HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-09, Page 4U E WILLIAMS, OREMISTs — AND — DRUGGIST. AMC. N. W. TELEGRAPH CO opp, Brunswick Hose, Wingbam, - Ont Eke Cimeg FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 18Ple EAST HURON FALL SHOW. At the fair in Brussels, on Thunder and Friday of last week, the horse ring was well represented by as fine a class of horses as was ever shown at thia tam The show of thoroughbred made was up to the standard of fore mer years, the prizes being very evenly divided between Smith Bros and D Milne. There were also some very fine grade oattle. The sheep pens were well filled with some veryfine animals. Pigs were good, but there were not many en exhibition. There was quite a number of good foyele on .exhibition, as well as a gond number 'of inferior quality. The show of im- pletuents was email in quantity, but good in quality, Jas Walker and John Wynn carrying off tbe prizes for buggies and cutters. The follewing is the PRIZE *LIST. feloesne—Heavy draught—Brood mare, having raised a foal in 1891, A Speir; 2 Jas Shaw; 3 H Hamilton. Gorse colt, H Hamilton • 2 Jas Shaw; 8' A Speir. Mare colt, Johu'Stewart. Two year old filly, W J Carter 1st and 2nd e 3 Wni Cameron. Two year old gelding, P Robertson ; 2 T 11 Taylor. Yearling stallion, Jas Shaw ; 2 Wm Wawa. Yearling filly, T MeLauche lin; 2 Smith Bros, Molesworth; 8 A Speir, Yearling gelding, Jas Mee Callum. Heavy draught team, Win Pollard ; 2 Semi Dickson; 3 T Mee Lauchlin. General purpose—Brood mare, having raised a foal in 1891, Jas McCallum; 2 T H Taylor ; 8 , D Milne. Horse colt, T H Taylor ; 2 Jas McCallum, Mare colt, Wm Toffee.; 2 David Milne. Two year old filly, Jas Love ; 2 A Gardner ; 8 R McLauchlin, Two year old geld - e• ing, Jas Love; 2 A Dandies; 3 .5 Snell. One year old filly, 3 Stewart, con le, Grey ; 2 J Robb jr ; 3 W Cameron. One year old gelding, Jas Duncan; 2' Jas MeCallum, Span of general purpose horses, Smith Bros, Molesworth ; 2 13. Hamilton. Road- sters—Brood mare, having raised a '1 foal in 1891, 3 Duncan ; 2 T Roe; 3 P Scott, Spring foal, (gelding or filly), T Roe; 2 E McNainara 8 T Strachan, Two year old filly, T Md. Lauchlin ; 2 A Stewart, con 16, Grey. Two year old gelding, John Sibben ; 2 13 Scott. Yearling stallion, A Crich. .s One year old filly, P Scott; 2 E Mc- Namara,. One year old gelding, S fkkeIl,„ Buggy horse, R Leatherdale; 2 eroteknown. Carriage horees—Car- X riage span, 16 hands high, John tiT4,atnbkin ; 2 Jas OamPbell. Spring ' foe! (gelding or filly), ..1 Sieben; 2nd and 8rd, John Mooney. , Yearling gelding, 3 Sibben. Yearling filly, T Wilkinson, Yearling ' stallton, D Knight; 2 W Martin: Two year old gelding, Geo 13reker ; 2 T 'Wilkinson. Two year old.filly, D Knight ; 2 A Gardner; 3 R Leatherdale. Tuonorfonnaen CATTLE — Durham, , With cow, having calved since last show, Smith Bros, Molesworth; 2 D • Milne ; 8 J Hewitt. Two year old heifer, 3 Amour ; 2 D Milne; 8 Smith Bros; 4 E Robertson. 13011 i eitIf, D Milne; 2 R McKee ; 8 D ee.. Milne, 'Heifer calf, T 11 Taylor ; 2 D Milne ; 3 T 11 Taylor. Jeraeys e' Mich cow, having calved since last ', show, 3 It Smith, Two yeare old i heifee, G A Deadman, 1st and 2nd. .t. Heifer eelf, J R Smith. Native or Igrade cattle—Oow, having calved Since lest show, P Robertson; 2 R Corley. Tete year old heifer, T. 