HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-31, Page 5uu r 7 is s; CORDON 84 McINTO(RE STOCK -TAKING $ALE, On the 15th, of August we start stook taking and in order to reduce our Stogie to the lowest possible point before that day, we Have decided to give bargainsto all who come for thein. It is for our friends, and the public at large, to say how far our intentions aro carried out. We are prepared to do our part, Will you do your part ? Bargains in General Dry Goods, Bargains in Dross Goods. Bargains in Prints and Muslins. Bargains in Hats, Shirtd, Collars and Ties. Bargains in Ordered Suits. ,a Bargains in Boots, Shoes and Slippers, Tons of sugars sad teas, that must.. ie please every taste. GORDON & 1V,tcINTYRR. The Big Brown Anchor. l0 Lr Le id le Woods read a report of Cases of erysip- jd elas in children, which were~ • rather he unique in character. A vote of thanks lis was tendered Drs Ross and McKenzie s ce at the their a slstan es for valuable. r. meeting, and they were made honorary at members of the Association, The fol-_ v- lowing resolution was passed by the Lis, association regarding the removal of • en Dr Sloan, of Blyth; from our midst. • lel We, the .members of the Huron Medi. on cal Association, take this opportunity of expressing the high esteem in"which, Dr W Sloan, of Blyth, was held by. • this Association, he having been a resident of the county for many years, and.one of the most active members ; of the society. And also of express- ed ing.our regret at his remoydl from our 5; midst. We also•axtend to him our 4 ;, beat wishes for his future success. d; Ion :ie, The .Rev I Oampbell,pastor of Knox iy, church, has bad the full honorary de. $1, „ret of A M, Ph U, conferred on lama lid, by the Faculty of the National Uni- hc, varsity of Chicago, Illinois. -.Over $7, $50,000 worth of cheese was sold at he 13th la ''air h re.--Thiusda 5Q, the last t e qt 1, Tas of August, has been • fixed as our civic Vim holiday.' The Falls appears -to be the Che place, where must of -our people will go, ie's • as there is an excursion there that and day.—A meeting of , the shareholders to of. the Listowel Furniture Company I an, will be held in the town hall, on. Tues• ,m- day evening,4th August, fpr sanctions Mr ing by -.laws passed by the provisional ris, boards and fee the eleption of a new to board of Directors and the transaction on of other'business.—Mr J H Hacking, of the Winnipeg Free Press, and' one of the first proprietors of the Banner, ith of this town, was in town yisitiug old friends lately. -Mr W J Howe has iers t gone to Kincardine to fill a position ous at his trade, and has, been engaged as . are leader of the Kincardine band, ,of at Brussels. rats M.o- ►eir Its 'er ak, il- 4; Listowel• A lawn party was . held on the Jleautiful grounds of Dr Graham, on Thursday evening of last week. -The Dominion Day celebration committee bad a surplus of $60 after ' pitying all expenses,which has been placed in the bank for a future occasion.—Post•. master 'Farrow is+having the building, formerly need as a .flour and feed store by Hartley Bros,. north of 13eattie's new livery'barp,put in shape for the postoflice, as it is said he in- tends removing the office from its present site.—A select degree has been orgrnized in connection with the Royal ;Templars' Lodge here, with the follow - in r• Geo o .Alex Wilson, S U • (ere Wsn Rogers. P 0 ; W H Maunders,Prelate; Mrs A Wilson, B S ; Zi11o8 Maunders, B To; Thos 3 MoLauchlin, Steward ; Mrs A McOuire,Tyler; Dr McNaugh- ton, Medical Examiner,—The proprie- tors of the Queen's and American hotels contributed $2a each to the License c s `e e Fund for violating the Carla i g terms of the Crooks' Act by having' more flan.,n one 'bar "oi o operation. t i In er ~~t 3iily 18th. p • A cleverly ralsed•two dollar bill is in eirculation. The alteration,how., ever, can