HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-09-25, Page 7.11..CITDCC., We shall be pleased to see you. Our great diell1ay of fabrics in ordinary effects pleasing fancies;odd conceits and extreme novelties for the Autumn months, proves Our position as Dress Goode. leaders, The range of styles answers every demand' Of carria"igee, street and travelling cos.- tlluies, house and evening wear See theta. We feel assured of your order. The Cloak Department shows quite an extensive collection of stylish garments. Just euough of eaob to give them a dis- tinct indivitluallty. Our Sealette and 4iaatlings for ordered malities are most complete in all the advance etylee and designs. For Novelties. you will And we are ,, eadquarters. .l+or` any kind of Fara we - an *rte iuspection, which will prove coll. triaging. Take advantage of it while you can— of our large stock of Ready-made • Clothing, is men's, boys' and children's suits and overet' ats, before the, best are picked out. Examinre our Gloves, Hose,Underwear, °`Gent's P''urnishings, Shoes and 'eattrPe se and Lace Curtains, at Mallon. e tilt arlt .inrc SEPTEMBER 25, 1891. Alton, To the Editor of the Wingh DEAa Sia, —I see by Wingham Advance, that brought me to task for Turnberry, and have ter a "scurvy trick." Allow the columns of your vale the facts regarding my • people of the above sec iou, asking them to be judge if the Ode . ice has not been a little too hasty wit,h eirinsiduations and charges regarding th:. nature and Cause of illy leaving. Had deliberately planned when leaving Cana a to leave the school. without a"teacher, t a Advance would have been correct in their rges ; but as 1 Ieft with the full intention o returning, I aur of the opinion that I sho Id defend myself, by giving the true eau e of m'y failure to appear. I have still in my possession the ire ..31)„ticket bought in Listowel ou which V lni{ed to returndtime to commence ackvbt ; About a wee before I intended to return 1 was offer=i a position as travel- ling salesman for To . Ids it Co, of St Louis, op condition I sh uld start about the middle of August. . s my salary would be touch greater tha by teaching, I Mr, mediately despatches to Dir Burke to see if he would take the s, s oo1 for a mouth to fiIl the notice 1 had give trustees of wishing to resign. I r> eived the answer that he would take he school anuim- mediately notified true ees of nay arrange. meats, asking them to accept my resigna-. don. .i t Imams that of er my arrangements with Mr Burke he to •k sick rind could not ;fill my place land trustees telegraphed Monday, lith, aski g me to return. I had. also taken sick Fri ay, Aug 14th, and did pot get tor the oft; .of54'Tuesday an 1"rfilay, after a d telegram and i Mr Downey, of L Recievfn, no anew day moittiog to ;t' Lr him to do what another to trustee toe sick to return, received,an,answ trustees had eng having :received concluded mat possibly Woke sent word to Sept let beto school would time. Sept i3r A. week had to q' it for a few days On ae.1 ass count, of not 1.riving fully recovered from oe an attack of chi tis brought on by difforertee Hd 1, Sept 18th, 1891. n Tithes, clipping from the he said paper has caving 5 5 No 9, d my action as e, theu,through le paper to place otiou' before the e. I sent 'to the post received no tehgram. lay of 4 days, I received mediately deepatehed to towel, to take my place , I telgraphed Satur. G Musgrove, asking could for rue and otifying them I was Same day, Saturday,I from. Mr Musgrove that ged ;lir Powell, and not ord from the trustees, I rs were as good as 1 cduid hem. Even had they again come, it would have been e I could have left U 8, acrd ave beep idle during that I failed to work and after Morrie. The Council met at the Council room, Morrie* Sept 14th, 1801, pur- suant. to adjournment. Members all