HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-09-18, Page 9HRMILTO ;essor to Dr. Towler,. Dealer in Medicines and icals, Toilet , Perfumery and ,rs, Shoulder: ces, Trusses, es, and all kinds a.ggists' Sundries ty kept in a first- • drug store. •s' prescriptions care- compounded and leis, answered vith care and despatch. ' end physioans from the will find our stock of Ines complete, war- ad genuine and of ie best quality. f Diamond Dyes always Ll.. L. HAMILTON. A CARD. ler will continue, the prac- 3 profesnion and may be tis office tn the Pharmacy nilton'S drugstore during rs, or at his residence, Di - Bet. VONDERFUL. money, you can y buying your Ind getting your s repaired at Pat - Jewellery store. ;s perfect satisfac- ) ery time. Lim and buy, and o by without you ?ATTERSON, cal Watchmaker and Jew'eller, t., Wingham. ution of Partnership. hereby given that the Part- retofore subsisting between tined as Hardware Merchants, ame of JAS. A. CLtxrt; & Co., a of Wingham, was dissolved 3onsent on the 12th day of )..1891. All accounts due to ay, a will be paid to Jas. A. Cline, try on the business at the old. by whom all ,obligations of a will be paid. is 24th March, A.1).1891, s, Jas. A. CLINE, TON. . Jona' NEELANDs. to above, I wish to return my past favors, and trust that by pion to the wants of my ens - merit a continuance of the Jas. A: Cline. st clueaccounta:must be set- s. HILO .9S PTIOR CURE. ss of this Great Cough Cure is rallel in the history of medicine. are authorized to sell it on a pos.. ee, a test that no other cure can suo- nd. That it may become known, ors, at an enormous expense, are triple Bottle Free into every home 1, States and Canada. If you have re Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for 'ou. If youerchild has the Croup, Cough, use}'tpromptly, and relief you dread that insidious disease i, use it. Ask your Druggist for CURE, Price lo,ets., go ets. and our Lungs are sore or Back latae, Porous Plaster, Price 25 eta, WAN, )•ria Div, Cerruti Co,11talcN, At7CTIol Ep, )F MARRIAGE LICENSEE asuman tN Ii, 0. X., PATO. W sin, ' s ONT. to Loans on Notes. 8inscottuted IASONA'iZE 1tATES raced on rianataites at 6 per rent. with sale/ at the end of any year. Notes collected. it0111S, McIN'DOO. :aver Mock, Winelettn, Ont. •�s VOL. XX --NO, 3G These cold nights etre suggestive of warm clothing, Wa this when • it was warm and we are prepared for it. Over wraps, shawls and underwear are being sought after. We are making a specialty of ladies, misses and children's underwear this season, and are showing them of different weights and qualities, Boys' and men's are here as"well. Also, lots of top shirts. You're wanting blankets, - maybe, We've got them. September is a great carpet month,and we can please you, we think, We'll cut" then. to match and fit your room. .That'll save a world of trouble for you. Admirable lot of lace curtains and our - tale nets, =IREOT, We don't want you to forget that we handle groceries of all kinds. tepastra ate' tsaa'ae ORR & RISCOCKS, Direct Importers. The BEAR, September 10th, 1891. LOCAL NEWS —Cash for good butter and eggs at R A Graham's, Market Grocery. cs —Many of the tees throughout town nbed tritpmiug, w ile dead ones require to be removed. —If your watch or °look needs repairing,. • go to W H Wallace, watchmaker and jeweler. next door to post of[ice.. —Mr Eli Sepia:, house and lot, on Stewart, of this to it has 'disposed of his, Cuter street, to Mr Jas n, ata fair price. —First -cased Georgian Bay Shingles and Lath, tar sale, cheap, at McLean & Son's w;inills, Win hair. essxq War an John Clegg will buy in at Gerrie ap yrocater, thisyetir,in addition to Wiugh u, Belgrave and other points. —C"loirs and Ice Cream at the Eclipse rPiF'yit. Also, confectionery -of all t"16 - T. Ci SPARLING. • : than Tix41,' 'liaa'"only ;bile penitentit— it with 900 brisaaners, under prohibition. +�n1�\tToxas;with less population and a liquor ^R' 1rafiic. hea . tun ,penitentiaries wit•.lt —Having bought out T A Mille' business,d I respectfully solicit from the iuhalutauts of Wingham and vicinity an inspection of my stock. Respectfully yours, GEO E Kim. —We were pleased o see that Mr Geo Thomson, who has een confined to the house for tho past wo months with an ' injured leg,ie able t baro town once more, and to learnthathi 1 3s. steadily recover-* in„ —For first"clads tailoring and cheap gents' ,furnishings, try Webster & Co, • Bernell) oer the place, only two doors north 'of the old stand and between Ross' book- store and .Haletecl & Scott's bank. —The collector's oil for the town a* Wingham is now in o hands of the treas- urer, John Dickson Esq, and taxes can be paid , at his timid nee, from 10 a in to 5 p in ou every week ,ay. On an taxes paid during the .moue of September a discount of two per o t'will he allowed, and all "paid,duriitat tooth of October a dale $ cottllt o one 1* nein. ;Ii'v —Ma' class ueokivear«in Wks and foulNiu-hand. All the ng new styles and coloring; your choice complete stock for 250 on Saturday night only, ; M H McINnoo, pu le —The,farmers in `that Wingham, thi§ the best. market Ontario, ra ad • at locality will find /your, will •be one of r grain, etc, in western ;tion to the former buyers) Messrs Clegg uct• Sperling, there will be Mr A Bur older, representing Messrs (:oast$ C of Toronto. So bring your rodeTwodUce t „ Wingham this year for bidding will be en. —Mt W J J`ohpstou has opened a new custom tailoring establishment, oue doer north of 1) Sutberland'a stove and tin shop, avid is, now prepared to give the eiti- yens of Wingbam and aurrounding country satisfaebidn in every thiug that may be intrusted to his care, Coatmakers *anted rat oue°. —:Tho Cosgrove Fa ily are going to give the people of Wingh to a treat on Wedges day evening, Sept Oth, in the town hall. The concerts giv 1' bvthe'CosgrovoFaniily are very ititere' ing, arousing and instruct. tine, as the : opie of Wingham already know. Tho who are lovers of real good music she family of; • WINGHA Vf ONT., FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 25 1891, —The London Fai 0 this week has drawn quite e a number of r citizens to the burn and bustle of the " orest City." —G T R trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 0.80 a re and 11.10 a m via W G& B Divisiou, and at 6.45 a m and 3,20 p m, via Clinton and Guelph. Good connections by all trains, The contract, for t s erection of the reposed new English hurch has been let to Mr Henry Kerr, of this town. Itis not likely there will be ything done this fall except excavating f the foundation. --Having bought out .TA Mills' business, 1 respectfully solioit from the inhabitants of Wingham and vicinity an inspection o my stook, Respectfully sours, GE, E FiING. —A short time ago Mr J n Ward had the misfortune to lose the nd of one of his•fingers while using th aper, in the Union furniture factory u Saturday last, Mr Wm Gray had ends clipped of two of hie fingers whi using tale buzz planer, and on Tuesday f this week, Mr Jas Hamilton, bad,thr_ fingers badly out, while at work in the s me factory, =The party who pinked up 'a buggy duster, on the evening of the Oth inet, ea the road between 'Wingham and Holmes' Sohool House, Turnberry, will 'be rewards ed by leaving the same at S Gracey's Fur- niture Store, Wingham. —The circulars iss ed by the Bell Fac- tory Band have beep generously resppnded to by the recipients, and there isno doubt that every one wil be heard from. As some of the donors o not wish their'leit hand know wha the right hand doetli, there will be n list published, but the amount will be acknowledged by mail.