HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-24, Page 6bc, pound and shilling by shilling till tbe eels from the Geordie. waited (( ()LIM c5 stint amounted to the fleet six nionthe. and 'rooked at Tammy eiguiticaertly, wages. Then Tammy stopped and tied No anither peony, Geordie, he reiter. up the leather pouch Geordie stood I ated, tviug ap hi* pouch, ean IRIDAI. JULY 24, 1851. Tho Fireman:5 story. Oh. eeet. I've rescued t,everid folks, And risked my own life, too; You knew that's part of the reguler work A firma* has to do, XU e not a giant, as you mei see ; And yet, at a fire, when It.comes to carrying people out, . hay° the t,trength of ten. E,zeitemeut 7 Yes, although, somehow I never seem to. care "What accidents I meet with while There's dauger in the air. I felt a Wide sutra. and weak When Brown, the other day, nelpecl no to 'take two babies from That house in Aveaue A. We got as far as the second door, And found. the stars on firs • Between. us and the landing, where A girl stood, ono floor higher, ."She Wttri only tiny little thing, 4 still with his baud otttstretelled, look - lug sieuilleantiv tit his master. Eli, it's. no eiteuch IWO! Tatum,/ said, drawling out his pouell again and Tammy shoaled hen to thP parloor colormg. He hardly expected Geordie feeling as inema. 1 hope, as be truly t� know when he was °heated, and was, blushed to find himself caught a Next day, to, Tantany's intaloyho iutctanetev ,o get ;mother man, Geordie ,Dounat, after bedding the hordes, hati• left that night., and get- ,job the 'quarries ; and Taieray'e chagrin seas. real, Bell and her mother made no secret of their joy, and insisted on, whora; Tammy was dtsgusted. luta not Wel; choosing the tweet meta made so good a bargain with Geordie coneequently„ h* did not see till he as be had expected, and 'Bell and her came home. A: brew clueld to 100,le mother-eat:11d Bell — were doubly at iE he's hale aa glide's, he's bonny, angry that a salt shield like Geordie bell do, But he promisee, weel ; he's Should have kept his own with TamraY a grand hand, aktheepune t so ra many • • thought, aa he saw with what expeilia stand there till morn, gin eia• ; hat gin ye are it.o plesuccl, get ya anithor au' get mother man I aud Mean salon, He put another slilling into his tnan's haud. Geordie looked and nodded. Another was put in, tau another and another, He put them into his pocket aud said indige nantly, warrant i 4 tilaiwaveeallY at:atefuli tulele tumult I the. evenings, whew her father and it when she coed, We were aye cow. mother were in Georklieii. arm would Portable wi''' you, an' we'll try and steal.around Bell's west,. or his Lend make you, um f ortahle evi' as. woeld reek° prisoneo 0 hers. and fr.3o Geordie came back ageln, and Om. they sat in mute happiness in Tammy coelicled to herureein ye want the liglie; of a sputtering fir -knot. to keep on the saft eid e oe Belt; dinnit When the father and mother wore out look in at the byreeclieor when. she's the two sat apart in. silence. It was milking, an'. gin ye meet her Get aboot , only whoa alley were in thet Geordie 4, tali'. nee notice 0' her,. for• ehe's• a Priciefir toad; lell• warrant, Geordie. said, Geordie bad profited by. past taper, ierineeso Belksaw little of. him, Bat elm onus changed—had grown gracious ,to him, aud, even though he ha look - .ed. in at the "ayreedooreartasioratily at • .aiming.timoi, she would not have been eery:awry. Only he never did.. Every time she oartied her bundles Alm the carrier's sheanade up her mincl,that if • she met himoehe would really ask him to give her a lift home with. them. But she never met him. 13elesigheer • What say yo to that, Bell? A.bout the age of three, Joss They were loud ni t leut she lepked at Os and the hungry flames dared. take liberty witaiDell, They had been ^sitting an toe gethe.r one evening, when Geordie start. led three, persons in the hot -weber .a loud explosion of inapa,thuace. This