HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-09-11, Page 6qerttgOmExme$
ERIDA,12. 6E?r'E;`i1U R. 11, 1891..
Nearly three millions of dollars spent
1ipou immigration in the past ten years,.
with the result that we have added
nothing to the country's population by
immigration, and failed to retain the
natural increase.
Quebec West, Mr, McGreevy's stump -
mg ground, declined in population from
1.2,698 to. 9,241 between. 1881 and 1891,
while Quebec East, represented by Mr.
Laurier,, increased is population from
32,900 to 36,200, It is the Liberals who
stay in the •country and help to build it
Among the Ontario towns and villages
which have declined in population during
the past ten years are St. Catharines,
Port Hope, Picton, Cobourg, Ingersoll,
Dundas, Napanee, Bowmanville, Strath-
roy, Paris, Whitby, Kincardine, L- istowel:
Thorold', Mitchell, Gederich, Dunnville,
Port Perry, Harriston, Prescott mud Fer-
gus. The people of these towns were
promised great prosperity, immense fac-
tories and vast progress as a result of
the trade restriction policy, The census
returns show how these promises have
been fulfilled.
If M1~, Foster is ever called upon to
deliver another budget speech he can
matte the census returns of 1891 his
theme. His own province, New Bruns-
wick, has fallen so far behind in the race
that it will lose two of its repreeentatives
in the House of Commons. The princi-
pal city in New Erunswiok has declined
in population from 26,189 to 24,184. In
Mr. F'oster's constituency the population
has decliued from 25,917 to 23,094. The
Finance Minister can talk for hours upon
what trade restriction has done for New
Brunswick. It is fitting that the policy
introduced by Sir Leonard Tilley and
continued by Mr. Foster should show its
blighting effects clearly upon the prov-
ince which sent those men to Parliament.
WhatP Who P Why
What is reputation ? The estimate
your neighbors entertain of your wealth
and social position.
Who is your neighbor ? Anyone
received in good society.
Should you loveyour neighbor?
Certainly—le proportion to the esteem
he temporarily enjoys.
What is fashion 2 The latest frivol-
ity practised by the smallest number.
Why -should we follow fashion
That [ may be recognized asone of
the right sort.
How are you to know what is the
fashion ? By consulting the dress-
makers and imitating notorious Parisian
What,is religion 1 " An outward
professio,of inward respectability..
What is the right religion ? The one
that affords you the best opportunity
of oonsortion with the niost prominent
, What is faith ? A firm conviction
that Providence favors you individual-
ly above: all other human beings,
whether past, present or to come.
What is hope 1 An ardent desire of
obtaining whatever you may wish for,
whatever its character.
What is charity 2 Assisting, those
who may, directly or indrectly, be in
any way useful to you hereafter.
What is prudence ? Doing what-
ever you'piease without compromising
yourself publicly.
What is justice ? Strongly condemn.
ing tha slightest failing of others,while
readily pardoning our own most in.
famtiva iniquities.
What is fortitude? Enduring wealth
and prosperity without excessive cote.
plaint, "
What is tetliperance ? Newer so
ovi.r doing anything that it may entail
regrettable consequences.
' What is understanding 4 A just
appreciation of the ever varying social
values of your friends and 'acquaint.
antes. °
What is knowledge? Whom to ask
to dinner, and whore not to.
Which are the seven social . works
M mercy 1 '
1, To feed the overfed.
2. To give drink to the half drunken.
J. To +slatile thyself luxut;iouely.
4. To entertain the ,prosperous.
0,. To talk tea with the titled.
6. To visit the prominent,
7. To bury the reputations of the
Which are the eight social Beati-
tudes ?
1,.. ,Blessed ere the millionaires; for
they shall set, royalty,
2 Blessed are the overbearing; for
they shall be esteemed at their own.
8. Blessed are they that mourn
without cause. for they shall be tom-
4, Blessed are the satiated ; for they
shall have their fill.
ti. Blessed are they that have not
been found out,• for they shall obtain
6. Blessed are the malicious; for
they shall rejoice.
7, Blessed are the avaricious ; for
they shall possess the land.
S. Blessed are the merciless ; for
they shall be respected.
What is humility ? A virtue we
occasionally assume but seldom pose
What is meekness ? Bearing injuries
patiently till we can effectually re.
taliate. •
What is brotherly love 1 The affec.
don we display toward our prosperous
neighbor 'I
What is poverty'1 The one unpar-
donable crime.—London Truth.
