HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1891-07-24, Page 5• it ROOD & PAGINTYRE • STOCK -TAKING SALE. On the 15th of August WO Start stook • taking and in order to reduce our Steck to the lowest possible point before that day, we have deckled to give bargains to all who come for thein. It is for our fAentle, and the public at large, to say bow far our intentions are carried out, We are preparea to do our part, Will you do your part ? Bargains in General Dry Goods, Bargains in Dress Goods, Bargains in Prints and 'Muslim. Bargains in Hats, Shirts, °oilers,' and • Ties. Bargains in Ordered Suits. • Bargains in Boots, Shoes and Slippers. Tons of sugars and teas, that must lease every taste. GORDON. & McINTYRE. •The Big Brown Anchor. The leash to the Professions. The following from the Georgetown Herald is so tiniely and well put that we recommend it to the perusal of our readers without further comment :— About 00 candidates wrote at the ex. amination last week in the Georgetown High School and this week a consider* able number are writing for teaohers certificates at the same place. Out of • these the larger part are sons and daughters of farmers. Nearly all of this class who are writing, at these ex- ams. are looking toward teaching or some of the professions for a means of livelihood,' We cannot say that we wonder at the condition of ailtirs that • these facts indicate and yet we cannot but express our regrets that such a • condition exists, Farming, during the past few y,ears, has not been what it was a few years ago. Crops have been bad, prices have been low and labor • high so that, compared with what it was twenty years ago,farming is rather a poor speculation. And yet we venture the assertion that 25 per cent more of the tarmiog conniatinity •succeed in reeking both ends meet in gaining a competence than of those who enter professional and mercantile life. Any person who has ever read Bradstreet's or Dun Wiman's reports will bear us •out in saying that for every fanner recorded as insolvent there are ten business mon so reported. If fanners and farmers' children could only have 1. this fact impressed upon them and dinned hi their oars as some other things are, we believe there would not be snail a lltauvede from the farm to the city and business life. Who is to blarae7 The fanners themselves. A. • large proportion of farm children from • their earliest infancy listen to contin, ual grumbling and complaints regard. ing the diudgery of farm labor, the 'unsatisfactory returns from labor be. stowed, the easy life of town and city people, the oppression and impositions, that are practiced upon the farmer by all other classes of the community and the easy and rapid roads to wealth and comfort which other lines •of life offer. • It is not to be wondered at, we say again, that boysand girls after listen. ing to this kind of thing for 12 or 15 years, have strong desires to be free from such drudgery and imposition, and then the farmers are all surprised that the boys want to leave, the farm. Let the other side of the picture be presented, Olgt it he known that three- fourths of those who enter business and professional life, never succeed in making more than the barest living, and let the farmers avoid teaching their children that the farming com., inanity is the carcass upon whieh the human vultures of the town and city • continually prey, and we believe that the farm would not so invariably solid its best blood -to swell the ranks of tfre vultures. Give the boys and girls the best education you eau afford, 4.fake educated farmers'and farmers' wives and it will be found that the best pq.sitions in the land will be open to the farmer as well as to the lawyer, VIThatechurola. Some of the young * people of this place attonderl the Temperance picnic at Wingham, on Wednesday.