is thio heialre o' perfit nonseneh; it's like wain' a. yeukie chin-;; the mair ye scart„ the inair wad.; 'evert. t'ne game to he mairried sirse:; an' that sune 1 • Maurice, Geordie? exele,imea. Tam- my,. waiting up out of•adoze. Wha are you thinliin' o'mlrnyi& 1' oil, lisle, here ? At the close of harvest both *ere She blushed, hesitated; avid not more zu away that staggered ine. , for his dismiesal. But Tammy kuew tion the porridge dieappeered, invited to a. barvest home, and •Bell than above her breath mine I suppose • lint." 1 shoutee. "stand cm the stairs 1 what he was about. For holding a The new ma,a bad. not. been three ril toss her down to you." days on the farm, betore. Tammy leas never lookeeeforward with; such in-' And managed tb struggle through. ling a horse or cow, or kno-wing their grumbling., He's, deter ot gift, hit petience to.a feast.. With, m,ainy more I'll warrant 1 Geprclie exclaimed, as maidens she watched the. g.allauts as plough- or building stack, for judg- ' The child ran hack to an opou door, ailments, where would you find tile alane meat aud wages. The very first oeuehuaeto say, I should think so, in- ' I made a rush up into the Are, " Beckoned to me andsaid Morniner the household was astir and they canteen with their blue. bonnets deed, and, he bolted out of the house -- Nm 'ise way, man1 My buzzer Bob and great red tasi...els.;, and Bellis and hounded like a doer down the lea. 1 found her baby brother awake, his work well done, as though you •, made hie appearaace. He Was .am heart thumped when one blue bonnet he Was, ploughing. Ile eeme back like. Then he could be trusted with Is seepin, were in 'is bed." everything, •aud you were sure to get the porridgeready before the 1:Lowman And just beginning,to cry with a tremendous tassel; made its ap- ;whistling, no feeling.. better already.' el wrapped, them both in a heavy quilt p. (wawa.% with Geordie Damao under. So they were married. It's the only trotted al, his heels all day long. hour late before he got to the plough, In half the wink of au eyo ; That comes o' his bein' saft, ye see ;lbutle made up for it in the evening :cure, heconfided aitriend; but,man. And then; at the end of a twisted sheet, but hand your tongue, Bell ; ye may hu being early home. His morning I quickly lowered them down 70king being a bort one, he ceoly told get. Geordie for 4 man yet, her father Belonging to ,Timmy Brown, . said to provoke her. \•Tamney equal-aqualled it by taking Into a pair of trusty arms I hope to die if 1 didn't flop ; Him for a man! she retorted eon-iall the longer a rept at mid-day. And .Right down on that smoking rather marry a be the rea.ster hinted that he would ' As I never was helped before. • John Ohieemau. be better pleased with •lees whistling and more red land, his servant, equal And thank the Lord for helping me temptuously. I wad SOOTCH V.EADING. j to the oceasion'; told him thee he did The next six months were a sharp .six months to Geordie. Bell and her the whistling, but thi1. his heavyeheel. neath it. Bell knew it. wee. charming, —thelargest in the barn. Had it been the smallest it would liave been; delicioas to her. audit been medium. ee would have beeri perfection, because it would have been leeither large or small. It was all it could be, provided Geordie were under it. She blushed, inlet almost put to shame the bundles • lof poppies she had in her. breast and hair. When she put them . she hine ; he was match, When1done. Tammy was frantic, but Bell OZORDIE DONNAT'S eouirrsniP. =other did what tbir they could to annoy led owsee cotild du no more, they were thought of Geordle, she would lave Ay, Tammy, an' so ye haw gotten they sat down to their supper of Pc'r" land her mother would hear nothine Geordie Demist this sax months. He's ridge and milla-eand: the four at onelaeainst. bile—he was a bracv 1k; been a happy woman if Geordie had isa ? t ble eccordine: to the custom of the