HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-31, Page 1•
VOL. XX' --NO. 28
Is too busy taking stook to write an ad.
—Korman's hotel has been reshingled
this week. .
—New potatoes, new cabbage at the
Star restaurant, • ,,, ss. Mc11EI,yma,
--The great tnbn obiuson cirous and
townmenagerie will oxbib t in ton .to -day.
—Go to the Eclipse restaurant for re.?
treatments and temperance drinks.
T. C. SP u LTh o.
—Next Sabbath, the regular quarterly
services will be held in the Methodist
r Alex Gal raith has opened
beet, and shoe store i the building opposite
• Chisholm's drug stn e.
Wfirst class Georgian Bay .Shingles
and Lath f Jle, cheap, at McLean &
Son's saw pill `ei Wiaghani.
—The North West
held in' 4(tingham on;
Septembers",:, The sec
same grouudh-'AB last
Mr J A Cline hap
Storehouse oppeeito it
station, from Mr D •
_Mapitoba,and will fit,
rn fall fair will be
.he 29th and 80th of
w will be held on the
ear. ,
purchased the grain
e OE T R passenger
iool, of Boissevain,
t.01' for
a coal house
-G TR traiva. for Toronto and, east
leave Wingliam at 6.30 a in and 11,10 a m
via G &13, Division. and • at 6.45 a m:
and 3.20'p m, via Cliutou and. Guelph.
Good oonneotious by all trains.
-Canada thistles, eyed daisies and
other noxious weeds ar growing oil some
of the streets and u tilled property in
town, contrary to law. Ther alipuld be out
before going to seed. word to the wise
should be sufficient.
• —Mr Chas Schmidt, of the "Schmidt
Souse,.', 61 and 61a- J' mea street north,
Hamilton, in,renaittiu his snbseription for'
the Timm, ;writes its f flows : "The TLMXS
is always a weleome sitor at nay place
and is read' by a good many Huron people
here." ,
• —For iirst:olass tailoring andcheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co,
Remember the place, only two doors north
of the old stand and between Ross' book -
kora and Halsted & Scott's bank.
—Large numbers of. people- visited the'
Salvation A my ea p meeting ou Sunday
last, there;,;otng • resent people from
1.'almerator ,,.Liato el, Blyth, Brussels,
Tecswater;•: &c. T e meetings are being
conducted by•13ri •ler Phiipott, and are
fairly well atten ed. The meetings will
sloe n, Sunday n •xt. •
=Mr Peter De s has received instruo',
iIona from ;4ttr Wm Armour toa'sbll by
auotion,"on the 11, th of ;August, the roller
skating rink and his beautiful brick resi-
psephine atreet north)
be sold without reserve,
s removed from town.
rs can be gained from
deuce aituat¢
The prep`'
as Mr
• bills,
•- xcb`. ° N. The annual Sunday school
excursion to Gaderloh on Tuesday, August
s1th. Return fare from Wingham, by
pecial train leaving at 8.55 a'm, will be
only 65 cents for adults and 35 Cents for
children, . The steamer "City of Windsor',
• will tau excursion trips on the lake that
• day. Train gets to laloderiell at 10.45 a m,
and leaves .at 1.85 p m, thereby, allowing
excursionists nesatly 9 hours girdle lake.
• --'Tia Augoat nu bet of the bedineiilor,
ioiitariiiilg,tnanv its s of interest ou mid.•
meat fashions, u efdl hints in artistic
needlework' and v: cable auggestfons on
'bomc `" epor tion, la now ready. Each
inane of lb 'Cage? a °obtains illustrations
end dad ll?? `loop: f curretat card incoming
stylea sfof ladies miss+* and children ;
artiolel ou the 'a sweat diva fabrics and
novelties in trim gs,and reptesefntatious
of the latest ids. in; miilinarry, lingerie
and fancy work. 'rine per a copy 15
cents, or iF1 a y ar, post•posid to any ad-
dreas in Canada, 4ddress,The Delineator
Publishing Co, (L ), Richmond tarot
West, Toronto,
—Rev Dr Crawfo % has been on the sick
list for !Rime days, _ • d is very,low,
—Pull lines of confectionery at the Star
restaurant, 3, MoRixvrzi,
-Regular month meeting of the Town
Council on Monday ,vetting next.