— Cost, —Great bargains at Dore's Cartiage Fac- tory to ales .out the balance of buggies on hand to .. ke tbom toe cutters and sleighs; also,a,1 of etttra fine one and two seated road c is to be sold at bottom prices. Call early : ud secure a bargain. Remember the sta • oppte its the .Exchange Rotel, ugliam, Ont. --Tale" next ineetingo the District Lodge of District No 24, 10 T, will be held at Kinburn, ou Wedn day, 'October 14th, commencing at 10.3 a m. At the meeting of Anchor of Hope Lodge,No 280, on Tuesday evening In. , the following were appointed as deleg es to the district meet" ing: Sisters Rose ,hapmiin,C Carruthers' A Linklater, 1Vi arruthers, E Dawson, M Mama and Br hers. J Vannorman, A Balaton, 11 El tt, li Galbraith, al W Hugites,1)' lint ` rland. —We insert the following for the benefit of thosb.who may wish to exhibit heayy draught teams at the Wingham Fall Show, as it was an error in the prize' list: 1st* prize will be $5 worth of furniture by Gila' christ, Green & Co; aud, $2 cash. —We wish to rem' d aur readers tha there is a treat"fort em in store, if. they only find themselve at the Temperance Hall on Tuesday ev uing,the 6th of October next, where tIiey . ill haye a chance Of hearing Conduct W K Snider. The Conductor is bee lug very popular as a lecturer aucl the who have not had the opportunity of hearing the gentleman should go:an hear him. The subject of his lecture wi be "Life on the Bail and People we m et," —We iiotice iu :the prize Iist for the Northwestern fall fair, to be held in this town on the 29th and 30th ;September, that air Charles IJnechtel is offering a $20 set of singleharuess for the beat single horse to be driven itt a four wheeled rig. This is very liberal of Mr Knechtel and it is likely that. competition will be pretty keen, as It is not `every day that a prize as valuable as this is offered, • —The Northwester Fall Fair will be held- in Wingham o ties aWed- nesday d y and ved- nes a a Y next, —A • n of ,L'elee Island Grapes, the only ones ' • town, arrived. to -day. JAS MaXaxvxE. On Sabbath morns next, Rev Messrs ellery, of the Me odist church, and Watson, of the Oou" egational Church will exo a hn ge pulpits. - Half a ton of Pelee Ieland grapes just arri d at the Eclipse restaurant. T 0 SYAuLINa;* —On Monday, a spe 'al train of 15 cars of fat cattle went d wn ea' the. G T R. Feeding cattle for t old country market is becoming one of a most profitable lines of farming. —Raving bought out T A Mills' business, I respectfully solicit from the inhabitants of Wingham and vicinity au inspection of my stock. Respectfully yours, GEO E KING. —At the St Thom . Division court a married Woman wa- brought up on a judgment summons; Judge Ermatinger sustained the conte ion that a married woman could not b= :examined on a judg meat„!summons. —We take the fall wing from the Listo- wel Bainter, Mr Wm twin being a son of Mr Thos Irwin, cf this town : On"'�Ved- nesday, Mr Wm I in,of the High Scheel, was united in ma 'sage to Mies Ida, eldest daughter of the Rev Mr 13.amilton, of Glenallan, The ceremony took place at ,residence of th bride's. father, and was performed by er father, assisted by Bev Mr.Livingston Listowel,, Rev Mr Moir, Alma, middle Mr Smitb,1ttoorefield. Miss Haniilton tau ht formerly in the pubho wheel here a d has many friends in town, a number of hon were present as wedding guests, Aft the ceremony, the newly married eon le drove tai Drayton and took the train f Wiattou, whence they will return on 8 turday, 1.1iss Hamilton was a succes, fu educator and we welcome her back to b erne a resident of the town. from the ties in the public school,whieh she disc)) ged so we11,,•ahe has wade rapid advance nt until new she will have' 11 net fail to hear this renowned ohergo n. otie of the Madera of the High uaioians, School. A 40 Mr Wm Hutt & arr, of. the W' returned from a the lower prov visited the Do at Ottawa,and Pe leading q —Our th Monday 1. Wingham; artistic r Birchall, murder home f Birch , of the firm of Hutton ham flouring milIs,lias xsine s trip down through noes. On , his return he • inio Ouse of Parliament ear the leasers discussing estiou•of the day. 