HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-09-11, Page 801NDOO,. l —A promotion T xa it rr iu the Wingilaru lubli schools about the Brat of October. Men'si fall suits and fall overcoats ars --One of Edison")) cno;,raphs or talk- ing machines will be o exhibition: at the now ready forinsltec+tion, Nothingflner, Wingham Fair on epteriber 99th and nothing nicer has ever be shown in the eeth. town, Gentlemen who always have —At the meeting o be Coauoil ou kion• day evening 'eat' Dr -iisholta was appoint. their clothing mach to measure will be ed Medical Health fficer fer the town of Wingham, Morris. Mr Geo Parker has pere1iasea the Rogeraion "farwn.and has taken posses. sion. .lie gave in part payment his Brussels property. --Mrs Parker, wife of the late Chas Parker, of Bressets, has moved to Sunshine and taken up her resideuee on the old homestead lately vacated by her Son, Mr Geo. PAriker.—Mr and Mrs W Ferguson, of Winghatu, spent Suud$y at the residence of Air s Irwixx.—Ir D Russel has donned his regimentals and gone to, the front (tit St Thomas) along with the Brussels volunteer company. designs, elaborate assortments and by -Boy number five' arrived at the far the lowesf prices in Wingham. residence of Mr Chas Wheeler, a few 4 days ego,and Charlie is. correspondingly happy. Mr John A :McEwen, of the lst eon hits an apple tree in blossom, which is something unusual for this time of year. --al Black, teacher S S No 3,was on the sick list the fore part of last. week.—Mr John A .McEwen has been appointed organizer by the Patrons of Industry Association for the County of Hnron.—Ss;hool. In, speetor Robb is again oti the war•pattt. He says that the Schools, as a general thing, aro,in pretty good condition.— Mr \Vm Tlruell, while going to .Lzrus sets, oue day lately, lost a 'minable horst:, It ;appears that the anirnal stepped upon a piece of hoard, which was lying on the read. The - board tlevv up and penetrated the body to such un extent 'that the horse died almost instantly. 41121 ation will be held recovering from ,an etttick of inflanma• tion of the eyes.--- i'Ir Jos Welwoe*d lrae disposed of his heavy cattle, hay. int; realized handsotnoly on the season's apperattons and he is now about enrltarking in the apple business, -- liereesting has been very tedious, owing to the wet weather, and a great deal of the spring grain has been con- siderably damaged, — Miss Lizzie Harkness, of Windsor, is spending a few weeks with her parents on the Vika con,—Miss Arabell 14oRenzie is home after sojourning for several years. in the west, having been as far as California, Theae are rumors of a hear and wildcat in the neighbor- hood. astonished to find that we can give them a stylish: and well fitting suit and over- coat ready made for the price at a• suit ,, made to order. Also the same value in • .boy's suits and overcoats. Our new stook of hats is now open. 'Ordered clothing. Our new stoele of Tweeds, Worsteds, Overcoatings and Pantings le now in. We have . every- thing that can be desired for 'beauty or variety. Superbb qualities, exquisite Ladies, you should have one of our • German tailor-made mantles, which are rt marvel of tailoring skiU'and are seldom equalled and never surpassed, at M. Pi. Mc'iNDOO'S. es FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER • 11, 1891. LOCAL MM. • —The farmers th ;, week are taking the benefit of the exad.tionally fine weather we have had an' rebusy finishing up their harvest, whior has been hindered by the late rainy w =; er. The We a 1'air. ' The Secretary stn" tractors oi'Canada's Favorite Exhibition • re busy arranging all preliminaries for th- owing Fair, and we are informed that t.' exhibit promises to be -lamer, of better silty, and more in- str=uctive than has b ofore shown. Tlie following am '= ,.timents have been madein the prize list -11o, registration is required inthecarriag- acid roadster horses classes 4 and 5, it hav . g.been ascertained that the stud book hat not been made up for a sufficient time warrant the action previously printed,,,fi, that in classes 13 and 24, the•prize lie Misulis read "Cow, 3 year old and upwar • 'which makes thelmost butter in a three d s' test ontbe grounds,'' instead of "Cow, 3 ,*ear old, vetc." G, In consideration •sof the requirements necessary to maka successful show, special attractions ave been secured at great expense and t ouble, to. amuse and delight the great u tuber of visitors who annually flock to this great Exposition. Among those aired y secured may be men: boned, and imme • se Wild West. Show, grand display• of