HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-31, Page 2t out. EbC tI jAf U Eines You bud this sag a tendanoy among ....,., fat men, They are inclined to bwi p l`RIDAY, JULY SI. 1$91. their chests upon their stoinacli for support, and the result is that they aggravate the misfortunes of fat, Nor LDITOI;IAI+ NOTES. is this batt 'carriage confined to the A. U1LL entitled "An aot to secure working people, It is true that there the better observance of the Lord's are some women in the cities who set. Day" WA been agreed upon by the Special Ctinmittee of the House of °ominous to whom it was referred for consideration and report some weeka ago. The committee made extensiye amendments/to the original bill, as. submitted to. it, chiefly by striking out clauses considered too' stringent in their provisions and not practicable in application to some of the - provi. sins of Canada, with many of whose established customs it would. interfere. The .amended bill reported from coin', mittee prohibits work and traffic on Sunday as. follows ; The printing,' publication and sale of any newspaper, providing, however, that necessary o Mee. work may be performed after 9 o'clock in the evening of the Lord's Day for„the purpose of facilitating the publication of the Monday morning issue of any daily newspaper. The opening of any of the canals in Canada' to traffic or business from 6 a m to 1.0 p m on Sunday,but the provision may be suspended in any year by order in couuciC after Oct 15. No railway train is to be loaded at any railway the example to all Canada„ in their walk. But there are scores with bad carriage where there is one of the other kind. How many pretty faces are spoiled in this way, and how many women might make themselves attrac- tive if they only would quit relying on the corset for support, , As for men, this way of walking jis so common that a Haan who walks erectly becomes marked, and his .1a aring suggests haughtiness: Dont Answer ai at Once. Who is the' most unselfish person in your house ? You need not give the question a second thought before answering, Why, nioher, of courser How much the words of course reveal. It is such a common lace everyday thing—this propensity, of mothers• to work with hands alsrl feet and heart and head for their children. And they ask in return illy the little tine forgotten act of kitduess and of love. But these do not co Ie so readily as a matter of course. IDear girls, don't speak. impatiently to your mother. She was patient with you during the Burs neon to rape, There is of late a great deal of in•' quiry about a remedy for lice, Prof A J Cook of the Agricultural, College, liTioliigan, says the following kerosehe etnulsion is sure death to all kinda of lige on plants and animals, Dissolve in two quarts of water one quart of soft soap or one quarter, pound hard soap by heating'to the boiling point, then add one point of kerosene oil and stir violently for from three to fie Minutes, This agitation must be vie., lentso as to make the mixture permss. pent but need not he continued a long time. Dilute, the mixture with an equal part of water when applied. This for plants. For the lice, scrub the animals' with the emulsion diluted with one half ite bulk of water, We use a brush and. do it thoroughly. The cost for a full-grown cow is not more than Ave cents and five minutes of time. It kills nits as well as lice and seems to brighten the hair, ,x think the scrubbing with this seep solution is excellent for the skin, and thus we do more than kill the lice. For sheep we dip the animals in the emulsion, diluted with•one half its bulk of water. Little. by Little. "Little be:little," the torrent' said, As it swept along its narrow bed, Chaffing in wrath and pride. Little by little, and day by day, And with every wave it bore away A, grain of sand from the banks which lay Like granite walls ou either side. I came again and the rushing tide Covered the valley far and wide, For the mighty banks were gone. A grain at a time,they were swept away; And nder the waves and he work was ows done. station, or empty cars moved ',from j most intolerable periods of your early ' one station to another, nor any freight history. D'en't laugh at her for being. train permitted to start fromany rail- way station in Canada on Sunday es,- (rept snob are made up of live stock or perishable freight, and where the des• patching of trains to relieve sufferers by accident or. fire is deemed neeos- elary,bus through passenger, trains each way with their necessary connec• tions shalt be permitted on any trunk line in Canada, but merely loom pass, edger trains are prohibited. nervous ; overworking eneself for the sake of others is very exhaustive cif nerve force. Don't in;the fullness of your eiisdom correct her gramutar or pronounaiatiou, or show her the incor.. roctness of her opinions. 