HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-09, Page 8.IY.12,INDOO We shall be pleased to see you,. On great display of fabricsin ordinary el:foois pleasing ten eies,odd conceits. and extreme novelties for the Autumn months,proves our position as Dress Goods Madera, The range of styles answers every demand of carriage, street and travelling cos. Wines, house and evening wear. See thein, We feel asetlred of your order, The Cloak Department shows quite itn extesssive• colleotion of stelish garments. Just enough of each to give them a dis- tinot individualety, Qui' Sealette and Readings' for ordered mantles ,Etre most complete in all the. advance styles and designs. For Novelties you will find we are beadquarters. For any kind of Furs we invite inspection, which will prove con- vincing. Take advantage of it while you can— of our large stook of Ready-made Clothing, in men's, boys' and children's suits and overcoats, before the best are picked out. Examine our Gloves, Hose,Underwear, Gent's Furnishings, Shoes and Slippers, Carpets and Lace Curtains, at M. H. Mo'lNDOO'S. September, 189i, 4P2'6T •,n- Carried Mcfgague Arlrtstrong •— That ;tie Board do now adjourn to meet in•tb r Teeswater town heal on the last Satur Qarrieday Qf d.Deto er, at o'clock, p tn- Ar,fx AxiAlttSON, Secretary. Quite a number of the natives visit, ed the Walkerton fair, last week, and were favorably impressed with ti siAt4 —Mr A Gebel is putting stone cellar under his house. --.Scree of our lapel sports were away last week on a duck shooting expedition. —Potato ligglee is the order of th day just now and the crop would bra} been enormous, but the wet season followed by the very warm weather f the last t•,ro weeks, caused there to rot to such an extent that some farmers will not have enough for their own use.—.Fall wheat that was early sown has made such rapid growth that some pitrties haver to ,pasture it with small stock to keep it down. --M Dan McKinnon is away en his auntie apple picking tour,-- Wild strawberries are in bloom, and there is a second crop of raspberries getting 'xipe. —Who is going to run the 'Adele mill this year Y is what tire people would litre I r:. Q p .i igt: t @,:cell's FRIDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1891, -------- Lower Wingham,• (Intended forlast issue.) The following is the report of Lower Wingliam school for the month of September. Folerth class—marts ob- t tainabte, 245—F1oriuoe Green, 204. Se*3rd. class—marks obtainable, 475 t —Allis King, 432 ;' Luke icing, 309 ; t Lorne 11aedonald, 317 ; Lizzie Kilda?, i 283 , Hop Netter6 id 275 Sell and all patriotic a citizens aleson, 272; Kleine Linklatez,249, avebeen duped too ion •ry political. May Linkiater, 242, Jr 3rd class— partisa:l,s who nava• been paid to blow marks. obtainitele,482-Norva• Morris the party horn and also .bSi sab•sidize4 son, 48%; Nellie Becket, 394 ; Jessie Papers. The time hal cattle when our Mell wain, 363 ; Eva Halstead, Boo God given talents should be: employed Second class—marks obtainable;, 551 in improving one ,goci'al, condition. Sri men have secret hwart:"this grand R doctrine shall. be an to ocean, unth 378 ; Oliver W'atsou,366 ; Thos Stark, i rice yeoman, who anis seventy-five per u this a iftiun ill h to know .� A distrist meeting of rhe Patrons of Industry, of fJowick, was held in the school house of S SNo=l, Idowick, Sept. 26th, at which e,detegates from the different associations were present.. —Souse outsicceee came t5 bear the patron gospel preached; a' all agreed that something, bade() be deep or else the slavery to winch oer ``forefathers were subjected would .