—Celt at Alex Rosa' bookstore and see
the Laurance epegtaole, Sole agent since
E ,F Gerster left town:
-Mr Wm Smyth,,
work with la grippe,
else, to able to be. aroi
—Wears MOGlynr
contract of putting
under Messrs Beatti
—Mr D D Oampb�
appoiuted District 1)
for Huron District,
bf Grand Lodge of ‘C
bo has been laid off
s, we are - pleased to
nd the streets again,
of Culross, bane the
a stone foundation
Bros'. livery stable.
11, of Listowel, was
iputy -Grand Master
t the recent meetuig
nada, A.F&Arig.
—House to Rent—Situated on .john
Street, next to MethadietParsonage ; con:
tains seven rooms. 04 per mouth, Apply
to Roar. Mc amoo.
—Mr J A Motto
attendipg the meet
campment, 10 01
Minerva Enoampm
—The St Helens
Trams, in another ec
hatn, correspondent
and the tewn base bi
castigation, ,
is in Galt this week
ug of the Grand Fn -
as representative of
nt, No 47, this town.
orrespondent of the
up n, gives the Wiugs
f the Clinton New Ere
11 team.a rather severe
--All kinds of refreshhig drinks at the
Star restaurant., Thefountain is in full
play . A .TAs. MoKELvxra.
A drain has een dug along the north
side of Victoria s set from near Diagonal
road to Josephine treat, to empty in the
drain on Josephin street. It will do niuoh
to drain the props ty on .the north side of
Victoria street.
—'We underatan that an effort is being
,made to get op a g nd union picnic by the
factories in town, t be held some time in
August, and also to avethe day on which.
the picnic is to be hold' proclaimed
the eivio 'holiday. he date of the civic
holiday will likely b fixed by the Council
on Monday next.
Wa.rxnb.--Two Coat Makers and one
Pants and Vests hand, wanted at once.
R M BALa,ANTrss, Atwood, Ont.
—Mr W G 1liiur ook. barrister, of Tor-'
onto, who is acting r Mr S Garbutt, was
in town on Wedne day getting affidavits
from severed towns eople to support his
application fora rat of habeas corpus,
which he 'intends applyiug for to -day
(Friday); in Toron •
_Ate the meeti g of Anchor of Hope
Lodge, l 0 GT, on nesday evening, there
were five menthe added to the roll by
initiation. The ele tion of officers for the
ensuing term resul d as follows ; W F
'Brockenshire, P O ; L Latimer, C T;
Eva Dawson, V T; rs E W Hughes, S J
1.';, If Ellis, S ; 3 Dodd, P 5 ; Mary
Wells, T; 'Rev E Hughes, C; W J'
Elliott, M ; M , G;, S Mo1lwain, S.
?lapinLeaf Restaurant.
Mr D Rush wishes to intimate to the
public that he has opened a r'dstaurant in
the shop lately occupied by Mr Slemin as
a,bakery, opposite the Bank of Hamilton,
An kinds of Refreshments and Tempera
anoe drinks. Gbod stook of confectionery,
fruits, &c._ Lunehe8 at all hours.
—The Tempe
(shingled, papere
work on the
platform+has' also
windows frosted,
four fifty -caudle p
trio lights. The
was done by
Rand it must
reflepts great credit
is expected that th
with a grand enter
mice Hall Tits been re••
painted and the wood-
side grained oak.. The
bean extended and the
It will be lit up with
er inoaddescentelec•
ftpering and radiating
llf'r ,j ,H Friend,
e Baia the '.,work
on his artiatio skill. It
hallwill be opened
aiumeet in the near
-The Rev E W
al settles. of the bat
the pioneers of that
Gibson had been ail
died on Saturday to
opened the that bo
now located in 1854,
busineaa until about
leased his hotel and
to) was well and fav
travelling publie'as a
man, and on taaccuut
preferences, reoeived'
name of ',King ,H=illy,'
one son and two daug
death, heaths a large n itober.af more clip.
tent relatives. Mr W 14i'tohall, of this
o tippbow , + • tt.hed.
ughes tvae called to
to conduct thr•,funer.
viral Gfibaon, `ou6 of
eotiou` of country. M'r
ng for some time, and
°noon, The deceased
el where Listowel is
and continued in that
lG years ago, when he
as lived retired Sines,
rably known to the
ri ndhearted,gen erous
f his strong Grange
roe his Massie Idle
He leave. a wife
tors to Mown his
Mr 3 5 Jerome aa at Forest last week —W sa
ng, --.Button & 'Fesaaut u t a
and closed his dent1 office in that town. num • , r of Idris to work at .catalog , chairs,
-New tomatoes, apples and peaches, at A ' y at Chain Factory.