'n Taylor; 2 T McLachlin, One year old heifer, 3 Amour; 2 T Wilkinson. Two year old eteer, r2 Wilkinson, let and 2nd. One year old steer, T Wil. kinson ; T iricleatichlin. Steer half, T 11 Taylor ; 2 T IVIeLatiohlih. Heifer calf, It Corley; T MoLeueblin, Pat tow or heifer, It Corey; 2 D Millie, Fat ox or steer, Alex Began, Sat end 2ritt SuEEP.--Leicaster—Aged rain,Nicho. las, Ounnniug; 2 3 11 Jalenston. Shearling ram, Gee 111010P. Rem lamb, N Camining; 2 3 11 Johnston, Pair ewes, having raised lambs in 1891, J. 11 Johnston; 2 D Iiflne Pair of shearling ewes, N CUMmiug ; 2 J 11 Johnston, Pair of ewe lambs, jag Dunean ; 2 N Conenting. South. downs—Aged ram, John Hewitt. Shearling rara, John Hewitt. Ram lamb, John Hewitt, 1st and 2nd. Pair ewes, having- Weed lambe in 1891, John Hewitt let and 2nd. Pair of shearling e wes, bleu Hewitt, 1st and 2nd. Pair of ewe lambs,John Hewitt, ist and 2nelShropshire—Aged ram, A Ross ; 2 S Dickson, Shearling ram, Jottepli Stewart; 2 Jas Speir, Ram Iamb, ;las Speir; 2 Joseph Stew- art. Pair of ewes, having raised lambs in 1891, T Anderson; 2 Joseph Stewart. Pair of shearling ewes, Wm Pollard; 2 S Currie. Pair of ewe Iambs, Jas Speir ; 2 A Ross. EIGS—Derkshire—Boar, over one year, age to be given,5 Walker. Boar, under one year,Jcthn Armour; 2 Smith Bros, Sow, under one year, John Armour; 2 John atewart,con 15,Grey. Yorkshire-140ex, over one year, age to be given, R Nichol', Boar, under one. year, T BaViis. Sow, under one year, B Nichol); 2 3 Armour. Obese ter White—Boar, oxer one year, age • to be given, 5 Snell; 2 5 Walker. Boar, under one year, W Bernath ; 2 A. Shaw. Sow, having littered in 1891, T Baylis; 2 • 5 Snell. Sow, under one year, A Shaw; 2 T Baylis. Poi:rem—Guinea fowl,. Fred Mc- Oraoken : 2 3 Harrison. Dark Bralimas, W Henderson & on; 2 0 Henderson. Light brahmas, Jas Harrison ; 2 Fred McCracken. Black Spanish, 0 Henderson, 1st and 2nd, Plymouth rooks, J Harrison'2 Walter Taylor (Wingham ) White Leghorns, J Harrison; 2 Walter Taylor. Brown leghorns, J Harrison ; 2 Walter Tay'. tor. Silver spangled hamburgs, Harrison ; 2 J el Johnston. Black hal:aurae, W Henderson & San, 1st and 2nd. Polands, Fred McCracken; 2 D Milne. Bantams, W Taylor; 2 C Henderson. Houdans, Fred Me Oracken. Dorkings, J Harrison, lst and 2nd, Langsh.n,Fred MoOracken: 2 W Henderson & Son. °whine, Fred McCracken : 2 S Harrison. Wyandottes, 0 Henderson : 2 Fred McCracken. Turkeys, R Leatherdale: 2 0 Henderson. Geese, 3 Harrison : 2 0 Heoderson. Rouen ducks, Fred Meeracken. Pekin duck, 0 Hendee. son. Canaries, S Burgess, let and 2nd. Fanny pigeons,Fred McCracken. Game fowl, 3 flarrison, lst and 2nd; ImPLEmENTS—Patent arm wagon, John Wynn. One horse bnggy, open; D Ewan. One horse buggy, covered, Jas Walker: John Wynn. Cutter, John Wynn, lst and 2nd. Road - cart, ;las Walker. Field roller, T T Coleman.