be readily detected if a per, son tikes time to look at, the bill, The Government legal bill reads, '`The Dominion »f 'Catlada will pay to bear' er two dollars" is altered by means of pen and ink to read"The Dominion of Oanada will pay to bearer ten dollars." :ur- in last em - Mc. ens+, pros Mc- tica, s a book !cot, sass, dent cies the Dr pees To. ..of pee. ibe4 tno- in-• Dr1 ear+ j Dr polio' fined! of. ,wed Dr L B61'grave. The garden party held at Mr Jobn Seandrett's en Thursday °yening of last week was a grand success.. Speeches were delivered by Rev Messrs Hughes and Racey, Refreshments were served in abundance. All seemed to enjoy themselves .immensely.. About X30 were realized, which will go to Trinity ehuroh funds, ."Why don't the Queen's Own foot ball team 'got up a match with the Wiligham. 'club? The boysshould show the kind of mettle they are' made of. --Mr W kI Kerr, of Brussels, 000upiod the pulpit of the Methodist church, on Sunday last.—Rev J W Brandon has left for Itis held of labor--Monckton—fitter a -short time spent with friends in this vicinity, Gorrle. Mr 11 Perkins has been appointed. postmaster in succession to the late II J Besanson. Mr Perkins is in every way qualified to fill the position; —Messrs Alex Stroxig and Jas Roe are shipping horses to Manitoba,—Mr T G Shearer, of ' near this plane, has „taken unto himself a wife in the per. son of Miss • Ellen J Montgomery. •Congratulations. Some T,Ciisereant attempted to burn the mill of Mr Adair, in this place, a few nights ago. Luck ily'the fire was discovered and extin', guished before it had made much headway. Langside. (Intended for last issue.) The hay industry is almost exhaust- ed, -Preparations are being made, for the harvesting of the fall wheat which is a very fair"crop,the only fault being that it is out rooted.—The spring crops are.excellnnt.—The roots are growing well sines the recent rains.— Mr Joseph Tiffin is indesposed at present. —Mr Treleaven ,attended the. funeral of his brother at Tara, last week. pate over the bad condition of Brinks er's fence, it is alleged that, Brinker, who is a much younger man than Kading was,gave himself a severe. beat ing and left hila in an unconsciteus condition, Mr Kading in the course of an hour or so recovered him suffioi• eptly to return to his llome,where he had since bsen confined to Ms bed under the euro of a doctor. It is thopgltt°that Nr'Kading'a mind was somewhat disordered, by the severe beating which he lead received, as he appeared to be in 'Continual dread of further violence at the hands of his former Assailant, and this state of mind finally roeulted in the sad oc. curreraee of Saturday. On the follow- ing Thursday Mr Kading instructed Lawyer Collins, of Exeter, to take proceecings against Drinker for the assault, .and the fact of the death of Kading is no assurance that action will be stayed. It,is more' probable that the carie will be proceeded with, only under a different head. rr Blyth. Mr II Buie, of .Montreal Business. College, is spending his holidays with his parents here.- A union pic- nic of the Presbyterian and Methodist Sabbath Schools was held in Sloan's grove on Wednesday last.--The.Stand. arcl `holidayed last week. --Our oivie Holiday will be on the 6th of August, •1VLorr.e. • Mrs Catherine Turner •Smith,widow of the late John Smith, of the first concession, died on Tuesday last, at the age of 69 years. The deceased lady leaves two sons. The remains were enterreti is the Bluevale cemetery on Wednesday. East W awanosh•. Mrs Daniel lvleGowah,of Rapid Oity, Manitoba, died at the residence of her .sister, Mrs• Walter McGowan, on Tuesday of last week, from causer. She had undergone an operation about a year ago, but of no avails Theo Orangemen. O C 1$SUMPTION CUItTr:D. ' NOTICE Of VOTERS' LIST. t $2,O J O,O0O OQ T OLIDA0•, Voters' List, 1.891.