present. The Reeve iii the chair, Minutes of last meeting read and paseN ed. Accounts were .ordered to' be paid, as follows: J Timmins, gravel,, $10,55;. Jas 111a:rtitl, du,, $2.03 ; J' Carter, took a notion. to the same article and they being nnitually ignorant of eaob other's presentee bill against each other, lint the wife was ,finally victorious at about three times the aniouut of the original bid, clilropa• Mrs T Ambler, of Wingham, spent do, f the latter part of last week visiting. old prge,neighbors on the 2nd, ---Mr Salter, of ers, vel, Shur ie, sre Wm D ere' vel, 11's. ty,. $4; 5; ved Or, ng ow on, by, s— no on he he in J .8Q ; T Henderson, do, $3.03 ; 1Trnonells, plank, . cents; 60 n Ge Jackson, do, $x,70 ; 4- T Mound gravel, $3.48; Wm Molelvio, gra $8.60; T Outt,shovelling gravel,$$ P Barri gravelling,$3.22; •Jas. Shu gravel, $1.99 ; 11 N T)uJf, cost Oampbeli vs McEwen, $13.80 ; Taylor, gravel, 80 cents ; J Eisten Geddes and Geo Proctor, fenoeview fees, $2 each ; Win Hopper, gra $4 45 ; T Garness,repairing Maxwe bill, $1,50; Misses Exford, than $166 ; Ww Smith, repairing road, E Littlefair, gravel ,and damage, $ bMUQtl iynnoe gravel, $1,'75. Ito y Rowe, seconded by J Prost that a by-law be passed autharizi the Reeve and Treasurer to borr $500 from the Bank of Hamilt Wingham, to meet enrrent expense Carried, Moved by George IQrk seconded by Jas Proctor, that J Mooney bo reappointed Collector,. furnishing satisfactory security to t ainount of $14,000—Carried. T Council then adjourned to meet aga on the 19th October next. W OLA$K, Clerk. Seaforth• Our town was again visited by fire a week ago Saturday night. During the past three weeks, there has, been no less than four fires, and we are sorry to inky that three of these are supposed to be the work of an inceu. diary, .The. third fire started about half past eleven o'clock, at night in the terrace on the Ogilvie property ear the mill.. The firemen were soon t work and succeeded in saving part f the building. The fourth fire tasted about half past one the follow - u; Tuesday morning in the rear of 1 J S Porter's furniture warerboms. ho fire . was first noticed by the ightwatehwan, who gave the • alarm,. nd it was not long before the firemen ad two steady streams of water laying upon the fire and was corn. letely drowned out in less than an our's a time. The firemen deserve reat credit for the determination and. ersistent efforts they made to drown he fire'out and retaining the fire to e blending it started in, as it was. urroundecl by frame buildings on all des. The loss to IVir Porter will fall recta heavy, as Illi loses' everything, ith an 'insurance of $1,000 on build-. g, $800 On the furniture and $3r;0. n undertakers supplies, not including m hearse, ,which is a total wreck. he stocks of .Mr Milburn and. Miss arliele, adjoining1Mr Porter's, were nsiderably damaged by removal.— essrs I) T) Wilson; Thos Lapslie, abort Wilson, Wm Smith and ' Geo nrdie,had'horses at the .Industrial Fail at Toronto last Week,—The ladies the Women's Christian Temperance nice, are arranging for an extensive d interesting display at".the Sea. rth Show. This will add to , the any attractions to be seen at our ow on the 1st and 2nd of October. The workmen who have been re- odc-ling and re -fitting the St Thomas urch rectory fro cellar to garret,. ve finished their contract. This is w one of the • most comfortableeidences in town. , n a s l>r1 T n a h p p h g th s si p w in 0 00 C .11 of an fo m sh m eh ha no rr• Listowel. Messrs Kidd Bros have a yearling colt, Oliver Twist, by Oliver Wilkes, whieh promises to make a name for itself in the futlure, At Ri'df etown he won the yearling stakes in two straight heats, trotting the half mile in 1,4i and L45, against a field of seven This is faster time than the Aluiollte Colt Stakes were ' won in.