HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-09, Page 1VOL.XX --NO. 38 WINGTIAIVI ONT. , FRIDAY. OOTOBE4 9, 1391. 'RMYO WEER Weill say a word to the boys and hien. You all know the difference in having a neat fitting Sui t arO exec at,made in lull fashion and of desirable goods both in texture and pattern, and to have onettle . is ill-fitting, uncomfortable and made of undesirable goods, Well, we claim that we'll give you the former in every Parti - outer. More, we will guarantee the fit, ,and ydu know that means a great deal, and the cloth is yours to choose from, and we have confidence in your °taste when we know that our Pantings, Suit- ings,Overeoatings and Tweeds are every- thing to be desired and not to be sur- passed by any. We will•not say that they are better than anybody's else. We'll loy leave it for you to decide. You'll want Underclothing, " Dress Shirts, Ties, Cutis and Collars, We have them all and can leaseyou,we think. Very desirable p rable shapes in tifand Soft Felt Hata. We have placed into stock some dependable Overcoats in boys' and men's. Seams that. won't rip and goods that will wear. ORR & HISCOOKS, Direct Importers. Tho Bean, October 8th,1391, LOCAL 1Y:EWS -Cash for good butter and eggs at R A, r m's, Market Grocery. .L --Bev Set 1 McNabb, of Lucknow, will ended the s rvices in the Presbyterian obureli here, n t Sabbath, in the absence of the pastor. ;—if 'your wl' tax or clock needs reps: rine', • goto W ti Wallace, watchmaker and jaws rcr. next door to post office. -•-:l.'1te'briek ork is now eom;pletodon e new Bank o mention and the brick - w i, n t layer,•'left for Tor nfo ou Saturday. The carp( .Stern are no :rt usy oil it. , I rst'.o1ass Georgian Bev `ihin;'b and I .+th, for ,.lel. :doLeau dt So ' r,w 1'1rl' '.Ingham. —Rev:7i'>YI ,,uarrie has gone on a three a 6 sojourn thr h t sok o oil he Marltim o ) 1C X Provinces. We pe he may have a pleas' ant trip and retur much invigorate& Cigars and Ice Creaui at the Eclipse restaurant. Also, confectionery of all kinds. T. C. Spantane. —In: the pri list of the Northwestern Fair, a mistake vas made in stating that Chas Henderson r ceived first prize for duoks any other v iety. It should have beet - Albert Hughes. --The old reliable Star restaurant is still taking the lead, :As 12olfntvin, r Wm atehford, who bas been con ifined to the hou. for the past month with • blood poisoning in he left arm, is able to be around again, bu 't will bo some time before be is able to re me work. —Having bought out T A. Mills' business,, I respectfully solicit from the inhabitants of Wnighatii and vicinity an inspection of my stock. Respectfully yours, Geo E It Iso. Quite interesting foot race i]ll take place in t skating rink. ou Friday evening between hu Allenby and Geo Stuart Tiie (Ratan to be covered ie five mi es the stakes re $5 a. side. —G T E tila,tus for Toronto and east leave+;Wingham at 6.30 a re and 11.10 a ea via W G& B Division, and at 6.45 a m and 3.20 p m, via Clinton and Guelph. Good connections by all trains. —:Man. Mre Soxtus Fent and, grand daughter Be returned from Manitoba on Saturday of :t week.. While in the West. Mr Heat visa • a number of for- mer Winghatnitbs and ` • torts finding them all prosperous and happ Fou .Mas ` High' e neckwear in pais, tucks a four.] / and, All the leading new style Inde ''u ' our choice of complete stock . •' •ont`ia day night Duly fr[ H Anna, »ltir C1, D, Spring one win he 'dug thein the lbs of potatoes. fertility of Man thi a town, planted last phaut potato tdnd Ivltou er day he. bad ,fust 81 olrle talk about the but apptereutly we have just as:riclt soil b •re. —Great bargains at Doe's C;arriuga'X"ale tory to clear out tate bdlauoe of buggies inr haul to make roup tor nutters and slelgli ; also, a Int of nxt.