HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-02, Page 8T ,�cINDOO Or.tlletabout. •• Messrs Pete lt s WINGIIA1 MARKETS. tVtsanAnr ()etcher' a Tis S prl►t st lli bttve formed a p{titnexShlp' Corrected ty P Duane, Produce Peeler 2, DOI , ., for the purpose of buying grain in this , rieurtnor leo Its, . 1' y Uall 1Vh""F,'")118'1'. ira,eliall be pleased to tietayou. Out town,- '1'lic (gas bright O'ainpatiy, of „pang: great display of fabrics inordinary effects . this town, have been waking improve. I ontri, pleasingfancies,odeconceitte and extreme lnents in the wortcs —There were no IPo" less than 207,,tieeets sold here, for the halts•, tub novelties for the Autumn months, proves , do tidos,, l,xhitaitiou iii Toronto, Nov had for !iVoo peracid svcod per raid, n our positiopees. Dress Gosi:ds leaders. The a town of this size,—Mrs John Smith,: tray per ton, range of styles answers every demand while visiting her daughter at Luther, 1Potatces, • took side and died an 'Tuesday of last r of carriage, street and travelling cos- week, Her vendee were brought to SuTiil;lir+Ani)—In Wint;haln, on the tunes,. house sad evening wear, , See this town and tiro funeral was on ,.4 th ult, the wife of Mr D Sutherland ; them, We feel as ,tered of your order,. '.Thursday to the Molesworth cemetery ` a sort. The Cloak Dentirbetent shows quite an extensive collection of stylish garments. Just enough t;i each to ,give them a dis- theet indivit iality. Our Scalene aidNlantlings for ordered nia'Vil s" ere moste complete, in all the 0440. e„ les a'nf� designs, '• 42 so to 903 00 to ' 24 27 to 28 40 to OSS to 00 • 1s to 1� 1 6o to 1 0o 7Spta to $80 .Novelties you 'will find we are dqheeters. For any kind of Furs we viten inspection, rvhioli will prove coni. vine, e, e advantage of It while you can— our large stack of Ready-made Clothing, in men's, b(s' and ehildrea's suits and overcoats, before the best are picked out, Examine our Gloves, Hose,Underwear, eGent's Furnishings, Shoes and Slippers, .Carpets and Lace Curtains, at M. W, Mc'INIOO'S. ie'1inoant',tM FRIDAY. OCTOB +'It 2, 1891. Seaforth• ]11r Peter Campbell, of the mill road, Tuckersmith, had a horse and rig stolen from Hawkshaw's hotel The funeral services were conducted by Rev 0 H P1lillfrliore. `Che deceas ed was in her 65th year and a member of the Baptist church. E1Ltevale. The annual harvest home of th Methodist church will be held on Fri• day,_ the 9th of October. Active pre- parations are in progress to make it a festival of joy and poise, of music, song and wisdotn, as well as a feastof the best thingswhich the land pros vines., The sing and music will be provided by the Brussels Methodist church choir;which has the reputation. of being the best. Methodist choir in the Wingham district. Addresses are expected from Rev S Sellery, B D, Chairman of the District, the Rev A Y Hartley, of Bluevale, Rev G F Salton, of Brussels, and others. ,The fine hot dinner of fowl, etc, will be served in the commodious basement from 5 o'clock to 6.30 o'clock. The games held in our village on Saturday last were a tine success. There was a base halt' match played between the Unions of Wroxeter and Gerrie and the Wrnghatn team, at which the Unions proved too strong for their opponents. Then followed a foot ball match, in which Gorrie and Baimore teams were the first to take the field, Gerrie team came coming off viotorious. were then matched against the Ironsides of Mulberry. The Ironsides were awarded the money. shed, a few nights ago. No trace of After these exciting games, the pope the thief or stolen property car. be lace had their attention taken up by running jumping, etc. Every person went home well pleased with the day's sport. - found'althou„ li 11r Campbell is offer- ing a libetel reward.—The following sto„ k heeetters from this section took prizes at t'te,,9'.iionto Industrial Ex. hibition , S` ':r Ss illie, 8rd on Canadian4` :nee year old filly, 3rdfora draught two year old tll'ty , Thins Lapalie, list for two year old roadster stallion ; A Davidson, hist for three year old .road- stNr °filly ; 1•m Smith for two year Old roadster filly ; D D Wilson, 2nd for three year old general purpose filly; T White, 2nd for two year old Agrie cultural. stailion.. yTeere: were no less than four runaways in Seaforth last week. No person hurt and very little •.damage done.-5lessrs Obuf'& Bennett .Have sold ;;out their putnpmaking departlureiet eto. Mr 3 S Walsh purnpe makiei; t# Avltuni.