HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-02, Page 6aindata times FRIDA , OOTQL ER, 2, 1891. Pair Times. A country fair— Afai't it feu, At Bobeavgeon Or at EEawilton 1 Charming eouutry girls, "Though not in style, . With eyes that kill At half a mile. Rosy cheeks, Splendid -form, •A.lways the same, .In calla su$3 storm, Country swain, 0 With. grit and sand, , Walks with ducky, Hand in hand. Down in pocket Goes his hand, She stops short, Refreshment stand. Cocoanut and candy, Ralf watermelon each, Ice cleans follows, Then a pear or peach. In searching fun, Every one's intent, Everybody's happy, Enjoyment innocent. Rome once more, In parlor there, Big hearted swain, And maiden fair. We Te mustn't wait To see it through, Act the same myself, Wouldn't you ?. NEIGHBORS. BY MARY ETLE DALLAS. When Mrs Chatterten,a very pretty young widow, with one little boy, bought a squall cottage at E----•--, and came there to reside, she thought it an earthly. Paradise ; but Satan entered in'Paradise, and the very first • day that little Roland Chatterton went out to play a great dog jumped the hedge which divided his mother's, garden from herzieighbor's,and barked and growled most terribly tet the small pian in petticoats and red stockings who at once flew to 'his mother with piteous wails and shrieks of terror, . . Mrs Chatterton Caressed her child, placed him in safty in .the middle of her bed, and rushed out into the gar- den, armed with a curtain pole, to ex- pel the intruder. Re was there still,• and had frigh- tened the little servant,in a whitecap, who was called Roland's nursemaid, to such a degree that she had (slimed a vine trellis, and clung. to it half way up, crying piteously. Meanwhile a. man of portly habit, and so well dressed and barbered that, but for his disgusting conduct, Mrs Chatterton: would have conoidered hien a gentleman, stood on the other side of `the hed ie laughing. All he wants to do is so lick your hand, young woman„ this masculine individual was saying. Re's the best - tempered fellow. Come down and be friends with him. I can't,sir! squealed the Little maid. I'm that afraid, I shall die, sir 1 I had a cousin died of hydryfoby,sir. 0e).1! Oh I Ile's a climbing up after me 1 Mrs Chatterton, 'though mortally afraid of the dog herself, was deter, mined not to quail before . these insolent intruders. She advanced slowly, Call your dog away, sir, she said. The brute has already nearly frighten. ed niy son into convulsions. Now he-. attacks niy servants, No doubt I shall he the next victim. Oali him Oft: Here, Leo; cried the gentleman. Lee heard and obeyed reluctantly, Ootne down, child,said Mrs Chatter ton. It is most shocking that we should have this to bear. Te that your dog, sir? That is my dearest friend, Leo, res plied the portly gentleman; and allow me to tell you, madam, that he is worth any ten men, and ali the women have ever had the misfoetunie to meet. The young person is quite -wife. Why desa'l't she conn, down it - Mrs Chatterton, conecioutt that the dignity of the uituatieu was not in*1 0 tweed try the Meat exhibition of polka dot ateeking which Soppy was Ikriew end everybody Warn the old bachelor; but curiously enough, a, great attachment had sprung up between the original cense of the quarrel—the great Newfoundland dog) Prince Leo, and the widow's little boy, Roland, who had got into kniokor- bookers, and bad had: his ioug curls cut. The heads of the opposing armies should have interefered, but they did not. They pretended not to know anything about it. There was a deep pond, almost a lake, hard by the little truster of cotee age of which Mrs Chatterton's was one, and Roland had been forbidden to go near it alone. Alas! weals -his hair was cropped and bis skirts put away, .the baby vanished forever. Roly became a boy. Aiid he not only went to the lake alone, but went there to paddle about in the water, One day he was missed, Soppy bad lingered at her glass a while'in view of the young butcher. A great tenor seized'upou