HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-09-04, Page 1• • TS and aring, 7 tO .A% ?art- , veon 111ta; 011., ived y of te to B old. LS of II Icy it by ens- ! the ItiP• 3 sE;t-• I S te3 to LIQ NOG .vv ria on pteMber ptem bee October 391 ' arrange. h. the 11 Septem agent of ff4 Cure is cedicine., nt *Loos- , can sue; ?. known, anse are ery Lorne you have use it, for ie Croup, and relief. s disease uggist for cts. and ack lame, 5 cts. Mori, 3ENSL'S Oar. NOtetil. :Ad, tATES r root. with ear. tiefee ENZ1004 t • • 3 - VOL. XX, --NO, 33 • 11 WIN GUAMONT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER & t891. The first of •September has come and as yell know is the beginning of Fellain with it MORS all the Fall Goods in many styles, weaves and prices. We have done our level best to please you,picking them, culling them, until our bead has been all in a whirl. But what of that f when we please you, and after you hay looltedlihrough our store you will ap- preciate our efforts, we know. We aim to have a larger, better and cheaper linen stook than any one else within your reaoh. It isn'tworth while - aiming without one's going to shoot, nor to shoot without hitting. It'll save words to say that we have what we dint at—satisfaction in linens. Apply same to Dress Goods, Groceries full. That 350 Tea is still in V10 lead. Look at the -niece Breakfast Bacon and Spiced Rolls we are selling. LO CAT., NEWS 1 —!in xeter Ttn, tiVentietkear. Th • nevvspaper,ivd is business rain o:fxi —We. have- to the • bune. fc.a copy,of • s handsome souvenir number ftoiling description of the CitY'"of Wiuiiig p =Cash for good butteraud eggs at R A • Graham's, Market Grocery. 5—Rev E W Hug1it conducted et;ihroun- ion services in St Al an's church. AtWood on Sabbath last, his work being taken here it!! stUdet,,dM , fro has entered on as Times is a good local 11 patronized by the er. ' the Winnipeg Trii at and present. by Mr Tarrant divi wend, John Gray, Hineardine, el1 k readers, , has .9eept near St Thomas, shortly. Bapt st niater. of to meaty of our d a Sall toil church Will remove there —Full lines of Fruits of all kinds at Mo. elvie's :Star restaurant, he plots of gtop a in front of the ne town hall wer nicely sodded this week by Sfessrs Moe Brothers and Chief Bullard. The front o the hall now pre; gents a fine appearano —It is pleasing to he r tha,tMr Jos Kerr' who want to Colorado rly lest'spring for the benefit of his. bea bh, has found the climate very - benefici and that be is Steadily improving.- -First -elms Georgian Bay Shingles and Lath, for Baler, csheap, at McLean & Son's saw mills, Wingbam, —Mr A. R Smith, of jHalsted & Scott's' Bank here, has gone fijr a couple Of weeks holidays, and Will vi it Mt Forest, Bhel-, bUrnO,Oshawa, Londe and Torouto,before his return.. Be is b4mg relieved by Mr Reid; of the Mt 1ioresf office of the firm. s ......Tne contract for the arection of, the 1 ! entity bridge on t e boundary between Mortis and East W wanoish, about half a mile south of Wing1arn, has been awarded to Mr L Hardy, o Exeter, fpr the sum of Algi O. The materil is, being placed on the • ground and wor will be eomMeticed, on 'the bridge short!. • ' --lf yOur Watch or °lock needs yepairing, to to W H WalIaoe, watchinaker and ilfsweler. nett door to post office; —Last montb,wbil r Thee Leslie was in Winnipeg, hs was resented with a gold headed ebony *seal ng .stick by Mr /as Andersen, of the HU son Bay Company, Winnipeg. The oau4 is a, beantiful one, and has engraved on ts head : "From Jas Anderson, fl33 :OS pan(, Winnipeg, to Theo Leslie, Wingli4m, August 1701,1801." —Cigars and Tee Cream at the lipso restaurant. Also, confectionery of all kinds. T. C. SPAULZO. The Wingbam b eball club welt over to tkorrie on Thrad6y of last week and took part in the tou nament. The result • Was as follows flrjissele s Mildenty, 14 ti 1 in favor of 13 eels Witigne.as vs rriston, 4 to 3 in favor of Winghain ; utlidons" vs Wiu4t, 0 to lin lover of Hiltioris4; Brusse vs "Unions," 7 to 2 in favor of Pens Is, giving the. Brussels team first prize, t lit1nielA,0 second and Wingbarn third. ,.Fresh reecho , Pears, and Grapes at Star restaurant. —Miss Marlon glie, daughter of Mk Alex Inglis, of th ie own, who succeeded procuring a 2nd el 6 Ofgtificate at the late examination, left o Wednesday for KM. enable