HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-02, Page 4c. E. WILLIAMS,
opp. Bru itswick Hose,
Wiugham, - - Ont
tc tnpxiu (�t
A Grand Success,—Pine Weather
and a Large Atbendance.
The Northwestern Fair, held in
Wingham on Tuesday and Wednesday,
was one of the best shows held by the
Turuberry Agricultural Society. The
exhibits in the hall were judged on
Tuesday and in the evening, notwith-
standing the weather was ewe, a large
number availed themselves of the
opportunity of examining the articles
on exhibition and hearing the Bell
factory band, which furnished appro-
priate musk during the evening. On
Wednesday, the weather was all that
could be desired., and there was a very
Iarge crowd in attendance, and all
appeared to be well satisfied with ,tile
show. The show was in advance of
former years in'nurnber and quality
of exbibits, especially was this notice-
able in live stock. The show of horses
was excellent, and the,competitoin was
keen in almost every section. The
special prize of a $20 set of single
harness, given by Mr Chas Knechtel,
of this town, for the best . driving
horse, .brought out a large number of
fine animals, the red ticket being
awarded to Mr John Harris, of Blue.
vale, and the second to Dr Jas Mac--
"donald, of this toren. Fine herds of
cattle were exhibited by Messrs Jas
Elliot, of Turnberry, and S D Well•
wood, of East Wawauosh, the former
showing Holsteins and the latter
iereferds. Sheep were well represent..
ed by pens of Leicesters, Shropshires,
&c, a decided improvement being
noticeable in this class of stock. The
'show of swine was not large, but some
fine animals were exhibited. The
poultry exhibit was the largest by, all
odds ever seen in Wingham, and con-
siderable well bred stock came under
the consideration of the judge. The
honors were mainly divided between
Messrs W H. McCracken, Wm Hen,
derson, Ohas Henderson, W Taylor,
Jas Harrison and R Elliott.
The exhibits in the inside depart-
ment were far in excess of former
years, especially in the vegetable and
root department. There was a large
display of turnips,' the largest ever
exhibited in this locality. In the fruit
department there was a grand set out,
the .prizes being very evenly destribut-
ed among the exhibitors. The vege-
table department was something extra.
The principal prizes were Carried off
Toy W Taylor, l) MVlcliinlay and W 11
MeOracken, D McKinlay deserves
special mention for the large display
ho made in all kinds of vegetables.
The grain department was good, some
of the fall wheat,when tested,weighing
Gd lbs to the bushel. The art depart.
merit would not Piave disgraced a show
having greater pretentions to perfece
tion than the North'Western Pair.
The majority of the prizes were taken
by Miss N Shaw, W F 13rockenshire
and D Malnnes. , The ladies' departe
trent was simply superb, and baffles J
ct ription. In this department, Mrs m
r i ii1GlCc.rtzie, of Teescva,ter,and 141rs
showed that the. people of Wiughani
have .a love for the beautiful. Mr D.
L °even, representing the 0 P R Co,
had ou tjxhibition a grand display of
( grains, etc, grown in Manitoba. He
displayed to the public the grain in
the straw, and such straw as only
Manitoba GEE produce, of that bright
amber flue, which is seldom aeon in
Ontario. The various grains were
plurnp,bright in color and extra heavy,
There were all the different grasses
common to.that province, and a bunch
of ivi13 peas wbioh seemed to catch
every lady's eye, es it very mueh re^-
sembled an 'ornamental straw Mat.
The mots he had on • exhibition allow
the great fertility of the soil.
Mr T H Boss had on exhibition the
famous Davis Seeiug Maclaine, He
was assisted in running these machines
by Mr Mulheren, general agent for
the firm, and they produced samples
of the most beautiful work that was
ever seen in Wingbana. These mai.
chines rapidly gaining in favor and
alway give entire satisfaetion, They
are sy to run and so simple that a
o ii • can use them.
r Wm Gannett had on exhibition..
a large number of implements mantle
factored by Messrs Frost & Wood, of
Smith's Fall, of which he is the local
agent. The implements made by this
firm are taking a front place in the
Mr Wm Dore of. the Wingham
Carriage Factory,showed a top buggy,
an open buggy, and two road carts,
which were greatly admired.
Mr J B Cummings, of town, had oil
exhibition a fine piano -case organ,
several sewing machines and a dough
mixer, which no• • doubt will meet
withe the hearty approval of the
Messrs Alex and Robt Galbraith
had some very flue specimens of writ-
ing on exhibition,which deserve special
mention for their beauty and fine
HORSES.- Heavy Draught — Brood
mare,'Allan Spiers ; 2 Thomas Todd.
