HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-10-02, Page 1•
"VOL, XX --NO, 37
These cold, nights are suggeetive of
Warm olothing. We anticipated this when
it was warm and we are prepared for rt.
Over wraps, shawls and underwear are
beingsought after. We are making a
underwear this season, and are showing
them a clifferent weights and qualities.
Boys' and men's are here as well. • Also,
lots of top shirts. You're wantiug blankets,
maybe. We've got them.
September is a great carpet month,and
we can please you, we think. We'll cut
them. to match and fit your room. That'll
savell, world a trouble for you.
Admirable lot of lace curtains and cur-
tain nets, DIRECT.
We don't want you to forget that We
kandle groceries of all kinds.
• —Mr Gras has given his store a oat
paint on the tside,Which will add very
ranch to tl3e appe rime a the building.
—A. ton ef Pelee Islaud Grapes, the only
one$ in town, arrived to.day.
—The fr t the stone Nook received
very mu needed coat of paint this
week, which s it the appearance of a,
mew building,
—Half a ton of Pelee Island grapes jus
arrived at the Eclipse restaurant.
T Waimea.
—By an a vertisement in another
column it will be en that Mr Amos Tip -
ling, of the 1st con Turnhout, had the
misfortune to have ree head of young
cattle stray from the how 'grounds on
Sepe 30th.
—Having bought out T A Mills' business,
I respectfutly solicit from the inhabitants
of Wingham and vicinity au inspection of
ray stook. Respectfully yours,
— The Raw Bo, of Hamilton is drawing
earer completion very day, and it will
not be very long be re the citizens of thi
town will have the ensure of }dewing the
finest building in to It is not every
town the size of ours hat clan boast of
such a grand structure.
Direct Importers.
The Baas, Septenaber 10th, 1891.
—For first-class tailoring and cheap
—Cash for good butter and eggs vet R A gents' furnishings, tey 'Webster & Co,
Grah 's, Market Grocery. Remember the place, only two doors north
eef the old stand and between Ross' book-
store and Halsted & Scottes bank. —Mr ';'W Johnstoa has opened a new
ustom tailoring establishment, one doer
—On emcee of other entertainments t north of D Sutherland's stove and ain
be held on the ight set for the lecture to shyaud is now piepared to give the rata,
—11 your watch or clock needs repairing, be delivered by 'onduotor Snider, in the mu of Winglisen and surrouneling country
go to H Wallace, watohmaker and satisfaction in every thieg that may be
Temperance Rai 'n this town, it has been intrusted to his care. Coatmakers wanted
jeweler. next door to post office.
postponed from t 6th to the 13th of at' once.
October. The pub will govern them.
selves accordingly, eters are out giving Va
••INGHA11L—W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser-
full particulars, • vices each Sunday at 11 a. In. and 7 p.
Sabbath School at close of Miming Ser-
-.Fon Max —High class ueckwear in vice. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday
—First -okras Georgian Bay Shingles puffs, tucks and fourein-hand. All the at 7.30 p. m. Seats free. Strangers wel-
and Lath, for sale, Cheap, at McLean fk leading new stylee and coloring; your choice
come. Morning subject, "Experience as
Son's saw mills, Wingham. of complete stock for 25c on Saturday nighe
a Teacher," Evening subject, "An old
—Miss Aggie Peale, who wrote at the "lY. M .McIenerao. time friend." Communion of the Lord's
--1Tfie w ther tor the past two weeks Supper after Morning service.
for•th third class ce lificate, and failed, has has been p omenal. The heat has been
been granted her ea 'ficate by the Educe- very oppressi the thermometer ranging
ton Department on peal being made for between 80 a 90 degrees nearly every
a re -reading of her pa rs. • day, and the nigh 9 being none too coca.
But through all th heat the fall wheat is
—Cigars anctIce Cream at the Eclipse
restaurant, Also, confectionery of all reeking remarkable myth and promises
kinds. T. C. Sraiteneo. to cover the ground li a mat before snow
We are sorre to letern that Mrs Geo
McTavish has bee confined to her bed for
the past few days th ugh illness.