Model Soho —The Blyth St dard has passed ite" fourth mile stoue a d irdprovee with ag) Under 33ro Irwin's anagement the $rati 'dee:1W steadily i roved, and it should. receive the hearty a port of the people Of' Blyth and vicinity, --:Botniss to let, b foiciressmaking or for small fail ; ever Clarke's toiler. shop, opposite the 73nnswiph Tt*tel. Ap. ply to E. 0 Clarke, ilor,.Winglie,m. — Mr Jos MoDon h, vho has been in the Truss office fin. he patit nine months, left on Monday for Baton Moder 'school. If he makes as goo a teaajor as he did a printer he will be aJi1iior to any school that may be fortun services. We wish —Mr W White; d eral, bas issued a u neoessity of peopl and packets containi upon all to demand o ad litters from p instruotions are car losing money will be kreatIredueed. —Peaches, Pears, Mina, Apples,Grapes, in fact, all kinds of fruit, , in Molt at the Eclipse restaurant. ' 4C:Srsar,nro. „ — As a Mr Baker cedar logs through eVeaing, Jihad the 'boxing and wheel oo of bigAigott„.Had the 'cienetry,* wo time to get thiriat rights:ji ilt as it Was; he soon got plenty helpiryt.0 --There will be,• o tervNlin the Con, • Optional church n Sbba, next, pastor. the bat dahr; The after - '0i be, r-8680, wireniiiendS load it. Serviceson bar, as .MbiatTrthen e beld after mornin te cit.Omigh to secure his in; oneness in his new - pity postmaster gens ice pointing out the registering lettere- g money, He ,urge rtificates okregioter. tweeters. If these otit +the risk of as 0441,pg a load of: wn, *Alt, Wednesday isfeOpts to have the e 04146 hind axle is ,...-h*pued out in d hitik ad quite .tember 6th, as t ehureli on Olatfiservinet heldat the usual h of the souse will Sabbath, 13th Sept communion, Wilt, service, ,, * . . =I have E! 1,11 a ge..,quantity 'Of first class Tmzzcoth slaid t the lowest p'xioes.s. , . .!-4 T A Mime. -,—We are alwaye .leased to learno! the success of, Wingh .. boys. Master Geo McTavish, son of ii r Geo MoTarish! of this town, who has eat, for the pea year with Mkt Jas Reid, ercshant, of Goderich, has the proud satin etion of knowing that, his services have be n appreciated'. Lately, when he had, eerie. one year, Mr Reid Informed him that • : vats so pleased with the services rende ed, that he intended doubling bis 5 lary. Or the next year. —Fotind,on e r ad •etween Wingharn and Whiiechuro i the 19th instant, a lady's shawl, da colored, The owner can have the Same by proving property and pitying for t. a t. . tics. — During the at r part of last. Week, startlingrePerta of noutbreakofdipbheria In town were oir lotted; To get- at the , true facts,* coupl ,.of medical men .vreie deputed to irivesti appand report'to the Board of Health, and their report goes to show that tiler Is no cause or alarm. There have only eon two eases in town, and both the pat' fits are convalescent. All neoessary smite precautions are being taken, and itis no at all likely that the disease will spree, notwithstanding thot ;there is no Mel' ood of the contagion spreiding, it will • well for residents to uscrevery endeayo to have all 'garbage,&e, properly disposed f, and all outhhildings cleaned and puri :d. " `—The death of rs L G Midfordadaugh..' ,ter of Mr WM N'e sant, on Monday aVening last, oast a slot= ver the town. Mr and, Mrs 4didford we e here from Cuba on -e, visit to 1'rTIS Midf rd's parents, and they werehete only a w days when Mrs Mid: ford Was taken i 1, and, notwithstanding everything was d ne that medical skill and careful nursing c oa do, she passed gem/ on Monday eveni g, as stated, in her 27th year. The sor,wing friends have the sympathy of all i their sad bereavement. The funeral on ednesday was largely at-, teeded, a large •umber of Maude from Teeswater and C lross being ill attendance, besides the tow people. After kitties, at the house, hy-'11 Rev 5 Sellery, 13 D, the remains were o nveyed to the Teeswater ohureh, where mend* was held, after whloh they we e interred in the Teeswater viertietery, Forty car Wade o salt were shipped rota the Wingham tilt works during the month of August, —The Greed Tru will sail tickets. to 'Toronto during the ndustrial fair at the following rates, fro Wineharo ; From 'Sept 8th to 18th (exo pt excursion days) .the fare will be 08.85. The excursion days are the 15th and ftnd on these days the rate will be $2 66. Tickets good'until the 21st September, 1: 1. —Rimers F.. i>,—r n wingh.m,on circus day, a p e con nine a small sum et Money: --The ha,ve same on application to Mr Gv oey and proving property and pity „• this advertiae- ment, • Geo M Duffield Aimed on.Mon- day from a three week 'visit through the 'Western States. 