HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-06-17, Page 15Seaforth community Hospital Genesco of Canada Ltd, McKillop Fire Insurance Co. McConnell and Stewart The Huron ExpOsitor Eaton Insurance Ltd. Seaforth Farmer's Co-op Huron Centennial School Topnotch Feed Limited , Town of Seaforth Public Utility Commission Seaforth District High School Seaforth Public School Hullett Central •School SeAftni11 Seaforth Segt*il Seaforth Seiaforth Seaforth Seaforth Brucefield Sea,forth Seaforth Seaforth Seaforth Seafortb Londesboro Keep Your Family Safe It makes sense to have old , wirin g Checked out, install extra power to meet your family'g new lifestyle. for Free- Estimates CALL 527-1620 GEO. A. SILLS & SONS - Hardware Merchants Plumbing — Heating _Electrical -Use Expositor_ Want-- Ads Phone' 527-040 • Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson are both enjoying •good health and retired from farming a year and a half ago. Their farm was at Eden Mills just •outside of Guelph. They enjoy. coming to visit. with their sonanddaughter- in-law where Mr. William Wilson can get out to help around the barn. After ',farming all his life he enjoys being able to be around the pigs, and cattle. The 'gathering " also was a celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wilson and. Mr. arid Mrs. Mervin Smith who marked their Wedding anniversaries and for Darryl Smith who had celebrated a birthday on Thursday. Other week end visitors at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson were Mr. and Mrs.Howard Devine of Hespeler and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Herman of Galt. ••••••••••'' . , P1.1.15 IltiPtCp1i1111 OCESSIOR BONUSES ,12 PIPOSURES 120.12/ - 81.17 Xodacolor Film NA CANADA NO.1 001' HOust . 49, °woo No.t *clout> IL TOMATOES S L.. RADISHES 2, PRICESECTIVEJUNE16- INCLUSIVE RE RESER flIE RICHTTO-LIA/IT S NO ,1 RIAD LETTUCE EACH 29 ' CANADA NO.1 NOW GREEN CABBAGE EACH 29 FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES STOCK UP AND SAVE AT IGA'S LOW, MONEY SAVING DISCOUNT PRICES NOW OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY ALL DAY • K. BISCUITS . PLAIN SPAGHETTI - BRAVO SAUCE 14 oz.29C tin PLASTIC ropoweAr SARAN WRAP 3 50 It.$ roils MCCAIN JULIENNE FROZEN FRENCH FRIES pofT li t'ags QUAKER BUTTERMALT MUFFETS CEREAL 2=884 ''4 GERBERS el-RAINED BABY FOODS, 7.14 ..$ Pus McVITES (ASSORTED VARIETIES) 5 ISrAZO$2. 1 PNRs. DOVE (6, 0F,11 BAR SOAP PINK OR WHITE size tundle HIGHLINER FROZEN SOLE FILLET 1-1.-69` POST SUGAR CRISPS OR ALPHA BITS BLACK FLAG HOUSE'S GARDEN $ 1 1.2 •00 INSECT SPRAY TOP VALU PLAIN CHEESE SLICES DRIVE (12$ OFF) POWDERED DETERGENT sip r.49( • FACELLE mODERNE FACIAL L boa of 360's $ 1 SUNLIGHT NIAVY DUTY DETERGENT 'PHOSPHATE PEER 121t OFFI king $ sit* .29 be. • HERSHEY INSTANT CHOCOLATE 210. 79C cont. PINTO . LAY WEST, 14111111118, 01011151 CORN ,, CHIPS TOP VALU PURE CHOICE APPLE JUICE 34„s 1 LUX (256 OFFI LIQUID DETERGENT 2,1 MOMS PARCHMENT MARGARINE 4420-$1 .k4;. LANCIA' SPAGHETTI, SPAGHETTINI OR MACARONI a.9c 118/1811101/ INCOlinh 441 ONO'S FACELLE MODERNE (BATHROOM TISSUE °kg ''' l JAM FILLED BUNS jlt 4 5 CHICKEN PORK, AND 'VEAL BAKE • . )P°:'' 85, SHAKEN BA 'GLIDE-A-MAT1C 'FOLDING $91. BAR B 0 GRILL . *pea MOTHER PARKER'S $ 159 INSTANT COFFEE ' .1.7' . P ATV) ALL WEATHER , $ 1 9ac1 , CASUAL TABLES lea. PUSS 'N BOOTS (ASSORTED VARI ETI ES) ' „oz.c I CAT FOOD ems 39 " ESS° ' 32 05.' 31I BAR II 0 LIGHTER cal ' UNSCENTED OR REGULAR SOFT & DRY ANTI pERspiRorr 9ftc DEODORANT • . • 5 az. . on 7. MCCAIN FROZEN FANCY 2 .,,„..55 GREEN BEANS Only bag BRIGHTSIDE REGULAR OR DRYb5 ,. .0 09c SHAMPOO MI.. _ HIGICNERKFROZEN .'' 2 oz. 431 1 • a FISH A . . *E . • i INSECT REPELLENT -5I,,L 99 . . CL SKIN! ;16 o CHEES INGERSO E. SPREAD ILK ' iat z 59 'LEEDS IS VARIETIES 2 1 lb, 89c ASSORTED. CANDIES '"gs• THE 6 0 INGERSOLL BABY CHEESE ''l°. • 19 ,LOIN _ J9ixio , . priattilSORret fOT, fed telotIvair TOW' DT at, cal* plata staieetiocii 'toe ReiVioR IR)OACOtOOR , U.S.110.1 RED 'RIPE WATERMELON -.EACH CANADA FANCY APPLES U. isEibLESS GRAPES NEW. P TATOES 99' 59' 89 10 LB. BAG 294 CANADA N?.l HOT HOUSE . CUCUMBERS EACH CAUTONNIA. SUNKIST ORANGES DG= 9 "YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT THAT TABLETRIM MEAT" IT'S PERSONALLY SELECTED • .ONE SHOUL I' tHSLINALLT SLI-CL.. I DU TABLE -READY TRIMMED PRIME RIB 'ROAST . , ,,to 2th rib T )4‘ _ _ _, , 1 SHORT ' ROAST RIB ' 0 lb. CUT EXTRA lbIb . : ..,STEAKS 69 THICK CHUCK " , lb. . 