^ --Municipality of the. ' �'^� p*�/� Town of Wingham, County of Huron. l ' int 111GRAM. ,l.�.l„ Notice is hereby given that t have transmitted or , delivered to the roes �r +�e t Act, 889 the copies d t Apors . t ,mentioned in sections. 9 and "l of the Ontario VAtora' Zeis 1 i e : required by said sections to be so tr'tiosmitted or TI -14 OLDEST 1 THE -LARG!'ST l delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act,of all I persons appearing by the last revised Assessment i JOHN (loll of the said Municipality at Elections for mein. . R O bersof the Legislative Assembly and at tlnnleipal r Elections; and that s d list was first posted np at i i g nt, on too 2Jth July, R Armats t oro for inapoctlon'�i"N' 1'lertore are 1 d, upon to examine the said list, my oelee at Town of . 9 u ha 1801,and rentable ca Q rind if any amiss •ns or other errors are found there. in, to take inn -dlato proocodings to have trio said errors correct -d according to law. J. R. FERGUSON, , Clerk of Town of winghanr. s :9th day of July, 1891. An old physician, retired ;trout practleo, having bad placed in his hands by an Last India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption,. Bron. cbitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affeetiens, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, he has felt it his duty to make it known•to his snfrering fellows: Actuated by this motive and a desire to r,aliove human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this 'paper. W. A. NoyEs, 820 Powers Nook Rochester, N, Y. • ANNUAL SESSION' OF THE GRAND LODGE " AND BLACK CHAPTER. Mr D Cash, of Prince Albert, writes to the Montreal Witness as follows : n I hadpresented t eon the 3rd of In May, last a small fancy table as a brithdity present, painted black ; var- nished and gilded. I felt quite proud, of my present. However, it had not been in the house very long' before the legs were "observed to be growing and are still contiued to do so. One of the 1e'gs has pet out a' shoot four' inches long upon which there areeten leaves. ,Altogether it is a very pretty table with its bleak and gold, and now the green. •I think they are appletree leaves. I set it out of doors occasionally so that a little moisture might be given to it •to continue the growth, as I do not know but it may blossom and being forth fruit, which would very muchincrease thecuriosity. Dated Maul Y a --i HE BEST OF ALL SII.QWS 1 INSON'S WQRL' S EXPOSITION I ��1j ,`xp1 �■� �rr , P J@ LEI i _� T HARVEST EXCURSIONS From all Stations in Ontario Return Rates to METHVEN HARTNFY DELORAINE MOOSOMIN BINSCARTH IV' REtC+INA MOOSL''J,A.W YORIKTON CALGARY 'PRINCE ALBERT �28,Ofl X30.00 $35.00 To leave all points in the province of Ontario,on 'AUGUST 1 l thkiletuth20th,igp>ntemhor AU UST „ 1 8th, Return 27th,1 9lptember SEPTEMBER 1st" otulOthti9ltobet• Parties ticketing* from other points should arrange to arrive in Toronto in time to connect with thalh p.m.,train leaving August 1111,, 18th, and Septem- ber 181,1891. For full information apply to any ticket agent of the CanadfanPaoiflc Railway' Tfi:awt ce"N se Some 4WAhr Children a )r $row'zg Greatly augmented.by the Now Biblical, Historical, Dramatic and 316 1 riumphal and Colossal Sceneograpliic, Terpsichorean usical Spectac a of Solomon His Temple 'ao o the ee4Queer.] f Shtha� •. A titanic and colossal inspirational creatien from, the f. tile and gifted brain of Mr. JCIIN RETTIG, the father,originator,projector, painter,designer and constt actor of the world *famed sensational Spectacles I00t-Beautiful Ladies in the RAND I3AALLET--100 1500 People Representing Characters of he WISE KING'S REIGN, attired in maguificent costumes similar to those u orn in that age of opulence and gran- deur, manufactured at a post oone hundred thousand dollars. riec.ari '.t:•.s;, . ` s � 1, star- t:a.... t . j y ' ff; lr. rr >f,.Y" 4 1; 1 KINGS Jiffy, 29.