HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-09-11, Page 4E. WILLIAMS,
app. Bru nswick Hose,
berland, have be investigated by the
committee to wh'tie they were referred.
A strange state .of affairs has been
revealed. The patronage of the riding
bad been handed over by Mr, Coehrape
to a committee of his supporters. They
nominated the men whoo were to have
the appointments of bridge tenders on
the Murray Canal, and set the price
that they should pay for their appoint
meets,. The offices were sold at prices
varying from $150 to $200 each, After
the committee bad done their work,
the parties recommended for the offices
On't were appointed by the Government on
the recommendation of air. Cochrane.
The money extorted in this way frown
successful applicants was used in pay-
ing the debts of the Conservative As.
i i tingarn (nis
FRIDAY. SEk'TEMI3E1.t 11, .891,
Tani Postmaster -General, it is said,
intends testing the legal right of sere
tarn carrying'oompanies to deliver let,
tens in dities•
THE C. P. R. and G. T. R. officials
lunched together the other day, and
this recalls the rumor thatthese cora,
panies propose to amalgamate.
THE resignation of Sir Hector
Langevin as Minister of Public Works
has been accepted by the Government,
and Senator Frank Smith appointed to
the position.
JUDGMENT was given at Osgoode
Hall, Toronto, ou Saturday last, in
the West Algoma election case. The
petition against Mr James Conmee,
M P P, Liberal, was dismissed with
1T is said that the sub-cotnnuttee.to
which was referred the evidence in the
`.Parte-McGreevy-Langevin case, cannot
agree upon a report. The majority of
the committee are desirous of screening
Sir Hector Langevin, while the minority
claim that he is equally guilty with Mc-
Greevy. There will be lively times in
the Rouse over the report, no doubt.
THE weather in 1Vlanitoba for the
past week has been delightful. There
has been`no frosts since last issue, and
the harvest is drawing nigh to a close.
Threshing has commenced and the
grain is turning out all that was ex-
pectecl. There is a great quantity of
grain which will class as No. 1 herd,
in those parts where the frost has not
Mit. JOHN Ross ROBERTSON, proprie-
tor of the Toronto Telegram, formally
presented the title deeds of the Lake..
side Home, one of the most thorough-
ly equipped children's hospitals in
America, to the trustees of the Siok
Children's Hospital, on Saturday Last.
The Hon. J. M. Gibson, Provincial
Secretary, presided, and when paying
worthy tribute to the sterling qualities
of Mr Robertson, announced that the
Ontario Government bad increased the
allowance to the Siolt Children's Ilos.
pital and Lakeside Eiome from fifteen
cents a day, which is provided for
children's hospitals, to thirty cents a
day, the allowance for regular' adult
hospitals. This munificent gift cost
the donor upwards of $25,000.
THE investigation into the affairs of
the Printing Bureau has shown that
Seneca!, the late Superintendent, col-
lected toll from nearly all who sold
goods to the Bureau. It carne oat in
the investigation, on Tuesday, that a
quantity of type ordered by Senecal
from the Dominion Type Foundry,
Montreals was refused by the Secretary
of State, Mr. Chapleati lootifying the
Dornpany that Senecal had no author-
ity to order the type, The President
of the Montreal Liberal•Oonservative
Association called on the Company for
a subscription to. the election fund,
about this time, and was given a
cheque for $1,500. ' A few days after-
werds the
were nt: by
Mr. Cliapleau that they might send
on the type, It looks very much as
i( the levying of toll was mot confined
to Seuecal.
Tem charges preferred by Mr. M. 41,
Cameron, of West Huron, against 14Ir.
E. Coolintrie, 114, P. of East Northam.
sociation of the riding.
