HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-09, Page 24•i'r,1ingam /��y! Y `fit. ime FRIDAY, OC'l'OBER 9, 1891, - Red cabbage, W Taylor ; 2 W U Mc- Cracken. Cauli'tlower,W Teylar ; 2 W II McCemelteu Pumpkin, 1) Stewart; 2 \V Taylor. Squash, ]i Oarvin ; 2 W H McOrnckeu. Collection garden pro* duce,/ A1gUracken; 2 W H ItiCre•o ten, Tomatoes, W Taylor ; 2 1) Stewart. Plum tomatoes, %V Taylor; 2 W Ii McCracken. Butter bean% J MoOal- lum; 2 S Snell. White helms, H Edwards ; 2 Mrs L Stewart, Any other variety t,eaus,G Nott ; 2 0 Belly. Round striped citrons, E Garvin. ; 2 S Snell. Long California nitrons, W R IduOracken ; 2 1.1" McOrablten, Musk melons, D Stewart ; 2 .E Garvin. Cu. cumbers, J R Smith; 2 Mrs+'T Ulan tyne, White celery, W Taylor; 2 0 Henderson, Pink celery, W H Mc, 0xacken, DAIRY PI;oDUCE —Tub bufter,2 $ Itis, Jas Wilkinson, 2 Wm Pepped; 3 W Wilkinson; 4 ;J Walker, ;Tun butter, 6 lbs, Jas Wilkinson ; 2 Aire F. bteww art ; 8 Wm Wilkinson ; 4.1 E Garvin(. Home made cheese; Mrs E,Stewart ; 2 Thos Anderson. Fectory cheese, Win Edgar. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES;—Flannel, Thos Anderson ;• 2 G Nett", Blankets,. Geo Johnston ; 2 G Nott. ' Counter- pane, P Robertson ; 2 Mrs E Stewart. Yarn,W H McCracken ;•2 Geo Moffat. Maple sugar,W H 1VIeOraeten ; 2 Mrs T Ballantyne..- Maple mnlasses,S Bur gess ; 2 G Notb. Honey in comb,l- A Deadman ; 2 S Walker, . Extracted ion ey,G A Deadman ; 2 0 Henderson. Grape wiue, Jas Wilkinson ; 2 11Irs T Ballantyne. Rhubarb wiue,S Burgess ; 2 Mrs T Ballantyne. Strawberry wine, W Il McCrackenElderberry wise, W K McC'racllen ; 2 Thos Anderson, Tomato ketchup, 0 Henderson ; 2 W H McCracken, Apple jelly, Mrs T Ballentyne 2 D Miine., Rhubarb jelly, Mrs T Ballantyne. ' Raspberry jelly, C McClelland ; 2 F McCraeken. Jelly from any other fruit, J R Smith ; i 2 D Moore. White bread,John Robb, jr ; 2 Mrs J Wynn ; 3 Mrs T Baltan- tyne. Brown btead,11.1rs T Ballantyne ; 2 Jas McCallum; 8 D Milne. Fruit cake, S Burgess; 2 firs 2', Ba1iantyne. Jelly carie, Mrs T Ballantyne; 2 D Milne. Oatmeal -cake, J 111c0allum; 2 Thos Anderson. Collection canned EAST HURON FALL SHOW. The annual exhibition of the Past Huron Agricultural Sociery was held in Brussels, on Thursday and Friday of last weer;. The grounds have been enlarged since the 'last exhibition by the Brussels Driving Park Association, until they . now consist of fourteen acres, with one of the finest driving tracks in Western Ontario. The weather was all that could be desired, and the attendance lane. The show throughout was good. The exhibit of roots was far beyond that of former years,. both 1,i. quai.tity and quality. In the grails department there was an unusually large exhibit, and of splen- did sample, The ladies made a mag- nificent display of their handiwork, Miss Nellie Ross taking the lion's share of the prizes. The art department was not as well represented as it might have been, but what there was on ex- hibition was good. The dairy depart - anent was well represented, as was ale° fruit, The following is the YR1:21; LIST. GRAIN.—Fall wheat, white, Charles. Henderson; 2 John Ontrie • 8 Alex Sten. art. Fall wheat, red, J McCal- lum ; 2 A Gardner ; Chas Henderson. Spring wheat, T McLauchlin ; 2 W Cameron ; 8 tip°m Wilkinson. Barley, tcvo-rowed, J Wilkinson ; 2 S Walker; 8 Jas Harrison. Parley, six -rowed, Geo Moffat ; 2 Chas Henderson. Black oats; Geo Moffat; 2 `J McCallum ; 8 W Wilkinson. White oats, H Edwards; 2 A Gardner; 3 D Milne. Small peas, T Davidson ; 2 Jelin Currie, Medium peas, Jas Spier.; 2 D Milne.Large peas, Geo Moffat. Timothy seed, R Inglis ; 2 Geo Nott ; .3 Smith Bros. FRUIT.