HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-09-11, Page 3I'EMPEFANCE COLUMN. CCNDoQre nX Tint:. t w. 0. T, V. Woos and Flees. Whisky spiders great and greedy, Weave their webs from sea to seas They grow fat and glen grow needy, Shall our robbers rulers be ? 'Slivoep the webs away 1 the nation In its wrath and wisdom cries; Say the fools, with hesitation, No ! but educate the flies 1 .rwo do both, twin wings, who sunder, Let oeselsphere ,Let he Churrchsnd evntbu tiers But the webs must disappear, . Up 1 the webs 'are full of slaughter, Sweep away the spider's lair. ; Up -I wife, husband, son or daughter, Make the vexed earth clean' and fat —Rev Joseph Cook, clippings, Thera are now five Free Churches i Glasgow which refuse admission membership to anyone engaged in th liquor traffic.. Of the 30,000 criminals in Germs prisous,14,000 were arrested for crime committed under the influeno elf intoxicating drinks. An yet itis continually asserted that bee and wine do'not degrade the German A Z'resbyteriau oburoh, says D Theodore Cuyler, is not proper] manned until there stands in its pul pit an uncompromising teetotaler. 1 you put a•bottle on the pulpit it wi trickle into every pew of .the congre gation. 'Qoffee,llouses have been establishe in England by business men on busi nese principles: Sixty-five such res. taurants are successfully operated along the docks in Liverpool. More than 30,000 men visit these houses daily, to viae justified detriment of . the ever open saloon. The receipts amount to $150,000 a year, paying 10 per cent. dividend to the stockholders. Wine and whisky are linked with crime, and the reason of it is that they help to produce crime. They deaden conscience, inflame the imagination, make men reckless and desperate. One of the most learned and prominent •lawyers of North Carolina, a Marr who could have been Governor of the State, and who enriched himself by his prao- bice through the• sheer . force of his intellect, 1 have seen standing on the streets of Asheville•begging .a nickel to get a "drink. When sober he was an aristocrat iv feeling,when drunk he 'ijrpvas a fawning beggar; when sober there was in him the spirit of chivalry, when drunk he had not even shame. Alcohol burns up the good, while it inflames the bad, aid this 'work may be done by wide, or wine may prepare the way for the stronger man to enter our moral house "-and take possession. If, thee, we prize moral character, let us shun the wine -cup. -Rev. A. . 0. Dixon. n to e n s 0 a s. r, y 11 • d CONSUMPTION CUBED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had the forma aloflassimples bveget vegetable India emedylBfo tithe speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, 'iron. Affections, also Asthma all and radical and creu or Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, he has felt it his duty to mike it +known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or, English, with full , directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W: A. Noss 820 Pe..vers Block Rochester, In the Olden Time. The furrowing twelve rules, a copy Is of which used to hang in every colo- ural kitchen for the benefit of the household servants,had perhaps a share in forming the sturdy, upright chars actor of fvhich New England is justly proud : Profane no just ordinance. Touch ono state matters.. Urge no healths, • Pick no quarrels. Encourage no vice. Repeat no grievances. Reveal no secrets. Maintain no ill opinion Make no°comparisons. Deep no bad company. Make no long meals, Lay no wagers. Is simply epidemic In$uenza; Wilson's WildCherry will cure it safely and quickly. Clot the genuine, in white wrappers only, and use it as diresterl for Xufluonza, • caught in, U11I Own pint. A young lawyer was trying a ease uot`long ago, when a witness was put in the box to testify to the reputation of the place iu question,. This witnesst a stage -driver, iu an- swer to a query as to ,the reputation the place, replied; A, poor shop 1 The lawyer inquired; You say It has the reputation of being a poor shop? 