Wingham Times, 1891-09-04, Page 5rHE ANCHOR HOUSE. Ow shop.is literally peeked frown cellar to garret, with. seasonable and fashion- able new fall goods. We cannot even attempt to give a daecriptiola of them, but we extend a most cordial invitation Ito all intending purchasers to call upon yus and so afford us the pieasi. re of die+ playing our geode and describing their many excellent.qualities, Stacks of new Boots"and Shoes from the best Makers in Canada, and our prices are hard to beat. Wbeh you want Sugars, you had better bring a grain bag along, for we are still Ioiling 18 pounds of granulated,20 pounds of coffee and 22 po>iuds of yellow for a dollar, Our Teas are daily souliding our praises. GORDON & ,McINTYRE. The Big Brown Anchor. Wroxeter. h On Tuesday, 25,,August, one of the best known and most highly re• apected then in this cginmunity, viz, Rev George Brown, `went home .to enjoy the reward of the faithful. The deceased was a native of Stow, Rox• leoroughshire, Scotland, and was born in the year 1815, and consequently would have been 76 years of age had he lived until the 15th of September. He studied for the ministry and was .sent by the Free Church of Scotland as a missionary to the West Indies. It He was three years in Trinadad and siz years in Jamaica, and was then obliged to Ieave owing to the climate not agreeing with him. In 1860 he came to New Brunswick, where he resided six years and then accepted a '•%call to Wroxeter, where he' was pastor for twenty-two years, resigning three years ago, owing to increasing+ years, The reverend gentleman was a general,, favorite with all and was an excellent preacher. His death was occasioned`` by paralysis and other complications; Like St Paal, the end be d� nothing. 'dsrli or -forboding to the subject of this notice and he died as he lived--- trusting in his Saviour.. Mrs Brown, who has been a helpmeet indeed, to the departed, and three children (Mrs T W Gibson, of Toronto; Mrs T J Gibaon, of Brussels; and Geo Brown, teacher at Cumberland) are left_ to I mourn the loss of a , loving husband and an affectionate father. .Bluevale. The ailnu+tl fall district meeting of the Wingham District of .the ,Metho• Blot church was held here, on Tuesday Net. The day was a most satisfaetor/ and enjoyable one, the new chairman, the Rea 8 Seilery, B D, occupying the chair and Riving wise and expeditious. direction to the business. All the deiegetea were delighted with the new church, and the speakers at the even- ing meeting congratulated the congre• gation on the happy and magnificent result of their labors. At night, the singing and speaking were excellent. Mr W H Kerr, of Brussels, a delegate to the district meeting, was moved by the pastor and voted to be chairman, and he made an excellent one. Rev E A Shaw, of Wroxeter; read a paper on "Questionable habits and amuse.. ments within the church, and their attendant evils," Re spoke chiefly of (1) the use of tobacco ; (2) moderate drinking, and (3) dancing, which he showed were . d d questlonab1 .. Er..... The. Brussels ;baseball .club took Let prize at Gordo tournaweut on Thins. day of last week.—One of Brussels' most popular ex+teachers, Mies Kate, Richardson, is visiting friends and ac- quaintances in town. Miss Richardson will teach in Teeswater for the balance of 1891.—The Methodist church con- gregation have been asked fele. $1,000" collection by their pastes'' Rev Mr Salton, for the first Sabbath in. November,for the purpose of wiping off the church debt.—A meeting was held in the basement of the Methodist church Monday evening to organize a Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. --Deputy White, of the Post. master General's Department, has instructed Inspeetol ,;,Ffopkirk to see that a letter boxes pla t' at the station for the „eorivenience of those at the north end 'of the town.—Mr Jas Mev Ginnie has taken possession of a store and stock of groceries lately purchased from Geo Baker. Mr McGinnis in• tends to buy pork in the winter season and go into pork packing. This will be a boon for the farmers of this locality,—Brussels is booinink this year, as far as building is concerned. Mr 5 W Laird has sold a 30 foot frontage to 1 °Richard, harnessmaker for $80 a foot. I 0 is going to build immediately a two story brick 14X55 feet with pate glass front. Mr Laird will also build tato small stores beside this one.. not In ee e, but positively and manifestly evil. The next speaker was Re+ J H Dyke, of• Beigrave, whose subject was "Some conditions of Church