HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-24, Page 8wD
118 o
D',lirir Willi
tam I3lanshard, jr, to 141rs Eliza-
, distil A Anderson, both of Pnrnberrv,
Ar stlx - McOnwn-In Goderiol},clnthe ,
Gth iin t,by itev Atilor West,at St Peter's :
Church, Peter Austin, I ingsbritlge, to
Ann `.Cere'a McCann, second daughter of t
Mr Peter'McCann, 'Dungannon,
T IOM oN --In Turnberry, on the 20th i
lust, Bessie H 4V eldest daughter of Mr r
'Geo �Tbouison, aged 28vyeare,. 4 months
a d 2 1 days.
j 4 c Etvn ---In Mortis, on the 20th Inst,
Catherine Anderson, wife of Mr John A'
McEwen, aged pia years, 2 months and 17 i
• days.
the 18th in&•, Emily Ya &iglq , aged.
years, 3 months and 21 days ' agec''3
Po; iz;liov--.-In the Township of Leavitt,
county of Ocoana, State of Michigan, on
the llth lust, Emma, wife of Mr Z� illiam ,
Pomeroy, late of the 'Township of Turn- i
efts Good -'z, opened this week
f novelties in black and colored
all t
Ls, also a full range of Surali
he new shad
S, 'Vo will hare
pts and &teens opened this
TO F° ,r RME
rge assortment including all the berry, County of Huron, aged 47 years,
• 3 months and 10 clays, Consumption was i ""
yT��a�i��, t®c
re it i E'olktt and coin Clot effects th'orms a Iu Clinf her tau 17th Inst I'oIl en
I® account3ose aux log book for she season,'v�re would desire all paries
Potts, relict tit' the: late on l7 Potts, Pony i having p please call and receive
7G years and I months. payment for same.
�llt1 X claim our styles The n1q`st ADAiIiSON--In Godexich. on the 1Gth
Inst, Peter Adamson, County Clerk of
Huron, aged GG years, 2 months and 10 i
signs controlled exclusively by d VS.
8 cnuns•-Iii Morris, on the 4th Inst,
Moses Kearns, aged 83 years.
®S U lzl; '.� I.
xentlemen's Ties and silk
1 the new styles, Boots and
big') am irate
JULY 24, 1891.
Linton illustrated.
the exiled Russian .Jews
ntly,and the sad stories of
rdship they related his
n anew to this subject. In
of the Dominion Illustrc-
oduced from the, London
a typhioaI scene at it
station., There is also
portrait and biographical
Konen, the° famous Si -
whose travels in Russia
Id so much better ao.
Tian methods of govern -
,f Polo at Halifax, the
;rand Manan, P Q, a
d,seenes on the Rideau,
Montreal,' St Helen's
wrence opposite Mont.
'war, India, a portrait
Tater of the Q 0 It,
ar~river, and othee
objects of illustration
arming number.
ieneed, but the erop
The success of this Great Cou h Cure is f '" "'
without a parallel in the history of medicine, I 1T
iti egudruarantee,ists re authorized to at stthatooth !cure anssuc.'on a pos. � 6he Coming School of Medicine,
cessfully stand. That it ins
the Proprietors, at an enormous e:pen e�1are
11E—_placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home
ain te , ed Tliro and Canada. If you have I �1 �
Cough, Sore Throat, or 13renchitis, use it, for
it will cure yon, If your child has the Croup,
or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief
is sure. If you read that insidious disease i
Consumption, use it Ask your Druggist for : -
$I.00. If your L 1 the different diseases Th
use Shiloh's Porous 1 '
ice Io Sts. so cis. an rims SPSTEbf IS COMPLETE, liming, differ••
Lung are sore or Back lame b medicines. for al . • •.
from. that of m
' Ii schools• The medicines aro 'perfectly, purl.
aster. Price zs cts theory is .entirely different t tl
the Titins we
er of accounts.
