HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-09-18, Page 3When Tourer Ken stet A1oug. dung :igen who complani of hard work and small pay 'may profitably consider the beginnings of the suction. fol men around thorn, In 1815, two young pressmen were at work in New York, side by side, printing a quarto edition of Scott's Family Bible, They worked with a will, for bath were men of the stamp that naturally boss and tale the world. They were at the office, No 49 John atresit, as early on the summer morning as they eould see, and did ouethird of their day's task before breakfast, By their steady industry they each tnanaged to earn twelve or thirteen dollars a week, and before long they were in business for themselves. One of those young men was ex -Mayor James Harper, and the other was Thurlow Weed, who became so powerful in the political world. There were plenty of men in the office as capable, to all appearance, as .they were. .Tlturloyv Weed explains 'lit a few words, why many of them ived and died poor men, and those few lines can be oondensed into a few words, such as : Eleven &cicck beer, treating all arouud,tiek at the grocery, and mortgaging their weekly earnings. 'English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood .Spavin, Spiii ts,.Ring Bono, Sweeney,Stifies,Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle, Warranted the most wooded Blemish Cure ever knowi,. Sold by W. B. Towler. Grunts. Hogs are going to help lift the mortgages now. The nimble penny' for the farmer is found in a good stock of hogs. �rIn no;liind of stock does a little good'.blood. tell more than in swine, Brood Sows` must have attention before farrowing as well as after" Have as much method . in the man- agement of your hogs as you have in anything you do. Luck is a poor tbing to trust to if- . you f•`you want to make the most out of your investments in hogs. It should ,particularly interest the breeders of purebred hogs,' for upon then will .eventually accrue' the greatest benefit. The diet of the brood sow should be different from that of the other hogs, therefore they should be kept in sep, grate apartments. r'Ort Note the difference in prices be.. ween selected and lower grades of bogs on the fat stock markets. This difference may represent the profit or loss in the hog business on your farm. — [Stockman and Farmer. Is simply epidemic Influenza ; Wilson's WildCherry will cure it safely and quickly, Get the genuine, in white wrappers only, and use it as direeted for Influenza. Banana Shortcake, Bunana•shortcake can be made, at least first cousins to strawberry short - „cake, too good for •anything. One' pint of flour, one lame teaspoonful baking powder; one thick cup shorten- ing made moist with milk. Slice. ,bananas in the proportion of three or four to one orange, grate the best of the yellow orange rind, and rnix`witil one cup of sugar. Split freshly bak- ed cake, butter and fill with the pre- pared fruit. Four teaspoonfuls of sweet cream beaten stiff is a great addition. The white of an egg can be beaten with it, and sweetening and flavor added. Girib, it Isn't Always Wise, To be extremely familiar with those in your service at one time and arrogant at another. To come to the conclusion that stubbornness is strength of will when it is usually strength of 'temper. To be very positive that, teoause b, you are sisters or Very intimate friends, a small question of money makes no difference. To say a cruel word and then sup- pose that a kiss hastily brushed over a tearstained' face will make every- thing as it was before. To perfectly hate anti perfectly adore people . without any special reason.—Boar. r. -r • AcVenl Rules for Warh>,nig Vlannele• 1 An KOA. (dere are seven ruice for,tho proper washing of flannels; 1. Use warns water in which sufl• cieut soap has been dissolved.. 2, Wash thoroughly in tins, 3. Rjnso in clean, warm water twice, 4. Wring out and clean ofrall soap. 5. Dry quickly. 6. Do not let the in the water ,either washing. 7. Do not use powder, shake well to flannels remain before or after soda or any washing London Free Press; A peculiar dis- ease is prevalent among the horses in Colchester, The symptoms of the disease are the inability of tlreanirnal to swallow, followed by total paralysis of the esophagus, with stiffening of the joints. The most disagreeable feature of the case is the horrible stench arise ing from the deceased animals for some time previous to, their death. The doctors made an examination of some of them and found that the oesophagus and coating of the stomach were in- flamed and the liver slightly diseased, The tongue on being cat open was found to be in a decomposed condition, and mortification must have begun sometime prior to death The people of the United, States spent $600,000,000 in tobacco in 1890. There is a horse gar line in Mexico which is seventy-two miles in length, Doctors say that the left leg is us- ually stronger than the right. The smelt is a small fish in the water, but rery large fish are often smelt in Summer, Rosalind—Are you engaged already? Beatrice—No, but I'm ready to be en, gaged. i What is that out there in the water? It's the bell -buoy. Why, it's ringing wet ! Contrary to the proverb, the lawyer who proves himself a necessity usually knows some law. There are not many offices that seek the men, but a good many of them are looking for pretty,stenographers. Blinks : I saw a man turn pale and retnble today at the mention of the American Navy. Blinks : Eh ! Was be a foreigner? Blinks : No ; he be, longs to the marines and he can't swim. Silence is gold ; chin music is cheap. Births exceed the deaths by three every minute. Whisky lowers the man and raises the devil. Berlin, with 1,315,600 people, has only 26,800 dwellings. A sewing machine works twelve times as fast as the hand. Miss Clara—Horrors ! What in the world are you doing ? Maid—Pilin' up these books,ma'ain. Mis Clara—Oh, you stupid, stupid