HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-09-04, Page 7Tbo Miter or the House, $e caunot walk, be cannot speak, Nothing he knows of books or men He le the weakest of the weak, And has not strength to hold a pen. Ss has moo pooket and DO purser Nor ever yet has owned a penny, But has more riches than his nurse, r‘- 13eoauso he wants not any, He rules his parents by a cry,; holds s themcaptive .by a sinilo; 4 despot strong through infancy, A king from lack of guile.. Ne lies upon his back'and crows. Or looks with grave eyes on his mother, What can he. _mean? But I suppose, They understand trach. other. In -doors and out, early and late— There is no limit to hisAway; For, wrapt in baby robes of state, He governs night and day. Biases he takes as rightfnl due, And'Turk-like has hie slaves to dress hire; His subjects bend bpfpre Ilion, too, I'm one of there. God bless him. 'regi Butter the Year Round. ' At this season of the year, when butter is.lowest in price and Qverybody making it, it is a good plan to think of bolding it until prices are higher. ,ghe great trouble with packed butter is ;that when used it is off flavor and often- times no better than soap'grease. Any Method that will keep the butter for a, few months in good condition is well worthy of trial; George Parr, of Dakota, ,gives his experience in the Northwestern Farmer and Breeder with packing butter. In 1889, when butter was worth ,from 8 to 1Oo per lb. lie made his butter into & lb rolls and wrapped it in Elliott's parchment paprrr. He put this into new perk barrels and covered it with strong brine. Early last winter he sold a number of barrels .of this butter to a dealer in Montana for 20e per lb. and the dealer wrote: If balance of your butter is as good as last delivered,ship at once. Mr. Parr says this butter was in brine 16 or 17` months. The butter lie made the past season was kept in.' brine alit months, and there seemed to be no difference in flavor between that and the butter put in a year before. In August be put down three barrels of granular butter, which ho handled, this wily Relined the' bar el with Elliott's parchment paper, filled it within four inches of the top with ,butter, put on a cover that would float an egg. Then in the winter when he churned, he put away the fresh butter- milk, took out some butter from the ,►,barrel, put in the churn and poured fresh buttermilk on it. He churned this for a few seconds and found that it was equal to his fresh butter and that he had'to resalt it again, The buttermilk was drawn off and the but' ter treated in the usual way, and he * had but one complaint from a very particular customer, that the butter was not quite up to the general stand- ard. If these two methods of putting down butter as well. as Mr. Pari says then they will prove a god -send to many dairymen. The process is not expensive, and by churning the grauu• tiler batter in fresh buttermilk, there ,can be do doubt but that it will part to the butter all the qualities of fresh butter. In trying these experiments, the great essentials are, in the first place to have the butter washed clean of all foreign matter, the barrel lnust be new, clean and tight and well lined, the brine must be strong and made of good salt, and the butter must be kept constantly covered. We see no reason why these methods may not be used to preserve butter in good condition. For nearby markets • the method of preserving butter in granular form is , probably the better of the two. 13y churning this in fresh buttermilk, it i could then be sold for fresh butter, while if preserved in rolls, it would have to be sold for packed butter. We would not advise dairymen to try it, ob'a largo scale the first year, but pack one or two barrris as an experiment and see how it comes out. There 'surely sari be no great loss in tryiug it on a small scale and it may he the way of making a great gain,—Farm and Borne, What singularly crooked fingers that deaf.mute has'? Yes ; they used to be straight, but bo tried to learn Russian. it's a fearful language for the fingers. "La Grope; "La grippe" or influenza can ne quickly cured bythe BIM e of Wilson's Compound of Wald Cherry, the old reliable remedy for Bronoltitie, Whooping Oough, Croup,Colds, Coughs and other diseases of ,respiratory system, Wilson's Wild Cherry has been in use for many yearn and is highly recom- mended by all who know its virthes. sold by all prominent druggists, `atRe'CITP ??hWflANT for PINE APPLES, ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, TOMATOES, FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, CONFECTIONERY, ALL KINDS, ALMOND NUTS, WALNUTS, PEA NUTS. FANCY BISCUIT OF ALL KINDS. A Large Stook of Canned Goods : TOM &TOES, PEAS, CORN, SALMON, LOBSTER, CHICKEN, TURKEY, CONDENSE!) COFFEE, CANNED PICS FEET, FIREWORIKS OF ALL HINDS. R. HILL. r.