WHOLE NO..1030
—Mr D lelurchisou hats eold his house —The Delineator for (Mob , replete with
na lot on Scott steed to Mies Theresa the latest novelties; fro the fashion
Galbraith, for a fair pr. e. Mise Galbraith °mitres, bristling with id as en. artistic
is Atting the hellee up or renting, needle work, and giving in ny useful hints
—Having bought out T A Mills' business, on flower culture,wood oar ing,fan.oy work,
I respectfully solicit from the inhabitants house.keeping and home coration, is now
of Wilighaele Alia viefnitY au insPe°ti" of before the reading publi The publishers
my stock. Respeetfully yours,
Geo E Km, of this magazine pat for h every effort to
make thie number as teresting as pose
—The Editor of the IMES has to thank
Mrs S Youhill for the endemic; hand taco,
year post paid to eny address in Canada.
quet Nvhich took first rize at the fair; also
Send orders direct t the Delineator Pub.
Mr John A. McEwen or a bag of delicious
lishing Co (Ltd), 1 emend Street West,
' —The sides of Josephi e street are re- .
oeiving a much needed at of gravel this —The Garbutt tradition ease bus had
week; also a number f cedar block crease another hearing i Osgood° Hall before
iugs have been place in poeition on Mine Chief Justice Galt. It appears that De-
nie,Tatrick, Johu d Victoria streets. teotive 1411084 had everything ready to
—Haying boughtout T A Mills' business, take Garbutt to Tex s, bub new evidence,
I respectfully solioit frona the inhabitants it is said has been d covered, showing that
ef Wingham and vicinity an inspection of jas A. Huntley w le 'ndioted in Texas for
my stook. Respectfully yours
butt was ohargea n Toronto, and that the
—Mr W j Roe, of orris, and Mr a S date laid in Te. s eves the 12th of March
Anderson, of East Wa anosh, son of Mr last,while that lai ia Toronto was the 2nd
Finlay Anderson, left on Friday for the of March. Upon his plea, H W se Meyer,
his final term and xamination and the Toronto, moved n the return of a second
young men were Queer) students in Mr Charge from o tody of Harry Garbutt.
latter for ais sewn terrna Both of theee habeas corpus, r • an order for the die -
W H IVIcsDonal s dental officee in this The case was a ued on Monday. Judg.
town, • We wish oth of them success in meat reserved.
—1Vir j Paters , formerly landlord, in
• the British hot here, leased Enaigh's
hotel, Blyth, for a umber of years and
has been busy movin into it this week,
;V: ,—Owingto th fact that there are several flies.
other meetiuge, for the Gth October, —G T II trains for Toronto and east
Rev Dr Moffat II not come on that leave Winghtem at 6.30 a m and 11.10 a ne
evening as advertise Notice .of leis come and 3.20 p 133, via; Clinton and Guelph.
ing will be given at a ter.dttte. He comes Good, connections by all trains. .
.in the interests of Book and. Tract
Motrie, will old an, auction sale nu Tues.
—The old 'reliable Star ' reetaurant .is day, Oetober th, 1891, at which he ine
still taking the lead., jealleliatvre.
tends to dispo oi a number of hoses,
Rev Mr ,§luo ie:, ,fortnerly pester of colts, cows and a umber of Shropshire
be Baptist olPirele ere; wiliPrefe3h moru- sheep and. lambs. Parties wishing to
leg and evenilieiu . 'Baptist ohuroh 'on peteare some good st k would do well to
Sunday, the 11t13. Of toberlA special attend, Sale at 1 'clock, , p Deans,
On the Moe -day :e".`vaering lowing, he will ' a -The party who eked up a bieggy
give it lectar.e.rite. ePreache and the FLA- duster, pn the eveuin Of the fflieSinst, on
.: ea by leaving the s me ,at 8 Graitey'e Fuae
-- barZlsine en ''Siturcials oiSist-' ;Attire Store, Win am,
f t1/4 aelica;! re fear ie fruits, coafectionery,
ax restaneaot, -Mil Jo '11ason, Canada's canctio vocal..
