Wingham Times, 1891-09-04, Page 6horse. Wr;• -�- at odds'of tell to one he would v.,4c wing ani two/ more than recoup himself tor the season's loss. m Ile was the more anxious to do this k'RIDAk, SB!?TEyll31 R 4, 1891. as he had reoeutly come to the eonclue . --- sion that he was in love with a pretty A. mother's Prayer. girl whom he, had met at his boarding Lord, though his sins were scarlet, And he went far astray, house and he had reason to behove These long years have I prayed Thee ; 'that she did not look upon him with Show him the narrow way, indifference. As his bank , ceoulit Though with the swine he feasted, 01 bring liim back to Thee; MY Youngest be na tbora, y 01saveslim, The only prayer now left ane Is, Lord, that Thou wouldst turn $is heart to Thee iu sorrow, Thou, Lord, that be might learn ; Though sin may not come cosi h Thee, find The sinner may g' If he repents hire truly, Thou wilt not hide Thy face. For years, Lord, has hs wander'd, Let him arise and say, "Against Thee have I sinned, No longer here I stay ; "I will return unto Tbee, And at Thy feet will pray, That, like the prodigal of old, I be not turned away." It may be, Lord, that uevsr He will come home to Ine ; I dare not While he i pray far from for aTd� ry Thee. Yet, Lord, all things are possible, And mighty is Thy grace : It may be the day cometh That i shall see his face. The face ()flint who left me, My youngest born, my pe; There Dame a day I deemed it Far better he bad•died.. But now my prayer is only, 0 Lord, Thy will be done ;' It may be in Thy mercy • Thou wilt bring home my.son. his eyes off the clock. It was time I for the horses to go to poet. He could see them as they stirred up the dust far away up the track. They would be restless for a while ; perhaps a while. Perhaps a dozen false starts would be made. But now they're offs heretheycome Where is Starry A STRAIGHT TIP. BY EDWARD S. VAN ZILE. ha ^ 1windled his love' had increased, and, now that he was without a 'cent, the combination of remorse and ins fatuation rendered him utterly miser- able, If he could win a thousand dollars on Starry Flag he would pro- pose to his inamorata that very night. But where, Wel where, could he place his white, thin, hand on a hundred dollar bili. A vision of bank notes reposing in a safe only a few feet from his desk was before him, His superior, the cashier, always locked the safe when he went home to luncheon, but Comstock knew the combination of the lock. He bad naught a glimpse of it one day on a memorandum pad of the cashier. Supposing that he borrowed a few dollars from the safe ? He could place the money on Starry Flag, who ran in the first race, cash his winning ticket by three o'clock and replace the money he had used before the cashier settled up for the day. As Comstock entered his office and seated himself at his desk a cold per- spiration covered his body and his hand 1 trembled as he took up a pen. He . glanced at the cashier. He was changing his ooat.preparatory to take It's a dead sure thing, old fellow-- ing his mid-day outing. He had al- a cinch from way back. The man who uttered these slangy words was a tall, flashilyedressed in. dividual, with small eyes and a large milstache - The P•rfeot Man. M. Edouard Rod, the eminent French criticns , gives these mowers to the New 'York Herald's question: How shall perfect manhood be de. veloped'l 1. The attributes of perfect man - Seo, hood are calmness and force,' 2. My idea. is perfect tranquility of Flag l W11ere is that confounded jockey with the red, white and blue stripes ? Why doesn't he use whip and spnr 1 Ah, but he doesn't need to: See how easily his horse gallops in, a winner by three lengths. Comstock can stand the strain no longer. Seizing his hat, he snakes an incoherent exouse to the cashier and rushes out. Nervously pushing his way through the crowded street he enters the pool room. At that instant a stentorian voice calls out : liunfast first Starry Flag second. * 2 * * spirit. 3. The best types, n►orally, are the women of acute sensibility and the man of great activity; physically, the Anglo.Saxon type is the best. 4. My idea of the cultured man is he who knows many things but does not show it, 5. The qualities of character that should be cultivated are will, sensibil- ity and sincerity. 6. Egotism and vain curiosity must be repressed. 7. The cardinal point to be insisted upun for the development in the cone- ing man is the developing of his mus- cular system. 8, We know too little of America to say what point must be urged for awakening the higher intelligence of the Young American. 9. , The best counsel for the young man of today is not to, reflect too much before acting. 10. The finest quality in, human nature is good faith. 