7:10 s as far west as Denver,e,nd visited a nu ber of the famous points' of interest, sp: .ding one night on Pike's Peak, which its over 14,000 feet above the level of the sea,t , enjoyed his . trip very issuch,butsaya th t Ozitario is good enough for • thosecuoeinalapoYeivicii:EINEbob s d onipaYsnlyil town q.the with03rd Battalion, as oh' tha day the' COMPanY left for ten days' dr 11 at St Thinsa7The Gordo Corcipany arriv d in town by earns during the forenoon, a d shortly after 12 o'clock they all left by special train for the camping grounds, Oonspany is in charge Of Capt ,,ritfrul Lieut Van. stone. —For. —For, firet-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co, Remember the.place, only two doors north of the Old stand and betweee ROW book- store and Halsted & Scott's, bank. —The town soh s opened on Monday, with a fair &den nee, it The new truant Act is now • force and , it is expected that good °suite' Will frotn it; Chief Cciatiibi Bullard has been ap- pointed Truant 0 i oer for the town, and youngsters.who ar n thfrhabiti of playing .trthitti. *WM may thodiefiesiteiblarder if they fall.into • s clutches. • The law thenld be rigorous enforced: --Last Saturda evening, while Bell's Factory Band was aying near the Queen's hotel, a gentleman bps had recently heard the Guelph day remarked to a bystander t t the Bell'el'itotory Band would nom a e favorably with the band of that city. here is no doubt but the Bell band h reatly improved under- *, present man enient, and that they are now playing g od —G TB. trains for Termite and east leave Wingham at 6,30 a m and 11.10 a m W G & B at 6.46 a m and 3.20 p m, via Clint9n and Guelph. Good connections by alt tius. —The following sp•oy paragraph is copied from a lettter re eptly received -front a former Winghami : "What 4o the Wing. hate. Toricenew th"tils about that great hOilseelianing going on at Ottawa ? You Would think that Sir Win Would have kept his house in hatter ,o der, but his ambition did not run in .tha direction. It seems that his whole st • was to Cover up the dirt so.. that' the rits cOuld net lase it." —The Grand :Tru k Eailway .will give • the following, special ates to .those Who Mar wish to visit, the " stern Fair, L,Oir don, between the:17t and 26th of Sentent, bet, 'Single fares -will e given on the lYthr 18th, 19th,22nd,24th nd 25th of Septinnber, the fare from Wing am being $2.20. On the 2lst and '33rd, t e tate from Winglutm will be $170.Pic. ets issued from Sept 17th to to 26th Moine ye, will be valid for return Until Sept 8th, 1891. Excursion train willies* a .6A a m and return at .10.20 p m. The Carl= t,rartitaition Case. Last Sattirday' 'Toronto Mobs contained a letter from Mr it errI.Whitely, saying that there was w n .Winghara on the 6th of Mara. las , and also making some reflections on D teotive Lucas. Detective Incas replies in he Olas as follows: That he did not say th re wes no snow oh the 5th of Mara, e adnfts that there was snow on that da and also a little on the jat but none on the find, and and 4th. Regarding the „other statements made hy Mr Whitely h almply expressed the opin. ion that that ntleman would do well not tr.) be so hasty in making such strong 56. ousatietis agineb him.' The detective eought lab v ek to prevent any transfers mice of, A X layover's pro petty, bat on inquiry the omit wat 50 mail (less than $8,000) that ts prootedings were dropped, Ile text goe to Washington to endeavor to secure th neeeseary papers in the (Ate. , 1 —ubUc44001 Boar() meeting _next Ttesday evening', --The regular mthly meeting ot the Town Council will be .held on Monday eveniug nest. —The Dondon t file arriving here at 11.10. now runs 1rough to Kincardine, reachieg there 12.15, aud returning leavers Kincardinet 2.16, reaching here at 8.20,. This will be f great convenience to those residing to be north of us, as well ae the general publ , It will only carry *closed mali setvie the mail clerk stop- ping at Winghami, 4s usual, • Heniall r all, Paw. The Hensel' Fall Fair; to be held on the 15th and 