HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-09-18, Page 8IiKS! foutteen rt heartily to a pubile gen- led to leo in tion to tiler ie requiting Ualleuts, ons Of WV- nd examine lees, so that culy„ in the iesigns and 'A favorable ham, ore. ah - to /1 LISI best thanks firm during r mill by hi e have re aproved sys- ing. We be dation than ' teturns, IN THIB he business 1 by all old & CARR, 0 N. ary College mto is pre - 0 Ardinals 1 Lifirinaly ), Wingham e office, , ts e •,; MoINDOw.. boxes offered for sale, Several of the r, tin this towti last 'week, there 12,587 Factories field at 10 cents for August be. make, and it is altogether likily that that the whole lot was cleared out at about that figure. We aball be pleased to see you. Our great" display at fabrics in ordinary effects pleasing faneies,odd eonooits and extreme novelties for the .A.utunen months, proves our position as Dress Goods leadere. The range of styles answers every demand) of carriage, street and travelling cos- tumes, house and evening wear. See them, We feel assured ot your order. The Cloak Department shows (oho an extensive collection of stylish garments. Just enough of each to give them. a dis- tinot Our Sealette and Mantlings for ordered mantles are most complete *in all the advance styles and designs. For Novelties you will find we are headquarters. For any kind of Furs we invite inspection, which will prove con- vincing. Take advantage of it while you can— of our large stock bf Ready-made Clothing, in men's, boys' and children's suits and overcoats, before the best are picked out. Examine our Gloves, Ilose,Underwear, Gent's Furnishings, Shoes and Slippers, Carpetfand Lace Curtains, at M. H. McINDOO'S. e adingpitti (iini FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 18, 1891. SeafOrthe o The Senior Beaver Lacrosse Olub,of this town; left on Tuesday evening for Toronto, to play for the Intermediate Championship. Four teatne were en- tered for this competition, viz: New- makket, Bradford, Athletics of Tor onto, and our own noble team. On Wednesday morning Seaforth succeed- ed- in • defeating- the Newmarket club by a score of 3 goals . to none. After this Bradford and the Athletics lined Up, the Athletics coming off victorious. In the afternoon the Athletics and our team lined up to play for the Chem,. pionship. They began to pla`y about balfepast three, and played until dark, when the referee called time. The game then. stood st. tie, Wing twcoto two and was to {Mae hal&t finished next morning, but our boyS Were not in a fit shape to play, awing to wounds and bruises received the evening be- e. fore, and it- is altogether likely that the game will be awarded to the Ath- letics. .It will be no great credit to them, however, as our boy S would in all probability have ,ivon if they had been able to take the field. The managrr ot Oglivies Mills, Mr T0 Kemp, has sent a fine display of tie various brands of flour manufactured at the mill, to the Toronto ludestria I Exhibition. This will form one the attraetions of. the great show and will be of greet aid in bringing the various brands of flour manufactured here into prominence.—Mr, Alex Wilson, who has been competing at the Done=' inion Rifle Association's annual shoot- ing match,has won a position for himself oil the Brinshey team. This is the sixth or seventh thine lee has secured membership in the team by his uperior markmanship. —Mx D 1) iison leaves for the old country this geak ovhere he goes to superintend sale of his all shipments of eggs aforth's rate of taxation has been led at ,20 mills on the dollar. RIAL. 1. NT ENT edicineg lor EIS ane or MS, 5( 1111 ALL CION ett, Lcmion, d reSS iS ITTLE$ lot Meat and t r sure Se Listovsel. 'e The new factory is making god • iitogress,the brisk work of the first flat Jeino now complete. Messrs Goldie iiYlkulloch, of Galt, have the con- treet,for the boiler and engine. The cost of these it said to be 153,000 The busiest spot in this town, at prose ent,is the flax mill. Upwerds of .100 tons are delivered here daily. The yield thia year is something, extra, there being oil an average two tolls to the aere.—Nlr E Kit v ert,who has been accoutant in the Bank of Hamil- ton here,for many years, is ahem to • rem eve to Hamilton, where he has been proneeted to the head office. He will be atuceeedpd in the Hank here by -' Mr Ibtlier.—The central telephone • office has been changed to J Gun. jeatellery store,—Toe plum crop this neighborhood is very plentiftd andsb is fire small boy,whoee taste 1' thie sfelleious frnir is so great, that for 1 of anytIa•ing but p`nins, -he lande lieto Itis neighlrors' gardem;rtied los le ortught fry the wratliatt ;M is eterpftetrd fil,himpfdt T asealutoW. Mr Elliot Traver and family left our village on Monday for Strathroy, where he intends to reside for the future. This gentleman has lived iu our midst for a good many years and his friends will be sorry to hear of his removal.