—Our town council have p>lrfkbd a 310w hose cart to take tNle'irdices of the one destroye.i by lite- .`It ' is a magnificent •piece of Workmanship and has all the latest improvements. It was purchased from Waterous S Co, ,of I3rantford. They also purchased a hook and ledder wagon from the same firm: It has an. extension ladder 40 feet high, besides a full- set of other ladders. The price is 5475, and $175• for hose cart. Howick The council :net at 4. nth, 1391, in the Tutt pursuant to adjourn rn anti.: all pres,•nt, except Mr Nay. The Reeve in the •chair. Minutes of last meeting rad and approved. lioved by Fergusson, seconded by Graham, that the rats' on the $ for:verity pur- poses be 2 mills : for tewnslup; true. poses 1 mill; for railway. pnepetette 9,10 of e. mill ; and for {,angered se1Sb' ii rate 825-1000 of a mill ---Carrie& Accounts passed :-- John Knox, $30, for settlement in full for damage to draili and crop; Robert Jamieson,. $115 balance on Dane toidge,and $40, part pay on Hamilton bridge J Baylis, $8 88, for gravel ; A Drum.. mond, $7.10, for gravel atxd work otl. Howiclt and Carrick boundary; t3., Johnston, $4 80, for gravel ; A ratter 5011, $1.5C, for repairing culvert, lot 24, can 4 ; lite Fallrtbay,. $24 50, for board for Frank llirtelr, indigent, Moved by Johnston, soaondid h) Gra hats, that the enrtncil'do now adjourn to' rod in Browu'i, dlottrl, F'nrdwieh, a'rr the : third Wedieee'irty in Oetoher next, when the Cellecture Will he fllr.. poiutcd. ---f •rlrrie,tl 4Vxtz. Bees, Tie ('Perk. LAStaVirel. Morris. Mr John A McEwen, organizer for the county of Huron, was in Landon.. last week from Tuesday till Friday attending the rneetinge of the Patrons of Industry Association and taking in the. fair.- Miss Lnoinda Bone, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks vacation aider the parental roof. -Mr Wm Brown, of the third Zine, is very sick at present, He lied just returned from the Toronto Exhibition and from visiting his brothers .at Orangeville, when be had to take to his bed. Every pers'rn in•this locality would be glad to hear of his recovery, • as he is a nothd character amongst us.—Mr Jas Ireland has had another attach of sickness and is not ahle to get around very much. Dyspepsia seems to be the trouble and ;rave doubts are some- times entertained as to his recovery. • How we Kiss Ella, But Thy Wilt be Done. ' How Ionely are our hearts to -day, The ties we tender feel, Are severed by the,hand of death, True, God has set his seal. t ped by the hand of one so kind, 6 f he faded from our sight, • Reil angels gently bare away;, Her gentle spirit bright. She's now beyond our mortal sight, BV faith we almost see, And there with Jesus our blest Lord, From pain and death set free. Your little brother misses you, With toys you used to play, But mamma's gathered yours all up And laid theta safe away. And' as we think of you just now, The tears do gently flow. But by and by we'll hear Him call, And bow our will to show, And when we reach the city wall, Its pearly gates unfold, We'll still believe that sacred truth, The linlf has not been told. ON .We shall' not see our Bile's face, Till gathered Horne are we, .ked there in robes of spotless white, The following valuable Thoroughbred • We joined 'again shall be. Shorthorn Cattle, viz : Pe,and'1a's kind remembrance of their let, Rose of W rosetee, red; 2nd, Beauty daughter Bata, wll•, died in 'Wingham on of Maple Grove,red; 3rd, Laura of Maple Sept eth, 1891, aged three years and four Grove, red, Dominion Herd Book,16258; months. WISEMAN—In Clinton, on the 16th nit, the wife of Mr John Wiseman ; a sou. AGAR --In Turnberry,, on the 24th ult, t e wife of Mr Andrew Agar ; n son, GAnnu .—Ilz Wingham, on the 28th lit, thewife of Alr H Garbutt ; a son, Leif:ge w --In West Wawanosh, on the 27th tilt, the wife of Mr Jas Laidlaw ; a daughter. MARRIED. WIGwr elf —Romp —In Culross, on Sept 23rd, atthe residence of the bride's father, by Rev Jas Malcolm, Mr Wm Wightinan, of East Wawanosh, to Miss Minnie, eldest' daughter of Mr William Romp, DIED. ANDE$$oN —At Beulah, Manitoba, on the 18th of September, George Anderson, brother of Mrs Jas McAlpine, of this town, aged 49 years. ' Deceased leaves a wife and two sons and three daughters, all grown up. Rxvers—In Teeswater, on the20th alt, Annie Dolson Rivers, aged 1 month and 22 days. EMERSON—In Teeswater, on the 