1,61j of September, promises to be the best Over held there. The managers have decided to have a grand Tug of War, and offer the following prizes; Tug of Wart open to the world, five on ea:oh side, first prize, $l5; seoontl prize,115. A number of teams he,'ee signi :d their intention of competing. Three • compete or ne Second money:avvarcled. Iso,arrangements are be- ing made for e of the 'grandest foot ball matobes of t e season .between Brussels and Seafort teams -which will no doubt beth eeing. , Conduct r Snider. We take the foll wing. complimentary notice of the above entleman from Mon- day's Toronto Em ire ; LNew Richmond Methodist church, Caul etreet,beld very large congregations eaterday, when Mr Snider, who has beco • e well known as an evangelist 'among rat ay Wen and otberp, was the Preacler. I the eveningall avail- able -space was oro ded, the lobbies** -filled; and wherever a doorWas found figta which the conduct.r. could be steep .-„Ittpl heard,there was a or wd of eager listeneris, while inside the ohu eh chairs and extra, seats were brought nto requisition, and many stood during th uhni Service Con- 1m41t9i .$1444' plemiantsfaced, well-bn It manrisf medium stature. His delivery a 'rneasered, easy and diatinat, his voice i full of pathos,and he loses no time. He es no notes, and beyond moving about n the pulpit and occasionally raising hi hands, he makes no gestures: yet his soriptivc power is great, and interest noer flags. His illus- trations are drawn 1. gely from railway life, and he applies th m in a very forceful , way. The evening discourse was Mr Snider's "Railway Se on," delivered by request, and the im,ease 'congregation • listened as if under a pell, rn fact, both morning and evening t • e "Converted Con- ductor,' as he is called held the breathless attention of the poop , and after each servicu many Prow& around to shake hands with the eloquen railroader.* Persona Mrs Brogsdon and re Welker, of Londesborq, are visiti g in town, the guestti of Mrs D Ro erts..Mr M MoD Fleming, of Listowel Sundayed it town • . Miss Lilly Agnew returned home on Thursday from H rriston, where she spent a couple of w: :ks visiting friends ..Mrs Oen McTavish end anghterlda spent Sunday in God ch visiting Master Geo bt Hill ieyisiting friends in Toronto... s (Conductor) SchWaiib, and three ch ldren, of London, spent a week or so in t • we., the guests of Mr John Norris..Con, uetor Snider, Mrs Snider and daughter -:turned from their holiday outing on onday. W H Hill, formerly of t is town, is visiting friends in town. 'is now engaged in the ministry and'is mated in giincoe Connty..Master Au ustus McLaughlin spent a few days in * ,•trOit lag; week, *visiting his brother Fra k and also "do- ing" the great exhibit 011.. Mr Stanton Agnew, of the Bear, r urned on Satur- day from his trip up t • e lakes; .Mr T A. Mills, who was with fishing and camp- ing party up the Bruce Peninsula, returned the other d y much invigorated his trip.. Mr A, B tradwin Rasa- a few liayen Brussels his week..ItirThos Bell was in Clinton n Saturday Miss Graydisn, rate . spending a week with 'Winghinn frien s, returned to het home in Streetsville n Wednesday,,Mr ,John Whytn, jr, of Al tehell, was in town on Wednesday, .Mr Weller Agnew left town on Thursday for Evanston, 311„ where he will take a •ourse at toIlege, • Oh: What Cough, Will you heed the warning? The signal perhapset the'snre approach of that more terrible disease Commotion. Ank yonr selves if you can afford for the :sake of eavng 500., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience( that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough, It nova fails. 4"PreHtli n'ett; WII0 LE NO. .1026 014, 107. Ad suctiq is human MI so gliding on, It glimmers likea door—and is gosa —Rows. Many of our readers will learn with the deepest regret of the • -ah of Sarah Fes,. sent Midford, belove, 'wife of Cart A Midford, and eldest aughter of Wm and Merl smut, of• is town, which took place a er Utile 'a residence on MoladaY, August 31st after an Meese of one week. Some ten years go, she auffered from au attaok of auaem and though apparent- ly completely recov red she felt and some- times expressed a •onviotion that tlie ail went still lingere inher'system end would ultimately cause er deatb. On Monday of last week she as taken suddenly • ill with a malignan bilious attack compli- cated with Wis. ',natio •of tha stomach and bowels and .1 edioal aid was not able- to stay the baud cif he "tent reaper." 