HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-09-25, Page 6not in this job. ' Didn't you over know a man like this f 1 described lay visitor. As. I' proceeded, Light toed Jim'e face die. sinned an expression of real terror, 'Whatever color there was in it faded away. I never saw a man look Knave thoroughly frightened. Yes, yes, he said eagerly. In course rI know who he is,: Why it's Barksea Bill, as I pal'd with one time. And what did he say; guv'nor, that he owed MO a grudge ? That we were quits at last. Right you are, 'cos he did owe me a grudge, I treated Bill very shabby—vary shabby, indeed, and be 'swore solemnly that he'd have his revenge. Only, guv'nor, what you see wasn't Barffsea' .hill at all, but his ghost,.'oos Barksea Bill's beau dead anis buried this three years. I was naturally very much exercised in xyy mind over this wierd develop, went of the affair, and I used to think ,< about it long after Liglrt.toed Jim had sfonce more retired to the seclusion of Portland. While he was in charge at Westford I tried more than once to worm.. some more information out of . him about the defunct Bark tea Bill, ;but with no success. Ile would say no more than thatbWill was dead and buried this three years,' and with that I had to be content. Gradually 1 came to have a firm belief that 1 bad indeed been visited by Barksea Bill's ghost, and I often told the "story to brother officers and sometimes got well laughed at, That, however, mattered little to in ni rseries under the care of French me ; 1 felt sure that any man who had bor.res or handed over to Sally, the done through the same experience nurse, to shako and slap and stuff with Iwould have had the same beliefs. sugar, as her wisdom dictates, while society abler amusements of all sorts occupy their mother's time. Horne is not happy to the poor woman, because hien one or" two nights, and gets a no. tipn how he Was going to work the job. Then, of course, you being "an officer and close at haled, I splits on him—and that's all, Bub yogi had got the tint() and de- tails correct. Why, of course, guv'nor. I was an old band—served many a year at Portland, 1 have, and I know just ho x Jiro would work it, after !wring hie. preliminary observations, But a ghost I Ha, ha, ba—why, gu-'nor, you must have been a very green young officer in them days. Perhaps 1 was. At any rate; I learnt a lesson from the ei-devant Barksea Bill, namely, that in search. nag a house it is always advisable• to look up as well as down.—(:hanibet's Journal. ° ' "La Grippe. "iia Grippe" or Influenza can ne quickly cured by the use of Wilson's Compound of Wild Cherry, the old reliable remedy for pronekitis, Whooping Cough, Oroup,Oolds, Coughs and other diseases of respiratory system. Wilson's Wild Cherry has been in use for many years and is highly recom- mended by all who know its virtues, bold by all prominent druggists. Tho Essential to nappy wedded Lifo, Women who love their husbands are happy and are at rest. Those who du not are disturbed • and restless, says the Jennes.Millor Quarterly. They are always seeking for some means of killing time. They are ready to flirt, at any moment. Their children aro, according to their means, either hidden Of conte I got my promotion, and was soon afterwards married. Things went well with me, and I was lifted from one step to another. In my se- s11e has obosen her mate foolishly— cret mind I was always sure I owed my i,eeause she trusted to that 'love after first rise to the burglar's ghost, ands marriage' whieh mercenary old people should have.euntinued to think so but far an incident which occurred just five years Lifter my •capture of Light„ toed Jim. I had occasion to travel to Sheffield from Westford, and had to change trains at Leptis. The carriage I stepped into was occupied by a solitary in lividual, who turned his face to me as I sat down. Though dressed in :more respectable fashion,.[ immediate" .ly recognized the man who had visited me somysteriously at my lodgings. My first feeliug was one of fear, and I daresay my face showed it, for the man giye him your hand. that he may en - laughed. circle it with a wedding ring, you seal the happiness or misery of your natural Hullo, gnv'nor; said be ; 1 see roti life 'pont marry unless you are sure knew me as soon as you come in. You of your lave for' him and his for you. .owe a deal to vie, guv'nor; now, don't . ou.,;.eh h , English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lunips and Blemishes from horses. Blood Loolc here, my mad, 1 SAKI. .I've Spavin, faplirrts,Rtng Eone, Stveeuoy Strfies 9ptafrrs, Sero ar SsTitetn Throat, Con^hs, etc Stile x•00 by been taking you for a ghost these five ase o4 wuv bottle. lVarrttuted" the most re Blemish Cureovet lcnowr.. Sold by