—Messrs Tathain & Co, have sold out their Hardware' business, ir, this town, to Mr Robb Moore, of Ridgetown. M Moore is an old hand at the business and has greatly iwproired the looks of the store by adding a inure complete stock of new hardware —On the eve of the removal of tl r F E . Ifilvert, to nine his new duties in the head i;e of the Bank of Hamilton, in mitten, the "citizens gathered to.. East Waive/lash, was visiting at Mr George Casliok's on Saturday and Sun. day,. Mr John Ambler was out from Wingham on Sunday,— Wednesday was Teeswater's fair and almbet every body and their wives and families were there..—•Sncssrs R. Rollands, Jas Alliston and ROW McAllister done the Toronto Exhibition last week,.—Mr James Balla;h found a neat contain- ing about three dozen turtle eggs in his manure heap, a few days ago, His buildings are close to a stream of water frequented by turtles.—Mr Geo Crowe, while feeding McCormick's threshing machine, one day last week, received a very ugly cut across the back of the hand,inflicted by the band cutter, whose ambition or activity was not equal to the occasion. --There was joy in the domicile of Mr W Caslick over the birthofa young son last week. --The very warm weather of the last few days is causing the fall wheat to grow rapidly. WINGHMARKETS. 1 MARKTS. Wixontai, September 24, 1891 Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100lbs, • 4 2 50 to 2 75 Fall Wheat per bushel, 00 to 95 Baring 90 to 95 28 to Marley 40 to 445 Peas, 60 to 60 Butter, tub 13 to 14 do Bolls, 13 to 14 L''F'gs per dozen 11 to - 12 is cod per cord, 1 50 to 1 75 Hay per ton, 7 50 to 8 00 Potatoes, • 85 to 40 • BBonaMcGne—In Blyth, on Saturday, 12th inst, the wife .of Mr James McGee, Coun- cillor •,a daughter. Heys—In Lucknow, on Wednesday, September 9th,'the wife of'MrD W Hays, station agent ; a son. JAOxsow—In Morris, on Aug 27th, the wife of Mr Peter Jackson ; a son. r CoNNoer—•In Morris, on Sept rat, the 'Wife of Mr Alex Connon ; a son. Loway—In Brussels, on Sept let, the wife of Mr Daniel Lowry ; a son. CLVFF—In Brussels ou Sept 13th, the wife of Rev W T Cluff ; a soli. JAcxsoN—In Morris, on Sept '1st, the wife of Mr Jas Jackson ; a daughter. . Malt.RUL0D. WxnxxNsoN—WnLsH—In Belgrave, on Tuesday, 15th inst, by Rev Mr Law, at the residence of the bride's mother, Miss Mary Welsh, to Mr Berry Wilkinson. Powers.—TANNna —At the residence of the bride's mother, Blyth, on September 16th, by the Rev J T Parke, of Listowel, Mr Geo Powell to Miss S H Tanner,both of Blyth. P1 covers—Mngxt a—At the residence of the.bride's mother, London, on Sept 15th, by the Rev James. Ballantyne, of Knox church, ,Adria, eldest daughter of the late Win Markle, to Fred 0 Pecdver, of Luoknow.xa Mclienen —GIx3SON—A,t the resi- dence of the bride's mother, on Wednes- day, Sept 951a, by Rev John Ross, B A, assisted by Rev Joseph -Mahood, brother- in-law of the bride,Mr Wm S McKerchor to Miss Isabella Wilson, second daughter of the late Robt Gibson, both of Howick. MoLEon—NxoxlonsoN—At Listowel,on the 15th inst by Rev Dr Campbell, Rod - oriole McLeod. of the township of Grey, to Margaret Nicholson, of the township of McKillop. • IlawlN-HAnOXLTON—At the Methodist parsonage, Glenallan, Sept 16th, by the Rev C HamiIton,chairman of Palmerston District, father of the bride. and assisted by' the Revs 3 Livingstone, of Listowel, D Moir, of Alma, and A E Smith, of Moorefield, Mr Win Irwin, Mathematical teacher in the Listowel High School, to Miss lda Hamilton, eldest daughter of Rev C .Hamilton. WALKER—CARTER--At Acton, on the loth inst, by the Rev Joseph Edge, Mr H R Walker to Mrs Carter, both of Clin- ton. WEIeRs--AnAIR—At the residence of the bride's father, Oshawa, on the 16th inst, by the Rev J Edge, Mr Jas 'Worry, of Clinton, to Miss Charlotte Adair, late with Plumsteel & (ribbings, Clinton, JOHN GALT AITE has something to tell you. He is selling Mr all kinds of Dry Goode at exceedingly low prices. Call and be.convinc©d. See his Flannelette at only Sots. pereyard. Dress Goode from Sots.. up. Velveteen I from 25'cts, up. A Hae assortment of !Ladies' and Childreli'sllose in Cashmere i• and Wool, In Gloves,Ribbons, Handker- chiefs, he is giving excellent value, In gents' Ties, Collars, COS, Shirts, oto., an immense assortment. Iii Groceries, John Galbraith gives . -of climate. 