•'t tine one sett two seated road carte to be a id at bottom prices. tall early met secure a berg'tin. Itstncrnberthe easel. opposite the Exchange Hotel, 'Wingham, Out. —A ton cf Fel Island Grapes, the only ones in town, err ed today. Jas McIfcnvzl2, —H W 0 , oyer, Esq, Q 0, has returned rfomt 0. taws,. here he has been on a business trip. . half a ton of Pelee Island grapes just arrived at the Eclipse restaurant. T C SrAEnING, —Mrs R Corn has greatly Unproved the appearance of r residence by having it repainted and a n nber of the shade trees removed. Special b a'ns on Saturday night and during the f in fruits, confectionery, etc, at the Star r taurant. Jus Malistvra. —In the fair, in our is were omitted. Crowston got ti got second,. ize list of the Northwestern o of last week, fat sheep n this class of sheep, Jae and R W }lasting� —Having bought out T A Mille' business, I respectfully solicit from the inhabitants of Winghaw and vicinity au inspection of my stook. Respectfully yours, GEO E KIND.. -Mr rr H \ iller, of Regina, N W T, formerly with H Mclndo), of this plane, was in town a f- days last week visiting friends. He was . •nt out by the Regina Board of Trade to lo after their interests in the exbibit of prod, e of that section of country at the Toronto • London Fairs. —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, Remember the place, only two doors uorth of the. old stand and between Ross' book- store and Halsted & Scott's bank. --By a not e in another column pit will be seen that G Nichol. n, of lot 2, con- cessibti ". ry, w{>1 have an auction sale of :z it. 1 St -born .cattle, on Tuesday, Oct 13, 18 .kir Nicholson has some fine bred stock. Sale at 1 o'clock. Jos Co an, auctioneer. —Luso . s grapes 'at ' Hill's. o,tas• ad see, Stra o om• el e . , -*Nis o • d til Ere se' t •: sun Coni- from ()lee. Co e, taste a• see. . —App •eptlythere are some parties in this local whose sense of right nud wrong is ver limited,for on Tuesday night a large agriou iral furnace was removed from; the hack y d of the Queen's hotel. The guilty patties, if caught,should be punished to the .ut st extremity of the law for such barefaced acity. ' -Mr W 7 Jobustou has opened a new custom tailoring establishment, one doer north of D Sutherlaud's stove and tin shop, and is now prepared to give the citi- zens of Wingham and surrounding country satisfaction in every thiug that may be intrusted to his care. Coatmakers wanted at once. - --We notio y the Toronto papers that. in the Garbu extradition case, before Judge Galt on M day last, that an order was made with the onsont of the counsel for both aides, referr the motion (made. last week for the rele e of prisoner) l;o the Common }leas Df ional Court for deeisiou. The prisoner i11 remain in custody until the motion is d oslid of. --having bought out T A. Mills' business, I respectfully solicit from_ the inhabitants of Wiugham and vicinity an inspection of my stock.: Respectfully. yours, ' GEo I; KNe. -The I v Dr Potts,whd was announced to preach E. cational Sermons next Sab- bath in the sham Methodist Church ,' has telegraphs hat oil account of Meese, he has been con elled to cancel all his engagements for th present, Tito pastor of the church will take both services, preaching in the morn g on "Ednei tion hi relation to the individ '1," and in. the eveuiug, on "Education i relation to the state." u't fail to hear the renowned leo' turer C., dilator \iJ K Strider, in the Tem- perance • all, Wiugham,on Oat 13th. "Life on the Itai and People we meet," is the atthject, au every person old and young should hear i • The Hamilton Peres has the following t say in regard to Otte leo. tare; "To sav that Conductor Soidee's reputation as a 1 turer ie good, would be thought but a wen expression, after ono has embraoed,the o pertunity of listening to ono of his poonliar eaturee,interspsrsed with side splitting joke turd also seen his delineatiai> of (Ammeter icl hie wonderful impersonation of ordinra aur extreme, (Unary frealrs, we meet it the course of it travelling life ou any of o1 +met Airmen. earl railroads," ' --The PINES will be emit to now nub. Hellbent from now till the 1st of Jahuary, 1832, for 2.5 cents. —Stout boy wanted to learn turning, at the Chair Factory. BurToty & F3813Ai3'I, —T he church will on. Friday eve; ant ime is exp -Mr John. Dinsi % other day, with a h walkiug stick, by Iltrs she procured in Ireland, pleasure trip to friends