sf,i,,e-Sieffle tit on 'TiaresOLY ..eight, of last is billedSfor a c cere in Atwood, on Oct —Subscribers who do tot receive thei
Weeithe stet' wises a a Homuth & Ben, 9th,got tk under e reaspiees of the Cana- papers regUlarly will kindly male the fact
of this toWtal Wa , neglerized to the extent dian ()pipe of Fo stets. • It is scarcely known at the office withoat delay, so that
el two oealevee.sa ad. clothes aea solne Avosapy po add, tha the people ae,,Aee.,: any oveesight may be ternedied at once.
gent'e fgraishingre The burglars. gained Woorliill have a tnusie feast that theYse -eCen Thursday, the Ith Septembeathe
tul entrance throug le oeUar and em the Wilt refflember for newly day, ' .
. back stairs.' No trarse f thHedeglars ean lifencherseec4,nnon,Wazoiresr.—.nev S Sel• 114V a'A. Laird, Miss onary end Principal.
eau be foand. Tbie is th secontrihne With. lofty, 13 p,P4ther. ellbrvices every Sabbath of the Industrial Se ool at Crowston, hTii„ Fa 1 FaIrt.
in a year that thie titan s been iliegred OA a in sad 7 p in. Sabbath School and W T, oyer 000 pow] a of clothing and bode flewiek, at Cror la, Oct 3.
hy theselanidai2ht peewit; 'Bible Claes at'2.$(1‘ p ae. Geteral Prayer ding for disteibatio among the Indians on
—Kee Pot ' ,ae'Au open-apd shut 'deer; eneetIng every Wednesday eyetring at 8 the Reserve. Lat st reports from that Clifford, Gee 7th 1 d 8th,
key warefound 11 Srilne :Street, Tuesday (Mock. YOung People's Prayer Meeting point are , eecour ing. Over fifty Teclittu East Wawauosh, elgrave, Oct 6 and 7.
night:" 'Oeylieieffl have ,sanus by proving eaery Thursday evening m 8 eeelock. childerinaltre att ling the school and are Ithicardiue, et neardine, Oot 8 aud 9,,
propetty.,,Sod pa g foe this advertisee Suaday, Oct 4th, MortainWstibjeot, "Sean- ei;udious and‘ohe oat. Besides the tegulat Blyth, Oet 8 tread
'101 eeete ;Intaktegiving sereieeeir the cloee, lea by Conductor Snider,. , - I" n' knitting,lee. Me Laied has charger:latent —The Methodist a,gaeine for Weber
wen emeadeSe woih 1,61:,ning and evetting'' -eThe don Fair this year, wart, the UV 4thili", lid: 'eervices are ileld4h is to hend. Copio sly•illustrated •aetioles
, far eclipsing any 'termer '01%0'11008f:4', e.,- aifferam Pleees' iVreev on jardes'CitIvert, th Missionary Hero of
Eiji, "Peasant Life iu witzerlaud," Re ad"
change her lia me hettOtiful appearanee, exhibitions i at eitY, Tbe attenclatee thanks are tin' .:to 'Mr )) Cainpbell and
., tiavit4:.,0.006 de- ors d by tbd, ladies Of nie wale vete/. large at the eigh tseers bad roost Mr 13eerderSt5 thbir voluntary aasistanee mirable portrait of J Ines Reseal Lowell,
in having the 'Oh 'conveyed to the station •wxth a concise rev* w of 'his works and
tongrisattlos. , The ;00sees, \seism wore excellent weather, ith the rateeption that
logeavill go !weeds analog the ()harmer it Val 6 fe'v degrees " "413 tU bb corn- etlel elliOVed '" fleed erder' . e many•aureerous il . strative examples ; a,
.d. Iteeettiful. So ehlr. ' Wilting poem in t Will Carlton vein by
rapidly year by yea and the day iR ' ...a:6
tda here Igo qt.* , not far distant when i 'wig. bemoan& Splendid illustrations, ppletnentsiliter. ,, , , ... „
tablishment in this tovni, die door noteh
Wight after as the Toon naustrial, ate" feateres and arti
—The Cosgrove Con ert Company gave
an entertainment in t e town hall here, on
Wednesday evening, efore a fair incl. de-
lighted. audience. e cannot speak toe
highly of the enter mment given by this
gifted family, an so persiletently were
they encored that e programme reached
nearty fifty pieces 'The entire programme
-was eimply deligl ful, of high merit and
nest class iu eve respect.
