Wingham Times, 1891-09-04, Page 8I .) 4`•„- M. II. MC1 DOO THE NEW DRES$ GOODS. This season's importation of Dress ;goods double any we've ever made in the past,. There's a necessity far it ; a neces- sity bane of a double trade., Our Dresa Goods never made such an impression in the minds of careful buyers, for the best qualities, prettiest patterns. and lowest prices. We want all to examine this stook and see how far ahead it is of any other, intelligent investigation will make clear that our principles of dealing direct with, the best makers and buying only reliable goods, works in your inter- est as well as ours, For choice patterns,, dependable qualities and sig value, eye stake our reputation thin our stock Oil Dress Goods has no equ -}n town. Don't forget to see ouewomen's ready trade coats, in black anti oI'llored chevoit Newmarket and all *new materials in Shawl Rooled Collaree:d all the new makes. Even this early;they are going fast. Inspection invited, M. It. MDRa Etta ` t t gijam Ewa FIi1D AY, SEPTEMBER 4, :891. LOCAL NEWS, Harmer eel o bas tested the following rectptf ;recomrne rats, wipe and gr grease, spriukle i apply it to place mentioned. Th paration. —February, 189 other words, 1892 rule is that all year numbers, are divie by four, are leap ye tory years, which when they are divisab by -400. For instane year, and 1900 will be. —The charter of t • e Septennial Benevo- lent Society having • en revoked by an order of the Lieuten nteGovernor of the Province of Ontario ',. Council, the affairs of the society are to .e wound up. Mr A J Pattison has bee appointed liquidator, and he will procee; to distribute the assets after the 18th of 'eptember. Under the -circumstances tin : is the most honorable -course that the o ii ere of the society pould :take, as all the memb re will receive back a proportion of the m•ney'they have paid 440. s it for getting rid of Sud hogs Take a little with cayenne pepper,aud inhabited by the pests y will flee from the pre. , will have'29 days ; in ill be a leap year. The whose figures, or date nal without remainder excepting 'the can - re leap years only e without remainder , 1800 was nota leap be, but 2000 will —A novel remedy ore the fly nuisance ']las been given o by a New "York man who vouches for it reliability. It won't do any harm to t y the discovery. The New Yorker went ' to the country last year "when red clove was iu bloom and brought back with re when be returned a number of clove blossoms, He hong them in his room ornament the ,walls. The clover dried a d since then he says.not a fly will stay in tl e room. He has watch- ed and studied, a d says he has discovered Qat flies cannot s and the scent of dried { . eloper. ran Fairs. Oabadn"s Industrial, Terouto, Sept 7 to 19. Zurieb, Sept 14 and 15. Hensalt, Sept 15 and 16. C 4oderiola. dept 16 to 18.` Western E'air, Loudon. Sept 17 to 20. A Guelph Central, Guelph, Sept 22, 23 and 24. Mildmay, Sept 221.0., Teeswater, Sept 23rd. Centre Bruce, at`Paisley, Sept 22 to 24. Mitchell, Sept 28 end 24. Neestadt, Sept 24th and 25th. Exeter, Sept 28 and 29. Palmerston, Sept 28 and 29. Clinton, Sept 28 to 30, Northwestern,Wiouharn,; Sept 29 and 30. Berlin, Sept 29 and 30 Huron Township, at 1 <i sy, Sept 23 and SO. Atwood, Sept 29th. Ltaekuaw, Sept 20th mod 306. Northerti,.Walkerton, Sept 20 to Oct 2. East Huron, Brussels, Oct, 1 and 2. Seaforth, Oct 1 and 2. North Perth, eitrattord, Oct 1 and. 2. Harrison, Septets to Oct 1. tea i#ruseels, Oct;1 ;cC'2, Elneardine, aetreti t awl 1►tit. Clifford, 7t end eth .EasWaaummi1 Belgrev e, Oct 6 and 7, Kiuowrctrue, at 1Cinetardine, 'qct 8 and 9: Blyth, Oat 8 mid ft. Dungannon, get ut*'t.tl i Lith. Clinton. Mr Editor, when your deity little paper failed to make en appearance last week, we kept humming to our selves eoutieually ; "You never hies the water until the well runs dry.” Heim RAors.