HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-09-25, Page 2111e, Lest it should come to 'barrassed'lne, and the burg I decided not to report the ) my chief. If 3 could really Light -toed Jinn, my sue.. Id be all the more brilliant by addenly sprung upon the est to hey plan of action rapidly. revolver with me, and went ss Singleton's .house. Fortoe knew true .housekeeper there dlo'aged, strong minded wo- easily frightened, whiclhh was ling, To liter 1 eolnulunioatod. ermation as=l considered ne- She consented to conceal me nom where the safe stood. ,s a cupboard close by the safe oh I could command a full .he burglar's operations, and pon hurt fit the right moment. ;y information was to be relied Ire Is as every chance of me the burglar. fter midnight, w hen the house uiet, I went to the pantry and the cupboard, locking myself re w ie two openings •in the diugh' either of which I was :ammalicl a full view of the ly poxtion was somewhat but the time soon passed ly mind'. was principally ode : wonclerleg if I was really' have a chance of distinguislhe 12. Somehow there was an 'reality about the events of ng which puzzled 1Tte. Sudo lard a sound which put me on ; at once. -It was nothing a the creaking of a board or of a door r' puld make in a se ; but it sounded intensified pectant ears. e'I drew myself it the. board o1 the eupbo9.rd d my eye to til opening in , keyof the hadoiled t)l� T "kept my finger upon• it, in to spring upon the burglar roper' moment. After, what some time I saw a "glome of ugb the keyhole of the do'u�a into the pantry. Then it tid a man, , ca ryiiugg a small alae gently into the room. is could see nothing of his when my ©yes grew accuse the hnzy light, 1 eaw that 1 rightly ie.Agmed, and that l,r was no other than the fa - ht -toed Jim. ' > 4 ;toed there watching him I help admiring; the cool way ,o work. He went over to the ,ud• examined it... He tried of the enl)hoal'ct in which 1 sealed. Theca he locked the the • panntry and turned ;ntion to 'the s safe. He nip on a chair before the lock from his pocket as neat and collection of ,keels as I ever ith these he went quietly and , work. oed Jim was somewhat tet fellow, witlh little muscu- opmeut about hien, while 1 mall with plenty of bone and matters .had come to a fight is I could have done what ,1 vial .him ; but Is" knew that d not chance a fight. Some. - nit him I felt sure there was r, which he would use an the oention. My plen, therefore, it until his ;hack wail bent ock of the safe, then to open lard •door noidelesely'and fall on him, pinning him to the ineath me. long the inomei t carne. He ing steadily away at the lock, i attention concentrated on TLe• i1ii;ht worse of his drill lent to drown the faint cliek ,y in the cupboard door. I quickly and tulnbled right , driving, the tool out of his 1 tutnbling hint upon a' heap of of the safe, He. uttered Cation of rage and astonish - ho went clown, ani inure. !gen to.wriggle uric -Amp like '!,s I kept him down with one :led to pull out the halidcufls. Aber. This somewhat ern; • tfd by it to pull out. a sharp 1:11II had worked himself round. 11. his back ; and before T° realized. what he was after, he was hacking furiously at mo with his keen dagger. Theo 1; realized that we w4re going to have a !fight for it, and prepareel myself, Ile 1 tried to run tho knife into my side. I warded it of; but the blade: caught the fleshy part of my left artn, and T felt a warm, stream of blodd spurt out, That maddened rue, andel siezed ono. of the steel drills lying neat at hand and hit my man such a blow over the temples that ho collapsed at once, and lay as if dead. 'I put the handcuffs on him instantly, and to make certain, I secured his ankles. Then I rose and looked at my arm, Tho knife had made a pasty gash, and the blood wits f1olring freely ; but it was not serious ; and when the housekeeper, who just then appeared on the scene, baudaged it, I went out and secured the help of the policeman I first met in conveying Light -toed Jim to the office. 