small, but
hundred dol-
te. We need
onid be very
re owing for
nd along the
1y 23, 1801
2 fie
1 02
� sir 1�
raining nothing of poisonous nature whatever, and
are quite tasteless. For three years these inedreineq
have been gireu away free and thoroughly tLstedin
the most hopeless cases before beim placed on the
market. The result has exceeded the most sanguine
expectations. hundreds of cases supposed to -ba
incurable have, been cured, and abundance of prof
can be produced to convince the most skeptical that
histogenetic medicin •s bare cured and are curing
to -day DISEASES at b hater, stage than any other
thetmedicf inesdact like magic 1lChro cA
ttrti blesre.
quire a longer time. generally from ono to three
monthslrIn F aIAiEitit accordingto the
etc., the medicines have been especially successful,
Private 5- MINATIONd in these trophies are
almost; it not quite, absolutely unnecessary Call
or send for ono of our tree boobs explaining the
s;)atem. They should he in every house in' .the
RHEI7142 .TIsl42' and S "IJ&TIQA
lain harpy to acknowledge x ani' now Curti Imo
the etficac y of your n:edir;iuea ie curing Rhen/1104 �'
1 have suffered with this painful disease in my
shoulders knees and hips for twenty fireyears, also
with sciatica for some thnp. I decided to try histo-
, genetics ilredieines as a lust resort, as nothing; eyes
seemed to girr 110 any liremanent relief. The first
' , week'smedicine gave mo relief, and in two . weeks
the medicine for si waredeer s, hasnot
stn returned.
t 'the
fe rheumatism I feel better in every war. 1 ani
sixty tears of age, and feel ynite smart and active.
I cap :^hcorfnliv recommend theeo 1n ,lInines to the
public and will boglati to tell anyesu corer about my
WA 'T p 1 C.4aoi It is ndw nearly two months since I'ceased
.L.C1�-tal.lug the medicine and 1
and NORTHWEST - i ON ,
To enable laborers to reach the bountiful harvest i (�g1� �/ and any
of Manitoba and theNcrth,vest, theCaoadian Pacific : achy, July 24th, 1891 quantity Of .patterns LO ek
Ry will snake the following low one-way rates: 10 m, to 4.30 p, ns, for the convenience of Wing- v
k'ronl any station in Ontario Le h inpatients.
s, a the a feet is premarient.
1 MRS. PORDE, 1022 liable Street
Great,Oash -Sale
`; �` r ` NI,
.is offering Goods at reduced prices for•casl�'. Every person lookingfor
Goods away down below regular prices for cash please give us calf
bel'al'e purchasing elsewhere, �•Ifyou want to save money and buyy
cheap Goods, call and inspect our reduced prices.
We have the largest stock of Print:; in town and the'fanciest
terns to choose from. Please call and examine our Prints. pat.
We have about two hundred REMNANTS to sell at a gat reduc-
ti on in price, -
In great variety' of patterns and in` all the novelty shades. Cal
ate our table of Cbteap- Dress Goods 1 and
are Selling at Half
Do not miss this chance to secure laic, bartrains°
Will be at
Musiins, Cheap Floufcing,s,
Cheap Shalljes, CJ,eap Blousings,
OOSe fion).
Call and ser, our
DELORAINE Consultation Free. I 0
Qenehig. ,. l I,
} ARTNEY Ji$ a icing A In rChildren's..— - --
SINS 0 / o iL : Ladles and " V ]
have sail a #e�1�:�aienr bal•�'aina 'mg` dem veryi`ast, Birt '
XI 353
Going Jaly 28th and Argus I -------'E..����
n faOar. 4
"urchasere of those ticiccts to receive o,C trficnte it ji� � Reduced
bra them to return up to Noy 80th 1801 �eaufi your
each peened rho 1 IIom 1 ,
month' revioust
h e have. Leen sells tri '
Rooms 2 and 3 .Albion Block Ittchmond street, Lon- �,
don, and In Yonge Street 11'arket Toronto,, n to offer in the above line in fact
Mention IVin,ghain Times: selling y wi* are
a J
n dollars a y ave beoi
•s farm laborers for one t h
f Prices for ell -
tSo if you are looking for Slit Bargains) please call and examine
,. . H. FFiXliu�� !stock, No troubIa: to " � �' p e otx;r'
+i titulars app , to , ny Cana- JAS
�ilwayegon . sly8w goods.