ft r- orks, baloon races .ani parachute desce • s,fire engine con. test, palace of illusions, a troupe of wonde*r- fiil performing seal and trotting pig, a monster street. par de by the different orders and societies elonging to London, a marvellous Fran . gymnast, cross -cut sawing match, 0dison's phonographs, • fancy pistol and rift • shooting, band con- .eerts, and a host of ethers being' arranged. :ter, London has the=ptitatiotiof.ho'ldinl;.one nithe best fairs in he country, and we fare thoroughly satisfle• „that all who go to see their show will be ell repaid for any -ex. petite and trouble connected therewith. . Fan Fairs. Canada'a Industrial, Toronto, Sept 7 to 19., Zurich, Sept 14 and 15. Hensel', Sept 15 and 16. Goderiehr dept 16 to 18. Western Pair, London, Sept 17 to 20. Guelph L'eetral, Guelph, Sept 22, 23 and 24: r filrlmay, Sept 22nd. Teeswater, Sept 23rd. Centre Bruce, at Paisley, Sept 22 to 24. Mitchell, Sept 23 and 24, Neustadt, Sept 24th and 25th. Exeter, Sept 28 and 29. Paltrterston. Sept 28 Iola 29, Clinton, Sept 28 to 30, Northwestern, Wingham, Sept 20 and 30. 'Berlin. Sept 29 and 30, Huron Township, at Ripley, Sept 20 and Atwood, Sept 20th. Northern, Walkerton, Sept 29 to Oct 2. East 1luron,l'lrussels, Oct 1 dud' 2, Seaforth, Oet 1 and 2. North Perth, Stratford, Oet 1 and 2. • Harriston, Sept 30; to Oct 1. Brussels, Oct 1 and 2. Howiek, at Corrie, Oct 3. x.ondeaborough. Mr Thomas Bell has engaged .with the Snell Brae for the fall fairs to help in showing their 'stook. They have a fine lot of szoelt apd will exhibit at the local fairs and also at London ; and we haste no doubt but as ustal they will carry off `a goodly *unbar of red tickets. ---Geo Newton has commenced shipping his wood from the -station.—. R Adams is shipping all the plums lie can get, which is a good lot, --W L Oaintette is away to Goderieli .attend. ing Court as a witness.—A Wilkin is `opering a fine assortment of fall goods in the boot and aboe lirtsl.—Jas Cola ---The Trains will be sent to new sub- scribers from now till the let of January, 1892, for 25 cents. Public School Work, Following is the list of literature selections for the high sobool entrance Reformations of.1692 lessons IV—The Little Midshipman. " V1I --Boadicea, , "1' XIV^Lament of the Irish Emigrant. daughter. . XVI -,The Humble 13e0. MoI•'LAG'uE—In Culross, on Sept 4th,the X.XI--..'Tis the Last Rose of Summer. XXXTV—Detetll of Little Nell, XXXVII--The Bell of Atri: XLI—Making maple Sugar, XLIX--The Mound Build-, exs. L—Tide Prairies. LXXIX—The Capture of Quebec, I4XXX—Waterloo, LXXXIII--.The Influence of Beauty. LXXXV — Marmion and Douglas. ` XO—Mercy. SELECTIONS AOR MEMORIZATj0N, Lesson XI1I—The Bells of Sliaudon. " XXXI.—fib Mary in Reaven,. "" XL—Ring Out, Wild Belie, XLII- '.uady Clare. ` ' XLVI—Lead,ll;.indly Light. XL 'I—Before Sedan. LXXIII -- The Forsaken Merman, CI1I—To. a Skylark. CV --Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. The copy book to be presented to Cc CS ,i ,1 ,/ 11 fl r/ The plans for the Odd Fellows Temple to be erected in Chioage have been prepared. They .provide for a building as high as the Washington . 1onument, The entire ground space is built, up to a height of 'fourteen stories, Above thisthe building ex -- tends six stories in the form of a square cross, the four spaces at the angles of the main building being left vacant, Above this is a toweresbaped structure fourteen stories high, mak- ing 34 stories altogether with an aggregate height of 556 feet. The estimated Cost is :3,000,006. Pease Oolvott •TzorNAt Nona; WINowA , .—W. H, -Watson, Pastor, Sera vices eaoh Sunday' at 11 a. m.. and 7 Sabbath School at close of Morning Ser. vice. Prayer Meeting every' Wednesday at 7.30 p. en, Seats free, Strangers -wel- come. Morning subject next Sabbath, "Reason --Religion's Ally," Lord's Sup- per after the morning service, Evening; "Two thoilghts from the lesson og the ave. BOEN. DIAMOND ---In Wingham on September Gth, the wife of Mr Wm Diamond ; a tl ' ,1 wife of Mr W MoKague, jr ; a daugh- ter. Bomener—In Teeswater, on Sept 4th, thewife of Mr B Bradley ; a son. RALLAGE--In Oulross, on Sept 8th, the wile of Mr Jas Ballagh ; a daughter. MaLsAIw•• -In Goderieh on the 26th ult, the wife of Capt Wm Me'Lean ; a daugh- ter, Bono --In Turnberry, on Sept $th, the wife of Mr Robt Hogg ; a daughter. 