THE price of eggs in England is of
importance, now that the American
market has been closed to us. Mr D
D Wilson, et Seaforth, recently sold
a consignment in England, so a special
cable despatch stated, at 8 shillings
per long 100 (10 dozen), about 19
cents per dozen. The Walkerton
Herald says ; It must not be forgotten,
however; that eggs in that market are
graded according to size, and the con-
signment in question was graded as
firsts, weighing from 16 to 17 lbs per
10 doz, At the same time, seconds
were sold et 160 ; those weighing less
then 8 to a ab at 14c, and small eggs.
(the greater part of our spring pro.
daet) at as low as 110 per doz. While
shippers can save themselves and
generally make a profit on the larger
sized eggs, such profits are s;w.allowed,
up by the loss of 3c or more .on the
large number Of small sized ones.
NEUTER ABBOTT has introduced a
bill in the Senate entitled, "An Act
to prevent frauds upon the Govern.
ment." The A ct is especially designed
to cover such cases as have been
brought to light by the various inveeti•
gating committees of Parliament.
Under itsprovisions any employee of
the Government who accepts a
bribe, or is otherwise guilty of fraud
or malversation in office ; any person
who bribes or attempts to bribe any
Government official ; or any contractor
for the Government who may .attempt
to suborn an employee of the Govern-
ment will be liable to punishments.
The penalty is fixed at a' tine varying
from $100 to $1,000. or six months
imprisonment ; and moreover any
Guvernment contractor found guilty of
bribing or otherwise corrupting an
official will be debarred from receiving
any farther contracts from the crown.
The measure is a most thorough one,
carefully drafted, and will prevent any i
attempts' to defraud the Government.
It will not. however, be retroactive.
IN a recent political sermon, Rev.
Dr. Carman, general superintendent
of the Methodist Church, said
"Had we not better spike the doors
of our Parliament buildings, shut and
cease our vaporing about glorious
country, constitutional goveriarnent,
and Christian civilization ? They have
no such scenes in Caffrarie or Meehan -
eland. Is not this an awful indictment:
'Bribes in the shape of better terms to
Provinces; bribes both to Provinces
and pinale constituencies in the shape
of grants for' local works ; tolls taken
for the Government election fund on
the illicit gains of contractors ; the
virtual sale of senatotships for money
spent in elections; or in support of the
party organ ; the capture of societies
end Churches by doles of patronage
distributed them through their rep-
resentatives in the Cabinet ; the cap.
ture of the great distilleries and other
powerful interests by special legislation
in their favor; the capture of the preps
by largesses of pap ; and above all,the
capture of.tho whole body of manufac•
turers by pledging to them the com-
mercial policy of the country. Such
have .been the means by which Gov-,
ernment since Confederation has with
little intermission, been carried on."
Andwhat count of it has not been`
proved with terrible emphasis ? Is a
botttonilnss gulf any too deep br dark
for such ruling and governing 2 Is it
likely the kind they have there, if they
are not too poor for bribery. Is the
lake of fire any too sharp a retribution
for the Men that eorrupt bur age, Meet
our freedom, blight posterity, blacken
a nation's name and wither a nation's
hope :l
The Snbslar5y4tem.
(Toronto eiobo, satuntay, eepterubor 8th.)
In the dieeussion of steamship snb,
&idieee the other night it came out that
we are paying $878,000 this year for
that strange form of coddling, We
bonus the yessels, Watt the same time
augment the selling price of their out-
ward cargoes through the N, P„ which
enhances the cost of producing every
Canadian -raised article, and then dee
liberately seek to prevent the ship
from securing a return cargo by levy,.
ing heavy dutieson the wares which
the foreigner gives us in payment
for our goods, It is an absurd and
self•contradietory process, but our
Tory friends don't mind being illogical
when there is boodle in the air. .ln
defence, it is said that England sub-
sidises vessels engaged in foreign trade,
If she did one could understand her
action, for her ports are free to the
foreigner's products, and she does not
handicap her exports by artifioally in.