• General purpose plow, T T Coleman. Wheelbarrow, John Wynn. HOWIOIC FALL SHOW.. The Howiak Agricultural Society held their annual fall show in Gorrie on Saturday of last week. The ex'. hibite were numerous and excellent throughout, which shows that the peon ple of Howlett take an interest in their fall fair. The directors have worked very bard this year to make it a success and deserve great credit for the way in which.it was conducted. It was an improvement Over last year and promises to improve as the society grows Stronger and have more money at their disposal. The following is the PRIER LIST, EIORSEs —Span heavy agricultural horses, Jas Bell ; 2 Saml Johnston. Heavy agricultural geldine 2 years old, Jas Hunter; 2 Om Evans. Heavy agrieriltural filly, 2 years old, Jphn Lambkin; 2 John Andersen. Heavy agricultural gelding 1 yearevid, A Fintney ; 2 E Sperling. Heavy agricultural filly, 1 year old, Jas Elliott ; 2 Jas Hunter, Span general purpose horses,Smith Bros; 2 fe'David- son. General purpose gelding, 2 years 113 8 Halitnare Heifer, Years old, Smit 13ros 1st and 2nd. Yearling heifer, ' Smith Bros. 2 G Bull cop ilL Weon; 2 Win Evans, Heiferalf, eelf, L Wilson ; 2 Smell Johnston. lier4consieting of 1 male and 4 females, Diploma, Smith Bros, Durhero grades—Coev. 3 L Wilson,lst and 2nd. 2 year old heifer, Smell Johnston. 'Yearling heifer, Saud Johnston 2 Wilson. Heifer oalf, 3 L Fat ax, Cow, steer, or heifer, Wm Strong, 2 IT 11 Howard, Herd eon- sistiug of 1 Male and four females, L Wileon, Milch oow of any kind, milking qualities only considered, Wm Stroug let and 2nd. Sneer •—Leicester—Aged ram, J. 11 Johnston. Pair ewe lambs, D Fisuer; 2 3 II Johnston. Shearling ram, 3 11 Johnston, let and 2nd, Pair ewes, having lambs in 1891, John Stewart; 2 3 ECJohnston. Pale shearling ewes; .1 Johnston ; John Stewart. Southdowns— Aged ram, Alex Robert- son. Ram lamb, Alex Robertson, Pair ewes,having raised lambs in 1891, Alex Robertson, Pair sheariino• ewes, Alex Robertson. Pair eete riauebs. Alex Robertson. Oxford downs—Aged ram, Mex Robertson. Shearling ram, Cousins & San ; 2 F Davidson Ram lawb, Cousins & Son, let arid 24nd. Pair ewes, having 'raised lambs in 1891, Cousins & Son, let and 2nd. Pair shearling ewes, Cousins & Son. Pair ewe lambs, Cousins & Son. Pen sheep, Cousins & Son. Grades, rainiamb, lamb, Sas Bell, let and 2nd. Pair ewes having raised lambs in 1891, Cousins & San ; 2 F Davidson. Pair shearling ewes, Oonsins & San; 2 3mBell. Pair ewe lambs, Jas Bell. Swnu—Berkshire—Aged boar,Wm Evans. Boar under 1 year, Smith Bros. Chester white—Aged boar,Thos Baylis; 2 T Manderson. Boar under 1 year, Thos Baylis, Brood sow,Thos Baylis. Yorkshire --Boar under 1 year old, Thos Baylis, recommended. Sow, under 3,year old, Thos J3aylis, recommended. PODLTax—Geese, John Keine, 1st and 2nd, Turkeys, 5' Greer ; 2 T Manderson. Ducks; T Davidson e 2 E Snarling. Light Brahmas, Adarn Scott; 2 John Kaine. Penciled ham - burgs, J 11 Johnston; 2 John Lune. Cochins, John Clegg. DAIRY PRODUOS AND PRovISIONs- 601b tub of butiter, Wm Strong; 2 Wm Anderson.. Sibs butter in rolls, M Sharpkin ; 2 Wm Strong. Loaf home made bread, Wm Dane, sr ; 2 5 Greer. ROoTS AND VEGETARLES—Beauty of hebron orearly rose potatoes, 5 Greer; 2 Win Anderson. Elephant potatoes, 5 Greer ; 2 M.' •Sharpiu. Swede bur. nips, 6 Johnston ; 