MoKelVie's Star restaurant,
--The many frien a of the Rev 1.i, Carson,
formerly of Whitec urob, will be pained,
to learn that he ha Neon compelled to se
oura expert treatm nt at Toronto, for an
affection of the eye .
if your wet.*r clock needs repairing,
go to Wf3„ Wallaeo, watobmaker and
jeweler, peat door to post office, •
They pester us both fight and day;
From their attack we're seldom free,;
The man is happy w o gran say
Just now: "There re no flies on me 1"
We understand t at a'number of towns-
people intend going an uo-the-lake trip
this week, taking in the "Son" and also
touching as several p rots on the 4merioan
—Cigars and Ice Cream at the Eclipse
restaurant, Mso, confectionery of all
kinds, • T. C. SPARraxes
—Fall wheat haryes:'n; is well under
way, and the cropis sai• to be good gener-
ally, and the sample a s s lendid one. Other
grains • will ,, be ready o out.in a short
'Misses Florilla• and Louise Sperling
took partin, the progr ems at a lawn
party held at thelresideu a of Thoe Gib_
icon, M P I',Wroxeter, on neaday evening
of last week.
—Mr Samuel Gracey h
storehouse in the rear o
store. He will use it to
heareea and delivery wago
to store away goods.
— Clinton New Era : Mis
son, of Rat Portage, ,
cousin of Mrs Mathesou,wa
days since to Mr McQuarr
City a former residebt of
erected a neat
his furniture
keep his.. two
in, as well as
Mary Steven -
1 Y �of Clinton)
married afew
e, of Superi or
Mr Jelin A McLean 1 ft for Toronto
on Monday last - lit ausw r to .a telegram
announcing the serious ill es of his brother.
Mr Fred McLean Word as been received
since that Mr McLean is 'n a fair way of
--The services in the ethodist church,
on Sunday last, were con noted by Mr J H
MaBain, of Atwood. Mr ' ol3ain iaa clever
young man, and will, take a high plane
among the Methodist ole gy at no, distant
day. His sermons were • rilliant efforts.
=Owing to their bein= some misappre-
hension as to the meanin; of thelegislatiou
passed last session with ferenoe to • the
qualification of magistrat s, a distinguished
Q C gives it as his ppinio, that it is only
those who have never • alified that are
called upon to take the o: th of office before
August 1st or have their onimissions can -
gelled. The law does no aptly to those
wbo have at any time to en the oath,
--Mr and 'Mrs Walter Taylor went, to
Toronto on Tuesday to r oeive aportion of
the estate left to Mrs T for by an nude
who died in Australia a out two years ago.
The present division to Mrs Taylor and
her relatives will amour to about 3226,000,
and there will be ano, er division in the
future. • Mrs Taylor's d ceased noel° was
ao extensive sheep far • er in Australia,
and his fortune was estimated at from
e3p0,000 to $500,000.
Sutured Labe Tours.
During present month and August the
Sarnia. Line Steamers swill run excursions
from Sarnia and Kincardine to upper lake
ports—St. Ste Marie, Port Arthur, Duluth,
eto, at special summer rates. These trips
are the most invigorating and eujoyable to
be had on fresh water,through some of the
greatest lake and river scenery iu the
world, passing' the gradd, and unrivalled
north shore of Lake Superior. ' Side trips
to Mackinac 'tslau s are also embraced,tbus
giving the entire leugfh of the,beautiful
St Mary River four times in daylight.
Tourists wishing to return via Sarnia or
via the north channel of Lake Huron and
Georgian Bay ports ha.pe the option of
doing so. The Sarnia Line Steamers,
Monarch (u w) and. United Ponpire, are
both toted at the highest oleos for safety
and strength and are the most comfortably
equipped steamers, on the lakes. Sailing _..z , d portrai
as per lists from Kincardine on arrival of Halifax, and v. portrai,
train leaving W inghem at 11.111 a ni. on sketch of 11 Blake Crof
Wednesdays and Saturdays. See G T It Nova Scotia litorateur,
agent for full information, etatoroom re- and ;interesting biogra
servations, etc. Tate J •Beaufort Ilurlbe
remembered iu oeuneet
—On Wedges
football club dro
the Wingham pin
salted in favor of
to nothing.