(amara disgr ace t he page of our history.) Binge - tied mouuplies should be bursted and alt social parasites destroys . It was con eluded that our country Ishould-be the first ennsideration and tlitat partyism, as it now _exists should e ciat into oblivion. The gross corrpt influences flat etaill the annals' uf. il, country which should have a spetiese:. page in i his enlightened' age, tlend to'direct all hought£ul shads to elect,'• men who vitt riot wink at such djre•aliuses. We e , e It a y Drupe or Ci azen 14Sor' hn n`} --- eriuie 1Jey, 55I ; liable l-Taistead, Some of onr busin 550 ; Robert Currie, 500 ; Phoebe ly Connived to England. 483: Nellie Martin, 401; en"veteeut; but t1 Eadie Welsh, 398; Jas Loc}:eririar, preached 'from T<l'tarila—In Tui b , on the 8r4 .inst, e wife of 14r Bob ' uir' a daughter. '.tuoisresorl—In ti'-'teoleuroh, on. the faith ult, the wife of Al ; Robert Tbomp- sets; a daughter. Pumice—In Winghn on:the 24th ult, the wife of Mr Pearce, , t Calgary, N W a sox. IV40;4'4314N—inW' sghoul, an the 2nd zest, the wife of 'cur .bent ltlainprize; a daughter, OANTELON-'-In Oh , on, on Oct 2nd,the ife of Mr Peter ..atate u, jr ; a son, Stearz.-'In. W iugham, u Sept 28th,the wife of 1V1r D Sinal! ; a = ra. VANAxsTlNis--•Ira Wi ' ham, en Sept 28tH, the wife of Mr •a Yanalshine ; a aughter, WIreeesi$oN—In orris, on Oet 1st,. the wife of Mr Wm illiamson; adaugh- ter, MARE 0. Wx1Gx1NsoN---WArsu At the reslderice of the bride's father, on be 16th fust, .by Rev J II Dyke, Wm Wilkinson, of Morris, to Miss Mary J • ne Walsh, of Bel. grave. Ferr oar—ln W u h alter Sloan, aged 7 and 22 day's. JOtiNSTON—In as 17th ult, :M artha,wife ston, aged 55 years an m, on Oct 6th,.: years, 6 months 'Waw.anosh,. on the f Mr David John - 10 months.. JOHN GALBRAITH. I SALESNMAN' WANTED To take orders for Warranted N RS1 RX 8TOOlk tube delivered intim spring. Agents starting NOW can wake big Salary, or c.ornudeelon. Stork and variety ,superior to anything heretofore ehtppcd.. Outfit and instructions furnished vaN1:1. write at Once for terms to F„ 0. LiltallAbl,Nusesaea'AN, Toronto, Out, • DRAIN TILE, ELLIOTT ERAS, Irave on hand at their brick yard, near winel,ar, a large stock of Tile from 8 to 8 inches for draining Purposes. Fanners intending to drain their lands should. can and ape the utopia ••„rd got prices, , SHI LOWl4?J CON4U PTIO CURL The success of this Great Cough Cure IS without a parallel h the history of rinedieine, All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos- ttive guarantee, a test that no other cure can Sue- Cessfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free lute every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, tor' it will cure you. If your child, has the Croup, It is tine to think about getting an t erWhooping Cee h, use itpro,nptly, and relief' is sure. If you read that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ash your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price Io cts., go its. and $t.oa. .If your ',sings are sore or Back lame; pre Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 pts. overcoat, Well,eee think. we can please you. Our ones'at•$l0 ean't''be beat in prioe•or quality,. Also alerge assortment in boys' Overcoats. Conne in and eee them, It will pay you. ' Large stook of Caps, Underclothing, Top Shirts, &e., at close prices. • Blankets, Grey Flannels, Comforters, Canton Flannel, Shawls, Tweeds, &o. Another shipment of 600 yards of Flannelettes at 8 cents per yard, regular price 10 cents. Call and see us. Yours trills', JOHN GA.LBRAITH. Wingh un, October 8tli, 1891. • WIVGEAit Allah)IYfI'8. wi oa;tu, October 8, 1851 Corrected by P. Dean0,•P•roduco Dealer, ' IV,:nor 1001tis, • „ 2 50 to r;, 2 75 Fall rVheatprigb shel, r Spring - 90 to 00 