HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-31, Page 8• • IVEQINDOO New Dress Goods, opened this week • one case of novelties in black and colored Dress Goods, also a fug range of Small • Silk in all the new shade's. We will have ottr fall Prints and Stews opened this • . week in large assortment including all the • new colors in Polka and coin dot eifeets •;. Chillies and I claim our styles the,most • t artistic design kt controlled exclusively by 1.irivrxx --In Winglium, on the 28th, • t,. Robert 1.4itt1et aged 80 years. j rrit—At the residenee of Mr Peter reliot th Catherine Turnerlimith, of e I Fowler, Bluevale road, on the 28th Juin lute John Smith, aged 00 years, j ?Born Cuirossl on the 21st instants= Elizabeth Boyd, relict of the late James , Boyd, age n years,1 month, and 18 days. WINCOIAM, MARKETS. Wisenam, July SO, 1891 ' • Corrected by 1. Deane, Proditee Dealer, Flour per 10 lbs, • . 9 270 to 2 75 nil Wheat per bushel, • 1 00 to *1 02 Spring ' 100 to 102 ' Oats, . • 40 to 45 Barley 40 to 50 Peas, ^ 00 to 05 Butter, tub .. 12 to 18 do Roils. - .12 to 13 Eggs per dozen r, 11 to 11 Wood Per cord, * 1 50 to 1 75. lIal" Per ton, ' 750 tO 7 50 • 85 to 40 .. " 17 to 20' Potatoes,. • Wool, CONSU raOil •ourselves. Gentlemen's Ties and silk • • CURF es -flirts hi all the new ‘, Shoes well assorted at styles. Boots and The success of this Great Cough Cure it without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc- cessfullystand. That it inay become know, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every homd an the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, Use it, for M H. McINDOO. i• 1 -. it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, ,,„,... At I- it2e Ing)ant Clines is, sure. If you dread that idsiclious disease dr Whooping Couglr, use it promptly, and relief Consumption, use it. ,IA.slt your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price xo cts., 5o cts, and Si.00. If your Lungs are'sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plester, Brice 25 cm, FR1DAY,, JUIX 31,1891. —The contracts for improvements at the Public School haie been awarded as follows : Painting fe ee and halls, Dries Shirk, $O; Laying4lewalks, etc, James Deyell, $50-; Drain, nos•Moore, 4Q cents pet rod.. . * [WESTERN FAIR .• ' LONDON • September I'7th to 26th, MAL-, CANADA'S FAVORITE Pa7:77,, 1111,••. 11, NOTICE TO FAEMERS. • ••••••• Wishing to close ourlog book for the season, we would desire all parties having a log account open please call and. receive payment for same, GILCHRIST, GREEN & CO, The Coping School of Medicine, —TIIE--• EIMENNIC SYSTEM. THIS SYSTEM IS COMPLETE, having difforont medicines for all the different. diseases. The theory is entirely different from thatof the old schools. the medicines are perfeptly pure, con- -Ca'sh for good butter and eggs at 11 A Live Stock, Agricultural.: tanning nothing of a poisonous nature whatever, and Graham's, Market, Grocery. are quite tasteless. For three years these medicines Industrial and Art exhibition I have been given away free and thoroughly tested in • on, What a Cou• gh. • Will you heed the warning? The signal • perhaps of the sure approach of that more the most hopeless cases before being pbaced on the Established 1868. market. The result hqs exceeded the most sanguine expectations. Rundreds of eases supposed to be incurable have been oured, and abundance of proof LARGE INCREASE OF EXHIBITS oan be produced to conviqce the most skeptical that terrible, disease Consumption. Ask your AND ATTENDANT selves if you OEM afford for the +sake of :Wing 500., to run the risk and do nothing 18901;nis good, but 1 for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It , never fails, • s • Eistogenetielledieines have cured and are coring S EVERY YEAR. to -day DISEASES at a later stage than any other 801 will be bettersystem of medicine in the world. In ACUTE cases , . • the medicines act like magic. Chronic troubles re - giro a longer trine, enerally from one to three to the nature of the complaint. MULARITIES,WOMB TROUBLES PRIZES ! rraratTaLE etc., the medicine& have been especially successful, Private EXAMINATIONS in these troubles are • Attractions, e a., which are being arranged for, will . almost, if not quite, absolutely unnecessary. Call GRAND, COLOSSA SPECIAL system. They Mshould be in every house 15 the or send for onb of our ire books explaining. the SPECTA • =pass any yet panduct XCURSION RATES ON' ALL RAIL.' AN'AFS.' • ' se September 12th. For Prize Lists and apply AND IMPOSING LE, • Entries land.