23rd, tilt, Margaret Armstrong, relict of the late Noble Emerson, aged 83 years. FoExarl=—In Listowel, on the 22nd alt, Ruby Allan, youngest daughter of An- drew and Susan Foeroh, aged 0.months and 7 days. JOHN GALBRAITH has something to tall you. He is selling all kinds of Dry Goods at exceedingly low prices. Call and be convinced. See • his Flannelette at only Sets. per yard. Dress Goods from Sets, up. Velveteen from 25ots. up. A fine assortment of Ladies' and Children's Hose in Cashmere and Wool. In Gloves,Ribbons, Handker- chiefs,.he is giving excellent value. In gents' Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, etc., an immense assortment. In Groceries, John Galbraith gives tip top value and the people know it. Come in and see the bargains the people have been and are getting right along - JO HN long•JOHN GAL[3RAITR. Wingham, September 23rd, 1891. - IOW STRAY CATTLE. '. Strayed fie Et the show grounds, Wing - hen, on Sept. ' th, apair 2 year old steers, one red and the . er gray, and a yearling heifer, red and•white.' Any person giving any information of their wher shouts, will be suitably rewarded. AMOS TIHLtNO, Con. 1, Turnberry, Wingham P.O. . DRAIN TILE. ELLIOTT BROS. :lave on nd at their brickyard, near Wingham, a large st of Tile from 2 to 8 inches, for draining puree s. Fanners intending to drain their lands shoo call and see the stock and get prices. SALESMAN WANTED To take orders for Warranted NURSERY 'STOOK to be delivered in the spring. Agents starting NOW Can make big Salary, or Commission. Stock and variety superior to .anything heretofore shipped. 'Outfit and instructions furnished FRED`, Write at once for terms to E. 0. (11tAll AAI, NCRBEItYMAN, • Toronto, Ont. —AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FAR t,,r^ STOCK. The undersigned has received instruc- tions to soli by public auction, on Lot 2, Concession 6, Turdiberry, Tuesday, Oct 13, 1891, Wst. ,t w Arno B. Dont. 4th,Roso of Wroxoter Second Dolriinion Herd Book,16259; 5th, Clara of Wroxeter Dominion Herd Book,16257; 6th, Lily of -`Gila Government has eta e tt olrttnga Maple Grove, red brown, Dominion Herd Book, 17553; nth Butterfly of 'Maple in the method of passing through customs Grove, read and white, one .year old; 8th,. goods sent byexpress of under $l0 in value. Wroxete Daisy, red, Dominion t-iord f; 13oolr 1f3260; 2 Bull Calves; 2 Heifer. In the future all such goods will be euterw y ed iu a ametll customs bnok similar to that I Calves; 1 leravy Draught Tiorme, , all old; 1 General T'urpose Mare .flu,. real;: intvhioh pestal matter is entered, and the 1 two year old Pilly;; 1 three •, •old conieemers of such goods need but to "sign Mare. $10 REWARD, Any person giving such information as will lead. to the finding of the guilty parties who stole seven gem- eEon the night ig stvni'(the lab of September, will be paid Qnonon IIRYCE. Tnrnberry, September :2nd, 141, NOTICE. T. A. MILLS. having disposed of his gook of general goods to Bemis E. hing, herebynotifies all persons indebted to him. that all accounts must be Pahl at arise. T, A. MILLS. Wingham, September 17th, 1551. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SAIL, The undersigned offers for sale a cottage contalr:. ing seven rooms, and tel o•afths of an mare of land, situated on the corner et Patrick and Carling streets Wingham.Geed cellar, woodshed and hard and soft water. Por particulars, apply to the owner, near the property, D. Mo1IINLAY. &SHILO ' CONST :7; MON CURL The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc- cessfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing_a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada., If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, fors it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOHWS CURE, Price Io cts., 50 cts. and tit .00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use rvShiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cts, EC PLEB ()PULAR ONE WAY ARTI ES TO THE ACIf'TFLLil COINC Sept. 23 p`lS Oct. 7-21 t4, ov.4-18i Deo. 2-16-30 +1$91+ HAVE THE ADVANTAGE er oiite Atte4daryt6 rogress Rapid riCe Low reryty of Room ARTICULARS FROM ANY AGENT OF THE COMPANY Beautify. Vous Hoes! JAS. H. FRXEivD', fate of Hamilton and Parie, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMEN- TAL.PAINIER, PAPER HANGER, F'RISCOER, &C. World take this opportunity of informing the citizens of Wingham and surrounding