W. B. Terrier. years past. Now, just tell the how you got in4.nd ant of my room that nicht,. And Stilt the rsoata =coils On, will you ? The man who stops his paper because • He laughed ioug and loud at that. sowethin has appeared in its columns A ghost, 'Said he. Well, if that ain't. of which he does not approve, ilnd a good un 1 . Why, oiisy enough, guy'. ,does it with an air of regret that it is ndr. I Was a•.lodgiug for a day or two necessary to dive the publishers into inathe same house. It's easy enough bankruptcy, reminds us of the train when you know how, to open a door dispatcher who requested an increase very quiet and slip out, ting. • of salary and threatened to quit if he fi But Ifollowed yon share and looked didn't got it. The snporintondent for you. "replied to his request by relating. a ,Ay, guv'uor, but yiln loollccl down, story : lc and I had gone Ihp! You ehtlulcl have • When 1 was a young lean, said ho, itn g_ come up to the attics, gold there you once did as you are doing—I told would have found Ape. So yen tool: ! the superintendent of the road what ., me for a ;beet 7 Well, I'n1 wowed., ; you have ,told, iue. Ho refused my Itold him hat Light -toed Jim bac] demand and 1 quit; and, would you said in the call. believe it—that road is running yet. simply epidemic Influenza; Wilson's Ay, said he,1 cless;ty, lily nor. eu WIldCherry will cure it safely and quickly. • see 'tsvas this® way—it weren't Juror; ; Get th& euuine, in white wrappers only, fault I wasn't dwacl. 1Ie tried to rum. , and use it as directed for Influenza. der inti, guv'!u,)r,'hu did• ---and left too 1';;111 --Spinning ¶11eels-13e1. a.lyirig for dead. SO I sex to myself New York Herald. when I conies' round that I'd pay him'. Her grandmother bet at her spinning out sooner or Imps. But after that /! wheel neat, Demure and sweet, quit the profession, Jim's nasty con.: Iter work complete, duct having chyme tete sick of it. So IWith one foot working the treadle; Tlut the bicycle maid gots there whir went iu for an honest work at .lny old ' both foot, t trade, which was draining and pipe• As ups the street,. Both fair;and fleet, repairing, I ,vies on a phut that sort She presses the flying pedal in Westford, near Hiss Siu,eloton's TKO Q stiola NOW. nousO, when I see Lightstoed Jim. I Oanada Presbyterian. ,had It hider what ho was up to, Ihavntg The issues of the country now aro,not heard crf the plate; and 1 watches these o imere party, The struggle is for national existence, If the facts are as alleged some of the so -palled T4iber'als of nuobeo are as deep in the mud as some of thou opponents at Ottawa aro in the mire. The destiny of the country now depends on whether there is sufficient moral force in the Dominion to punish the offenders. ' That there has been wrong doing of the moot flagrabt hind nobody denies. Is there enough of moral 'force in Canada to punish the wrong do- ing and introduce a new and clean era in Canadian politica? That is the question on which the fate of the country do - pends, SANITARY ARY WA AND HEA11 L. ALEX. S.A.UWDERS, 0-63:DEs ICI , LATEST METiI'- ODS Particular attention paid to Sanitation and Ventilation. Plans and Specifications care- fully prepared. Repairing ,Pron"lptly Atten- ed to. Three Trains Daily. Telephone No. 28. Correspondence Solicited. GOOD WOOL WANTED.. HIGHEST MICE PAID ,AT TIIE promise those who make what they call a sensible match. Sad as a neglected Iv N A wife who loves her husband well must be, I believe she is happier than this W J OIiAPMAN. poor, restleks creature, though she Le worshipped, The love of one we do 7106 love becomes simply a bore, espe- orally in the close intercourse of home life, and she who does not give her heart to her husband is not likely to Care much for her children. So, girls, if you do not love your lover, don't marry him. Reinehnber that mnrriagc is a serious seep, and that when you TANNERY Dressed and undressed, SH { NOME, `TA .E, 'CEDAR POSTS, WO D9 &0; Always on hand and will be sold cheap. • 111ILt—Adjoining G. T. EL, OH' Shuter Street. McLean & Son, • Winghfim, Ont., rrr yrn t THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. SOLD BY DEMO= 117k;"u8773D1111 ZETLAND SAW' MILL GEORGE THOMSON1 Proprietor. Woe, Hu;Q Mi11�. We wish the oAl lot, e!h seatinn give. sit', jai attention to T`OM 70707tIC in all its branches, aucl will I ep 10 MOO: a riass of first -clays goods, ranch as Flannels; Etas,. Blankets, T eetj.nl s, Stocking ng Yllrns, &o., &c., (made from pure wool. only) cheap for cash or cs• change for wool, "" Customers from a distance can have their rolls home with theta tho same day plli;;he,t market price in cash for Merchantable Wool. I'~wGLIS Kb. CO'Y„ Whightun BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. McLaren/as & I