2 3 L Wilson Turnips any other kind, S Greer ; 2 F Davidson. Mangolds, A Funtney; 2 S Johnston. Carrots, Wm Strong ; 2 M Sharpin. • Potato onions, Win Dane, sr ; 2.11 11. Howard. Seed onions, M Sharpin ; 2 H 11 Howard. Top •onions, Amos Snyder. Parsnips, Wm Pane, sr; 2 Wm Strong. Pump- kins, Wm Anderson ; 2 Wm Dane, sr. Citrons, Wm Strong. Blood beets, 5 Greer; 2 Sami Johnston. Tomatoes, M Sharpin ; 2 Semi Vogan. Small tonaatoes, Saml Vogan ; 2 M Sharpin. Cabbage, Robt Edgar; 2 Wm Anderson. Cauliflower, E Spar - ling ; 2 11 H Howard. Green °Ileum bees, Wm Strong ; 2 Robt Edger; Vann—Variety winter apples, B Sparlinge 2 T Menderson. Variety fall apples. 5 Johnston; 2 S Vogan. Variety crab apples, Wm Anderson ; 2 5 Vogan, Variety plums,E •Sparlitig, Pears,E Sparlitig; 2 S Greer. Grapes, E Sperling; 2 M, Sharpin. IMPLEMENTS—Iron beam plow, R Rosg, 1st and 2nd. Root cutter, R Ross. Straw cutter, recommended, it nom IVIeNneeeceonts—Honie made yarn,. Win Evans ; 2 5 Greer. Home madeblankets, blankets, Wm Andergon ; 2 • Wm Strong. Pumps, recoromended,3 Bear. LADIES' DEYARTMENT—Lacii08 stook- nge, hand made, Robt Edgar ; 2 $ Greer. Men's socks, hand made, F avidson ; 2 Wm Strong.. Men's its, hand made, F Davidson ; 2 Wm trong, Fine shirt, hand made, E parting. Fancy shirt, band made, Sperling. • Log cabin tmilt, IVI harpin. .Patebed quilt, Wm Dane, r; 2 Yugo Strong. Coverlet, G Williamson ; 2 B Sperling. Crochet in 'wool, Win Dane, er ; 2 M Sharpin, Crochet in ootton, Wna Dane, sr ; 2 ler Sharpin. Embroidery in cotton, WO) Dane, sr ; 2 Isaac Sanderson. t Embroidery in silk, Wm ane, sr lst na 2rid. Berlin wool, reused, John eine; 2 11 U Howard, Berlin wool, at, Julio, Strong ; 2 M Shaepin. erlin wool floweret M Sharpin; elm Keine. Moss worketohn Keine. ODA work, JAM Mime. Hair Work, Vm Dane, sr, Straw work, John sine. Soft; pillow, crazy work, E parling; 2 John Keine. Mosaic atehwork,M Sharpin ; 2 E Sperling. old, Sparlieg. General purpose filly, 2 years old, Jas Elliott ; 2 Geo Gregg. Geberal purpose filly, 1 year old, F Davidson, Roadster gelding, 2 years N Hallman, Roadster filly, 2 years years, Alex Robertson; 2 John Lambkin. Roadster gelding, 1 year old, John, Lambkin, Roadster filly, 1 year old, Alex Robertson ; 2 John McDermott. Brood ware, heavy agrioulturalt Jas Bell ; 2 John Auden, son, Heavy agricultural foal, John Anderson; 2 Jag Bell. Brood mare, a roadeter, Black; 2 John Lambkin, X Roadster foal, John Lanableiti ; 2 R 131ack. Carriage team, E Warren; 2 13 M Johnston. Buggy horse Or mare, vvarren; 2 W Greer. 0 Mena—Diabetes, (with pedigree) e Buil under 8 years, Sarni Johnston. X Bull under 2 years old, Smith Bras; s 2 3 L Wilsen. Cow,Smitil Bros; 2 bi p 1/Jaeroine bracket work, John Z'aine 8 Greer. Valley knitting in ootton 11 H Howard ; 2 S Greer, Braiding Julia; Strong, Rag (lope% Joh Rain°, Shell worle John Kahle Cardboard mottoes, frua Dane, sr; Sharpin, Tissue work,Jotm Keine 2 Wm' Due, sr. VI$EAeres—Pearl painting,5 -Greer; 2 M Skarpin. Oil painting, WM. Done, sr ; II 11 Hower& Peintin on silk or velvet, 8 Greer; 2 Wiu Dane, sr..Pencil. drawing, John Kahle ; 2 Isaac Sanderson. -Crayon drawing, John Keine, Painting