—The stook of goods belong. ing to Mr A E 13rasher, who failed here some time ago, has been bought by Mr J F Gibson, of Toronto, who will continue She business in the old stand. — The young peopls of the Epe worth League gave an "at home" in the basement of the Methodist church, a week ago Monday evening, Mr D 0 Taylor occupied the chair in his usual agreeable style; and the many selections of music, recitations and speeches given were all greatly ap- preciated.—A young man named Al- bert White was brought before magis- trates Lawrence and Bryan, on Friday last, charged with being a lunatic and dangerous to be at large. He was committed to Walkerton jail till he can be transferred to the asylum. Teeswatel. Mr T 11 Gordon' L .D .S.,has gone on his annual duck!shooting expedie tion, to the Holland River and Lake Siincoe hunting grounds—it is with - ' deepest regret that we have state that Mr Robert , Douglas is in financial difficulty and has made an assignment. Mr Douglas has had bad luckewhile in business in this town, being burnt out no less than twice; and there is little wonder that he has been forced to make an assignment. — Mr John Austin, of this town, died very suddenly a week ago Tuesday. To all appearance he was in his visual! health and while walking in the gar- deu he was seen to fall all of a slid - den and before assistance could reach him his spirit had taken its flight. To make waiters worse, Mrs Austin was not at home at the time and tile hews must have been a great shock to her.' Quite a number from the village took in the Tor- onto Industrial this week, and speak highly of what they saw.—Flax pullers are in demand at present hero. Brown 13roa are anxious to get their fax pull- ed and in before the fall weather comes on. They pay good wages.—The lightning during last week's storm truck the fire alarm -and -set the bell off. Some damage was done to some of the electric light lamps by the fluid.—Mrs Fessent and daughter Minnie spent a few days in town this week.—The Rev Mr Malcolm will conduct services in his own church next Sabbath. He looks well after his holiday re. creation.—Mr Nixon, o' the chair factory, is getting along nicely with his injured hand, and expects ere long to be at work again.—Mr Thompson's mill has been shut down the last week on account of the flood gates, &c, undergoing some necessary repairs,— Charlie Steel left on Tuesday morning for Chicago, where he has obtained a situation." Charlie will he missed on the rink this whiter. Success to you in yonr new field, Charlie —A number ,of small thefts have been committed in the village the last week,the fruit trees being the centre of attraction. Some of the residents lost as many as three and. four bushels of plums. What's the matter with our nightwatc man giving some of them night hawks a chase? toirimp 4litett" • L ondesboro ugh. Mr Mat Mains, of this village, see cured the contract for the building of Mr A Sloan's barn for next year. It is to be avery large one. Mr Slope knows where' to go for a first class job. —Geo Newton dug a potato i,u Mrs Smith's' garden, this weak, , which weighed 2 Ib 2-- oz. ft is of the Fro- lifio John Hill, of White* church, is visiting in this vicinity.— A temperance sermon will be preached in the' AJethodist.church, ou Sunday evening next, by hey Mr Birke—Our village gave a good turnout to the Toronto fair, on Tuesday last, there being about twenty ticket's sold to that point. Ti the Editor of the Times. Ebrrou,----Kintily allow me a little sparse iu your next iseue. A day or two ago I arrived iu your beautiful town and having done nay busiuess, 1ilesired to call upon au old acquaintance. With pencil and paper in hand, 1 sot out to flue him, having first gat the following directioue written down: Go up to that corner and take the farther side of the street, then go two blocks straight ahead, then turn to the left and go,one block, thee) turn to the right hand and take notice of the houses and 1 think it is a rough cast house near that big red brick, if not it is ou the next •oorner. After speeding about two hours in trying to find my friend, was forced to hire a guide to find him. Now,Mr Editor, I think if the citizens woulget the council to have linger hoards on the street corners and tht, houses all number- ed, they would find it much better and a great couvenience to your town, I eats a young man in Goderioh, lately, doing this kind of work and he does good work. He told me that he had been doing the same work in Clinton, Seaforth Mitchell and St Marys and that the citizens; of those tome would not have them removed for twice the money they cost. Asking forgive- ness for trespassing upon your kindness. TRAVELLER That Baby I When the baby cries every one wants to know what's the matter ; and if the out- cry is frequent, the chances are that there is something wrong about the food. It requires unusual facilities to be able to keep posted on all the latest ideas about feeding young children, therefore the ar- ticle "How and What to Feed the Baby," published