-- The 62nd session of the Grand Orange Lodge of British America convened here yester- day. Mayor Clarke, of Torento,presided. Mayor Drennan, E 1?ennett (county master), and tlames i11arshall . (secre- tary of the 'peal reception committee) delivered addresses. W Johnson, M P, of Ballykillbeg, wasreceived .with honors. The grand masttsr in his annual Address said the separate school question in Manitoba was nearing'a - settlement, and common schools were being established. There are 1,256 primarPlodges in the association, an increase of.30. In ten months 3$ warrants bad been issued. The ' order never was more Malted and • prosp.erous, Many lodgges were seek Ing the benefits of the new incporatioli act. The Grand Black Ohapter'of Bri- tish North America is in session here, . G1 rand Master W J Parkhill, of To•- ront0, presenthd;his report, giving an account of the work of the 'order dues Ing the past .year.. There , is a large attendance of delegates. On Saturday, 18th inst, August • n. 'a n well oido' farmer of the I{` di a t 22nd con Stephen, who has been sufier- ing from the results of .a severe beat, ing on h ins was found in . the the lst t, granary of His bath hanging front the rafters, with life quite extent, On dnly.1 Mr Fading spent the day at the Grand Trunk Bend, and returning home in the evening was informed by s . his neighbor, Clare Brinker, that his bull had strayed int.) his (Brinker s) field, and requested uested bins togo and take itout, qMr Kadin went o take �, his bull home, and, getting into a 'dis-• • 117EH(>Nr•SS1 LONDON ONT The above out rep eats the interest taken by a large propo tion of our readers in Canada's Favorite - xhibition. This the Direetors deserve f• the untiring efforts to keep it at the fro t of Live 'Stock and Agricultural Fairs. , is growing popularity is due greatly to t attention given in re• visiug the prize lis making such aletrations as are required ; o the improvement of Live Stock ; enoou aging the better classes of Grain 'and See • • for cultivation, and bringiug oat and fos•ering new inventions of all kinds, A. a 'e number of Special Prizes aro offered t,r Cheese. and Butter as the Manufacture,' ' these articles is con- sidered two very stn octant industries of ,this Province. Special Prizes are also offered for the Ow aking the tnost butter on the grounds the test to be under : the supervision of au :•. pertfrom. the Agricul- tural i y College. Th: machinerymotion gn in the ildain Build pd was of such an in., terestingand in ructive character that special efforts ar being made to,eclipse former years, 1 . the Art Department there is a new de . , rture and ono which has already proved xeeedingly successful; artists are allowed he privilege of dispos., int; of their precinct iona by privatesale le e andublin auction;, , adopting this course and efforts of Secrete y Browne they have Bemired aria nificent collection o qq f Works rite of Art by British Mast= s,coiitaining paint- ings valued at £1000 s :cling. A sight of these alone would well aptly a visit to the to the Western Fair, •atwhen they add moll special attractions , s the Wild West Shoat, Trapeze Perform nos, Pansy Rifle Shooting, 3i'ire Engine i ontost, Cross -out Sawing Matehes, elab,rate Fire -works Displays,liallcon Races •y lady and gent, that' we will receive so in ch. toted instate tion and enjoyment at 'su• i little oxpense as to the Western Pair i London, peat September 11Iti to 26th,? al I r, a.:n r1Q) lea.. •,.1"... .;:tkhCi Palatable as ii,iili. Ay b a..T. ril.:S'xdy: (It GUILE OP COUGHS 011 .3DI.il THE OLI3 MID' N11/1110, t y 13a. UNEQUALLED.Genuine made by Scott it ilowne, Bsileville. Salmon Wrapper: at all Druggists, 690, dud $1. CO. .e.�. ,10.0.1.-.••••,..••...1.