11TARRIED. HARrau---•BAnz,Aorx-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 2nd Inst, by the Rev H McQuarrie,Mr James Harper, Toronto, to Miss Elizabeth :Ballagh, of Turnberry. DIED, ALLEN ,Tri Wingham, sin the 6th inst, Jane, beloved wife of Mr Andrew Allen, aged 62 years. Donn—In Wingham, on the 7th inst, Ella, eldest daughter of Mr Wm Dore, aged 3 years, and 4 months. O, iri nnr,—In Wingham,, on the 2nd Inst, the infant daughter of Mr George Campbell, aged 3 months... Lowrey—In Turnberry, on the 3rd inst, James Lowry, aged 56 years. AnosneALD---In Seaforth, on the 28th ult, John Ratolife, infant son of Mr Jas Archibald, aged 5 months and 6 days. WRIsxsT-Atthe Point Farm,Goderich,. 'on the 2nd Inst, Ellen, beloved wife of 33 Wright, of the Point Farm, aged 50 the examiner by entrance candidates Years. Deceased was .aunt of Mr D is No f', senior feral), of the author- (Sutherland, of this town. ized series, NOTICE T O SUBSCRIBERJ, --The Tiiei s will be sent to new sub scribers from now till the lst of Jauuary, • With this copy of the TIMES we 1882, for 25'csnts. send a large number of accounts. The account's` are small, but amount to several hundred dol- lars in the aggregate. 'We need the money, and would be very 0)000; our butcher, is moving into Jailed at Goderich. town, so as to be more convenient to Detective Murray, of Toronto, ar- the shop since Mr Stephenson hits rived at" Goderich on Friday after" moved. out of the dwelling iii ourinec' noon, having in charge Thomas tion with it.—Mr J Bell i, acing ex . Chambers, who is y.alleged to be the tensive business in the cattle line since wan who shot Constable Bulmer at his partner, J Ludlam, lies gone to Olinton a few months since, Cham- Martitoda:—Several of our villagers hers was charged with having burglar. contemplate taking in the ;I'orodto ised,el store in Harriston and got away fair this ynar, while others prefer going ft'om the town, but Constable Bulmer to London, Mr D meFeyeen is this got .on his trail cod followed him to weektaking char re of the Sehoul, after. Clinton, Early in the morning an p ! his trip to the old country He looks effort was made try the. officers toUU s . FORSALE. capture Chambers 'his bedroom, The undersigned offers for, sale a cottage contaic, well after his trip.—Mr ileo Snell has p but he opened a fusilade upon - the iug seven rooms, and two•tlfths of an acre of land, at last secured an assistant, a t lr. 1? p situated on the corner of Patrickand Carling streets, Yours bintt' and will he able to as attacking party end.then he pretended winghant: Good eeti'ar, woodstiod and bard and soft comedian the public more quickly,— to escape by the window of "the fheproFot' articurars, apply to the owner, treat 1fr J Brunsdon. Is having the busiest bedroo?n. Two tnf the constables as - D. lKoiiINLAY. summer he Has had for a tong time: clown to the rear of elle hotel to inte -• cept- the flight of Chambers, an Listowel. Bulmer reutaufed to guard the dam We notice, among those who left Chambers then dashed dut the door on the Manitoba harvestae,icursi0rf ort and a scufllertisued between him and Tuesday:, Mr Ohms Brothers of this Buttner, during which thelatter reel town and Mr. -Andrew Tlloth•pson, of. eeived a bullet in the breast. Chain. Etma.—•One of ow assistant teachers hers made his escape and took to the in. the High School here, Mr G A Me' woods on the Cutskirta of Olinton,r,itd, See, has gone to Caledonia to take; ; although a large posse turned nut to charge of the classical department in .search; he succeeded in eluding' the the Higb School of that town. -Tire vigilance of his pursuers. Through Many friends of Rev Mr Areudt,pastor .the instrumentality of Constable of the Lutheran' chufoh*iiere, present. Gundy, of Goderiche photographs of ed him on Tuesday evening, with a 'Chambers were struck off and put in corfimunion set, as a small token of circulation, and in dye` course Dr tee- their esteetir: The reverend gentle. five Murray,. of Toronto, succeeded in Mari 'leaves shortly for: Sullivan, locating Chariibers at Portage 1a County of Grey.—The head baster Prairie, where he was serving a term of our High' School, Mr .1 A Tanner, of three months under the name o has returned from a trip to the British Gilkieson, together with a confederat Is[es, Belgium and France, where he known as McLaughlin, they Navin has been spending vacation ----Miss been sent up for playing confidenc Tennant, of Toronto, has been the genies and playing thteeecard Monte ,guest for the past two or three weeks Detective elttrray went to Portage I of the Misses McDowell..—Mr Garbutt, Prairie and took: charge of. Chamber tidd, wife and faintly,. removed lent on the completion of kis sentence at week to Toronto, where Mr Mad that point. The return trip was intends to make his fixture home -- begun oto 1Ylonday, and Friday after. - &W Woods have bought out the :noon the prisoner was lodged in this and business of John Shanks,. -. Goderich jail. 