1 the above the p charge me snit defect what the it►g dome, I will c you for having it ower; rile so much space in the enlutnns c your, :pltlter. poi W. T. lite to t, Ste Oh, What a Cough. C sting that after reading ge tied �Ir Invert with a gold headed IP and Mrs Wilvert .atth a hand- le and beautiful engraved timepiece, "'a- in pie of S S No 9 will hot set 1 having contemplated cal dvaure charged ale of bav- sari Saw to tt Close, thanking' cher in the Queen's hotel and pre• .i?rod Stark, who has been >ap- nted assistant engineer of the Light Heil iii Mitchell, rias removed to stat town, .and will occupy the torpor• Hen buikling lately occupied by etee tip top value teed the people know it, yr'rs.—Listowel Danner : A laugh 'Come in and SOS the bargains the people as hail at the expense of a respected itisea.in town who thought to please have been nand are getting right along. to wifti sty purchasing a piece o Will you ;teed the warei:rg? The signal B perhaps of the mire approach of that more 1 terrible disease Consumption. Ask your. ' tv geives'if you van afford for the sake of 1 f; savng BOC„to run the risk and do nothing t h for it. We know from experience that 8hiloh'n Cure will cure your cough. It 'ft vete. fella. oth itver%Visrs ' at :an auction gale the er day. i#is wife was present and Wi 30flN 4 A.LBRATTUU. i alr4 September 23rd, 3.8O1. $10 REWARD, Any person giving such inforrnatton as will lead to the findi got the guilty 1rlartlee who stole seven geese on o night of the iOEh of September, will bo paid th •hove reward. OEOBOE i3RY1E. To berry, September 22nd, X891. 1'OTIOF. T. A. h1ILLS, baying disposed of his stook of enietit king. indebted to George atlhereby tmut paid at once, Winghain, September 17th, 1891. T, A. DCILLS.. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SAI.E, The undersigned aerator sale a cottage oontaiF• ing seven rooms, wad two-fifths of an acro of land, situated on the corner of Patriolcand Carli.ag.streets Wingham, Good collar, woodshed and hard and sett For particulars, apply to the owner, near the property, D. lifo1{INLA1, SALESMAN WANTED To take orders for Warranted NURSERY STOCK to bo delivered in the spring. Agents starting NO W can snake big Salary, or commission. Stock and variety superior to anything heretofore shipped-. Outfit and instructions furnished F13EE. Write at Paco for terms to • E. 0. G1tAEADf,Nunssnvirax, Toronto, Ont, SH LOE'S ,. CONS) FI,TWWr CURL'. The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel, in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to seU it on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc- cessfully stand. That it inay become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. • Hypo have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis,, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread. that insidious disease Consumption, use it.- Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price io cis., 5o cts. and $r.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous, Plaster, Price 25 ots; 7 EOPLES O PU LAR 0NIE WAY ARTI ES TO THE FOr$x ACI x'111 cow,. Sept. 23 ,S�QrOct. 