SHOW.. The Blyth show was held in Blyth on Thursday and Friday of last week. There was a large 'crowd of people as usual and the show itself surpassed any that have been held in former years. The weather was delightful and every= -thing passed off well. The following is the ' PRIzE LIST. HORSES—Heavy Draught registered stallions -5 year old, Jas Snell, T Cole. 1 year old, T Beattie, H Kin- ney. Best five colts foaled in 1891, E Bell, Agricultural Stallion -2 year oldie] Frarery. Roadster Stallion- ? year old, B Scott. Heavy Draught Tearn,Jas Reynolds,D Moore. Brood mare, 3 Snell, T Carbert. 2 year old gelding,J F Dale, J Williams. 2 year old filly, G Dale, W J Carter. Year old gelding, J F Dale. Year old filly, tar Dale, D McCallum. Mare foal, 0 Ruddell, T Browu. Horse foal, N Currie, Geo Bowes' special prizes -0 Ruddell, N Cuming, J Snell. J P Fisher's special pxizes, !i3 G Taylor, G Bowes. General Purpose -Team, H 'Ross,W Cameron,T H Taylor. Brood mare, 0 Ruddell, N Cumming. 2 year old gelding, T 11 Taylor, W Cameron. 2 year old filly, W J Carter,T Carbert. Year old gelding, 0 Dale, R Sellars. Year old filly, R Mason, T Ross. Mare foal, 3 Williams, James Shobe brook. Horse foal, H G Taylor, J F Bale. Roadsters -Roadster horses, T F Coleman, T Irvine, R Reynolds. Broad, mare, 3' Sibbins, W Leary, A Taylor. '2 year old gelding,J Sibbins, W C carter. 2 year old filly, A T McDonald, A Knight. Yearold gelding, J Sibbins, W Leary. Year old filly,P Scott, H G Taylor. Single driver m buggy, W J Dickson, D Crawford. Saddle horse, Hamilton & McLean, A Taylor, Sweepstakes, J Reynolds. CATTLE •-= Durhams-Milch cow, 1 and 2 Jas Snell. 2 year old heifer, Jas Tabb, T Ross. 1 year old heifer, 1 and 2 Jas Snell. Heifer calf, 1 and 2 Jas Snell. Bull calf, W Snell, N Cumming. Grades -Milch cow, J Cuming, Jas Webster. 2 year • old heifer, IN Cuming, J Frarery. 1 year old heifer, 3 Tabb, R Ferrie. Heifer calf, J Tabb, R Corley. Steer calf, T Ross, R McGowan. 2 year old steer, 1 and 2 T Ross. Fat ox or steer, 1 and 2 T Ross. Fat cow or heifer, R Corley, N Cuming. Herd. T• Ross. SHEEP - Cotswold -- Aged ram, James Potter, Shearling ram,) Potter, John Cumming. Bain lamb,•J Cum- ing, J Potter. Aged ewes, J Potter, J Claming. Ewe iambs, 3 Cumin', J Potter. Shearling ewes, 1 and 2 J Potter. Leicester -Aged ram, W Cameron. Ram lamb, N Cuming, J Snell. Shearling ewes, N Cuming, 3 Snell. Aged ewes, 1 and 2 3 Snell. Ewe lambs, N Cumming, J Snell. Fat sheep, J ' Snell, 3 B Straughan. Shropshiredown- Aged ram, Wm Snell, R, B Laidlaw. Shearling ram, Glen Bros, Jos Stewart. Ram lamb, 1 and 2 T Anderson. Aged ewes, 1 and .2 W Snell. Shearling ewes, W Snell, T Anderson. Ewe lambs, W Snell, Glen Bros. Southdown -Aged cram, Glen Bros, John Hewitt. Ram lamb, aged ewes, shearling ewes, ewe lambs, all 1 and 2 Glen. Bros. Pros -Suffolk---- Brood sow, W Mc- Coll, E Haggit. Chester white - Aged boar, S W Rogerson, T Baylis. Brood sow, T Baylis, W 0Rogerson, Boar, W Bennett, W C Rogerson. Sow, W 0 Eogerson,T Baylis. Berk- shire. -Aged boar, J` Potter, J Gray. Brood sow, Jas Tabb, Boar, 3` Ar. niour, Jos` Gray. Sow, 3 T'abh. Yorkshire -Aged boar, R Keal. Young boar, T Baylice Young sow, B. flea;, S Armour. G run -Red fall wheat,G McGowan. White fall wheat, W McCall, N Com- ing Spring wheat, W Cameron, G McGowan. Fall wheat any kind, G McGowan. 