this —Bev Mr Sinclair, of Rid preach in the Baptist ohuroh,ne both morning and eveniug. Tho gentleman will also give a lecture o day evening,in the same church on"] er and. the —Mr Frau as s showing i sample of fall inches this fall.. forced to turn ' -c wheat this year t. into the shot blade. —A meeting of a Wester:.i Congre- gational Association was held in the Congregational Churl , this town, 011 Tuesday and Wednesd . We will give a full report of the •oceedings next week. -On account of the n , mber of show prize lists whish have ap ared=in the last two issues of the TIn s, the local department has not been up o the usual standard, but now that the s s , w season is about over, the different de . rtments will receive due attention. —A g nd entertainment uuder the, auspices of he I 0 G T, will be given in the Tempera es Hall, Blyth, on Friday evening, Oct 9 i, the second day of the Blyth show. T e best talent procurable will be there, inn ding the .Jfisses Spar - ling, daughters of r F G Sparling,of this town. A good time ' expected. ,_ iiaviug opened a :custom tailoring esw tablishmeut in this town, one door north 'of D Sutherland's stove and tinshop, I beg to announce that I guarantee every suit that leaves my shop• to be a perfect fit and warrant them to be built by superior workmen, only. Give,us a call. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Charges as cheap as the cheapest. oatmake C rs wants at once. p d w J JOHNSTON, CONGREGATIONAL ORITROrr, WINGIIAM.—W, H. Watson, Pastor. Ser- vices each Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at close of Morning Ser- vice. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at 730 p. m. Seats frog. Strangers wel- come. Morning subject, "Elevation," a sermon on behalf of'the college, (this be- ing college Sunday). To young people, "Early colleges." Evening, subject, "A saving quality." --Mi' W H loyd, son of Mr Chas Lloyd, of this town, h been assigned a charge in the Episcopal thodist church in .East ,Saginaw, Mich. r Lloyd is au energetic young matt, and a ears to be especially adapted for the cal eig of his choice. He has been leader o • the Young People's Association of the thodist church in town, for some time, nd about a year ago was appointed local ,i 'eacher. We are sorry to lose him from ou midst, but feel confident that he will a1w s be au honor to the town of his birth. e wish him the beat success and Hope th t his reward. may be bountiful. A. sad ath occurred in this, town on Tuesday eveui o last, The deceased was Walter Sloan, w o has resided on Minnie street for a numb of years,] Two voung ladies, who work at a tai ring in town, kept'house for him, a as he did not. come down to his breakfast of Wednesday morns ing, they thought nothin„ of it, but went to their work. On return gat noon and not seeing anything of hi they went to his room and found the doe sed lying on the floor, where he had fallen,'t is thought, the night before while Dreparin to retire to rest, Heart failure was tho use of his sudden demise, He wits in hie '7 h. year, and a native of Scotland. The funeral taok plaeo nn Thursday. Wait for it ! The publish() of 'the Dominion Illns� trated have in p paration the Most mag. uifieeut Christma umber ever Netted in Canada, its liters and artistic features will stand unrivalled. It will be a purely' Canadian wort;, Wei or it 1 Published by the Sabiston Litho & tib Co, Montreal, Oh,What it Co gh, Will eon heed the warning? The signal porharl'dl' the sore approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your- selves if you can afford for the sake of iaavng W0e.,t,> mu the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. ' It neve failn. tidies Aid of the Methodist ive a social in the Parsonage 'ug,tbe •10th inst. J A please e d, was presented, the iQdsome blackthorn erdsman, which hile there on a 'merrier. town, will Sunday, reverend Moa- each- ulpit." Carruthers, of Turnberry, town, the other day, a heat that had grown 22 Some farmers have been e of their stook on the keep it from coming L The Mule was held Tuesday of beginning t Owing to the