—.Mrs, Smith, of Montreal ; Mrs Purcell, of listowel, and Mrs J Cook, of Wash- ington, Ont, are visiting at Ur George Fox's. el•• WOMert aattliChildrela Drown. itatinowmo inSioeTER ON TUE NEW., FoUNDLAND 0041.61. Halifax, X S, July 10. The schooner Pubnico 130110 has been wrecked and two women and tivo children lost. Oapt Samuel Butts, of the lost vessel, state a that the. Pub. nice Belle, with a crew of four men, left Catalina ontho morning of Wed- nesday, bound for St John with a ear% go of lumber. She had on board five womeu and five children as passengers. During the storm on Thursday morn. ing the vesael founded and these perished: Mrs Freeman and infant child; ALBS Caroline Higgins; three children of Mr 'e Rachael Burton, aged 12, 9 and 5 respectively, and, Alice Hicks, another child going on to St join, Mrs Burton was rescued with two other passengere. All the crew succeeded in reaching land. It appears from the statement of survi. vors that as soon as the vessel :struck the cabin began to fill with water, no passengers went on deck, taking the children with them, 'All the crew had reached shore excepting the cap. tain. He commenced aiding the ladies to land. The captain tied a lame around Miss Burton and she, was landed safely. While in the act of placing a rope around Mrs Burton a heavy sea came and washed all off the CALGARY deck. The captain, Mrs BUron and PRINCE ALBERT $35.00 Miss Wells were washed on the rooks, where they remained several hours before assistance came. After the ladies got ashiare two,little boys could be seen in the rigging, and AUGUST • help. The rope was repeatedly theown their voices could be heard calling for SEPTEk g llama until Ottober 10th, 101 to them, but each time fell short. Pi., Potties ti footing from other pointsshould arrange Bally the little fellows were washed t)e. amr.rtrea iTeoallit;olnugtiztioth.comota‘ntetphe 11 off, and their voices stilled in the sea. ter 1st, Miss Julia Barton, one of the stir- Fo full information applyto any ticket agentteillof- vivors, says she could see her broth r the unction Pacific Railway Malcolm clinging to the rigging an hear him calling for help. fie was there a long time, but at last the sea CAIN came and washed him off. Mrs Premien one of the lost, was the wife of William Freeman, now in Victoria 13 0. Mrs Burton and her whole family were coining for the pur* pose of taking, passage by the Ss Portia for Ne'w York, where her husband is. ()apt Butts stated that the crew look- ed after themselves,and jumped ashore at the first (thence, ng day, Saturday, Dr. Livingstone, ; A eheatnut gelding by Carlible, helooging; $2,0001000 CONSOL to me,,, E. Livingstone, of Lytle woeI, L.J. were nine horses in the race and theie the first place in the f,,3•913clasa. There ^44;1 Nt4 FRIDAY were seven heats trotted. Dr. Living. stone winning the last three. Th t4me was 2•301. This race shows Dr. Livingstone to have staying pow well as speed,and he had the midi al disadvantage of having ha epizootic all spring and is even yet not I in proper fit for a race; It won hard to find a pair of better horses then! Floret -me G. and Dr. Livingstone. In these races they'were competing against the best horses, in America. • TIO • hHE ost TOLDEST! THE', 1,01.1tOEST 1 THE BEST OF ALL .SIIOW8 ! - ' rs as 'JOHN .ROE31N8ON'S donthcl GREAT WORLD'S EXPOSITION4 ld be. • - .1* • • PACIFICA, HARVEST EXCURSIONS From all Stations in Ontario Iteturn Bates to METHVN HA.RTNRY DELOBAINE 3VIOOSOMIN BINSCARTI-1 REGINA MOOSEJA,NV YORKTOBT 4,V 11.1'1 To leave all points in the evince of Ontario on ' AUGUST 1 1 