6 rowed barley,) Stewart. Two year old filly, It Clark; 2 Thos Mosgrove. Model horse, any breed, John Young, Roadsters --Span horses D 11 Moffatt, Brood mare, L Lovell; 2 Robt Black, Two year old gelding, Geo Moffatt ; 2 Wm Wallace. One year old gelding, John Davidson; 2 D Fraser. Two year old filly, Alex out flowers, ,r Ilretbauer.. Flowering geraniums, J Brethauer; 2 Win Robinson Flowering dahlias, M. Robinson. Table bouquet, W .. Robinson ; 2 J 13rethauer. Oolle. ion ornamental grasses, J Brethauer; 2. Win Douglas. Porrl•'rax-•-`Turkeys, P 11 Moffat, White geese, 1) Ii Moffat, lst and 2nd. Gray geese, C Baker. lst and 2nd. Grey ducks, Geo Moffat ;; 2 W g Mo0raoken. White ducl.s, A Wells ; 2 A Miller. Black Spanish fowl, W H. Atc0raoken; 2 C l.3alter. , Plypiouth rocks, W 1T McCracken; 2 John Johnston,Morris Silver spangl- ed liawbui'gs, John Johnston ; 2 W 11 McCracken, White leghorns, Geo Moffat ; 2 C Baker. Light brabrnas, W J.t ivicOracken ; 2 T B Sanders. Dark brahtnas, W 1;1 McOraoken. Guinea fowls, W H McCracken ; 2 0 Baker. Polands, W 'H McCracken, let and 2nd. Pea fowl, Geo. Moffat. (Jolleetion of pigeons, W H McCrack- en. FutTIT Winter pears, Sanderson Js Miller ; 2 J L Wilson. Fall pears, P P Aylesworth ; 2 Geo Johnston. Plums, Robt Laing ; 2. Wm M Robin- son. Crab apples, A Dodds ; 2 John Knox, Apples -.--Baldwins, W a John, stop. 'Yellow bell flower, C Baker. Ben Davis, •L Lovell. Fameus, Robt Laing. King of tompkins, a Knox. Mammoth pippins, a Knox. North- ern spies, L Brown. Newton pippins, P P Aylesworth. Duchess of Olden- burg, J Davidson. Smokehouse, J Knox. Ramlto,J Knox. Rhode 1 G, a Knox. Reicher() russets, A Miller. Golden russets, 11 Thomson. Col, vert3, J Knox. Seek no further, Wm a aohnstou. Tolman sweets, Gail Johnston. Spitzenburg, L Lovell. 20 0unee pippins, D Fraser. Wagner, L Wilson. Chenange strawberry, L Wilson. Maiden's blush, a L Wilson, St Lawrance, [-1 Thomson. Hawtborndena A Miller. Collection of apples, it Thomson, Collection of canned fruit, \V H McCracken. In- door grapes, Dr Brawn, Outdoor grapes, Win M Robinson. Fall pip- pins, a Knox. LADIES' Woiax-Darned net, Miss A Rom; 2 Mrs W M Robinson. Tatting, Mrs W M•Robinson; 2 Mrs 1 Elliott. Crochet work, Annie Ross; 2 Mrs W Irl Robinson. Embroidery in silk, Annie Ross; 2 Mrs A Wells. Embroidery in muslin, Annie Ross. Embroidery in worsted, Annie Ross; 2 Miss L Cowan. Beadwork, Annie Rom; 2 Mrs 1 Elliott, Panay knitting in wool, Annie Ross; 2 Mrs Wm Douglas. Fancy knitting in cotton, ars John Johnston; 2 Mrs D H • Moffat. Flannel shirt, Mrs T B Sand - PLANTS AND FLOWERS-C01100t1011 Of foliage, 1 and 2 D Maxih. Geraniums in bloom, 1 and 2 D Marsh. Fuchsias in bloom, D Marsh. Hanging basket, D Marsh, Mrs Anderson. Best display of plants in bloom, D Marsh, Jas Harrison. et W Ta - phant,'L Lovell ; 2 D Fraser. Beauty era; 2 Mrs P P Aylesworth. Feather of Hebron, J•' Brethner. Any other 1 flowers, Mrs. Jas Brock. Hair flowers, kind, Q Baker;; 2 D Fraser. Swede Mrs J B Vogt. Paper flowers, .Mrs A turnips, J Knox; 2"Wm Wallace. Huebschwerlin; 2 Mrs 1.' 2 Aylesworth. T law ; 2 F Metcalf, Grapes, A 11 Jacob ; 2 R B Laidlaw. Crabs, J C Straughan ; J Barr. Peaches, E B Laidlaw. POULTRY—Geese, T Potter ; 2 E er, Goderich township. Bag pipe com- Haggit. Rouen ducks, J Potter ;•- 2etition,1nder 15,TW Hays and 2 ay, Stewart. w H McCracken. Any other kind; Girls dancin, under 15, Miss McGregor, 0 J G Dale; 2 J Potter. Brown Leg- Misses McLaren. Organ competition, horns, 3 Harrison ; 2 w Teylor. A McLean, LillyKaake, Maggie Cuming.. Light Legacies, w .Gayler ; 2 J Specinien of writing by pupils, Annie Harrison. Blaelc Spanish, J Harrison, Ferguson, Feney Logan, Geo Cowan. 