—leeseious grapes at„R Hill's,
e Come, taste and see,
Straight from Pelee,
This day ton
Ere sets the sun
Comes from Pelee.
Come, taste and see.
—There are complaie among the mile
lers and grain buyers, t al the farmers are
marketing their grain oo soma as it is too
green to grind, In so e oases the grain
was taken in, in rat r a damp condition
and after threshin it has sweated in the
blue and bagged up tor sale before it be-
came perfectly dr . We would advise fer-
mate to turn over their wheat and give it
lelatity of ventil ion. Before offering it
on the market i should be seen that it is
perfectly dry save the anuoya,nce of
having to take t home again.
—Mr Ju A Sni
tor Snider,,of this
on Monday of I
was a resident
Leaving there so
prosperbus busines
chant, Early this
afflicted with tern
jaw, and thinkeng
teeth, he had s
however, only aggr
sought Burgled :Idyl
case early in June r
there was a virulent
to save his life au o
It was a critical
and was performed
The left haafof the I
to the chin,was cut on
Mr Sfflder got better,
and it was hoped tha
But the hope wee y
ease broke out ia th
and spread downw
was of any avail thi
morning Mr Suider w
fering by death. Co
wee with the decea
days previous to hi
could to brighten hi
er, a brother of Conduce.
town, died in Efamilton
t week. The deceased
of' Guelph for 18 years.
e twelve ,years ago he
where he oarried on a
as flour and feed mei,
ear he began to be
e pains in his lower
hat -they came from bad
veral extracted. This,
ated the pain, and he
A. diagnosis of the
ealed the fact that
•ancee in the jilt-faun:1
ration was perforraed.
y five city surgeons.
er jawefrom the ear
After thisoperation
as able to be about,
his life was saved.
in. The deadly dis-
other side of the face
rd. No human skill
time, and Monday
released from suf.
actor W K Snider
ed for a number of
death, and did all he
last hours oe earth.
Mrs Chas E Pot
and her two dau
Mr 5 Youhill's, L
Expositor : Mr an
of Wingham, spent
guests of Mr and
in connection with
of days it Huron to
Mra Alex Inglis is
Brigden last we
xeturned to town o
#bn Tuesday of la
'ler, son of Mr Sas
from St Joseph's
been working a
s, of Pontiac,Michigan,
hters, are ;visiting at
in Toronto this week
he Garbutt extradi-
burn spent a couple
nship this week..
siting friends in God -
was visiting friends in
—Air Geo Anderson
Tuesday of last week.
week, Mr Wes Mil -
filer, returned home
Island, where he has
his trade most of the
tional 0 ram.
The fall meetings o this Association
will be held in Wingle, Tueeday and
WedsesflaYlOot 6th a d 7th, ;ensuing 'wigs
a Prayer meeting a 3.30 Tuesday, in the
Congregationel Oh rob, basenaent,
Tuesday, —3.30, re„yer Meeting ; 4 to
Jas Webb, sHow ca churches best help
each other in dietrict "
Tuesday Eyening. 8, Serroon, Rev B 13"
Williams ; 9, Comm ion.
Wednesday Morn g.-9 to 10, Prayer
meeting, led by Re Robt Aylward ; 10 to
10,80, Business; 10 0 to 11,15, Paper, Boy
John Newton, ePr spects of Congregation.