'Yes, sir. Whom did you hear say that it was a poor shop 1 The witness did; not reoolleot of anyone he had heard say so. What ! said the lawyer ; you have sworn this place has the reputation of being a poor shop, rte yet yon cannot tellof anyone you have ever heard say soil The witness was staggered for a moment at the words of the lawyer. The lawyer was feeling triumphant, when the witness gathered, himself together, and quietly remarked, ad-' dressing the lawyer : Well, you havethe reputation of being a smart lawyer,but I have never heard any one say so. young, old, or middle aged, who find themselves nervous, week or exhaust; ed, who aro broken down from excess or overwork, resulting, in many of the following symptoms : Mental depres- sion, premature old age, loss of of vitality, loss of memorjy, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emission, lacy of energy, train in the kidneys, beaditkf•, pimples on the face or body; itching or peoular sensation about the scrotuu;, waisting. of the organs, dizziness, spooks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits iu the urine, loss of will power, tenderises of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested. by sleep, constipation, dullness of .hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excita- bility of temper, sunken eyes sur• rounded with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, etc,, are all symptoms 6f nervous debility.that led to isanity and dead useless•Mires. The spring or vital power having lost its , tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanentely cured, Send your address for book an all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. T, LUBAN, 50 Front St. E,, Toronto, Ont. 'Books sent free sealed. ETeart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, not flushes, rush.of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about, the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send, for book. Address M° V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. Points for Girls, Your mother is your best friend. Elaive nothing to do with girls who snub their parents, Do not expect your brother to be as dainty as a girl. Exorcise, and never try to look as though you were in delicate health. Introduce every new acquaintance to your mother as soon as possible, " Don't think it necessary to get mar- ried. There is plenty of room for old maids, and they are often happier than wives. Enjoy the pleasures provided for 'you by your parents to the fullest extent. They will like that as a ,re- ward better than any other, Take 'care of your teeth at any cost of time or trouble,and do without new dresses rather than neglect a needed' visit to the dentist. Most fathers are inclined to over indulge their~ daughters:. Make it ims possible for your father to spoil you, be fairly returning his devotion and affection.. Never think you can afford to be dowdy at ,home. Cleanliness, hair well-dressed and a senile will make a calico look silks and satins to a father or a brother.., Do not quarrel with your brother clo not preach at him, and dp not ex. pest liim to be your servant, nor let him expect you to be his. Large Trees The Arlington 'Times says that the largest tree in Snohomish County,Oal, probably is a cedar which stands a little way from the Rent's prairie and Stanwood road, about six miles from Arlington. A party of nine went down from that place lately to satisfy themselves•of the truth of what by them were regarded as exaggerated reports of its size, The neasurement taken shows it to be 68 feet, being nearly 23 feet in diameter. If measur- ed around the roots and knotty pro- tuberance" the tree would likely mea- sure 9.9 feet, The measurement was as close to,tile body of the tree as a line could be drawn. About 75 feet from the ground the tree forks into four immense branches. Just below the,forks is a big knothole, and five of the party climed up and made an ex. ploration ofs, the inside of the tree, which is a mere shell, though still green, They went down some 45 fees in the tree, and claim that there it standing room for at least 40 men there, A peeular feature which they noticed was that the tree is barked on the inside the same as on the outs ids C. P. R. TIME TABLE. Trains arrive and depart as follows ;• LEAVING ,ARRIVING 5:35 a. m...... ....For Toronto 5.35 a. in, 2:00 p. in " 2:00 p.m 2:0020 0u . n Por Teeswater 2:00 ' 10:55 G -RA N -D '+2'RU.1"1‹ A. C. STRATIIDEE, AGENT, %INGHAM,' PacificGkets to Coast,, etc.,l points sthe sAmerica—North- West,otest ll popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowestfreii;)it rates to all points. ---TIME TABLE. LEAVE WtNGIAM. .ARRIVE AT WIEGRAM. 