—Owing to the very unfavorable weather of Friday last, the (Hinton horse races were postponed until the following Saturday; Being no horseman, Sir, can give no details of the day's sport, with the exception - of stating that there were but few spectators, Amongst the Wingham visitors we noticed the faces of 13 Willson, Esq. lkl;r Jas 'McGuire (the well known express agent), Mr G Roe, iter W F Pulwage,G Mason and Several others from your town, We read in Holy Writ, that the wicked shall flourish like n "green bay tree". We are of opinion that it would apply to dear Uncle Thomas end his devoted nephews. The wife of Mr II Marisb presented Apr husband with a fine young dough. r, Saturday last. ,i' ,When that vote came before the "House" rtgardieg an extra $500, on account of the long session, there was no division, but all to a man voted ..year, • Mr Cunningham, our express agent, has on exhibition in his window a pugilistic potato. Those who are not proficient in this art, had better bet ware.' ARM NOTES,—The D 0 of th Division of the Salvation Army le the forces on Wednesday iu this tow On Sunday last, Capt Cowan, of th London Rescue Home, conducted th meetings in .,the Army barrack Drummer Thornton, gave it pretty warm to the Clinton halters a wee ao last Sunday. The day previou their bread had been weighed in th balance and found slightly wanting one worthy here said concerning it that if all were christians, there woul be no light weighted bread. TW gallant drummer must remember the a slight mistake made by ti lla.kers would not altogether classt em a "Deils". . Mr P Kerr, who for the past few months, has been in the employ ; o "Uncle Sam," has returned therefrom to again enjoy close relationship wit ,"Brother Johnathan„'. MAY HIS RECOVERY I3E SPEEDY.—On very esteemed. citizen, Mr Corbett; we arra sorry to state, is very sick. He was. taken verb' suddenly, on Saturday night, two doctors were summoned immediately, and although yet in a very critical condition, he is, we 'are 'nappy to say, slightly better. Mrs Corbett at the time,was visiting friends in, Detroit, it was r londay morning informed of the sband's health, Mr Corbett at one t uie used to run the Clinton Woolen'.,Mil], and ,has al, ways, been It shiniaig light in the political and ecclesiastical situation of this our burgh. Mr R Welsh is oft duty for a week.. He is spending his holidays amongst friends in the cog, untty surrounding. .. On, IT 1S WONDERFTJL.—Mr Editor, it is a great pity that your fall fair, clashes with that Of Clinton, for this season's fair will far eclipse any ever held this side of Toronto, for we are going to have such a tremendous demonstration; the fame of which will, like Solomon's of old, reach to the very uttermost part ;v of the earth. Ther:' will be—oh, there we stay our pen; just come':” see for your- self -the most wond,: Ill sight ever winessed in the Coun`'; of Huron. GATHER TEEM IN ° r Editor, wt !chow you to be no ba ()red J?orester of the C 0,F. Allow`=`"me to ask a single question. Why does not this big,noble Order introduce into its sub ordinate courts, the Juvenile branch of the Order mentioned? thus letting the parent brand. nurture the young•buds. Norn—Juvenile Courts are now beim,• established by sotneof the Courts, there being now ten or twelve juvenrte Courts.—ED Times. , is d n, e e S k s e a S t f h T e before she could be critical state of her c 13 0 n g w a 1 st to w re e Teeswater . Mr Brown has nearly all the mi- llinery in position ie Cris flax mill and will soon be in full operation. Mr rowil deserves credit .for his under- akiu;,r.