in roots, vege marked super know _Fan snow. Agricultural Society's Show' Lucknow on Monday and his week. The show, from end, was a grand success. avorable season the exhibit bles and fruit showed a ority over that of former as a fine display of peaches grown in, that'ueighbor. •su, of the Luokuow ,e'enttnel, hibitor in this line and is ire an authority on small were monster cabbages ich tipped the beam at one The centreof the shnw up with merchandise ess men of the place,This idents of Lucknow take t in the welfare of the e ring was well represent• roes as ever were raised 3n uce, The cattle were rine,. teius, Herefords,Durhams• s. Pigs and sheep were y was not so good, owing, society failing to have the exhibition of fowls. were the leading feature d it was there that the wd of spectators appeared mass, each one fighting for f the races. The track was ndition and the various contested. In the 3 year S Jerome came in let ors, closely followed by 3 of Wingham, In the open was won by Little's horse. of and by Dr Whitely's horse oderioh, and third by Jiro f Wingham. years, There and grapes, hood. Bro Br was a large e considered q fruits, - The tbere,four of w hundred pounds. room was all take displayed by busi shows that the r an aqtive intere show. The he ed by as One h the county of there being Hol and their gra A 1. The poul no doubt, tot proper coops f The horse rac of the day, enormbus cr like a seethi a better view iu excelleut c races were hot] old colt race, unier flying c d Currie, bot trot, the firs Lucknow, se Lou Edsall, o Wilson's horse, The regula Council was b Present-- May Deputy Reeve I Herdsman, Le Lean, Sparling, Anderson. Tb of Council read munication was claiming $40 of drain from 'a ing suit for ea paid forthwith—t mittee to report at oil, The correspo Clegg and the, Clin read, and the M difference between the Organ Company would be prepared to be overcome, and the to drop.—The corres to be filed, The F' ported, reoommen following accounts on streets, 89.69; Jos Coad, salary as John Dickson, salary a 3B Ferguson, salary as 877.25 ; Jos Bullard, police, $98.25; Jos B twin fire company, salary as fireman p $15 ; Chas Barbour, 27 ; Jas A. Cline & Co, material for waterwor owns Council. monthly meeting of the Town d on Monday evening last. ; Reeve M[sIienzie-; err, and Councillors Hill, mex, Holmes (Wm), lvfc- Holmes (Thos), Homuth, minutes of Last meetiug and adopted. A corn. ead from Thos Stiles amages for rxstoppago store cellar,and threateu- e unless the amount is ferred to Street Coma ext meeting of Coun- enoe between. Mayor on Organ Compauy was yor reported that the he amount asked by and what the town ive, was too great to atter was allowed oudeuce was ordered. ance Committee ra- ng, payment of the Sohn ,Jackson, work to Rankin, do 84.38 ; ell -ringer,: 818.75 ; treasurer, 815 ;; lerk, and postage, lary as chief of ard, salary as cap - 12. -50 ; Jos Bullard, evious to July 1st, ork on streets, $32.•t ydraut and other s, $48.78 ;: Thos i, WHOLE NO. J031 Street Committee, ing; also, that the Elliott to have oulve be referred to the ea power to act --Carrie I3 Stephenson, of 55/ passed. The Council ] report at next meet. application' pp .cation• of .James. lowered on B bine, e committee, with An account of 3` euts for repairs,,Syas 1then adjourned, Pers) Mrs John Norris have returned from a friends in St Thomas John Hopper returt months' sojourn in Mf evening last:. Mr J A day for Flint, Mioh,t of his o my brother,w zoo,Thursday mornin and daughter went day to attend the fu mother..Rey R Mc visiting friends in to R Y Blyth, of Belwo this week attending gational Association TIMES a call on Thu guson and Mrs Ferg last week from a vis' Mr W G Strong, of the Canadian Orde town on Thursday. Irwin; 91 nights as patrol, $91; Thos Ir win, 8 months work at cemetery, $25 John Hanna, charity rs..filled, $9.40; John Hanna, sand for treets, $5.60 ; Jos Bullard, firemen's sal y, $1 tG t . Tae Ale - Mantas, work on stree $33..72; 131eLean & Son, lumber for s refits, 891,20 Thos' Moore, building side elks, &o, $3,50. The report was adopted anthe