�. , Itch, Mango and Scratches of oyery kind, On human or anhnals cured in 80 minutes by wood. ford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by W. Il. Tol7ler, SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING. ALEX. SATJ.NDERS, Cr02JF�'1�ICH. LATEST METHODS : Particular attention paid to Sanitation and Ventilation. Plans and Specifications care- fully prepared. Re pairing rom ptly attend- ed to. hre e Trains Daily. Telephone No. 28. Correspondence Solicited. GOOD WOOL WANTED. HIGHEST PRiCE PAiD AT THE WiNGHAM TANNERY W. J. CHAPMAN, rLVRT P10WS. I have much pleasure ina r o'incing to the farming pubiio that I out agent for these Celebrated Plows and ether AEcW;a1 1141cluntl, HALSTED & SCOTT Josephine Street - - - - • - Wingholn, Ont, J. A, IIALSTSD, ,Bonet Forest. J, W. Scorn, Listowel REPAIRS KEPT ON HAND. The Old Stand on Vietoriab1ttreet will still be .R.EADQUTARTERS FOR Sewing 1VMachines, Organs, Washing Machines and Wringers. Deposits Received and Interest flow cd. 1'Vloney Advanced to Farmers and Business Men, On lohg or short time, en endorsed _otes or collateral security, Sale notes hotIght at a Mir valuation, ;Honey remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. Spticia1 Attention Given to CM - Meting Accounts and Notes. Give ere a call and inspect Goods. J. B. Cufflings. Wingham, April 17th 1891. LOOK HERE 1 I have in stuck a full line of FLY NETS, WHIPS, ' BRUSHES, CURRY -COMBS, Sm. Agents in Canada- The Mercltants' i3dtilt of Canada. Oillee Ileurb—from 0 a. tn, to 5 p. M. A. E. SMITH, Agent. HARNESS double and single, light or heavy, made to order, in the latest styles and of she beat material. TRUNKS, VALISES, BAND BAGS, &c., in stock and will be sold cheap. Repairing neatly an'n promptly dons The patronage of the public solicited,and satisfac ion In work and material guaranteed, af'Shop—One door south of T., A. Mills' store, C. KNECH'TEL Wincham, June 15, 1891, LUMBER, Dressed and undressed, LATH, SHINGLES, . STAVES, BARRELS, CEDAR IOSTS, WOOD, &e,, Always on hand,and will be sold cheap. MILL—Adjoining G, T. * R., on Shutes Street, McLean & Son, Wingham, Ont Plscs Remedy for Catarrh is tho Best, Easiest to Hee and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or gent by mail, Gee. T. Hazeltine, Warren. Pa„ U. S, A. ZETLAND SAW MILL Wcst Ri Wok Mil1. Woolenlsh Mills tt Inform 1 Rr running order. and will this season give special attention to Oar s`11OM WORK fn all Its bronches,and will keep in stook a Class of first -cleat goods, Such as +t Tweeds, Flannels, Etoffs, Blankets, Sheetings, Stocking Yarns, &c*, &e., (made from pure wool only) cheap far cash or ex- change for wool Customers from a distance can have their rolls home with them the sane day. rellighestmarket price In cash for Merchantabie wool. INGLES tk CO'Y., Wingham GEORGE THOMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Sitecialty. 4 WOOD delivered to any part of Wingham. it''orders by grail pronmptiy attended to.' GLIt(8E THOMSON, Windmill P. SOOT AND SHOE SHOP. purchased MaLAeonLcn & HAooir McCormick & Cos wish tthe o i tituatao that they of Messrs opened out in the shop two doors south of T A Mills Store, Wingham. Best Stock ots onashortd Shoes notice.made tRepairtigroneatly and promptly done. The patronage of tite public solicited, and all work guaranteed. 