arlIn purchased ttatieMcCorniccCo, Custom Business her opened out in tho slap two doors south of T A Mills Store, Wingham. Boots Stock on ash shod rt notice o to Retailing,, from Best and promptly done. Tire patronage of the piddle solicited, and all work gnaranteucl. :SOLt1'tii:1ILIN St k1.AUGH.. MITE HARNESS MAKER, has on hand a largo stock of HORSE BLANKETS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, wiIips, TRUNKS • VALISES etc tt'hielr writhe sold at bottom prices. HARNESS, double or single, made to order on short notice, and satisfacation guaranteed. nrA call solicited. S1I0P-_Opposite the Bank of Ilamilton. MATTIIEW AMBLER, win;;irau,, Feb. ;,th, 1850. TA- 1,, CHAP1I.1,N, ISSUER, of .1IARRIr1GE LICENS$S, NOTARY t LBLIC, CONVEYANCER, Bre. 0p1xc'—" lj1 " fooke,Tore, RIPLEY, ONT. Money to Loan on Farm Security at Low Raton of intoe es t. No commission charged. WIN HA11lp,E jMARBLE' WORksJ Talcin e. rttrospr:ct of my thirteen r fourteen renteruytir1s instoria f endo idgtintln,btor,gen. rally Inc the liberal patronn : i r 1:Vt.I o mail) the past better rigid o inieroits thane veitrto these requiring. anything in the line of Granite or Stone, Ttidor:tllni~rxts,• fILIADSTO� II;f4, WINDOW SILLS, STONE 'TItIdll:I.i oTUS Folr FENCING, Br I would be pleased to have thoee cic•tirnnw:. 0f pro- curing any articles In my lire to cell end examine goods,ecmpare prices and leave their n, dress, eo that the scasonod v i n mbe secured and ay select fro u, the ! .KI itv1eo:gns and .Obtain the finest workmanship at the tarns favorable prices. Most respectfully, yours • STvv.Y'Y, Wheaten, Ont. A pt.mplilat cI i o)rr • r ' stract of the let 4,alsoniag Obt 9u Patents, Er , Marks, Con tly':c c -r r,. 301 ketones %F. rrorr C o ani 4 7-� I NIG HAM The undersigned wish to te):der their best theni,s for the liberal patronage givers to our firer during scyerut•tears prior to the burnh,g of out Mill by in •eendiarisni. During the last season we. have re moddelled the town mill to the Latest ehprav;d sys- tum of Hungarian Boller Process toil lieg. We be Baretteean now rtea better accommodation than ever before. We otter Prompt Dispatch, :Oak. . net -',.rue, • QUALITY SECOND :i?O NONE IN THIS S CTIO v. And by trope to be (lose personal favc red t with a nelm twin! liy�, alhe l old friends and many now ones. Yours most respertfniir, HLTTON *Cr CARA', \Fintrham 1ri11, Oct SD, 1bun. J. GOLLEY, VETERINARY SURGEON. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary c.'cllege Also Graduate of Dentistry try School, Toronto 11 pre. - Tared to treat all Disease,: of Domesticate Animals In+the latest scientific manner. Calls promptly attended to. Mlle e and Inilrucuy Rur,O's Oi o `rrasa, tt angham Callersby night will find hirer at the off,* o. McCoH 's • tlu,,l . IS CERTAIN 1T?` THE GENUINE' na„nl, , 1' IS ONLY USED. BE ENERGETIC BY GIVING IT ONE TRI McCOLL'S WELL KNOWN .Aeknuwledged the best in Canada. • tiIFFor Sale by Leading Dealers througllotit the Dorniniolr MADEONLY BY .cCOLL EROS. S CO. - - - ORc o 'I'0 A Blessing to Every Houseliold. tiOLLOWAY'S .ALB OfirtilERIT These remedies have stood the test of fifty years en,crienre, and aro pran0nnce(1 the best irtdir:r:cr for Fatally use. PILLS ‘..%4 Purity the hived, correct ail disorders of the I1VI:,R, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS rtrp;rt• Invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of fill ages. —7— - . {, ¢ Is the only reliable remedy for bac] legs, sores, hirers, and old WOnlnls. FOR DI1Ci CHITIS Si lit Lumber O4'"ta11 kinds THROATS, (01(3115, noLDS, GOUT, 51:EleaanS51,. ('6 1,1LAlt . I:V:WELI.GS ,ASID ALI, AKIN> DISEASES IT ItAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78, New oxford, Late `u:»l,Klsfoi•d Street, Loudon,. and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world. First-class Shingles, l "Purhasers should Ioolt to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. tf the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they arespurious, and Cedar posts. Car Load Orders a Speciaity, WOOD delivered to any par i %Vingllam, o ,tai` Orders by malt promptly attended t0.` GEt)f(GI T1IO!JSON, a " Wingbani P, 1 MTCT N AWAY A"tfr A YEARLI, ro:when 1 a^sa Ctnro t do nsi• Inca, merely to step !hent for e, time, and t j ave ,themreturn again. t M•ta»lel AiiAlISiCAI.aunt:. lleavemattethe disease ofF Epitensy or' Fatiinp; Sici nesse a 1 fe•Iona study. r war'raitt my remedy to Our* Worst cases. $recuse others have failed in to reason for not now • > ivi lr u cure. Sett Once for a treatise and a Frets Cottle* of my tnfalllbkt iitct+i0c1?. Give Ex rens Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and i+. will euro you Address 11.•416 M.*Total'. O., Bratinoh cwt.*, ISO WM' r!rieemo* a-'oi al`. »' 11031i'�+"'