'yang t'Swn was visited on t by a. Mr, Roberts, a former e, who had on exhibition an produetion''of the late Reginald Benwell and Laroceue, the of the little children on their way om school, The reproduction o I looked very natural. — a axing opened a =atom tailoring es- tablishment in this town, one door north of D Sutherland's• stove and tinshop,.I beg to announce that I 'guarantee every suit that leaves my shop to be a perfect lit and warrant them to be built by superior workmen, only. Give us a call., Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Charges Ile cheap as the cheapest. Coatmakers wanted at once: W J Joaxsxo;r. —The annual me- ing of the Wingham branch of the Up :r Canada Religious Tract and Book `•ciety will be held on Tuesday evening the .8th of October, in the Congregatio s 1 Chu rch,at 7.30 o'clock - The Rev. Dr. , offat, of Toronto, the Secretary of th Society, will address the audience. S •jest, "Christian. Life in Earnest." Ev iryone is earnestly invited to attend. —The anuu I Harvest Thanksgiving Ser.. vices in eon • .etion with the Church of England will ake place in St Paul's church ou Tuesday extThe church has been beautifully • cor ted by the ladies of the congregatio and appropriate music has beau spool ly selected. and arranged by the organis . Tbo service will be conduct- ed both in • e morning and evening by the Rev W T ( luff, Re°tdr of Brussels. The collections will go towards the decoration of the cha eel in the new church. The lana fox the new brick block to eerect° by H W °Meyer, Q 0, are out and hay: been seen by a large number of our citiz .ns ant are greatly appreciated The briis being laid down and soo we will see one of the tnost.handsome biopics t at bas ever been built in Wing - hate. is to beheaded by hot air and have all the modern conveniences and will p sent a most beautiful appear- anoe. 'his new block will add much to the ap *Nuance of the town, and will be a credi to our enterprising citizen, A Brain Twister. The fireside Weekly is offering great cash prizes for the solution of their Poet- ical Puzzle: Three hundred and fifty dollars are Offered every week, divided as follows : First prize, $150; second prize, $75; third prize, 00; next fifteen, $o each, 1575. These prizes are given to the 'E1rst correct animate received each week, be• giuuitsg Moudtey, Sept 21, and ending Nov 30th—the Braze het beginning over again every Monday morning. In addition ,,.to this 1530 will be given away to the first correct 'answer received each morning, and to every fifth of these not seeming cash rewards a' handsome silver Gipsy kettle with stand, valued at $G, will be given. Each solation must be'tecotnpanied by $1 for six months subscription (26 numbers) to Canada's popular and only story paper, For full particulars buy a sample copy your newsdealer, or send 5e to The Fireside Weekly, 9 Adelaide Street 'West, Toronto. he old reliable Star restaurant et' taking the lead, JAsMcKervtlE,ie -Messrs el .Al>forto and P Deans, jr, were judges at the T swater show on Wednesday, the form r judging frult,etc, and the latter horses —It is expected hat the Dominion House of Parllame will be prorogued about the middle o next week and then we will see our wo thy member, Dr Mac- donald, in our town once more, _..S eoiai bargains on Saturday night and ring the fair 10 fruits, confectionery, etc • t the Star restaurant. JAs Moli`ELVIE. • METHOD ezOnVROa,WiNoaeas,—Rev S Sel lery, B D, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 a m and 7 p tn. Sabbath School and Bible Class at 2.30 p re. General Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, Young People's Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, Sunday September 27th, Rev Mr Watson,. Congregational n iuister,will preaoh in the morning. The pastor in the evening, Sub- ject' "Buying and Selling the Truth." —Luscious grapes at R Hill's. Come, taste and see, Straight. from Pelee, This day a ton Ere sets the sun Comes from Polos. Come, taste and see.. —The fall meetings Association of Congre; will be held in Win