11:10 a,m'Toronto,Guolph,Pahncrston, &c, 3:31 p.m. 3:20 p.m, " " Clinton, , 10:20. 7:35 ' .,,•,. Palmerston, IDI)xed 10:35 a.m. 6:45 a. in London, &c,.........11:00 11 3:20 11 20 g,ni 1 '• . J+': 7:50 p.m. 3:10 aun. Kineardmc, &c ., - •—• 0:300a,m. 10v0 7:10 p,m MUSIC, Iiar/woTIOYS 00 PIANO- AND ORGAN, ALDO CLASS To HARMONY. For particulars regarding terns, etc, please call at my home, corner Pr lads and Patrick streets. FLUILILLA SPARLING. ., DAVI IS' OFFERING, . ' A:reavi PROP E R �'Y AT' VERT LOW RATES. • sBa 1-1,111 j OFFICE -"OPPOSITE THE MARKET, WING11AM OCTOBER 41',r. 1855 Progeny Tor Sale in Belmore. Tho undersigned osiers for sale a desirable pro party in the vitiage of Boliaor°, consisting of a good dwelling house, office, stable and driving shed, with one acre and a•half of land in connection. Splendid garden, with all sorts of fruit trees, Will be sold at a bargain. For particulars, apply to FREDERICK COOS, Delmore. BANK OF HAMILTON, WINGHAIhl. Capital, $1`,200,000. Rest, $600,000. President—deli\ SfuART. 'Vice•President—A. G. ItAn AX. • DIRECTORS bons Pitmen, 0u43, GURNEY, Qeo I3oAcli, A, T \Noon, A. B. LEE (Toronto). Cashier—J. 2f1ItNBULL. 1. Savings pots ofof51 andfup upwards received 10 to tandainterre10 st allowed Special Deposita also received at current rates of interest, Drafts on Great hritain and the United States bought and gold B.MEYER re DICKINSON; x, a+r' Amt. Solicitors. Ij‘ tit LURE:5 0 TUE TDITC• :t: *Beale. By Itsltimely usteereaders ope es* have positiveien permanently ettu'ed.. 1 sh 0 glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to anyof your readers tvho have Col, s.tfcppt,on If the•y tacit send eta titer Exriretie and Post Ofiiee Addroax. ReipettlAllf Ar RLQOUM, When IMO W.ut AUeiwkta Alto TORONTO ONTARIO. • l°`A11 work warranted and done promptly. reat - Cas. •M. Sale! .d&,. WING ,EI Is offering Goods at reduced prices for cash, Every person looking fbr Goods away down below regular prices for cash please givii us n call before purchasing elsewhere. If you want to save money and buy cheap roods, call and inspect our reduced prices. 'PRINTS, PRINTS, PRINTS, CHEAPER THAN' THE CHEAPEST, We have the largest stdck of Prints in town and the fanciest pat- terns to choose from. Please call and examine our Print],, We have about two hundred REMNANTS to soil ata ,great reduc- tion in price, ESS GOOD$ In great variety of patterns and in all the novelty shades. Call and see our table of Cheap Dress Goods e are Selling at Half Price, Do not Bliss this olhanoo to sQocu'e big bargains, Cheap Mus.ins, Cheap rloncings, Cheap Shallies, Cheap Biousings; arid any quantity of patterns to 'choose from, Call and see our O H J ,3.. p osE in Ladies' and Children's. We have been selling- them very fast, but have s+'111 a few big bargains to ofier,in the above lines, in fact we are selling Everything Our Vlore at Reduced Prices for Gas e So if you are looking for Big Bargains please call and examine our stock. No trouble to show goods. . 100,000 Pounds Wool Wanted in Exchange for Goods or Cash at the Cash Store. T. A. ILLS, FOR TH. �l BEST VALUE ' -1N ORDI.MED s GO TO Wice`:ST ,RS 3 HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, CO Ii ARS, CUFFS, Cheap for KAS ,. —AT-- --- UU Al qqtt t I/ voN Ens removed to E. F: Gnrster's• r Id stand, nicely assorted stook of • where he hat•d large an Which he is soiling away down in price, and will . he have you call and take a look through .his Stock. P.,epai.ring a SIDeelaity •Ed. Dinslev, Masoi t)leas3e.1 10 s $lock