—.Apples— Baldwin, Q Mc. Blain. Yellow Bellflower, E Inglis. Winter Bellflower, J R Smith. Fa - ulnae, D Milne. Grimes' Golden, R Inglis. King of Tompkins County, B Inglis, Mammoth pippins, Trios An- derson. Northern spies,W McArthur. Newton pippins, T Wilkinson. Peck's pleasant. R Inglis. Pomme Grise, R Inglis. Rambo, Alex Stewart. R I Greenings, D Moore. Golden russets, Spitzenburg,'Mrs T Ballantyne. Seek , no further, T Wilkinson.' Taiwan • sweets, W Cameron. twenty ounce pippin, John Wynn. Wagner, Chas Henderson. Ribston pippin,F S Scott. Colvert, D Milne. Roxboro russet, G • Kelly. Alexander,Smith Bros. Duchess of Oldenburg, Chas Henderson. Fall pippin,. R Inglis. , Hawthornden, Jas Wilkinson. Maiden's blush,Geo Moffat. Porter,Alex Stewart.Swarr,R.Inglifa.St Lawrence, G Kelly. Strawberry, G Kelly. Collection winter apples, Chas Henderson ; 2 R Inglis. Collection fall apples, D Moore ; 2 A Stewart. Winter pears, John Wynn; 2 Alex Ross. Fall pears, John Hewitt; T Wilkinson. Plums,' Davidson ; 2W H McCracken. Grapes, S Burgess ; 2 John Hewitt. Peaches, John Stewart; 2 S Walker. Boors.—Early potatoes, Wm Heri- derson ; 2 W Taylor ; 3 J McCallum ; 4 B Garvin. Late potatoes,W Taylor; 2 H Hamilton e 8 John Stafford; 4 W Miss N Ross; 2 G•Nott. Leather work, Henderson. Collection potatoes, W Taylor ; 2 W Henderson ; 3 W H Mo• Cracken. Swede turnips, Alex Stew- art ; 2V Snaith. White field carrots, 1) Milne; 2 W Cameron, Altringhem Carrots, Wm Pollard; 2 W 11 Mee ()reckon, Scarlet Nantes, W Taylor; 2 W H McCracken. Early horn car- rots, W Tayltily ; 2 W 11 McOraeken. Long blood beets, T Davidson; 2 W 11 ,McCracken. Turnip blood beets,T Davidson; 2 W H McCracken. White sugar beets, W H McCracken ; 2 Jae McCallum,.. Parsnips,W H McOracketr; ing on Pplacclues, Miss N (toss • 2 Kato Corinaolt, Urnamentelpenneanstnip,John D Stewart, Business penunanehip,. rohu 0 Stewart; 2 0 Moore, Girl's penman - Fillip, G Helly; 2 Ii Moore. k r.owi:zis AND PLANTS—Collection of dowering bulks, D Stewart. Table bou- quet, Jas Harrison; 2 Maggie Stewart. Hand bouquet, Maggie Stewart; 2'1'hos Anderson.. Collection out ilowers,Maggie Stewart; 2 Thos Anderson. Collection dahlias, Alex, Stewart; 2 Maggie Ste- wart, Pansies, Alex Stewart; 2 Jas Harrison, Phlox, DrummondiiHaggle Stewart. Asters, Alex Stewart ;'2 aggte Stewart. Stooks, Jas FTalrision; 2 Maggio Stewart. Petunias, Maggie Stewart; 2 Thos Anderson. African marigolds, Alex Stownrt; 2 Maggie Stewart. French marigolds, Maggie Stewart; 2 Alex Ste- wart. Dianthus, Maggie Stewart. Bal- sams, Maggie Stewart. ZinniaqeMaggie Stewart; 2 Alex. Stewart.;Giadolus spikes, Maggie Stewart. /Verbenas, Maggie Stewart, Pereufiial phlox, Maggie Stewart. Doubrd Hollyhocks, Maggie Stewart. Coxecorab, Maggie Stewart. Collection A�namental grasses, John D Stewart, F fiwers not specified in above list, Maggie Stewart; 2 Thos Anderson. • A Sneerer. I -James --Best loaf hone made bread, John Yobb, jr. Boy's penman- ship, John AO Stewart; 2 W Carter. Swede tuefiiips grown from seed pur- chased Trine W H MoCraoken, Alex Ste- wart; 2 aim) Currie, Long reel mongols, grown f om seed purchased from W H Mo0rzeu, Mrs T Ballantyne; 2 T David on. Yellow Globe mangels• grown from seed purchased from, ,W H Mc- Cracken, Geo Kelly, 2 T Dav/clson. Dyspepsia. f This disease may be traject to a variety of causes, such as couttipation, liver troubles, improper food, ,to. There is one cure—Burdock Blood B ters--which may be thoroughly relied ono effect apeman. cure. 1t bas cured ori itinate cases of 25 years standing. tj The Ctommtee's Verdict. (Toronto Te,egr9 , Ind. Conservative.) If