01 Monday evening a 6.30 o'clock:Ithe snow. MODS came and her spirit passed calmly to the "great beyon The deceased wa born n -the tome - 148643. aWChuetrn celoti'e° atshaeb7Ctuht 43ritihillte*yeliat of age the family oved into the village of Teeswater, wh re she lived continu- ously until her arriage on the 0th of April, 1889, to 0 t. A. G. Midford. After her mar iage Mr. and Mrs.Aid- ford took up thei residence in N'hvnork city, and on the a pointmentof Mr.Mid- ford-as engineer o xtensive waterworks in process of cons notion at Havana, Cuba, they ,removed • ere in the early. , part of ;.0otober,-I8 . There they re- sided near the works which are situated on a hill in a, best tiful and healthful location. Surrokun • lig tlieumseives with convernetese and mules unknown to the people of that, tropical clime, they remained there un the closing of the, 'Works it the aipprbapli of the rainy sea- '13Pdanff;atladvelt haut„:01)tbr roinedutlfohromaefeaWt \Vfgbau when Abe , ite toyettalren by the illness that called her death. Aa a child she was eetiethnt attendant at the Methodist Sun • Or Scheol, and ae a pupil endsendeu,recl horse talilteirfteaoherts and pupils* Whexi mn nor yea* she bt-• Oirkie'd teacher she M that personal 'magnet one who world lea young in the -paths conigol over her rap seemed bound to her ifested mut% of ID so 'essential to the minds of the t knewledge. Her s was marked—they y golden chains of affection. The super • tendent og tbe school at this period tests to her -use- fulness in the school i every department of its work, being, well as a. teacher; its organist for a • miser of years, and always working i every way for its benefit. 3 • She was wave under the ministry of Rev CEPStaffo •, when about fourteen afterwards led an years of age, and e exemplary christian ife, living near to the Master, whom eh lovecl and served, and witnessing by h walk and conversa- tion that her'ho'pes ere founded on the "Rook of Ages." rom her childhood she was connected ith the C Church choir. In this ca aoity she was most regular and nutlet al,and at every church service her sweet eilow voice blended in the harmony of : cred song. She was one of those powe s which promote the social hariuony and musical proficiency of a choir. The funeral too place on Wednesday a short service of ingmg and prayer be- ing held at the h r ,of 11 o'clock a m at her father's esidence. On leaving • for Teeswater, whe 6 the funeral services were fittingly held n the chureh with which she had be n so long connected, the procession was mined in the follow- ing order: Rev S eilery, 33 D, members of Teeswater Met odist. Church' Choir, pallbearers, hears ,mdurners,after which followed a large • tuber of Wendt end acquaintances o the deceased. Tho The church at Tees ater was filled to the doors by those assembled to -pay a last • tribute of respec to the memory of one they had known : .4 loved so long. The Rev S Seller D, read the latter part of the 15th cha Sr of 1st Corinthians and followed the re ding by a short but pointed and aepre nate discourse, after whiclf he called u on be Rev 3 A Mo. Lauchlan, M A, p tor of the church, te make a few rewar s,wliich he did in terms that accorded we with the solemnity of the occasion. ' D • ring the service the their rendered seVera Mostappropriate volun- taries, 'which we e favoritesof the deceased. The procession was then reformed and proceeded to the 1'eeewater cemetery, Among those .1 resent from n distance were Messrs Jolla Button, Geo Button, Jos Button and Chas Button, uncles of the deceased, all of Te matey, William Mid- ford,of Toronto, bt • ther, and Thos Moore, of New York,nepbe of Copt A G The deceased w s universally bola respect by all who new ber and the %Ai grot occasioned b her, early death is widespread. To t 'bereaved husband, the loss is cut i reparable one, mid in such affliction hum n sympathy is mute and powerless. To er parente, who have only for a short ti e been residents ,or our town, and w • dining their brief eitizenehip have tithed the highest respect of all who ave wade their ac • quaintattee, we oa only point to One who is able to sup ort and comfort in the hour at anal, * t