in the October number of that progressive monthly Demorest Family Magazine, is especially valuable to all who have anything to do With babies. It will toll you everything you need to know about baby's food from the time it is born till it can eat the regular meals of the family,—what food to give, how to prepare each kind, how much and how often the childbhould be fed, when and how often the diet should be changed, with bilis of fare for different ages, etc—and all so clearly that one cannot misunderstand the directions. Ella Wheeler Wilcox's story, " Was it Suicide?" should be read by every woman, and alt wilLenjoy the "Confession of a Materializing, Medium ;" "In the Woman'e Ward of the Insane Asylum" tells a pathetic story of its own ; "Pireside Nooks and Corners" gives valuable sugges- tions about inexpensive but artististic house decoration; all the numerous de, partnients are replete with valuable matter; there are nearly 200 fine illustrations: and altogether it is a remarkably flue number of this comprehensive magazine, which is published for $2 a year by W Jennings Demorest, 16 East 14th St, New 'York City. —A "Chicago detective ageuty" is flood- ing the country with cireutars' in which they inform their readers that for $10 they will secure the appointment of the victim as a detective to work at the world's fair. The 'Offer is e. swindle pure and simple. —The TIMES will be sent to new sub- scribers from now till the lst of January, 1892, for 25 cents. Glenfarrow. Harvesting and seeding 10:•fifilaleed and the hum of the threshing neachihe now heard.—Qu i te a num her from thAPart attended the picnic on Tues- day last in Mr Palmer's bush, and report having had an excellent time. ._Mrsi' K Powell is aWay visiting her brother who is very James McKay, of Wellesley, is visaing friehds here this week. —Miss Annie McLaren, of Wirighant, isspending a few weeks with friends. e--_ canadian It.1I '.ihrough. Canadian intellect,art end workmanship, The Christmas number of the Dominion Illustrated for 1801 will combine these elements to produce the most artistic and beautLul Christmas Souvenir ever issued 1p tide country. It will surpass even the magnificent one is5ued by this bone hot yeer. Published by the Sabietou Litho Pub Co, Montreal, ° 0h, What a cough. Will you Asa the warning? The signal perhaps of the sure a.pproaet of that more terrible diseame Consumption. Ask your ReIVGA if you ean afford for the sake of tete ng dos.,tin ran the flak end do trothing for it. We ktrow f mine Winne that Shilohen Garr° well we comb. It BOItN. Nonns—In 'Winghaen, on the I4th inst, the wife of Mr ,T R Reynold; a son. mmaniamanme IWest Superior, Wis on the 13th inst,the wife of Mr T A Reynolds; a rofl. PATERSON—In 13luevale, on the lOtle, instant, the wife of Mr Arch Paterson ; on. TEWART—ITI 1311.1Ovale, On the Hith instant, the wife of Mr Thos Stewart ; a son. Ross—In Culross,on Sept 91b, the wife of Mr Jas Ross ; a son, CASLICIC—In Culross, on Sept 12th,the wife of Mr W Daslick ; a son. euon—in Culross, an Sept 13th, the fe of Mr Geo Waugh; a son. SMITH—ID Lower Wingham, on Sept 14th', the wife of Mr Thos Smith ; a daughter. a w NOTICE. T LLS. having disposed of his stock of general oods to George E, Ring, hereby notifies all portion indebted to him that all accounts must be Paid once. , T. A. MILLS. ingliam, September 17th, 1891. $1111illillery MIBB MURPHY Has received a largo and choke stock of P_A-1.11.1 G -002:)S comprising Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, &c. Mantle Cloths, Brocades, &c. HORSE ANA LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned OM for sale a cottage °entail.- ing Well rooms, and two.aftlaa of an acre of land, situated on the corner of Patxicit attdCarling streets, 1Yinghtun. Good cellar, woodshed and hard and soft water, For particulars, apply to the owner, near the property, D. NolfINWelZ, SALESMAN WANTED To take orders for Warranted NURSERY STOCK to bo delivered in the spring. Agents starting NOW can make big 'Salary, or Commission. Steck and variety superior to anything. heretofore shipped. Outfit and Instructions furnished FREE - Write at once for terms to 11, O. ORAIIAM,NuMnowttaN, • Toronto Ont. LATEST NOVELTIES IN DE. PAI1TMENT. The 31111inery Department, le under the import/Won of MISS PAttlt, Of Potrolert, an eXperionced city milliner. Satisfaction guaranteed, M ANTLES MADE TO ORDER. er Goode Said at the 1,06 possible prices. The patronage Of the mblie sogolf-Nd, did will use every ;endeavor to austonrefa, deet north 01 Peter Deans' flour end feed -'-- tni etreett Wirldlorn- • ULU s • - DAR From al MF,TFIV HARTN DELORA MOOSOMI BINSCAR REGINA YORKTO MOOSEJ CALGA PRINC REYNOLDS—n EDMO -•• TON CURSION tario return rates to To limy all parts in, the P SE Parti to a dia , SIN $301100 $35.00 $40.00 rim of Ontario on TEMBE' 22ND turn until Nov. 1 1891 11111•111•111111•11•1•11•M ticketing from other points sh hi arrange rive at Toronto in time to connect ith the 11 p. m. train. r