the mother. She flew towards the pond. As he maw ' her coining, naughty Roland ran further into the water and lost his footing.. He was" drowing— drowing before her eyes. She could not swim, but rushed in after him, shrieking loudly. making, repeated her commands, The meld decended and rushed into the house, uttering :a wild shriek ; and Mfrs Claattertou turned to the dogs's master, Sir, she said,. as I cannot permit my only son's life to be perpetually in danger, I must request you never to allow that dog to enter my garden again. I'll request him not; to do so, replied the gentlemen. He's partial to a bit of fuu, though, He's like me in that. It is his sense of the iridieulous. I am sore, that brings hint here. if you will climb trees when he appears be way think it too good a joke to lose. .He may insist - on coming. A dog who would behave like that, would prove himself mad, replied Mrs Chatterton, I an quite as averse to. hydrophobia as Sophy is. I shall thick it my duty to shoot him if he trespasses on my groung again: • Mrs Chatterton did not own a pistol, and could nos have fired one if she ,lad, but the threat enraged the stout gentleman. Perhaps you would like to shoot me also, he said. Observe, madam, I ani on my own grounds, not on yours. I have my opinion of any one who can take ft dislike to a noble animal like animal like that, who can 'repulse his offers of affection. I begin to doubt the creature's sagacity. Generally he makes no mistakes. Why he should make advences•to a cowardly little milksop of •a boy and a drivelling idiot' of a maidservant I am 'sure I can't. guess. Come,Leo; Madam, I advise you to take your faimly to Dr Pasteur as soon as possible. Good wording. The .insolent wretch ! gasped Mrs Chatterton.. Oh 1 ain't he, alum i ,rasped Sophyy, at the door. I'd a mind to souse him with b'iling water! called cook, from the kitchen Window. Oh !: •hut he's the devil, that's what he is -•-bad luck to him 1 Instantly a man rushed ,aiiross the sand. A dog passed him, and flew into the water. Ater Sutplietl;: was the man, Prince Loo the dos, - The .former brought out the lady, the later the little bqy. was`: found, the place, 'name, genus and Butiar name. for ..their promptitude both The shecieN ets m y then be placeand the d in port - would have been.drowned, end -as soon folios, ac'rording to genera, or , may be that b; the specimens from one as Ml.rs Chatterton felt sure they were arranged s •place are tog they.—Ladies'RomeJournal not, sh'e'knelt down i t Leo's side and s .--�-ly kissed hiin sin; teas good. brown nose. Chic Paralysis, and smooth. After some pleasant hours in the woods you will come home with your bonelet full of all kinds of planta and flowers, To preserve the denote Colors of the latter it is necessary that TIMrtiS OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET, they should be'dried at once. riney,INGHAM, ONTARIO. theta on your drying -paper and oarefuliy arrange every flower, smoothing out all. SubsOrtptionprioe,$iperyoar,inastvauce the wrinkles. If any petals have drop- ped off, set them in place with a little mucilage, Some flowers cannot bear the touch of a waren hand, and these you will tltid wilted. They may be restored by sprinkling with luke warns water, and laying them away over night in a cool, dark place. If you are in a hurry, out off part of the stems of the wilted flowers and place in a vase of hot water, where they will straighten in a few hours. After arranging your apecimeus on the drying paper, laysoveral sheets over and under theta, and put in a press or under a heavy weight. You Will never ;egret the few dollars invested in a press. Twelve hours after pressing, change the papers and press again, In a few days your plants will be ready to lay away,. but be careful to keep under pressure' until perfectly dry, or your larger flowers will mould or shrink, and thus lose all beauty, In mounting myspecimens I use heavy mounting paper, 11X by 1G% inches, coating ten cents a sheet ; but a begin- ner would, perhaps, do well to start with binder's paper, which is cheaper and•iust as suitable. A .little muoiiege may be put on the plant here and there, or you may fasten it by pasting .narrow strips of paper across it. •When your mounting is finished, write under each specimen the date when it 1111 8111C11110 y * r-IfI etierastIEP— U BRY FRIDAYMOIt•N1NG, "For years l sdt' ered:with,my back which . You`•deer ding, I loge yOU,said she, sometimes became ;,p if paralyzed,. 