--Orr public salami did not pen tilt Wednesday, owing to sotne mole needed repairs it has been tinder- oirlg. Nti Skilling wielded the white - ash brash on its walls and ceiling nd the work has been Well executed. t has also received a .new roof. The manta will soon be what it ought be—tile building in the town. --Mr :iilien and Nit Douglas left Thurs- ay for the far Pacific Boast—British l lug bia. Mr Millioilintends follow µt;li';e trade-- earriaciabuilder, They L oro' good citlzt'ns Land Teeswater (trots their departure., 'tt 'e sincerely ops that stxeceeS mint` grown their ffoi;ta in their tiew ephtiet.--•'Eche Rev Mr Malcolm is Gator bia vacation, It is to be hoped he may return with re. dewed vigor and strength to tabor in his • Master's vineyard.,—The funeral sermon of the late W Newman was preached in the 1llethonist church last Sahllath, by the pastor.., -Some evil disposed person cut the plate glass in front of ICeeler's jewellery store, .Such rase City is getting too eowmon„in the village. Penitentiary is too good fo the guilty culprit if foxud out. Other windows were similarly dealt with,— It was with profound sorrow ,that the citizens of Teeswater received the news of the death of Mrs. A G Midford, of your *town. The bereaved husban and her sorrowing parents have the sympathy of the whole neighborhood. In her manners she was amiable and gentle, In her affections waren and glowing. In her temper, modest, candid and cheerful. The tears of her near and • dear friends embalm her memory. The remains were conveyed to Teei;water.—Mr Nixon lead the misfortune, last Tuesday, of getting the palm of his hand, above the little finger, mangled in the plaining ma- chine. It will lay him off work for a few days. Our furniture factory of late has gained a reputation for acci- dents as well as in the business line, Culross. The Directors of the Culross Mutual Fire Insurance Company met in the town ball, Teeswater, 29th August, 1891. 1Vlembers all present. Presi.• dent in the chair. The minutes of previous meeting were read and ap- proved of, when it was moved by Messrs Kirkland—McKa;ue---That all applications for insurance be laid on the table for inspection —Armstrong— Reid—That having examined nine application's and found them satisfae, tory,the president and Secretary are hereby instructed to issue policies for the same—Carried. Mc1Cague—Littlii —That this Board do not adjourn to meet again in, the town hall Tees -1 water,on the last Saturday of Septem- ( 1•' D. arexieLAY. parents, by Rev 1133 Ba ranotpal of the Exeter pt ¥iss Kate Hill, second Hillt Esq, of Weet Durh Brsesa—HAwxllvs— ust, at the house of th the Rev ,Tames Carr e, incumbent of Christ church, Port A .ert, George S. Brister, of London, to E, Victoria aw- kins, daughter of Thos awkins, Esq, Po t Albert, Ont. BATON--Honmes--At : t Paul's church, Clinton, on August 12t by the Rey W Craig, B. D, Mr Alexi der D Beaton, of Whitechurch, to .Miss. lizaboth Holmes oldest daughter of rs M Taylor, o> Clinton, s, TA Brown, lie school, to ughter of S , n the 6th Aug- bride'a father,by DIED, IDFORD—I'n Wingh August, Sarah Fessant, Captain AQ. Midford Wm aad Marla Fess and 24 days. MONTOOME zy.—•Iu 31st August, Andre 72 years and 1 month. Jolnesor —At the re (T A Johnston), Tor 1V.fargaret,relict of th son, formerly Tress 83 nears. ITorzrE—•-In Win. August, Emma, da Ritchie, aged 4 years RENNIEr111 Luck Helena Alma, in David Rennie, ak days. LYON—In Huila Joseph Lyon, aged and 10 days. KNox—In Clinton, on the 8th August, their Knox, aged 68 Iross, on the 22nd man. • s, on the 24th Aug- , on the 31st beloved wife of and daughter of t, aged 26 years Turnberry, on the ontgomery, aged 'dente of her son, to, on August 18, late Thomas John- rer of Ashf e1d, aged ani, on the 12th ghter of Mr John ow, on August 10th, nt daughter of Mr d 8 months and 10 , on the 8th August, 6 years, 8 months Annie, wife of Mr years. Nrwerew—In C August, Thomas Ne WATS0N—I11 Kinl ust, Mary AnnM. mute, wife of Mr Alex Watson, age, 84 years, 11 months and 16 days. Bev:awe—In Cu rose, on Aug, 30th, dna May Butcher, infant daughter of Mr and Mrs John B toher,aged,6 months and 15 days. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale a cottage mita', ing seven rooms, and two•tifths of an acre of land, situated on the corner of PatrIcic and Carling street, WinghaSa;• Good cellar, woodshed and hard and soft particulars, ajiply to the owner, near the toperty. her, at 2'o'clock, p m—Curried. ALEX ADAMSON, Secretary. Lower Wingham. • Mrs Benson, of Peterboro, and Mrs McBain, of Atwood, who have been visiting at Mrs Win Cruickshank's for the past week, left on Tuesday morning for their respective homes. —Mr William Currie left on Tuesday' SALESMAN WANTED To take orders for Warranted NURSERY STOCK to be delivered in the spring., Agents starting NOW tied at once. can make big Salary, or,Commission. Stock and variety superior to anything heretofore shipped, CANAUIAN ,., . PACIFIC July 3rd EEPEfl TO PQP OLD ON Tr WHIT EVE` Returns g, Tams, stn 0 ' EMA, and to MOUNT TUESDAY CHARD P COAST, ll r. N RESORTS AY nd FRIDAY leave old Orchard E y, running through to Summer seagull?r rates and full WalnutC. P. R. Ticket Agent. pry Monday and Toronto during on apply to 017 Dissolution of Partnership. ' Notice is hereby given that the Part- nership. heretofore subsisting between the undersigned as Hardware Merchants, under the name of JAS, A. CLINE & Co., at the Town of Wingham, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 12th day of March, A, D. 1891. All accounts due to the late firm will be paid to Jas. A. Cline, who will carry on the.business at the old stand and by whom all obligations of the late firm will be paid, Dated this 24th March, A. D. 1891, Witness, Jes. A. CLINE, J. A, MORTON. . JOHN NEELANDS. • Refering to above, I wish to return my thanks for past favors, and trust that by a - close attention to the wants of my cus- tomers to merit a continuance of the ,l same. Jas. A, Cline. P. S.—Past due accounts must be set - Outfit a instructions furnis ed FREE. Wri atone B. 0.terms GRAHAM, ' ,moi 1 ■, ,1 + I O. GRAft'ADf, NnaptiarifAN, I { +/J yi I/fyii { uW i{I Toronto Ont. 1 • iT'S WONDERFULi PACIP1 for an extended tour through Mani 1 The rzoneouca, toga. lie expects to be 'absent until I Chirstmas.--Miss Kate Eadie, who i save by . buying yo has spent the last two years in To - goods s anng your route r visit.—Mies is home to a ' R'•EST --EIC . RSIONS !t.;;Is'tem ab 5 tions n On to Rotitrn Rates to • 11IETFIVE Rebecca Cameron, of Toronto, is visit- WatolleS repaired at Pat' ''$ARTNF ang her parents.—Mrs James Bently terson'S Jewellery store. DELdR'AI MOOSOMI Blyth, where calling on friends bare, and daughter, Mrs Wm Campbell, of INSCART He gives perfect Satisfac- tion every time. -Try him and buy and don't go by without you do buy. 1V[”. PATTERS ,? Practical Wat `' aker and Jeweller, M in sa., Wingham.. HANGE. East Wawanosh, On Monday last, a heavy hail storm visited I his township about two miles west of Wingliam. The section cover ed by hail was small and outside of its track there was a very heavy fall of rain. Noris,—Some items appeared under this heading, in last issue of the Tures, which have given considerable annoy - once to a couple of estimable young. ladies of this township. The items were admitted through an oversight, and we will take care that items of a Simi' tar nature do not appear in future.