Sir John Thompson persuades himself that r klector Laugevin is innocent he 1 imitate the error of Edward Bla a when he persuaded himself thaithe killing of Louis Riot was enurde r. • Canada rever questioned Edward Blake's ljonesty,bnt after that mistake it • did distrust his judgment. bir John Thompson is an honorable man, \Tut once he signs his name to an acgnittal•for Sir Hector Liingovin his reputation for aggressive 'virtue and unyielding integrity is a •eminir00000, There was never a ?murderer or a thief bad enough to he'r convicted if his juigee twisted the e/idence as the evi- dence has been twisted by a .majority of the sub committee in the McGreevy case. The same determination to see only one side of the testimony, she same stantial evidence, would enable the biggest scoundrel that ever walked to go free. The majority report is not just. Its unmerciful condemnation of McGreevy and Perley is robbed of all force by a lamentable failure to deal out to Sir Hector Langervin the cone demnation he deserves. , (Hamilton Spectator, Conservative.) It may be said---we•believe it is said —that a minister cannot enter into all details of alt the • business ,of his department. He must necessarily leave much to his subordinates, and he may be deceived by them. While that is true, it must not be forgotten ithat ours is a system of responsible government. Parliament (in other words the people) entrusted Sir Hector Langevin with tho deities pertaining I to the department of public works,and they hold hire. reIponsibte for • the workings of his /slice. Ho cannot evade that res onsibility. But Sir Heetor has—a9justly has-ethe re - reputation of being the painstaking of alt the miniars at Ottawa. No man can have b/siness with him without discerning that lie has familiarized himself with the matters, with whicli he deals and understands,•their details. It is morally impossible;!that he could have been deceived con)t erniug an extra charge involving so large a.srnn as P2.- 000. But in any ,ease here was hie owls stipulation fat no extra charge should be allow d, the agreement of the contractor that no extra demand should hemase, and the evidence that no extra eh ge had been incurred. Yet he aut`iorized the payment of the money, • It ismpossible to defend such transae ions, It is impossible to ex' else thein. It is impossible to palliate them. They call for theosoverest cen- sure which honest linen eau formulate, fruit, W 13 McCracken..' MANURACTURnS.—Heavy team liar - nese, 1-1 Dennis ; 1 0 Richards. Light single harness, I 0 Richards, 1st and 2nd, Axe handle, John Wynn ; 2 Jas McCallum. Picture,.ii1'ames, R Leather- dale. eatherdale. Specimen tnrnerjs ork,RLeather- dale. • Specimen joiner's ork,RLeather- dale. LADIES' W,oRK.—Arraseene work, Miss N Ross; 2 S Snell. Applique work, Mrs T Ballantyne; 2 Miss N Ross. Braiding, S Snell; 2 Mrs T Ballantyne. Berlin j wool work, flat Miss N Ross; 2 Mrs T Ballahtyne. Mezlin wool work, raised, Mies NRoss. Berlin wool and bead work,' Miss N Rose; 2 Mrs E Stewart. Berlin wool flowers, C McClelland. Bead work, Miss N Ross; 2 0 McClelland. Berlin wool and silk flat, G A Deadman; 2 Mrs T Ballantyne. Cone work,Mrs EStewart. Cord work C McClelland; 2 Mrs T Bal- lantyne. crewel work,Misa N Ross; 2 G Nott. Cardboard mottoes,' Miss N Ross 2 John Robb, jr. Crotchet work, Miss i Ross; 2 Geo Moffat. Darned net, C Me. Clelland; 2 G Nott;j,. Embroidery, cotton or muslin, 0 McClelland; 2 Miss N Ross. Embroidery on worsted, Miss N Ross; 2 C McClelland. Emtbroidery on silk, Mise N Ross; 2 Mrs E Stewart. Fine shirt, 0 McClelland; 2 Geo Moffat Fancy knit- ting in