Foal, Joseph Foster; 2 Isaac Wright:
One year old filly, Allan Spiers; 2Jas
Clow. One year. old gelding, Wm
Cruickshank. Two year old filly, Jas
McGrogan ; 2 George Johnston. Two
year old gelding, W J Johnston. Tears,
Wm Wellwood; 2 Thos Lind. Gen-
eral Purpose—Brood mare, R Max-
well ; 2 John Elston. Foal, John
Elston ; 2 0 W Taylor. One year old
filly, Jos Stewart ; 2 II Clark. One
year old gelding, C W Taylor; 2 Jas
Harrison. Two year old filly, 0 W
Taylor ; 2 R Maxwell, Two year old
gelding, Wm Cameron, lst and 2nd.
Team, Wm Cameron ; 2 Peter Fowler.
Driving Horses -Brood mare, J N
Perdue; 2 P` Deans, Foal, P Deans;
2 J N Perdue. One year old filly,
0 Gillespie : 2 Thos Lind. Two year
old filly, P Clark ; 2 T T McDonald.
Two year old gelding, A Roe ; 2 J B
Cummings. Saddle horse, T A Mills ;
2 J N Perdue, Single driver, John
Harris; Jas Macdonald, M D,
CATTLE.--Durhams—Breeding cow;
Jolie Armour ; 2 Jas Olow. 'Two year
old heifer, John Armour. One year
old heifer,A Tipling. Herd any other
thoroughbred cattle, Jas Elliot ; 2 S
D Wellwood. Grades --Breeding cow,
Thos Henderson ; 2 Thos Wilkinson.
Two year old heifer, R Maxwell; 2 Jas
Elliot. One year old heifer, John
Armour ; 2 T Wilkinson. Calf, Thos
Wilkinson ; 2R Corley, Fat Cattle—
One year old steers,T Wilkinson ; 2 R
Corley, Two year old steers, T Wil
kinson, lst and 2nd. Fat beast,'R
Corley. Yoke oxen, Jas Cochrane,
Bunn:.--Leicesters and their grades
- Ram,N Cumming ; 2 E W Hastings,
Shearling ram, Chas Henderson ; 2 A.
Linklater. Ram Iamb, N Cumming ;
2 John Hardie. Ewe, R W Hastings,
let and 2nd. Shearling ewe, N Cum-
ming, 1st and 2nd. Ewe lamb, N
Cumming, 1st and 2nd, Downs and
their grades•—Shearling ram, Thomas
Anderson ; ,2 J Stewart. Ram lamb,
Stewart; 2 R M Anderson. Aged
ewe, James Crowaton, tat and 2nd.
Shearling ewe, Jas Oroivston, Ist and
2nd. Ewe lamb,James Crowston, let
and 2nd.
Pres.—Berkshire, Essex or Suffolk
—Boar pig, John Armour ; 2 H Ed-
wards, Aged boar, Chas Henderson;
olrn Gillespie. Sow pig, John Ar,
our; 2 H Edwards. B [
a s, road n saw
% lS i
o1B Gillespie. 'Yorkshire, Cheatet.
tVhite or any other large breed --Boar
I ,Tamlyn deserve special credit for
...Are number of prizes they won by Saw pig, Chas Henderson; 2 Amos we
;..: their handijaerk. The flower depart. Tipling, so
ant ]ooks l," aruidnome and was great -t Porrx,mnvwl'owls----Light .Bralimas, aa
admi ply Wins. department l W 11 McOracken : 2 W Taylor. hark 1 baelless apples, John Hardie, It -1
Bralrnras, W Henderson : 2 W 11 Me.
Oracken. Ooebins, w I MoOraoken,
1st anal 2nd. Games, w McCracken :
2 Jauiee Harrison, Wyandottes, w B
McCracken: Chas Henderson, 131aek
Homburgs. Inn Henderson ; 2 Chas.
Henderson, Homburgs, any other
variety, w 11 MoOracken, Langshans,
lv H McCracken. Leghorns, white, w
Taylor : 2 wm Heuderson. Leghorns,
brown, R Elliott : 2 w Taylor, Ply-
:'lymouth Rooks, R Elliott; 2 Ohas I3en,
derson. J3lack Spanish, w H Mc-
Cracken ; 2 wm Henderson, Minorcas,
bleak, wrn Henderson : 2 Chas Hen.
derson. Bantams, w Taylor : 2 ay H
1Vlcdracken, Any other variety fowl,
w 11 McOraekeu, lst and 2nd. Tur-
keys,Chas Henderson : 2 John .Pelton,
Geese, Ohas Henderson: 2 J Pelton.