11. The best book for culture is "The Divine Comedy." • q;t rnnam ti: —IS rVBL1Sit D— EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, • --AT Tli TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM, ONTARIO. They found his body floating off Sandy Hook some days later. A bank had lost $100 and a pretty girl a lover. ready locked the safe. ' A moment later the assistant cashier was alone in the room, Now was his chance. Hastily approaching the safe, he placed a shaking hand on the What're the odds ?. asked his come 1 lock. To his dismay he found that he panion, a pale, blonde youth, with a' could not remember the numbers in weak face and a hesitating manner. Ten to one straight. Three to one fora place But I tell you to play it CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, haying had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a e speedy andpermanenttcure e of Consume ption, Brfor on- chitis,. Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical euro for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, he has felt it his duty to make it known to his enflame' fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French •or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NOVO 820 Powers Block Rochester, N, Y. their sequence. To try every combi- nation possible with three numbers and to make at the same time the re - straight. It's a regular hog -killing. , quisite revolutions forward and back Bettsynu know I swore off when I would take a great deal of time• . your last Lip went wrong. l Nevertheless he was too thorough a That's all right. I want you to get square on the bad brei k I made then. Don't forget to play Starry Flag and you'll blow me off to luncheon gambler to throw away his opportunity without at least a trial: Three times he attempted to wring from the glittering knob its well -kept tomorrow. [secret. Every slight noise in the The tall man moved on up the street i adjoining rooms caused him to look and the youth threaded his way round in affright. Once again he played .a combination. Luck was with him. The one chance in thou- sands hacl been struck and the heavy door rolled slowly open. Hurriedly seizing a bill from a large roll in front of him, he closed the safe, lodked it and returned to his desk. He bad not a minute to spare for at that mo- ment the cashier entered. You look pale,. Julius, he remark- ed cordially. It's a very dull day. You'd better take the afternoon off and go down -to the shore. Thank you, returned the assistant huskily. I am perfectly well, how- ever. I think I'll stick it out, but, if you don't minis, I'lt step out for alittle stroll. It seems very close in here to -day. A few minutes later Comstock en- tered a pool -room and joined the motley throng that watched the ohang- ing odds marked by the bookmakers. Ten to one against Starry Flag to win ; three to one place, came the cry. Comstock hesitated, for a moment. Conservatism counselled him to play, the horse for a place, Cupidity urged him to take the long odds. Its a dead sure thing, he skid to himself, repeating, the words of his tipster. One hundred straight on Starry Flag, be cried, pushing his way through the crowd and handing. his ,'fellow the advice of his ehattce acgttain-borrowed bill to the bookies.. Seizing tante. But how could he raise t the 1 bis ticket eagerly,' he hastened toward money 1 fie was dead broke, and his the door. .Ilia heart seemed to choke credit was not in a very flourishing him and his step was unsteady. E. e ted him - C be seated la `n the office Ito - condition. But that Starry �' g turning to t wouldewinbe had no doubt. If he self listlessly at his desk and attempt- could manage to place $100 on the SUNK) riptionprleo ,Slyer year.inadvance ADVERTISING RATES;_ —_,,__,, ,- Space 11 yr. 1 e mo. 10 mo. I Imo Ono Colunm " $0e 00 020 00 $20 00 SO 00 lIelf " . 35 00 20 00 12 00 G co Quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00 5 00 One Inch 5 00 8 00 2 00 1 00 --,,-_- LOCaI and, other`casual. advertisements, 8c. per line for first Insertion, and So, per line foresail subsequent insertion. Local notieeslOc, per lino for first insertion, and 5e. per line for each subsequent Insertion; No local notice will be charged less than 250. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed Situations, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 licca nonpareil, $1 per month $11 for first month, 500.. for er subsequentiuio th lines, These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for longer advertisements, or for longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tram, eltory advertisements must bo paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that weak 11. ELLIOTT P1rerRIRTOR AND PuemstrIIR liaised the Church Debt. ROW FORCE OF IIAIBIT LED A GAMBLER INTO A QUEER PREDICA1.IENT. Talk of raising church debts, the man who had been everywhere said to a Buffalo Express reporter : I cleared up a debt for a church in Deadwood once in spite of myself. Yes ? • It happened in this way : I had been playing poker the night before in great luck. Came 'out a cool $10,000 -winner. Then a kind of remorse came over me and I made up my mind it would be a good time to reform. 