The Huron Expositor, 1971-12-30, Page 3Pbono A27-1)270••• Final winner of 44 •Oft; Or4W.- Poccitnbir 24th wa.o Mr. 9pccipn • B ring in the year with towering hopes for peak happiness and health. And, top them off with thanks from us. Larone s HOOKS ANJIJ STATIONERY STORE K I. ifF• • ! News of Staffs 111,4 ttgg00, EXPOSIT9R, SOAFORT.H, ON7; 30, McKILLOP S Spend Christmas Visiting Area Homes' • Correspondent Mrs.Ed. Regele aine 'spent Christmas at their cottage at Manitoulin Island, Mr. Ralph McNichgl is a patierit in Seaforth CoMmunity Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Mary Leeming, who was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital, has returned to her home. The president Mrs. Jelin Miller opened the meeting with the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart collect. Twenty mem- bers answered the roll call - Write and bring your favourite Christmas recipe. A number of Christmas carols were sung with Mrs. Robert McCaughey at the piano. Mrs. John Miller chose as her topic Christmas customs. Mrs. Charles Doug- las gave as her motto ' Noth- , ing is so contagious as a good example". Mrs. George Vivian demon- strated Christmas decorations made from things around the house, giving all present many good ideas. Mrs. Carter Ker- slake and Mrs. John Miller have both recently completed a course in lingerie and set up a lovely display of their handy work at the meeting. Plans were finalized for the New Year's Eve Dance. Group 1 is in charge for the first card party to be held sometime in January. Secret pals were chosen for the coming year and this year's pals were revealed in a Christmas gift exchange. A gift of remembrance was presented to Mrs. Jessie O'- Brien who has recently moved to Exeter. More carols *ere sung to close the meeting followed by a Christmas lunch served by the hostesses. Mr. Edgar Duncan, Torontp, was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. John Ternpleman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Dianne 'were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs . Dougall and family, Mitchell. Correspondent Mrs. John Templenlan Ott With Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elliott Christmas eve were Mr. and Mrs, Frank Elliott and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Elliott and Sherry and Mrs. Jessie Hamilton. With Mr. Alvin Worden, Jo- anne and Bili were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Richards and son, Bowman- ville. Mrs. Irene Dow's family held Christmas at th e Family Life Center in Staffa. With Mr. and Mrs. Russ Par- sons and Ken for Christmas were Mr. and rs. Harold Parsons ► and boys, r. and Mrs. Bill Parsons an family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken McLeod and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Parsons and family. With Mr.. and Mrs. John Drake and Murray were Mr. and Mrs. 91 Bruce Papple and girls and Mr. and Mrs. David Sim, London, Mr. and Mrs. Horton McDougall and Hugh. With Mrs. Oscar (Reed were Mr. and Mrs. ' Jack Sadler and Bob. was with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kemp and family. Mrs. .Ken Drake and Mr. and Mrs. RobertMcCaughey and fam- ily were with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kerslake and family. Mr. and Mrs. Art Smale and family were with Mr. and mrs. Hildebrand, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Finlayson and Mike were with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, Cromarty. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross Smale and boys with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cardno and family, Seaforth. Mrs.. Wilbur Miller and Ken, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and family, Mr. arid Mrs. Russell Miller and family spent Christ- mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan and family, Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cole and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Tern- pleman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Martyn and Wanda spent Boxing Day with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Annis and family, Mit- chell. Mr. Lorne Finlayson, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Finlayson