HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-09, Page 74 • TE PER 1 NCE COLUMN. CONDUCTED IDX TUE Y, W. 0. T. U. clippings, The Illinois Legislature has passed a hill for punishing any person who procures liquor for a •minor or an habitual drunkard. We have a similar aw in Ontario, but it might be better enforced. Kitchen Notions, :Next to a good range a good shook Of 1s paramount importance in the. kitchen, ,Coffee cake should be wrapped,wbile warm, in a napkin, and there remain till cuts Keep sharp knives for cutting meat and bread and for pooling vegetables Folding towel racks set° on the wall enf orced. 'English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Li nrps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Splints, Bing Bone, Sweeney, Stifes,Sprnins, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wended ;Amish Cure ever Imam,. Sold by W, B. Towler. In the city of Lewiston, Maine, the constables have completely stopped the beer business, raided the saloons. and closed up the drinking ' places of the city. Prohibition now prohibits in Lewiston, and kitchen barnreonrs are dry. Owing to the unprecedented demand for plate glass,it has advanced considerably in price. Messrs McCausland & Son,Toruuto, fortunately made a contract before the advance for a very considerable quantity, nand are thus enabled to offer their patrons this season a decided advantage in price, the quality beiug superior to any ever pre- viously imported, The Government of the Uango Free State intends to abolish license tax on the sale of alchol in December next. The intention is evidently to extermin- ate the natives, and what surer means could this Government take to accom- plish its object than by allowing cheap whiskey to flow without restraint in the land A peculiar coincidence. Two Can- adian boys crossed the border. One went from Toronto to Tocoma, Wash. 1' Theother went from Hamilton to Toledo,O. The Toronto boy Hinchey, is in Tacoma jail awaiting trial for murder ; he shot a bartender while on a spree. The Hamilton boy,'Quinn, is, in the silent tomb ; he was shot by a bartender, while on.a spree. The least we can do is to shun bars, bare tenders, and bar•beverages.—Royal Templar. The belief in alchohol as a source of inspiration has.so declined • of late years that people will receive without surprise Alphonee. Daubet's declara- tion that drink makes him incapable • of writing or conceiving a line. The. general belief is that it creates 3 feel- ing of strength physical and intellec- tual, which on trial is found to be delusive.. Thus it is said that the late Wilkie Collins once drank;mine pretty freely and found himself• in a splendid mood for work. He sat down and wrote for several hours, carefully put the precious manuscript away and went to bed. In the morning he read what he had written, found it pure rubbish, and threw it into the fire. —The TWOS will be sent to new sub- scribers from now till the 1st of January, 1892, for 25 cents. near the sink are a great convenience in drying distl towels ,and • dish cloths. Gilding on silver should be rubbed as little as possible ; wiping it with a sat linen cloth moistened with tem- monia is all that is necessary. Sometimes the are will not burn readily at first, because the air in the chimney is cold, in that case, burn a quantity of paper or shavings before trying to light the other fuel, Tin vessels rust and are often worthless in a fey week, beeause,a£ter washing they are not set on the stove for a moment or in the sun, to dry thoroughly befpre they aro put away. Like Paralysis. 'Tor years I suffered with my back whioh sometimes became as if paralyzed. 7 suf» fered awful agony for months and could not slee. . • . t .• , . f our Burdock B' An Men. young, • old, or middle aged, who find themselves nervous, week or exhaust., ed, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms : Mental depres- sion, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness.of sight, palpitation of the heart, omission, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headalie, pimples on the face or boclii itching oil peoular sensation about the scrotum, waisting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitohing of the =soles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tendernes of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness bf hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excita- bility of temper, sunken eyes sure rounded with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that led to inanity and dead useless cures. The spring or vital power having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those, who through abuse committe in ignorance may be per,. n ely cured. rend your a. :ss for •book on all disc s pe uliar to Address M. '.. LUB ' N ° e rent St. E., Toronto, Ont. ooks sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation,• skip beats, not flushes, rush of blood to the lleacl, dull pain in the heart with beats stron;i rapid and irregular, the second. heart heat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, ete., can positive3•y be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. h LOOK HERE! I hare to stuck a full lino of FLY NETS, INTI?S, BBUSIIES, CUltit.Y•COMBS, & :e, scribers from now till the let of January, 1892, for 25 cents. The man who parades his religion and' tries to lnake capital out of his piety, meets with only contempt. The unconscious infiuepce of a goodmwn is greater than his conscious work. He may not know theft, his face shines,' but others see it. . —The TIMES will be sent to new sub- scribers from now till the let of January, 1892, for 25 cents. You will find the more resolve not to be useless, and the honest desire to help other people, will, in the quickest and delicatest ways, improve yourself. A man should be a high board fence between his wife and the wickedness of the world,but by his own worthlessness he is often a bridge. C. P. R. TIME TABLE. Trains arrive and depart as follows : RAYING ARRIVING •35 a. m...... ....For Toronto 5.35 a. m, 0 p. m 2:00 p.m 0 p. m For Teeswater 2:00 ' 5 p. m " 10:55 ' A N'D TRUNK P'Y° A. C. STRATHDEE, AGENT, \INGUAM. igh tickets to all points in America—North. acifir, Coast, etc., via the shortest and all routes. Baggage checked through to , Lowest freight rates to all points. ----TIME °TABLE. 