Pekin ducks, Chas Henderson ; 2 D
McKinlay. Ducks, any other variety,.
Chas Itenderson ; 2 w H MoOracken.
Collection pigeons, P Deans, lab aria
2nd, Chiekens—Light Brahma, wm
Henderson : w'U McCracken. Dark
Brahmas, will 1 endersou, let and 2nd,
Games, Jas Harrison. -wyandottes,
w Taylor : 2 Chas Henderson, Black
Hamburgs, wm 'Henderson. Ham-
burgs, any other varieby, P Peens, lst
and.2nd, Lengthens, wm Henderson,
1st and 2nd. Leghorns, white, w Tay-
lor : 2 James Harrison. Leghorns,
brown, R Elliott, let and 2nd, Ply.
mouth Racks, R Elliott, 1st and and,
Black Spanish, Ohas Henderson ; 2 w
Henderson. Black Minorcas, Cbas
Henderson, lst and 2nd. Bantams,
John Hardie.; 2 Chas Henderson.
Any other variety, Thos Lind : 2 Jas
atemouLTURAe, IMPLnelexes---Buggy,
w Dore, 'Sod plow, w Gannett. Sulky
raike, w Gannett. Binder, w Gannett.
WOOLLEN• Goons—Flannel, home
made, Thos Anderson. Blankets, home
spun wool, Thos Anderson; 2 George
Johnston, Blankets, union, Thomas
Anderson; D McKinlay. Yarn, home
spun, W H McCracken ; 2 Thos An
Double harness, I 0 Richards. Sing
harness, I 0 Richards; 2 0 Kneohtel
Men's sewed boots, lst and 2nd, F H
Roderus. Men's coarse boots, 1st an
2nd, 1? H Roderus. Driving suits
G Moffatt. Coopers work, W Taylor
Wooden pump, 1st and 2nd, H Clark
GRAIN AND new—Fall wheat, red
H Edwards ; 2 John Anderson. Fal
wheat, white, John Hardie ; 2 Tho
Henderson. Spring wheat,John Little
2 R Maxwell. White oats; If Ed
wards ; 2 R Maxwell, Black oats
John ,Anderson ; 2 Geo Moffatt
Barley, six rowed, Geo Moffat; 2 Cha
Henderson. Barley, two rowed, It M
Anderson;: 2 Jos Harrison. Timothy
seed, Thos Lind ; 2 John Pelton
Beans, white, H Edwards; 2 W 11
McCracken. Beans, any other, 11
Edwards ; 2 W Taylor. Field corn
H Edwards ; 2 W Taylor.
HOED cROYS, Swede turnips, W J
Johnston ; 2 John Gillespie. Any
other turnip, W Henderson ; 2 John
Little. Mangal wurtzel, long, G
Johnston ; 2 A Linklater. Mango
wurtzel, short, W Henderson; 2 Thos
Henderson. Carrots, field, Geo John -
ton ; Jas Cochrane. Carrots, table,
V Taylor; 2 D McKinlay. Beets,
ong blood, D McKinlay ; 2 W H
McCracken, Beets, turnip blood, W
H McCracken•; 2 D 1Vlc1 inlay. Pare
snips, W Taylor; 2 D McKinlay.
Beauty of Hebron potatoes, D Mc,
Kiniay .;_ 2 W Taylor. Mammoth
earl • potatoes, Chas Henderson ; 2
tV 11 laloOracken, Early rose potatoes,
McKinlay; 2 Wm Henderson.