country that haying had large experience in city work, ho is prepared to do AlabastinIng, Italsotuining and Wall Papering In the latest approved styles of plain and decorative work, Cliurehes, Halls or other public` or private buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Designs at moderate rates. Graining in Walnut, Oak, Bird's Bee Ma- ple, &c., a Specialty. All orders entrusted to. my care done with neatness and despatch. • - Orders loft at' Mr. Ross' Bookstore will receive prompt attention. JAS. H. FRIEND. Wingham, April Ord. SiLafrD ® Dr. D. Ai. A., L, C. P. e. 0 , AL(l,.P. S. At., TORONTO. Jonathan Bushed, Listowel, .says :— "After spending all my money and prop- erty to no iiurpose on medteal men, for what they termed a hdpelesscase of con- sumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says: "When alt others failed, Dr. Sitfolair cured me of fits." - W. McDonald, Lakofield, says :--"Dr. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh." Geo. Rowed,Blyth, says :—"Dr. Sin- olair oared me of heart disease and drop- Store opposite the Qn sy, when all others failed." MISS Diseases of private nature, brought on A. L HAMILTON, Successor to Dr. Towler, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines and Chemic als, Toile t Soaps, Perfumery and -- Cigar s, nd-- Cigars, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, Sponges, and all kinds of -Druggists' Sundries . usually kept in a first. • class drug store. • Physicians' prescriptions care- fully compounded and orders answered with care and despatch, Fanners and physicax s from the country will find our stock of medicines complete, war- ' ranted genuine and of the best quality: Full line of Diamond Dyes arways in stook. A. L. HAMILTON. IL, A CARD. Dr. Towler will continue the prao- tiee of his profession and may be found at his office in the Pharmacy —Mr. Hamilton's drugstore—during office hours, or at his residence, Di- agonal street, IT'S WONDERFUL The money you can save by buying your i goods, and getting your watches repaired at Pat- terson's Jewellery store. He gives perfect satisfac- tion every time. Try him and buy and don't go by without you do buy. M. PATTERSON, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller, Main st., Wingham. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice.is hereby given that the Part- nership heretofore• subsisting between the undersigned as HartdwatoMercliants, under the naive of JAs. A. Omen & Co., at the, Town of Wingham, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 12th day of March, A. D. 1891. All accounts due to the late firm will be paid to Jas. A. Cline, who will carry on the business at the old stand and by whom all obligations of the late firm will be paid. Dated this 24th March; A. D. 1891. Witness, te ,TAs. A. MINE,J. A. MORTON. S 4 ,STox1N Nnnr.ANns. Referiug,to•above, r wish' to return my thanks for Mast favors, and trust that by close atterktron to the wants of my cus- tomers to merit a 'continuance of the same. Jas. A. Cline. P. S.—Pastlue accounts;trust be set- tled at once. all MISS Iles received Orin Feathers, Flow Mantle Cloths • In LATEST NovEL= PATIT, • • MISS PARR, of Pet city tnilliner, has t' of head milliner a will be used t „tom s4ANTL'ES. MAD MISES. A CA ley folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures.. l The Harvest ti'h.i+ti;sgi. ,..., nervi.,.•, the bac,. ,, thus doing away with the es.,GL,1 CONSULTATION" FREE. y oNn ftol! P . held itt iihr'gr unin'ch, it week ago pence of making out entry papers as in th• e SA" TA COAIAIENCS Ar O • i rltiday, were conducted by Ri.v W .k past, '1' T 1 glia red', on ur-4 DR. SINCLAIR, will be at the Yonne, 'el A, i.f (bt:iered!. The et. , zixenfs,� the ve ma r' i p chimera furtiislririb+ approved joint notes. !QUEEN'S UEEN'S fOTE L, winkhath, trndatret w.tti very 1,;v:,t',itsd tr he dinner . 'rhe. Timms will bo front to new sub- J. COWAN, on `tnnllc't t -canthi! w NK rt grand sac.. scribers from now till the 1st of January, Audio ceps, OE. procee+Its ltntul,utieg to $70 1892, for 25 cents. Turnb ;-F mottotiiioN, l • oil Sept, 30,1$91" Proprietor. WEDNESDAY, OCT, 28th. 1891. Molloy to L fetes D ATEAsot Money advanced on hi Privilege of paying at t , and accounts eollerted. ()eines--Acaeet Meek d Choice stock of obis Ribbons, &c. ides, lac. N ux lir. experienced position effort as- n PE. IIx. tea. TIES cont. with Ait P111100# y..+yo c d 7dNV Vi