th'e y too, changed their tune ie time • net with that enormous tassel.. thought ot her when be chose tbe bon. e 110 The speaker was the Roysten ear, tirae_Georelie's milk was blaised.. He grurubled • about 1iis food. The unco dear, rier, who -was pulling down e.heavy said nothing, but left the milk, and ; sowens were either sour or ill-seyed ; k tom .the 1-nn'of his °art f°1 Bell's tongue was ready. What ails and whon theywere to les taste there Tammy Joss, who owned aud farmed ye at the milk 'I Thin ist and auld were two few of them. To crown a 1 i a piece of land anile aud a half from Sal, my lad; ye werena sae luckysoice he was intpudent to Bell and het. . he was always at the other end of the, it's a peefit alio, and he was not ree fleeting on the wedded state. Art ba love, readeire Then get thee, married, if that maze ye not, nothing; will. Never, before had Bell seen Geordie look half as well, and among all the lads none could dance.like him ; only the Oraime. 'when ye care' ' here; but ye haw been 1 • • ',pother. Bell hinted that the cows tr°°m•• He might have tome to speak ' Francke I . thanks—Geordie said nothing, but yerieleBell, till ver bairns could barely be civil to some young What gars you think him 'deaf, owereel Sairecl an' noo• that's our 1 • ••1 ab anyrate. She was • annoyed, and were ill -kept, but she was. told—Sair remollstrat. men who hovered around, attracted le - , next day he at doWn in Bell's chair; !aee • and 'When Atild Bell Daft 1 Gin be is, it's en mace wise Geordie's,- place to a bowl of milk— 1 1 8ervant to her mind. Bat he put - the the table. 'When twelve o'clock drew kind o' a daftness ; it wad be tellin'. , which she left too. He had no more cap on his other misdeeds when 'he near she was anxious to get home, and half the .0ruisie if they had some o't. occasion to -complain of, her .milk, I drove the prone of the eruip into the' creanee her neck to catch a glimpse of .'' He Luna Muck le to say, .but he has a His next conflict With Bell' was at foot of the twal.pint hawkiteand lamed. him, then she went off in search, and grand pair o' hands. The warld ould the Teuchet's Nest, where the Royston her and put her off her milk for six at last had to ask if anybodyliad seen hiro, when she was told he had gone • •-carrier bad stopped his cart; There ; weeks, Only Tammy expressed his . ., So saying,. Tammy' Joss took his bas-. . 1 • . of home an hour ago. It was a wretched eesily do wi' iess gab and mair pith. • ,. were parcels for Bell more balky than ' dissatisfaction ; but t iere was none ket and moved hoineward,not too. well harvest -home to Bell. pleased at hearing his mare decried.h. . by the time she should carry theta the three who would not have wel- , mimed Geordie Donnet back again. Life venton as usual, till otte day • heevy,but. more than heavy enough If Tammy was it • !eased with 18 home. Geordie:without any thought, Tammy even put 'himself in the Geordie was sent to the barn; where man, So was not his daughter Bell. Bell was winnowing eorri, to tell her • except of being of service, took the way to meet Geordie, and gave him ‚inc neighbors teased . her about dinner was ready, and after this all heaviest basket aver llif3 arm, and ten shillings with an apology for Geordie Donnat for a sweetlitaxt, and • te ye see! wi' hie mouth open. But he is just ite Tarn.ny began to ask a blessing; ' • , ed lie laughingly told her to do theihY her poppies and red cheeks. At O;,the way he has o' catchire what • FRIOSUS, ISIA.ONENZIE, It Costs'gau:Nothing. Ibis with pleasure we announce them we have made arrangements with t'ke., poptalar illustrated magazine, the Amerit. can Farmer, published at Cleveland, Ohio, and read by farmers in all parts of Canada, by which that publication will be mailed direct, free, to the address of any of Tim 'hams subscribers who will pay up all ar-, reiirages on subscriptions and one year in advanoe from date, and to any, uow sub- scribers who will pay ono year (VI) in advance.