4. . 14.1/. INII.C.,. I V•111,11•41e - iolt BARBECUING. ' C SHOULDER CUT SEMI BONELESS SWISS -STEAKS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED GRADE "A" FRESH BROILER Fresh Turkeys 6 to 10 lb. size. CANADA 2 FRESH CHICKENS GRADE "A" FRYING to 315 lb. size :, GP .. LAMB - -,711179..b I 1,;,EWRINZGEALA • BCtIELESS.BLADE REMOVED IMPERIAL .OVEN ROASTS ND. , CANADA PACKERS ' DEVON SLICED COOKED f 6 oz. 49. HAM vac pac WRNS SWEET PICKLED c COTTAGE ROILS vs 49b. CANADIAN SMOKED BACK BACON b).99g . II s i!,6, I PRIMROSE FROZEN 4 Oz. $4' 99 BEEF BURGERS i'?,„'',. . TOP VALU WIENERS I ID. '575c „FROZEN 919, PORK TENDERLOIN'S' lb. BON E L E SS SAVI3V- ". r STEAKS OR ROASTS . 16:99 - • FRESH OR SMOKED HAM SLICES lb. 9„ NEW ZEALAND 16. LAMB CHOPS. '89 FRESH FOR ROASTING, SHANK PORTION lEG OF PORK lb:49c INCH - S. M. vELUXEPlUA a , 7 c _ BURNS ' ma. 1101 DOG WIENERS 1 tb• JT NEW ZEALAND LAMB SHOULDER CHOPS .19( Uatu-Pak FAPAILY RUB CUJB 6 Or BASKET • TOP VALU TOMATO KETCHUP TOP VALU FROZEN WHITE OR PINK UBBY'SkIALVEi OR SLICES YOU ALWAYS DO BETTER WITH IGA'S FAMOUS MONEY SAVING.— 'THE HURON XPosiTOR,,P,woRTK. oti; JUNE :11q140115 News of WS ten Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall HON read the, scripture: followed by Mrs. Mac Sholdice ,giving the meditation, "Unattended . Gard- ens". The offering was received followed by hymn 500 "Take Time to be Holy". Mrs, Sholdice closed the devotional part of the meet- * ing with prayer. -N-eaff-" ilymnary" was taken from the booklet "Rapport" and given by Mrs, Walter Bewley. She en- lightened the group with many answers to questions regarding the new Hymn Book. There are it 500 hymns included in this book and half of them are copied from the old hymnary, the remaining half being newly published hymns and older hymns that were never printed in the last hymnary forty years ago. The meeting was turned over , to the President, Mrs. Erni-ner- % son Mitchell for the business. She thanked all who had taken part in the devotions. The sec- retary, Mrs. W. C. Hackwell read • the minutes, followed by 18 mem- bers answering the Rea Call. Everyone was invited to Family Sunday at the United Church Camp at poderieh on June 27. Plans pertaining to forthcom- ing showers were discussed and the 'supper committee gave out new menu prices. The Copper Contest leaders, Mrs. Ron Bennett and Mrs. Jim Clark,' reported on their total proceeds of the evening with Mrs, Bennett's Side having the highest number with all members ',accounted for and Mrs. Clark's side the lowest with 5 members not accounted for. Mrs. Mac Shol- dice gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Ray Huether concluded la the evening as pianist when hymn 501 "Will your anchor hold" was sung and Mrs. Mitchell closed . the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by Mrs. Ron Bennett, Mrs. Jim Clark and. Mrs. Ralph Traviss. 8TH AND 16TH UNIT The, June meeting of the 8th and 16th Unit was held • at the , home • of Mrs. Don Fraser on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Harold Bolger opened the Meeting ;with the ar‘C all to Worship" and Hymn 163 "Christ is made the sure foundation' was. a read •in.upiaon followed by prayer and a. poem by Mrs. Bolger. Ten members answered the Roll Call by naming a ',Man of the Bible" and there was 'one guest present. ' , The Scripture taken from Romans 12;1-5 and 10'44 was , * read hy Mrs. hol,ger. The Topic, "Why join the church" and an article "ort-Hyrn is was given by Mrs. Alvin McDonald. A poem "The Weaver" was, read by-Mrs. Bolger and two Verses of Hym 1 164 "The. Church''S,One Founda- tion" 'were sung. Mrs. Bolger a conducted a contest, "Man of the bible and Occupation". Mrs. • Don McDonald took charge of the ,'bitsinas portion. A tars will go to VisitOrs Day at Alma College, August 11th if there are enough interested. Let- ters are to be written , to the • student minister in New- foundland. The centre Sectional meeting is to be , held October 15th in Hayfield United Church. Lunch was served by Mrs. Jim Fritz, Mrs. Ken McDonald and ' the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Traviss Mrs. Mac Sholdice, Murray and honoured their daughter, Linda,. Sandra. The Keys have been who gradnated as a Registered holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Nurse on Thursday from the St. James Keys, R.R.1, Seaforth. .