thing ! You are not fit to he in a re- spectable family. Those are my novels. Maid— Yes' m. Miss Clara—Oh, how eould you ! You're enough to drive anyone wild. Don't you know that some of them I've read and some of them I haven't? Maid—Yes, rha'am. • Miss Clara—And here you've mixed them ail up so I can never separate them. Dear matnma, may I have the piece of cake you left on the bureau ? I'll be awful good. Yes, you tuay go, take it. But I Gantt you see I knew you would let lice, so I've eaten it already. young. old,, or middle aged, who fi11d themselves nervous, week or exhaust- ed, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms : Mental depres- sion, premature old age, loss of vitality, lose of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emission, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headake, pimples on the face or body, itching or peoular seesatiorh about the scrotum:, waisting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the.eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenaernes of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing,'loss of voice, desire for solitude, excita- bility of temper, sunken eyes sur rounded with LEADEN CIRCLE,, oily looking skim, etc., are all symptoms Of nervoys debility that led to ieanity 'and dead useless cures. The sprung or vital power having Lost its tension every function wanes in consequence, Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may. be permanentely cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. T. LUBAN, 50 Front St. E., Toronto, Ont. Tooks sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, not flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart heat quicker than the first, pain about' the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address 117. y. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. (), P. It. TIMET TABLE. Trains arrive and depart as follows : LEAPING ARRIVING 5;35 0, m ...... ....For Toronto ..........5:35 a. m. 2:00 p. to 2:00 p.m e:o0 p. m For Tecswater 2:00 10. 5 p. !u " 10:55 ' GRA. IbT D TP;-CTNK .R'Yta A. C. STRATSIDEE, Aoisnn, WINGiina,, ' Through tickets to all points in America—North. West, Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. —TIME TABLE. LEAVE WINGIIAM, ARRIVE AT WIN01IAM, 0:30 a,nt.Toronto,Guelph,Palmerston, &e. 3:31 p.m, 11:10 " ,,., " 3:20 p.nt. " Clinton, " 7:35 " Palmerston, Mixed 1100:3:250a.: . 0:45 amLondon, &o 1100 " 3:20 p.m. i :3050 p.agm. a11:10 a., Kincardine, &o ..... .07::3500 : n. 3:01p'm 11:10" 10.20 i:10 A•m lernmai INSTRUCTIONS , . AND • WAN, ALSO CLASS IN ARNONY, For particulars gardiug terms, etc, please call at my home, cor • F -neis and Patrick streets. FLGRILLA SPARLING, PIAN H. DAVIS IS OFFERING MOINT JY ' A.T-LILL PROPERTY AT VERY LOW RATES. SES 131M OFFICE—OPPOSITE THE MARKET, WINGIIAM OCTOBER 4'rII, 1383 Property for Sale in Belmore. The 'undersigned oilers for sale a desirable pro perty in the village of Balmer°, consisting of a good dwelling 'mute, office, stable and driving shed, with one acre and a.half of Mand in connection. Splendid garden, with all sorts of fruit trees. Will be sold at a bargain, For particulars, apply to FREDERICK COOK, Delmore. BANK OF HAMILTON, WINGHAM. Capital, ,$1,20000. Rest, $600,000. President— 011N STUART, Vico•President--A, G. Ramsay. DIRECTORS Ions Poona, CnAs, GvnNEY, Ono 11OAen, A. VVoon, A. B. Len (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank--Ilours,10 to 3 ; Saturdays,10 to Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at Current rates Of interest. prafs on Great Britain arid the United States bought and sold B. 'WILLSON, AGENT, MBTBR & DICIi;INSO11', Solicitors. tl mentwaZ2eingLasintrleateroamkauatinaase4cogandoraw" '0 TUB :e•anT( Please inform your readers that I have a pesitive remedy for the above + + - iseiist. ,,By. its timely use tb 1usands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. r glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any ofour readers who have e",) A enption If they twill send me their .Express and Post Ottee Address, Respeettuil, 4.8i.O0UM• M.O'.* IRO Welt* Ado,ahio 8t.* TORONTo, ONTARIO* ire 97_ Cash Sale it ,INEIDDS z �v G IT A 1\f, Is offering Goods ., t 'educed priced for cash. Every- person looking for Goods away clown below regnlai' prices for eassb please give us a call before purchasing lsewhere. If you want to save money and guy cheap Goods, call at inspect our reduced prices. PRINT , PRINTS, PRINTS, OliE PER THAN THE CU +'AP.ES'l', We have the large t stock of Prints. in town and the fanciest pat- terns to choose from Please call and examine our Prints. We have about t o hundred REMNANTS to sell at a great reduc- tion in price. I In great variety of pat erns and in all the novelty shvdos. Call and.., see our table of Cheap I)ress Goods We are . tiling at Half Price: Do not miss his chance to secure big bargains. Cheap Muslins, r heap Flouncings, heap Shaliies, Cheap R .ousings, and any quantity of patt, rns to choose from, 5 'all and see our 0 TT in Ladies'•and Children's. .have sill a tew big bargains selling 0 7 e have been selling-- them very fast, but o offer in the above' lines, in fact we are Everything in Q Price So if you are looking for Big stock. No trouble to show good. r Store at Reded ler r rgains please call and examine ou 100,000 Pounds Wool anted in Exchange for Goods or Cash . ' the Cash Store. T. A. MILLS, FOR THE BEST VALUE --- IN ORDERED CLOTHING, —GO TO STE"'S HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COL ARS, CUFFS, Cheap for KASH. .AT-- TT -- : VT F I S T E R' S krei (Jwv1u- &c. Has removed to E..F. Gerster's cld stand, where he has a large an nicely assorted stock of • atchega Cluks, Xeweltery, Silvorwan and Which he is selling away down in price, and will he pleased to have you call and take a look through his Stock. Repairing a S .)eej a:li y wzA11 work warranted and done \promptly. Ed. DinS1ev, as° s Block