prosperity." Those he spoke of were (1) full and proper organization for work ; (2) full sense of responsibility ; (3) wiiliug obedience, and (4) full consecration to God. "Our Boys" was Rev G F Salton's subject, which he handled in an able manner, with much wisdom and wit, of thought and illustration. He received loud applause as he finish- ed. The singing also was superb : Miss Lizzie Sanderson, organist, and the choir, assisted by Miss Duimage, of Alma College, adding much to the pleasure of the occasion. Miss Dul• mage has a fine soprano voice and also well cultivated. She took a prominent part iu the closing exercises of Alma College at the close of last, session. The pieces sang as solos wee : "The Kingdom Blest," "The Rusty Siekle," and "Flee as a Bird," A hearty wel- come is always in store for her in Bluevale. Notwithstanding the busy season, there was a large attendance. —Next Sabbath, Divine worship will be at 10,30 a m. Sabbath School at 2.30 and the l'rayer and Praise )Meet-. ing at 7 o'clook, in the Methodist church.—Robert Musgrove, of this village, started for Manitoba on Wed, nesday ihorning. Boissievain iif his_ objective point.—Also, lso; Idenrli $Ola ' man, son of Ed ward Bossmane John Mathers and Robert Mills 'have gone to see the. Prairie , Province. --W J Messer is paying a flying npigh tq frienda- here.--Williain Sandersfln,shoemaker, intendsto move to Toronto as soon as he can settle up his affaius. He Will be much missed. He has been in Blue - vale about 14 years and is' a general favorite.—Mr and Mrs George Martin, of Ohio, are visiting at R N -Duff's, Mrs Martin is a sister of Mrs Duff. -- Mr W R Thompson, of Teeswater, has a gang of men here making broom handles in Duff & Stewart's. mill. Re expects to make about 75 or. 80, thou. sand.—Rev Mr McQuarrie preached in the Presbyterian church here last Sabbath. Mr Hartley ' will not be home next Sabbath and there will ''be no service in the Presbyterian church. —Nixon's Grey Tobe took first honey at Stratford, last week.—Mr Mc- Allister, of Ctrey, preached last Sab- bath evening on the street. He bee longs to the Pipe -111th Brethren. l�clrr#� Mr Thomas Wilk'ineon ltaa pure chase eleven stoere. from .Mr D;Stew'. art.-�-,bf esars J Clegg and A Russell hove gone to Clinton to study for a 8r:de"--Mr George Parker has puri` chased the farce formerly known as Rogerson ogerson homestead. --A new fence along the front of John Clegg's farm adds considerably to its appear spent a few days at the residence .of Mr W john - son, of the 5th line. --Miss M J Irvin, who hes been for some time engaged in the City Missions of New York,. spent a. few days last week under the parental roof. She leaves shortly for China, whree she will again engage in mission work..—Miss M Holliday left Monday for Goderich to pursue her studies for a teacher's certificate.— Inspector Robb was visiting schools in Morris this' week. He is deserved- ly popular both with teachers and pupils. anco.---Mrs Jas Kelly a The poets sing, in dainty rhymes, Of slimmer days and annoy dlinles, Of beauteous maidens, passing fair, With witching eyes and waving hair, Till, neat the end your apt to see—, "T1s but an "ad" for P. 1?. P, ; that is, Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the iefeelibie and guaranteed remedy for all kinds of female weakness, which cures the ailments of feeble, "run-noi n" and debili, tated women, and restores them to yoltth', fulness and beauty once more. The &rice of this royal remedy, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, is but $1,00 a bottle, and money refunded in every ease if it doesn't give satisfaction. See guarantee on bottle - wrapper. Executors' Notice to Creditors. ITHIE Creditors of Catherine Turnor Smith, late J of the Township of Alorrie, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the twenty.oighth day of July last past, and all others having claims against her state, are hereby notified to send by post, pre- paid, or otherwise deliver to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Solicitor for the undersigned Executors of the estate and effects of the said deceased, on or before the 21st day of September, A: D. 1891, their christion nanles and surnames, addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the secureties (if any) held by them; and in default thereofand immediate. ly after the said 21st day of September, A. D. 1891, the assets of the said Catherine Turner Smith, do. ceased, will be distributed amongst the parties en. titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which notice shall have been given as above required and this notice being given under the provisions of Revcsed Statutes of Ontario, chap 110, sec. 30, the Executors will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to pity person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them, or their said Solicitor, at the tune of such distribution. R. VAssTosD, JOHN A. M°EWaN, }Executors. Solicitor. RIOUARD II°n°, $ Dated at Wingham this 25th day of August, 1891 St. Augusitne. Great preparations are being made tor.the grand picnic which is to be given by the ladies of the St Augustine Catholic church on Thursday, Septem- ber 17th. The picnic will be held at Island Grove, near St Augpstine, and no finer place for as 'occasion of this kind can be had than the grounds which, have been selected. The managing committee are arraeging'in every possible way for the enjoyment of those who attend. Speeches will be delivered by M. 0 Cameron, M P ; J T Garrow., MPP ; P Kelly, Blyth ; M Corrigan, Holyrood ; D 11icGilli' cuddy; Goderioh, and others. Music will be furnished by a first clase string band. A beautiful alarm clock and other articles witi he raffled and a niageificent gold watch will be pre• tented to the most popular young lady of the congregation. The price of admission and dinner will be 25c. All are invited to home and enjoy the day. FACTS FOR - WINGHAM - PEOPLE who are not particularly anxious. to have to call in an under- taker to think about. 1 have been a groat sufferer from female weakness of long standing, and have been treated by several physicians and else been under treatntont in the Toronto General Hospital, and all tailed to cure cue. 'Isa* a medleal book explaining the .Histogenetic System, and resolved to giveit a trial. 1 consulted Dr. Rear, who prescribed these remedie , assured me they would. cure roe. I had my doubts, but was determined to tryrit pe.mbrt.. I took .treatment two weeks, and amvttlerlyastoiished at the results. I am nearly wan,aizld'ndlahspitugdcendeserlbehovv'tbank- tut .I,au# that.inyiffe5e spared'; This testimony is voluntary, and I give it hoping that hundreds of my sei may try the medicines and receivelthe same mar - venous good that I have. They are good to take, and, Unlike any medicine I ever took before, 'leave no bad effect.• MRS. J. FAWCETT, 102 John Street, Toronto, WINQHAM FOUNDRY, (� MANUFACTURERS O1 TUE BOYNTON 1:10T.AIR FURNACES. These wood furnaces are the best in `the market to -day, and will be sold at rock bottom prices. 1 W6a attacked with eongo>ition of the liver and in- fammation of the kidneys attended with excru- ciating pains in my side and heck. - Gould not lie on either side- could scarcely breathe., The slightest movement caused agonizingpain. Nothing gave me relief. I sent for Dr. Rear,knowing he had cured my daughter of a dangerous illness with Histogenetic Medicine after she had been given up by four Skillful physicians. In ono week my pain was gone and hvei and kidneys acting as well as ever. The cure lemon. ptete. It acts the most like magic of any medicine:. I ever took. I sincerely hope that the suffering ladies of Toronto and elsewhere may try the superior merits of the pure and tasteless medicines. MY object in giving this testimony is purely through sympathy for the sick and dying. SIRS. MeebLOUGii, 60;- Adelaide St. east, Toronto Toronto Street Markets. Fall wheat, white, 970; Red fall wheat, 00o; Spring wheat, 90o; Barley, 53% Oats,. 36e to'39o; Peas, 78c. 9, WINGRAea MARKETS. eynialtee, August 27, 1801 Corrected by P. beans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 1001b%, - $ 2 60 to 2 76 Fall Wheat per Wallet, 00 to 95 Spring " - 85 10 90 ,Baeloy , 4010 60 Butter; tub 12 t0 o 13 do Ras, . 12 to 13 Eggs per dozen 11 to 11 Wood per Ord, - 1 60 to 1 76 flayor ten, 7 60 to 800 Potatoes, - . 35 to ° 40 WW1,- . , 17 to 20 Our representative will be at. BATTENBURY HOUSE, CLINTON. QN . Wednesday, September' 9th, 70 a. tit. to 4.30 p. m. for the convenience of Wing. ham patients. Consultation Free. SEND FOR FREE BOOK EXPLAIN- ING SYSTEM. jIiphogenehib Medicine kp$'n. Rooms 2 and 3 Albion Block, Richmond street, Lon. don, and 19 Youge Street Market Toronto, Mention Wingham• 'llmes, That Helps to Cure The Colds. The disagreeable taste'ofthe COD LIVER OIL Is dissipated in SCOTT'S PULSION OrPore Cod Liver 00 with HYPOPHOSPHITES ole t,IMesr Arte eoT Thepationt suffering fratn CONSUMPTION. 