1 felt a proud man when, I made my report to the inspector. Light•,tood. Jim 2 said he. What! James Bland ? Nonsense, Parker ! I3at I took hies to the celle,where Jim was being attended to,by the doctor. You're eight, Porker, he bald, That is the man, Well, this is will be e. fine thing for you. After`a time, feeling a bit exhausted., 1 went home to try and get some sloop• The surgeon had attended to my arm, and told the it was but a superficial wound. It felt sore enough in spite of that. I had no sooner reaelf'ed my lodgings than 1 saw, sitting in my easy chair, the $trance pian who had called upon mc. earlier in the evening. He rose to his feet when I entered. I stared at hire in utter astonishni nt. Well, gnv'nor, said 1i , I sec you've done it. 'You've get him square end fair, I reekan ? • Yes, I said. Alt, he said with a 4gh ct complete - satisfaction. Then I'ni satisfied. Yes,. I don't know as how there's aught • more I could say. I reckon a 'tow ieht-,toed Jim and * e is. nits. t1 Si n , my Coat of ant , welt over to the bed to lay it down. Now, teen, I beg; in, and looked round at him, I said no more, beim; literally struck dumb. The man ,was gone. I began to fecil umcamfor'table, I ran hastily downstairs, only to 'find tipouter door locked Ihnd bolted as I had left it n few minutes before, I went back, utterly nonplussed. J?or an hour, I pondered the matter over„ but could find neither head nor tail to: it. 'When I went clown to the office next morning, I was informed .that the bnrglat winded to see me: 1 went to his cell,where he was lying in lied with his head bandaged,. 1 had hit hila pretty hard as it turned out, and it was probable be would have to lie on the sick. list for some da'ye. Well, guv'iior,,said he, you'd the best of lite last night. You hilt me rather herd that time, T wins sorry to have to do it, wy .man, I answered. You would have stabbed fee if you could'. Yes, he said, I IElould, Taut I say, gguv'nor, come a bit closer ; 1 want to ask you a question. How did you know I was on that little ,job last night ? For, s'elp tee, there was not a soul knew a breath about it but' my- self. I hadn't no "pals, never talked tr, anyone about it, never"thounlht aloud about it, as I know on, Now' came yon to spot it, gtiv'tior 1 , There was no one else in the cell with us, and 1 thought I -might find out something about nay mysterious visitor of the night before. It was a pal of yours who gave inc the infor•. matiotr, I said Can't bo, lguv'nor. No tree ceiling me that. I ain't no pals—leastways *, 1V1go11 tllo Rata Comore DQwl1, N1 Bogen Tratiscript Vhat are the sights that the robin sees hon the rain comes down on the dark. '' g;ren trace, lhpnd on leaf and needle, on branch and , bole, /Who globules Weide, and pause and roll, When the rain comes down on the trees. • These aro the sights that the robin erns • When tho rain corns down on the dark green trees, And from leaf and needle, from branch and bough Thedianhomldrops comb filtering, through When the rain oomes clown on the treee, The wild flower hanging a pearl -rimmed head., Whore the wet moss covers it slgny bed, While the cowslip lifteth its gleaming cup $ome share of the hurrying drops to sup, When the rain cotyles down on the trees. And the lambsclose throngcd•by the • dark stemmed plane, With lane, eu re low drooped in the long green While there by the brink of the whisper- , ing rill • The clog •tootle. violet drinks its fill Of the rain that comes down on the trees. And the kingbird trailing his strong barred wings, While out in the clearing a sparrow sings! And the robin's mato turns his eye's bright rile, On tho sward that widespread dark vans skim, While the rain comes down on the trees, Anel hergj, in the orchard -a shaft of gold An oriole slipping from bold to hold, Whose swift wings spill from the pink - lipped bloom A something half raindrop tend half per- fume, While the rain comes down on the • trees. Such aro the sights that the robin sees While the rain comes down en the dark * greon trees, • And hill and valley and plain and wood Are wrapped in the thin gray and gather- ing fold Of the rain that comes dowfi on the trees. Tito Irropressiblc.eloy. GI 01101, c'QOPait, Ho worried the cat, He played rat -tat -tat On the window -pane gully an hour by the clock ; He tried roller skates Whore dishes and plates In jeapordy lay,till some fell with ashook,. With an Indian yell On a doll's house he feel, And added that poor ,dolly's scalp to this. belt, Then knocked of it toes, And its fair Grecian nose--• Whioh stone was of wax -he proceoded to melt. The tubs he upset Within one regret ; He stood on