and Wednesday, Oct They will be opened ing at 3.30 Tuesday a with an evening'mee at 8. Programme n and speakers. Ever and open to all. of the Western ational churches am on Tuesday er Gbh and 7th, ith a prayer meet- ernoon and close. ng on Wednesday t week of meetings meeting is public —Mrs J A Moi ton met vith quite a erious accident on Wednesday night. It appears that finding the •oom very warm on retiring to rest, she aid down on a lounge in the hall. A :out 2 o'clock in the morning, when s got up to go to her room,, ahe'went the wrong diree- ,tion and walked ou the upstair hall door and fell to the pia orm be each, thereby injuring herself.s::.iously. We hope soon to hear of her re ,very. ' 1{'IRST CONciREOATIONAL OHUROH, WxNoantax.—W. H. Watson, Pastor. Ser- vices each Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. ut. Sabbath School at close of 1Vforning Ser- vice. '.Prayer Meetin; every Wednesday at 7.30 p. In. Seats free. Strangers wel- come. In the morning Rev S Sellery, B D, will preach. Bible Blass and Sabbath School .at 12.30. Afternoon service at Lower Wingham school house 3.30. Evening, the Pastor will, preach. Sub- ject, "The Temptation of Christ." —A sad drowufug accid nt happened in Kincardine en Thursday f last week. Mr Albert Clark, of Londe baggagetnau on tete G T R and well kn wn in this towh, was drowned in tate' ake there. On his arrival in Kincardine about noon, he went tech() lake for bat ; and the day being warm and the wate cold, it is supposed that he took cramp and sank without be- ing able to cry for help. The body was found about one tundred feet from the shore. The decea ed had been baggagenan on this division f the G T R for save,d�' years, and was ighly respected by all vlbo knew ,biro. was a member of the Chosen frieuc and carried an iusuranee of 4000 and Iso belonged to the G T R jltelief Asso .tion, He leaves a widow and thres cb Ldreu. The body whts taken to London on Friday morning for inter'. meat. Christntas 18.1. The publishers of the ominion hilus trated have in preparatio the most mag. niliceut Christmas numb-: ever issued in Canada. Its literary an artistic features will stand unrivalled, will be a purely Canadian work, Wait r itl Published by the 1Sabiston Litho Pub Co,Monbreal. Person is. Mr k'I B Elliott, of t . e Thais office, re- turned on Monday ni ht from a trip to the Exhibition and f ionds in 'Toronto . Miss Maggie Morris xi lia0roturned from a month's visit t• Langside.. Mr Wm Neil, traek foretna pn the CP l,return• ed on Saturday fr in a holiday trip to Montreal and Cit wa, visiting friends in both places—Mr nt# Mrs iiotnutb were Visiting their dal ,i htor, Mrs T E Bowles, of Orangeville,a ow days last weep.. Mrs John Case;. of Detroit is visiting her sister, Mrs Jas. Melvin spent . fewin daysLondon d this, week, taking iu the exhibition, etc.. Holtelvio.. Mr Jas Me - •Subscriber, who n not receivesutbeir papers regularly will - iudly snake the feet known at the otliee wout delay, so that any oversight may 1}e 'torreedied, at once. WICOGP NO. .1029 The Northern 10 1891. - Never in•tbe history of he past 14 ex - Whitlow; have the propacts looked so „eta bright and so early in the ,aeason fora ch,. a grand exhibition of live ° tock, Agrifnb tural'and dairy products, reit, vegeta11. and ladies' work, flue art etc, etc, .n have the list cf attraction; been filo varie.