VVhite elephant potatoes, W Tayler ;
D McKinlay. Any other potatoes,
McKinlay ; 2 W Taylor, Coltec -
ion of potatoes, W Taylor; 2 Win
enderson. Onions from seed, D
McKinlay ; 2 W H McCracken.
neons, any other Geo Johnston ; 2
I> McKinley, other,
plum or
herry, W Taylor; 2 W H MoOraok,
n. Tomatoes, any other, W Taylor;
S Youhill. Celery, red dwarf, S
ouhilt ; 2 W H McCracken, Celery,
bite dwarf, D McKinlay ; 2 W Tay.
r, Cabbage, jersey wakefield, S
ouhill ; 2 D McKinley, Cabbage,
at dutch, D Mollinley ; 2 W Taylor.
abbage, any other, D McKinlay ; 2
Youhill, Cauliflower, D McKinlay;
W Taylor, Citrons, W 11 'MMoOracw
en; 2 A Linklater. ~ Cucumbers,
ohn Gillespie ;- 2 R 1Vlaxwell. Musk
elons, W 11 . McCracken.. Green
west corn, P McKinlay ; 2 W 11 Me
reckon, Pumpkin, D MclCinlay ; 2
Taylor. Squash, D MoIC.inley ; 2
Taylor, Collection of garden pro.
duce, D 1V1cKuiley,; W H McCracken.
FRUIT—Baldwin dwi aplesP Campbell;boll•
Cbas Henderson. King apples,Thoe
Lind ; 2 Thos Anderson, Maiden's
ush apples, Geo Moffat; 2 R Maxi
11. Lowell apples,. Those Hensler.
n; 2 Thos Lind. Northern ,spy
p1es, la Fowler; 2 Jas Stewart. ,
' pig, Wm Henderson ; 2 H Edwards, bl
Greening apples, Thos: Lind ; 2
;3irnpson, Itibston pippin apples
T Anderson ; 2 W J Johnton, Golden
russet apples, nos Henderson ; 2 T
wilk[nson, Roxboro russet apples, P
Campbell: 2 win Henderson, Seek
nofarther apples, wm Henderson : 2
T Wilkinson. Snow apples, Thus
Henderson; 2 Jelin Hardie, wagner
apples, T wiikinson ; 2 A Linklater.
Calvert apples, A Linklater; 2 John
Gillespie, Cultivated crabs, H. Clark;
2 H Mason. Six varieties, Ohas
Henderson; 2 T Gilmore. Grapes, le
Youhill; 2 D McInnes. Fall Pears,
1.1 Corley; 2 T Wallace, winter pears,
Dr Tamlyn; 2 la Corley. Blue plums,
w II McCracken . 2 wire Henderson.
Yellow plums, Geo Johnston ; 2 wm
DAIRY AND PRovzsxo s—Chasse, Mrs
Wm McKenzie : 2 Thos Anderson.
Butter, Thos Henderson : 2 John
Nicholson. Honey in comb, Chas
Henderson : 2 w Henderson. Honey
extracted,win Henderson: 2 Chas Hen.
derson. Bread, home made, , John
i\icholson : 2 Thos Anderson. Oat
cake, Thos Anderson : 2 wm Hender-
son. Pickles, mixed, Chas Henderson:
2 1) McKinlay, Pickles, any other, D
McKinlay ; 2 Chas Henderson.
Tomato ketchup, John Gray; 2 R M
Anderson. Maple syrup, Mrs wm
McKenzie : 2 w 11 McCracken.
Maple sugar, 1st and 2nd, w H Me.
Cracken. Canned fruit, w H Mc
Oracken. Extra entries, John Gray.
FINE Awrs—Oil painting, N Snaw:
2 J Duffield & Son, water color paint-
ing, w F Brockenshire: 2 J Duffield
& Son. Crayon drawing, w ii' Brock-
enshire : 2 D i'Ietnnes, Painting on
silk, N Shaw : 2 D Molnnes.. Painting
on pottery, N Shaw : 2 D McInnes.
Collection paintings, N Shaw ; 2 D
McInnes, Collection photographs, w
F Brockenshire. Extra entries, RI
Mason, .
plants, 8 Youhill . 2 Joseph Bradwin.
Greenhouse plants, S Youhill ; Miss N
Shaw. Geraniums, 8 Youhill ; 2 Jos
Bradwin. Fuchsias, Jos Bradwin ; 2
8 Youhill. Collection of flowers and
plants, Joseph Bradwin ; 2 S Youhill,
Table bouquet,lVIrs Tamlyn ; 2 Samuel
Youhill. Hand bouquet, S Youhill ;
2 W Taylor. Bouquet of wild flowers,
Mrs Tamlyn ; 2 Jos Harrison, Floral
design, S Youhill. Basket of annuals,
8 Youhill ;.2 `.Phos Anderson. Dahlias,
W Taylor; 2 Thos Anderson. Gladi-
olus spikes, W Taylor. Verbena heads,
8 'Youhill ; 2 W Taylor. Pansies, S
Youhill ; '2 W Taylor. Petunias, Mrs
Tamlyn ; 2 James Harrison: Phlox
Drummondii, 8 Youhill ; 2 W Taylor.