on pottery, 11 11 Howard ; 2 John Keene. Painting' on wool, John Kaine; H H Howard. Collection of paintings, R Howard, ; Geo Taylor; 2 John Taylor. R 2 13ELOR,A,VE SHOW, The East Wawanosh Agricultural Society held their annual fall show in Beigrave on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, *The show was good, but ow- ing to the downpour of rain all Wednes- day afternoon theusuallylarge orowd•that visit this show did not materiatize. The directors did all in their power to make • the show a success. The inside depart- ments wore very good,with the exception of the ladies' work department, in which there wrs considerablefailing off.Outside, there was some as fine animals as one would wish to see, The following is the PRIZE LIST. llousss—Heavy draught, — Brood mare with foal by side, Thos Todd: 2 Allan Spelt.. Horse foal, Tilos Todd : 2 Allan Speir. Mare foal,Wne Well. wood. Two year old filly, John Young : 2 John ' Ocedtis. Two year old gelding, (leo Stewart : 2 D Taylor. One year old filly, M Woods; 2 Allan Speir. One year old gelding, R Cor- ley. Geuerat purpose—Brood mare with foal by side, Jos Anderson : 2 N Cumming 'Horse foal, Jos Anderson: 2 T H Taylor„jr. Mare foal, M H Harrison. Two year old filly, Finlay Anderson : 2 R Corley. Two year old gelding, T II • Taylor, jr: 2 Jas Dow. One year old filly, Thos Boss, lst, and 2nd: One year old gelding, John Taylor : •2 John E Fells. Car- riage horsee—Brood mare with foal by side, D Geddes: 2 3 N Perdue, Spring foal, 3 N Perdue : 2 D Geddes. Two year old filly, T T McDonald : 2 Thos Bridges. Two year old gelding, V Vannorman : 2 T Wilkinson. One year old filly, Thos Lind : 2.T Wilkin sore One year old gelding, Thos Brid,ges .: 2 John Bennet, Buggy horse, Wm Geddes : 2 Thos Brandon. Hack horse in saddle, 3 A Brownlee: 2 3 N Perdue, Span Carriage horses, T E Durnin ; 2 John Taylor. Best brood mare, any class, Thos Todd. Cerrem----Thorouglibred—Best John Armour: 2 R Coultis & Son. Two year old heifer, John Armour : -2 R Corley. Year old heifer, N Cumming; 2 M 11 Harrison. Heifer calf, Geo Sow - lar; 2 T kl Taylor, jr. Bull calf, John Armour; 2. N Cumming. Grade—I3est cow, Thos Wilkinson; 2 R Corley. Two year old heifer, N Cumming; 2 R Oiorley. Year old heifer, John Armbur; 2 R Cor- ley. Heifer calf, M 11 Harrison; 2 R Cole ley. Pair 2 year old steere, Thos Wilkin- son; 2 N Cntutning, Pair 1 year old steers, Thos Wilkinson; 2 R Corley. Pair steer calves, J H Taylor; 2 Thos Wilkinson. Beeve, N Cumming, lst and 2nd. Yoke working oxen,D Scott. Best herd of cattle, Thos Wilkinson.• SntIe-4.ancesters--Shearling ram, J Pelton; 2 T H Taylor, jr. Ram lamb, N Cumming, lst and 2rid. Pair aged ewes, Arch Robertson; 2 R Coatis & Son. Pair shearling ewes, R Coultis & Son; 2 N Cumming. Pair ewe lambs, Geo Sow - lar; 2 R Coultis & Son. Downs—Shear- ling ram, Geo Stewart. Ram lamb, Geo Stewart, let and 2nd. Pair aged ewes, Thos Ross. Pair ewe lambs—Geo Stew- art. Fat sheep, any class, Geo Sowlar; 2 Aroh Robertson. Best pen of sheep, N Cumming, nos—Large breed—Aged boar, R Coultis & Son. Boar littered in 1891, H Edwards; 2 Jas Harrison. Sow littered in 1891, Sohn Arneour. Small