1JAM. ARRIVE AT WINGIIAM. ronto, Guelph, Palmerston, &c. 3:31 p.m. „ " <• 10:20 " " " Clinton, ' . Palmerston, Mixed 10:35 a.m. London, Sze 11:00 " ' 7:60 p.m. . Kincardaine, Szo 0:30 a,in. 11:10 " 7:10 p.m `le" CITY 11111111111M for PINE APPLES, ORANGES, UNIONS, MONS, BANANAS, 1011 ATOES, FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, CONFECTIONERY, ALL KINDS, ALMOND NUTS, WALNUTS, kA PEA. NUTS, double and single, liant or heavy, made to order, in the latest styles mud of the best material. TRUNKS,VALISES, RAND BAGS, &o., in stock and will be sold cheap. Repairing neatly an'o promptly done The patronage of the publie solicited, and satistao ion in work and material guaranteed, Shop—One door south ed T. A. Mills' store, Stop him 1 — Stop whom Why, that boy with a quid of tobacco in his mouth a cigar in his teeth, a profane word upon his lips, a care -for -nothing• ness in his manner. Stop him I he Is going too fast; he does not know his •speed. Stop him before tobacco shatters his nerves ; before pride ruins his cbaractor ; before loafer masters the man ;before ambition and, youthful strength give way to the low pursuits and brutish aim, Stop all such boys? They are not.to be classed amongst our Boys. They are the disgrace of their towns, and sad and solemn re• proaches of themselves, and the worst trails here on earth to their parents. Stop them 1 But if that is impossible, then shun them. They are bad, bad bays. A good boy is on of the very dost things on the earth ; but a real bad boy is one of the worst. The only hope is that he is a boy yet ; it is possible he can be stopped, and right. about-faced, and may yet be a good man, But is so,he .must stop at once. No halfway Work here; if he does not stop, he is gone, and there is no hope for.hifn. --The TIMES will be sent to new sub- scribers from now. till the 1st of January,. 1892, for 25 cents. The knowledge which we have acquired ought not to resemble a great shop without order, and without an inventory; we ought to know what we possess, and be able to make it serve us in need. • A man is a groat bundle of tools. He is born into this world without the knowledge of bow to use thein. Education is the pro, cess of learning their use, and dangers and troubles are God's whetstones with which to keep them sharp. Is simply epidemic influenza; Wilson's 'bVildClrerry will cure it safely and quickly, Get the genniue, iii white wrappers only, and use it as directed for influenza, —The TIKES' will be sent to new sub- scribers from now till the lst of January 602, for 25 cents. INSTRUCTIONS ON USIA: ANO AND ORGAN, ALSO CLASS IN IARYONT. For particulars rega • Ing terms, etc, please call at and Patrick sheets. FLORILLA SPARLING. my home, corner Fr in 11 DAVIS IS OFFERING MONEY" —ON— F' A,Et.M PROPERZ,TY AT VERY LOW RATES. OHTEL Ingham, Junes 1801. err flE L0WS, I have much ple ure in anouncing to the farming public that am agent for these Celebrated Plows and other Agricul REPAIRS EPT ON HAND. The Old Stan on Victoria Street will still be HEAD A TARTERS FOR Sewing M chines, Org • ns, Washin _ Machines a d Wringers. SEE PEIM I OFFICE—OPPOSITE THE MARKET, VI1GnAN. OOrosla 4T11, 1888 Pronerty ror Sale in Delmore. The undersigned oilers for sale a desirable pro perty in the village of Reimer°, consisting of a good dwelling house, office, stable and driving shed, with one acre and a•half of land in connection. Splendid garden, with all sorts of fruit trees, Will be sold at a bargain. For particulars, apply to FREDERICK COOK, Beim' e. BANK OF HAMILTON WINGI-IANI. Capital, $1,200,000. Rest, $600,000. Give me a call and ii pact Goods. UI turnings Wingham, April 1 th 1891. FANOY BISCUIT OF ALL KINDS. . A Lar;e Stock of Canned Goods : TOMATOES, PEAS, CORN, • SALMON, LOLSTEB, - CHICKEN, `TURKEY, CONDENSED COFFEE, CANNED PIGS FEET, b'IREWOR1l3 OF ALL' KINDS. R. HILL. HALSTED &SDUT(' 13A1\TKRS_ Josephine Street • - - • • - Wingham, Ont. J. A. HIM u sieD, hfount Fares-. J, W. SCOTT, Listewel Deposits Received and Interest slowed. Money Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Cr'1- • letting .Accounts and Notes. Agents in. Canada—The'Mcrchants• Bank of Canada Office hours—Froln,9 a. m. to 5 p. m. A. E. SMITH, Ageut. President—Joan STUART, Vlee•Presidcnt—A. G, 1RAMSAY. DUt cTOES IouN PROCTOR, CIIAS, GURNEY, ORO lienee, A. T WOOD, A. B. LRR (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank••-ltours;10 to 3 ; Saturdays,10 to 1. Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest alSp pial IDoposits also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold 13. WILLSON, Aol;Nz. MEYER & DICKINSON, Solicitors, ' ir diVEAN LURED 4 'trim IDDI`1 t•',t: Please inform year renders that t have alpositive remedy for the above u1 :..- Crease, ley its timely use tli .Itsands of hopeless cases have beth pertnanently cured I „frit. glad to send twb bottles of my remedy FfEE to any ofyour readers tvho have cnlr s teepptioh if they wilt Send she their Express and Post Office Address. Respr,etktlUf Ai W.00UMO 141.0+; 180 West Adelaide Stop Tf< RONTOg ONTARib, FOB THE BEST VALUE IN ORDERED CLOTHING, WE GO TO STER'S HATS, . CAPS, C Off, ARS, SHIRTS, CUFFS, Che' a,p for KASH. ATg— J3 S , Fr 1''' &c. zatilyg Tfly 4 al tto Has removed to E. F. Garster's cid stand, where ho ha•: a large an nicely assorted stock of atekag, Xewelierv, Sit verware ani Which he is selling away down in price, and will the pleased to have you call and take a look through his Stock. Repairing a Soee a1ty WAIL work warranted and nolle promptly. Ed. Dinsley,;', Mas l's Mock