Zinnias,•S Youhill ; 2 W Taylor.
Luxus' Wonx.—Coverlet, Thos An -
demon ; 2 D McKinley. Patched
quilt, H Clark; 2 Mrs Wm McKenzie.
Knit quilt, Mrs Tamlyn; 2 J Duffield
& Son, . Cabin quilt, Mrs Wm Kellen:
zie ; 2 George Moffat. Crotchet quilt,
H Ross ; 2 Jas Duffield & Son. Bead
work, Mrs Tamy]n ; 2 D McInnes,
Lace, J Duffield & Son ; 2 `Mrs Tama
lyn.. Fancy knitting, Mrs McKenzie ;
2 Geo Moffat. Embroidery in woolen,
Mrs Tamlyn; 2 Wm Webster. Embroi-
dery, any other, Mrs Tamlyn; 2 Jas Mc-
Donald. Braiding, Mrs V Anderson; 2D
Molnnes. Etching, Mrs V Anderson; 2
John Hardie. Collection work, Mrs Taam-
lyn,lst and 2nd. Extra entries, William
Webster; 2 F H Roderus. Pieced quilt,
Chas Henderson, 2 Mrs Tamlyn. Man's
fine shirt, Mrs' Wm McKenzie; 2 George
Moffat. Man's coarse shirt, Geo Moffat;
2 Mrs Wm McKenzie. blight dress, Mrs
Tamlyn; 2 R Maxwell. Wool socks, Mrs
W McKenzie; 2 W H McCracken. Wool
mite, George Moffat; 2 W H McCracken.
Cotton stockings, Mrs Wm McKenzie.
Rag mat, Jas Ross; 2 T Wilkinson. Rag
carpet, J Duffield rt Son; 2 Thos Ander-
son. Patches on pants, Mrs Wm Mc-
Kenzie; 2 Win Webster. Embroidery, A
Roe; 2 Mrs V Anderson.. Tidy, Mrs V
Anderson; 2D McInnes. Crotobet work,
J Duffield & Son; 2 Mrs Tamlyn. Sofa
pillow, Mrs V Anderson$•,,.,2 J Duffield &
Son. Pillow shams, W Webster; 2 Miss.
N Shaw, Crewel work, Mrs Tamlyn• 2
Mrs V Anderson. Darning wool socks,
Mrs Tamlyn. Darning cotton socks, Mrs
Wm McKenzie; 2 Mrs Tamlyn. Darned
net, Mrs Tamlyn; 2 D Molnnes. Braoket
lambrequin, Mia V Anderson; 2 Mrs Tam-
lyn Panay needlework, Mrs V Anderson;
2 Jas McDonald. Berlin wool work, Jas
Duffield & Son; 2 D McInnes. Collection
of work, Mrs Tamlyn. Rag mat dyed be
the dyes of the Turkish Dye Cc., John
girl in Highland costume, Miss Alike
Anderson, Lucknow. l3est three seleo-
tions on the organ,- Miss, Stewart, Bel -
Tun following announcement has
just been issued from the 1lepartnient
of Education :—'In order that all retie
sortable facility should, be granted to
deserving candidates to proceed with
the Oourse prescribed for the Junior
Leaving Exatnitiation, all those who
obtained 600 marks at the recent Pri
'nary Examination (even if they failed
in the minimum marks required in each
subjeot) may, ori recommendation of
the- High School Principal, proceed
with the work prescribed for the Janior
Leaving Examination."
Having failed to get the complete
prize liet of the Oulroas show for last*
issue,we print rescinder this week:
Lewes' Wax—Patch Quilt,woalen
--Wm Moffatt. Patch Quilt, cotton,-..
Mrs W Mal.Cenzie; 2 Alex Moleeiizie,
(Son 5). Woolen Counterpane, Borne
spun^• -.P Kuntz ; 2 L lilrb Knitted;
Quilt, band made—john Mo1'avisii; 2
A 0 Browne. Crazy. Quilt --P Kuntz;
2 R Harrison Log Cabin Quilt ---I
Kuntz ; 2 Andrew Scott. Collection
of house Plants ---It J I]:isuocks, Pair ,
woollen sbcks--Mrs Wm McKenzie,
Pair woollen mitts—Mrs Win McKen.
zio; 2 Jaa Reid. Darned soaks—.;Mrs
Wm McKenzie ; 2 L Erb, Qrnamen^.
tal work --L Erb ; 2 J Shell. Hair
work—.L Erb ; 2 Johu MoTavisb,
Embroidery—R J Hiscocks, Berlin
wool work on wire. --L Erb ; 2 John
McTavish, Berlin wool work,raisee—
J Goodfellow; 2 Alex Watson,
'Baguet, garden flowers—Jacob Fraser;
2 R J Hiscocks. Motto—R°J His.
socks, Tissue paper flowers—Jacob fr
Fraser; 2 Field Bros, Crochet work,
cotton—A 0 Brown ; 2 Field Bros.
