HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-02, Page 7"VossUfa PreAm." Far awa' tae bounie,Seotland Has my Spirit ta'en its flight, An' I saw my wither apinuin' • In our Highland Immo at night, I saw the Itye abrowsmg, My !either at the plough, .And the grand old hills elven them 4'; Wad I could aloe them now. Oh, leddy, while upon your kneee Ye helcl my sleepin.' head, 1 saw the little knit at tame, .:),•,• Where Te,ro ea' 1 were wed; * I hard the tune the pipers played., 1 kenn'd its rise and fa'— 'Twas the wild Maogregors' slogan, 'Tis the greatest o' them, a'. Hark I surely I'm no wildly areanate', Por 1 hear it plainly now— Ye cannot, ye never heard it On the far-off mountain's brow ; For in your southeran childhood Ye were nourished salt and warm, Nor watehed upon the could hillside The risini o' the 'storm. 1. Aye I now the soldiers hear it, An' answer with a cheer, As .the "Campbells are gelatin,'" • Valls On each anxious ear, # t , The cannons roar their thunder?, And the sappers work in vain, • For nigh aboon the din a' war. Resounds the welcome strain. • An' 'nearer still, an,' neapr still, An' now again 'tie "Auld Lang Syne;" "Its kindly notes like life-bluid rise Through this puir sad heart o' mine. , Oh, leddy, dinna swoon awa', Look up, the evil's past ; They're omini noo tae dee wi.' us, Or save us at the last. Then let us humbly, thankfully, . Down on our knees and pray, For those who came through bluid and • fire To rescue us this clay; That He may o'er them spread:His shield, Stretch forth his hand and save • ; grabbei the pleasant youngmau by the hand. My poor young friend be exclaimed. Another martyr to righteousness aud faithfulnesss to the law 1 May the spirit of Brigham sustain you 1 When the train stopped and the gruntan and the passenger got up to leave the oar the solemn man press. ed u card in the young manta hand. The gruff passenger took it and read it. This was its inscription, Bold Havelock and his highlanders, The bravest o' the brave. IMOONANNIO could, and finally bitin to the point T,b.e Solemn. Passenger. promising to conduct himself' pro - Well, said the solernia--looking pas•• perlyi tok:a whole Week --,the reward to. • senger in the front seat to the pleasant be a lett6r"to WS parents testifying to yonnf.r, man just behind him, the liar- his goo d:- behaviour 'Wheel Friday ',.Neet is past, but the surumar is still afternoon-camelie asked •.his teacher 'with us. Sure 1 replied the young tnan. But it's on the wing, though I con- tinued the solemn man. Itis flying ! Right along ! said the pleasant pas- Perhaps- I• ,get a present, he said. Altright; said the tercher, jocularly adding; and, of eourse, 1 sin entitled to half. This seemed to 'worry the boy, but * * O * ** * V *11 q, 1.41 * PPM ..... ••••••• Anun Gananurrox, Elder Marmon °laurel) of , Latter Day Saints, Utah. • •••••14 —New York Sun. ••••••••••••••••••••••••000. Why Struggle? wHY struggle with exhausting diseases Iry when you may be promptly cured by the use of • nature's remedy—Burdock 131ood Bitters—the perfect euro for dys- pepsia, billiousuess, constipation, siok b e ad ache an d alt forma of bad blood from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. She changed Her mind. Miss 0, a bright teacher, had a seven year old boy placed ie. her class who had established a very bad reputation. The teacher made up her mind that she would work a revolution in his character if posSible. Accordingly, she at once took hint into her confidence —praised • him when be. gave • the slightest opportunity, and passed over his faults as lightly as she consistently DR, FOWLERS •EXT: QF • .W11.0 • TRAWBERRY cuREs HOLERA holera Morhus OLJ CS - RAMPS IARRIKEA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND r UXES OF THE. BOWELS IT I AFE AMP RELIABLE FOR C. OR.EN OR ADULTS if she had° forgotten about `th6 tor,, -Oh, no, she said, you have Leen a very good boy and 'deserve it. senger. • Time is fleeting I remarked the other. 'Well, said the pleasant youth, shak- ing his bead, that depends •on .hew map') tin:ie. you get. .a j be answered, perhaps I will -only get a• • Sir 1' exclaimed the passenger" idldinie; • 7: - front. Thon a =kis will belong to me, sail 1 say three mon ths'l 1 fleet than three Years, replied the passenger, smiling. WIhnilt he.to the gruff passenger who side him, • They say so that's tried it I gruff passenger. quicker I she. pleasant j Well, inayb,,e I will only, get some it '1'said': sweets. • sat be. I . Then half of thorn will be -mine, re - 1 plied the teablief.