- This is a grand opportunity to obtain a first-class larin journal free. The A.Therleall farmer is a^large 16 page, illustrated journal of du.tional eireule.tion, which ranks among the leading,agriculturad papers. Its highest purpose the °lays,» tjou sod enobling of agriculture through the higher and broader edueation of men and women engaged in its pursuits. The regular subscription price of the American fanner is per year. It costs you noth- ing. From any one number ideas can be obtained that will be worth thrice the Subsoription price to you or members of your household yet you get it free. • supper too lee eves at tee other end of no a thoottie daft! and when she appeared she sat down in work her'self, abd see. would have, et She stretched herself up site knew he had theereputation of be. pick up her cheating him ; and he whispered-- went wrong, to her full height to rest -herself. stood till Bell should ing sett. Sue knew better, but then Ilan, Geordie, will ye come beak 1 other effects and accompany him home. She looked at him, en angry . standing with her back to the door. he looked saft, aud that was worse. Geordie shook his head. 'When he looked in their flashed upon Like a true daughter of Eve,ehe could said in the, presence of the crowd Na, I'll warrant 1 he muttered. him the beauty of Bell'e straight, flush spread over her face, and she IliVe toierated Inni had he been saft, Tammy soon again took occasion to graceftil figure, and the riCh brown gathered around, the carrier's cart :' ... etitleout looking it.met his old servant. , awl& hair, plaited coil upon coil, was 13ell'efiret itelltilintatiOn with him Many Geordie, we ere in an ' like a shield to her shapely. head. Ile Lay doon that basket; d'ye think 111 was not favorable. She had beenfix up -bye ; ye'll need to come back ; could not speak, but gazed, and she disgrace mysel' •by gain' ham; Wt' the milking the cows, old singing only as ' - youye hat: ae friend oily way. knew he was there but dared tot move. like 0,you 1 Mind, though are a milli Maid eke, Wasik she was start- ,• - But Geordie shook' his head, At last he sighed, 'and she' heard that .. , daft, I m no, Geordie sheepishly set down the Ile met him at the kirk -stile Sunday tied by a voiee muttering, I'll 'arrant; basket, and pell lifting it up walked after Sunday, and told him, Name sigh'. . i and, turning round, she saw Geordie Facts About Yourself. The average number of- teeth is thirty- two. The weight of the circulating blood is 29 pounds. The average weight of an adult is 150 pounds and six ounces. The brain of a man exceed twice that of any other animal. A man breathes aboat twenty times: a minute, and 1,200 times an hour. A man breathes about 18 pints of air in a minnte, or upwards of 7 hogs- heads a day. The average weight of the brain of a man is 81 pounds ; of a woman, 2 pounds and 11 ounces. Five hundred and forty pounds, or one hogshead and l- pints of blood pass through the heatt in one Imam The average height of an English- man is 5 feet, 9 inches; of a French. man, 5 feet, 4 inches; of a Belgian, 5 feett 6i inches. The heart sends nearly ten founds of blood through•tem veins and arteries each beat, end nukes four beats while We breath; one°. 01.e hundred and seventyefive niT moving aivay from the hyreedoote She iindignantly home. Be stood for a was nettled, jest because it was saft Geordie. Geuraie'll mak' a grand man to ye some day, 13e11, her father said to her, 'Ocularly, when she called him a lout, arid I,mdly insisted on getting rid of Though he aside me the morn wactna,liae him, silo said eeornfully. mebbe na ask ye, her father newered, warrant, Some one exelaimed, d there *ea the pubjeet in question ging behind them. Tammy laugh% aucl Bell banged thA kitchen door er her. When Georaie began his second eix the %with Tammy nothing had been me mite wettest, mad the master iree gold b irgain with the *a he could ; so when tittle nf at arrived hi paid ont pound by Bell, dinner, he said, and he was your ain wages, and try me; but Geordie returned, Na, I'll warrant. gone, Even Bell Met him. She looked When Bell sat down to dinner she was radiartt. 