HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1971-12-30, Page 9•HURON OxPovroR,i,s.EAFoRTHi 'DEC.
Hats off to a brand New Year!
May it be a merry-go-round of happy
times for all our valued patrons.
Frank Kling Ltd.
e wish you the good cheer of this holiday
season. And may the New 'Year bring to your
family success and lasting happiness.
Inquiries are invited — Telephone Numbers:
EXETER 235-0620 CLINTON 482-9421
SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas
Or Bill Pinder 527-1382 — Bus. 527-1750
All Types of
Things you should know about...
The new "Ontario Health Insurance Plan" will provide all the coverage now available to you
under both OHSIP and Ontario Hospital Insurance. And it will do so at a lower combined
premium than you now pay for the two separate plans.
The new premiums will be payable in January, 1972, and thereafter, to cover benefit periods
beginning on or after April 1, 1972. These new premiums will be:,
• $11..00 a month for a single person, and
• $22.00 a month for a-family (2 or more eligible persons)
The Ontario Health Insurance Plan will replace the OHSIP (medical) and Ontario Hospital
Insurance plans as of next April 1, and you will then have-only:
• one plan tO deal with;
• one health insurance identification card;
• one health insurance number (your former
Ontario Hospital Insurance number);
• one combined premium to pay.
If you now have Ontario Hospital Insurance, your changeover to the new combined
plan will be automatic. No action on your part is required as the new plan will be
based on the existing hospital insurance billing system.
The Plan will provide each insured single person and each insured head of a family with a
new Ontario Health Insurance Identification Card to use for insured services received on
or after. April 1. Anyone who- has not received his or her card by that date should use
the current Hospital Insurance Certificate, after April 1, 1972, for medical and hospital
services until the new card is received.
Your present OHSIP card should be used when claiming for medical and practftioner services received up to March al. 1972.
As the present Ontario Hospital Insurance numbers and billing system will form the basis of the new plan, anyone who does not
now have hospital insurance coverage should register without delay.
Applications are available in banks and hospitals and from offices of the Ohtario Health Insurance Plan.
2195 Yonge Street, Toronto 295, Ont.
Width AO Accident
Re9f,stgreMritirgrient Pensions
Income Tax Pecluctatife, Raliroared
Retirement APPuitio4
Sun Life Assurance Compariy:
of Canard'
TELEPHONE 527.0410
A New Year. A new
beginning. A time for men
of good will to share their dreams
and, together, lead the world to peace.
The Management and Staff
1 e nT r— 1
Ski- DOO
and double -trailer
Now, of
institte SpoiriorS
Christmas Meeting
4!,•••41;lif::.A Fit .ERALS.ripRipp
Mrs.Allan McCall
• The Christmas meeting of the
Walton W.I. was held in the Corn-
munity Hall on Wldnesday
evening, December 15th.
A pot luck supper preceded
the business with Mrs. Gerald
Watson in charge. Mrs. W. H.
Humphries read the minutes and
treasurer's report followed by
the correspondence.
The card parties will begin
on January 7th and again on
January 21 with committees
Mrs. Gerald Watson was
11, chosen to go to, Toronto on Feb-
ruary 12 to attend the 75th Anniv-
ersary Party and banquet.
old fashioned school pro-
gram was held with several
members taking part including
songs, dialogues, recitations,
musical numbers and readings.
Mrs. W. H. Humphries read
the Christmas Story . and :arols
were sung with Mrs. Ray h tether
at the piano.
Mrs. Chas. Mathers of Blue-
vale demonstrated gumdrop
roses and marshmallow daisy
Santa arrived and distributed
• gifts from under the ,decorated
Christmas tree when each
member of the Sunshine Sisters
for the year was revealed.
Christmas Day guests with
Rev, and Mrs. Derivyn Docken
and Kristen were, Mr. and Mrs. ▪ Arthur Docken of London and
Mr., and Mrs.• Douglas Uberg ,
News of
Mrs. Rena Caldwell
Christmas and holiday
visitors around Kippen were as
follows: '
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love,
Caro, Mich. with Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. McBride and other relations.
Mr. and Mrs. ElzarMousseau
and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Faber
and family spent Christmas with
Jean -Brown and family of Green-
Mr. • and Mrs. W. L. Mellis
and Mrs. John Bernard with Bill • Gibson at Homestead Heights.
Visitors with Robert Thomp-
son were Mr.• and Mrs. Clarence
Priestap of Mitchell, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Stokes, London, Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Millar, C rom arty,
Mrs. Wellington Good, Blyth,,
• Meets
The Burns United Church
wornen met at the home of Mrs.
Jim McEwing on Wednesday
afternoon with 22 present.
- A carol service opened the
meeting with Miss Ida Leiner at
the piano. Mrs. Ed. Bell con-
ducted the program and Rev.