• • ' • ' • . - • . • said the But how do .yoti'knovi t will give you half? • • The solemn passenger was silent a • I will trust, to your honor, said the' while, and then opened up again • • I teacher. .• ' • ; ' These are the days, said he, that Johunie received his letter and the friieloue and unthinking spend in tnarched proedly home. On Monday idling where the seri roars, cir the morning his face indicated that he was mountain breezes whisper, or t • greatly pleased, and his teacher called vaily inurinnrs. You ars ndt bnund(km 1,hiw up to her desk, and asked : idle vacatioi), 1 trust; my lk:ar young friend ? • , • •Well, not exactly 1 teplieh tbe.pleas-- ant young infetv with a hskd of his bead. . •?f „, You het your life 1it. in't said the gruff passenger. I am pleased to know it ! said the ) solemn passenger.. B4 1 grieve to • hear you suggest my /Wagering any. A String of Anagrams, 1 f . Well, did you get a • present, johnnie ? Yes, teacher, replied the boy. What dicl you get ? . A pair of trousers, replied the boy, the smile on his face broadening. Well, zeal can keep my half, said the teacher. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING. ALEX. SAUNDERS, LATEST METHODS: Particular attention. paid to Sanitation and Ventilation. Plans and Specifications care- fully prepared. • Repairing Promptly Atten- ed to. Three Trains Daily. Telephone No. 28. Correspondence Solicited. thing upon it, even se 'worthless and • poor a thing as life. So you are not one of the trivial th/rCmg who are just now flocking to idle vaeations No, sir 1 1 ax. pot,1. replied the pleasant young ) " ;au, You rejoice tr.( 'said the solemn passenger, Minty eyes, while the gruff passenger Pm going .6htion though, • a said the plum pg 133alls bIlt ih won't be au idi And he smiled • it, Who chuckled at the gruff, ariain and sa ' Right you 0.,\ el he next Station is our1 P All t San . 0 sc\ tnan, and its q newel /4' Sing 8 ( i vet gruff passe,ri.. gerT 'd g • voungl tdays three , years WI 4i'i ti.t) tr-IV °At ;:laInfil\sOrn his roan- - eatty Otis revelation lt the nein, into he cited 'dumb • 00 passenger and hoe The g ter, apps Wanld sh horror, an himself wh Astronomer—Modern starer. Diplomacy—Mad policy, Funeral—Real fun. Lawyers—Sly ware. • Matrimony—Into my arm. ' Parishioners—I hire parsons. Penitentiary—Nay I repent it Picturesque—Quite spruce. Presbyterian—Best in prayer. Tslegraph—Great help. . English Spavin Liniment retrieves all hord, of or eallotified humps and Blemished from horsea. Blood Snatin, POIM ts, Ring Bono, SWeeney,Stifies,Sprains, Sere and SW011en Throat, Coughs, ete, Save $60 by use Of elle bottle. Warranted the most wended Blemish Cure over known.' Sold by W. 13. Towler. •lithd Ira Mols GOOD WOOL WANTED. HIGHEST PRICE PAID • WINGHAM TANNERY W. J. CHAPMAN. •LUM R, Dressed and undressed, LATH, SHINGLES, ST.A.VES, BARRELS, CEDAR POSTS, WOOD 9 &c., Always on hand,and will besold cheap. MILL—Adjoining G. T. .Et., on • Shuter Street. McLean & Son, Wingliam, Ont. We wish to inform the public that we have these Woolen Mills In A 1 running order, and will this season give special attention to CUSTOM WORK • in all its branches, and will keep In stock a class of lirst.eloss goods, am* as Tweeds, Flannels,, Etoffs, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns, Sco., &e., Ovule from pure wool only) cheap for coati or ex" chonge for wool. Customers from a (Bataan ban have their rolls home with them the same day. SeItighest market price in cash for Merchantable Wool, INGLIS & wariehain BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. ta.keour,m& nue, Having purchased the Custom Business of Messrs McCormick Co, wish to intimate that they have opened out in the shop two doors south of T A Mills Store, Wingimin. Boots and Shoes made to order from the Best Stock on short notice. Repairing neatly and promptly done. The patronage of the public solicited, and all work guaranteed. threw.) wives, JOSEPI! COWAN, Crania chit Div. COOT, CO. rlunoN, • AITCTIONEEB, ISERIEtt 51A111.11.4GVE LICENSES • COMMisliTOSEU IN:11.