—On Friday e
match was played
the Wingham clu
club, which resul
by one ,goal to n.
—Mr 'S I3 Wes
Forest Model soh,
Baptist church o
anti+ evening, Dr
to conduct the se
y evening the i3luevale
e over to town to give
a match, which re-
.Sluevale by one goal
ening last a football
on the park between
and the Lower Town
d in favor of Wingham
h.ing, '
:rfelt, principal of Mt
of will proaoh at the
Sunday next, morning
rawford being unable
—No. 2 Co, 33rd Battalion, have been
called out for ca..,. on Sept 1st at St
Thomas. Non -con missioned officers and
m.en will report tb: selves as early as
possible. E Wranwrs,
Capt n Na 2 Co 33rd Batt.
--Miss. E Murphy, milliner and mantle -
mak , will sell all summer goods in stook
at •e present time for cash, at cost 'and
u• %er up to August 8th, in order to .make
r-.orn for fall goods, Now is your time to
ur. ase.
—Mr Thos gnaw and family left for
1Uanitoba oti T esday, per C 1' R. They
took with the a oar Ioad of settler's
effects. They ill settle in Portage Ia
Prairie for the present. Mr Agnew and
family will be g eatly missed in town.
. —Mr McFarl ne, of North Dakota, non -
ducted the serv' es of the Baptist ohurch,.
on Sunday last. Mr McFarlane was en-
gaged in the sal on business when he was
converted dtot
e he Lord. d..
Immediately '
m edea
tel after
his conversion b took all the liquors out of
his cellar and k 'cited in the beads of the
barrels and let i run .out on, the street. r
—In the Met
next, quarterly
sacran et oL the
notion with th
the evening the
mace to late Labe'
Bessie Thomson.
sermon a receptio
—We notice in t
the Geological Sdry
Dominion, kindly s
laithgow, libraned
Mechanics' Institu
Department dnring
minerals and rocks
and 100 specimen
for the herbarium
Institute. The de
pertinent also men
he had examined th
Morton, of this tow
fist church on Sunday
ting, love.feast and
orm's supper in con -
morning service. In
rnion will have refer -
17. Walters and Miss
it the close of the
service will be held.
summary report of
y Department of the
pplied us by Mr. Wm
that the_• Wiugham
received from the
1890, a collection of
nsisting of 121 pieces,
of plants and flowers
u connection, with the
ty head of the De -
ons }.9 his report that
herbarium of Gtr J" A
Tito New Cana
Canadian literary
short-lived; but Can
lar magazine, has eyi
Since it was started
enlarged and improv
issue, Being brq';d( national and thor-
oughly patriotic, it d mass its subscribers
from all over the Do inion. Its articles
are short and bright nd all by Canadian
writers or on Canadi: n themes, To those
who remit one dollar
the publisher will eau
months—from Judy,
1892. Address: "Ca
tan Magazine.
onthlies have .bee
Mr Hardy Mel -lardy, wh: has been at -
'tending the l arriston Ii' fh 'School, is
home for the holiday's, . r, Charles H.
Bradwin, of Sell & Co, 1-1 rristop, is visit-
ing kis parents in town .14.fiss West and
Miss Thompson, of Du. annon, are visit-
ing Mrs•. i\[artin,of the runswiolr House.
..Miss Norma Dinsley is visiting friends
fn $eaforth,.Mr. Jas 14Tcliroy,ofOttawa,
is visiting at Mr. uohlin McLean's..