Almon TO xloruEas•-Are you disturbed at night
and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and
crying with pain' of Cutting Teeth i if so send at
once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup" for Children Teething, Its value is incalcul-
able, It will relieve the poor little sufferer
immediately, Depend upon it, mothers • there is no
mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhtea,
regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Collo,
softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and g, Ives
tone and energy to the whole system. " Mrs. Win-
slow's Soothing Syrup " for children teething is
pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of
the oldest and best .female physicians and nurses in
the United States, and is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a
bottle. Be sure and ask for "bis, wiNsiow's
Soorritvo BrRnr ,.nd take no other kind
The Blue Sky.
Everyone admires and talks ofthe
blue of the sky, but how many have
observed notoniy that the sky is some-
times of a deeper or richer blue' than
at other times, but that its changes of
tint occur in a more or less regular
Such is the conclusion of -M. Crova, 1
who has reported to the Paris Academy
of Sciences the result of his !system -
ads observation of sky color from
December, 1889, till December, 1890.
-He finds that the sky is most in-
tensely blue in Daember, January,
March and September, and paler in
July, August and November. Observ-
ing; the chanes from hour to hour he
found that it was more deeply blue
in the morning than during the heat
of midday. This indicates that, since
the deepest color is seen, generally
speaking, in the. coldest- months and
during the cooler part of the elay,'heat
is an important element in determin-
ing the depth of the. sky color.
This recalls one of the most brilliant
of the many experiments with which
Professor Tyndall used to illustrate'
his lectures. By projecting a beam of
electric light into a cloud of invisible
particles of vapor in a glass vessel he
was able to imitate the finest azure
tints of an Italian sky.
The point* of the experiment was to
show that the sky tint is caused by the
reflection of the blue waves of light
from minute particles floating high in
the air. The waves of blue light are
shorter than those of yellow or red,
and consequently are more easily ar-
rested and reflected back.
When the sun is blazing hot high in
the lteavens it dissolves the fine partik
cies of vapor to a great extent and
leaves fewer of them to split ilp the
scattered daylight and send its soon
blue beams 'back to the observer's eyes.
It will be easy and interesting fin-
orany person to observe for himself the
variations in the colon of the sky,
Perhaps new facts niay thus be disc
covered that men of scieWte will be
glad to learn.
-.Catheter good butter and eggs at 11 A
Graham', Market droeery.
A. Marvell.
The times were fearfully corrupt in
Charles' reign, but Marvell maintained
his integrity in the midst of all. Mar,
veil went to court, got into conversa-
tion with Charles, who became very
anxiousto secure his aerviues, The
next day be sent his lord treasurers
Earl Denby, to find, hire out. This
was, rather a difficult matter, but' -at
last the member found the house in a
little street leading out of the strand.
The treasurer got to the first floor; no
Andrew Marvell on that floor. Then
he found himself an the second floor;'
but he was not there. Then he stum-
bled his way to the garret,and the door
stood open and there was Marvell
writing. Marvell said he was afraid
he had lost his way. They tallied
about the weather and all sorts of
things, By and bye the treasurer had
to go, and then he told Marvell how
delighted the King was with him and
quite accidentally dropped a £1000
note on the table. Of course Marvell
knew what it meant. He rang the
bell and ttp came Buttons. What did
we have for dinner yesterday ' yesterday i said
Marvell Oh 1 We had 'that little
shoulder.' Oh 1 said be, yes ; and
what did we have today ? 'The
shoulder cold,' Oh 1 so we did ; and
what shall we have for dinner to-
morrow ? ,Broth,' said. Buttons, Good,
said Marvell, you may go. Then he
said to the lord • treasurer, Marvell's
dinners are provided, yon see ; Mar-
vell want's not the Kin's money.
For Influenza or "La Gripre" Wilson's
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is a sure
and safe remedy. There is no better medi-
cine for the cure of Influenza, Bronchitis,
Coughs, Colds,droup and kindred diseases.
Get thegennine in white wrappers:
The True Way to Pay for Mills.
Prof, Bell, of the Tavistock Dairy
School, holds that -the per cent ,of fat
in milk measures its value for cheese
'making. When asked what he thought
of buying milk according to its butter
quality he replied : •
There is not the slightest difficulty
now in doing so, and the system ought
to be adopted everywhere. Dr. Bab -
cock's invention has 'supplied a sitnple
and.accurate test to determine the ex-
act amount of butterfat in milk. It
is according to this percentage that
factories should pay in the future.
The National Scotsman says : Many
creameries and cheese factories have
introduced the milk tester, and its
regular use is productive' of good re.