— ED. TIMES. Glenannan. Following is the school report for S S No 3, Turnberry for the month of August : Fourth. class—Maggie An. demon, Mabel McLean, Rachael Dune kin, Third Glass—Agnes Mundell, Maggie Mundell, Bruce Ferguson, Second class—Bella Campbell. Isaac Stopes, Robert Reid. Junior second —Peng A MacKay, Jennie Hutton, Oliver Stokes. *11 Christmas, Item The publishers oJthe Dominion Illustra- ted have in preps,rsi;ion the most magnifi- cent Christmas- number ever issued in Canada. Its Literary and Artistic features will stand unrivalled. It will be a purely Canadian work. Whit for it t Published by the Sabiston Litho. * Pub Go, Montreal. 8o li013B•--in Morris, wife of Mr Joseph 13th August, the tweeter ; a son. BLAIN --In Guar the wife of Mr D Poweee---In T August, the wif: daughter, PoenesTlit#— August, the wit son, tt. n the 19th inst, the bb ; a son. SolluluAoix tt—In Teeswater, on the wife of Mr A Sohn - seem the 17th August, lain ; a daughter. eswater, on. the 27th of Mr W Fowler; a Clinton, on the 15th of Mr D A Forrester; a MA. 1t1:ED. Wrnen -Mtrxa In Clinton, on the 26th, u :', . A us at the re endo thebride's g t, of rid e s father, by the Rev Stewart Miss Mag- gie 14lttir, daughter of Mr W Muir, to i14r W C) Weese, of Ud ra, York Co, Brow's---11ILL---1 n Wednesday, 12th August; at the i",tes donee of the bride's' • t ti it A, L. HAMILTON, Chemist and Druggist, begs to inform the people of Wingham and vicinity, that he has bought the PHARMACY DRUG- STORE from Dr. W. B, Towler, and hopes through 'strict attention to business to retain all the old cus- tomers, besides as many new ones as possible. A. L. HAMILTON. Having sold the stock and good- will of my business to Arthur L. Hamilton, a graduate of the Ontario College of Pharlriaoy, I .take this opportunity of thanking my many patrons for their liberal patronage and hope they will •continue to deal at the pharmacy. W. B. T0WLEIle Wingham, August 12th, 1891. A CARD. Dr. Towler will continue the prac- tice of hie profeseion and may be found at his o lee to the Pharmacy ---Mr, Hamilton's drugstore—during odleo hours, or 011ie 'residence, ..Die ,agonal street. REGINA MOOSEJAW YORKTON CALGARY PRINCE :. LB To leave all AUGLJS AUG.0 SEP inti in t 1 I th T i 8th, MBER 1st, Province of" Ontario on eturn until September 20th, 1$91. turn until September 27th, 1891 Return until October 10th, 1891 nt9should arrange nncet with the 11 8th, and Septem, Parti s ticketing from other p toarri a in Toronto In time to e p. m. rain leaving August 11th, ber 1 ;t,1891. Fdi full infortnation apply 'to any the Canadian Pacific Railway, SHiLOH CONSUMPTION. CURE::: ' ticket agent of The success of this Great Cottgh Cttre is without a parallel ill the history of inedicitie. All druggists are duthorir,ed to sell it on "a pose • itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc- cessfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are plain a .Sample Bottle Free into every home >n thei`tlthid States and Canada. If you have a Cough, 40r6 Thedlitt, ler Bronchitis, use it, for it will curs yea, If year child has the Croup, or Witco ing Cough, use itpromptly, and relief is sure ;vett dread, that insidious disease Consumption, • ask 3t', -; Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S Ct11ZZ »rite To ets., eo Cts. and $1.00. If your Lunge art sore or Back lantc, use Shiloh's,porous PJA.ster, Price as cts.. JOSEPH COWAN, ,, Cairig Orin t xv. (jouliT, Co. Hinton, •AUOTIONELB, ISSUER tib' MAI1It1AG.S LICENSES COSrossiosert IN I. C. T., ETc. WaoxerSii, ONT. Monet tis Loan on N•otee. liOteg . isCointed A.%* ith"ASONNAHLE ItAfI" ;S annoy aevaeecd en'11fo n rt ae9 at 6 per cent. with grs p and of wilts at the end of any year. Notes and accounts concreted. !told. moxrNDOO, Orriott;.-Sarver Block. Wihtrhant, Out.