1 suf••. and you sir, my eternal gratitude is fered'awful agony fo"r� ;Itiouths and, could ~burs. not sleep; but now,tha> . s to your Burdock Blood Bitters; I am strc ng again, have no pain and can work well, et t well and sleep After this peace reigned between 'Well? ' -Mrs. Hammerton, !�3 Ghariotte $t, the cottages. Offering of ruses ,from Toronto. t the gentleman,, and of custards 'frdm :The Trams will be.sent to new sub - the Cady, brought.on. calls and tea; scribersfrom now til the 1st of January, 1892, for 25 cents. - The individual thus described was drinking—of course at Mrs Chatter- not yet too far away to overhear, and ton's house. And one da:y:. e while they y he grinned sardonically. sat opposite each • other, with Roly between' them,' and Prince Leo, at his master's feet, Mr Sutphen remarked People said of Mr Sutphen that he had been jilted in his youth, and had hated women ever since. Certainly This is very nice. , .0 shoulli- lisle it they were right about *omen. He to be iso always. could eee no good in any of them, and when they offended him he behaved most horribly, as in the present in- stance. And this was a nice beginning for two neighbors ; especially for Ms's Chatterton, who'had never before been. treated with any discourtesy, and who was used to look upon men as her natural protectors and admirers. It gave her a new sensation, and a most unpleasant one, to be addressed in that fashion, to be looked at as Mr Sutphen had looked at her. Then he had called her son, her baby yet • in petticoats, a cowardly milksop ! Core Mrs Chatterton blushed. Should you 3 he aseltd. I'll be very very good to Roland. I love him dearly. iS nd I'll be very good to Prince Leo, she said, and—and to you. So it' was settled. Distrustful People. Make, an exception in favor of Er row. let's Extract of •Wild Strawberry. Its known virtues as . a Cure for diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera morbus and all bowel complaints cause all who -use it to regard it as the most reliable and effectual remedy obtainable. now to Press Flowers. Ou your next ramble in the woods, sidering the exhibition of polka„dot take along one ofthose .long 'japanned stockings, she did not feel much tin botanist's boxes, or else a light sympathy for Sophy ; still he had be- basket. Have a layer 'of damp moss hayedlike a brute to that girl. She in your receptacle, and put your plants longed to punish hien, and she could away as ,soon as possible. Choosethe not'see her way to it. however, she choiceet specimens --and several of one had a gate opened into the other road, sorts will not carve amiss, Gather the that she might not always be obliged shapeliest leaves of the trees. sprigs of to pass his windows on going out. moss and any miniature leaves that From this time the widow and the you think will retain their beauty after bachelor lived in a state of warfare being dried, and specially keep a only possible to country neighbers, lookout for ferns. Some plants are There was always a cow or a chicken,a very small, and it is best to dig suc1 goose or a turkey .to . quarrel over. up.by the roots—it will be alt the more The bachelor had his washing Tante' interesting to have the Whole plant. It ironing done at home by his Chinese will be peinlent to take along a large, servant ; that official tied iris clothes- thin' book, which can be tightly strapp- !lee to a branch of an old tree which' ed' together, as ybu May want to press grew on Mrs Chatterton a side of the some of tli6 most delicate floweyrs 