McDonald brOught a Christmas
message. Mrs. Bell sang a solo
"There's a Song in the Air."
During the business period it
Was 'decided to donate $250.00
to the United Church Board at
Londesboro and to make a further
donation to the Mission and Ser-
vice Fund.
Christmas gifts were ex-
changed and Rev. McDonald was
presented -with a padded top card
table from the
The meeting closed with lunch
with Mrs. McEwing, Mrs. Les
Reid, Mrs. Watson Reid and Miss
Jean Leiner as hostesses.
Tracy, christa and Jason of
Mr. and Mrs. W. J.. Leeming
and family of McKillop,Twp;
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clark and
baby son of London and Mrs.
Maud Leeming, Walton were din-
ner guet
ner guests on Christmas Day
with Mr. and Mrs. James Clark
Keith and Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. •Ray Huether,
Steven and John spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Watson Web-
ster, Clinton onSaturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Webster of
Varna and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Holmes and family of Clinton
also visited at the same, home.
At Duff's United Church,
Walton, Rev. Britton will occupy
the pulpit. on Sunday, January 2
at 11:15 A.M. On January 12
the Gideons will be in charge
of the service.
Visiting at the bhome of Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Shortreed on
Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs.Mack
Webster of Varna, Miss Emma
Shortreed of Guelph will be home
ever the holidays. -
• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunk
visited over the Christmas week
end at Frankford with their son,
Fred and Mrs. Dunk and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ryan and
boys of London and Mr. and Mrs.
Don Ryan and Debbie of Clinton_
spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. Ryan, Rosemary and Nell.'
Rosemary Ryan is spending the
week in London.
Bramalea, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Moyer, Parry Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Sutherland,
London," with Mr. and Mrs. Al
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Hum-
mell with Mrs. Hummell's par-
ents in Buffalo, N.Y.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mc-
Gregor and family with Mrs. Mc-
Gregor's parents near Blyth.
'Mr. and Mrs. S. Kine of Sault
Ste Marie with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Alderdice
and family with Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Taylor, Owen Sound.
Mr. Frank McGregor, Clin-
ton with Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cooper,
The death occurred in Sea-
forth Community Hospital on
Tuesday of Mrs. John F. Flan-
nery following a short illness.
She was 53.
Born in Kinkora she was the
former Dorothy Bannon, a
daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas. Bannon. She at-
tended schools .n Seaforth and
graduated from Seaforth Colleg-
iate Institute.
A member of St. James Roman
Catholic Church she was active
in the Catholic Women's League.
She is survived by her hus-
band to whom she was married
October 25, 1941, by four daugh-
ters Carol Anne, Mrs. Ken Ryan;
St. Columban; Mary Elizabeth
Flannery and Margaret Ellen
Flannery, Seaforth; and Brenda
Mrs. Robert Telford, Niagara
Falls and by three sons, Pat-
rick J., Joseph P. and James
P. all of . Seaforth. She is also
survived by 5 grandchildren and
'by two sisters Loretta, Mrs.
Adolph Masse, Tecumseh and
Adrienne, Mrs. Ray Hutchison,
Egmondville and by three bro-
thers, Leon M. Bannon and Peter
E. Bannon, Seaforth and Jerry
J. Bannon of Guelph.
Resting at the R.S.Box funeral
home until Friday morning when
a service will be held at 11 a.m.
in St. James Roman Catholic
Church conducted by Rev. H.J.
Laragh. Interment will follow in
St. James cemetery when pall-
bearers will be wm. Durst, Ken
Moore, Maurice Etue, Arthur
Devereaux, James Devereaux and
Con Eckert. Prayers at the
funeral home at 8 p.m. Thurs-
day. Gifts to the cancer society
may be made as expressions of
(Margaret McConnell)
Sister St. Alfred, the former
Margaret McConnell died in St.
Joseph's Hospital, Chatham on
December 21st. She was 66.
A daughter of ,the late Mr.
and Mrs. Frank McConnell, she
was born in Dublin.
Sister St. Alfred is survived
by two sisters, Sister Marion,
The Pines, Chatham, and Ver-
- onica, Mrs. Edward McGrath,
London. She is also survived by
two nieces, Mary and Jane Mc-
Grath, Toronto and a nephew,
Edward McGrath,- Jr., London.
• IV prayer service was held in
Holy Family Chapel, The. Pines
Wednesday, Peoengter 22at44,30:
and a Requiem Mass was cote,
hrated by Rev. Father mcIsaae,
Chaplain, December 23, at 10
The pallbearers were J. Mc-
Connell, Seaforth, R. Vaughan,
Chatham . J. Carpenter, Chatham,
J. Moylan, Waterloo, S. Massey,
Chatham and Edward McGrath
Jr., London.
Interment followed in St.