1 and 2, Light Brahmas, w H Mc-' Cracken• 2 3 Harrison. Dark Brah• WROXETER FALL SHOW. mas, w 11 McCracken. Hamburgs, The Wroxeter Horticultural Society J Staining ; 2 w 11 McCracken, held their annual exhibition on the Dorkine, J Harrison. Black breasted Oth and 7th inst. The exhibit in the red game, J Stanbury ; , 2 w 11 Me- hall was of a very superior quality. Cracken. Buff Oochins. w H Me- The roots and vegetables were beyond Cracken. Partridge Collins, w H first class and the ' ladies department McCracken ;2 J Harrison. Bantams, was very fine. The second day turned w Taylcr ; 2 . 13aggit.. Polands, ev out so wet that the attendance was H McCracken, 1 and 2. Plymoth smaller than usual, although coming Rocks,) Harrison; 2 w H McCracken. up so as to leave the Directors . a sure Pigeons, w H McCracken. Collection plus in the treasury. Tlie following of fowls,w 11 McCracken ; 2 w Taylor. is the . Guinea fowls,. a Harrison ; w Ill. Mc. PRIZE LIST. Cracken. pecans --Draught span, Jas Bell ; IMPLESn;NTs-Lumber Watton, John Brunsdon. Market wagon, J Bruns- dan, Iron beam sod plotigh,CHamil- ton. Iron beam general purpose, 0 Hamilton. Single open bogey, single covered buggy, double buggy or jump seat, open, double buggy or Jump feat,. covered, a Brunsdon. Cabinet work,) 11 Mellen,. wooden pump,P willows. Churn, 0 Hamilton. lI ANUPACTURES -Full cloth, (111/41ott; 2 Miss Pollock. Marne made rill wool Mandel, G Nott; 2 Miss Pollock. Any other kind, J Knox ; 2 Wm Johnston. Mangold wurtzel, W K McCracken ; • 2 L Lovell. Field car-. rots, W 11 McCracken; 2 Geo John ston. Garden carrots, long horn, P P Aylesworth ; 2 W H McCracken. Gardencarrots, short horn, A Wells ; 2 Robt Douglas; Long blood beets, P P Aylesworth ; 2 W H McCracken. Turnip beets, W H McCracken; 2 P P Aylesworth. Parsnips, A. Wells ; 2 W H McCracken. GARDEN VEGETABLES—Large toms, toes, Dr Brawn ; 2 P P Aylesworth. Small tomatoes, 3 Brethauer. Cabe bage, J B Vogt ; 2 0 Baker. Canli, flower, A Wells ; 2 W H McCracken. Squash, W .8 McCracken ; 2 0 Baker. Pumpkins, C Baker : 2 W H Brown. Citrons,P P Aylesworth ; 2 W H Mc- Cracken. Celery, J` Cowan•;. 2 3' B Vogt. Water melons, W . H Ma- Cracken. Music melons. W 11 Mc- Cracken; 2'Thos Mosgrove. Beans, Robt. Douglas ; 2 11 Thomson. Corn, C Baker ; 2 John Knox. Cucumbers, P P Aylesworth 2 Thos Mosgrove. GRAIN—Fall wheat, red, Geo John. ston ; 2 J Knox. Fall wheat, white, L Lovell; 2 Adam Scott. Fall wheat, any kind, G Johnston. Spring wheat, any kind, Geo Moffat. ; 2 John Mc Tavtsh, Howick. 6 rowed barley, A Scat ; 2 L Brown. 2 rowed barley, W Douglas ; 2 A Scott. White oats, L Brown ; 2 A Scott. Large peas, L Brown ; 2 1) Fraser. Small peas, J McTavish, Barrel flour, R Black. LIPLII1SENTS AND MANUFACTURES— Lumber wagon, John Bray. Sod plo a, John Bray. Buggy, W J Hop- per ; 2 J Davidson. Iron harrows, Sohn Bray, Assortment of leather, John Lakin. Pump, H Clark. DOMas'io MlNUFACTURES- Home made blankets, Geo Johnston; Robt Douglas, home spun yarn, W R Wax fruit or flowers, Mrs P P Ayles- worth. Berlin wool raised, Annie Ross; 2 Mrs A. Miller. Berlin