11.15 to 12.15, Con erence, led
gregor ; 3.15 to 4, oaring delegates fron3
International Cou 41 of London, England;
Wednesdaq ening.---6 to 7,3Q, Social
Tea, visiting rothrere and friends ; 8,
Publio Meeting. A.dodresses by Revs Daley.
Swanson, Bolton nd Gerrie. Music by
the choir and seve al friends. 9.45,Reade
ing minutes and journment.
All these mee ngs are open to the pub-
lic and every on is cordielly invited.
Life on the Rai
The Guelph M
to say, in regard
a short time
Snider in that city,
the Tempel -am° Ha
13th : "Life on the
Meet," was the subje
livered by Conclue
Dublin Street Meth
city. Rev A Cunnin
chair, and after givin
trodueecl Mr Snider,
gentleman did not
introduction, as he a
the congregation an
Mr Snider lectured fo
listened to with th
His lecture was inte
tive, free from mo
now and again by
°sting anecdotes.
on the rail and peopl
alistic, and caused ma
and broad smile.
they could be christi
enjoy the funny thi
in any way doing
an interesting des
of the steam engi
done in. revoluti
eloquent languag
what the railwa
ciyilization and h
inventors of the
and People We Meet.
mail has the fallowing
the lecture delivered
d who will *hire in
WilifiaSse the Pet
ail:0d People We-
t of a leeture de-
ist Church triable
ham occupied the
marking that the
equire any formal
s so well known to
people of Guelph.
over an hour,being
closest attention..
tony, and relieved
1 ughable and inter -
is description of life
we meet was re -
ns, laugh, see and
gs of life, withatit
ption of the inception
e and the work it bad.
nizing the world, In
he drew a picture of
system had done tor
much they were Ina
er of steam and the
team engine, He also
referred to th sympathy which existed
between an en ineer and bis engine, and
likenece it to th love and affection be-
tween a man an. is favorite horse. Hie
and the description given true to the
core, and could only e fully appreciated
by parties who hay seen coneiderahle of
railway travel. s he described the
bridal couple, wh e the groom thought
they could travel n one ticket because
the rnimater "ha Made them one," the
old lady "who was going to see her
daughter" and kept telling a running
story ilbout the fa while elle wareh-
ed. for her ticket, e audience laugh -
ea till their sides ache # His deattriptiere
of the tervous frit eller, the careful
traveller, etc, were a truly charaoteris.
tic. In closing, he drew good lessons
from the preceding emarks, by showing
that all persons ere travelling to unc
eternal destination,. lit behooved
to see that they were • the right
because if they were hey had a gond'
conductor in charge ho would see thati
theY were safely eonv yedto their destitute
tion. Semis Christ was the conductor
and tho ticket co I be had without
money and withoelt p
to mellower*, tbat I guarantee every suit tory to clear oat the balance of buggies' on Sketches mid poeins,w au' "u—a"r',Itt "".* Sisterhood, by t Now 13ruuswiek lady ;
that bereft" my shop eo he a perfect fit and band to make tom tor cutters andeleighla lightful dm/patio in the rahresttnat
"Methodism and 5 ions," by the Itev Dr
Wareatte them to he Wilt by etmevior aleo, a lot of ware, fine one and two aeated nUneher of tie Osena los Illst
Eby, of Istpau ; "T Canso. of Sooial
workmen only. Chtlinfs a. Sall, Satiefee• read tate to be sold at bottom pricers Call 1891. No ex il be a
tion Parenteed. Chargers ats elleap at the earl and seenre a bargain. Itetnen.iber the it the most t hol
etheapoet, Coetmakors wanted at once. !sten , epposite the lexchearge Hotel, eyer issued in C a. Pahl
W 3 go/nodes. - Wise hair, Ont. ) Stelefebon Litho * h Co, Mo Arether. rride $ year or20c a number.
Oh. What a Cough.
Will yea heed the Waruiug a The signal
perhaps of the sure approach et that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask your-
selvee if you can afford for the eake of
savug 50ceto ran the tisk and do uothing
for it. We know from etperieuce that
Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough, It
neve foga