creasing their Bost, Asa matter of
fact she does not resort to subsidies
for any protectionist purpose,' She
pays for the carryiug of ocean mails
just as she pays for the transportation
of the mails on her railroads, Tenders
are asked for the job of carrying the
ocean mails, and the contracts are
awarded`to the steamship line which
makes the best offer ; but the British
Government never inquires where the
ships which are to do the carrying
were built, it is enough that they are
flying the British flag. It is no doubt
true that these postal subsidies are the
indirect means of stimulating foreign
commerce, for trade -follows the flag,
and postal intercourse does a good deal
to create and facilitate buying and
selling. But the system is a legitimate
one'in every respect ; although, as has
been said even if the subsidies were
paid for the express end of fostering
British shipping or British trade with
foreign lands there' would be some
sense in them considering that Britain
does not with her other hand deliber-
ately "paralyse those industries by
tariff enactments. Some of our sub-
sidies appear to be bestowed without
rhyme or reason, Thus the Pickford
or Furness line gets $25,000 a year
for running freight vessels between
Halifax and St. John and British
ports. The grant enables them to cut
their rates below those of unsubsidised
lines, and so to destroy competition,
In fact, we are encouraging an Eng -
lisle company to kill Canadian enter-
prise, for Canadian vessels would ply
between the portaen question without
a bonus.
It is time fo overhaul the entire
policy of subsidy and largesse which
has been in operation so long. State
railways, State subsidies to private
railways, State canals, State buil
wharves, State'built bridges, State
aided newspapers, State subsidies t
steamships, subsidies to fishermen
subsidies to experiments ` like the
Ohignecto Ship Railway for which
there are no ships, subsidies to iron -
manufacturers, subsidies to beetroot
sugar mailers, subsidies to manufe.o-
turers in general abstracted by law out
of the pocket of the consumer, sub,
sidles to members of Parliament like
Uncle Thomas and Senator Robitaille,
subsidies to doubtful constituencies in
the form of appropriations for useless
public works like the Tay Canal—this
is not the way either to keep out of
dent or to produce a vigorous and self-
reliant race. In addition, the Federal
treasury pays annual' subsidies to the
Provinces so as to do away with the
necessity for taxation for Provincial
purposes ; and suave of the Provinces
employ the money in subsidising one.
horse railways, in subsidising ferry,
boats, in subsidising religious orders,
in building highways, gaols, court-
etc., for the people who are
thus relieved of the duty of maintain.
ing municipal government, in offering
premiums for large families though as
the census shows it would be better to
offer them to the families which can
show the Mast number of absentees
in the United States, and so on.
Boodling is bound to flourish under
such 'a system., Politics rest on and
are identical with dollars and cents.
It is a huge grab game in which waste
and corruption are inevitable, llverY
one tan see that the moral qualities of
the people are being impaired. Mr
Shehyn, the Treasurer of Quebec, said
in a recent budget speech that the
everlasting subsidy has all but quench-
ed individual enterprise and the spirit
of do and date, Nobody think of
undertaking a work unless the
Government comes to his aid and
supplies a portion of the money re,
quired. It appears from 14Ir Dewdney's
admissions in the rouse on Monday
that the Dominion Government has
actually taken to paying missionaries
who are at vrork among the two thou
sand Indians in New Brunswick. The
ext step will be to bonus the white
pulpits on the bash of iso much per
bead for each congregation, In no
country in the world that we know of
has State aid become so universal and
all-pervading a factor. , Like dram
drinking it feeds upon itself --the
more bonuses we get the more we
clamor for. How the debt of the
Dominion and • those of Quebec
and other Provinces are to be borne
in the near future if this policy be
continued is a puzzle, Quebec is
carrying $50 per capita for the
Federal debt, $20 for her own debt,
and at least $50 more ou account of
the taxes levied by law for eoolesias'
tical purposes reckouipg these at $2
per head per annum, or $420 in all ;
which represents a liability of $180,-
000,000 for her population of 1,480,-,
000, A smash must occur in that
quarter before long. The, rest of ;the,
Dominion is burdened out cf alt pro-
portion to its capacity, especially when
we reflect that our great competitor,
the United States, is lightening its
load every year, and draining us of the
choicest and most active men and
women we produce. Hitherto the
Tory papers have put down those who
have ventured to lift a warning voice
by screaming about the marvelous
growth of the Dominion, which they
invented for the occasion. The census
revelations are too startling, however,
to allow of that game being pursued
any longer ; whether we like it or not,
we must henceforth look facts in the
face like honest men. The first step
towarda rescuing the country from the
complications which threaten it is to
do away as far as possible with the
vicious paternalism introduced by the
Old Man chiefly for party ends, and
base government upon the sound
principle of compelling every man to
keep his hands in his own pockets.