'She gave one glance at her sweetest aud bloshe'd Out no won. after that not another der after what had passed) when she Geordie, and said, yell come back, Geordie. He spoonfal of broth could he get down, shelili his head. Nly neither an' melt Mak' ye as comfortable tot we can, she pleeded. Moment or two among the crowd with his hands buried deepen his •pockets. She's a sharp ane that, Geordie, the carrier said, with a pitying smile. I'll warrant I lie eeelaimed, and turned away', Ilad Bell noticed she would have seen two red spots tremble in his cheeks for a moment ; but she would not have dated had seen Next day Tammy paid his servant, arid once more that servant's livid wit extended. No ae peony nutii,Geordie said Tammy, tartly. Be had 'algae up his mind that Geordie was net get the totter of him again ; and be had been fortified in this resolution by Bell's eompIaints, the chief of which Were that Geordie bad dared to look in at the byre -door when Dill was milking the maws, and bad actually offered to help her home wall her par Na, be said, 'Ye niieht, Geordie; I want ye, Will ye no come (or my sake Geordie looked eteitight at Bell till she blushed !Wit,. Then he said— think ; gin ye but -the same story again, Imlay SO' I ettayna, Bell saw Geordie the Sunday f'4 Towieg, end asked, Will ye wine, Geordie 1 ])o ye want me In' asked, pointed - ly. There was something wrong with him; but what he did not know', althongh lions cells in the lungs, which would the symptoms were decided. Be stop. cover a surface thirty -times greater ped whistling, ha sighed often, and alai than the human bady, unexpeeted „beeting with 130.1 took The average of the pblse in infancy hie breath away lis 120 per inim oute ; in anhood, 80; td. He forgotint sixty Yeats, W' The pulse Ws Belli tnutere he Tairielyis warologiand good and gaged female is more frequent than that of in at° the gyro door when Bell WilBIl milking the tows ; be good right in the doorway darkening all the place, and 13611 never eomplained, even met her wilt her parcelion Vriday, ade wonld hose covered' himself with them ; mid the heavier he wee laden do tli, Hee emphatieally. I the happier he felt, and would inin Ti1011 1'11 come4 • have carried Bell home trio, Then in nide& For Influenza or “La. Gripre" Wilson's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is at sure and safe remedy. There 18 110 better teeth. eine for the ourof Influenza, Bronchitis, Coughs, Ooldselroup and kindrel disease.. Get the genuine ie white wrappers. . There are eieposited in the savings banks of Great Britian 0535,000,000, but it it all 'mama one excepting $2400,000. CoilDUCT It you Wold You must For if you no You will re The taste for It is herd i it Teen, friend Why, shat Out of your And hang YOU Shut / Or put it 11 So, lest Xing His horrid just shut yo And say, One grille $3, and coat cent drinks whiskey, bu the bar -keel .giye her ten whiskey is ing for it, hereafter v money she baiall, so tb inebriate, u shunned an person, yoi keep you ix drunkard's • OWing to plate glass, price. Mes fortunatelt *advance f dare th this season the qualitl viously im 1 We are 4, idea, espe such great sented to Dernorest' just arriVe iS V. game paper by explicit di who have baseba know who Now here and so ale ingib a Ny one of the she will 'T therein b save you the elite zine, whi what the certainly at Cairo givos a Egypt ; Thorne Game of new paw as term and beat departna and seat there ar tions, i of "Sot Wings D Any of to supp The recent the cit •the ye dse fo are pa per ye $146 ; $109.1 $80; Oswes Watei 10 $102 borou ville, Brocl $06 ; 50 ; ' soil. Mare 45; Kin( 875 860 $36. AS shit live Bet wor bet(