Rev. J. W. KeIlyt w, o, lies been visiting
friendr la 'Torun =. and other eastern
points, re_ ed i::4 week, somewhat fa
vi orated b v :it,.Mr.WaltorGilmoxb,
who had
ch° e:f
� h
�b t e C.P. B. telegraph
and express bu- gess for Mr. Alex. Ross,
left on Saturda; last to fill -a positioirxu
Wisconsin, .M . and. Mrs, i . G. Sperling
spent Satur. , y and Sunday visiting
relatives ha yth Mr; 3'aokpon Wile=
is spending + few •weeks u., town recruit
ing himself. . p'Iiaa'keen studying Greek
an4;Latin a tl$ntauqua, N. Y., for some
Milne.. Mr. i, A. Reid, `Principal of Forest
Public Soh ol, is spending a portion Oaf
his holida s visiting friends in town.:
Mrs. J. H. Hiscoclrs and family are at
Long Poin ,' near Montreal, with IYIrs•
Idiscoolts' ister, and will remain, for a
few weeks. Mr.Hiscooks went with teem
as far as oronto -LS see them safely on
the boat, ,, . E. C. Clarke spent a few
days in Port. Elgin during the week re
newing aoqu•'ntancea ., Miss Jennie
Struthers left o Tuesday for uponth's
visit to friends Orangevill ^ e.wen
Sound and Stayne ..Rev. John^
Kincardine, was i.. town, on Mon
Miss Anna
,Cheer, o
t Port , IloeOu'
is visiting her aunt, rs. W. F. Brocken-
shire.. Miss Jennie Baird hes returned
from a week's visit frlends in Hanover
and vicinity,.Mr W • Kerr, editor ofthe
Brussels Post, gave he Txiazn a friendly
call on Tuesday: , Mx and Mrs J A•Halsted,
of Mount Forst, and several
members of ,their family are spend-
ing a few days in t. n with friends—Mr
E yanstone a d Misses Rosie and
:Hattie Edgoumb:, . of Listowel, spent
several days in to n visiting friends—Mr
and Mrs G 11 Ed_ umbe and son John)
of Listowel, nasi. ed the Salvation Army
camp meeting on :'aturday and Sunday'
last ..Mrs Armstrona of $arrasttin,..;is
visiting friends in to •• .... Mr Vir H Me.
Donald, of this town, wa
at the annual conventio
Dental Society, at'Barri
Geo'A King has return
visit to friends in M
places..Mr Thos Lesl'
day for Winnipeg on
of his sons, who rest
to be away for sev
n Mrs D Stoddart an
da, the new one dol•,' are the. guests of
ently come to stay, Mrs McFarlane; o
January, it has beau wire on a visit to
with almost t every . and family, returne
Wednesday.. Mrs Jo
in attendance
of the Ontario
last week, . Mrs
d from a month's
aford' and other
left on Wedges.-
visit, to a couple
e their. He expects
al weeks—Mr 'and
family, of Goderich,.
Alex Inglis..:4lran,d •-
North Dakota, • who
the Rey
to th ri i;wa on
n Bach:l;:,: who
afore S'eptember 1st,
Canada for eighteen
891,, to .DeetAnhei,
The Domini()
A page of the last it
Illustrated presents a
portraits ot the Caned
1891, with a brief skot
record of emit iu past
enddliteresting, The
and Princess of Wales
hibit at the Royal Ago
comer, Bug, ia oleo ma
page of illuatrationa.
Provinces there is a vie
one of the "tatdley Quoit Club,
and biographical
ou, the well known
There is a portritit
deal aketch of the
11 with the Autis
orge's Cathedral,
ort Henry, Moo-
ney and Oecouna;
Rawlins, Prance.
intim of Gothic
Ate among other
Ida charming
ate ars not
complete group of
o Risley team of
11 of the abooting
ears. It is timely
tsit, of the Pritice
ultoral Pair, Dom-
es the subjeot &
do, is visiting hor
reit the mermen G Strong, of CsO" r ie, wit'S in. town, ant
Wedriosday..Mrs T Watson was visit-
ing Teeswater his week...Rev NV
Saturday f0014111011tha
itt visiting towi this.
been in StAndtidge,
last Cites or four
ys ago audle the'
at.. Anstalt Eon
astioating for
oy and the lake
v of Windsor, X S,
Fall Pala
Guelph Central, Guelph, Sept 22, 23 and t'": 8"ne8 z"14""sat.
94, the farimua oitthedral a,
Canada's Industrial, Torouto, Sept 7 to perhaps the !bleat ups
hiteotute ()algal;
Western Pair, London, Sept 17 to 20. arc
North Perth, Stratford, Oot 1 and 2. bjecta of illuatration
Northern, Walkerton, SoPt 29 to 094 bor. The 11
Kelly will leave()
visit to London
Scott, of Toro
1 week. Air Vintso
Parry Sound, for th
years returned a tow
guest of arm Win i?
and Etta Gordon, at
for ,tbree weeks at
are home again..IVIril PeesentAl-nelAt
. is at home visiting h e parents,
Mrs Wm Pootient. o is weal "or
with the town and r .ta