Anthony's Cemetery, Chatham.
Mrs. Thomas Pryce, RR' 1,
Dublin, died Tuesday at the home
of her daughter Mrs. Earl Papple
in Tuckersmtth. She was 81.
Born in Hu.11ett she was the
former Theresa Armstrong, dau-
ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Mathew Armstrong.
Predeceased by her husband
in 1965 she is survived by daugh-
ters Elva, Mrs. Harold Bolger,
Walton and Olive, Mrs. Earl
Papple, Tuckersmtth and, by two
sons, Oliver and Harold of Mc-
Killop. She also is survived by
16 grandchildren and 8 great
grandchildren and by three bro-
thers, Howard Armstrong, Hul-
lett, John Armstrong, Londes-
boro and James Armstrong, Clin-
ton, and by .a sister, Mrs. Ella
Munro, Seaforth.
Mrs. Pryce was a member
of Cavan Church, Winthrop anda
life member of the WMS.
Resting at the G.A. Whitney
funeral home, Seaforth where a
service will be conducted by her
minister, Rev. M.E. Reuber on
Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. Tem-
pOrary interment will take plade
in Pioneer Mausoleum with int-
erment' later in Maitlandbank
• Assistant Commissioner,
Louis James Bolt, 47, of the
Ontario Provincial Police, died
Saturday at his home in clerk-
son, west of Toronto, after he
suffered a heart attack.
Born in St. Thomas, Ont., he
joined the municipal police
department there in 1945 and
served as a constable for two'
years before joining the OPP.
In 1964 he was appointed in-
spector in charge of the general
headquarters planning branch. He
later held the rank of staff super-
intendent and chief super-
intern/int and last January was
aPPointed a sistant Cern Mis-
stoner in char e of the adminis-
tration divisio
During his career with the
OPP., 40 was stationedatHarna-
ton, Oakville, Brantford, $t,
Thomas, Woodstock, Thorold
Township, Hilmberstone Town-
ship, Srnithville, Niagara Falls
and Toronto. •
Assistant Commissioner
Bolt is survived by his four
children: Louis Henry, Greg-
ory James, Edythe Anne and
Laurel Elaine. His wife, the
former Jean Swan of Seaforth,
died earlier this year after a
prolonged illness.
News of
Mrs. C. Geddes
Holiday visitor at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. wm. Rothon and
Leigh Ann was Mr. Rothon's
grandfather, Mr. Russell Ormond
of Tuskville, Quebec.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Teatero were Mr.- and Mrs.
George Tovell and family of West
Hill, Ontario and Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Servos of Hamilton, Mr.
Teatero's sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoepfner
spent Christmas with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron
of Sarnia spent Christmas with
their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Geddes
and family.
(After 1 -year Residence in Onta:io)
As of January 1, 1.972 residents aged 65 and over are
exempt from paying Ontario Health Insurance premiums to
cover themselves and their eligible dependents. To benefit
from this exemption, 'insurance may be transferred to the
name of the older spouse if it is presently in the name of a
spouse under age 65.
Most residents aged 65 years and over have already
applied for pr'emium-free coverage, but if you have not
done so, please write to the Plan giving your Ontario
Hospital Insurance number, your OHSIP number, and
month and year of birth.
Persons who turn 65 after January 31, 1972, should
apply at thetime forfree coverage. If you pay,your premium
on a direct basis, write to the Plan for an application.
If you pay through a group, advise your group. Prem-
ium-free coverage will take effect on the first day of the month
in which your 65th birthday occurs. Any premiums paid to
cover benefit periods beyond that date will be refunded.
Detroit, Mich. and Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Cooper, Armon, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Foster,. Mr. and Mrs. Vim Cooper.
-.e-".-e--0.4'Clayton Cooper is spending
Christmas holidays with friends
in South Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc-
Lelland and Mrs. Norman
Dickert attended the funeral of
the late Oliver Jacques, Clifford
on Sunday.
Mr. Ross BrOadfOOt is a
patient in the Goderich Hospital.
Wants What
You Don't Need!
Want Ads
• (After 1 -year Residence in Ontario)
Effective with the benefit month of April, 1572, individuals
and families with no taxable income for the year 1972 are
eligible, on application, for 100% Ontario Government prem-
ium assistance,
Individuals with less than $1,000 taxable income in 1972,
and families with total taxable income of under $2,000 are
eligible for 50% premium assistance. This will reduce the
monthly premiums to $5.50 for such individuals (instead
of S1 1,00) and to S11.00 for an eligible family (instead of
Taxable income is the .amount on which a person pays
inCome taxes, after subtracting from• his total income all
exemptions and other deductions to which he is entitled.
Note: It you remit your premiums on a direct basis,
details on Premium Assistance will be mailed with
your next Premium Notice. Residents enrolled in
groups will be informed through their groups.