cotton, George Moffat; 2 Mrs E Stewart. Fancy knitting In wool, Miss N Ross,lst and 2nd. .i Fancy flannel shirt, G Nott; 2 Geo Moffat. Feather flowers, G Nott. Feather stitching, miss • N Ross; 2 Mrs E Stewart, • Hair flowers,J R Smith, Point lace, Miss N Ross; 2 J Y S Kirk. Honiton lace G., Nott; 2 Miss N Ross. Lambrequin,,;Ber'lin wool and beads, Mrs T Ballantyne; 2 J Y S Kirk, Lamp mat, W HMcCracken; 2F McCracken. Woolen m.its, W H McCracken; 2 George Moffat. Woolen gloves,W li McCracken; 2 F Mc- Cracken, Netting, Mrs T Ballantyne; 2 Miss N Ross, '.Tufted quilt,Mrs E Stewart. Patchwork quilt, F 0 Rogers; 2 Mrs T Ballantyne. Dog cabin quilt, 0 McClel- land; 0 Nott. Fancy quilt, Mrs Id Sperain; 2 0 Henderson. Knitted quilt, Mrs i Stewart; ''2 T Davidson. Rag mat, Mrs J Wynn; 2 Mrs T Ballantyne, Ribboscene, Mrs2' Ballantyne; 2 G Nott. Rope silk, Miss N' Ross; 2 Maggie Ste- wart. Roman embroidery, Mrs T Ballan- tyne; 2 Miss N Ross. Shell work,G Nott; 2 Mrs E Stewart. Sofa pillow, berlin wool, flat, Mrs T Ballantyne; 2 Mrs H 2 W Taylor. Loth red mangels, MrsSperam, Sofa pillow,berim wool, raised, T Ballantyne ° 2 T Davidson. Yellow G Moffat; 2 W M 11T a lladt Sof' .patchwork, Mrs T Ballantyne; '2 glom mangels, 0 Kelly ; 2 W fI 11ao- Miss N Ross.: Woollen stockings, G Crackefn, Ited. globe mangets,'T David- son ; 2 iy 11 McCracken. Long yellow mangels, W 11 McCracken. VsoiaAnLns,—Onions from seed— Red, W iii McCracken ; 2 W Taylor. Yellow .Danvers, W H McCracken ; 2 G Nott. Giant Race*, W if Md. Crack.n. 'Top sets, W II MeCracken; 2 B Garvin. Dutch sets, W 1:.0 Mc- Cracken; 2 A. Stewart. Top;, onions, sets, W I1 Mcdraelken; 2 E- Garvin. Nott; 2 W H MoCrackon. Cotton stock- ings, Mrs B Stewart, lst and 2nd. Wool- len. socks, W 1i McOraoken; 2 G Nott. Cotton socks, G Nott. 'Tatting, G Nott; 2 Miss N Ross, Trusel work, Miss N Ross; 2 Mrs '1F Ballantyne. Tissue paper flowers, Mrs BtStowart; 2 Miss N Ross. Wax flowers, Mrs T Ballantyne; 2 W II McCracken. Wax fruit flowers, G Nott, i'INn ARTS --»Collection of stuffed birds in cases, Mrs J Wynn; 2 R Leatherdale, Collection of turfed animals, W It Mo. Cracken. Pencil drawing• -Jas Catnoron, Poteto teeafts, W I1 11e0raciten; 2' J 011 painting,'landscape,' F 0 I gcrrs r 2 Meu. 1 Fm,, Yetiow Canadian cern, A Kate Cormack. Black .'Crayon drawing, 3t. ,J .1 . 2 11 Bilwerds. (Shite flint R Leathordale; 2 G A Deadman, Cedar - (;elf D J L e'(;,.l laid; r, W 1I Mof rACke•n ed crayon drawing, 0 A Deadman, Celt', c •� .. f (corn W Ii McOraclten "3 'atter worts, F C 1io ors; 2 Kate 2 ; ,. t _e yed Savoy,W II McCraeken, T Ballantyne; 2 gliate Cormack. Paint- C� rrnaelr, x'a!nting en pottery, 1) . t;inge, Johtt Stsf1 ird; 2 W Moore. Parotin on Silk or vcivet. Mars Mu-Ohomn'a Way, A,00uple of meek -eyed Chinamen got on .a. street oar in Jersey City the other day, and one of them, who (lad a big jake bracelet on his yellow wrist, paid the fare for both, 9.110 car bae came crowded, the day was hot, and the eonduotar looked as if he had been drinking more than was good for him. Ile evidently lost his temper ,and his reekoniub both before long, for be counted his passengers again and again, with a scowl on hisface that deepened every tune lie looked at his register, There were more people in his car. than were fares rung°up, that was certain. But who hat not paid 1 That was the difficulty. His eyes wondered up and down the seats, but he saw no sign which' led him to 'sus. pect anyone in particttlar. Finally, the meekness of the Chinaman seemed to attract and temOim. Fare, Jodi. ! he saki peremptorily, striding up in front of them and thrusting out his hand. 1 pay