No matter how speoious a yarn be
may spin about the advisability of pay,
ing him a bonus or vesting with him
power to fleece his neighbors for the
greater good of the Dominion, he
should be told that the system is un-
just in itself as well as being the fruit.
ful mother of extravagance and fraud;
and that in view of the enormous
sums we o we and the alarm created
amongst our creditors ,by recent
developments, the census included, we
really cannot afford to swindle the
many for the benefit of the few, even
to serye a patriot.
Presbytery of Maitland.
The Presbytery met at Wingham;
September 8th, 1891. Rev: R. S. ix.
Anderson, M. A., B. D., Moderator.
A committee was appointed to prepare
a niinute regarding the death of the
late Rev. G. Brown, of Wroxeter, to
be submitted at next meeting. Messrs
A. McKay and John Archibald were
appointed Auditors. A petition from
the congregation of Lucknow, asking
leave to sell to the school'board a strip
of land adjoining the ,church, was
granted. The .resiguatioof Rev D
Davidson, of Langside, was accepted,
to take effect on the first of October.
The charge laic be declared vacant on
the first Sabbath in October. It was
agreed to have the annual Sabbath
School statistie reports printed and
distributed among the Sabbath Schools
of the Presbytery. Applications for
grants in behalf of 4id.receiving
Congregations were reaffirmed. It
was agreed tomake application for
Langside for two dollars per Sabbath
during the vacancy. Messrs. J. S.
Davidson and R T Cameron, students,
performed the prescribed exercises,
wbich were sustained, and they were
certified to the Senate of lfnox College.
Knox Church, Brussels, will be sup,
plied by the Probationers' Committee
in November. A letter was received
from Dr Cochrane, setting forth that
$900 for Home Mission and $550.for
Augmentation is expected from this
Presbytery for the year. The holding
of missionary meetings is left in charge
of the several sessions, Committees
were appointed to consider the Ase
sembly's remits, and report at next
meetiug. "
Presbytery Clerk.
Lucknow, Sept. 0, 1891.
The Howich Mutual Fire Insurance
Company have now over $4,000,000 of
farm property insured. Although the
company have met a few losses by
ightning this year,the assesereent will
lot be over $1,50 or $1.75 on the
thousand. This . T s iii
certainly ale y a most
favorable showing, Another good
feature in this Company ia,that it is a
home institution, and when a member
of the company meets with a lose he
has not to deal with strangers, but
with his neighbors, and in all cases
Where the claim is n justone,the money
is paid at, once anti without cost or
u . 3ruasels.'' +47
11 A prooks spent last week heli,
digital in the harvest field at his
home in !Grey township,, -.W Ard, of ,
Bluevale, was visiting a. few days this
week with R W Farrow. -,-W Burgess,
photographer, of Seaforth, spent last "
Sunday in town. Walter ,seems to
have kind regards for Brussels, or at,
least, for some of its residents.. --Some
eviltidisposed(?) pe rsonouMonday lest
managed to send several of our oaninea
to "dogdom" by poisbning, at least``
five haviug fallen, victims on that dty,
—W 13 McOraoken, ou Tuesday last,
pulled in his garden,iour onions which ,
weighed five pounds. "Mc." thinks
they are dandies. --Several of our
citizens are spending this week and
next, in Toronto,-13russels foot ball
team will play Seaforth in Hensall on.