-... IPTY ems E MENAGERIE Must -um of 1 ving on -dem -.i and a vast collection of Relics of the OId_ Age and Modern Curiosities, Realistic Revival of the. Sports,Pastimes nd Contests of the Ancient 7M O MJ JNT T-1 1r The world -popular and ever -welcome mirt DUIYIPTY, his fortunes, misfortunes and i . tional cost. Another of the many brilliaa have been added this season. Don't fail to bo in time to witness t Dissolution of Partnership, Notice is hereby given that the,Part- nership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned as hardware Merchants, under the name of J'As. A. CLINE & Co., at the Town of Wingham, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 12th day of March, A. D. 1891. ' All accounts due to the late firm will be paid to Jas A. Cline, who will carry on the business at the old. stand and by whom all obligations of the late firm will be paid. Dated this 24th March, A. D. 1891. Witness, 2 JAS. A. CLINE, J. A. MORTON. S .Joni NEELANDS. Refering to above, I wish to return my thanks for past favors, and trust that by close attention to tho wants of my cus- tomers to merit a continuance of the same. Jas. A, Cline. P. S.—Past due accounts must be set- tled at pnce. Commencing Fariday, July 3rd THROUGH SLEEPER PROM TORONTO TO 0 I till I l OLD ORC1IARD ON THE MAINE COAST, and to all WHITE MOUNTAIN RESORTS Vt't1i,Sr T11E8D4.52" and P1#,IDA.'t IteturnIeg, leave Old Oreltard Every Monday and Thursdav, running through to Toronto during Summer Season. For rates and full information apply to"t tiny 0. P. R. Ticket Agent. , -provoking Pantomime of HU 4PTY- ishaps. Absolutely without any midi - t and unprecedented attractions that e With its myriad dens of performing wild b sts,tigers, lions, hyenas,leopar cls, bears, pythons, anacondas, boa -constrictors, ate, with th r keepers, all thrown open with sides down, in the might, parade. D0011S* OPEN AT 1 Arra 7• P. M.. - P1 RPORMANCES ONE ROTJR LATER. EXCURSIONS ON ALL INFAS OF RAILROADS. 1891 SUMMER 191 MISS A. BOY11 Wishes• to intimate to the ladies of Win;barn and surrounding country T day that her stock of . . y� SPRING SU/� MMER ILLI N n ,! has arrived and is now opened out. The stock is well assorted and contains all the fashionable styles for this year. FANCY. GOOD A. large stock on hand, consisting of Embroidery, Silks, Feathers,F]lov;r- ers, Ribbons, Laces, Sze. , MANTLE DEPARTMENT. The Mantle Department contains a, .varied assortment -of Finks, Satins, Satin Brocades, Flushes, Velvets and Mantle Cloths to choose from. ` -Mantles made to order—Perfect Fitting and in the latest and most fashionable styles. Stamping done to order. 'An' inspection invited. SOLE AGENCY FOR . Mather'6 Glove CC leane, N. preparation for cleaning kid gloves. It will also remove ; grease or stains froin silk or woollen goods. Try is. Remember the place—First door north of Ed. Dinsley s jewelry store,h. W in lla'in, 'April 3rd, 1891. .3 O Y D' . TOSE1'11 COWAN, Grrli9rgDCoviiT Co. Hums, 11IlCTIONL11I1, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES NOTICE, Coxonssiocr•,a Iii 1`X. C, it., Bre. Wntrxaratt, ONT. All parties indebted to William ltidd, either by note or book account, will please call and pay the same to me atonce, as they have been placed in my hands for collection. JOIIN NEELANDS. Wiui31•► tin, June 18th 1891. TO DD.EtDERS. ., The Holstein -Friesian Bull, Huron Lad No. 11669 ate istcred in the fourth volume of the Holsteiti l , service lierd -look will be kept for get ro rirrrin Friesian l t the season of 1801 at Lot 11, con 1, Norris. 1 TERMS -41.25 for grade cows, thoroughbred Hol- stein cows S20; with privilege of returning, to lie mkt at time of service. Nigeria, stay 1811 1801. JOHN A Mei1Wl: .Money to Loan on Notes. oe� Discounted .t ..D u n�� e r d AT REA.SONA'3L +" ItET.'1"SS Money advanced on Mortgages at C per Cent. 0 ith privilege of paying at tine end of any year. ot,s a accounts ccounts collected. It0i3T. 1 roINDOO. (theft.- letaver Block. tvingitam, Ont.