breed, brood sow, T H Taylor; 2 Jos Anderson. Boar littered in 1891, John Armour; 2 H Edwards. Sow littered in 1891, John. Armour; 211 Edwards. Best pen Pigs, John Agnew, Pot:may—Geese, John Pelton; 2 As Harrison. Turkeys, T Wilkinson; 2 John Pelton. Ducks, Arch. Robertson; 2 T Wilkinson. Plymouth roakS, Sas Har- rison, Legborns, jas Harrison, lat and 2nd. Spanish, jas Harrison, lst and 2nd. Hambm.gs, Jas Harrison, 1st and 2nd. Any Other variety, Jas .Harrison, let and 2nd, Ietermennes—Churn, 11amilton & Mo - Lean. Pump, 11 Clark, let and 2ild. Lumber wagon, 7 Brunsdon. Buggy, Wm Wray; 2 Itrunsdon. Double ear. ridge, 3 Brunsdon; Gang plow, John L Geddes. lean harrow, V 'Vennorman. Gimlet—Fell wheat, White, Geo Moffat; 0 Prootor & Son. 1all wheat, red, Walter Spott; 2 Robt MoGowari. wheat, any other kind, R MeGowen. Sprit* wheat, Finlay Andereoe; 2 A I' Cole. Six rowed barley, 3 & J Aridereon; 2eChas Proctor & Sons. Two rowed bar- loy, C .Proctor & Sons; 2 3m Harrison; We oats, 11 Edwards; 23as Nethery, Meek oats, Geo Moffat; 23 & 3 Amor-. son, Peas, Geo 1Vtoffrit. Tienoty seed, m ThosLind; 2 Vera Levy, Fame AND Vr.owmas—Golden ruseet, b mg, Ilios Lind; 2 M II Harrison. id- euei blush, Geo Moffet; 2 Win Geddes Northern spy, II Harrison; 2 0 Prootca: M Sons. Oolveres, Jos Anderson; 2 T 11 Taylor, jr. Tairnan sweets, Robt Mo. Gowan; 2 Robt Scott. Collection winter apples, A Carr; 2 Walter Scott, Callen. tion fall apples, R McGowan; 2 A T.Cole. Fall pears, R Corley; 2 II Wightmag, Winter pears, R Corley; 2 Walter goott, • • Grapes Wightman, Crab •apples, m 11 Harrison; 2 Jas Henry &Sen. Plume r W 11 MoCreekere 2 11 Wightneau,' Peaohes, Walter Scott; 2 Jas Henry & San. Collodion of fruit, 11 Wightman. Bouquet of flowers, Thos Anderson; 2 0 Peoctor & Sons. Flowerin pot Time Forbes; 2 Jas Harrison, Collections house plants, Geo Dnyid; 2 jas Harrison. MAIMPACTuREs---1-100I0 made oloth, NIBS M Pollook. :Manuel, T Anderson; 2 Miss M Pollock. Union flannel, Miss M Pollock; 2 Jas Owens. Blankets, Kiss. 111 Polloek; • 2 T Anderson, Set team harness, II Dennis. Pair coarse boots, g Madden. Home made wine, Jas Owen, 2 A Proctor. Cooking stove •and formture, Hamilton & McLean, let and 2nd. ROOTS AM) VgeZ.VA8i488^^Potatoes, Madden; 2 Geo David. Potatoes, four varieties, W Wylie; 2 11 Edwards, Cab- jas Henry San; 2 W 11 McCracken. bilge, Geo David; 2 Bone. Cauliflower, iteee Bede, W 11 McCracken; 2 j Bone. Mangolds, W 11 DilcOraoken; 2. J & Anderson, Swede turnips, J Bone; 2 D Geddes. Field carrots, W 11 McCracken; 2 1.) Geddes. Early horn carrots, Geo David ; 2 W 11 MeOracken, Onions frern seed, Geo David; 2 W 11 IlioGraokou. Reek onions, W H BloCrackeo. Sweet corp, W 11 McCracken; 2 Jas Henry & Son, dian corn, J Bono; 2 Jas Henry & Son. Water melon, W 11 McCracken; 2 1) Grid, des. Musk melon, WR McCracken ; 2 G Sowlar. Pumpkin, W 11 McCracken; 11 -Edwards. Citron Thos Deilby ; 2 A Proc- tor. Tomatoes, ihaa Proctor i.44 Son; 2 Geo David. Beans, D Geddes; W HMe- Oraoken, DAzar Psonvon-501b keg butter, M 11 Harrison ; A Carr: 25Ib crock butter, A Carr; 2 H Dennis. Basket of butter, J Dow ; 2 Jas Harrison, Home made bread, 0 Precept & Sons ;2 Chas