• • ° SOLOMON, HIS TEMPLE AND THE Quan information RHEUMATISMand SCIATICA. EER oa Lennox, April 20, 3891. CAPT, •W. PO THOS. A. BROWNE, Pre% - SOC. I am happy • to acknowledge, and now testify, to • the efficacy of your medicines in curing Rheumatism To the skeptic or e agnostic as well as . 1 have suffered witli this Opainfut disease in my shoulders, knee's mud hips for twenty4ive years, also to the devout believ CM the Sacred Scrip* a• a, an with sciatica, for seine Nine. , I doerdtd to try Flisto- genetie,Iedipines as a, last ressirt, ilg nothing, ever ' tures, the era of th great King Solomon's 'seemed to give me any prenianent •rellet The .first pilau iti"sua can b:naught but the mostweek's medicine gave me relief, and in two weeke impressive, the rn et intereetina and the ,* ory: There arepo pa'r* Paa®10. the medicine for six WORItey and am mired Kt the the sulaticadisappeared and has not returned. I took ords of the past : noth- in grandeur, in wisdom LABORERS WANTED ny chronicle in ixtodern, a felicitous conception . IN— . Great Cash - Salel W G .11 A M,. - Is offering Goods at reduced prices for cash. -Every person. looking for Goods away down below regular priqes 'for cash please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. If you want to save money and buy, cheap, Goods, call and inspect our reduced prices. PRINTS0 PRINTS, PRINTS, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, We ha,ve the larges t stock of Prints in town and the fanciest pat- -terns to chooft'from. Please call and exainine We have about two hundred REMNANTS to sell at a great reduc tion in price. GOODSAi * . In great variety of ' patterns and in all the novelty shades., Call and see our table of 'Cheap Dress"GoodS '. . . - • ; graudegt in all hi q 0. rheumatism, I feel better in every way. I am sixty years of age, and 'feel...mite smart and aotive. e are Selling at Half Joe alit& in all the re i can cheerfully recommend these medicines to the public and will be glad to tell any sufferer about my • Do not Inies.this chance to secure big bargains. ' -lug approximatin ease. 'It IS now nearly two months since I ceased tatting the medicines, and the effect is preinanent. f and sublimity, in MRS. FORDE, 1022 blable Street. ' ' • ages. It was, th: . •t of the, Great World's' 'xposition to reproduce . , MANIBA i,•f. trianage. n:t.John Robinson's TO the . swipe, per events of the rel Iola patriarch, sa 'have done this th. isucemisfully, the ablioand the press,every I * Orem any station in Ontario to * BINSCATRH ' 5.1 , . where theltobin on show has exhibited • DELORAINE • t1.11q seition, uu imously attest. Their • METHVEN great biblical sp etaele, in its powerful isceneographie off cts, in its accurate and H l'TNEY realistic persona 'dim and the suri;ptuous avishuess attend ug its representation, is MOOSOMIN wog July 28th and August 4th ' rononuced 'with niversid accord to be not fl • • nly a triumph it art, but a revelation in - U Otiages, incidents and I; and. NORTHWEST` •0 and King. • That thicylo•fioaaettilittobilealaunbirthreglroiFtrac'leistt,htelmirannatignh;.areviefg of Solomon, the 'giant' ' • rthighly, acceptably and Ry 111 Make the following low one•way rates:— Purchasers of these tiekets to receive a Certificaie he history.of th pAst that has tiever had to enable them to return ma to Nov. 30th, 1891, for preeedent. 0 citizens will have the thirteen dollars each, providing they have been` • pportanity .of s dug this rand spectaole working as farm laborers for one month previousto t gtheir return. , * connection • th the manifold other For full particulars a pply to any Cana- li ' larders of the onn Robinson show on dian pacific Railway agent, Sly 81, aftoruO.0 and -night. 