HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-31, Page 7TEMPERANCE. COI,UNIN. meelsiaregular. coznuaxau rix Tilt; T. W. C. r, u. Every mail in the office drank but one, a reporter, Den Perry. one of the editors told me that he land seen rA Fight,With Titian. A minister of the Gospel said to me, I was once a sad drutikard end 1 Signed the pledge, Many times 1 had been in the ditch. When 1 became converted 1 made up my mind 1 would *study for the ministry. 1 was e. stag " dent. t had no desire for drink. 1 had an idea that my religion had driven that all out. The grace of God. lead taken away the appetite for, and the love of Jesus had taken away the love of,drinka I thought myself perfect ly safe. 1 was invited oiit to dinner. If the gentleman had asked me to take a glass of wine, it 'would have been NQ; or a glass of ale No; but he gave me some rich English padding pretty well saturated with brandy and with brandy sauce over it. I thought nothing of it. I lilted it. I ate it freely. I sent up my plate for a second help. On re -1 h sician that no American turning to my duty, I began to want 1a y , with to drink. I wanted %t. The wanblhis nervous organization, in this wear' liegan to sting and burn me. My ; in ; climate,can habitually take liquor mouth got dry. i°wanted it, Well;' without injury' to his health, and with - , surely, if I go now and have solve—I ; out, he a greater or less degree,hinder- •have not had any for six years—sere 1 mg his Chances of success. tainly if I take just one glass now, , it I A Doctor's Wish. will allay this sort of feeling, and I 1 Dr '1` Gilliard Thomas, who with Drs shall be able to attend to my studies. ' Emmet and Sirss.makes the'brilliaut trio No l 1 thought of what. I expected to of specialists which has well nigh wrought . be;eand now, I' say I will fight it. I miracles in the field of surgery for women, locked the door and threw away elle will, by.this utterance in,a recent address, make friends with a host of women who key. Then commenced .the fight,. 1 have no use for his beneficent knife Were 1 knew 1 was on my knees a good I offered today by some great power the Toronto; Out. Ben Dame in from a fire at 2 a in drenched to the skin and tired out, He would look wistfully at the whisky battle, but be never touched it, T inquired for the boys 'tokday Three had died'€rom drinking, six were holding inferior positions in newspaper offices. Habits bad, said my informant,. They could not make their way, and so fell lower and lower. Perry's, head was always clear add he was regular at his work. He is editor-in.chief of One of the principal newspapers in a sea- board city, • He bad not half the nate ural ability of at leant three of the others. These are facts, said the doc- tor. I advise you who are beginning life to consider them. I have not a word to say about the moral question involved in drinking. ' But I know, as ° Ata. alien, young. old, or middle aged, who And themselves nervous, week or exhaust- ed, who are broken down fen excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms : Mental deprea, sion, premature old .age,. loss of vitality, loss of memory, lead dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emission, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headake, pimpleson the face or body, itching or pecuiar sensation about the sgrotetai, waisting of the organs„dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bashfulness,. deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderises of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby Muscles, desire to sleeps failure to be rested by sleep, 'constipation, dullness of hearing,, ,loss sf voice, desire for solitude, excite, bility of temper, sunken eyes sur• rounded with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, eta„ are all symptoms of nervous debility that led to isanity and dead usefees cures.. The, spring or vital power having lost its teneiou every function wanes in consequence, Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanentely oured. Send your address for book. on all diseases peculiar to man, Address M. T. LUBAN, 50 Front St. E., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the' symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, not