Oats, 27 to 85 Barley ' . t •- 40 to G pee t{f,tet•, tub is to 14 .do nolle, 1s to 15 g a per dozen, 11 to T5 good per cord, 3 50 to 1 00 fray per ton, 0 00 to 10 00 Potatoes, • •, 25 to 30 AMIL to. Dr. Towler; eider in • Drugs, Medicines aand Chemicals, Toiled; Soaps, Perfumery aiiu C1gars, Sh..ould.er.. • Braces, Trusses,N of ]ruSponges, and all ka.x�ds Druggists!. Sundries • usually kept in a first- class drug store, Physicians' prescriptions care,. ffulIy . compounded and orders answered' 'With 'care and despatch. Farmers and physioans from the country will And our stock of medicines complete, war - ,ranted. genuine and of the beat quality. Full line of Diamojd Dyes always in stook., &. L. $A ILTON. A °ARt . Dr. Towlerevill continue the prac- tice oe his p efesnion and may be found at leis.{Ace in the Pharmacy ---Mr. Hamilton's r drug store—during , office hours, or at his residence, Di- agonal street, IT'S WONDERFUL The money you . can save 13y buying your goods,�•and getting your watches r - paired at Pat- , terson's ellergr store I He gives , rfect satisfa tion. every'me. Try him a 1, buy a don't go by without do buy. M. PATTERS N, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller, Main st,, Wingham. Dissolution of Partnership. 261; Annie Patti -rein, •211.—We are sent f k ' D , w have NOTICE" u, V, 1 to hear� et tz a ., ,. ' 8t that John ,t11d 1 tunic v N .r c,F•, c of • t,lle,;represenw Hill are able to be around again, after tatiVos The great• fauit cif many of a pretty severe attack of fever.- Ml' A our members is 'thee they IiaVe not our G Macdonald is iudlsposed at pre. welfare tit heart C,;td when any pleas sent, suffering frog, a cold which ure, is brought forward 'which has for settied in his eock, calisil,g it to be its oi,ject fll' irnpeverishiu of.the stiff, and painful Lege ACT Macdonald great majority wind the eliriohitlg of it nt for the Singer sawing lnhiehine, the few, th'•y act its is • unit,,no matte and -those in need of a machine world of what pclitice,l •stripe'they may.be do well to •see what he can do for. It wile concluded that, since. our store therms the work done by this n,serwhich trio lc the contraeti did not wish chine i's unequalled by any other — by contract dealing to enceetage born. Potato raising, and grain threshing, is industry, that we wquld paitronize the ,the fashion in this locality at present. 1 wboieeale houses of Torolito, -since our patronae - has been solicited, At 6 Culross. • 'o'clock p n , the meeting• adjourned, The directors of the Culross Mutual to assemble at the Grange'Bell, on the "tire Insurance Company met in the 9th concession of .Howiek,, the Saler; tc4tn hall; 7'eeswater,.14th.Sept, 1801. day before Christmas. Al pfit. President in the chair, A elaidic for compensation was brought forward by Mr Su itzer, of lot 34, con Seaforth. '.. 7, Culross, for loss of au ox said to Otn show,, held last Thursday and bave-been killed by lightning, on the Friday, ,v 8'aa genuine s03Ceese The 12th September Mr 'Archthald display, h tl.t inside and out,wasabove Gordon,. fire inrpeetor, having exan,in the average xnd excellent in..every line. ed. the.carease, pronouncing lighteing The weather was. all that: Could' he as being the Cause of death. The desired and the spectators turned out directdrs, after careful inquiry into; in vast numbers.--:.fi Jas,14f eGinnis the "'matter and having taken me i has repurchased th�er, propet'ty which Switeer's affidavit, awarded hien see ! he recently sold to Beattie Bros and - for his Loss, this being` the maximum ,i will reed tee his old business about the ' insured valuation uu any animal of I middle of October,--Mr'P T,t,'vletfien eattie kind. Little--1leid—',Cleat the mewed first pi ize for his excellent:, treasurer is hereby instructed' to„.. pay driving team ar, Glcaderich stlnexr,.