accounts or- dared to be paid. Th question of con- tiuuing kfr Thos Irwin s uightwatcbmau was'discussed at length. The Mayor sug- .gested, that the Ch .f Constable be employed as uightwatal 'man for the fall and winter seamen, at: teas"t, Moved by Wm Heinles, seconded la H Lstnmex,that iu regard to the nightwate xian,the matter be left to a special commit ee,consistiul; of the Mayor, Reeve, and ounctllors Spar. Beg and MsLean,to roper at next meeting —Carried. Air Thos Gr dory addressed the Council, asking to bit . a drain put' along Josephine south of ictoria street. Mr Jas Elliott asked the fl incl] to deepen a culvert on the 13 Lino, s sting that the Township of Turcbcrry wit willing to pay half of cost of Satne.Moved 1 WneilIolines. seconded by II Lsintnes, th tthe npplica. tioir for draiu along Josep ilii; street pat Air Gregory's property be eferrcd to the as, nd Miss Duncan o Weeks' visit to and London, .1►Tr ed Prom a three nitoba,on Saturday Morton left yestoe- attend the funeral died at $alums- .,MrF HRoderus Buffalo on Tues- eral of Mr Roderus' sh, of Petrolia, was non Tuesday.. Mr, who was in town e Western Oongre- meeting, gave :the sday..Mr J B Fer-: sora returned home to Pelee Island.. orrie, organizer for of Foresters, was in Turn , : rx'y. , On Friday eveni •r Iast,the memters of the Sunday Sell, of Na 0, assert], bled at Mrs Bloc ell's house and presented her daug r, Mrs Barrett, . with a handsume sil e- butter clash. Theparty spent nn ai oyal,le er•enjag , Mrs Barrett, ti fait fill tench about to depart t• British C1o14.. After a portion of the eveeing' f c+ spent in music a d conversation, I1;:: 3 J W Simpson was appointed mit`. occupy the chair. 1 a : short•tiddress t h explained tl 1 , eleo 3e of the. ilssrttt Mage. On behalf of ie school, an address was then re'd by Miss N Nichol and the prase was presented by ,11rs A Il'onirtth. his Was Pellow, Pd by addresses by iessrs Fife, Hoe muth,Wilson and W eelans,4pressing r he depar te„ et ar, t d p r urs of art � and wishing her happin as and'gres erity in her new Immo. r Geo Bistbkwell also addresed the par • and expressed his gratitude to Ills friends for their The following s k"rndness to his siste is the address ; MRS BARRETT�{,, Itka 17RIEND,—Ili this great world of oars there are al. ways changes, and lenge there shall be until' the end of tt e. The heart of the fond. mother , pained as she says good bye to her li le son, bidding hien be a good boy. he father sighs- at i hsat the departure o' his family "just when they have lea ned to love hint," and with what ;zgtrness does the' sister seek a lett() roto Iter nbs,'iit brother Tom., or Will of Jack. How the little playmates of t ie home will scatter 1 The playful the hers of that birthday party will in a w. short years speak to each other only by letters And the curly heads t at now frolic on the lawn will soon bfar apart,. How beautifully the poet 1 as said They grew in beauty, . e by side, They filled one home • 'th glee ; Their graves are severed f. rand wide By mount and stream an sea, And these thoughts re tiled us of our mission here to- 'ght, *which is to spend a parting hon with yon, who have been one of ou selves for many years. It is not. w thout feelings of Sorrow that we learn • our meditated ,journey to a distant par. The heart is naturally moved by the to s of friends, and in • you we lose an complished attentber of society ; on we love be- cause we know, and one vho is always teddy to lend a helping hand to the cause of the pleat '! star. We lose it useful worker, a bet fcent compaii4 ion and a tried friend We wish you. it safe ,journey across 'tit' . broad con, tinent, That you and your may Witt happiness and prosperity your 1 .home is our earnest do -''e, On y journey westward to t a Pttoilid shore, and riisJon your jn rney to the more pacific and green e re,you shall carry with you out best t '(hes, please ac- cept this small gift, vltioh in after years may he a paitr reminder of your Turtthcrry friends id of the pleasant autumn evening tilt are spenaitix; linft= u i t11 you. Signed by teach() s and scholt►ru, ,',,