lie head till his face turned sky blue; A curtain the tore, And sighed for more Inventively mischievous tillage he might do, Ile bid his granny's 'epees --- But that didn't vex, Her face brightened up with his fun and his noise, Ono swept kiss repaid For all ! so she said, Resignedly adding that 'boys will bo boys ,' But strangest of all, At night's quiet fell, How meekly, how plaeidly, this rogue' would' say : 'Good -night, magma, dear !' Gooch -night, papa, dear ! l=ive tried to be such a good boy to -day 1 7..kt:uowin Fruit St:tilas. Moisten tllpp stain spot and hold it under a burning snatch, and the sal. phurous gas 'will cause the stain to disappear. This will not do, however, for colored roods, as it will take out the color. But, if while the stain is fresli, you put it over a cnp and pour bailing water through it, it will almost alwaye take out the spot if it is done before washing. Soap almost Invar- iably fixes any stain. It is well, too, TEMPERANCE COLUMN• to remember at Allis season of the year coa`t)uore1) BY TIM **X. W. C. T. V. tint you can prevent your pretty new - -9 Clippings A distinguished En"lishmnn return ing to his own country after a careful Study of Amnrieea,n institutions, on booing asked what he had seen that was most unlike England, answered : The wineless dinner` table, o'f the great middle class. Every saloon in North Dakota is closed,tlho result of the Supreme Court decision that:liquor in original pack'. ., ages cannot be sold in that State, Iiatxsas,e with 100.000 more people than 1t ;xcs,olhas only,one peniteutary wadi 900 prisoners, under eiro!iibition. •Texas,witli less population'and a liquor traffic:, has two penitentiaries with 8,000 couvicts. Of the 30,000 criminals in German prjsons,14,000 were arrested for cringes made under the influence' of intoxicate ing drinks. And yet it is continually asserted that bear and wine do .not degrade the Germans ! ' Coffee houses have been* established in England by business men on busi• nese e principles. Sixty.five of such restaurants aro successfully' operated along the docks in Liverpool. More than 30,000 men visit these, houses daily, to the justified detriment of the ever' open •saloon.The reciepte amounts to $150,000 a year; paying 10 per cent dividend to the stockholders. Talking of patent medicines --you know r the old prejudice. And the doctors— somo of them are between you .and us. They would like you to'think that what's cured thousands won't cure you. You'd believe in patent medicines if they don't profess to cure everything --and so,betweon the experiments of doctors, miti'the ex- periments of patent modioines that are sold only because there's, a little money in the "stuff," you los() faith in evor11t1ting. And, you can't always tell tho presorip- tion that cures by what you read in the papers. So, perhaps, there's no bettor way to sell a remedy, than to tell the truth about it, and take the rine of its doing just what it professes to do. ` That's the way the World's Dispensary Modicai Association, of Buffalo, N Y, does -with"Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- ery and Dr Pierce's, Favorite ,'?roserip- tion. If they don't do what their makers say they'll do --you get your money back. Caller—Is Airs Bronston at home 2 Servant---Yes'nh. She'll be at home all the evening. It's my night out. De Oanter—Is there any sure way to tell the age of a horso 1 De Trotter —Yes.' Ask the dealer and multiply by one.helf. • . Itch, Mange and 'Scratches of evory kind, 'on human or animals Cured in 30 minutes by Wood. ford's Sanitary lotion. Sold by W. Il. Toiler, ginghanas from fading if you let thein Iia for several Hours in water in wlfich has been dissolves a andnalltit of q y salt. Half a pint of salt to a quart of boiling water is the rule. Put the dress in it while it is hot, bud after several hours wring it out dry and wash as usual. CONSUMPTION CIJEE8D. Aa old.physleisa,, retired from practice, hazing had placed In his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tho speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Ikon. chitis Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical euro for Nervous Debility and all Nen ous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful eurativo powers' in thousands of cases, be has felt it his duty to make fa known