11R0NEMTIS. COUGH OLU, l R WASTING DISEASES, takes the, remedy, as he would take Milk. A Isar. feet eatnls101,, and krtonderibi Resit prod e. Take no aalter, 418 »rafgaiit+, GOT!., ZOO. Sean' &1101 zv,g, imrrettrrr�, BRASS VORK and FJTTINGSI PIPING, &c. Mill and General Repairs atter d. - ed to -promptly. JAS. MURRAY & CO. ALL AN L,INEIWESTERN.FAIR, ROYAL MAIL , TEAIiitSIIM, . LONDON; September 17th to 26th, i$9%•- C&N ADA'S FAVORITE Live Stock, Agricultural, Irndustrial and Art Exhibition Established 1868. EVERY WEEK, Montreal. and Quebec, To Derry or Liverpool. CABIN, $50 to $80. 'According to Steamer and location of Stateroom. Intermediateand Steerage at low rates. NO C4aTTLE CARRIED. STATE SEB,VICE OF ALLAN LINE LINE. STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK & , GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. CABIN, �t36and upwards. 'Return,$85and upwarde. Steerage at low rates. Apply to H. & A. ALLAN, 8lontreal, or HENRY DAVIS, WINGHAn2,' HEWN BUTCHER SHOP. GEO. SHAW Wishes to intimate to the people of Wingham and vicinity, that he has commenced the Butchering* Business again, and has opened out in the Old Stand, a few doors North of the Brunswick House, Where he will keep a fresh stock Of BEEF, LAMB, PORK, And ther Mee which he will sell cheap. Meats delivered to any part of the town. the Patronage of the public olieited. GEO. SHAW Beautify Your Homes! JAS. H. FRIEND, Late of Hamilton and Paris, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMEN- TAL PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, FRESCOER, B.C. Would take this opportunity of informing the citizens of Wingham and surrounding country that having pe had largeexrience in city work, ho fs prepared to do Alabastining, italsomining and Wall Papering in the latest approved styles of plain and decorative work. Churches, halls or other public or private buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Designs at moderato rates. Graining in Walnut, Oak, Bird's Eye Ma- ple,lsc., a Specialty. All orders entrusted to my caro done with neatness and despatch. Orders left at Itr. Ross` Bookstore will receive prompt attention. SAS. II. FRIEND. Wingham, April 3rd. HAVE YOU any intention of taking a Business Course This Sea.__son_? TE' SO The Fanst lit j Ba$ige$$ College OF LONDON would like to correspond with you. CATALOGUE FREE. J. W. WESTERVEI}T, Principal, NOTICE, LARGE INCREASE OF EXHIBITS AND ATTENDANTS EVERY YEAR: 1890 was good, but 1891 will be better. $25,000 IN PRIZES ! Attractions, etc., which are being arranged for, will surpass any yet prod uced. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAIL- WAYS. Entries close September 12th. For Prize Lists and all information apply to CAPT. A. W. PORRTE, - THOS. A. BROWNE, a . Pres: Sec., All partied indebted to William Ella, either by note tyr book account, will please call and paytho same to nee at once, as they have been placed in toy hands ler collection, JOHN NEELANtS, W inghain, June 18th 1891. . r. a 9 ll' l AI. D. M. A., L, C. P., $. Q., M. 0, P. SP EJ CTAT.ITST'., TORONTO. Jonathan Bushart, Listowel, says 1—, "After spending all my money and prop-" erty to no purpose on medical leen, for what they termed a hopeless case of con- sumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." Mrs: Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says: "When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured me of fits." W. McDonald, Lakefleld, says :—"Dr. Sinclair cured me of Catarrh." Geo. Rowed,Blyth, says :—"Dr. Sin- clair cured ale of heart disease and dfop- sy, when all others failed." Diseases of private nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. CONSULTATION FREE. DR. SINCLAIR will be at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Wingham, ON THURSDAY, SEPT. 24th. 1891 ad an e fie j& yo To enable laborers •• res of Manitoba and the crth,v Ry. will make the 1,Bowing the bountiful harvest t, the Canadian Pacific w one-way rates: -- From a y station in Ontario to DELORA E IVMETHV : N HARTN' Y BINSC RH MOOS • IN Going + my 28th and Augu 4th Punch . els of thee° tickets to receive It Cort 'sato to enab thorn to return up to Nov, 30th, 180 ler thirtee dbllars e+th, providing they have -en rrorki • g as farm laborers for ono month previbu to their °turn, r full particulars apply to any Cana dia Pacific Railway agent. NOTICE. All parties indebted to L. R. 1'albo either by note or book uOe01t11v, M .*s:. please call and pay the same to meet oboe, as they have been placed in my hands for collection. JOHN NEEI,ANDS, Wingham, June 18th, 18111,