flushes; rush of blood to the head, dull pain in • the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second' heart beat quicker than the .first, pain about • the breast boric, etc., can, positively be cured. Nn cure, no pay. Send ” for book. Address: M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, We have received a large stock from he B est� Canadian and Aerican Maoufacfurers1 Our .assortment is the finest we lame yet shown and we belie+ e. we have a stock to suit everybody, We have taken special pains to select 1'atteres that dire suitable, and the effects 'frau the IVEatch..Bu dors are really excellent, deal of the t sue, but,what I,did I do I accomplishment of oue wish, 1 think T would seleot the destruction of the process. . not know. Some one . came in the by which alcohol is created. • Putting ad- 411. morning afloat eight o'clock and knock"! vantages and disadvantages into meatal ed at the door. Come in. The door scales, I should select, as the wish nestling is locked, I hunted about, found the'. closest to my heart,the abolition of alcohol. key and opened the door. Twd of rey 1 Last year Denmark exported nearly fellow students entered. Why, said 90,000,000 lbs. 'of butter, of which one, what is the .matter with you i 83,000,000 went to England. This What doyou Mean? Why look at your ! butter 'fetches 25 cents per pound, a face. They took .me to the glass and � higher price than either. Irish or home my face I saw was covered with blood.i made. ,Canada with all its splendid .In my agony, 1 .had with my nails . natural capabilities, exported less than torn the skin from my forehead—look 1 2,000;000 lbs. Denmark is not one at the scars now -in my agony of I tenth the siza of the Province of On wrestling against the desire of drink 1 tario. The astonishing development that cried through every nerve and of of Danish dairying is attributed to the fibre of my system. Thank God I 1 centrifugal separator syetem,by which fought it ; but it was forty-eight hours much, more butter Dan begot from the before I dared to go in the street. f same quantity of milk, and enables the You say : That is,a'rare ease, such I operators to work greater quantities oases are very: rare. I wish they were. See today what men° are sacrificing for the drink. See what they are giving up—home; friends, reputation, ay,even life itself,"and that which is better than life, hope of heaven, for the drink, dissolving the Pearl of great. price in the cup, and drinking away their very best hope of heaven at a :draught, Oh, it is awful when we go among them and see them ! What 'twill they not sacrifice r What will they not give up? Do not say it is because they are weak minded, No 1 it de- pends more on the temperament, cone stitution, and nervous organization of the man whether if he tries to follow your example, Mr Moderate Drinker, he becomes intemperate or not, more than "it does on what we call strength of mind. than was possible under the old system. 'Association dairies are increasing, and old ones are'being'enlarged and ima proved. Canada must move forward. C. 1'. 11, TI1Y1L TABLE. , INN SHiDES A' lal'ge stock on hand to select from, and will .be sold at the,low- est possible prices, (Sall and see our stock and get prices. No trouble to show goods. Wingbam, April3rd, 1891, Trains arrive and depart as follows LEAVING • ARRIVING 5:35 a. m.. ,... ..,For,Torouto ....... • ..6:36 a. m, 2:00 p. m 2:00 p,m 2:00 p, m For f; eeswater • 2:00 10:55 p. m " 10:65 • C4•12.11.. 1`3'D `TRU. I1-E2,r2-4 A, 0. STRAT}IDEE, AGENT, W1NQUAM. Through tiakots to all points in Anierlca—North- West Paeiflo Coast, etc., via the shortest and ail ,popular routes. Baggage checked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. --TIME •TABLE.T LEAVE WINOIIAII. ARRIVE AT W1Ne4IAn. 6:30 a m.Toronto,Guolph Palmerston, &c. 3:31 pan. <. 10:20 " 3:20 pan." Clinton,• " 7:25 " .,.,Palmerston, llIirod......10:35a.m. •6:45 a m ..........London, &e.... 11:00 " 3;20 p.m. " 7:60 p.in. 11:10 Gan Kincardine, &o .. 