i • . • Gate of ltantilton and fares, r `
x J o • i 1'AI. !'HINTER, PAi'ER HAIVGEt,
a 0' i HOUsE,• SIGN AND Ol3NAMEN- i 100,000 Pounds Wool Wanted ' •Exchange ---
i a A, , Goods or . Cash at. the Clash Store
r5 C'R!r'SCCSER, s5r,c.
S' Ir., ! Would take'thisopporttnitvof informing the citizens 1�'p /►
C• P. ' of Winirl un and surrounding country that having , 1 • :A
T., `hair lnryeoxperienCe fn uitY work, he is prepared tq A. -MILLS. lAlanastinher,eoAperi nee ...Mooning and vhe i Pappreparering in
' the latest approved styles of Main and decorative BUTCHER
work, ghrrrchee, Bails or ethe_rypublia or private NEW D�/ I W
buildingsk,Ouirehe, M lsor fol ripub and private HER6SHOP. "ALLAN'
��at moderato rotes. sr
. • •Itd'YAL .3tAril sTEA.usu Ps.
aiyg in Walnut, sac, Bird'gEye Ma-
a- + _ : l A�iir •CHEAP EXCURSIONS tb' EUROPE.
ple, dao,, a >tlpecialty. .
. _..� IVlvficrnehttyaatoi,t t'o to the }people of Wrotham and EvLrn'y ViVEEY(. -
me ran kl tomeetted the Dutehen''15ted fey care done wit neatness a3fsqiwnedo 4otasopImitti IndoOSdir
i ItirOl
dt'a'lte°e i nri n l
:, 44terra0.0eC
$o tr f •tL,yo
BEEP,Vhtra hhowll keep a f ash stook of CAIRN
gaf n trani$8roa
lnieprmasadn', AMB
And fiherwhich he will doll cheap.
pa ,,SlTjA
Meats delivered to As, w Ton'
y part of the town.
•' Ilookstore will receive
t, E'1tI lV L1.
or book Recce Recount, w$11,
b n theBartle
eine my hanee,
1 ;f
a Min/AND& -
aAwAirtitif 60 P . %r woe!.
and •
to lea
?Irrz tv
1 coi
they In
ly have
oth be
tion, •
tiling fox
—A n
- Turnberi
1te1d on S
- -The bl
Church, 41Yi.
the erection
town. Tens
20th August
---Sb �ai'tl'
a velecsnecel
on Fi'fday la;
Were provide!
themselves ttr
—Tile elect
oampnlent, N
term are: R T
W; John Dos
A G MoGrego
and Lath;tor s
Son's saw mil]
,� —The CPE
extutrsions to t
will afford ince
trq when ititiy loo
- —Cali at Ales
alae sl
]FLaurance Geral ref
-�dIr C Abl
interest in.the l
phe,of e
l?e Hurried on t
O' erase & Step
—C 'B R tran
leave Wingilal S
via W G & B Tri+
and 8.20 p m, vi
.Good Conneotionl
-•�A point of'lar
° business common
'.poranto by Ju2g,
effect, decided th
the sheriff's at bgi
forced, take pre(
°fit of
=-rlf yourwatolt
qo- to W TI 'Wal
)rforiveter,the 11benet-door'
—W013 in rs
of ' he 1Vfa1M aster
neat rrolanle if.Sftl
ulab tbp tnaoagii
�� i�:•.bet I
as to • e reader
ggeniis' 'onaishin/{,
Rensemller the place
of tiler +old tstalld an
EbO O and Umisted it!
bays receive
de Report so
, Lire publIoat
e �critltneny
�t!;rr'fir69�,1m�h al