Sults. to the first place each patron
gets paid according to the value of his
milk, the tester showing the per cent
of the butter fat in it. Thus the roan
who takes milk above the average in
quality to the creamery gets paid more
for it per hundred pounds than the
man who takes milk of only average
quality. The next good point lthe
tester can be credited with is the fact
that the man who keeps poor cows or
feeds too lightly or feeds the wrong
kind of feed, finds that he is getting
too little for his milk, and he must
either get better or else quit the busi-
ness. And the careless, though honest
man who, heretofore, has been carry-
ing poor milk to the creamery and
virtually living; on his neighbors who
carried good milk, now finds that all
milk is not of the same quality and he
is forced to recognize the fact that it
will only pay to send milk that will
test up to a certain standard. We
think that one indirect result of the
general use of milk testers will be great
demand for Cows ;;of the improved
dairy breeds, dairymen. finding that it
will only pay to keep the very best
cows. All patrons of the creameries
and ,cheese factories sh.uld insist on
having tnilk testers used and the unjust
way of paying for milk by weight alolxe
be abolished.
The Canadian Nein Beltway Com.
patty's eteanrior Empress of Japan has
broken the record between Yokohama
acrd the Pacific coast,having coniplefed
the journey to Vietoria, B C, ill nine
days, fourteen hours and tltirty'.nine
.0000 o0m0,,...00
Pieces of lioorioo laid around, yeller
ants run is recommended.
Meringues abonld be put on.pudding
after they are slightly cool, as if th
pudding be hot, the egg will liquefy
In cooking. vegetables always re
member that boiling water evaporate
rapidly on the approach of a storm o
when is is raining,
Old newspapers torn in small piece
and wet• in water softened by the add'
thin df a little apamonia are axoneu
to wash lamp chimneys.
To Remove scratches and bruise
from furniture, rub then gently wit
a fresh walnut, butternut or hickar
nut kernel, and they will disappear a
if by magic,
.A little memorandum book, or slat
in the •kitchen is a great oonvenienc
for busy housekeepers in which t
write a list of things needec1 for th
kitchen and table.
Mrs: Henry Ward Beecher.
Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher -is iivi>1x
quietly at her home in Brooklyn, sur
rounded by her birds and flowers. I
answer to numerous' requests to talc
departments •on different periodicals
Mrs. Beecher returns to' one and al
the 'reply that at her time of lif
she does not think it wise toente
inte.auy permanent contract for doiu
work. She lives in a beautiful littl
house where she has every luxury pro
vided her in her old age, and weer
numerous friends delight to congregat
about her and listen to the interestin
stories which she tells of her early lif
and struggles, when Henry War
Beecher was only a poor wester
preacher. Mrs. Beecher bas a fad fo
keeping birds. Canaries, goldfinches
Teva sparrows,•love birds and cooks'
togs dwell in harmony ina large mgl
which she keeps in a lovely sunshirt3
window. Mrs. Beecher makes hel
Brooklyn home such a delightful spoi
that people linger as they pass, finding
it a glad resting place for tired eit3
The Galt Reformer says : Owing t
the operation of the Melfiniey Bill,th
price of eggs is considerably lower ii
Canada this year than usual. In con
versation with a large buyer an
Shipper, we learn that the ruling pric
at present is 9 to 10 cents, while Ias
year at this time they were paying frog
13 to 14 cents. The American niarke
is now practically closed to Canadial
shippers, as they cannot send egg
there so as to realize any profit.
The St. Thomas Journal gives th
following advice : Inspired by the grea
crops and the prospects of fair prices,
the farmers in this country are pre
paring to sow an unusually larg
acreage of wheat this fall. *The wis•
dom of this course is doubtful. Too
many eggs in one basket areand ger.
one, and if farmers all over the province
rush into wheat raising simply because
this year has been a fat one, the res
suits may prove disastrous both to the
growers and the rest of the community
if next season should pro 'e a poor one
for wheat. The province is admirably
adapted' to mixed farming, and it is
.safe from the ups and downs of single
crop countries as long as a due<>totation
of crops is observed, and too 'much
attention is not directed to any one
branch of agriculture.
Thereis now a xnatked aiminntioxl
in the length of days compared with
four or five weeks. ago, ; .For the " two
or three weeps: *110'014 the 21st
of Julie, -When ''tire fl.ltiyllgllt period
'vas at its maximum, the change was
scarcely perceptible, but now the les-
sening of the days, though it is by
slow degroes, makes an important
figure in the aggregate. On the Ist^
of August the time between sunrise
and sunset was 40 minutes shorter
than it was on July 1, and 42 minutes
shorter .than on dune 21. • The ;Fulling
off, of the day's( length in August will
be 67 minutes. The rising and setting.
points of the sun eke moving slowly
and steadily towards the south,
e Efje Mil
: --IS P11/3LISIIEn-..
e EVERY RliW 1S lytoleNING,.