6:30 a.ns. 3:31 p.m 10'20 " 7:10 p.m 11:10 " A Youthful Yankees Ingenuity`. A. boy we know had some chicles of which he had made pets. Re and his father went to "their work early in the morning, and white the rest of the, family were away for summer it became a question how the, Chickens were to be fed with propee regularity. The boy was equal to the occasion. He took an alarm: Clock and fastened it'securely to one side of the barn by means°of two spi kes, Next. he hung a bucket of corn to a rafter and &n - nested it with the clock ' by a stout cord. , . . He wound up the alarm and ,set it at 4 o'clock. At that hour the alarm, went eft, wound ,up the string and tipped over the bucket, . And so the chickens were fed by clockwork.— Cleveland Leader. John Barns, lralbotyiile, died. Mon- day of blood poisoning. He cut his toe ; blood poisoning set in, and he died after one day's illness. i'le,leaves a wife and six children. The Ocldfellows' demonstration at Galt during the session of the Grand Encampment, I 0 0 F; July 28 and 29, will be a splendid affair, and will inoludea balloon ascension, parades, drills, baud e,oncerts, baso heli, foot ball, military feats and athletic sport. MUSIC. The Popular Bookstore INs'rau0TIoNs ON PIANO Ann ORGAN, ALSO OLA66 IN IiARMONy. . For particulars regarding terms, etc, please collet my home, corner 0'r aloes and Patrick streets. FLORILLA SPARLING. Abstain. Dr Dish, a successful physician in the Wert„ returned to'his old home lately after a long absence, andvisited the•college'in which he had been edus sated. Twenty years ago,he said to a group ,ot students, 1 graduated in'this hall, There were eighteen men in my,class.. ,Of the eighteen, six drsnk Habitual . ly while et college. Not' to excess,but regularly—a glass. or two' each day. .• Notone c'f these risen has succeeded in attainiril fortune, reputation or even a .respectable position Yet they . were among the ablest Iron in the class.. While at oolle;e t was in the habit of frequenting the daily newspaper office here. 'There were ten menin it .—editors and, reporters. 1 knew themall--a lot of bright.jolly fellows, Tho 'work was Bard, the Hours late, the • H, DAVIS Is OFFERING MO•1\TM.i •—ON 45,..• M FROPMEZT'Y AT VERY LOW RATES. 1•••• mz FOR THE B9r2 VAWEI DIIRED TNT IN CLOTHING' GO TO HATS,',. CAP, COLLARS, SEE =MY OFFICE—OPPOSITE THE MARKET. wn.on.o! OOTOa$R Orn. 1233 SHIRTS, CUFF., Cheap for KASH,. W AT---°�-.. F,,� .SJJ .i Pi• I D 1 gait • e Has removed to E. F. Gerster's cld stand, where be hat a large and nicely assorted stock of atehes, We 3'ewollery, Silverware and yef e• ` Which he is••sellin away down in price, and ° will he pleased to have you call and take a look through his Stock. ° 4 . 'Repairing a • S eci d.lty • 'Ah work warranted and done Property Tor Sale in Belmore. Ea: min sle T, Tho nnd'orsigned offers for sato a cjosirablo pro • part' in the village of Balmer!, consisting of a good .` • dwelling housb, office, stable and driving shed with ono acre and a•half of land in connection. Splendid garden, with all sorts of fruit trees. Will be sold at a bargain. For particulars, apply to . FREDFR1OIi COOK, Belmore,. B .NK OF HAMILTON, •WINGHA'M. Capital, $,1,1200,000. I,est,$600,000. I O1W P , LAND ROLLERS, Provident—Iof2 STUART. Vice•President—A. G. RAMSAY, DIRECTORS tour PRoOrolt, CIIas. Gum', GRo ltoAon, A. T • Wool), A. i3.,LLs (Toronto). • • Cashier -3. TURNBULL. Savings Ean*{r. - Itour.y 10 to 81 Saturdays,l0 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upn ards received and interest allowed. Special boposits also received at current rates of interest. Drttfts ou Great Beitairi and the United States bought and sold 111 promptly. Mason's Mock. Y L.Sueeessors twit M Robinson, ianufacturerers of - 15. WILLSON, Aoin y, latle/IeIt & DICEINSoN, Solicitors �h. EyMiih • et •1 $11 tVREtil �r� 4A`1� •I'ti�arnatszyzarwmailcnntascsmontiosna' nrasonsmitv `6VURES1 O TUE MITT incase inforroar readers that 1 have n positive remedy for the above nl 1 (seas!. 12y its timely use t�i ;usands of hopeless cases liiave been perniartently cured. I sive `s 4glaidoto ifshaed wonds the mheirmxyeIsFsRd to Psnty CffeurArdedafedears,s $.00VM2 M.Q.Qt 130 Wast Adelaide St.ORONTQ8 DNTAel. wOrRsocshpaslcm al^l,;fr PLOWS, GANG PLOWS, o. Every Descrition In iron and Brass Castings of Mill ani• aRepairsmoral Promptly I tte tea„ l `AGENTS roll IL. 'i'HITLLAW;S AG1tIE ULTURAL EN Ging S AND BOILERS, U11EESE FACTORY ENGINES AN BOILERS AND SUPI5LIES. "WANTED—Al Y QUANTITY (W OAST IUUON SCIiAI:'