'The Queen of Fame" is the title of, an etltertaintnent 'which the ladies of The grape growers of (Essex county !heft Church are going to give Moons ere smarting under the ruling of the the grid et September.different railroads raising bashes fruit Al LM HAMILTON, Successor to Dr, Towler, W A Dealer in Drugs, Medicines and • Chefldcals, Toilet Soaps, Perfume ad Cigars, Shoulder 'Braces, Trusses,' Sponges, dna all, binds of Druggists' Sundries usually kept 'Ina first- class drug store, Physicians' prescriptions care- fully compounded and orders answered with care and despatch,• Farmers and physicarts from, the country_ will, find our stock of medicines complete, war- . ar- , ranted genuine and of " the beat quality; Full line of Diamond Dyes always in stock. A. L. HAMILTON. • A CAM?. Dr. Towler will eontiuue the prat - tics of his profession . and may be found at his office to the Pharmacy Mr, Hamilton's drug store—during office hours, or at his residence, DV. * agonal:street. IT'S WONDERFUL The money you can save by buying your goods, and getting your. watches repaired at Pat- terson's Jewellery store. lie gives perTect satisfac- 4 tion every time, Try him and buy and don't go by without you do buy. M. PATTERSON, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweller, .. Main st., , Wingham. flissoitltiion of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that. the Part- nership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned as Hardware Merchants, J' under the name of s. A. CLINE & Co„ at the Town of Wingham, was dissolved ley mutual consent on the 12th day Of March, A. D.1891. All accounts due. to `,,„, the late firm will be paid togas. A. Cline, glad if those who are owingfor who wi11 carry on the business at the old '' stand and by whom all obligations of the paper would send along the the late firm will be paid. amount of their accounts. ) Dated this 24th'March, A. D. 1891: Witness, ) ;TAS, A. Oman, R. ELLIOTT., J. A. MonzvN.. JOHN NEELANns. SALESMAN WANtED To talo orders for warranted NURSERY STOOK to be delivered in the spring. Agents.startingNOW c n make big Salary, or Commission. Steck' at 1 ticty superior to anything heretofore shippeff; tat and instructions furnished Write at onoelor terms to E. 0. (litA'IrAhf, koassaYi1Au, ,.Worento, ont froom first class to first class and a half, 1,ttekaknaw,Doti ends. r +Culross. and have sentra resolution to the dif- ttsrdi'ne,'OatBth and Sit. Miss ids a Pickets is 'Louie revisit ferett railroade showing the injustice Clifford, Ott 7th end 8th. iug old sights and fatniler, scenes, and of such ruling, and caking that the old Rea) Wa►vanosh, Delgraee, lies a ° and 7, her old associates will be happy to see rates be given. "The grape owners say • R rd'ae, at R,lnoardlne, °at 8 end 0, her, smiling face once more among that the new rating would practically Bt7th, Oat ES end 9. • them, , Mrs. Wm Tdarltness is slowly shut out ail sluppiftg. , truciacuccu, Out I4tb and 15th.. Befering to above,'I wish to return sty thanks for past favors, and trust that by - close yclose. attention to the wants of nay cus- tomers to merit a continuance of the same. Jas, . Cline. P. S. peele.ei e accounts must .be set- tled at, 4,Li"e. of u SHILOH'S . CONSUMPTION CURE■ The success of this Great Cough Cure is Without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos; itive guarantee, atest that ho other cure can sue- tessfutly stand. That itinay become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, dre placing a Sample Bottle.Pree into every home in the United States and Canada. Ilion. have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will curb you.* If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use itproni tly, and relief is sure. If you drekii that insidious disease Consumpption,use. it, Ask your Druggist for SHIILLOH'S CURE, price' TO cfs., so cts, arid, $t.00. if your' Lungs are,sore or Back lather ' ilkt Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price ae cts, TOSRPff COWAN, " r 'Want Otix Div. Collar, Co. tIitrto:l', AttOTIO1' 13R, ISSITEle OZ MARRIAGE ,,,XCTLNSES Ooito sazoi nn rty H. 0.3'., Wnoxatrsn, iVConey to Loatt .O Notes Diseo . ” EASONAB E ItA.TES Diehey 8dva,, cd en Mortgages at a per hent. with privilege et paying at the end of any year. Notes and :mounts collected. ll{tl1F37t1., t1t0YS+lDO% tlrtrcie-anaver itleek. Wincham. Ont. li ,