Harrison. Maple sugar, Chas `Harrison ; 2 11 Wightnaan. Maple syrup, A Proctor; 2 A Carr. Oat cake, A Proctor. Factory cheese, D Leich. Home made cheese, Jas Dow ; 2 Thos An- derson. LAMES' DIIPAIUMMT Thos Forbes. Crochet work, Geo Moffatt; 2 Thos Forbes. Bead work, Jas Dow; 2 Thos Forbes, Woollen hooked shirt, Geo Sowlar l 2 -Jas Henry & Son. Fancy knitting,. Geo Moffat; 2 Thos Forbes, Linen shirt, Sas Dow; 2 Geo Moffat. Fancy flannel shirt, Geo Moffat. Braid., ing, 0 MeOlelland ; 2 R Coultis & Son. '••••• • Woollen stockings, W 11 McCracken, 1st and 2nd. Woollen soeks,W 11 McCracken, 1st and 2nd. Woollen gloves, Geo Mot. fat; 2 Jas Henry & Son,Woollen mit, W H McCracken; 2 Go Moffat. Log cabin quilt, A. Proctor; Thos Bridges. Knitted quilt, R Scott; Geo Moffat, Patch- ed quilt, 0 McClelland; 2 Miss M Pollock. Rag mat, Thos Wilkinson; 2. A. Proctor. Berlin wool work, raised, 0 McClelland 2 Tins Wilkinson. Berlin wool work, ,at, Mies M. Pollock; 2 Geo Moffat, Sofa pillow, John Bone; 2 Geo Moffat. Cotton stockings, Miss M Pollock. Card work„ A Proctor. Pencil drawing, Geo Sowlar, Hair flowers, 0 McClelland. Embromery on silk, 0 McClelland. Embroidery on linen, Thos Forbes: 2 0 MeOlelland, Lace work, 0 11.IcOlelland. Twine lace, C Mc'. .01elland: Carpep, A Proctor; 2 T Ander- son. Outline embroidery (recommended) Thos Forbes. Mum f.kairsrarox—Best three selecA tions on organ, Aggie McLean; 2 Louisa Daley. Best three selections on violin, Or David and D Anderson, jr, ties, Best three songs, D Robertson; 2 East Wawanosb.. " Mr and Mrs Cunningham, of Clare, Mich, are spending a couple of weeks at Mr 3 Bennett's.—Mr john„„ Dun- bar, of Sault Ste Marie, Mich, is holidaying in this locality.—Mr W T Marin, of Milligan, and formerly of this township, is over on a business and pleasure trip cornhined,—Mr John Ross had the. 'misfortune to cut , his hand while at work in Livingstone's inillofne day last week. Glenfarrow. Mrs James.Anderson is spending a, few days visiting friends in Kincardine. —Miss Priscilla Powell has gone to Detroit to spend a couple of weeks with her brother.—Mies Elia Hastings has returned home after vending the summer in Kent.—Mr Peter Campbell spent Friday last in Stratford.—Mr James Wylie left for Manitoba, Tues. day, for the benfit of his health. We hope he may have a pleasant trip, and return restored to hie former health.— Mr Geo Nicholson has a sale of his thoroughbred stook on Tuesday, the 13th of OoteberA-Quite a number from this part drove over to Walkerton show, Thursday, but some came home rather disappointed,the show not being up to their expeetatione.--It is our duty to record the death of Mrs Robert Holmes, which sad event took piece at her home in Manitoba. The deceased was e daughter of Mr renes Tracy. She was married thee wire ago, and went, with her husband o Manitoba, where she resided until er dcath, She was loved and highly espeoted by :all who know her, bet it' ill be a partionlarly severe bereave,. ent to her hoshand, and the MOM,- ers of the' family by whom she was °loved tie only 4 faithful wife and S trandon.2 X xr Harrison. Bald- b oving daughter oan be. win, Thee Beilley; 2 A Cur. Faunae,