nat.42zItitAelptembor H Roturn2rirember • Pfascinie Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge of Ootario, A F and A M, assembled on the 16th inst, to hold their thirty-sixth annual com. natinication hi Masonii hail, Toronto street. Proce edings were opened at 10 o'clock a m, Grand Master J. Bess Robertson occupying the chair. Among the distinguished members of the craft present were: Et W' Bros, Hon. M Gibson, Deputy Grand Mas. ter ; J Mason, Grand Secretary; J Bennet, D 0 G M, Ilth district ; W Roaf, PDDG M; E T Malone, PDDGM; Thomas Sargent, P D D G M; David McLellan, P G8 W; .Dr G G Rdwe, P G3 W; James Green- field, P G 3 W ; George Rodgette, P G E; WO ,Wilkinson, PGR; V W fires, Robert Oliver, GSD; G Tait, PGSD F Manley, PGS .D ; Robert Outhbert, GSB; JA Oowan, PG SB; NL Steiner, P Or 0 • Kerr Brydon, G P; W Bros, Dr 0 S Cleland, J .Harry Patterson, W' A Lyon, M Browne, A' Allen, M Gibbs, James Glanville, A A S Ardagh, W McCartney, W E Clarke ; Bros E Gardner, E Davies, etc. The Grand Master presented his report and called grand lodge off till the 22nd inst. 'Huron. Items. Mrs Carroll,wife of John W Carroll, of the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, died on Tuesday last after a long and painful illness. Seaforth council has ordered esti. mates for a hoe towbr on the tot'vn hall. They also • Want a new steam pump for the water works. Mrs Rargan,widow of the late lessee of the market weigh soaks at Seaforth, is to,be allowed to continue the lease of the seales for the remainder of the yet*, providing the duties are perform. ed to the satisfaction of the eouncil. Mr and Mrs John Williams left Seaforth on Wednesday for Mullioe• Ind, where thel do to reside with their daughter,' Mrs'eJohn Lee. Mr Williams has been resident og Sea - forth for 25 years And has bee an active and zealous member of tile Masonic and Oddfellows societies. At the ‘VIndsor races on irriday last Florence G the pacing1nre of Coleman Brothers, of Seatortb, won aeon There was Strath ONE POUND .A Day. A. GAIN OF A POUND A DAY IN THE CASE OF A MAN WHO HAS BECOME "ALL RUN DOWN," AND HAS BEGUN TO TAKE THAT REMARKABLE FLESH PRODUCER, SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL WITH Hypophogphites ofLime & Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL, THIS FEAT HAS BEEN PERFORMED OVER AND OVER AGAIN. PALATABLE AS MILK. EN- DORSED BY PHYSICIANS. SCOTT'S EMULSION IS PUT UP ONLY IN SALMON COLOR WRAPPERS. Sotto BY ALL DRUG- GISTS AT Soc. AND $1.o0 SCOTT eo. B 0 WNE, Belleville. •••••••••...gryvewpyrUM • • , Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the Part- nership heretofore •subsisting between the undersigned as Hardware.Merchants, under the name of JAB. A. CLINE it 00., at the Town of Wingham, was dissolved by mutual consent on the I2t1I day of March, A. D. 1891. All accomats due to the late firro will be paid to Jas. A. Cline, who will carry on the business at the old stand and by whom all obligations .of the late firm will be paid. • Dated this 24th March, A. D. 1801. Witness, JAs. A. CLINE, J. A. MORTON. C JOHN NEEL:ANDS. ' Refering to above, 1 wish to return any thanks for past favors, and trust that by close attention to the wants of my ens- tomers to merit a continuance of the same. • Jas. A:Cline. P. ,S.