1111. dividing hedge. •mediately. Have the covers perforated Mrs °hatterton waited tintil all the with large holes to admit the air. Yon -shirts and atoekin s were bung err$abd can buy all sorts of botanist's§ port, rt,aien batSo h Unie the re e. �ph�folios; but a couple of thin boards, cut h, and all the garments lay on the you bail readily make yourself, will ground. Mr • Stephen consulted a answer every purpose. Put thirty or forty sheets of drying paper between lawyer, and Mrs Chatterton had a bill for clothes . liner Clad deblege to the covers,. and fasten a couple of. Estes ess, err garments, presented to kr, which she grips of leather so as to fern) a con• ollsness, and OnOtaftaDebility ta pend; IB ivas onlyone of a thousand theseand m et otherShadiertecta•1. . veuieht• lAndlet $e very careful in id° ha:pitinSuenceallsUR ARMS To Mor nsRs.--A. re you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sulfuring and crying with pain of Curtin( Teeth 2.. If so end at once and get a bottle of ' Mrs, tvinslow's Sctothing Syrup" for Children Teething, Its value is in aloul- ab1e. It will relieve. the poor little s eror immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there la no mistake about it. It euros Dysentery and Diarrhoea, re;; ulates tho Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gin ns, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and enemy to the 2 -hole system,. "iters. Win., slow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and Is the prescription of ono off the oldest and bestf oniale physicians rind ,nurses the United States, and is for sale by all druggi throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sura and ask for "Mao. WiNsnow's Soornure SYRUP .+nil take no. other kind __ ADVERTISIINQ RATES: Spaoo1 1 y r. ! 11 ane, 1 8 too, 1 neo: ono Column 1;00 00 835 00. 520 00 56 08 Halt " 06 00 2n 00 12 00 '0 00' Quaker " CEO 00. 12 00 7 00 4 00 One [neh 6 00 0.00 2 00 1 00 Local and other casual advertisements, 8e, pot line for first insertion,. au d So. per lino for each Subsequent huseition. Local notiees/0c, per line for SSA insertion, and 60, per lane for each subsequent. insertion. No ldca't notice will be charged loss than 26o, Advertisements of Leet, Nound, Strayed, Situations. and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines, nonpareil, 81 per month houses mid Farms for Salo, not oxceedlng 8 lines, 51 for first month, 60e. per subsequent month Those terms will bo strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, Or fer longer' periods. Adn•ortisemonts without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tran- sitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements auust be in the office by Wednesday, noon, in order to appear that week " R. ELLIOTT PROPRIRTCR ANO Pusaisi sa MACDONALD, JOSIuIIIINE STItEET, wmenaat, ONTARIO f 7 , TOWLER. 82.0.0 Af„ Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. —Coroner for County of Huron-'- OlRce at "'rliEPIIASMooy" Wingham, Ont, ONPiog Nouns. -0 So 12. a. in., 1 to 0, p. in., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. DIC. 3. A. IdELDRTJM, Honor .Oraduato of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.' Office and Residence^•Corner of Centro and Patrick streets, formerly ocou1iied by Dr. Bethune. WINiira$ qNT yANSTONE. li BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc,, Eto Private and Company funds to- loan at lowest rates interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. OFytCE-Beaver Block WzweuAat, Os, • J. A. MORTON BARRISTER ac.,. 1Vingham Ontario V EYER.32 DICKINSON, H. W. C. MEVER Pl. C. 1 E, L. DICKINSON. B.A. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc„ Etc., So licitors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on, mortgage security at 65 per cent. Money invested for private persons, upon the best mortgage securities without any expense to the lender. Lunda for sale in Manitoba and the North. west. Office—Kent a Block, 'W Ingham, {�) J ENTISTRY.