1 resolved to quit poker and be respect- able, and ',thought a good way to be, gin would be by going to church. So I fixed myself up and walked into the biggest church iti the place. My in- tentions were really good, but I hadn't slept any that night. 1 The sermon was rather prosy and I went to sleep. After the sermon the parson explained that the church was a little in debt and he thought this would be a good time to pay it off. I woke up just in time to hear him say : We must raise $5,000. Well, you see, 1 • was half asleep, thought 1 was still playing poker and hearing that put me • on my nerve. The deacon with the plate was right beside me in the aisle. 1 pulled out my roll and yelled, out : I'll see that $5,000 and go $5,000 better, With that I put my whole $ 10,000 on the plate. They were used to such talk out there. They thought I was a gambler that had got religion,and before 1 was well enough awake to know where 1 was the whole congregation' Vas singe ing and the minister was praying for me. I is asn't going ' to back water then, so I let the money go. • Got a complimentary notice in the Dead- wood papers, posed as a philanthropist and all. that. Good joke on fne,waen't itri First rate ; and did you really quit gambling ? Yes Or quit for good and all, he said. And then he added : By the way, Matte you any tips on to.day's races ? For Influenza or "La Gripre" Wilson's Compound Syrup of -Wild Cherry is a sure and safe remedy. There is no better medi- cine for the cure of influenza, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,Croup and kindred diseases. Get the genuine in white wrappers. through the crowd toward his office. He was assistant cashier for a well!, known business house on lower Broad way and had won the confidence of his employers. He earned a good salary, and, being a, bachelor of simple habits, he managed to save consider- able money. But temptation comes to all men, and Julius Comstock, one day in early Summer, took a fatal step. Surround- ed as he was by men who in their business operations gambled upon a large scale, he had gradually become influenced by the load striving for sudden wealth that went -on about him. His sthell capital did not permit him to toy with the fascinating un, certaitities of stockspeculations, so' he began to engage in the equally perilous process of betting on horse races. In pursuit of this occupation he had made the ' acquaintance cf a prominent member of the talent, who deigned now and then 40 give the young man a pointer. 'The result was that by the first of August Julius Comstock had exhausted his bank account and had drawn his salary for a month in advance. DR- MACDONALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, Edison's Wonderful Patience. As flies torment the lion so the race of pirates annoys Edison. It has always made me hopping mad, he said recently, to think of the free hooters in this electric business, not merely stealing the radical invention which made the lamp possible, but taking advantage gratis of the long: "line of thousands of experiments which I had made'night and day for a couple • of years. Pirates and unsuccessful ex• periments were Edison's chief annoy- ance, for many. years. The story of the great trial of patience lie had with the making of the first carbon . lamp will show the obstacles he encounter- ed. The carbon of this first lamp was made pf a spoof of Clark's thread. Edison and his assistant worked two days and nights to produce the carbon, and then started with it to the glues - blower's house. As they set it dowel it brofre. They at once returned to the laboratory and made another one, and with it returned . to the glass -i. blower's den. As it was deposited on the bench, a jeweler's screw -driver rolled down and broke it. They turn- ed back a third time, and alter an exhausting day they completed a car- bon and managed to get it inserted in the lamp. The receptable was ex. hausted of air and sealed, the current turned on, and for the first time the light sprang out in all its beauty. As ho hurried hack to his duties he was in' a very unenviable '.frame of (mind. The passion for gambling had ' taken fulloces tion of his soul, and he lnnged, 'with the rather watery ardor of a blonde individuality to WINOfUAa1, 13. TOILER, M,D,C,M., r'• Member College physicians and Surgeons, Outerlo. —Coroner for County of Huron— Ofhco at" Tux PNARMAer " • Wingham, Ont, Order, Ileum -0 to 12. a. m., 1 to 0, p. m., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. x • ONTARIO Dlt. J. A. MELDRUM, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick streote, formerly occupied by Dr. Bethu1l0. WINQIIAN .