—Past due accounts must be set- tled at once. ANADIAN, „1. . . Ooramenoing Frielay, July ard THROUGHSLEEPER • PROM Togowro TO • 1, OLD ORCHARD ON THE MAINE COAST and to all d place In the 2,24 pacing race. WHITEM°U111" AIN it Es0RTF Were five heats and the race on in 2.191, The .first base wag! SVM,Y TIYEISDAY and FWD/ Thuratlay, tunning throng% to TorOnto She won the second, •third and fifth summer Season, first and fourth Mate. all the follow... anY O. P.R. Ticket Agent, ' ...babe I as thoy have . oen pla a „„d, please call andbpay the same to mo at once, "n my bands beats, and took seeond place in tho For rates and full information t co i **DIY t'l ' Wirigham, Juno lfithism. . for collection, JOHN- NEFILANDS. o, from. Fort Wayne, Indiana, neturoiov, leave 01d Oiellard Every Monday Greatly augmented by the New Biblical, flistorical, Trinniphal and Colosal Seeneographic, rerpstcborcan Dramatic and Magical Spectacle of Solomon,liistiTempic and tile Oueen of Sheba; ai e fertile and gifted brain of 10*,. JOIN BSTTIG, the father,originator,projeotor, painter,designer and constructor of the world famed sensational spectacles 1 00 -.Beautiful Ladies in the GRAND BALLET -100 51OO Peoplo Representing Characters, of the WISE KING'S REIGN, attired in magnificent costumes similar to those worn in that age of opulence and gran- deur, manufactured at a cost of one hundred thousand dollars. FIFTY ac: IVIENAGERIB. ust um of Living CV-cyaler.‘ and a yak collection of Relics of the Olden Age and Nedern. Curiosities, Realistic Revival of the Sports,Pastimes and Contests or the Ancient M 1\1- 13: I 3E) III • The world -popular and ever -welcome mirth -provoking Pantomime of 117GUPTY- DUMPTY, his fortunes, misfortunes and mishaps, AbsolutelyVithout any addi- tional cost. Another of the many brilliant and unprecedented attractions that have been added this season. •• Don't fail to be in time to witness the =4300,000 FREE • STREET PAGEANT,. ------ With its myriad dons of performing wild beasts,tiger a, lions, hyonas,leoperclo, in th'e ntighty parade. . • • .bears, pythons, anacondas, boa.constrictors, ete, with their keeper.• DOORS OPEN AT 3. AND 7 P. M. . nitro • .vitt:mit open with sides dose, EXCURSIONS ON ALL LIF4F8 OF RAILROADS. ',LOUNGES ONE HOUR LA.TnE. 1891 1891 MISBOY.D Wishes, to intimate to the ja;z•li. ‘a ' FIA A S:FTI Nc4- @ S ri e:' ..s tof Wingbam. and. surronn.ding country • ihas drived and is now- o .stock iswell it s .t--1 and contains all tl , pe Ana out, The s o c. . ' "--' WIWI E R ' M I L L 1 N bi, Y th At .her stock of • . , . . , ...._ cilaY G 00 D S--2, A. large stock on hand,'. aefatilaiotiable styles for this, year : IP A 3 :: ,Jsting of Embroidery, Silks, Feathers,Ftow.= . • ers, Ribbons, Lacesogzo. • . Q. from. . Satins, Satin Broca( LE DEPARTMENT. TLe Mantle Der MA N T .mantles road( 1 PI h Velvets and Mantle Cloths to cbbose mentment contains a varied assortment of Silks, es, us es, . (n‘.der—Perfect Fitting and in tbe latest and most fasl b 8 y es I Stamping done so order' . An inspection invited: prepa.ratio• stains from ; Remo?' store. Wingh an Tam J SOLE AGENCY FOR ather's Glove Meaner,. a for cleaning kid gloves. rt will also. remove 'grease or Ailk or woollen goods. Try it. nber the ptace—First door north of ,Ed. Dinsley's jewelry a, April 3rd, 1891. _ . , COWAN, • =RIC OTII Dv. COVET, CO. n'elflOil, AUCTIONNE1,t, .1.1ER 111AltitIA.G.E MOENSIVS . CoattussiosErt n 11. 0. Ere, lirsozsasa, ONT. 'NOTICE. 3,.x either by note or book account, will All parties in.debted to William • 1:30YD. - TO BREEDERS.. The Holstein-Priesian Huron Lid, No 11669, Registered in the feurth volume of the Ifolstein. Friesian Nerd nook, will be kept fee service during the 000001* of 1801 at Lot 11, coo 1. Moms. . Tiii1018-431..20 for grade cows, thoroughbreil 1101* stein cows i,,00; with privilege Of returning, to be paid at time of service. mortis, May 1sth.1501. . .10111 A WEAVES .Mottey to Loan on Notes. oteg Discounted AT 'EtASONAIILZ EATES. Money olivaoecd en Mortgam at t per cent with privilege of paying at the enti of any year. Nolomo and ateot otstolleeted. Rom Ntommoo. orrico,—Ticaver Blatt WitoThAnt. Ont.