and Mike, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Fin- layspn were guests of relatives in Varna Monday evening. Mrs. Penelppe Fell, Lyle Warden, Worden and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fell and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walden on Monday. Murray Haines, Victoria, B.C. Is home for the holidays with his family, Mr. and Mrs. Philip James and Roger. Mrs. Lloyd Miller had the misfortune 'to fall and break her hip Christmas morning and is a patient in Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital. Mrs. Irene Dow had the mis- fortune to fall Sunday morning and break her arm. Misses Valerie McPhail, Ruth TeMpleman and Jack Christie are attending Toc Alpha at Don Mills this week. Mrs. Theirm Mills spent last week and Christmas with her daughter and son-in-law atBleo- heim. Mrs, Joseph Thornton spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor and Kerri and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Musselman and son and Mr. Neil and Glen Beperma n of Stratford Mr. and Mrs. Win. McClure and Connie of Winthrop and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stephenson of Clinton spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Beuerman and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Regele spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley preszcator and family at Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Regele, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wurdell and family of Brodhagen, Mr. and Mrs. James Carter and Glenda of Kitchener and Mr. anti Mrs. Ron Drager and family of Seaforth spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Regele and family. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Smith on the arrival of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Regele spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCallum and family. Carl McCallum returned home with them for some holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dennis, Joan, Warren and Dianne and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dennis, Stephen, Peggy, Laura• and El- STORE-WIDE SALE (Intended for last week) STAFFA W. I. Mrs. Jo Van Valkengoed, Mrs. Ed. C happel and Mrs. John Miller were hostesses for the Christmas meeting of the StaffaWomen'sln- stitute held in the township hall on Thursday afternoon. % Discount on All Regular Stock BILL O'SHEA MEN'S WEAR With Mr. and Mrs. Reg El- * liott and family were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Davey and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davey and family, Exeter. With Mr. and Mrs. Frank El- liott and boys were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burns and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vivian and family. With Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nor- ris and family and Mrs. Sam Norris were Mr. and Mrs. Eric Norris and Sean, Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burleigh and tam- Sly, Goderich, Mr.' and Mrs. Harold Longman, Londesboro, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Norris and family, Brampton, Mrs. Ethel Lyall and family, Toronto, Ross McNicol, Hensel' and Miss Ethel Bilkwill and Ray. Mrs. Garnet Taylor spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and family, Varna. With Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Vivian were Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Scott and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Vivian and farhily, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vivian and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Campbell, Seaforth. Mrs. Irene Quance and Bill Harburn spent Crhistmas with • Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Harburn and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Elliott and Dennis and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Elliott and Sherry spent Christ- News of WOODHAM Correspondent Miss Jean Copeland ped flowers. Mrs. Ted Insley thanked the guest and Mrs. Kenneth Parkinson conducted the business. Mrs. John Tomlinson was pre- sented with a gift and wished the best ,in her new home in St. Marys. Mrs. Olive Baker conducted the installation of officers for 1972-3. . C. G. I. T. The C,G.I.T. Girls under the direction of thei r leaders, Mrs. John Rodd and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques held their annual Vesper Ser- vice on Sunday evening. Fol- lowing the service everyone joined in a carol sing in the basement. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thom- son of Parkhill visited on Thurs- day with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills. Mr's. Adrian Pringle and Wayne of Burlington called on Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Mrs. Mary Jaques and Mrs. Arthur Hopkin on Thursday afternoon. UNITED CHURCH' WOMEN (Intended for last week) The Woodham United Church Women held their Christmas meeting on Monday evening with twenty-two ladies present. Mrs. Ted Insley opened the meeting with quiet music and Mrs. Glenn Copeland gave the Call to Worship. Mrs. William Dickey read the scripture fol- lowed by the ',Lighting of the Candle" by Mrs. Glenn Cope- land. Miss Jean Copeland read the meditation and led in prayer. Christmas readings were given by Mrs. William Spence, Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and Mrs. Gerald Brintnell and several Christmas Carols were sung. Mrs. Glenn Copeland conducted a quiz on Christmas Carols. Mrs. Lloyd Jaques introduced -the guest, Mrs. Wilcox from the To-Do Craft and Hobby Shop in Stratford who showed making Christmas decorations and dip- Ontario An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. Seaforth IGA HAS THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR YOUR NEW YEARS' PARTY GENERAL mitts ASSORTED HOSTESS, POTATO CHIPS 12:: 59( COLEMAN'S ,,SUMMER SAUSAGE %HOOEY'S POTATO ratan OR COLE SLAW 24 oz 59 COLEMAN'S BACON L LIVER STICKS 794 MAPLE LEAF COOKED CANNED HAM 59 1 t9 SNACKS 4.5 to 98 6 oz boxes 1 Vs lb tin FROWNER FIEBZEN CRAB SNACKS TOP YAW RED MARASCHINO CHERRIES BAR TENDER ASSORTED COCKTAR. MIXES 02 ood..I 94 pac 69( 1 I 2 16 9 59c 89‘ MAPLE LEAF EUROPEAN KIELBOSSA 6 en .13 POLISH SAUSAGE SLUE WATER FROZEN OCEAN FISH SNACKSPI'47 CHINA LILY SOYA SAUCE McCORMICK'S PARTY OR CLUB CRACKERS 27c SWE MIXED M EDIUM SWEEE M HERKINS 1 5 cox 39 AYLMER PICKLES LONA LILY RUC CHICKEN OR PORK CHOP SUEY MAPLE LEAS PARTY STICKS BAYER ASPIRIN'S of 114010's 77( PILLSBURY CRESENT, MUTTUFLAKE OR II Oa - 37 to ox. c CINNAMON ROLLS 9.5 Pkg. AYLMER STUFFED MANZANILLA OR CILIEIN R _on ( OLIVES MAPLE LEAF FRESH COCKTAIL SAUSAGE 'Pt: 65,L BROMO SELTZER 1,171 39( KRAFT ONION, j) PLAIN OR DOVE 4 cm Oh ro WHIPPED CREAM CHEESE REALEMON UNSWEETENED MAPLE LEAF COCKTAIL WIENERS 12 ox sko. AYLMFit PLAIN DILL PICKLES . 21z. 39( 49( LEM IS ON JUICE bd. UCW Has Meeting SWIFT'S - MEAT ROLLS 3 tr.: '10° KRAFT COL DILL ON. GARLIC NN 011111 OR mn• Spa CHUN KING FROZEN LARGE r A SHRIMP EGG ROLLS:::- SARAN PLASTIC FOOD WRAP 35( 49< SO IL roN READY DIPS coat. A ows Olson* toms Samba PREM LUNCHEON MEAT MITCHELLS FANCY APPLESAUCE 5( TOP YALU 1 it GRADE STOKELY FANCY CREAM STYLE CORN WHOLE KERNEL CORN. HONEY POD PEAS CARLTON CLUB ASSORTED FLAVOURS TERRY DOG FOOD CREAMERY BUTTER SOFT DRINKS The St ey Unit of the U.C.W. had a pot luc dinner at the home of Mrs. D. athwell. Mrs. L. Wilson and rs. Packman had charge of the Devotion. Christmas Ca ols were sung. An article on ,‘C ristmas" was read ¤ by Mrs. Wil n. Mrs. Packman gav the sc pture - St. Luke, Chapter 2, ve ses 8 - 20. She also read a poe H , Hope". The dy, "Good News, any- body Lis ening" was read by Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Taylor opened the business part of the meeting by welcoming everyone. Roll call indicated 19 members and 2 guests were present. A thank- you note was received from Mrs. G. Baird and a get-well card was sent to Mrs. J. Cornish who is in Hospital. The January meeting will be at iyi,r9. D. Triebner's. Mrs. H. Taylor was presented with a gift and a card signed by the members in appreciation for her leader- ship. She made a fitting reply and thanked Mrs. Rathwell for the • use of her home. The treasurer's report was given. Mrs. Taylor read a poem, sr This is Christmas". Mrs. D. Rathwell showed pictures of their trip to England and the Cbntinent. 