wool flat, Mrs I Elliott; Mrs A Wells. Cretonne work, Mrs W M Robinson. Fancy sofa pillow, , Mrs John Davidson; 2 Annie Ross. Patch work sofa pillow, Annie Ross; 2 Mrs P P Aylesworth., Pillow shams,Mrs A. Wells; 2 Annie Ross. Braiding, Mrs A Wells; Mise L Cowan. Pencil draw- ing, Mrs W M Robinson; 2 Mrs Wnt Douglas. Oil painting, Miss E C Law- rence; 2 Mrs A Hubschwerlin. Water color painting, Mrs W M Robinson. Pair wool stockings, W H McCracken; 2 Mrs D H Moffat. Pair cotton stockins, Mrs D H Moffat. Pair wool •gloves, Mrs D H Moffat; 2 Mrs P P Aylesworth. Pair wool mics,11 Thomson; 2 Mrs D H Mof- fat. 2 pair wool socks, Mrs T B Sand- ers; 2 Mrs J Brethauer. Log cabin quilt, Mrs P - P Aylesworth; 2 Mrs A Wells. Knotted guilt, Mrs J B Vogt. Patch work quilt, Mrs A Wells; 2 Mrs I Elliott. Knitted quilt, Miss L Cowan.. Crochet quilt, Mrs D H Moffat; 2 Mrs A Wells. Tray mat, Annie Ross; 2 Mrs. J Brethauer. Shell work, Mrs T B San- ders; 2 Miss C Brown. Cone work, Mrs P P Aylesworth; 2 Mrs J Brethauer. Seed wreath, Mrs J Brethauer. Table drape, Mrs W M Robinson; :2 Mrs S Snell. Arascene embroidery,Annie Ross; • 2 Mrs W M Robinson. Outline embroid- ery, Mrs J Brethauer; 2 Annie Ross. Painting on silk or velvet, Mrs W M Robinson; 2 Miss M Miller. Drawn work, Annie Ross. Collection of ladies' work, Annie Ross. - 2 Met Sanderson. Brood mare, Sas Bell ; 2 Wm J Johnston. T'wo year McCracken ; P P Aylesworth. Flan-. old gelding, 3 R Miller ; 2 WitS eel, John Johnston,Morris. Drugget, I - lesworth, Pair calf boots Johnston, One you old gelding, M P P Ay . Sanderson. Two year old filly, Win pogged,W C Hazlewood. Pair course Gemmill; 2 J Lambkin. One year boots, W 0 llazlevrood, Home made old filly, L Lovell ; 2 Robt ' Miller. bread, John Davidson; 2 T B Sanders. Horse bolt, Wm 3 Johnston. Mare honey, strained, John B Vogt. colt, Jas Bell. General purpose---, FLownns_Colleetion basket plants. Wood mare, D Sanderson •, 2 Peter Joint Bray ; 2 J Brethatter. Collet• McEwen Two year old gelding,John tion foliage planta, J Bray; 2 r oun • 2 A. Dodds, One 3 Bluev;ale. A lecture will be delivered in the Presbyteries Church, in this village, on Monday evening, the Ielth instant, by Rev J L Murray, Id A, of Kincardine The subject -of the lecture is "What I sae% in Italy+`' W eF nI S, anddshouldd draw the �ood audience ol the an the reverend gentleman's lecture is very entertaining' and has been greatly appreciated trimmer delivered Lower Wingham, Mrs John Cameron returned from Toronto ott Saturday, where she had been visiting her daughter, Miss Mary Cameron leaves this week for Toronto, to remain for the winter—Miss 'Emma McMullen Left last week for Fort eratiot, Michigan, to visie her sister, Mrs Cowan -•Mr Wm Scott and wife, of McKillop, spent two or three days with tiles Graham this week -Mr end Mrs Win Cruickshank were visit• Ing in Blyth this week—Mr Oeo Thomson was on a business trip to South RiVer this week. Glenfarre w, Mr Alex McTavish, of North East Dope, is spending a week with friends -Mr James Wylie has returned hotne from Manitoba ou account of the ill- ness of his sister ---Mr and Mrs Thos Campbell, of Crosshill, are spending a few days with friends- Mrs Finlay, year old Brethauer. Collection flowering plants, of Howiek, is visiting at Mr J M. x g , g Barney's, gelding, A Furtney; 2 Tliorb Mos rove. J Brethuer; 2 John .Bray. (collection