HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-09-18, Page 5THE ANCHOR `HOUSE.
Our shop is literally packed from cellar
to garret, with seasonable ;and fashion-
able new fall goods, We cannot even
attempt to give a description of them,
but we extend a most cordial invitation
,,to all intending purchasers to call upon
us and so afford us the pleasure of dis-
playing our goods and describing
their many excellent qualities,
Stacks of now Boots and Shoes from
,the best makers in Canada, and our
pripes are hitrd to beat,
When you want Sugars, you had better,
bring a grain bag along, for we are still
selling 18 pounds of granulated,20 pounds
oftcoffee and 22 pounds of yellow for a
Ferguson, seconded by Giraham, that
that Were be no action taken in refer.
once to altering School Sections
petitioned for last meeting—Carried.
Moved by Nay,seconded by Ferguson,
that the Clerk notify the owners of
lots 6 and 7, ooh 5, to clean out ditch
forthwith across their property --Car.
ried. Received from Carrick Connell
$8,25, being half burial expense of
vagrant at l3emore. Accounts passed
—,Paul Doig, $2,40, for gravel ; \111u
McKercher, $2.34, for gravel; W S
Bean, $l0, clothing for Birtch boy ; J
Winter, $2,88, gravel; J Stewart,
$8.70, for gravel; 1! Donaghy, $13.40,
charity to Wm Shaw ; J Granger, 50
cents, for repairing bridge; Wm Weir,
$2, for repairing bridge, lox 15, 'con A;
Win Dane, $5, sideline 5 and 6, con 7;
Wm Montgomery, $1.80, for repairing
bridge, lot 12, con 12 and 18 ; James
Spence, $9.75,for gravel; J W Spence,
$2,40, for gravel ; Wm Pyke, $3.75,
for gravel; 0 Bayler,$1,50, for gravel;
C Bogers,$1.26,for rapairing Sotheran
bridge ; R Caudle, $23.20, for gravel-
ling on Howlett and Minto boundary ;
R Greenaway, $21.45, for gravelling
Howick and Minto boundary; A Hood,
$13.75,for dumping gravel on Howick
and Minto boundary ; C Hubbard,
$14.10, for gravelling on sideline,5 and
6, con 13 ; Thos Douglas, $8.75, for
dumping gravel on sideline 5 and 6,
con 13 ; er Henry, $2,28, for gravel.
Moved by Graham, seconded by Fer-
guson, that the Council do now ad.
journ to meet in the Township Hall,
Gorrie, on the third Wednesday in
Our Teas are daily sounding our
The Eig Brown Anchor.
INOT s0 SLow.—Say Mr Editor, listWen
to the following : A little girl with
whom we are well acquainted, received
the other day a whiping from her ma.
011l my, how she did scream and kick.
Afterwards her ma remarked, "Well,
Addie, I don't think after all that
noise, you were very much hurt."
"No," remarked our little heroine,"but
1 knew if I, did not "ky" a lot you
ould whip I all the more." We rather
appreciated her wit.
Woarcir SHALL IT BE ?—Say. Mr
Editor, yours truly is in a queer pre-
dicament, on this the 15th inst, the
reason being,he does not know whether
to take in the great Northwestern Ex-
hibition, Wingham, or to spend a day
or two at either of the minor ones of
Toronto or London,of course he knows
his presence would be more apprecia-
ted at the latter two, as every one in
such small places helps to swell the
COME.—The Salvation Army Officers
are going to have a "big go" during
the Clinton Fair. Officers, staff offi-
cers and soldiers from all over the
Dominion will be there. It will wind
up with a big banquet, at which all
will be made welcome.
. A. ztcT:—Last week, a large six:
story and this week, a five story wed.
ding',cake left Young's bakery, at the
W Ila GFIAll1 111AltIcla8.
Wtselisrs, September 17, 1801.
Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer, r6o to 2 75.
Flour per ZOO lbs,
ball Wheat per bushel, . 90 to 9u.
Spring 85 to 90
Oats, • • , 35 to 40
Barley . 40 to 50
Peas, = 00 to 05
Butter, tub • - 10 to
do Rolls, . 12 to
Eggs per dozen 11. to
Wood per cord, 1 50 to
Hay per ton, 7 50 to
Potatoes, • • 05 to
All parties indebted to William B,idd,.
either by note or book account, will
please call and pay the same to ane atonce,
as they, have been placed in my hands
for collection.
12 Wingham, Jure 180).1891,
1 70
8 00'
September next—Carried.
War. DANE, Tp Clerk.