18( 43( 9( 69 26 oz non-returni bottle 12 to 14 ox tin 15 oz 14 ox 12 ox C 1 lb print tin tin tin touts oscount boos Smoot toms discount PONES discount tons Mood Nous discount 1 Ir SAVARIN FROZEN DINNERS • Beef • thicken • Turkey DIXI ASSORTED FLAVOURS PONY TAIL WHITE SLICED TOP VALU KADANA (PREPRICED 1.49) INSTANT COFFEE BRIGHT'S PURE APPLE JUICE TOP YALU POWDERED DETERGENT - SOFT DRINKS DRINKS 24 69 BREAD $ I 115 4 89( 99 7 11 ox pk g. 24 ox 48 oz 5 lb bag C 10 ox loaves tin 10 ox jar tins FULLY COOKED COLEMAN'S FOOTBALL STYLE ONTARIO GROWN GRADE "A" FRESH U.S, P40 1 GREEN PASCAL CELERY FULLY COOKED & DEFATTED SHANK PORTION SMOKED HAMS 5 to 7 lb size COLESMAN'S BONELESS HEADs'iiiiTUCE - 29c YOUNG TURKEYS DINNER HAMS SMOKED HAM EITHER HALF 6 to 24 lb size , 3 to 4 lb size vac pac FLORIDA MARSH RE aGRAPEFRUIT "I' d'-79 CrIN4124 NO I P POTA TOES '" " I n I V 59 TOMATOES 20,59 US 0/0 x lb lb lb 19c 2 ,-39c U.S. NO' I ROSEBUD RADISHES 2,6 °:25c I 091 r iI OVEN BONELESS IMPERIAL ITED OR BLUE BRAND I I RED OR BLUE BRAND lb I ROAST liwa! JII ILI SRTIBEAKS _J 1 ,r7IED BLUE BRAND I 1 ICUT OR FROM THE CHUCK I BLADE I SWISS I STEAKS lb / I STEAKS t. RED OR BLUE BRAND CALIFORNIA SUNKIS °RANGES t 1 2,19 lb us. No I LARGE GREEN PEPPERS 24.29c 1RADE 'A' BURNS VIDE OF CANADA a% DUCKS 4'.7.61b . 6W, yams OVEN READY CORNED BEEF 991 NO., CHOICE 01 LOCK OR F ARA, 55,c,, BORNS SAUSAGES 111k11117 n 1 GROUND CHUCK 70c., GRADE 'A' BURNS 1010 14 1b L9 Mtn GEESE .'.• u p! TOP YALU ' 1,..lb co c WIENERS pc. e 7 lb FOR BRAISING SHORT RIBS OF BEEF b5, TOP YALU SLICED 0 ox r 7z COOKED HAM Z. 3 IPk , :ENTRE CUTS OR SLICES SMOKED HAM , 79 ( PETER PIPER BURNS • I' WIENERS p 49( B. TON VALU NO I QUALITY 10(10 '''lls 65C SIDE BACON PsY ..^- li, TOP VALU I 6 os .a pm 4 c SLICED BOLOGNA 9Ib FULLY COOKED BUTT PORTION r ri ctinurn HANK 5 ef_6_"' 371 ,o, 9A1. ""4 "Inn. 16 ox 77 COLD CUTS :,..' in DEVON SLICED 1 ig .. SIDE BACON , 59 ' CANADIAN PEAMEAL BACK BACON 791, GOLDCROWN F.,NCY TOMATO " .. tin n 33( 1UICE LIQUID DETERGENT MIR bees i'''" 69 t ASSORTED SOUPS TOP VALU 6 ,0 0, $ 1 tint GARBAGE BAGS GLAD PLASTIC Pirg JUNIOR .110 29 LIGHT BULBS P" Pil WESTINGHOUSE 39( 2S, 40 60 or 100 woo' INSIDE FROSTED DAVID'S BISCUITS CANADA 34:. 99 TOP VALU SPAGHETTI ORS MACARONI 3,1: $ 1 'SUGAR DONUTS talTAG01474"‘ V194 COFFEE CREAMER TOP YALU IT es 59,, - MARGARINE CLUE SONNET 3.1b " 97, COLOURED P - JELLIES & MARMALADES ST WILLIAMS ASSORTED , 4 9,:. 884 JAMS WITH PECTIN SHORTENING IMMO 14 39c Wri'Reseras Th. Right To Limit Cluontitios Pries. EFIestiss Until Closing Fri. Dr,. 31. 1971 JANUARY WHITE SALE SPLENDOR WHITE VW AND PILLOW CASES W CASES \ F ITTED SIIU1 VIM° iiiil P.M WET f LA l 511E11 PAIR 9 x75 54 x7a 63x ido sox ioo PILLOW q9, 199 199 199 199 SPLENDOR STRIPED SHEETS PM PILLOW MIS pittliAc,:sc. Mato SHEET fITIED SHEET 1 Mu 1111 SIMI 39 x7S 540S 72 '. 100 81x100 I" 259 2" 259 2" tx .",,,,,,," „(rtr.0,, 3 99 't0A.I'L'IL-0.''w - s 91 ( Fnl.ht,H;Eli . q o BtAtOET tis 2 ..„ , 00,0 0...,„„00 ,,,, 7,,,, , ,,. it.14,.., vsproNo SsOtrig 1164 /A osittiNS 21 WON IIIANS OR WAX RIANS OR n8 , LIMA BEANS 4 IX 0 LysoL 7 .. P" 79 ( DISINFECTANT SPRAY i 100 VALU 1111 CHICKEN OR • IRISH STEW 2::. 4 n ( MtlA11EGLlA01 ftw i nil t w..,,1,Avot. : u Y ` TOOTHPASTE ur. ARMOUR 2 0, 79 ., CORNED BEEF 0. c KOTIOUE FEMININE 3 ., ill' HYGIENE SPRAY "n 1I STUART HOUSE 12 inch 25 ft . ,i , r FOIL WRAP " .13` "' zn,;,,,t1V:4" /KR SHAMPOO- "II' 99 < TOP VALU 32 or AO' VEGETABLE OIL bil' 1,1 7 .( SCOPE MOUTHWASH 1:tr' 99< WITH Iwo orp.r.r.1, 1%5 01 .1 A . SPAGHETTI SAUCE '37 ' CIRRI REGLNAO 00 /APO LLAVOUt re 19 TOOTHPASTE h'i" / DERBY REEF CHUNKS A 1 3 .. 08c DOG FOOD "It .1.. 0 con.......„ 2 t: 69 ( ORANGE DRINK SILVERDALE ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS en. 33c BIRD'S EYE FROZEN 16 a* COOL WHIP NI, 39 E FOP VALU FRESH ROASTED nit BEAN COFFEE a 07 titigutmeocinto 2 Ex I 79 CHEESE SLICES "k"- I • Hope you start the New Year on a happy note. And, add our high-keyed thanks! There's lust no masquerading about how much we like having customers like you/ With pleasure, we wish you a happy year. eGP &GAVIN FARM EQUIPMENT Wilkinson's( Seaforth Phone Seaforth 527-0245 or Brussele 88/a65 •