1 '•.:i w — te*'air At. i Vikicr-- om-In Brussels on the 15th ' * ' i ' ... of Mr .1'3 'Vincent.- a • .11. D. 51. A., L, c.r. s. o , M. O. P. S lkt., wife -iughter. Ithoiroas—I the wife 6 Morris,hto 9n the 18thi' Atichuil Nicholls; at TORONTO. . uktfnlat— i * Tiowick, on the I2th 1 *Tonathan, liushart, LiSt,OWel, says :— the wife o Mi Bolander, ; a dough- j "Alter .spending all my inoney'and proP. Lucknow, on the 22nd erty to no put•pose on medical men, for Graining in Walnut, Oak, Rit:d'a E Dr 1) M Gordon ; a What they termed alopeless case of con- pia, &c., a Specialty. stunption, Dr. Sinclair cured Inc." • -•; Mrs. Mary Purlonir,:Woodhousel says; Altitim. . 'When all others failed, Dr. Blholdit and despatch. EAREN 4-- no ToOmErtx--At the real- cured me of lits." e of the brit e's father, on the 15th W. McDonald, Lakefield, says ;—"Dr, by the Re W Torrance Mr T G Sinclair cured inc of Catarrh.' rat, teach , to Miss ea Mont- Geo, Itowed,131yth, says :.----"Dr, Sin- JAS. II„ PRIEN11 to. .17, an of 1 owick. Clair cured me of heart disease arid drop- WiliglIalti, April Iltd. rroratt. — ROWBTos—On Tuesday sy, when all others failed." -. 1*Eiltnauly 14t ,at Kelvin Grove Farm, Diseases of private nature brought on• — -Ode, by tb* Rev Mr Crowle of by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. it• 'want*, l\ oorChonse Mitchell to CONSULTA.TION FREE. a, eldest A ughter of Mr SatheS Stil . 1 DR. SISCLAIR will be at the Mtn. ' QUE'EN'S HOTEL, Winghatn, onnotv'--In , the wife o tighter. Cheap liluslin% Cheap Flouncing% RATTENBURY ,HOUSE, .CLINTON1 Cheap Shallie% Cheap Bioniings, and any quantity of patterns to choose from. ' Call and.see,our S in Ladies' and Children's, . We have been.. sellino• *, them very fast, but ' Room;2 and 3 Albion Block, Richmond street, Lon- have still. a few big bargains to offer in the abOve lines, in fat we are don, and 10 Yonge Street Market. Toronto. 1 selling mew. Winghain Times. "," • iRverytlitat 111, -*.hr .3 era at Raduc— Ilea:feria:1i Tuesday, August 18th, 1891, TO a. rn. tq 4.30 p. In, for the convenience of °Mg. ham patients. Consultation Free. j'Iistogensio Medicine Aos'n. Beautfy Your Homes! So if you 40jeoltirig. forl3ig ,Bargains please 8411 and exainine our* took: .ISTko*Q14TA to show goods, •JAS. 'FRIgND 8 „, ,• Lottd pf Itimilton and Paris, HOUSE, SIGN AND ORNAMEN- TAL PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, FRESCOER, &c. Would. take this opportunity of informing the citizens of winglaint and surrounding country that having had lorgeexperience ip city work, he is prepared to do Alanastining, Ealsovoining and Wall Papering 1» the latest approved styles of plain and decorative Werk. Churches, Mils or other public or Trivate buildings Frescoed in beautiful Colors and Designs at moderate rates, t, • Ali orders entrusted tO My care done With neatness Orders left at Mr. , hoed Bookstore will receive prompt attention. rrxxn In Amyl', sr, aged 4 iNfarDon. All parties indebted to E. R. 'Talbot, either by note or book account, will please call and pay the same to the at once, as they have boon placed in my hands inghatn, on the 28th for collection. th •NE loved wife of 311* JOIIN ELA/DS. yearn and 8 months, IUUIIU I SiUUUUP ILJUij lUiIw,Wmgharn, June 18tn, 1801. , 100,000' Pounds Wool, *anted in Excharige for' Goods 9r Cash at the Casb„,; Store., NEW BUTCHER SHOP. Wininni tot Susi fo% 1 G. SHAW nate to the people. of Winghain out has commenced the Buteherliir Has opened out In the Old Stand, the Brunswick IfOuSe. he will keep ,tif call Stock of, • 1301t1K) ' And Thor lice which Id i11 sell cheap, Vents delivered tb any vat of the toun, Patronage of tho public elicited. GEC), SHAW • _ ,•• ALLAINT. LINE 11,01tAL MAIL STEA1118XIIPS, CH[APEXCORSICHS to EUROPE, vERV WEEK. : lVLontrealand Quebec, r° •Deriy or Liverpool, • xAmii., $50 to 280. According to Steainer And location of Stateroom. •Xntermediato and Steerage atlow rate*. 110 0.4111.1a cAttItUti). STATE). 82'"Vle-1°6‘ ALLAN LINE t Milt* strinviiniTPS. • 7011Z & GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. CABIN,48 and upwards. Rotors, vils and upward*. Steerage at low rates. Apply to It. s ALLAN,. Xi ostreal, or WT3GITAM.