A storm of wind and rain passed
through the northern part of this town-
ship on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock,
which will not soon be forgotten. It was
of the nature of a cyclone, tearing up
trees by the roots, etc. Mr S Nay,, our
esteemed deputy reeve, was the greatest
sufferer from it destructive ravages. The
roof was completely torn from his fine
new barn, a rafter striking one of his
horse's legs and breaking it obliging him
to shoot the animal. About every tree
in his orchard was torn out by the roots,
some fowl and pigs killed, &c. In short,
$500 would not cover his loss. Several
other buildings were unroofed in the
course of the storm, but the losses were
not so severe.—Miss Jennie Booth, of
Aylmer, Ont,who has been visiting at the
home of Mr Ed Cooper during the past
week, has returned home.—Miss Carrie
Magee,nurse in the Home for Incurables,
Toronto,is rusticating at the home of her
parents, on the 2nd line. -.-Mr T Hicks
has been engaged as teacher in Cooper's
school for the coining year. He is at
present attending the Mount Forest
Model School. --A young couple, Mr and
Mrs ivIeLeod, ;started -out the other day
on a missionary begging career and "I
give you not one schnuff," was so very
any intention of taking a
Business Course, This Season ?
The Fovea Eit j Bu i4e0$ Golleage
would like to correspond with you.
J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
r X11' zd, i Growing
North End. But you know Sir, pec- •disheartening that they gave up the en-
terr size.
pie will marry, will they not ? in most And, O I the missionary scene,
of our lives there are three great
stages, viz : our birth, our wedding,
and our death.
nesday, quite a few Orangemen at••
tended the Orange picnic held in Bay.
field, our fine dram and fife band
giving good music upon the occasion.
Mrs George Herrington and three
bonnie children, were zenewing old
acquaintances in Clinton this week.
She speaks in high terms of their pres.
ent home, the city of Guelph. -
Mrs Stemin, of your town, was visit-
ing friends in Clinton the latter part
• of last week, but in her estimation
there is no place like the "Maitland
Ald Andrews is this week taking in
the sights of Toronto. He expecte
before his return, to visit the Falls
and #Buffalo.
The S A. officers, in charge of the
Clinton Corps, are this week attending
the big go in Toronto.
The council met in Brown's hotel
Was that not quite enough
To keep their memories fresh and green,
"I give you not one schnuff.".
Fordwich, August 19th, 1891, pur-
suant to adjournment ; members all
present. The Reeve in the chair. The
minutes of last meeting read and ap-
proved. Letter from Wm J Gilpin's
solicitor in reference to hole dug Hopi,
posite lot 14, eon, 4 ; no action taken
as premises have been inspected and
no damage done. Moved by Ferguson,
seconded by, Johnston, that Henry
Willits, Pathmaster,,receive $5 to pay
account- for .14ire of shovellers—Car-
riod. Moved by Johnston, seconded
by Nay, that John Robertson be paid
$55.45 for printing Voters' Lists and
express on the same and it be deducted
out of Thos Nash's contract—Carried.
Moved by rerguson, seconded . by
Graham, that I3 Dirntey receive $10
as oharity,he being indigent --('tarried.
Moved by Johnston, seconded by Nay,
that the Reeve and Treasurer take the
necessary steps to procure the Land
improvement Fund- Oarried.112oved
by Nay, seconded by Graham, that
the Reeve and Clerk take the news.
sary steps to renew rtailway Deben.
tures maturing 31st December next,
and that thele will not be money on
hand to redeemtarried, 1Vloved by
—The TIMES will be sent to new sub-
scribers from now till the 1st of January,
1892, for 25 cents.
e M
l rE'::r
become listless, frol.ful, tv!:;;gilt enor-
gy, thin anti Woifik.. Fortify) and build
them ui', hY the els of
iiSiJ L�fl
WI,, -,:q.:), t"'1„hlgeioci: t�' : i
Of XJinr o noes.!
Palatable as Milk. Ao A PIZEI,;,r^,'i; S L*"'
CURE OF COORS OR Cf7.9;.''i, ,!i ;;;;'ill
THE OLD AND iriill!li'.,, IT 13 1.1;:tri;.'ll,L%D.
Genuine made by Scott 11 hiwa^, 1,nrvilll.
Salmon Wrapper. ;it OtI Crue9irt•, Vie, aaJ
Executors' Notice to Creditors.
THE Creditors of Catherine Tamer Smith, late
of the Township of Morris,in the Comity of
Huron, who died on or about the twenty-eighth day
of July last past, andel' others Raving claims against
her estate, are hereby notified to send by post, pre-
paid, or otherwise deliver to R. Vanstone, Wtngham,
Solicitor for the undersigned Executors of the estate
and effects of the said deceased, on or before the
21st day of September, A. D. 1801, their christiau
names and surnames, addresses and deseription, the
full particulars of their claims, a statement of their
accounts, and the nature of the secureties (if any)
held by them; and in default thereof,and immediate-
ly after the said 21st day of September, A. D. 1801,
the assets of the said Catherine Turner Smith, de-
ceased, will be distributed amongst tbo parties on.
titled thereto, having regard only to claims of
which nottee shall have been given as Abby required
and this notice being given under the provisions of
Revised Statutes of Ontario, chap 110, sec. 30, the
Exeeutors will not bo liable for the said assets, or
any part thereof, to pny person of whose claim
notice shall net have been received by them, er their
said Solicitor, at the time of such distribution.