fare when getta on, °battered John, in a scared way. a� No you didu't,replied tle,4 conductor, with a snarl. You ;stn't come uo heathen Chiuee tricks over me. Pay your fare or outyou go, and that mighty quick, too The Chinamen looked about for assistance, but seeing no type from the occupants of the car, apd reading only disaster following resistance to the burly and angry -looking conductor, paid their fare over again grudgingly, drew their heads d tl'wu into their ill- fitting seeks (laid their• long•nailed fingers up into their ample sleeves, subsiding and shrinking without a word like turtles iuto their shells, The, oar had not gone vary far be- fore an obstruction a>tad stopped further progress, and he conductor ran forward to see what was the matter. This was the Chinaman's opportunity. H ping up, one of then seized- the register strip and quickly rang up half a dozenrfares. When that d'og-, n . gtor makes him -those square wyy[•de company he won't be muchee (lead of Ohin'.Chou3, he chirped of Then they both. shuffled off the ear and disappeared around the corner into a laundry.-- New York Tribune, •••* Why Struggle? A/HY struggle with exi#"austing diseases WW when you may be promptly cured by the Ilse of nature's remedy -Burdock Blood Bitters--tb 4erfect cure for dys- pepsia, billioustiTess, constipation, sick headache ani all forms of bad blood from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. "La liriI e. The Care *Me Eyes: It is a poor master -who does not. look out for his servants. But what more faithful serbants could be inn agined 'than the eyes, *eft you see flow they are abused by sea many of us. Dr Lincoln, of Boston/in the "Annals of Hygiene," gives/these rules for the care of the e in desk work and other stude,i�' occupations : 1, A conffortable temperature, and especially let the feet be warm and dry. 2, Good ventilation., 8. Clothing at the neck Idose; the same aR regards ti.e rest of tie bocly. 4. Posture erect; nevi; read Iying down or stooping. 6. Little study before breakfast or directly' after a beauty meal ; none at all at twilight or ,,late at eight. 6. Great cat''ign about study after recovery fres/ fevers. 7, Light abundent, but not dazzl- ing. 8, San not -shining on dock, or on objects in front of the scholar. • •9' Light eoming from the left hand, or left and rear, under some eirouln- stances from in front. <iaaa Grippe" or inhumes, can oe quickly 1C• The book kept at right angles to cured by the use of Wilson's Compound of the line of sight, or nearly so. Wild Cherry, the ort reliable remedy for 11, T'trequently reit by looking up. Bronchitis, Whoopi g Cough, Croup,Colds, Coughs and others diseases of trespiratery 12.Distr:nce of book from the eye a ' system. Wilsot Wild Cherry has been about fifteen inches. in use for man/years and is Nighty recoum- inendetl by all who know its tittles, Sold Ioislitusttnl Poole, • by all prominent druggists. Make act teneption in facer of Dr Pow. lei's Lxtraet of Wild Strawberry. Its Ansa may be foothill and abslurd, and known vii es as a euro for diarrlfaea, one may be irritated when in the wrong; I dysentery, cholera morbus and all bowel but a man never feels:outrnged unless in i complaints cause all who- use it to ragard some respect he is at the bottom right, ---' it as the most tellable and effeeltual remedy Victor Hugo, . obtainable. #Atingfrant --Is i'lJnLISIIED-- BVBRX FIIIDAT taAItNING, --Ar ilii --- TIMES OFFtC, JOSIPHiNi= STREET WINGHAM, ONTA13,I0, ' Subscripttonpr ce,$1peryear,ina4vanne ADVJkTISING RATES: Space l 1 yr, l 0 mo. 18 mo. 2 100. One Column $00 00 028 00 1 220 00 00 00 Half " 86 00 20 