1'IcLAUGHLIN &: HAUGE. MATTHEW AMBLEFi, HARNESS MAKER, has on hand a lame stock of flOBSE BLANKETS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, WHIPS, TRUNKS VALISES ole. Which will be sold at bottom prices. WIN6HAM MARBLE WflRKS! Taking a retrospect of my thirteen r fourteen years business in H'ingham, I desire innstheartily tri render trey thanks to arty friends and the public gen- molly for tic liberal patronsgu .extended to ins Jo GLI post, also state that Tani in a position to offer better inducements titan ever to those requiring Anything in the line of Granite or Stone Monuments, HBA13SToNE S, WINDOW SILLS, STONE TttTMaILN(a6 FOR F'JNC1NG, &c i 1 would be *used to have those desirous of pro- curing any articles in my line to call and examine goods, compare prices and leave their orders, so that the goods may be secured and prepared o'trly in the season, You can select frons the latest ,esigns and ,obtain the finest workmanship at the WA favorable prices. , Most respectfully, yours WM. SMYTH, • winomm; ni, opt. JON8400 SGIC►'' -mAGEAti NCYI'9r ENT A pamphlet of information and ab, strait of the lairs, showing Flow to Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, sent free. eadr.x MUNN & CO. 361 $roadway, New York. WINGHAM. FLOURING MILLS1 1 The undersigned wish to tender their hest thanks for the liberal patronage given 10 our firm during ' severalyears prior to the burniug.of our mill by in- cendiarism, During the past season we have re moddclled the town mill to the latest approved sys. tem of Hungarian Roller Process 'mil ling. We be lieve wecan non' give better accommodation than ever before. We oiler Prompt Dispatch, Pair Returns, . HARNESS, double or single, Made to order on QUALITY SECOND '1'0 NONE IN THIS short notice, and satisfaoation guaranteed. SECTION.. -t0"A call solicited. ' -1` SHOP—Opposite the Bank of Hamilton. 'MATTHEW AMBLER, Wingham, Feb. col, IS90. • And by close personal attent:Jn to the business hope to be again favr.red 'with a trial by all old friends and runny new ones, Yours most respectfully, HUTTON' & CARR, Wingham Mill, Oct R9, 1SSO. ' P. CHAPMAN, ISSUER on MARRIAGE, LICENSES, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, ETC, OFFICE—" Big" Bookstore, RIPLEY, OSr. Money to Loan on Farm Security. at Low Rates of interest. No commission charged. 3. GOLLEY, VETERINARY SURGEON. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Also Graduate of Dentistry School, Toronto is pre. Fared to treat all Diseases of Domesticate Animals nn the latest scientific manner. Calls'promptly attended to. Office and Infirmary RinD's OLD STAND, Wingham sn.,Calters by night will find him at the office, I? crease of :Y' goers IS CERTAIN IF THE GENUINE McColl's h ..ti .(�";,... '4 . � �`a�a:. r. .1 wit IS ONLY USED. BE ENERGETIC BY GIVING IT ONE TRIAL. a MCCOLL'S WELL KNOWN - o z Di rTID' F 13, ' oil Acknowledged the best hi Canada. • Or For Sale by Leading Dealers throughout the Dominion. MADE ONLY BY McCOLL BROS. & CO. - _ _ - TORONTO. A Blessing to Every Household. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT Those remedies have stood the test of fifty years experience, and are pronbunccd the best Medicines for Family use, MI -1M P2..GLS Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, ST(1i8tACH, KIDNEYS AND DOWELS anp sr invaluable in ail complaints inciderttaI to females of all ages. 40I1\711)1V1:01 ±.1111 Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, sores, ulcers, and old wounds. FOR BRONCHITIS, SOIL1s THROATS, COUGHS, (OLDS, GOUT, RIII8UMATISAI, GLADULAR SWELLINGS AND ALL SIKIN DISEASES IT IIAS NO 1ttt,UAL. Manufactured rnrly at 78, New Oxford. Late 853, O\ford Street, London. and sold by all 'Niodides Vendors throtrgliont the world, . . i:''I?urhaaers should look to the Label on the Boxes 'and dots. tf the address is net 533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. Of g�y r,O�+TTLES 'LIVEN AWAY YEARL `, When I err oeiro 1 do net sheat 11♦ merely to stop them for a time, and t lave them return again. l MOAN A RATA OA LOUR E. 1 haws grade the diseatt of Epileiney or Falling Ointment a 1 fedang study. I warrant tn5 remedy U. CVO* worst eases. Because Others have failed is no reason for not now vet eiaialr a cure. Se' once fora treatise and a Frets spottier 00 my lnfalfibtO Iteenecl••. Give Express. Pest Cate. It emits you nothing for a trial, and i4; will cure von. Addresat- kj. 0, [ MAN grafts* Office. 13B wM$:tt' AWi1.AIDii STIIfEET5 Ro[tt:L''",