°C. S., Et& Owr. Pfsr:if 3emedy itordaterrli Is the nest, Easiest to tImeand Cheapest. Sold by druggists or Sent by rnall,50c. T. ttefwIt101. Warren. Par, tr. a, 4., 2.101.1A1MILIN& R&UGH, ZETLAND SAW MILL • GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, Virst-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Specialty.: MA W1NGRAIVI LE WO Taking a rotros et ot luy t teen I fouteen years Madness W ghoul, I de •0 most heartily to render my thanks to try friends ild the pnblto gen. malty for tno Sheila sitronw extended to tne le the past. rimy. also state tim at n a positron to offer better inducements tha •er to Moe molder anything in the lino of auto or St, Monuments, HEADSTONES, WIND W SI STON TBD1511NOS . PO PE.NCING, '0 1 would boie cd to have thosoL iroes of pro, aria My line to e and examine goods, compare rices and leave thew • cc'', so that the goods MAN .,u soured and prepare *My In the • season, You an select from the lotest signs and obtain the ik at win kmanship et the me;•• worablo prices. D st respectfully, yours WIY4. SMYTH, wintauta, 001. curing any tulle ?!. • P fkriFtlisee Fro OCIP ;:.1 I °Aid:141/14.)r A-4- . pamphlet of information and 4111 01 4 straet of the laws, chewing Dw oto Obtain Patents, Cavests.rPratie. Marks, Copyrights, sof free. Address MUNN & CO./ 561 Broadway, New Turk. 't MATTHEW AMBLEI1,1 .WINGHAM HARNESS MAKER, if LOU 111 N MILI.S. has on hand a large stock of HORSE BLANKETS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, WOOS, TRUNKS VALISES etc. Which will be sold at bottom prices. HARNESS, double or single, made to order on short notice, and &dislocation guaranteed. . IMPA coil solicited. SHOP—Opposite the Bank of Hamilton. MATTHEW AMBLER, Wingham, Feb. 8th, 1800. • 1 TA P. CHAPMAN, ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVSYANCSit, ETO, Orrics—' Big" Bookstore, RIPLEY, O. Money to Loan on Perm Security at LOW Dates of interest. No commission charged. WOOD &livered to any part ot Wingliron. ' .113' Orders by mail prOmptly attended O.' •01.011GrE TlIONISON, Wiruldlin P. • The undersigned wish to tender their best thanks for the liberal patronage given to our firth during severalyears prior to the burning of our mill by in cendiarism. During, the ) oat season We' have re moddelled the town mill to the latest approved. sys. tem of Hungarian Roller Process mil ling. • We :be Hero wocon now givo better accommodation than ever before. We offer PrOmpt Dispatch, Fair Returns, QUALITY SECOND TO NONE IN THIS SECTION. And by close personal attention to the business . hope to be again favc.red with it trial by all old friends and many new ones. TOUTS most respectfully, HOTTON Sr CARR, win:thorn Mill, Oct ID, 3484 • • J. GOLLEY, VETERINARY SURGEON. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Also Otaduate of Dentistry Sehool, Toronto is pro. rared to treat all MOMS of Domesticate Animals in the latest scientific manor, Calls promptly attended to. Office and Infirmory OIND STAND, Wingham ta.Callers by night will tind him at the office. 4. I: •-• " crease o rofits IS CE1tTAIN IF THE GENUINE 1VcColl's D E IS ONLY USED. BE ENERGETIC BY GIVING IT ONE TRIAL. McOOLL'S WELL KNOWN i\Tn i, CD 1 IA Aeknewledgecl the best in Canada. C'For Sale by Leading Dealers throughout the Dorninion. MADE ONLY BY McCOLL BROS. & CO. - ▪ - TORONTO • A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OIKTMENT These remedies have stood the test Of fifty years experience, and aro pronounced the.. best Medicinea lot use. 211 -IM PILLS Purify the blood, cornet all disorders Of the LIVER, STOMACIT, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS asp r invaluable in ell complaints -Incidental to fellatio of ah ages. F111-1_.; OINTMENT Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, Ores, ulcers, and old wounds!. BRONCIIIIIS, SORE TITROATS, COMBS, (1OLDS, GOUT, ItEEITMATISM; GLABULAII. SWELLINGS AND ALL SHIN DISEASES IT HAS NO I8QUAL. Manufactured only at 7d, New Osier& Lateliffil, Oxford Street, tendon, and sold by alt Medicine Vendors, throughout the 1.rtIrliftsserS should look to the Label On the boxes and rots. If the address is not 583 Oxford Street, Loudon, they are staltious., I CURE Fl THOUSANDS OF 'BOTTLES qIVEN AWAY YEARLY, gs When 1 e..!..5) 04,nfe 1 do eat me Merely to Step them fer a time, and th jtve them return again. al LAN ARAI) IC 41. U Et I have made the distase of ollogasy or Falling Sickness a life-long studs''. I efirad.t.tolit my remedy to ettrstio Worst Cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now •rt living a chre. Stu Once for a trettlae and 0. FrCO Desttlis of my Itifilltiblo nice Ettores Pett Office. It costs you nothing' for a trial, and ir will cure VI AddrAZ t-atis a* et, 11111,,Q*4 Offieee I3 teirAT iliesitAtrne &tett?, .4 Cceet4,44•••