0 . WINGI3A.111, CNTAltIO,
in advance
1 1• mo,
50 0o
0 0(
4 ac
per lint
8 lines
8 lines,
• „
or for
will be
Tran -
bo in
r Subsoriptioxl price, Om year,
ig Space 1 1 yr,
8 mo.
5333 00
I 20 00 1
12 00
3 00
I $2c o0
12 00
7 00
2 00
One Column $tl00
Half " 33 00
t Quarter '! 20 00
One Inch 0 00
Local and other cam advertisements, 80.
for first insertion, and 30, per line toroth subssqueni
a Insertion.
Local notices 10o. per line for first insertion,
li So. per line for each subsequent insertlen, filo
y ponce will be charged loss than 280.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed Situations,
and Business Chances Wanted,'uot exceeding
,S nonpareil, 51 por month
Houses and Farms for Salo, not exceeding
$1 for first month, 60e. per subsequent month.
, Thep terms will be strictly adhered to
'; • Special rates for longer advertiseinouts,•
e longer ptteoermnts without epeotfio directions,
Inserted till forbid and Oliargett accordingly,
o yitory advertisemoats must bo paid In advance
e Changes for contract. advertisements must
the °dice by Wednesday noon, in order to
that week
TI"' B, TowLER, AI,A.C,M., ,
1 'Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
e -Coroner for County of Hui'on-
r Moo at "THE PHARntecr " 'wingham, Ont.
Omen 110;148.-0 to 12, a, in., 1 to 6, p, m., or at
g' Residence, Diagonal Street,
`1-11t. 3. A. laELDRUNI,
" 11 honor Graduate of Toronto University, and
Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Ontario. '
e Office and Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick
streets, formerly occupied by Sr. Bethune.
Wu.oaui - . . . Orr
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rates
• interest. No commission charged. Mortgagee, town
and farm property bought and sold.
' OFFICE-BeaverBlocic 1VixGHAni3ON1,
wingham Ontario
14. W. C. 111EVER Q. C, i. E. L DIOKINSON, B.A.
°lioitors for Bank 02 Hamilton, Commissioners fon
taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, Town and
t Village property bought and sold.' Money (private
funds) loaned on mortgage security at 5i per cent.
. Money in'ested for private persons, upon the bust
mortgage soourities without any expense to the.
lender. ' Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North-
, Office-Iient'sBlock. 1iIngham. '
' DnNTISTRY.— J S. JEROME, WittenA,,
1 11J Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates,
A Vulcanite plates of the bestinateria
tfifimir`M as cheap as they can bo got in the
Dominion. All woric warranted.
Painless extraction 0f teeth by the use of Electric.•
I ity or Vegetable Vapor.
TAKE Nortel,—1 will extract teeth for 25 gents
OFFICE • In the Beaver Block, opposite the;
i Brunswick house, M
Wm. H. Macdonald,1,
L. D.'S.,,
3rd Mondays
Opposite the Queen's Hotel,
Will visit Gorrie 1st and
of eaoh month.
WINGHAni, - 011TAR10
pDEAN, 3a., WINGIIAei, . . 0
Sates attended in any part of the Co. Charges
TOIIN MUMS, , WINGnem, Onx.,
'r,xcx tsxn ,AtrortoiicEtt role UTE COUNT/ Or
Ail orders left at the Ttzuis office promptly attend,
ed to. Terms reasonable.
English spavin Liniment removeli.all hard, soft or
calloused.Lumps add Blemishes from horses. Blood
Spavin, s 11ntr,11In r Bone, Swdeney,Stlflee,Spraimr,
Sora and Swollen Throat, Con ht, etc, Savo 480 by
use of One bottle, Warranted the most wooded
Blemish Curs ever known.' Sold by W. 5, Tewier, •,
LIOBNBRD AuoT1oSs50 roR Coto/TIES liiraoN on.
All sales attended tb promptly and on the Shortest
' All necessary4t Moderato
gementstaoatonbee Guaranteed.
at "the
Times' officer
WInOlrANl 034
P. h. di D. L SueVEY*03 AN Civil 12ngxNIIBae,.
. Alt orders loft at the office of the Timm will re*
cave prompt Attention
moan. of EIGIITfI Dlvfelott Co '7', Idu,Bsbp MAX
krACE LrcBKe
WINOI1AM 4 o11'T,