1 t is infinite ly more important thatsslhe should be treated with loving respect than that her information should be complete. Study her little preferences. Don't hurt the tender heart in ways that you could so easily avoid. It is n t 'an, inexpres- sibly pathetic sight, th s, of a mother giving away her all, a looking wiste cash. t fully not for the ,re d, not for the ( I return, but merely or recognition 2 What to Try.„ Talk not of wastedf affection, says . Try popcorn for nausea. Longfellow affection' as never wasted. Try cranberries for malaria. No, but it sometimes, disappears for a ' Try a sun bath for rheumatism. long time. It sink into ary porous Try ginger ale' for stomach cramps.' girl hearts,,not to bubble up again tillTry cranberry poultice for erysipelas they are mothers thiemselve's and are Try swallowing dative when troubled saying : Strange Il •never'knew how 1 with sour stown 1i. . red andendured smile. of my own.. .,— [The Eldest Sister in Wives and Daughters for JTuly. $ Stand up and be Handsothe. AN OBSERVER'S COMMENTS ON 'THE BAD CARRIAGE OF PEOPLE., Two 'men sat in a park watching 'the people sitting or standing , about and the children at noisy or active play. Have you noticed, said one of theta, how differently these people stand at different ages ? Or, to be more general; have you noticed hnw badly people stand or carry themselves in walkingas they grow older. Now take those yery young child, ren rolling that ball about. Their movemen ts.are graceful. They stand erectly, with shoulders thrown back and abdomen in, They stop, ' they run, they dodge in .lines' that are artistic. They show the natural ease and grace, of all animals. But see that girl running this way. In her sixteen years she has learned a lot of bad 'tricks. See how she throws her legs and twists her hips, Her chestis knocked in and she pre, cents a most ungraceful appearance There comes a shop girl. Her walk is perfectly horrible. Her shoulders and hips wiggle about. Her,abdomen is pulled out. Her shoulders are (laved in. She has learned to'be un. graceful. And that older woman there whose form is beginnin; to spread with the fulness of maturer age —her pose is an agnea\atien of the pose of the shop girl, All this cotnee , through corsets. 'SVhmen have to depend upon the Dore sets for the titspport of the upper part of the body,' , Th'y'fist their shoulders upon the uppe '' part ()Nei steel easing and t presses down alld pushes out: their abdomens. But they are past alt cure. It is to the young girls that 1 object, No amount of beauty of face ooald make a girl who walks that way attractive, and it kills the last clift:'tee for an ugly woman to attract. They learn the triek ' from their mothers, and they learn it ybung. There is a child only six years" old who stands with her chest in and her abdomen Little by little, the tempter said, As adarkenedand gun nlugsnare 13espread For the voung and, unwary feet ; Littleby little, and day by day, I'll tempt the careless soul astray, Into the broad and narrow way, ',Pill ruin is made eom%lete. Little by little, sure and slow, We fashion our future of bliss and woe As the present passes away, Our feet arc climbing the stairway bright, Up to the region of endless light, Or gliding downwards into the night Little by ljittle, and da -y by day, A Great Unwritten Law. Promptness at meals is a virtue of which absence has +used deep anguish of spirit to countless long,anflering housewives. The 9tardiness at break. 'fast from indulgen4e in a last nap, or at luncheon from a tfio protracted shape ping expedition, or at dinner from an over extended mull of calls,may seem a trifle to the delinquent, but Harper's Ba2ar reminds sinners in this respect that to the housekeeper it hueans injury to the food and disturbance of her own peace of hind. The habit of always being ready when a nidal is announced should be especialti binding upon a guest. .For one who is receiving the Prince of Wales's Prize Again carried off by a 'Canadian. • LoxWox, July 18.•-,-Alcelicking, a Canadian, won the Prince of Wales' prize at the nieeling of the Tational. Rifle Association at 13isley with. Se score of 97. Capt McMick ng, of ' the. Canadial' hospitality of a hom , to requite it by Bisle team, co mends No 6 company is the extreme ydisregardingits cost ins of the Wellanll battalion, Niagara Falls. Be,has a'every, reason , to be of ill breeding. Ulnformity to the proud of his pesforhnance in winning irules of the house ha this respect; and ijeglingamtini‘ es ^IS PUBL1SIIED•- BVBIt�Y FRIDAY Di.OIiNING,. —AT TUE— TIMES OFFICE, JQi3ERHII E STREET \VINGIIADI, ONTA1tIO, Subseriptiofprige,$1 peryear,inadvanoe --tip.