—J 8. J. ROME, IVINaltaM, 1 J Is. rnanufacturing Celluloid Plates, �-- Vulcanite plates of the bostmaterial �trd as cheap as they can bo got in the Dominion. Ali work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric. t or Vegetable Vapor. TARR Nonce,- I will extract tenth for 25 conte ach. Y OFFICE: in the Beaver Bloclr, opposite the s . runswick Moues. Brain. Twister, The 'fireside Weekly is offering grey Dash"pr es for the sciatiou of their Poet foal Pu - e. Three hundred and flft dollars are •ffered every week, divided a follows ; F at prize,. 5150 ; second prize, $75; third pr e, 050; nest fifteen, $5 each, $75. These p els are given to the first correct answers received each week, be. ginning Monde Sept 21, and ending Nov 30th—the p e list beginning oyer again every Monde. „orning. _ In addition to this 550 will be gi en away to the first correct answer receive. each morning, and to every fifth of those • of -securing cash rewards a handsome Iii ver Gipsy kettle with stand, valued at 5 ' will be given. Each solution must be ac • , mpaniedby $1 for six mouths subscription 26 numbers)• to Canada's popular and oul .story paper, For full particulars buy a • mple copy from your newsdealer, or send o to The Fireside Weekly, 9. Adelaide Str, •t West, Toronto. • Owing to the.uupreceaented demand for plate glass,it has advanced considerably in priee. Messrs lacCansland & 8on,Torunto, fortunately made a contract before the advance for a very conaiderable'quantity, and are thus enabled' to offer their patrons this season a decided advantage in price, the quality being superior to any ever pre- viously imported. i� • , ,W�� u,M„M� 4.r �.i��r I,A THE KEY TO REALM 17niookg all the (slogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying Off gradually 'without Wealroning the syn. tem, all the . impurities .and, foal humors Otte iaoeretionst at the same timejeer+ rooting Acidity` . of the Stomach, etiring Bilioust esS, Dyspepsia, Heatiaeilcs, Dizziness,' Heartbtirf, Constipation, Dryness of thO.Skin, Dropsy, Dimness Off Viston, .arca» diet, Slat Rheum, Ery��slpelsis, Sero.. , in 'or th[eNt#r- annoytinces, and this went on a full laying .your speinini tr iynttt'elan the' : ,, ror fats 14,444444N loot y+ettr at Irf a , everybody in the rrlllege- leaves to have 'every flower se arate Iff&m orento, m. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. FFICE, - MASON'S BLOCKU Opposite thoQueen's Hotel, Winghani. Will visit Gorrie 1st"and 3rd Mondays o each month, TORN RITCI1IE`, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT INonn.i, IROBERT CUNNINGHAM,INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. ' i'r DEAN, .Ta., Wisounn, L• ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR,TI•UE count.Oki allEoN. '11 Sales attended in any part of the Co, 'Charges rlfederate. O.crAlclo WAN CURTtIE, Wm:em 1, Oar.,• ` •racurtSltD AuCTIONSOR, FOU T115 L'oONTr cur a 1XUnoN. All orders loft at the TIMES office promptly attend - 00 to. Terme reasonable. TAMES RENDE1tSON, T.tcassen ASOTIONERit., FOR CooNTIRs littRo.t fob Ail Sales attended to promptly and on the Shortett 1V once, barges Moderato and Satisfsetiou aluarahtoed. til neecssary urrat,gements eau be made at the Tea isleoil 1yiNeftoelTAai 0/.4 n0L'ro*T do frAWIONS P, ..0c D. L $ORE:rcRR ANS Ci%L ENGINtittsB, LTSToWEL .Ake WINGIIAM. t*; Al orders lett at the aloe of the Turin will re (Ave prOhpt attention �t CATERSO1•i, _ • ... , , ham ifil+ Oa'twilit Th%'fste% tosier, testae er MN) • RTAO% LaaR.rsnalt. winit. •r deli. 'ar a • Hai ,fin' 1 Inc Iaw ,And t Wal Oh; le YeI 1 saw irI hear 1 km 'Twas 'Tis Hares 1 Por Ye cat On t For in Yev Nor w• The • Aye! An' As .the • Valli The ea And For el Res< An' Ile An' Pits kir Thrc Ola, lei Leo They' Ors Then • For ti fl To II That Stu Bold The senge your 'with Su Bt tinme Ri seng( Ti other W ing 1 apace Si fron 1• than pass he.1 side grufl T • whil T the idli moa veil idle (rice ant hen gra sole hea this p00 one BON pee pas ru sal Wo at ag is 1 tut e ye an rue w 11:0 hilt