•and fo to Mr Switzer the sum of $80 as coin !dip! ma for the best drivini; Mire on pensation for loss of ox killed by !the grounds, -- 11r A Cardaui left for lightning ore 12th September, 1891-.- ; :llactitobe on t+'ridey hist, with.a car Carried. Arnietrcng — Reid-- That i load of horses —.Mr 0.L'arker has a this board do he v adjourn to inert !raspberry brush in his garden which is again as per .ruction of ndjournin'nt j enverr ci, fits the second time this year, at last regular meeting —• Carried. +vit11 rilie 1lruit. e The directors test be the town had, �rii�ris. 'soesws,ter, ou. the 29th ,Septetniler, • A spell( from it steam thresher very 189.1, Members Ail present. 'maxi',!nearl. caused the burning of S ' y g I' t. CCtts. dent lit the tenth', 1�. ieutee of last, bemus, one day last week, — W T regular 1neetttig,alko of' epe•0ial•iateetitt;, , Mooney, son of the reeve of this town. i r*+1d. eanrl r aria+;it,rrd.' Armstrong—a!u-1 ship, grafi hist arm badly out by'corn :Itsrglakt--1l,,nr ell ttttpI,e,tt ere for in. i soo in contact with care a,Yo' in rho Maids suranca I1p no,* Iant nerve!, slat Beard I ,,f his father, ns they were ehopprng: --Carried, .fteid---M.it:Ku:me• — Teat together, ' , , � a .r, vial �'iaesday Mut. Medical ' flawing carefuliy six•trmnoti 10 'ampti. laid wits securer!, and ho is doing as *adores and.found there �atisfactory, i well cis eould be expected',.-•- A t,rtmbeer the .s.zesidout and Secretary lire sir• iof s':hclols in this townshiti will be strutted to prepare anti Issue policies Clint Bing teachers this vwir, antonto %f 1Alrfe--C.lrrted. 1S.rnrs:rong— iti'-' others; being the Sturm selsur,t,rervitt's ' i%Kegue•--Th et the T'teaselstr• pay the r seg of Odra lrvine'e seherd.---1Ir M. fallowingittesettrts; 11N i.'i:urtell,for `iM'esters, vbo had: bis collar bona stationery, 75 Cernta; Seer'etary fur ? lfrolo'I2 a few weeks ago, Ort recovering ro,ta1 a feeler let Jauuar3 to 20th: nicely and will sooty be hinself again. A meeting of the Cornq�u of thetCorporatien, ot the County of Buren Will 5e h ' d at the Court Homo, in the Town of:Goderrh;ni;ipfil155DAT, OC• TOBLla 20, 1891; akre i'+lbck po,:cY:, for the trntfsac, tion of gor al county 7btish ss.. By order of the Warden. t ref. IIQLI7B.S, ,p Actin,; County Cleric, uty Clerk's Office, fl aerteh, (ot 5,1991 r •" TENDERS -:ACTED. - . • s The undersigned will receive tenders for the purchasee4 a I very e Desirable Oesidenbe and Grounds IN WINGHAM,` •. Up,t.o Saturda5r, 'October 3r, 'gr, on which date the property will be sold. For fu er particulars' apply to D. M. GORDON, Wingham, Ont. . PATRON. Fovea Gag BustopOoliege ANTIC' ' SfO1;.THAND ZNSP1TUTE London, Is without doubt the most r o.nouo g and PnAOT1oAt institution in OAN4DA. GetADCA1Es of both sexes eesIs'rnn to good rosrrroxs. Over fifty of last sea son's students in positions. CATALOG—UE •FREE: J. W. WESTERVELT, ;' raccipal. wr, Strayed froon the show/rounds,'Wing- harm, on Sept. EOth, pato s year old .steers, one red and the outer gray, and a yearling. heifer, red and white. Any person- giving any irliarmation of their whereabouts, will he,nuitabiyrewarded; A 51OS '1`Il'2,5NG, Con. 1, Turnberry; winghnm 1', Or MOUSE AND LOT FOR 'SALE The lurdoreigned offers for sale a,c055r,t is contah•- Ing seven rooms,1.nd two -fifths -of an note of land, situated on the corner of Patrick andCarli.rg streets Winghau,. (aoodpenal', woodshed and hard and soft water. Yoe particulars, apply to. 'the•otvuer, near the property, 1S. 1loiUINLAX. 