R. VANSTONE, Join; A. McEwoN, 1 Executors.
Solicitor, IlionAlto Holo, f
Dated at Wing haun this 25th day of August, 1801.
The apples are not as abundant as
last year in this section. However,
plums and other fruit are plentiful.—
Hunting has begun and now our sur-
rounding woods are echoing with yelp-
ing hounds and the report of fatal
shots.—Messrs Andrew Mitchell, Day.
Wallace. John Copeland and Robert
Hastings, left Last Tuesday morning for
Toronto to take in the exhibition.—
Mrs J Roe and Mrs J Scott are visiting
friends in Toronto and Soarboro. They
also intend taking in the exhibition'—
Mrs Isaac Metcalf is at present in
Manitoba visiting her daughter.—We
are sorry to learn of the serious illness
of Mrs Muir, sr.
—The Tarns will be sent `to new sub-
scribers from now till the 1st of January,
892, for 25 cents.
who are not particularly anxious
to have to call in au under-
taker to think about.
Wishes to intimate to the people of fivingbain and
vicinity, that he has commenced the Butchering
Business again, and has opened out in 00O1dbtand
a few doors North of the Rrunswiek house,.
Whore ho w111 keep a freest stock Of
And ther Mee which he will sell cheap.
Moats delivered to any part of the town.
rho Patronage of the publie elicited.
All parties indebted. to E. R. Talbot,
either by note or book account, will
please call and pay the same to me at once,
as they have been placed in my hands
for collection.
Winghaml Juno 18th,18 31,
I have been a great sufferer from female weakness
of long standing, and, have beon treated by several
physicians and also '.been under' treatment in the
Toronto General Hospital, and all failed to euro me.
I saw a medieal book explaining the Histogenetic
System, and resolved to give it a trial. 1 consulted
Dr, Roar, who prescribed these remedies, assured
me they would cure me. I had my doubts, but was
determined to try once more. I took treatment two
weeks, and ani utterly astonished at the results. I am
nearly wsll,and no language can describe how thank.
ful I ani that my life is spared. This testimony is
voluntary, and I give it hoping that hundreds of my
sex may try the medicines and receiyelthesanie mar -
v ellous good that I have. They are good to take, and,
unlike any medicine I ever took before, leave no bad
102 John Street, Toronto.
I was attacked with congestion of the liver and in-
flammation of the kidneys attended with excru-
ciating pains in my side and back.. Could not lie on
either side— could scarcely breathe. The slightest
movement caused agonizing pain. Nothing gave me
relief. I sent for Dr. Rear,knowing he had cured my
daughter of a dangerous illness with Histogenetic
Medicine after she had been given up by four skillful
physicians. In one week my pain was gone arid liver
and kidneys acting as well as ever. The cure iscom-
plete. It nets the most like magic of any medicine
I over tools. I sincerely hope that the suffering ladies
of Toronto and elsewhere may try the superior merits
of the pure and tasteless medicines. My object in
giving this 'testimony is purely through slmpathy
for the sick and dying.
00i- Adelaide St. east, Toronto
Our representative will bo at
Wednesday,- October the lth,
10 a. in. to 4.30 p. in. for the convenience of Wing-
ham patients.
Consultation Free.'
jIistogenetie Medicine 110'n,
Rooms 2 and 3 Albion Block, Richmond street, Lon-
don, and 10 Yongo Street Market Toronto,
Mention IVinghaur Times.
Montreal and Quebec,
T° Derry or Liverpool.
CABIN, $50 to 580. According to Steamer
and location of Stateroom.
Intermediate -and Steerage at low rates,
via Londonderry,Sf4t. ivy Fortnight.
CARIN,t,36 and upwards. 1te ern, 565 and upwards.
Steerage at low inns.
Apply to 1I, 8e A. ALLAN, Montreal, or
HDN>Ct DAVrS, Wiru niw.
After rain. on you for-'
eighteen, years, I have sold
out my business to GEO.
F. KING, as most of you are
GEORGE is well and fa-
vorably known to you all,
and I most respectfully solicit
for him the liberal patronage
you have bestowed on me in
the past. "
Farewell to my old cus-
JAS® 1v►7 00
These wood furnaces are the best in the market
to -day, and will be sold at rock bottom prices.
Mill and Gent ral Repairs atter
. to promptly.