„ Mary's Hospital School of Nur - Miss Judy Clark of London I" lag, Kitchener. She was a - spent a few days at the home of uate of the Seaforth Distr High Mr. and Mrs, Harold Smalldori: - School and Walton Public School. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ryan and The graduation dinner was family visited relatives in Wood- ' held at the Queen's Hotel, Brus- stock. ,_ _ sels. Friends and relatives from Mr. and Mrs.. Ken "McDonald the Walton area were; Mrs. Rua- and Karen McDonald moterred to 0 sell Marks; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sparrow Lake near Minden where Marks; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Trait- Karen began duties for the sum- iss; Mr. andMrs. Walter Bewley; mer months. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bennett; Mr. Misses Connie Coutts and and Mrs. Howard Hackwell; Mr. Sharon Marke took part in the and Mrs. Doug Kirkby; Mr. and Seaforth High School Band when Mrs. Graham Sholdice; Mr.and they entertained in Clinton-at the Mrs. Alex Gulutzen Jr.; Miss annual spring fair. O Rosemary Blake and Miss Mary Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Clark, of Bewley of London; Mr. and Mrs. London visited on Monday at the Lawrence Marks of Exeter and home of Mr: and Mrs. Jim Clark. Mrs. Olive Traviss of Seaforth. Mr;.anci Mrs. Bob Humphries, Kathy and Jim of London visited WALTON UNIT U.C.W. with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hum- The ' Walton Unit of he phries mid Kim. U.C.W. met in the basement'ot„ Mr. and Mrs. John Manh, Clariton,p.,nd Mr. and Mrs.31elson Marks and family e visited at the home of Mrsr.' Russell Marks. Visiting Mrs. Maude Learning on Saturday was Miss Margaret Cumming of Toronto and on Sunday evening was Mr. Orval Holmes of Fairbanks, Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. William Tham er visited with Mr. and Mors.Oordon oe aa, . Al's on TraViss, atamillon, Spans Fo • u, r Reis of Goderich. : holidayed with her' grandparents, - ' Visiting Mr. and Mrs, hob . Generations Mr, and Mrs. Herb, TraviSs. . Smith and family of Moncrief , nesday evening for their June meeting. Mrs. Earl Watson opened the meeting with the Call to Wor- ship, followed with singing hymn 579 "We plough the fields, and scatter" with Mrs. W.C. Hack- well as pianist. Mrs. Watson Duff's United Church on Wed-. ;bliss • Is Dinner Honor New - Reg N Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Keys, Brian and Heather of Winches- • G'at 'hering • Four generations of the Wilson family gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson, R.R.1, Walton on Sunday. Shown here surrounding Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson of Guelph is their son Harold Wilson (centre rear) his daughter,--Mrs. Marilyn Smith (left)(rear) with her family Cherryl, Brian, Ronald, Terry and Darryl and his-son Aubrey with Tammy, Kathy and Donald. (Staff Photo) 7* honk You We also wish to thank those firms who indicated their 'interest in our work experience program but were unable to take an active part in it this year. The Commercial Department at.$Paforth District High School, wishes to express sincere thanics to the f011ewirlg A rPA.4-1,r-111 t r-OCIPlatiOli-44—th-O—rOent • work experience program. were Mr. and Mrs. Murray .• Snith, Kevin and Lorie of Wal- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Doug.. Smith and family of Hamilton.' Misses Mary Bewley, Sandra Watson and Helen Searle, nurses- in-training at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, spent the weekend at the home of their parents in the community. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ennis of Whitby were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thompson of Burling- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sholdice and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hackwell, all from Walton. Walton, and McKillop children registered at the Walton Public School for kindergarten in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Hack- well, Blaine and 'Craig visited recently in Brussels with. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Long. Linda ,Traviss and Roy Gingerich spent the week end at the home of Mi, and Mrs. Ralph Traviss. Mrs. Gary Goodman, Andrew and Erin are holidaying at the home ,of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shortreed. Mr. Goodman of Ottawa will join them on Wednesday, for a few days visit before they all return home the following week. Jeffery Hackwell visited Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and family of Constance. Mr. and Mra. Mac Sholdice, Murray and Sandra were recent visitors 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Keys; Seaforth. Miss Sherrill Craig spent the , week end' with• her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig and at- tended Janet ahortreed's shower on Saturday evening in Walton Church. Congratulations' to Mk . and Mrs. Jim Bosman, R.R.1, Walton on the arrival of their baby daughter, Tracy Leanne, June 3, 1971 at Listowel Memorial Hos- pital. 'Visiting Mrs. Mac 'Engel of Cranbrook were Mr. and Istrq. Gilbert Smith,' McKillop' Town- ship, Miss Christine Engel and David Bosma n of Woodstopk. Mr. and Mrs. Don' Dennis, Wingham, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dennis, Moncrief and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dennis and family, Walton. Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Coutts and Gordon McGavin visited recently with -Mrs. McGavin who has been a patient in Westminster Hospital. Mrs. Ruth Huether of Emus- kels spent a recent week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether. Gary Bennett, London, spent the week end With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bennett. Rev. and Mrs. Robinson of Godericla visited recently, with Mrs. Maude Leeming. Mr. and Mrs. John Thamsr, Tony and Jason of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thamer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin and 'family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' McGaVin on the weekend when Mrs. McGaViri was home. She 'returned to hospital for further treatment. Mr. and Mrs. •Allan McCall - and Beverly were dinner guests On Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs. John A. Perrie, David and Leslie neap Cranbrook. Mrs. Richard Porter, Wood- stock, visited her mother Mrs. Thomas Hackwell, while Mr. Sorter Was attending PoliceCol- lege In Toronto. - Mr. and Mrs. Howard Deane of Toronto spent the Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hue- ther, Steven and John.,,Mrs.beane attended Janet S'hortreed's shower on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bennett visited the lather's father, Wm. Bell it Weitminster Hospital, Londe' rt. Harry Scott L. P. flumsteel Commercial Director Principe! MISSION BAND The Mission Hand was held in the basement of the elnireh on Sunday with 32 in attendance. Call to Worship was given by Peggy Dennis, followed by hymn 480 "I am so glad" with Janice' Van Vliet at the piano. Jane Leeming',•gave the secre- ,4 tary's report by Dianne Dennis. The offering was received and dedicated by Peggy Dennis. Classes were formed with the following teachers; Mrs. Mac Sholdice, 'Miss Debbie Wey, Mrs. Ross Bennett and Mrs. Merton Rickwell. • The closing hymn was 614, "When He Cometh" with Debbie Van Vliet as pianist. Mrs. Hilda Sellers, Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Travies and• Gail. 4 It- -was -a--happy -grour Wiaii--- ning four generations that gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson, R.R.1, 'Walton on Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson of Guelph, who are over 80 years of age, motored to their son's place, Harold Wilson, where their granddaughter, , Mrs. Marlyn Smith of R.R.1, Walton also came with her husband Mervin and her five children, Brian, Ronald, Terry, Darryl 4nd Cherryl. Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson's grandson, Aubrey Wilson,, of Bradford, Ontario came with his wife Gail and his three children, Donald, Kathy and Tammy.