00 12 00 0 00 Quartet JG 0 12 0090 00 A 200 One inn 00 8 J00 100 Local and other mufti advertisements, so. per line for (list insertion, aid Se. per line tor each subsequent insertion, Local notices 10e. per line for first insertion, and 6o. per line for each subsequent inserticn, No Joca1 notice will be charged less than 25e, Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed Situations, and Business Chances Wanted, not oxceading s tinct nonpareil, 01 per month Houses and Farms for We, not exceeding 8 l;nee, 01 for Shot month, 50e. per subsequent mouth Those terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, or for longer periods, Advertisements without apeoific directions, will be lnoorted tillforbid and charged accordingly, Tran- sitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements roust be in the otlice by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week • R. ELLIOTT ' Paoraieroa AND Pe1$L18anRr, DR. MACDONALD, LJ JOSEPRIi\E STI;EET, Wigwam, 027.42.10 •(7(T B. TOWLER, M.D,0.M., Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. •=Coronor for County of Huron— Office at "Tun PitA,uuc,r " • Wingham, Ont, Orrin Houns.-9 to 12, a. m„ 1 to 0, p. m., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. TR. J. A. IIELDRUM, LJ Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residenoe —Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethune. WINet1AM • • .0Nx R VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Eto Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rates interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. OFFICE—Beaver Block Wismisei, ONT J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, ke;, ntario wingham hrrEYER & DICKINSON, f} 14..1W. C. MEYER Q. C. 1 E: L• DIOKni30N, BARRISTERS AND SOLICrrORs, Etc., Eta., So Halters for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and YilIage property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage security at Of per cent. Money invested for private persons, upop the boat mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North. west. Ori ce—Kent's Block, Wingham." fENTISTRY.—J S. JEROSt•E, WiNouAM, �J Is manufaottirbtg Celluloid Plates, vulcanite plates of the bestmoterlal as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. A11 work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric- ity or vegetable Vapor. TAku Norton.—1 will extract teeth for 26 cents each. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. • Le'ssirs�s • Wm. 'H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. ' OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCKf Opposite the Queen's Hotel, wingham. Will visit Gorge 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL5NMIRANCE AGENT Wurennit, - • ONTAk 10 ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, INSURANCE FIRE,AND MARINE, GUELPH. Cj' DEAN, JR.,wrvolt i, ILI.CENSED'AUCTIONEER Pox THE COUNTY or HURON. Saws attended in any part of the Co. Chargee Moderate. JOHN CHERIE, WINouAM, ONT., LicSSMEA AtieTrONsEa eon ran Coaxrz or imam Ali orders left at the Tiuras of leo promptly attend* ed to. Terms reasonable. 1•A.'1f.S ItENb1 sON, Lior,NI,ED renew, roe, Counties hunON AND fRuate. All saiattended'to li ptly and on the Shortest Notice. Charges Moderato ,d Satisfaction Guaranteed, All necessary arrangements eau be made at the Tons' office WINOTIAM CNt'} BOLTON it IIANIijNS P. L. le D. L SURVEYORS AND Crvrr, ./:Nor N+eU R, LISTOIVEL ANn VINGIIAM. Et All orders loft at the oflUee Of the TtmES will to. cetve prompt attention I'A'i'R`f1SON, lAlldrr on Etonrn Davtstoir Cocrr, !MAR 00 MAR. 4lAe5 LTedNSEs. W»/Alt ONS.