> • OST R. VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc:. Etc • Private and Company funds to loan at lowest ratesi interest• andNo lw farrnlproperty boueht and sold. OFFICE—Beaver Block 1VINOIIAM, UNT J. A. MORTON BARRISTER &c., Wingham Ontario MEYER & D1C11 hSON, H. W. C. MEYER Q. C. 1 E. L DICKINSON, S. A. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So licitors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. Farm, 'town and Village property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage security at al per cent. Money invested for private persons, upon the best tender. Lands for sale anithout in Manitoba a expense North- west. Once—Bent's Block, Wingham. ed to work. But he could not keep DENTISTRY.—.1 S. JEROME, WINOII AM, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates Vulcanite plates of the best inateria as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. COmpressed,Tea. Tablet' tea is manufactured at Han, kow in factories belonging to Russian firms there. It is made of the finest Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor. TARE Notice.—I will extract teeth for 25 cents each. the OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite Brunswick House. tea dust procurable. The selection of the dust is the work of skilled experts; the cost of the dust varies from 1'Od a pound •upward. This dust is manu. factuted • into tablets by steam ma chinery. About two ounoes' and a half of dust are poured into a steel mould on a steel cylinder. The dust is poured in dry without steaming,and the pressure brought to bear ie two tone per tablet. Great care is required iti the manufacture and `packing of table tea, and the oost'is eomparative, ly high. The tablets are wrapped first ill tinfoil, then in expensive and at- tractive paper wrappers, and finally packed in tin -lined cases for export to Russia, The tea, it is stated, loses none of its flavor by be'Ingpressed into tablets, and, as tablet tea is only one - i sixth of the bulk of the leaf tea, it is most convenient for travellers, and al sc for impo importing the remoter oto r . regions of Russia. ADVICE TO Moruass..— arra you dleturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child Buffering and crying with pain of Cutting Tooth? If s0 send at 01100 and get a bottle of ' Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething, Its value is inealcul• Able. It w111 relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend 'upon it, mothers; there is no Mistake about it, it euros Dye:Story and Diarrheas, regulates the Stomach and Iloweld, cures Wind Celle, gotten the Gulps, retinal % fnflammatiehf and gives of to the whole system. ' Mre. Win - one aid en gy snow's Soot for children teething ie pleasant to thehs taste Syrup , and le the proscription of one of u the eldest and boat female phyeielans and myself in the United Statoil, and is toe dale by. all druggists throughout the world. Pride twenty -11v0 cents a bottle, Be aero and ask for "Stu. wllstow's flaera,nn svnllr and +aka no other 141nl1 Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCKY Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Wingham. Will visit Gorrie 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 1VINONAN, ONTARIO ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. P• DEAN, Ja., Wintai n, . LICENSED AUCTIONEE HUI FOR THE COUNTS' Sales attended in any part of the Co. Cherwell Moderate. • JOHN CURRIE, WINoinaM, UNT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER NOR TUE COUNTY Or HURON. Alt orders left et the Tn,ies 611100 promptly attend. ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES IIENDERSON, Liessoso Ai:e ve:cl1It eon COUNTIES 1105024 AND nacos. All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest Notice., Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All nan cceesdry arrangements cbe made at the VOW Office W/2011Ait, 0141 fie oa�, Noll Heisi, And He hal, Nor' Dut hi r'°- Bee He rug Ani 4 des' He lit Or What In -do Th' Fer, At; His butt mal of .,ghe 'the,n. tijn me few wo Da No wit bug lb, an, P9.l ban bri 111, llll a •bl kI, Ilor.TON k IIAWIIINs P. L. * D. L 9u1WEr0ne ANIi Clvtt ESr1N11ts, LISTOWEL ASP WINOHAbI ,. All orders left at the Mike of the Tllaas'will re- ceive prompt attention PATERSON, • mauve Or Emelt DIVISION Cornet, Istvan 0C MAI MACK LloaxSEa. WINGI1AIt tiNC, sII e •