the 16th. ---New baildinga--The new
American hotel, is now completed afid
will be ready for the public next week,
.--The Smith block is nearly finished
and will be a fine looking building
when completed. --C Zilliax's brick
store is now being pushed. ahead by
Lowery Bros, The foundation is
being prepared for the erection of the
stored which will be occupied by J 0
Richard and A Currie. These' build,c7
Tugs, together with Beattie 13ros'livery
stable, will give our front street a fine
R Adams, of Londesboro, has pur"
chased the Parker terrace, on Mill.
street, for the sum of $1,000.--lt is
reported by "Dame Rumor" that Id
Williams & Son intend to build a brick
livery stable on Turnberry street, near
the bridge, -The Post is taking a hoh•
day this week, therefore its readers
will have to be contented for once, ebut
they may depend upon something •
J extra next week.—The East Horan
Fall Show will be held on the 1st and
2nd of October in this town. A fine
of special prizes and
attractions, is being prepared by the
directorswhich cannot fail to attrao1�
the public, As we have a new hal
mile track this year, those wishing to t
test the speed of their drivere may do
so. --Some of the children in this town}
are very sick with scarlet fever.—The
Post Office, in the future, wi,l be kept
open an hour later for the convenience
of those who may have drawers or
lock boxes,
East Wawanosh.
Mr and Mrs T Deans, of Winethame
spent Sunday at Mr Joie Anderson's.
—Mr G W and Miss E P' Sower Mit
for Otsego, Mich on Saturday.
Messrs Wightman and Bell have
purchased a new engine of the Brant,
ford manufacture.—Mr R B Coultes,
of Goderioh, paid a visit,to the sixth
last week.—Mrs A Auld and family
arrived home from Manitoba last week. r
—Messrs Weatherhead and Mille
of St Helens, were the guests of M.
John Fells Sunday week, — Miss
Maggie Bell, • of Wingham, who has
been at Mr J Armour's for seine time,
past, returned home on Saturday. --
Mr W Scott, blacksmith; of P,,elgrave,
spent Sunday at his home on the 7th:
concession. --Messrs Geo Stewart and .
Jas'Ross left on Saturday for Glasgow'
in, charge of a consignment of fat
cattle for Mr E Watson, Blyth.—It is.
our duty this week to record the death
of Mr J Stackhou"se, which took place
on Sunday morning, 6th inst, at the
advanced age: of 82 years. The re-
emains were interred in the Mcl'ittie
cetiuetery on Monday afternoon,
Nora—The items which appeared,
under this heading in our issue of a
few weeks ago, and to which exception
was taken by a couple of estimable.r
young ladies of the township, were not
from our regular East Wawariosh
correspondent. It seems necessary to
make this statement, as he has been
accused of being the writer of the.
items,—ED TIMES. .
Mr Geo Powell is on the sick list at
present.—We regret to hear that Miss -
Poulton is'seriously ill this week. We
hope' soon to bear of her recovery.—
Two of Manitoba's wanderers have^
returned from their very pleasant
trip, viz : Thos Potter and Fred Toll.
—Two car loads of cattle were shipped
from this station, to Montreal, this
week, by 3 Watson.—The 0 0 F hold
their ,regular °meeting on Tuesday
evening. — The Women's Guild of"
Trinity Church met on Wed"netday
afternoon, at Mrs Tanner's, eta—The , f
town council gnat in Industry hall g1
Monday evening last.—Gray, Young.
dos r'
Blin g,havin g finished the seasons •
work,cloaed their hawmill on Saturday
last, lVIr John'Gosinan reeently sold
his fine brick residence near the Engs •
hsh Church, to Mr Ashbury, at a good
figure, --..Mr Jas MoExill has had a -
Street lamp erected at his own expense,
opposite his residence. This will be a
boon to those living in the east end of
the town on dark nights,