11D. Any person giving rl,''nfcemation as will lead to the finding; of the a. • .,y parties asho stole seven gees,, art the ni1ht of w :ti, of September, will be paid the above re, rd. osohtos BRYL'1s. Turnbeyr eypttee•mbe�ryOydyn� l,y NOTICE. O.4 IV.R,t. ' T. A: 'RILLS. ltavhtx d,sppo'e:l of etrxk of general ;coedito Ueargo 1S. 1kingf,irerch)11•581 ofies all pereoni turlehted to him that all acrcuirtO nmet bo paid'ht 00513. %%Ingham, 8cptembor 17th, 1001. ' A- 1tILL9- �(� lit 15•81.A.,L,O.p.S•0 11, S M.,C.T, ay � 1.7 Ci,.✓.A '5 tJ�i.L ,, TORONTO. • Jonathan Bashed, Iaistocvel, says :— "After spending all my money and prop- erty to no purpose on rnedieal men. for what they terrned.a hopeless ease of 'con- sumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." Mrs, Mary Furicina;, Woodhouse, says: "When all others' failed, Dr,' Sinclair cured Ine of fits" "s' W. McDonald, Lakefiold, says :--"Dr. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh." • Geo. Rowed,Blytli, says eselDr1 Sin Blair cured me of heart dp"sease •and drop- sy; when all others/failed," ' Diseases of private nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION FREE: DR. SINCLAIR will be at the . QUEEN'S HOTEL, . Wingham, CSN WEDNESDAY, OCT: 28th. l 891. ATICTIO BALL OF Vf4ttfg3 g FARM TOCK, The undersigned s received instruc. tions to sell by public otion, on tot 2, Concession , Turnberr On, ii Tuesday, Oct 3, 1801,. The following valtue, b Thoroughbred • Shorthorn • ttle, viz lst, Rose of Wroxet r, red; 20d, Beauty of Maple Grove, red; 3 e ,Laura of el ap e Grove, red, Dominion . e 'd Book,16208; 4th, Rose of Wroxeter Se; olzd, Domittiort Herd Book, 1,6259; 5th, Ci. re of Wroxeter, Dominion Herd Book,1t2o7; Oth, Lily of Maple Grove, red bre .. i Dominion Hord Book, 17553; '7th, tterlly o Matiln Grove, red and whi t t•, ono year old•..8th' Wroxeter Daisy, rep . Doaiiraon 'Ilordf Book 16260; 2'13141 ► t lues; 2 heifer C€aly 9; 1 Heavy' Draug Horse, 0 years old; 1 General Purees e ',Aare and 'b'ottl' L two year old I{Tidy; three years old 1VIare, 8At,1 TO CO:r1[1KII14o1, i • I: Okr,00xk 'I'tlune.---':Cwelvcl Shoe fl credit on ptir- ehascrs furnishing aIt 'vett joint notes. J. COWAN, . 1`1It7HOLSOlrl, Auction . Proprietor. Turnberry, ,',.A; .:a1 N tiee is hereby given that the Part-' nerehip heretofore subsistigg; •;bettyoee the undersigned as Hardware Alercheets under the name of Jes.. A. GLUTS fir Op., at the'Towtt of Wingharn, was dissolved by mutual colisent on the '12th day ,of March, A. D. 1897,: All accounts due to the late flrlra will be paid to Jas. A. Cline, who. will carry on the business at the old stand • and by whom all obligations of the lafe'firer will. be paid,. Dated this 24th March, A. D. 1891, Witness, Jes, A. Otxwn,' ' J.A.`1Vtonrosr. .. Joesr Nemrrtlrnes. •.. Refering to above; I wish to return my thanks for past favors, and trust that by close attentioA,to the wants oe:myone- tomer:s. to idlest a coa$tinuance: of the same. • Jas. A. Cline. P. S. --Past due accounts must be set- tled at once. Fall 'Hillery MISE3 MURPHY Has received a large and choi5e stook of G-OODS comprising Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons', &L. Nlantle Cloths, Brocades, &c. LOOT' 'Novsx TxnS xhl ivkfty ]llie� PAltriilNwr. MT.S£31aA, of Petyolia, finest • city -auitlhler, has taken th ,. of,head 5rij1livar }mat , eifert wi111Y lased, to please cur- MANTLES ' vaD t' - ON TI114 P11;1 MISES.• A CALI, SOLIOIPEi3', • Store opposites the' queen's 11:oto1. MIAS i , -MVrt?1.1Y. Worley to Loan on, Mit ee. Note fiaticnuttd . 41,1TR11A 'ftiASLA Xtit.T1t"S • Moatey advanced ori Iffertgagie at per ome. with privilsr(e of paying at the crud of any year. NeAee and accounts eollocted. i>"i•-1$'caver 131eCk. ROS• M linrhare, one