- and entertaining as the resent season+e, r' The programme put bac) e the many pae trene of the Northern in this. district this it year, is larger and bett:r• than ever. No where outside of Toren .y and London can;,,,.. r4 be found au exhibition qi at in attraotiye '( ;s nese and instruction kis the Northern. ''• Those who have patron • ed the Northern in the past, know the their remunera- tive prizes draw a large 11: id of competitors and brings out the closes competitions in ' the different classes, e peeittlly in live ltock and speeding in the ring, while the ist of,attraetions easily towns the bill of fare presented by any 'val institution in this district, and we re confident will satisfy the moat fastid ous of the novelty loving public, and a 1 'ge'share of whose patronage,the North rtt will justly be sure to retain. Ou Wed esday and Thursday there are three ev: nts each day ,on the track. On Wedu:.day single. trot, best three ist five heats, Running, best two iu three heats, and a alkiug race by apical. tural teams. ON TaBRsnAX_Sta lion trot, best three in five heats; runt' g, open to all, best two in three audit co etition for efficiency among the lady drive s.Prof Cooper oho of themost daring and s tccessful aerouautists in the business has sen secured to give two exhibitions, to".ther with his trained dog Fitzimmons, w ich is the only canine aeronautist, -hi the world,. ou Wednesday and Thursday. Th se daring aerial per.. formers ascend i. their baleen to the clouds and from tl t tremendous height drop from their bal •n and for nearly 1,000 feet . descend with + wful 'velocity when their frail 'parachute begins gradually to open and they deteen to mother earth in safety. The managin committee have se- cured the services of some of the best acrobatic performer: in the eouutry who will without doubt lease all those iuter- ested in the perf mance of such daring feats. Tom Edison,' The Wizard Inventor" has given this age • . ny wonderful invert - Mous but none more pl aging and i ustruc ti ve nvert-tiousbutnonemorepl,asingandinstructive . than his wonderful achinei the Phono- graph which will b at the Northern.. Through this machine can be lieard,exictly as , rendered, select' us from different operas as sung by T ti, the voice of Glad- stone the "Grand 0 l\Tan as be thunders forth arguments in t to House of Commons, Louden, England.or he comic songs of Joe Murphy. A large g and stand bas been built which will com end a view of every thing going on in the grounds. On Sept 20th to Oct 3rd the G T (t charge only a fare an n third good bili' Oct 5th and ou Septembe 30th and Oat lst a single fare will be eh-rgea good to return Oct 3rd. .The Nort ern opens . on Sept 20th and closes Oct and. Patronize the Northern. ball airs. Exeter, Sept 28 an, 29. Palmerston. Sept 8 and 29. (Hinton, Sept 28 t 80. Northwestern, Wi. sham, Sept 20 and 30. Berlin, Sept 20 and . 0, Huron Township, at tipley, Sept 2a and 80. Atwood, Sept 29th. Northern, Walkert. , Sept 20 to Oct 2, East Boron, Bross Is, Oct 1 and 2. 4Seaforth, Oct 1 a 2. North Perth, Sbrn ford, Oct 1 and Harriston, Sept 3 to Oct 1. Brussels, pct 1 au.. 2. ilo:viok, at Gerrie, et 3. Luckuow, Oct 5 and G. Kincardine, Oct 8th and 9t11. Clifford, Oct 7th au 8th. Bast Wawtinosh, B l ;rave, Oct 0 and Eincarcltue, at K't ardiue, Oot 8 ant": Blyth, Oct 8 and 9 Dungannon, Oct 1 th and Lith. 'lees• ate.- Mr Brill secured .eeon l prise his butter at the To •onto exliiltikiw being one point bah' td the first pri.' —Mr John Button vas in tlanliltr and Toronto first of this and last wet on busiue,a.,--!Ir ► Fraser sold ht, house and lot to M' MCDituiels :11t Fraser intt s bin ding another,---, The Truancy Law is 1 axing its effects,,' but there are solve 'arsless parents who need wale nin}g u by being sum - mooed before the Sc tool .i3oarcl for neglecting to send th gulnr'ly.--."Alex" has the. Industrial and th had been .t way Hauch i the eitizens wottid bit owing to the hair on t Fessaut, of 1t"iil;;han , with :Firs John J3utto ICennedy left for Dies Maggie goes into the tiess..—•Tine Tt'eswate On 'edsu's11my.-oeBiro playing, all the hands the flax ,pulling au scarcity of work prt•v tide fall. All lire hu r children re. returned from Falls.' 11 Alex longer some of uure*cognizable, " teir face .--- ,1rs spent Sunday i.—Phil Misses oir Inst week millinery bust• fair took plate tt Bros are t'tn' bey Gals get at, spretttting, 1d tis; in our village --Tate Tams tms will be sent to flew ;lab - scribers from now till the let of;ossuktry%, 184 for 23 cents.