7-21 Nov..4 IS Dec. 2.16-30 HAVE THE ADVANTASE OF ONit@ 3 ttgodagtS rogre55 Rapid ricq Low (lenity of Room iART1CULARS FROM ANY AGINToF THE COMPANY 4 Beaut4 Your N es !' JAS.. H. 1' i.zL)y -Late of Hamiltonand Paris, HOUSE, SIGN AND, ORNAMEN- .T'AL PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, FRESGO.ER, &.C• Would take this opportunity of informing the citizens of Wingham ana surrounding country that having had targe experience in city work, he is prepared to do Atabastining, Ealsothining and Wail Papering in the latest approved styles of plain and decorative work. Churches,"Iialls or other public or private buildings Frescoed iv beautiful Colors and Designs at moderate rate& Grtiining in Walnut. Oak, Bird's Eye Ma- plee&c., aSpecialty. • An orders entrusted to my care done' with ne•ataese and despatch. Orders left at Mr. floss' 130000 t0rd will redetve prompt attention, JAS: H. FRIEND. Wingham, April lard. �y15.. I hi..A„ /L,, 0. P. ki. O.,–M.. 0, P. S: Al,l S_E R 4J.:L.. .:. r ,IfS:yL cY TORONTO, Mrs. Mary E'urlong,.Woodhouse, says: "When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured me of f1ba.» W. McDonald, Lakofleld, says :—"Dr. Sinclair cured me. of Catarrh." Geo. Rowed,Blyth, sayte —."Dr. clair cured me of heart dieen's's and drop. sy when all others failed.” Diseases of private natute, brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly coxes. CONSULTATION FREE. 4w g DR. SINCLAIii will be at the g UEgNS EOTEL Wi Q ' y II fl�;m g y 011 WEDNESDAY, OCT, 28th, 1891. 1, A. L. HAMILTON Successor to Dr, Towler, 'Dealer in Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, Toilet Soaps, Perfumeryy and Cigars, Shoulder Braces, ..M cusses,' Sponges, and all kinds of pruggists.' Sundries usually kept in a firs. class cg ru sore, Physicians' prescriptions care- fully compounded and orders answered with care and despatch.. Farmers and physioans from the country will find our stock of medicines complete, war- ranted genuine and of the bust quality. Full line of Diamond . Dyes always, in stock. A. L. NAMIL'1'ON. A CARD. Dr. Towler will continue the prat- tic° of his profession and may, be found at bis office in the Pharmacy ---Mr. gamilton's drugstore—during •office hours, or at 1115 residence,, Di- agonal street. 5 IT'S WONDERFUL The money you can save' by buying , your goods, and getting your watches repaired at Pat- terson's Jewellery Store. He gives perfect satisfac- tion every time. Try him and buy. and don't go by without you .. do buy. M. PATTERSON, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller, Main st., Wingham. Dissolution of Partnership, Notice is hereby given that the Part- nership heretofore snbsibting between the undersigned as Hardware Merchants, under the name of Jas. A,. Crain & 00.0 at the Town of Winghatn, was dissolved by mutual consent on 'the 12th day of March, A. D. 1891. All accounts due to the late firm will be palate Jas. A. Cline, who will carry on the hltsiness at the old stand and by whorl; .all obligations of the late firm will be oiled. Dated this 24th Meeeii, A. D.1891. Witness, JAS, A. °eaten, A. MonTON, ' J01114 NEELANDS. Eefering to above, I^wish, to return ray thanks for past favors, and trust that by close attention to the wants of my cus- tomers to merit a continuance of the it same. Jas. A. Cline. P. S.—• -I; rat due accounts mast be set- tled at onto It S IVILTRPHY Has reoeivei& a largeand'choice stock of + comprising• Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, &C. • Mantle Cloths, Brocades, &c. LATEST NOVEt,,Txi3S rN V'i+ ttl RY • Dei • PA/al/ENT.. 4_.4 MISS I"All, .;:0f Petrolia, an en©rienced city mi11i r';he4 Citken the phaition of bead iiiitUipeteietelkeivery effect will beeped:0' pleaseeus- teineas. 4 MANTLES, lams. gS, MADE ON THE PEE, A CALL SOLICITED, Store opposite the Queen's i;oto1. MX$8 E. MURPHY. Money to Loan(1 �T4�tas. Notes. Discounted AT REASONABLE 24TZS Money advAntcd on Siortgago at 6 per tont, nttk pad acge 08 paying tri the end of any year. Bores ltd `o 1�I11il06, atYric>e. licav0 iltook. inthrtm, OT F"