Kuitted work, cotton—Mrs Wm Mc.
Kenzie. Knitted work, wool—Field
Bros ; 2 J J Stephens. Sofa cushion
—John McLean;A McDonald (mason),
Feather flowers—T Elliott. Braided
pillow shams— Wm Moffatt: 2 D Tay,
tor. Hooked rag mat— Wm,Moffat;
2 D Taylor. Fancy braiding -.,.,Wm
Moffat; 2 B. Marshall. Wool work
an canvas—J J Stephens ; 2 John
Kean. Arrasena work—R J Hiscocks;
2 Field Bros. Yarn mat—Field Bros.
Painting on any material---Hawson
Bros ; 2 Jos Switzer.
Rose Potatoes—J Goodfellow;2 John
Rea. Beauty of Hebron—A W Hale
denby ; 2 J Bourheon. White
Elephant—W Watson ; 2,T Elliott.
Any ether variety—D . Taylor ; 2 R
Hall. Celery -1t J Hiscocks. Large
dnions,red—T Keiffer;2 R J Hiscockseee
Large onions, white or yellow—F #'
Keiffer ; J Bondman, Potato onions •
—F Keiffer. (;:lobe mangolds -- P
Arkell. Red mangolds—J Bourhean,
2 L A Brisk. Field carrots—"C, A
Brink ; 2 11 Giliees. Table carrots—
L A Brink ; 2 li, J Hiscocks. Beets ' •
long blood—Thos Wilson; 2 D Taylor.
Beets any kind --W James ; 2 B
Blain ; Winter cabbage—F Keiffer ;
2 P Kuntz. ' Summer oabbage—J
Farquharson .; 2 F Keiffer. Red
cabbage—la Keiffer, Cauliflower ---
F Keiffer ; 2 .J Bourbean. • Yellow
tomatoes -11 Gillies. Red tomatoes,
Wm Kirby ; 2 R J Hiscocks. Musk
melons --F Keiffer: Citrons --- R
Armstrong ; 2 P Arkell. Swede
turnips—Wm Mofiat ; 2 J Goodfellow.
Squash—J) Taylor ; 2 John Beacom.
WOOLLEN GOODS.—Pair Blankets,.a
factory made—R Armstrong. Union
flannel, factory made—Field Bros. 4
Stocking 'yarn, home spun— J $our -
bean ; 2 T Elliott.
Ws TOOK Ix L0NDON.--We took in.
London, last week, Mr Editor, hike -
our silence. A great many from your
town were there, and it 'did us good
to view their happy, contented, well-
to-do lookiug faces. On the last heat
of a running race, a valuable horse fell
dead on the track, literally "run to
death." We could not help thinking
that in many of the greet horse races,
that the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals could find cases.
whereon to work. We may be wrong,
but at the same time, that is our
theory on home racing;.
IT'S A DSAVTY.—To-clay (Tuesday) ,
our fair is in full blast. The records
show the .largest entry ever made.
There is an immense crowd of specta
tors, old and young, rich and poor, are
all mingled together in order to see
the woilders of creation here exhibited.
We would like to dwell on some of the
wonderful exhibits but time will not
allow, for you know, sir, leisure and
enjoyment to some means work and
toil for others, your oorrespondent bow
ing among the toilers is the reason
why this week his budget is so very
Cnn Dr,t toeni,._..
Political -
Economy needed
And less boodling by far
In place o£ an Abbot
. Why, let's have
Mrs John Maley left on. Monday last
to join her hushaud, who is doing well
in the domains of tYncle Sam.
Mr Mennen, Who does the retail de..
littering et FairYs mill, is laid aide
with a sprained foot. Wo hope soon
again to see hire amongst us.
A camp of the "Sons of Scotland"
aborit to he organized in Clinton,
many of our prominent Scotohmenn.
having already , given their namoe as
charter members,