---ace 1 1 yr. 1 0 mo. 1 3 ,no. I 1 mo, One Coliinur $00 00 $35 0-0 $20 oa 80 00 Hair " 2 6 00 ' 20 00 12 00 6 00 Quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 .00 A 00 00 2 00 l 100 One Inch I 6 00 Local and other casual advprtisements, 0e. per line tor first insertion, and 8e, per line or each subsequent insertion. Local notices 300, per lino' for first insertion, and 6c, Per line foreaoiisabsequent insertion, filo local notice will bsementse chargedotLosletss,fthanound25e,, AdvertiStrayed,Situations. and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines no, pmonth Houecnpareils and$L 1 er armsofor Salo, not exceeding 8 lines, slThoso tcrms ♦villmonthi bel strictly 60o. per adhered toequent onth Special rgtes for longer advertiser=encs, or for longer periods. Advertisements without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tran- sitory advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week R. EL PROPR1LIOTTRTOhi AND "PU$Lten$R the Prince of Wales' prize. He has• been shooting for a nuruber, and has always been very successful, but this beats his former records. This prize has only been ;won twice before, by Canadians, ont`se by Lieut -Col Gibson, of Hamilton, dud once by Lieut Wil. liam Mitchell,. of the 32nd battalion. Capt McMicking's'score (97.out of a possible 105) is the highest that has ever been made by a Canadian for this prize, and is a good.performance with any' rifle under any ' circumstances. The prize is a gold medal and 4100 in in the particular of not presenting one's self 'in the drawing room at an uncanny hour in the morning, should be observed by all visitors, while the duty of being alw4s ready do time when invited to take a drive or to go to some entertainment would seem too obvious tte be mentioned were it not that one', sees this'unwritten law so constantly violated. • much my mother sur for me until l had a Owing to the unpr eceaented demand for plate glass,it has adv arced considerably in price, -Messrs McCau at and & Son,Toronto; fortunately made a contract before the advance for a very cobsiderable quantity, and are thus enabled tt, offer their patrons' this season a decided advantage in price,. the quality'beingsuperlior to any ever pre- viously imported. I ' Q Nine Rules for pothers. Avoid bathing within two hours after a meal. l Avoid bathing' when exhausted by Qt her cause. fatigue or from any Avoid bathing w' cooling, after perspir Avoid bathing to 2' ten the body is tion. ther in the Open Try a wet toll to the back of the neck; when sleepless. Try buttermilk fox the removal of freckles, tan and lbuttetnut stains. Try to, cultivate an .equable tem• per, and don't borrow trouble ahead. Tryhard cider -'a wine glass full three times a days -for ague and rheu- matism. Try.a boat, dry flannel over the seat of neuralgia paint and renew it fre- quently. * - Try. snuffing powdered borax up the nostrils for catarrh and cold in the head. t Try taking yourtcod liver oil in to- mato catsup if you want to make it 1 a pa at ble. • Try breathing the perfumes of tilt- peutine or carbolic acid to relieve the whooping cough. Tiy a cloth rung out from cold water, put about the neck at night for air, if. having been a ;short time in the water it causes a sense of chilliness and numbness of the hands and feet, Bathe when the bpdy is warm, pros vided no time is1ost+ in getting into the water,. " Avoid ehilling the; body by sitting or standing, undressed en the banks or in boats after having ben in the water.' Don't remain too long in the water leave the water im,liediately if there is the slightest feeling of chilliness. Th.e vigorous and strong may bathe early in the morning on an empty stomach. The young and those who are weak would better bathe two or three hours after a meal•—the best three 1for spell is from two td' three after breakfast. Those who are subject to attacks of giddiness or faintness, and triose who suffer froth palpitation and other sense of discomfort at this heart should not `baths, D R. AIACD014ALD, JOSEPHINE STREET, Wn:OUAit, • WB, TOWLER. nI,D.C.11zr "_ r Member College Physicians"and tSurgeons, Ontario. —Coronor for Minty of Huron— Office at t' Tnr. Ptianiuer'1 • Wingham, Ont, For Influenza or " a Gripre" Wilson's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is a sure and safe remedy. There ism) better medi- cine for the cure of Influenza, Bronchitis, Coughs,' Colds,Croup and kindred diseases. Get the genuine in white wrappers. sore throat. , Wise Words. Love never ;ivies any small gifts. .6; What the baby Wanes it never for- gets. . Love oan be misunderstood, but never oyer estimated., Uncbaritable crit%oism is throwing. mud at everything you don't like. One of the hardest' things on earth to do is to tell a miss's that he is ene. When you want a hard master,work for a beggar who has just become rich. You can't tell by the looks of a man's ears how muob he knows about mueio. 1& " People will forgive! anything sooner than forgetfulness of bleb. own import- ance. • It is astonishing how muoli you can find opt about btunau nature by charg- ing ten cents adfnission. The thing that is moat dangerous to every man is that which does the most. to make hint selfish. ore ONTAslio TNIt. J. A, MELDRUM, ' Honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. pfiicennd Residence—Corner of Centre and Patrick streets, formerly ocoupied by br. Bethune. Wilmot • • t •• ORT . VANSTONE. ' • BARRRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc.. Eta Private and Company funds to loanat lowest rategj/ interest. No cominiesion charged. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold, OFFICE—Beaver Block WINGUAat, 051 ' J. A. b �r RTON BARRISTER Sc., Wingham Ontario a .ivrtEYMt.t DIOx hSON, H. W. C. MEYER Q. C, 1 E. L. DiOKINSON. B.A. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Etc., Etc., So lieltors for Bank of Hamilton, Commissioners for taking affidavits for Mgnitoba. Farm, Town and Village property bought and sold. • Money (private funds) loaned on mortgnlro security at Si per cent. Money invested for private persons, upon the beet mortgage securities wilhout any -expense to the lender. Lands for sale " Manitoba. and the North. .gage Block. 1ingliam. DENTISTRY.—J S. *ROME, WINauit e, , Jf Is mann during Celluloid Plates Vulcaniteiplates of the bestulaterial as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion All work'warranted. Painless extraction of to th by the use of Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor. Taxa NOTICE. -1. will ex act teeth for 25 cents each. OFFICE`: In tie Beav Block, opposite the Brunswick House. , . Try an extra pair of stockings out• side of your shoes when travelling in cold weather. • Try walking with youe hands behind you if'you find yoirself becoming bent forward, Try a silk handkerchief over your faee when obliged to go against a cold piercing 'wind.. Try planting sunflowers -hi your gars den if Compelled to live in a malarial neighborhood. Try 0,saturated,solution of bicarbun- ate of hada (baking soda) hi diarrhoeal trouble; give freely. • Try a newspaper over the, chest, be, math your coat, as_a breast protector in extremely cold weather. —. The Health tionthlsr. tee,.•H. 'i. •Ui�i Wm. H. Macdonald,' L.. D. S., DENTIST. OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK aposite the Queen's hotel, Wingham Will visit Gorrie ist ;and 3rd Mondays of each month. , 7CHN RITCIiIE, t1 t GENERAL INSURAN3E AGENT' WINOIIAN, 4 • it Golden Medical Discovery cures those diseases which come from,, blood impurities—scrofula an skin diseases, sores and swellings. t 'But does it ? It's put up by the thousands of gallons, and sold to bun• dreds of thousands. Can it cure as well as though it had been compounded just for you ? 1 Its makers say that thousands of people who have bad Tetter and Salt• rheum, Besema and Erysipelas, Oar- bungles and Sore Byer, Thick. Neek and Enlarged Glands, ,are well today because they used it, Suppose that this ie so. Suppose that a quick witted man was far-seeing enough to know that iso cleanse the blood was to cleanse the life. Suppose that by many experiments, and after many failures, he discovered this gold- en key to health and that hie faith in it for you is so strong that you can go to your druggist, buy a bottle, and if it doesn't help you, you can get your yo'doupetryy returneiit?l— cheerfully. Will Tlie'remedy to have faith in, is the remedy the makers , tbomselvos have faith in. ' 0$1.tl IO ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, Ll INSURANCE • FIRE AND MARTI E; GiJELrH. • DEAN', Jil, WINottAN,• . + LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR. THE COUNTY OF HURON. Saks attended in any part of the Co, Chargee Moderate. 3-01IN Wisonant, ONr., LickNBEn AUCTIONELn roil THE COUNTS 01' 51Ua0N.. All orders left at the Tuns office promptly attend• cd to. Terms reasonable. JAMES HENDERSON, LICEss1:D AeCTtOsntn rOn, Coe51'IEs. in ooN M 2' BRrck,1 All sales attended to promptly and on titer Shortest 'Notice. Chargee Moderate and satisfaction Guaranteed. ' All necessary arrangements; can be made at the Vats' aloe W1xouAsl ONx! BOLTON At ltAi(K1NS P. I's D. I. Sonorous AND Ctvn. I;sOlSEEas, USTOWEL AND' WIIv`GIIA3I All orders left at the office of the TIMES a111 rt• coive prompt attention VI PATERSON, lMmu'• OD EtGiITI1 Micros Corer, ls*V1R or STAG RiArt LtCIrSta. WINGHAM oNT, AllrB „ Barnum plulesopby it book, ,. It ie itis; If you w please one. Cllildieli human natu To best pl triumph of A happy inalce an lip' To stiinttl the mind of _seed. wouldr, ren's friend Amusemoi to flowers, He that most attract king of sag Childish heavenly m The noble 7 others liappl Wholesale thoughts. Innocent tears into.r'a The auth public benef I say—as. —if Z might of a 'natio made its rat ADvXOn TO 31.01 .and broken of yo crying with pain meg and get a 1 Syrup" for Child able. It will immediately. D Mistake about it, 1" regulates the Sto softens the Gutn tone and energy slow's Soothing pleasant to the t' the oldest and be the United State throughout the bottle. Be sure Soorszse StBBP It is That butt dew stains. That bot't hot water ai That a p. to' serape po That old cloths inaki cloths. That zinc soapy water Bene, That it is of charcoal i places. • That oilel years if prof with a=ny =o That if ti stick of cele smell will b That if sc quantities place half 't required. That tub! open if the a pail of wa use.—Good Is simply WildCherry 1 Get"the genic and use it as Big I Blonde hi coarsest, Only one of old egg. An inch water on There art .fibres in the Three an( are always The prt words in phi cent of the The recei are larger 1 civilized na' It bas be tire about ' Loudon on The fore( app(:ara to 1 of the phalli