full particulars apply to any ana- Pacific Railway agent. Beautify Your Homes! JAS. H. FRIEND, Late of Hamilton and Paris, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMEN- TAL PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, FRESCOER, &c. Would take this opportunity of informing the citizens of Wingham and surrounding country that having had large exporience in city work, he is prepared to do Alatuistining Ralsomining and Wall Papering in the latest approved styles, of plain and decorative -work. Churches, Malls of other public or private buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Designs at moderate rates. Graining. in Walnut. Oak, Bird's Eye Ma- • ple, &c., a'Specialty. . All ordllrs entrusted to my care done with neatness and despatch. • Orders loft at Mr. Ross' Bookatore will receive prompt attention. JAS. H. FRIEND. Wiughatn, April 3rd. ESTERN FAI LONDON; Septe eber 1.7th to 26th, 1';91. C it Live § Industrial ,,Esta A'S FAV grik'd," Aitrrticu xhibitionural Belied 198. ITE LARGE INCR AND ATTENDA 1800 was good, $25,00 OF EXHIBITS S EVERY YEAR 1 will be better. IN IZES ! Attraetiona, et which are beina anged for, wil rpa,st any Yet produce SPECIAL XCURSION lams` ON LL BAIL. WAYS. Entries closo September 12111. For Prize fists and all information apply to , A. W. PORTE THOS, A. BROW.. Pres., ec, ti%1 146 MIRO al Ai. 1). M. A., L, C. P. S. 0,, M. 0, P. S. M., SPM TORONTO. ,Jonathan Bushart, Listowel, says :— "After spending all ely money and prop - arty to no purpose on medical men, for what they termed a hopeless ease of con- sumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." Mrs. Mary Ourloare, Woodhouse, says: "When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured me of fits." W. McDonald, Lakefield, says :—"Dr. Sinclair cured ins of Catarrh." Geo, Rowed,Blyth, says :—"Dr. Sin - lair cured me of heart distaffs° and drop. s4, when all others failed." IDiseases of private nature brought on le)t folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION FREE. , A. L. HAMILTO Successor to Dr. Towle; Dealer in Drugs, Medicines and. Chemicals, Toilet Soaps, Perfumery and Cigars, Shoulderie Braces, Trusses, Sponges, and all kinds .of Druggists' Sundries usually kept in a first- class drug store. Physigians' prescriptions care- fully compounded and Orders. answered with care and despatch. • . Farmers and physicans from the countrywill find our stock of medicines complete, war- ranted genuiue and of the best quality. Full line of Diamond Dyes always in stock. L. HAMILTON. A ' A CARD. Dr. Towler will continue the prac- ,- tice of his profession and mrly be found at his office in the Pharmacy —Mr. Hamilton's drugstore—during office hours, or at his residence, Di- agonal'street. IT'S WONDERFUL The money yoti can save by buying your goods, and getting your watches repaired at Pat- terson's Jewellery store. He gives perfect satisfac- ) tion every time. Try him and buy and don't go by without you do buy. M. PATTERSON, Practical Watchmaker and JeWcller, Main st., Wingham. a Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the Part- nership heretofore subsisting betWeen the undersigned as Hardware Merchants, under the name of JAS. A. Creme & Co., at the Town of Wingham, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 12th day of March, A. D. 1891. All accounts due to the late firm will be paid to Jas. A. Cline, who will carry on the business at the old stand and by whom all obligations of the late firm will be paid. Dated this 24th Maroh, A. D. 1891. Witness, JAS. A. CLINE, J. A. MORTON. JOHN NEELANDS. Refering to above, I wish to return my thanks for past favors, and trust that by close attention to the wants of my cus- tomers to merit a continuance of *the same. Jas. A: Cline. P. S.—Past due accounts must be set- tled at once. SHILOH'S CONSURIPTION CURE. The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history ot medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it en a pos., Itive guarantee, ,a test that no other cure can sue- essfully stand. That it may become known, he Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are lacing a Sample Bottle Vree into every home n the United States and Canada. If you have Ceeigh, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for t will cure you. If you' child has the Croup, br,Wheopiqg Cough, usejt promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price texts., 5o cts. and $z.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Platter, Pare 25 ole. JOSEPH dOwAN, Creme aril Div, CormaCee.nceoet, • A vartoxEta ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Consusexoxen ta II. G. X., Wtoxtresn, • * 0ele Money to Loan on Notes. . DR. SINCLAIR ',will be at the Note g Iligeounted QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wingham " "ASONAttLE WAVES Money axl general on MorterM at 6 per =aorta, CfN privilege of potter tit Me Ott rif rahl Art. ima atecOntrts Odikatotl, THURSDAY, SEPT. 2411k. 1101 t.4 kr' •1*