to Ws sneering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human sufferinc, I will send free of charge, to all who dosiro it, this recipe, in German, French or' English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sant by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W, A. NOTES 920 PC•vers Rlootc Rochester, N, F. Forgivencss. Of all human virtues, none is so difficult to comp yes as that of full frank forgiveness. No word is so often said, Ihd nothing is mr,'rn seldom dlone, and no gap between Tho word and the thing 'is more carefully concealed. Friends fall out, and I forgive you ends the sorry drama; but the assur- ance is rarely solid— the sound strikes the ear,but the echoes die away before they reach the heart, add -the breach til my covered for show not service.' I forgive, but 1 cannot forget, is also a favorite phrase with those who try to serve two masters,, But not to forget is iiot to forgive, in the true sense. When we thoroughly forgive, wo do nibt remember, nor do we wish to re- member, the wrong done. Anviett TO StoTinios.- Aro you thsturheci at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cuttihtg Teeth? If so send is at once and got a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrup" for Children Teething. IIs value is inea1 ut- abtle. It will relict o the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, unothors; there is no mistake anent it, ft cures Dysentery and Diarrhea, regulates the Stomach and }towels, curesWindCollo, softens tho Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. ' Mrs. Win. slow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is pleasant to the taste and fs the prescription. 01 ono of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in tine United States, and 14 for sale by all druggists throughout 511* world. Price twenty -live cents a bottle. Be sure and ase: for "Elks. Wtustow's Soorniietl Scan:' and talcs nn other kind He—And, darling, what does your father think of my suit ? She (sobbing) —Ile thinks it is a misfit. ' All Mo11, young, old, a nsidfl[c agyhl, who find themselves nervous, week or exhaust- ed, who are brokon„down from excess, or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms; Mental depress sloe, premature old age, loss of vitality,. loss of memory, bast dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emission, lack of energy, pain hi the kidneys, hendalte, pimples 011 the face or body, iaoblu„ or pe..oular sensation about the scrotum, waisting of the organs, dinziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, e'y'elids and elsewllel'e, I'asbfnlness, cleputfts irk they urine, loss of will power, tenderises of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby niu,sekrs, dt'sire to sleep, failure to be rested by' Weep. constipation, dullness of .baring;, loss of voice, descry for solitude, excita- bility of temper, sunken eyes sur. rouitdud with LEADEN °IRCLi., oily looking shin, etc„ are fill symptoms of nervous debility that led to isanity and dead useless cures. The spring or Vital power having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those, who through abuse -committed in ignorance may be permanentely cured. Send your address for . book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. T. LTTI3AN, 50 Front St. E., Toronto, Ont. 4 Bdoli:s scant free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, not flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with brate- strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, peen about this breast bone, etc., can positively he cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address DI. V. LUBON, 50' Front ;Street East, Toronto, Out. C. P. R. TIME TABLE. • Train4 arrive and depart as follows : LEAVING ARRIVING 5:30 a. nt...... ....For Toronto ..........5:35 a. in. 2:00 p. m c, 2:00 p.m 2:00 p. in............ For Teeswater 2:00 ' 10:55 p• in ” ` 10:55 GR eon f d'j TRUN-icc, .,'--n A.0.S TRATIIDI3P, Amer; R'IsounL[. Wet,PaciftloCoastoetc.,poeiasthe shortest ndorth. all popular . routes. Baggage tihtckcd through to destination. Lowest freight rate, to all points. ---TIIVIE TAGELC. LEAVE WINSIIAU. ARRIVE AT WIN01[AIt. 0:30 a.nl.Toronto.Guelph,palmet ,ton, &c. ":81. pain. 11:10 " " ,,10:20 ' 3:20 p.m. n " Clinton, " 7230 " ..... Palmerston,.allied 10:35 a.m, 3 vpa.m. ., London, &0 11 b0 " t ,7:50 p.m. 11: 0 1e.e tcinrardino, Ste A...... 0:30 anis. 3:13:31 p,0 'i 11:111 " . • 1:1011.02 =IU S1G. INSTnrCTIONs ON PIANO AND ORGAN, ALtlo CLASS IN Iiartmoay. For particulars regarding terms, etc, please call at my home,. corner t r .Weis and Patrick streets. FLOh1ILLA STARLING. D v.DAVIS IS OFFERING - Q 111 —ON-- d'A.T2,Tyl PROPi✓1 W'Y AT VERY' LOW RATES. SMS PEIMr " OFFICE--OF"POSITE THE MARKET. WIt011Av OCTOBER 4'ri{ 1552. Property for S410 an Belmore, . Tho undersigned offers for sato a desirablep1.0 party in the village of Delmore, consisting of a good dwelling house; otliee, stable and driving shed, with one acro and a -half of land in connection. Splendid garden, with all sorts of fruit trees, Will bo sold at a bargain. For particulars, apply to FRED1.1nw11 000X, neltoon e. BANK OF -X :MILTON' WINGHAAM. Capital, $1,200,000. Rest, i:,G00,000. President--JOIPt STL'sr.'r. Vice-President-A.G, iians.ty. ZW.ECYTO,ItS Tom. PROCTOR, OMAN, GURNEY, GRO RalCtr, A. T 1Voon, A. E. Las (Toronto). Cashier -J. TURNBULL. Savings ktalat--Ilours,10 to 3 ; Saturdays,10 to 1. Deposits of :1 and upwards rceoiv'ed and inttbrest allowed. Spoeial Depodits also received at current rates of interest. ' Drafts op, Grcat,lritatm and the United States bought and sold; t' ' B. WILLSON, leanxr. mann ck DICKINSON', Solicitors. vl �' i' y� �', r •. '`��•�i . m� .�,,� . •u � {�p►,fp��.( gyps gp �tyyr ,6. p t i ,9�1 pa y 1 �j `1 �1 L 7e ,? tiwy Wd': 11 1 tom"' :'! . r,ra.tzr • ..: 1>ti,,, i;. 1,� fy rte . b X)I't"'C":tt Please inform your reader, that I have ateosithve remedy for the above t tease. 13y its timely use tit ntsands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured s glad' to sond two bottles of t ny remedy PrIEIC to any of your readers who hays 1. tmpption if they will mind Me their Express and Post Office Address, Respeetfeil$ Aa ehOCuM5 M.C,, lad West Adelaide Stoll 'TQRONTptrONTARIO, LOOK HERE I have in stock a full Hue FLY NETS, 1V1IilsFi, 5 BRUSHES, CURRY -COMBS, BS, &o. 1�, ' k � double tli f single, light or heavy, nh:tde to order, in the latest styles tial of the best material. TRTJNI{S, VALISES, TIMID BAGS, &o., in stock and will be, told olieap. Repairing neatly an'a promptly done Thu patronaro of the piddle solicited, awl satisfao fou in work and nnaterialunarantced, . lie; :`shop -:-ono door south of T. A. Stills' store. 0. IMIi.10HTLills. Windham, Juno 13, 1801, 17x1 i1fitiEr rh9 a 1 have much pleasure in enonncing to the fartniug public that I am agent for these Celebrated Plows and other Itragitgl 99 1�1 dt..�. �tl�L�ci�rlfl�a PEPA8RS SET Q The Old Stand on Victoria Street will seal be HEADQUARTERS FOR Sewing Mach .neS, Organs, Washing Machines � I1es and Wringers. . Give tyle a call and inspect Goods. Et B2 iYkYYtM OS Wingham, April 17th 1891. • Gairli at CITY flTAflN? for PINE API'r.1S, 139t.N AN as, . • '1,0.•;; l A TOES, FRUI'. OF ALL hJa.1►b, CONE'1;OTIO siltY, ALL KINDS, • t„ A a t;.C1;: ie av1l .'.1, WALNUTS, PEA NUT. I''A'c'TCY BISCUIT OF ALL KINDS. A Large Stock 412 t.'anlmt,t1 Goods : TOMATOES, PEA CORN, SAL;110X, 0111(.1:111;', TieKfli.F 1, CONDENIeldp t:(.)FFEE, O.. _ I.1) PIGS F .L1 T.. F111EW011,ri:.i (IF ALL ;II1vl)ti.. a 1. ) , d 3 JGSullo!iio Str•"ot • - - •, �:'�„g;ii Ig Oa't, • J, A. Ilaterr:n, ` Mount I'or, st, J. W. SCOTT, Listowel Deposits Received and interest 11owocl. D.loney Advanced to Farmers and ` Blesinees Nen., Ou long or short tinge, o0i ea:lorsad notes or -collateral security. Sale cotes bought at a fair Valuation. ,.loner ruinitted to all parts of O:+nada at reasonable charges. Special Attention Given to Cede letting AceQunts and Notes). Agolute iz1 Cana e1. •The T:erc;:satts' £nose of Can..tia. Office IIcnrs-Prow EI a. in, to 5 1,. ut. A. L. SZ1TrI, • Agent, .PORTHE .BEST V ALU IN CLOTH' ,GO„ TO HATS, , ��1yOAPS,�y^( • 0®L ARS, SHIRTS, CUFFS, . heap for E AT _ --- ' E173, lscvrr E rry a 7 Y Fai,41\rp jI h 1 h1' v iF i ,, l: .9`tr qty. r I� f i” 4�rttti!� .. no 9.94:4 a , .� .r ...,. .....•� e. ITas removed to :L. F. °oyster's c ld stand, where ha hast a lane tett nicely assorted stock of Speetadest Which ho is selling away down in pried, and. will he p1oasei to have you call and take a look through his Stock.. Repairing a Specialty q"A11 work war'r'anted and CdA.. i s1e yr, done promptly.. • Mao 's Block